Chiksan Marine Loading Systems: Onshore/Offshore LNG Systems Worlwide After-Market

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The key takeaways are that FMC Technologies provides LNG offloading systems and services for onshore and offshore installations including enhanced arms for exposed locations and technologies for side-by-side and tandem offloading.

Challenges in LNG offloading include more pronounced continual movements of carrier manifolds at offshore installations requiring technologies to ensure reliability and safety compared to standard terminals.

Advantages of all-metal LNG offloading systems include a larger operating envelope, withstanding higher pressures without rupture, being more flexible than larger diameter hoses without kinking or minimum bending radii, and lower lifetime maintenance costs.

Onshore/offshore LNg systems -TandemLNGoffloading: Worlwide after-market

The FMC all metal BTT (Boom To tanker) system will operate in
even more severe environments up to 5.5m in Hs sea states.
This was confirmed by the European Union Azure project that As the world’s oldest and largest supplier of fluid loading and
As good locations for new land based terminals become rare and difficult for permitting, there was headed by Technigaz (France) together with Chantiers de transfer systems with thousands of arms in service throughout
l’Atlantique (France), Bouygues Offshore (France), W.M Kellogg the world, FMC is totally committed to supplying not only the
is a trend towards onshore “exposed location” terminals without breakwater protection to cut (U.K), and Ficantieri (Italy) and FMC for the offloading BTT genuine spare parts for the life of the arms but also providing
system to be installed on an FPSO or an FSRU. all the necessary assistance to meet immediate and long term
down cost for offshore terminals based on a gBS (gravity Based Structure), fixed jetties, a FLNg The model tests carried out on the one-fifth scale model of the customer needs in after sales and service. An FMC dedicated
BTT with its full scale hydraulic/electric control system and the team staffed with about 20 trained and qualified persons assist
(Floating LNg terminal) or FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit). Such LNg installations LNG carrier motion simulator have confirmed the feasibility of customers worldwide 24 hours a day.
operations including connection/disconnection offloading and Once the product is delivered FMC follows closely its progress
require high technology offloading systems to ensure reliability and a higher level of enhanced in the field maintaining records of its working condition service
safety compared to standard land based terminals.
emergency disconnection in a variety of sea states.
performed and site modifications. FMC loading systems core values
This is carried out from strategically placed around the world to
offer the customer the best possible assistance wherever whenever FMC Technologies is a global solutions provider built on a century-old foundation of world-class products
required. Amongst services offered are:
• Training of operators and maintenance engineers
and innovative customer solutions.
• Erection and commissioning field assistance
Onshore - Conventional Jetties In general connecting and or disconnecting will only be made at
• On going site contract with customer FMC Technologies focuses on providing value-added solutions to customer challenges that integrate
land based terminals when the relative motion between the
• Supplying spare parts technologies, systems, products and services. FMC Technologies is structured for optimal
flange of the hydraulic Chiksan QC/DC (Quick Connect Disconnect
• Preventive maintenance
Coupler) of the arm and the LNG-C manifold flange is less than
• Repair/rebuilt in the event of damaging incidents
responsiveness to customer needs. We are committed to moving quickly and intelligently to capture
0.3 to 0.4m depending on the relative velocity of wave induced market opportunities, create solutions-driven technologies, and drive growth and profitability.
• Overhaul of existing marine installations
motion period.
• Supply of retrofit and upgrading kits.
FMC Technologies will continue to employ highly motivated, innovative people dedicated to providing
Offshore Installations:
solutions that will make our customers more successful in their endeavours. Our people will strive to be
As expected, offshore offloading installations are subject to
more pronounced continual movements of the LNG carrier the team to call to help our customers meet their challenges.
manifold flange.
The desired goal is to transfer LNG with the same level of safely FMC Technologies has been named the nation’s “Most Admired Oil and Gas Equipment, Services”
and reliability as at “standard” terminal. company, ranking first in its industry in FORTUNE magazine’s 2005 and 2006 listings of “America’s Most
Two approaches are considered:
Admired Corporations”.
To meet the operating requirements from a GBS (Gravity Based
Structure), or from an FLNG (Floating LNG) export terminal, or
from an FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) with
SBS offloading, FMC Technologies proposes solutions for non
dedicated LNG carriers based on proven offloading technology.
The use of the targeting system is one of the basic requirements.

Should operating conditions be so severe that a mooring hawser

will not offer the reliability required, the double pantograph
system of the BTT can be used with the duplex yoke system
developed by FMC Technologies.
Onshore - Exposed Locations
To meet the offloading requirements at onshore “exposed
locations”, it has been necessary to review the main design
Benefits of All Metal Offloading Systems
requirements for the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms. The all-metal designs of the LNG offloading systems used for
offshore loading have the following inherent operational
The Chiksan Marine Loading Arms have been enhanced with the advantages:

Moret-sur-Loing - Tél. 01 60 70 14 03
following features : • Field proven experience since 1963 worldwide up to 20”
• the Constant Motion Chiksan swivel joints in service in diameters.

