Development of The Pig Embryo

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Development of the Pig Embryo (Anterior)

Later Stages of Development of Pig Embryo follow pattern of development for the chick except for the following:

1. The formation of extraembryonic membranes

2. Additional role of allantois and or blood vessels in:
a. Excretion
b. Nutrition
c. Gaseous exchange thru placenta
3. Relationship of chorion and uterine endometrium in placenta


Info before the sections:

- Flexures and bending observed in the pig:  Provides basics of lower jaw
o Cranial  Posterior to maxillary processes
o Cervical  Below naso-medial processes
o Caudal o Hyoid (2nd) arch
o Bending in lumbar and sacral regions  Source of hyoid skeleton
 Due to limited space in uterine cavity - Hyomandibular cleft
 Results in formation of curved embryo o Between the 1st and 2nd visceral arches
(resembling letter C) - 3rd and 4th Visceral arches
- Internal structures can be seen because of the THIN SKIN o Not distinct
(sarap chicharon hahaha) o Sunk deeper into the embryo in the Cervical Sinus
- Prosencephalon - Somites
o Olfactory Vesicles o From trunk region to tail
 Outgrowths at prosencephalon o Superficial bulges
 At rostral end of the head - Position of Heart, Liver and Mesonephros
o Optic Vesicle o Observed on lateral and ventral part of body
 Ventrolateral to olfactory vesicle - Paddle-shaped limb pads
 swellings o Close to a region (not specified) and close to a tail
o Otic Vesicle region
 Posterior o So there are 2 paddle – shaped limb pads
 Lateral to myelencephalon - Mammary Ridges
- 1 and 2 Visceral Arches are prominent
st nd
o Dorso- lateral swellings
o Mandibular (1st) arch o Between levels of forelimb and hindlimb buds
Transverse Section

**Note: Because of the flexions (cranial, cervical and caudal), the most cranial region region of specimen will not be observed in the first few
Level of the Myelencephalon
Name and Description Location Function / Cavity Fate Derived From/
Arises From
Myelencephalon - Has wide ventricle IV
- Thin anterior wall o Becomes narrower as it
- Thick posterior wall reaches level of spinal cord
- Neuromere marking seen
Neuromeres - Wall of myelencephalon
- Undulations
Metencephalon - Lower part of 4th ventricle **Find out what the ventricle is
- Thick – walled brain region called**
- V - shaped
Mesencephalon - Occupies lowermost - Mesocoel/Cerebral
- Thick - walled portions of brain Aqueduct of Sylvius
o Leads to ventricle of
metencephalon via the
- Isthmus
o Narrow constriction
Endolymphatic Ducts - Both sides of wider area - Auditory (Otic) Vesicle
- Cavities of myelencephalon o Cavity beside duct seen
Spinal Accessory Nerve (XI) - Lateral and parallel to - Nerve separates into 2
- Long, fibrous strand myelencephalon posteriorly:
 Dorso-lateral to
 Jugular ganglion lies
lateral as it is moved
 Ventral to above
Level of the Mesencephalon and Metencephalon
Name and Description Location Function / Cavity/Takes Place Fate Derived From/
Arises From
Spinal Accessory Nerve (XI)
- Dorsal portion almost faded
o Frorlep’s ganglion
observed instead of dorsal
- Ventral Portion
o Still lies ventral to above
Jugular Ganglion - Lateral to 11th neuromere - Streaks of vagus nerve
- First ganglion of Vagus Nerve of myelencephalon takes place of ganglion
(X) observed - Observed before frorlep’s posteriorly
- Large ganglionic mass ganglion

Nodose Ganglion - Takes place of streaks of

- Second ganglion of vagus vagus nerve as it fades
nerve out
Frorlep’s Ganglion - Both sides of brain caudal
- Small but prominent ganglion to roots of spinal
accessory nerve (XII)
Hypoglossal Nerve (XII) - It is the hypoglossal ORIGINATES:
nerve if the frorlep’s - Minute branches of
ganglion is in view nerves from
ventrolateral wall of
Superior Ganglion - Between jugular ganglion - replaced by a second
- First ganglion of and auditory vesicle ganglion of the IXth
glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) nerve (petrosal
- Smaller than jugular ganglion ganglion)
Auditory (Otic) Vesicle - - Future utriculus of inner - In Posterior
- continuous with ear now in view Section;
endolymphatic duct - Rudiment of Posterior represented by
Semicircular Canal future sacculus
o Projection on top of
future utriculus
- Rudiment of Anterior - Future Sacculus
Semicircular Canal o no projection and
o Projection on bottom connection with
of future utriculus endolymphatic
o closely related to
auditory nerve
Facial Nerve (VII) - - - ARISES FROM:
- bundles of fibers from - Myelencephalon
myelencephalon to its
ganglion, the geniculate
Auditory Nerve (VIII) - - -
- best observed posteriorly
Auditory Ganglion - Below auditory vesicle - Auditory Ganglion + -
Geniculate ganglion =
Acoustico – Facialis
Occulomotor Nerve (III) - In Mesenchyme - -
- Small bodies of nerve fibers - At level when
metencephalon has
separated from
Semilunar (Gasserian) Ganglion - - Associated with -
- Ganglion of Trigeminal Nerve metencephalon
- Biggest ganglion so far of all
cranial ganglia
Trigeminal Nerves (V) - - - ARISES FROM:
Basilar Artery - Lying in midline - -
- Small blood vessels - Beneath metencephalon
Abducens Nerve (VI) - Growing out on sides of - Disappears posteriorly - ARISES FROM:
- Small nerves myelencephalon and Myelencephalon
future sacculus
Level of Pharyngeal Cavity and Diencephalon
Name and Description Location Function / Cavity/Takes Place Fate Derived From/
Arises From
Pharyngeal Cavity - Bridge of mesenchyme
- Appears divided because of o Separates anterior
cranial flexure and posterior portion
o Anterior Portion o First Few of Bridge
 Ventral Cavity leads to shows paired 1st
stomodeum pharyngeal (branchial)
o Posterior Portion arches connected
 Dorsal Cavity leads to o Broadens, also shows
Trachea & Stomodeum 2nd pharyngeal arches
A. Tuberculum Impar - At lower portion of bridge -
- Median swelling leads to stomodeum
B. Lateral Tongue Swellings - Both sides of tuberculum -
- Paired elevations impar
C. Copula - On Top of tuberculum - Protrude to cavity leads to - Pati manual ARISES FROM
- swellings impar trachea and esophagus tinanong ano fate - Pharyngeal floor at
- Occupies medial pat of - POSTERIORLY: ng tongue bases of 2nd & 3rd
rudiment amputa Branchial arches
visceral arch 2 o Union of 3rd pharyngeal
- Edi tongue.
arch observed
Tongue rudiment
o This widens eh? kaloka
mesenchyme bridge
Epiglottis - On top of connected - Took place of copula - DERIVED FROM
- Median swelling paired 3rdpharyngeal - 3rd and 4th pharyngeal
arches arches

First Pharyngeal Pouch - - Hyomandibular Cleft

- Bounded by o Where pouch opens to
Mandibular arch lower portion outside posteriorly
- Hyoid arch on upper portion
Maxillary Process - Prominence or outgrowth - Maxillary & Mandibular
below mandibular arch Process
- 1st Branchial Arch
Rathke’s Pouch - - - What is the fate of ARISES FROM
- Appears like a cavity on top of the Infundibulum? - Dorsal evagination of
the diencephalons which - Hypophysis (??) pls stomodeum extends
confirm under diencephalon to
opens to stomodeum
Diencephalon - - bears ventricle III -
- Laterally compressed brain
SPINAL CORD - - Most dorsal cavity -
- Spinal nerves basis of - No marked boundary
differentiation for myelen separating it from
and spinal cord myelencephalon
A. FLOOR PLATE - On top of notochord - Corresponds to neural -
- Thin wall of spinal cord groove during neural plate
B. BASAL PLATE - Lies antero-ventrally on - -
sides of floor plate
C. ROOF PLATE - - Indicates fusion of neural -
- Thin mid-dorsal wall folds
- Lamina Terminalis
o Most anterior is the
forward extension
D. ALAR PLATE - Lies postero-ventrally on - -
both sides of roof plate
E. SULCUS LIMITANS - - Marks boundary between -
- Depression on inner wall alar and basal plates
Nodose Ganglion - Big pair of ganglia on top - -
- 2 nd
ganglion of Vagus of both sides of cavity
Nerve - Leads to trachea and
Anterior (Cranial) Cardinal - Close to top of nodose Anterior Sections Shows: -
(Precardinal Vein) ganglia - Paired big vessels
- Pair of ganglia between posterior
section of sacculus
Posterior Sections Shows:
- Paired vessels dorsally
located and close to
Dorsal Aorta - Close to anterior cardinal -
- Pair of artery vein and nodose ganglion
- Towards inner side of body
of embryo