Chiksan Marine Loading Systems

exposed locations since 1993 • Have a design life expectancy up to 30 years
• the targeting system for connection/disconnection in severe • Large operating envelope.
sea estates • Less pressure loss vs. hoses.
• the hydraulic QCDC for connection/disconnection with no • Withstand higher operating pressures due to water hammer, or
damage to the seal due to impact with the manifold flange other causes, without rupture FMC Technologies SA FMC Technologies Inc.
• the hydraulic system sized to accept high velocity motion • More flexible than 16” and larger diameter hoses. Route des Clérimois - BP 705 1803 Gears Road
during connection and once connected No kinking nor minimum bending radius. 89107 Sens Cedex France Houston, TX 77067 (USA)
• the reinforced support structure of the arm • Lower maintenance costs over the life expectancy
Tél. : 33 (0)3 86 95 87 00 Phone: 281 405 3030
• the design of the arm for rapid in situ maintenance without the of the offloading system. Fax : 33 (0)3 86 95 19 16 Fax: 281 405 3031
need of outside lifting equipment.
FMC Technologies is the oil and gas industry’s leading supplier of fluid loading transfer systems. Description of a marine loading arm Overall safety of operations Loading/unloading for crude oil, petroleum and refined products
FMC offers customers advanced technology in transfer operations providing innovating FMC offers from the simplest
to the most sophisticated loading
designs, systems, packages and services to the oil, gas, petrochemical and chemical industries. A Marine Loading Arm is an articulated pipe system for then Key Components of an MLA: The FMC couplers allow to connect or disconnect the marine arms in diameters up to 24”
transfers of liquids or gases. This may manoeuvred manually or Chiksan Swivel Joints loading arms to the tanker manifold flange. This makes faster (600 mm).
hydraulically. and more efficient operations and also enhances the safety of
Swivel joints allow the rotation between two items of a product
the operators.
design team and the careful selection of manufacturing and line whilst ensuring no product leakage, when under pressure or
A marine loading arm comprises several components namely:
assembly techniques, materials and other supplied products. vacuum.
• base riser Manual Quikcon Coupler
The FMC Loading Systems equipment is designed to operate • Inboard arm
problem free for years without major overhauls. We know that Main characteristics are:  he Chiksan® manual Quikcon couplings have three or more
• Outboard arm
our expectation as a Loading Systems manufacturer of • used for temperature from -46°C (-50°F) to +232°C (+450°F) clamp assemblies to connect to the ship’s manifold flange.
innovative, cost effective, high quality and reliable equipment • in situ replaceable snap in ball races The clamps jaws are opened and extended quickly by rotating
The articulation is assured by swivel arrangements.
has only come and will only come from satisfied customers. • used for pressures: ANSI 150, ANSI 300 or for compressed the exposed large hex headed and of each drawbolt counter
These arrangements (or styles) allow for complete movement
natural gas (CNG) clockwise. One “O” ring fitted in a groove of the manual Quikcon Emergency Release System (ERS)
in all planes.
Quality Control and Testing coupling flange ensures a positive sealing. A key feature
of this coupler is that it can be connected to a large number of  llows for almost instantaneous disconnect of the arms from the
A Loading/unloading for lpg, ammonia etc...
 ased on ISO 9001, all parts and components are inspected
B All the swivels incorporated in the styles have in situ replaceable vessel in the case of an emergency. The ERS system may
ball races. This exclusive feature ensures the long life of the flange thicknesses. The Chiksan® manual Quikcon makes The ever increasing demand
prior to be used in an FMC Loading Systems product. manual flanging operations faster ever before without the use of incorporate various types of single or double valve arrangements
swivel. This results in lower maintenance costs and downtime for LPG and ammonia has
The hydraulic/electric control systems are tested to simulate special tools. This can be used on new or existing arm as well to prevent product spillage to meet OCIMF (Oil Companies
whereas conventional swivels showing signs of wear need demonstrated the need for
the same operating conditions as will be encountered when as on hoses. International Marine Forum) specifications and/or EN 1474
to be completely replaced at substantial cost and longer delivery. specialized arms equipped with
installed. Very high standards are applied whenever quality, regulations in European Union countries.
the latest emergency release
safety, or product reliability are concerned. These test
Models Hydraulic Quikcon Coupler systems and monitoring devices.
procedures ensure that the FMC Loading Systems equipment Cordless FMC has been in the forefront of
will perform as expected upon arrival at site. As part of the  he Quikcon is a hydraulically operated Quick Connect/
standard procedures, customers are invited to visit FMC design
 CMA: the rotary counterweighted Marine Arm is fully balanced
Disconnect Coupler (QCDC) based on the Chiksan® Quikcon The Cordless is a compact these innovations.
in all positions, the counterweights being combined into one lightweight control unit which
and manufacturing facilities during the final tests performance rotating assembly to balance both inboard and outboard arms. Manual design. During the operation, the jaws of the clamp
rotate simultaneously to the correct position as the clamp open permits the arm selection and
in order to check that specifications are met. DCMA: the double counterweighted Marine Arm is fully movement control from any
FMC Loading Systems combines advanced technology
balanced in all positions. Separated counterweights are used
to balance the inboard and outboard sections of the arm.
or close across the tankers manifold flange. The Hydraulic
Quikcon offers faster mating of flanges than possible through desired point including the Others applications
manual flanging operations, another FMC innovation for tanker deck manifold area.
and state-of-the-art solutions to satisfy the most stringent RCMA-S / DCMA-S: the RCMA-S and the DCMA-S are RCMA Piggable loading arms Integrated Projects
customer demands. or DCMA type loading arm with a support structure to a product improved operator safety and reduce turnaround time of
line. The product line and the structure are connected together the tanker. Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) This exclusive FMC design has  y combining the strengths, capabilities and experience
been developed to meet our acquired in oil and gas terminals, FMC is able to supply not only
at the end of the outboard structure through a horizontal rotation  he FMC Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) offers an
customer’s latest requirements loading arms but also all associated equipment for marine
and at the base riser through two coaxial rotations. The other Swivel joint for enhanced control of the loading arms, and safety of the terminal
in transfer operations and safety. terminals to deliver complete, integrated topside packages.
horizontal articulations, therefore, remain parallel but may using the following functions:
petroleum products It has also been tailored to provide FMC Loading Systems can integrate and deliver:
displace independently in the vertical plane. • Constant monitoring of the outer flange position for each arm
existing or new terminals with • Chiksan® Marine Loading Arms
FBMA: the fully Balanced Marine arm is fully balanced in all installed on the jetty
flexible operations based on field • Manifolds and process piping
Keys areas of product expertise are: positions with two separate counterweights. • Alarms redundancy with the proximity switches
proven experience to reduce • Metering
• Loading/unloading systems for sea going tankers, barges, truck • Pre-alarm feature
turnaround time of vessels and • Terminal Management Systems
and railcars
foot-print. As a result FMC offers • Firefighting Equipment
• Skid-Mounted Loading and Measuring systems I t ensures the interface in the control room (on a PC) and
solutions that combine piggable • Access Gangways & Towers
• Transfer pigging systems provides the following additional functions:
Marine Arms with emergency • Mooring Hooks
Solutions are available for handling a complete range of fluids •R  eal time display of the
release capabilities and fully FMC uses its own capabilities which include: Basic engineering,
at ambient, elevated and cryogenic temperatures. arms position and instances
automated piggable manifolds complete detailed engineering package, manufacture and supply
before alarms
behind the Arms to handle a of equipment, and site erection assistance
FMC Loading Systems has unsurpassed global experience: • Recording of all the events
large number of products. Benefits :
• First marine loading arm in the world, 1956 on the installation,
• Reduced capital investment
• First LNG marine loading arm supplied, 1963 to be used for diagnostic
Mobile installations • Single source supply, responsibility and guarantee
• First 24’’ constant motion LNG swivel joint withstanding Hydraulic Chiksan Coupler and expertise
 tandard systems and jumper
S • Enhanced safety and reliability of the operation and of
5,000 000 cycles, 2005 • Telemaintenance of the
Swivel joint for F or even quicker flanging operations, the hydraulic Quick assemblies may be supplied the terminal
• First MLA’s for FSRU (side by side), 2006 Welding shop installation
cryogenic products Connect/Disconnect Coupler allows for connecting up to three mounted on road or rail trailers • Factory tested equipment
different manifold flange diameters without the use of adaptors. to provide loading speed • Reduced overall operating and maintenance costs
For over 50 years, with many thousands of Chiksan Marine
(-196°C/ -321 °F) Control panel/Power unit
loading Arms in service worldwide, FMC has been the pioneer and and efficiency at terminals with
 he panel console displays permanent information relative
T limited dock space or where
leader in the field of liquid cargo transfer. From simple manual Type DCMA/S
to the status of the arms and controls the overall movement of dock space is used more often
arms to the most sophisticated multi-arm installation, FMC has the
the arms. The entire power unit generates hydraulic flow for other than liquid cargoes.
experience and capability to meet your specific needs.
including all the electrical components to manoeuvre the marine
loading arms and actuate their accessories.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading Arms installations are the modern
answer to fluid loading requirements where the operational
reliability of the equipment has a high impact on the cost and Marine loading arms
smooth operation of the portside installation.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading systems meet all your loading/
for special applications
 igh temperature transfer of
unloading requirements whether from river barges to the largest
products such as tar, bitumen,
crude oil tankers.
liquid sulphur, phosphorous…
can be successfully carried out
Long term commitment by using special jacketed arms/
F MC is committed to the long term successful operation of swivels using steam/oil/hot
the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms supplied. The commitment water to assure the required
starts with the experience gained over the years by our skilled Assembly shop Type RCMA Type FBMA viscosity of the product.
FMC Technologies is the oil and gas industry’s leading supplier of fluid loading transfer systems. Description of a marine loading arm Overall safety of operations Loading/unloading for crude oil, petroleum and refined products
FMC offers customers advanced technology in transfer operations providing innovating FMC offers from the simplest
to the most sophisticated loading
designs, systems, packages and services to the oil, gas, petrochemical and chemical industries. A Marine Loading Arm is an articulated pipe system for then Key Components of an MLA: The FMC couplers allow to connect or disconnect the marine arms in diameters up to 24”
transfers of liquids or gases. This may manoeuvred manually or Chiksan Swivel Joints loading arms to the tanker manifold flange. This makes faster (600 mm).
hydraulically. and more efficient operations and also enhances the safety of
Swivel joints allow the rotation between two items of a product
the operators.
design team and the careful selection of manufacturing and line whilst ensuring no product leakage, when under pressure or
A marine loading arm comprises several components namely:
assembly techniques, materials and other supplied products. vacuum.
• base riser Manual Quikcon Coupler
The FMC Loading Systems equipment is designed to operate • Inboard arm
problem free for years without major overhauls. We know that Main characteristics are:  he Chiksan® manual Quikcon couplings have three or more
• Outboard arm
our expectation as a Loading Systems manufacturer of • used for temperature from -46°C (-50°F) to +232°C (+450°F) clamp assemblies to connect to the ship’s manifold flange.
innovative, cost effective, high quality and reliable equipment • in situ replaceable snap in ball races The clamps jaws are opened and extended quickly by rotating
The articulation is assured by swivel arrangements.
has only come and will only come from satisfied customers. • used for pressures: ANSI 150, ANSI 300 or for compressed the exposed large hex headed and of each drawbolt counter
These arrangements (or styles) allow for complete movement
natural gas (CNG) clockwise. One “O” ring fitted in a groove of the manual Quikcon Emergency Release System (ERS)
in all planes.
Quality Control and Testing coupling flange ensures a positive sealing. A key feature
of this coupler is that it can be connected to a large number of  llows for almost instantaneous disconnect of the arms from the
A Loading/unloading for lpg, ammonia etc...
 ased on ISO 9001, all parts and components are inspected
B All the swivels incorporated in the styles have in situ replaceable vessel in the case of an emergency. The ERS system may
ball races. This exclusive feature ensures the long life of the flange thicknesses. The Chiksan® manual Quikcon makes The ever increasing demand
prior to be used in an FMC Loading Systems product. manual flanging operations faster ever before without the use of incorporate various types of single or double valve arrangements
swivel. This results in lower maintenance costs and downtime for LPG and ammonia has
The hydraulic/electric control systems are tested to simulate special tools. This can be used on new or existing arm as well to prevent product spillage to meet OCIMF (Oil Companies
whereas conventional swivels showing signs of wear need demonstrated the need for
the same operating conditions as will be encountered when as on hoses. International Marine Forum) specifications and/or EN 1474
to be completely replaced at substantial cost and longer delivery. specialized arms equipped with
installed. Very high standards are applied whenever quality, regulations in European Union countries.
the latest emergency release
safety, or product reliability are concerned. These test
Models Hydraulic Quikcon Coupler systems and monitoring devices.
procedures ensure that the FMC Loading Systems equipment Cordless FMC has been in the forefront of
will perform as expected upon arrival at site. As part of the  he Quikcon is a hydraulically operated Quick Connect/
standard procedures, customers are invited to visit FMC design
 CMA: the rotary counterweighted Marine Arm is fully balanced
Disconnect Coupler (QCDC) based on the Chiksan® Quikcon The Cordless is a compact these innovations.
in all positions, the counterweights being combined into one lightweight control unit which
and manufacturing facilities during the final tests performance rotating assembly to balance both inboard and outboard arms. Manual design. During the operation, the jaws of the clamp
rotate simultaneously to the correct position as the clamp open permits the arm selection and
in order to check that specifications are met. DCMA: the double counterweighted Marine Arm is fully movement control from any
FMC Loading Systems combines advanced technology
balanced in all positions. Separated counterweights are used
to balance the inboard and outboard sections of the arm.
or close across the tankers manifold flange. The Hydraulic
Quikcon offers faster mating of flanges than possible through desired point including the Others applications
manual flanging operations, another FMC innovation for tanker deck manifold area.
and state-of-the-art solutions to satisfy the most stringent RCMA-S / DCMA-S: the RCMA-S and the DCMA-S are RCMA Piggable loading arms Integrated Projects
customer demands. or DCMA type loading arm with a support structure to a product improved operator safety and reduce turnaround time of
line. The product line and the structure are connected together the tanker. Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) This exclusive FMC design has  y combining the strengths, capabilities and experience
been developed to meet our acquired in oil and gas terminals, FMC is able to supply not only
at the end of the outboard structure through a horizontal rotation  he FMC Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) offers an
customer’s latest requirements loading arms but also all associated equipment for marine
and at the base riser through two coaxial rotations. The other Swivel joint for enhanced control of the loading arms, and safety of the terminal
in transfer operations and safety. terminals to deliver complete, integrated topside packages.
horizontal articulations, therefore, remain parallel but may using the following functions:
petroleum products It has also been tailored to provide FMC Loading Systems can integrate and deliver:
displace independently in the vertical plane. • Constant monitoring of the outer flange position for each arm
existing or new terminals with • Chiksan® Marine Loading Arms
FBMA: the fully Balanced Marine arm is fully balanced in all installed on the jetty
flexible operations based on field • Manifolds and process piping
Keys areas of product expertise are: positions with two separate counterweights. • Alarms redundancy with the proximity switches
proven experience to reduce • Metering
• Loading/unloading systems for sea going tankers, barges, truck • Pre-alarm feature
turnaround time of vessels and • Terminal Management Systems
and railcars
foot-print. As a result FMC offers • Firefighting Equipment
• Skid-Mounted Loading and Measuring systems I t ensures the interface in the control room (on a PC) and
solutions that combine piggable • Access Gangways & Towers
• Transfer pigging systems provides the following additional functions:
Marine Arms with emergency • Mooring Hooks
Solutions are available for handling a complete range of fluids •R  eal time display of the