Level of Pharynx
Name and Description Location Function / Cavity/Takes Place Fate Derived From/
Arises From
Spinal Ganglia - On dorsal roots of spinal
4 Pharyngeal Pouches
- On both sides of Parathyroid Parathyroid arises from:
- Lateral recesses inverted u – shaped - Small diverticulum - Dorsal wall of
cavity of pharynx epithelium of 4th
Pharyngeal Pouch
Ultimobranchial body - On ventral wall of 4th - Small depression or
(rudimentary 5 pharyngeal
pharyngeal pouch cavity of epithelial lining
pouch/lateral pouch)
Arytenoid Swellings - Swellings from - Fate of Arytenoid
- Cause for U-shaped pharyngeal floor swellings?
appearance of pharynx Yoq na bes
Glottis - Between pair of - Space or cavity
arytenoid swellings - Leads to larynx
Larynx - Below glottis - Cavity in mesenchymal
Dorsal Aorta - On top of -
- Pair of big blood vessels ultimobranchial body
Anterior Cardinal Vein - Beside dorsal aorta’s -
- Big blood vessels outer periphery
Ventral Aorta - Artery below larynx in POSTERIORLY (anteriorly) FORMED:
- Bears arytenoid swellings mesenchymal mass - Connection of paired 3rd - Paired branchial (aortic)
branchial arch, ventral aorta arch meet to form
ventral aorta
and dorsal aorta
Thyroid Gland (DERIVED)
- Thyroid Gland
- At level between 2nd
o Mass cells below ventral pharyngeal epithelium
aorta and push into
o Found at start of mesenchyme
Eye -
- Studied at level of diencephalon
A. OPTIC CUP - On sides of diencephalon
- Rounded or elongated structure
B. SENSORY RETINA - - Optic nerves emerge from
- Inner thicker layer of optic cup inner retina converges at
choroid fissure on its way
to the brain
C. PIGMENTED EPITHELIUM - - What do you call the
- Outer thinner layer of optic cup brownish pigment in it?
Hay jusq di ko alam
D. LENS VESICLE - - How did it arise???
- Small sac – like structure within Invagination of Skin
optic cup Ectoderm (pls confirm)
Choroid fissure - on ventral rim of optic cup - area where portion of optic
- groove cup is missing (dorsal side)
Optic Stalk - - Connecting optic cup and
- Narrow space diencephalon
Corneal Epithelium - - Skin ectoderm covering lens
Level of the Pulmonary Aorta and Telencephalon
Name and Description Location Function / Cavity/Takes Place Fate Derived From/
Arises From
- Smaller before
Larynx - Small cavity below pharynx
Paired 6th Aortic Arch - on mesenchymal mass - Unites to form arm of Y –
below pharynx shaped figure
Pulmonary Trunk of Conus - - Lower portion of Y – shaped
Arteriosus figure
Bulbus Cordis - - Where pulmonary trunk is
- Chamber of heart extended ventrally
Blood Flow
Ventricle  Bulbus Cordis 
Ventral Aorta  Aortic Arches
Aortic Trunk - Beside pulmonary trunk - Embedded in bulbus cordis
- Blood vessel
Pericardial Cavity - - Where bulbus cordis lies
Telencephalon - Telencephalic Vesicles
- Continuation of diencephalon - Lateral outgrowths
- Ventricle I and III
Interventricular Foramen
- Means of ventricles to
Foramen of Monro
- Communicate ventricle III
of diencephalon with
Telencephalic vesicles
Nasal Pit - On lateral surfaces of head - Elevated regions of What is the fate of the PIT DEEPENING (ARISES)
- Pair of cavities close to upper portion of mesenchyme Lateral and Medial - Olfactory pit
- Olfactory Pit extends to telencephalon - Lateral and medial regions Nasal processes??? invagination and growth
of nasal processes
oral cavity of mesenchyme if moved
Who knows? We
might never know
Posterior Nares/ Nasal
- opening of pit to oral cavity

Nostrils/ External Nares

- external openings
Olfactory Nerves - Between nasal pit and -
- Streak of nerves anteroventral wall of
Synonym: Olfactory Pit telencephalon

Level of Heart and Apical Bronchus

Name and Description Location Function / Cavity/Takes Place Fate Derived From/
Arises From
Esophagus - Beneath paired dorsal aorta
- Tiny, thick – walled circular hole
Trachea - Beneath esophagus - Took place of larynx
- Thick – walled cavity
Apical Bronchus - - Fate? ARISES FROM
Synonym: Eparterial Bronchus Feel ko lungs haha pls Unapired evagination of
confirm trachea on right side
Common Cardinal Veins - Beside dorsal aorta - Marks union of anterior and
- Bigger pair of cardinal veins posterior cardinal veins
Syonyms: Ducts of Cuvier
Sinus Venosus - - Where common cardinals Fate of Openings of
- Thin walled chamber open common cardinals:
Valvulae Venosae ATRIA
- guard the entrance into
Fate of Sinus
- prevents backflow of blood
from atria to sinus venosus IDK
Atrium - Interatrial Septum
- thin walled portion of heart - Marks right and left
- no signs of musculature chambers
Interatrial Foramen
- Small opening between
right and left chambers
Ventricle - Trabeculae Carnae
- Thick walled chamber of - Muscular ridges on
heart ventricle
Interventricular Septum
- Dorsally incomplete
- Presence of
interventricular foramen
Atrioventricular Canal (Left & - What valves will
Right) develop within the
- Keeps atria and ventricles right atrioventricular
canal? Left
atrioventricular canal?
Endocardial Cushion - In between left and right
- Mass of mesenchyme atrioventricular canals
Pericardial Cavity - Cavity enclosing heart
Parietal Pericardium - Lining of Pericardial Cavity
Wall of the Heart
A. Endocardium - Close contact with blood
- Inner layer of heart
B. Myocardium
-Middle and thickest layer of heart
C. Epicardium
- Outer layer of outer lining of heart
Synonym: Visceral Pericardium

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