release capabilities and fully FMC uses its own capabilities which include: Basic engineering,
at ambient, elevated and cryogenic temperatures. arms position and instances
automated piggable manifolds complete detailed engineering package, manufacture and supply
before alarms
behind the Arms to handle a of equipment, and site erection assistance
FMC Loading Systems has unsurpassed global experience: • Recording of all the events
large number of products. Benefits :
• First marine loading arm in the world, 1956 on the installation,
• Reduced capital investment
• First LNG marine loading arm supplied, 1963 to be used for diagnostic
Mobile installations • Single source supply, responsibility and guarantee
• First 24’’ constant motion LNG swivel joint withstanding Hydraulic Chiksan Coupler and expertise
 tandard systems and jumper
S • Enhanced safety and reliability of the operation and of
5,000 000 cycles, 2005 • Telemaintenance of the
Swivel joint for F or even quicker flanging operations, the hydraulic Quick assemblies may be supplied the terminal
• First MLA’s for FSRU (side by side), 2006 Welding shop installation
cryogenic products Connect/Disconnect Coupler allows for connecting up to three mounted on road or rail trailers • Factory tested equipment
different manifold flange diameters without the use of adaptors. to provide loading speed • Reduced overall operating and maintenance costs
For over 50 years, with many thousands of Chiksan Marine
(-196°C/ -321 °F) Control panel/Power unit
loading Arms in service worldwide, FMC has been the pioneer and and efficiency at terminals with
 he panel console displays permanent information relative
T limited dock space or where
leader in the field of liquid cargo transfer. From simple manual Type DCMA/S
to the status of the arms and controls the overall movement of dock space is used more often
arms to the most sophisticated multi-arm installation, FMC has the
the arms. The entire power unit generates hydraulic flow for other than liquid cargoes.
experience and capability to meet your specific needs.
including all the electrical components to manoeuvre the marine
loading arms and actuate their accessories.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading Arms installations are the modern
answer to fluid loading requirements where the operational
reliability of the equipment has a high impact on the cost and Marine loading arms
smooth operation of the portside installation.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading systems meet all your loading/
for special applications
 igh temperature transfer of
unloading requirements whether from river barges to the largest
products such as tar, bitumen,
crude oil tankers.
liquid sulphur, phosphorous…
can be successfully carried out
Long term commitment by using special jacketed arms/
F MC is committed to the long term successful operation of swivels using steam/oil/hot
the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms supplied. The commitment water to assure the required
starts with the experience gained over the years by our skilled Assembly shop Type RCMA Type FBMA viscosity of the product.
FMC Technologies is the oil and gas industry’s leading supplier of fluid loading transfer systems. Description of a marine loading arm Overall safety of operations Loading/unloading for crude oil, petroleum and refined products
FMC offers customers advanced technology in transfer operations providing innovating FMC offers from the simplest
to the most sophisticated loading
designs, systems, packages and services to the oil, gas, petrochemical and chemical industries. A Marine Loading Arm is an articulated pipe system for then Key Components of an MLA: The FMC couplers allow to connect or disconnect the marine arms in diameters up to 24”
transfers of liquids or gases. This may manoeuvred manually or Chiksan Swivel Joints loading arms to the tanker manifold flange. This makes faster (600 mm).
hydraulically. and more efficient operations and also enhances the safety of
Swivel joints allow the rotation between two items of a product
the operators.
design team and the careful selection of manufacturing and line whilst ensuring no product leakage, when under pressure or
A marine loading arm comprises several components namely:
assembly techniques, materials and other supplied products. vacuum.
• base riser Manual Quikcon Coupler
The FMC Loading Systems equipment is designed to operate • Inboard arm
problem free for years without major overhauls. We know that Main characteristics are:  he Chiksan® manual Quikcon couplings have three or more
• Outboard arm
our expectation as a Loading Systems manufacturer of • used for temperature from -46°C (-50°F) to +232°C (+450°F) clamp assemblies to connect to the ship’s manifold flange.
innovative, cost effective, high quality and reliable equipment • in situ replaceable snap in ball races The clamps jaws are opened and extended quickly by rotating
The articulation is assured by swivel arrangements.
has only come and will only come from satisfied customers. • used for pressures: ANSI 150, ANSI 300 or for compressed the exposed large hex headed and of each drawbolt counter
These arrangements (or styles) allow for complete movement
natural gas (CNG) clockwise. One “O” ring fitted in a groove of the manual Quikcon Emergency Release System (ERS)
in all planes.
Quality Control and Testing coupling flange ensures a positive sealing. A key feature
of this coupler is that it can be connected to a large number of  llows for almost instantaneous disconnect of the arms from the
A Loading/unloading for lpg, ammonia etc...
 ased on ISO 9001, all parts and components are inspected
B All the swivels incorporated in the styles have in situ replaceable vessel in the case of an emergency. The ERS system may
ball races. This exclusive feature ensures the long life of the flange thicknesses. The Chiksan® manual Quikcon makes The ever increasing demand
prior to be used in an FMC Loading Systems product. manual flanging operations faster ever before without the use of incorporate various types of single or double valve arrangements
swivel. This results in lower maintenance costs and downtime for LPG and ammonia has
The hydraulic/electric control systems are tested to simulate special tools. This can be used on new or existing arm as well to prevent product spillage to meet OCIMF (Oil Companies
whereas conventional swivels showing signs of wear need demonstrated the need for
the same operating conditions as will be encountered when as on hoses. International Marine Forum) specifications and/or EN 1474
to be completely replaced at substantial cost and longer delivery. specialized arms equipped with
installed. Very high standards are applied whenever quality, regulations in European Union countries.
the latest emergency release
safety, or product reliability are concerned. These test
Models Hydraulic Quikcon Coupler systems and monitoring devices.
procedures ensure that the FMC Loading Systems equipment Cordless FMC has been in the forefront of
will perform as expected upon arrival at site. As part of the  he Quikcon is a hydraulically operated Quick Connect/
standard procedures, customers are invited to visit FMC design
 CMA: the rotary counterweighted Marine Arm is fully balanced
Disconnect Coupler (QCDC) based on the Chiksan® Quikcon The Cordless is a compact these innovations.
in all positions, the counterweights being combined into one lightweight control unit which
and manufacturing facilities during the final tests performance rotating assembly to balance both inboard and outboard arms. Manual design. During the operation, the jaws of the clamp
rotate simultaneously to the correct position as the clamp open permits the arm selection and
in order to check that specifications are met. DCMA: the double counterweighted Marine Arm is fully movement control from any
FMC Loading Systems combines advanced technology
balanced in all positions. Separated counterweights are used
to balance the inboard and outboard sections of the arm.
or close across the tankers manifold flange. The Hydraulic
Quikcon offers faster mating of flanges than possible through desired point including the Others applications
manual flanging operations, another FMC innovation for tanker deck manifold area.
and state-of-the-art solutions to satisfy the most stringent RCMA-S / DCMA-S: the RCMA-S and the DCMA-S are RCMA Piggable loading arms Integrated Projects
customer demands. or DCMA type loading arm with a support structure to a product improved operator safety and reduce turnaround time of
line. The product line and the structure are connected together the tanker. Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) This exclusive FMC design has  y combining the strengths, capabilities and experience
been developed to meet our acquired in oil and gas terminals, FMC is able to supply not only
at the end of the outboard structure through a horizontal rotation  he FMC Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) offers an
customer’s latest requirements loading arms but also all associated equipment for marine
and at the base riser through two coaxial rotations. The other Swivel joint for enhanced control of the loading arms, and safety of the terminal
in transfer operations and safety. terminals to deliver complete, integrated topside packages.
horizontal articulations, therefore, remain parallel but may using the following functions:
petroleum products It has also been tailored to provide FMC Loading Systems can integrate and deliver:
displace independently in the vertical plane. • Constant monitoring of the outer flange position for each arm
existing or new terminals with • Chiksan® Marine Loading Arms
FBMA: the fully Balanced Marine arm is fully balanced in all installed on the jetty
flexible operations based on field • Manifolds and process piping
Keys areas of product expertise are: positions with two separate counterweights. • Alarms redundancy with the proximity switches
proven experience to reduce • Metering
• Loading/unloading systems for sea going tankers, barges, truck • Pre-alarm feature
turnaround time of vessels and • Terminal Management Systems
and railcars
foot-print. As a result FMC offers • Firefighting Equipment
• Skid-Mounted Loading and Measuring systems I t ensures the interface in the control room (on a PC) and
solutions that combine piggable • Access Gangways & Towers
• Transfer pigging systems provides the following additional functions:
Marine Arms with emergency • Mooring Hooks
Solutions are available for handling a complete range of fluids •R  eal time display of the
release capabilities and fully FMC uses its own capabilities which include: Basic engineering,
at ambient, elevated and cryogenic temperatures. arms position and instances
automated piggable manifolds complete detailed engineering package, manufacture and supply
before alarms
behind the Arms to handle a of equipment, and site erection assistance
FMC Loading Systems has unsurpassed global experience: • Recording of all the events
large number of products. Benefits :
• First marine loading arm in the world, 1956 on the installation,
• Reduced capital investment
• First LNG marine loading arm supplied, 1963 to be used for diagnostic
Mobile installations • Single source supply, responsibility and guarantee
• First 24’’ constant motion LNG swivel joint withstanding Hydraulic Chiksan Coupler and expertise
 tandard systems and jumper
S • Enhanced safety and reliability of the operation and of
5,000 000 cycles, 2005 • Telemaintenance of the
Swivel joint for F or even quicker flanging operations, the hydraulic Quick assemblies may be supplied the terminal
• First MLA’s for FSRU (side by side), 2006 Welding shop installation
cryogenic products Connect/Disconnect Coupler allows for connecting up to three mounted on road or rail trailers • Factory tested equipment
different manifold flange diameters without the use of adaptors. to provide loading speed • Reduced overall operating and maintenance costs
For over 50 years, with many thousands of Chiksan Marine
(-196°C/ -321 °F) Control panel/Power unit
loading Arms in service worldwide, FMC has been the pioneer and and efficiency at terminals with
 he panel console displays permanent information relative
T limited dock space or where
leader in the field of liquid cargo transfer. From simple manual Type DCMA/S
to the status of the arms and controls the overall movement of dock space is used more often
arms to the most sophisticated multi-arm installation, FMC has the
the arms. The entire power unit generates hydraulic flow for other than liquid cargoes.
experience and capability to meet your specific needs.
including all the electrical components to manoeuvre the marine
loading arms and actuate their accessories.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading Arms installations are the modern
answer to fluid loading requirements where the operational
reliability of the equipment has a high impact on the cost and Marine loading arms
smooth operation of the portside installation.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading systems meet all your loading/
for special applications
 igh temperature transfer of
unloading requirements whether from river barges to the largest
products such as tar, bitumen,
crude oil tankers.
liquid sulphur, phosphorous…
can be successfully carried out
Long term commitment by using special jacketed arms/
F MC is committed to the long term successful operation of swivels using steam/oil/hot
the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms supplied. The commitment water to assure the required
starts with the experience gained over the years by our skilled Assembly shop Type RCMA Type FBMA viscosity of the product.
FMC Technologies is the oil and gas industry’s leading supplier of fluid loading transfer systems. Description of a marine loading arm Overall safety of operations Loading/unloading for crude oil, petroleum and refined products
FMC offers customers advanced technology in transfer operations providing innovating FMC offers from the simplest
to the most sophisticated loading
designs, systems, packages and services to the oil, gas, petrochemical and chemical industries. A Marine Loading Arm is an articulated pipe system for then Key Components of an MLA: The FMC couplers allow to connect or disconnect the marine arms in diameters up to 24”
transfers of liquids or gases. This may manoeuvred manually or Chiksan Swivel Joints loading arms to the tanker manifold flange. This makes faster (600 mm).
hydraulically. and more efficient operations and also enhances the safety of
Swivel joints allow the rotation between two items of a product
the operators.
design team and the careful selection of manufacturing and line whilst ensuring no product leakage, when under pressure or
A marine loading arm comprises several components namely:
assembly techniques, materials and other supplied products. vacuum.
• base riser Manual Quikcon Coupler
The FMC Loading Systems equipment is designed to operate • Inboard arm
problem free for years without major overhauls. We know that Main characteristics are:  he Chiksan® manual Quikcon couplings have three or more
• Outboard arm
our expectation as a Loading Systems manufacturer of • used for temperature from -46°C (-50°F) to +232°C (+450°F) clamp assemblies to connect to the ship’s manifold flange.
innovative, cost effective, high quality and reliable equipment • in situ replaceable snap in ball races The clamps jaws are opened and extended quickly by rotating
The articulation is assured by swivel arrangements.
has only come and will only come from satisfied customers. • used for pressures: ANSI 150, ANSI 300 or for compressed the exposed large hex headed and of each drawbolt counter
These arrangements (or styles) allow for complete movement
natural gas (CNG) clockwise. One “O” ring fitted in a groove of the manual Quikcon Emergency Release System (ERS)
in all planes.
Quality Control and Testing coupling flange ensures a positive sealing. A key feature
of this coupler is that it can be connected to a large number of  llows for almost instantaneous disconnect of the arms from the
A Loading/unloading for lpg, ammonia etc...
 ased on ISO 9001, all parts and components are inspected
B All the swivels incorporated in the styles have in situ replaceable vessel in the case of an emergency. The ERS system may
ball races. This exclusive feature ensures the long life of the flange thicknesses. The Chiksan® manual Quikcon makes The ever increasing demand
prior to be used in an FMC Loading Systems product. manual flanging operations faster ever before without the use of incorporate various types of single or double valve arrangements
swivel. This results in lower maintenance costs and downtime for LPG and ammonia has
The hydraulic/electric control systems are tested to simulate special tools. This can be used on new or existing arm as well to prevent product spillage to meet OCIMF (Oil Companies
whereas conventional swivels showing signs of wear need demonstrated the need for
the same operating conditions as will be encountered when as on hoses. International Marine Forum) specifications and/or EN 1474
to be completely replaced at substantial cost and longer delivery. specialized arms equipped with
installed. Very high standards are applied whenever quality, regulations in European Union countries.
the latest emergency release
safety, or product reliability are concerned. These test
Models Hydraulic Quikcon Coupler systems and monitoring devices.
procedures ensure that the FMC Loading Systems equipment Cordless FMC has been in the forefront of
will perform as expected upon arrival at site. As part of the  he Quikcon is a hydraulically operated Quick Connect/
standard procedures, customers are invited to visit FMC design
 CMA: the rotary counterweighted Marine Arm is fully balanced
Disconnect Coupler (QCDC) based on the Chiksan® Quikcon The Cordless is a compact these innovations.
in all positions, the counterweights being combined into one lightweight control unit which
and manufacturing facilities during the final tests performance rotating assembly to balance both inboard and outboard arms. Manual design. During the operation, the jaws of the clamp
rotate simultaneously to the correct position as the clamp open permits the arm selection and
in order to check that specifications are met. DCMA: the double counterweighted Marine Arm is fully movement control from any
FMC Loading Systems combines advanced technology
balanced in all positions. Separated counterweights are used
to balance the inboard and outboard sections of the arm.
or close across the tankers manifold flange. The Hydraulic
Quikcon offers faster mating of flanges than possible through desired point including the Others applications
manual flanging operations, another FMC innovation for tanker deck manifold area.
and state-of-the-art solutions to satisfy the most stringent RCMA-S / DCMA-S: the RCMA-S and the DCMA-S are RCMA Piggable loading arms Integrated Projects
customer demands. or DCMA type loading arm with a support structure to a product improved operator safety and reduce turnaround time of
line. The product line and the structure are connected together the tanker. Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) This exclusive FMC design has  y combining the strengths, capabilities and experience
been developed to meet our acquired in oil and gas terminals, FMC is able to supply not only
at the end of the outboard structure through a horizontal rotation  he FMC Position Monitoring System (PMS Plus) offers an
customer’s latest requirements loading arms but also all associated equipment for marine
and at the base riser through two coaxial rotations. The other Swivel joint for enhanced control of the loading arms, and safety of the terminal
in transfer operations and safety. terminals to deliver complete, integrated topside packages.
horizontal articulations, therefore, remain parallel but may using the following functions:
petroleum products It has also been tailored to provide FMC Loading Systems can integrate and deliver:
displace independently in the vertical plane. • Constant monitoring of the outer flange position for each arm
existing or new terminals with • Chiksan® Marine Loading Arms
FBMA: the fully Balanced Marine arm is fully balanced in all installed on the jetty
flexible operations based on field • Manifolds and process piping
Keys areas of product expertise are: positions with two separate counterweights. • Alarms redundancy with the proximity switches
proven experience to reduce • Metering
• Loading/unloading systems for sea going tankers, barges, truck • Pre-alarm feature
turnaround time of vessels and • Terminal Management Systems
and railcars
foot-print. As a result FMC offers • Firefighting Equipment
• Skid-Mounted Loading and Measuring systems I t ensures the interface in the control room (on a PC) and
solutions that combine piggable • Access Gangways & Towers
• Transfer pigging systems provides the following additional functions:
Marine Arms with emergency • Mooring Hooks
Solutions are available for handling a complete range of fluids •R  eal time display of the
release capabilities and fully FMC uses its own capabilities which include: Basic engineering,
at ambient, elevated and cryogenic temperatures. arms position and instances
automated piggable manifolds complete detailed engineering package, manufacture and supply
before alarms
behind the Arms to handle a of equipment, and site erection assistance
FMC Loading Systems has unsurpassed global experience: • Recording of all the events
large number of products. Benefits :
• First marine loading arm in the world, 1956 on the installation,
• Reduced capital investment
• First LNG marine loading arm supplied, 1963 to be used for diagnostic
Mobile installations • Single source supply, responsibility and guarantee
• First 24’’ constant motion LNG swivel joint withstanding Hydraulic Chiksan Coupler and expertise
 tandard systems and jumper
S • Enhanced safety and reliability of the operation and of
5,000 000 cycles, 2005 • Telemaintenance of the
Swivel joint for F or even quicker flanging operations, the hydraulic Quick assemblies may be supplied the terminal
• First MLA’s for FSRU (side by side), 2006 Welding shop installation
cryogenic products Connect/Disconnect Coupler allows for connecting up to three mounted on road or rail trailers • Factory tested equipment
different manifold flange diameters without the use of adaptors. to provide loading speed • Reduced overall operating and maintenance costs
For over 50 years, with many thousands of Chiksan Marine
(-196°C/ -321 °F) Control panel/Power unit
loading Arms in service worldwide, FMC has been the pioneer and and efficiency at terminals with
 he panel console displays permanent information relative
T limited dock space or where
leader in the field of liquid cargo transfer. From simple manual Type DCMA/S
to the status of the arms and controls the overall movement of dock space is used more often
arms to the most sophisticated multi-arm installation, FMC has the
the arms. The entire power unit generates hydraulic flow for other than liquid cargoes.
experience and capability to meet your specific needs.
including all the electrical components to manoeuvre the marine
loading arms and actuate their accessories.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading Arms installations are the modern
answer to fluid loading requirements where the operational
reliability of the equipment has a high impact on the cost and Marine loading arms
smooth operation of the portside installation.
FMC Chiksan Marine Loading systems meet all your loading/
for special applications
 igh temperature transfer of
unloading requirements whether from river barges to the largest
products such as tar, bitumen,
crude oil tankers.
liquid sulphur, phosphorous…
can be successfully carried out
Long term commitment by using special jacketed arms/
F MC is committed to the long term successful operation of swivels using steam/oil/hot
the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms supplied. The commitment water to assure the required
starts with the experience gained over the years by our skilled Assembly shop Type RCMA Type FBMA viscosity of the product.
Onshore/offshore LNg systems -TandemLNGoffloading: Worlwide after-market
The FMC all metal BTT (Boom To tanker) system will operate in
even more severe environments up to 5.5m in Hs sea states.
This was confirmed by the European Union Azure project that As the world’s oldest and largest supplier of fluid loading and
As good locations for new land based terminals become rare and difficult for permitting, there was headed by Technigaz (France) together with Chantiers de transfer systems with thousands of arms in service throughout
l’Atlantique (France), Bouygues Offshore (France), W.M Kellogg the world, FMC is totally committed to supplying not only the
is a trend towards onshore “exposed location” terminals without breakwater protection to cut (U.K), and Ficantieri (Italy) and FMC for the offloading BTT genuine spare parts for the life of the arms but also providing
system to be installed on an FPSO or an FSRU. all the necessary assistance to meet immediate and long term
down cost for offshore terminals based on a gBS (gravity Based Structure), fixed jetties, a FLNg The model tests carried out on the one-fifth scale model of the customer needs in after sales and service. An FMC dedicated
BTT with its full scale hydraulic/electric control system and the team staffed with about 20 trained and qualified persons assist
(Floating LNg terminal) or FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit). Such LNg installations LNG carrier motion simulator have confirmed the feasibility of customers worldwide 24 hours a day.
operations including connection/disconnection offloading and Once the product is delivered FMC follows closely its progress
require high technology offloading systems to ensure reliability and a higher level of enhanced in the field maintaining records of its working condition service
safety compared to standard land based terminals.
emergency disconnection in a variety of sea states.
performed and site modifications. FMC loading systems core values
This is carried out from strategically placed around the world to
offer the customer the best possible assistance wherever whenever FMC Technologies is a global solutions provider built on a century-old foundation of world-class products
required. Amongst services offered are:
• Training of operators and maintenance engineers
and innovative customer solutions.
• Erection and commissioning field assistance
Onshore - Conventional Jetties In general connecting and or disconnecting will only be made at
• On going site contract with customer FMC Technologies focuses on providing value-added solutions to customer challenges that integrate
land based terminals when the relative motion between the
• Supplying spare parts technologies, systems, products and services. FMC Technologies is structured for optimal
flange of the hydraulic Chiksan QC/DC (Quick Connect Disconnect
• Preventive maintenance
Coupler) of the arm and the LNG-C manifold flange is less than
• Repair/rebuilt in the event of damaging incidents
responsiveness to customer needs. We are committed to moving quickly and intelligently to capture
0.3 to 0.4m depending on the relative velocity of wave induced market opportunities, create solutions-driven technologies, and drive growth and profitability.
• Overhaul of existing marine installations
motion period.
• Supply of retrofit and upgrading kits.
FMC Technologies will continue to employ highly motivated, innovative people dedicated to providing
Offshore Installations:
solutions that will make our customers more successful in their endeavours. Our people will strive to be
As expected, offshore offloading installations are subject to
more pronounced continual movements of the LNG carrier the team to call to help our customers meet their challenges.
manifold flange.
The desired goal is to transfer LNG with the same level of safely FMC Technologies has been named the nation’s “Most Admired Oil and Gas Equipment, Services”
and reliability as at “standard” terminal. company, ranking first in its industry in FORTUNE magazine’s 2005 and 2006 listings of “America’s Most
Two approaches are considered:
Admired Corporations”.
To meet the operating requirements from a GBS (Gravity Based
Structure), or from an FLNG (Floating LNG) export terminal, or
from an FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) with
SBS offloading, FMC Technologies proposes solutions for non
dedicated LNG carriers based on proven offloading technology.
The use of the targeting system is one of the basic requirements.

Should operating conditions be so severe that a mooring hawser

will not offer the reliability required, the double pantograph
system of the BTT can be used with the duplex yoke system
developed by FMC Technologies.
Onshore - Exposed Locations
To meet the offloading requirements at onshore “exposed
locations”, it has been necessary to review the main design
Benefits of All Metal Offloading Systems
requirements for the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms. The all-metal designs of the LNG offloading systems used for
offshore loading have the following inherent operational
The Chiksan Marine Loading Arms have been enhanced with the advantages:

Moret-sur-Loing - Tél. 01 60 70 14 03
following features : • Field proven experience since 1963 worldwide up to 20”
• the Constant Motion Chiksan swivel joints in service in diameters.

Chiksan Marine Loading Systems

exposed locations since 1993 • Have a design life expectancy up to 30 years
• the targeting system for connection/disconnection in severe • Large operating envelope.
sea estates • Less pressure loss vs. hoses.
• the hydraulic QCDC for connection/disconnection with no • Withstand higher operating pressures due to water hammer, or
damage to the seal due to impact with the manifold flange other causes, without rupture FMC Technologies SA FMC Technologies Inc.
• the hydraulic system sized to accept high velocity motion • More flexible than 16” and larger diameter hoses. Route des Clérimois - BP 705 1803 Gears Road
during connection and once connected No kinking nor minimum bending radius. 89107 Sens Cedex France Houston, TX 77067 (USA)
• the reinforced support structure of the arm • Lower maintenance costs over the life expectancy
Tél. : 33 (0)3 86 95 87 00 Phone: 281 405 3030
• the design of the arm for rapid in situ maintenance without the of the offloading system. Fax : 33 (0)3 86 95 19 16 Fax: 281 405 3031
need of outside lifting equipment.
Onshore/offshore LNg systems -TandemLNGoffloading: Worlwide after-market
The FMC all metal BTT (Boom To tanker) system will operate in
even more severe environments up to 5.5m in Hs sea states.
This was confirmed by the European Union Azure project that As the world’s oldest and largest supplier of fluid loading and
As good locations for new land based terminals become rare and difficult for permitting, there was headed by Technigaz (France) together with Chantiers de transfer systems with thousands of arms in service throughout
l’Atlantique (France), Bouygues Offshore (France), W.M Kellogg the world, FMC is totally committed to supplying not only the
is a trend towards onshore “exposed location” terminals without breakwater protection to cut (U.K), and Ficantieri (Italy) and FMC for the offloading BTT genuine spare parts for the life of the arms but also providing
system to be installed on an FPSO or an FSRU. all the necessary assistance to meet immediate and long term
down cost for offshore terminals based on a gBS (gravity Based Structure), fixed jetties, a FLNg The model tests carried out on the one-fifth scale model of the customer needs in after sales and service. An FMC dedicated
BTT with its full scale hydraulic/electric control system and the team staffed with about 20 trained and qualified persons assist
(Floating LNg terminal) or FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit). Such LNg installations LNG carrier motion simulator have confirmed the feasibility of customers worldwide 24 hours a day.
operations including connection/disconnection offloading and Once the product is delivered FMC follows closely its progress
require high technology offloading systems to ensure reliability and a higher level of enhanced in the field maintaining records of its working condition service
safety compared to standard land based terminals.
emergency disconnection in a variety of sea states.
performed and site modifications. FMC loading systems core values
This is carried out from strategically placed around the world to
offer the customer the best possible assistance wherever whenever FMC Technologies is a global solutions provider built on a century-old foundation of world-class products
required. Amongst services offered are:
• Training of operators and maintenance engineers
and innovative customer solutions.
• Erection and commissioning field assistance
Onshore - Conventional Jetties In general connecting and or disconnecting will only be made at
• On going site contract with customer FMC Technologies focuses on providing value-added solutions to customer challenges that integrate
land based terminals when the relative motion between the
• Supplying spare parts technologies, systems, products and services. FMC Technologies is structured for optimal
flange of the hydraulic Chiksan QC/DC (Quick Connect Disconnect
• Preventive maintenance
Coupler) of the arm and the LNG-C manifold flange is less than
• Repair/rebuilt in the event of damaging incidents
responsiveness to customer needs. We are committed to moving quickly and intelligently to capture
0.3 to 0.4m depending on the relative velocity of wave induced market opportunities, create solutions-driven technologies, and drive growth and profitability.
• Overhaul of existing marine installations
motion period.
• Supply of retrofit and upgrading kits.
FMC Technologies will continue to employ highly motivated, innovative people dedicated to providing
Offshore Installations:
solutions that will make our customers more successful in their endeavours. Our people will strive to be
As expected, offshore offloading installations are subject to
more pronounced continual movements of the LNG carrier the team to call to help our customers meet their challenges.
manifold flange.
The desired goal is to transfer LNG with the same level of safely FMC Technologies has been named the nation’s “Most Admired Oil and Gas Equipment, Services”
and reliability as at “standard” terminal. company, ranking first in its industry in FORTUNE magazine’s 2005 and 2006 listings of “America’s Most
Two approaches are considered:
Admired Corporations”.
To meet the operating requirements from a GBS (Gravity Based
Structure), or from an FLNG (Floating LNG) export terminal, or
from an FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) with
SBS offloading, FMC Technologies proposes solutions for non
dedicated LNG carriers based on proven offloading technology.
The use of the targeting system is one of the basic requirements.

Should operating conditions be so severe that a mooring hawser

will not offer the reliability required, the double pantograph
system of the BTT can be used with the duplex yoke system
developed by FMC Technologies.
Onshore - Exposed Locations
To meet the offloading requirements at onshore “exposed
locations”, it has been necessary to review the main design
Benefits of All Metal Offloading Systems
requirements for the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms. The all-metal designs of the LNG offloading systems used for
offshore loading have the following inherent operational
The Chiksan Marine Loading Arms have been enhanced with the advantages:

Moret-sur-Loing - Tél. 01 60 70 14 03
following features : • Field proven experience since 1963 worldwide up to 20”
• the Constant Motion Chiksan swivel joints in service in diameters.

Chiksan Marine Loading Systems

exposed locations since 1993 • Have a design life expectancy up to 30 years
• the targeting system for connection/disconnection in severe • Large operating envelope.
sea estates • Less pressure loss vs. hoses.
• the hydraulic QCDC for connection/disconnection with no • Withstand higher operating pressures due to water hammer, or
damage to the seal due to impact with the manifold flange other causes, without rupture FMC Technologies SA FMC Technologies Inc.
• the hydraulic system sized to accept high velocity motion • More flexible than 16” and larger diameter hoses. Route des Clérimois - BP 705 1803 Gears Road
during connection and once connected No kinking nor minimum bending radius. 89107 Sens Cedex France Houston, TX 77067 (USA)
• the reinforced support structure of the arm • Lower maintenance costs over the life expectancy
Tél. : 33 (0)3 86 95 87 00 Phone: 281 405 3030
• the design of the arm for rapid in situ maintenance without the of the offloading system. Fax : 33 (0)3 86 95 19 16 Fax: 281 405 3031
need of outside lifting equipment.
Onshore/offshore LNg systems -TandemLNGoffloading: Worlwide after-market
The FMC all metal BTT (Boom To tanker) system will operate in
even more severe environments up to 5.5m in Hs sea states.
This was confirmed by the European Union Azure project that As the world’s oldest and largest supplier of fluid loading and
As good locations for new land based terminals become rare and difficult for permitting, there was headed by Technigaz (France) together with Chantiers de transfer systems with thousands of arms in service throughout
l’Atlantique (France), Bouygues Offshore (France), W.M Kellogg the world, FMC is totally committed to supplying not only the
is a trend towards onshore “exposed location” terminals without breakwater protection to cut (U.K), and Ficantieri (Italy) and FMC for the offloading BTT genuine spare parts for the life of the arms but also providing
system to be installed on an FPSO or an FSRU. all the necessary assistance to meet immediate and long term
down cost for offshore terminals based on a gBS (gravity Based Structure), fixed jetties, a FLNg The model tests carried out on the one-fifth scale model of the customer needs in after sales and service. An FMC dedicated
BTT with its full scale hydraulic/electric control system and the team staffed with about 20 trained and qualified persons assist
(Floating LNg terminal) or FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit). Such LNg installations LNG carrier motion simulator have confirmed the feasibility of customers worldwide 24 hours a day.
operations including connection/disconnection offloading and Once the product is delivered FMC follows closely its progress
require high technology offloading systems to ensure reliability and a higher level of enhanced in the field maintaining records of its working condition service
safety compared to standard land based terminals.
emergency disconnection in a variety of sea states.
performed and site modifications. FMC loading systems core values
This is carried out from strategically placed around the world to
offer the customer the best possible assistance wherever whenever FMC Technologies is a global solutions provider built on a century-old foundation of world-class products
required. Amongst services offered are:
• Training of operators and maintenance engineers
and innovative customer solutions.
• Erection and commissioning field assistance
Onshore - Conventional Jetties In general connecting and or disconnecting will only be made at
• On going site contract with customer FMC Technologies focuses on providing value-added solutions to customer challenges that integrate
land based terminals when the relative motion between the
• Supplying spare parts technologies, systems, products and services. FMC Technologies is structured for optimal
flange of the hydraulic Chiksan QC/DC (Quick Connect Disconnect
• Preventive maintenance
Coupler) of the arm and the LNG-C manifold flange is less than
• Repair/rebuilt in the event of damaging incidents
responsiveness to customer needs. We are committed to moving quickly and intelligently to capture
0.3 to 0.4m depending on the relative velocity of wave induced market opportunities, create solutions-driven technologies, and drive growth and profitability.
• Overhaul of existing marine installations
motion period.
• Supply of retrofit and upgrading kits.
FMC Technologies will continue to employ highly motivated, innovative people dedicated to providing
Offshore Installations:
solutions that will make our customers more successful in their endeavours. Our people will strive to be
As expected, offshore offloading installations are subject to
more pronounced continual movements of the LNG carrier the team to call to help our customers meet their challenges.
manifold flange.
The desired goal is to transfer LNG with the same level of safely FMC Technologies has been named the nation’s “Most Admired Oil and Gas Equipment, Services”
and reliability as at “standard” terminal. company, ranking first in its industry in FORTUNE magazine’s 2005 and 2006 listings of “America’s Most
Two approaches are considered:
Admired Corporations”.
To meet the operating requirements from a GBS (Gravity Based
Structure), or from an FLNG (Floating LNG) export terminal, or
from an FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) with
SBS offloading, FMC Technologies proposes solutions for non
dedicated LNG carriers based on proven offloading technology.
The use of the targeting system is one of the basic requirements.

Should operating conditions be so severe that a mooring hawser

will not offer the reliability required, the double pantograph
system of the BTT can be used with the duplex yoke system
developed by FMC Technologies.
Onshore - Exposed Locations
To meet the offloading requirements at onshore “exposed
locations”, it has been necessary to review the main design
Benefits of All Metal Offloading Systems
requirements for the Chiksan Marine Loading Arms. The all-metal designs of the LNG offloading systems used for
offshore loading have the following inherent operational
The Chiksan Marine Loading Arms have been enhanced with the advantages:

Moret-sur-Loing - Tél. 01 60 70 14 03
following features : • Field proven experience since 1963 worldwide up to 20”
• the Constant Motion Chiksan swivel joints in service in diameters.

Chiksan Marine Loading Systems

exposed locations since 1993 • Have a design life expectancy up to 30 years
• the targeting system for connection/disconnection in severe • Large operating envelope.
sea estates • Less pressure loss vs. hoses.
• the hydraulic QCDC for connection/disconnection with no • Withstand higher operating pressures due to water hammer, or
damage to the seal due to impact with the manifold flange other causes, without rupture FMC Technologies SA FMC Technologies Inc.
• the hydraulic system sized to accept high velocity motion • More flexible than 16” and larger diameter hoses. Route des Clérimois - BP 705 1803 Gears Road
during connection and once connected No kinking nor minimum bending radius. 89107 Sens Cedex France Houston, TX 77067 (USA)
• the reinforced support structure of the arm • Lower maintenance costs over the life expectancy
Tél. : 33 (0)3 86 95 87 00 Phone: 281 405 3030
• the design of the arm for rapid in situ maintenance without the of the offloading system. Fax : 33 (0)3 86 95 19 16 Fax: 281 405 3031
need of outside lifting equipment.

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