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Handling Exceptions

Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-1


After completing this lesson, you should be able to do

the following:
• Define PL/SQL exceptions
• Recognize unhandled exceptions
• List and use different types of PL/SQL exception
• Trap unanticipated errors
• Describe the effect of exception propagation in
nested blocks
• Customize PL/SQL exception messages

8-2 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Lesson Aim
You have learned to write PL/SQL blocks with a declarative section and an
executable section. All the SQL and PL/SQL code that must be executed is
written in the executable block.
So far we have assumed that the code works satisfactorily if we take care of
compile-time errors. However, the code may cause some unanticipated errors
at run time. In this lesson, you learn how to deal with such errors in the
PL/SQL block.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-2

Example of an Exception

lname VARCHAR2(15);
SELECT last_name INTO lname FROM employees WHERE

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('John''s last name is : '

8-3 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Example of an Exception
Consider the example shown in the slide. There are no syntax errors in the
code, which means you must be able to successfully execute the anonymous
block. The select statement in the block retrieves the last_name of John. You
see the following output when you execute the code:

The code does not work as expected. You expected the SELECT statement to
retrieve only one row; however, it retrieves multiple rows. Such errors that
occur at run time are called exceptions. When an exception occurs, the
PL/SQL block is terminated. You can handle such exceptions in your PL/SQL

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-3

Example of an Exception

lname VARCHAR2(15);
SELECT last_name INTO lname FROM employees WHERE

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('John''s last name is : '
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Your select statement
retrieved multiple rows. Consider using a
8-4 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Example of an Exception (continued)

You have written PL/SQL blocks with a declarative section (beginning with the
keyword DECLARE) and an executable section (beginning and ending with the
keywords BEGIN and END respectively). For exception handling, you include
another optional section called the exception section. This section begins
with the keyword EXCEPTION. If present, this is the last section in a PL/SQL
block. Examine the EXCEPTION section of the code in the slide. You need not
pay attention to the syntax and statements; you learn about them later in the
The code in the previous slide is rewritten to handle the exception that
occurred. The output of the code is:

Unlike earlier, the PL/SQL program does not terminate abruptly. When the
exception is raised, the control shifts to the exception section and all the
statements in the exception section are executed. The PL/SQL block
terminates with normal, successful completion.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-4

Handling Exceptions with PL/SQL

• An exception is a PL/SQL error that is raised

during program execution.
• An exception can be raised:
– Implicitly by the Oracle server
– Explicitly by the program
• An exception can be handled:
– By trapping it with a handler
– By propagating it to the calling environment

8-5 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Handling Exceptions with PL/SQL

An exception is an error in PL/SQL that is raised during the execution of a
block. A block always terminates when PL/SQL raises an exception, but you
can specify an exception handler to perform final actions before the block
Two Methods for Raising an Exception
• An Oracle error occurs and the associated exception is raised
automatically. For example, if the error ORA-01403 occurs when no rows
are retrieved from the database in a SELECT statement, PL/SQL raises the
exception NO_DATA_FOUND. These errors are converted into predefined
• Depending on the business functionality your program implements, you
may have to explicitly raise an exception. You raise an exception
explicitly by issuing the RAISE statement in the block. The raised
exception may be either user-defined or predefined. There are also some
non-predefined Oracle errors. These errors are any standard Oracle
errors that are not predefined. You can explicitly declare exceptions and
associate them with the non-predefined Oracle errors.
Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-5
Handling Exceptions

Is the
exception Terminate
trapped? No abruptly.


Exception Execute statements Propagate the

is raised. in the EXCEPTION exception.


8-6 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Handling Exceptions
Trapping an Exception
Include an EXCEPTION section in your PL/SQL program to trap exceptions. If
the exception is raised in the executable section of the block, processing then
branches to the corresponding exception handler in the exception section of
the block. If PL/SQL successfully handles the exception, the exception does
not propagate to the enclosing block or to the calling environment. The
PL/SQL block terminates successfully.
Propagating an Exception
If the exception is raised in the executable section of the block and there is no
corresponding exception handler, the PL/SQL block terminates with failure
and the exception is propagated to an enclosing block or to the calling
environment. The calling environment can be any application (such as
SQL*Plus that invokes the PL/SQL program).

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-6

Exception Types

• Predefined Oracle server

• Non-predefined Oracle server } Implicitly raised

• User-defined Explicitly raised

8-7 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Exception Types
There are three types of exceptions.

Exception Description Directions for Handling

Predefined Oracle One of approximately 20 You need not declare these
Server error errors that occur most exceptions. They are predefined by
often in PL/SQL code the Oracle server and are raised
Non-predefined Any other standard Declare within the declarative
Oracle Server error Oracle Server error section and enable the Oracle server
to raise them implicitly.
User-defined error A condition that the Declare in the declarative section
developer determines is and raise explicitly.

Note: Some application tools with client-side PL/SQL (such as Oracle

Developer Forms) have their own exceptions.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-7

Trapping Exceptions

WHEN exception1 [OR exception2 . . .] THEN
. . .
[WHEN exception3 [OR exception4 . . .] THEN
. . .]
. . .]

8-8 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Trapping Exceptions
You can trap any error by including a corresponding handler within the
exception handling section of the PL/SQL block. Each handler consists of a
WHEN clause, which specifies an exception name, followed by a sequence of
statements to be executed when that exception is raised. You can include any
number of handlers within an EXCEPTION section to handle specific
exceptions. However, you cannot have multiple handlers for a single
exception Is the standard name of a predefined exception or the name of a user-
In the syntax: defined exception declared within the declarative section
statement Is one or more PL/SQL or SQL statements
OTHERS Is an optional exception-handling clause that traps any exceptions
that have not been explicitly handled

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-8

Trapping Exceptions (continued)
WHEN OTHERS Exception Handler
The exception-handling section traps only those exceptions that are
specified; any other exceptions are not trapped unless you use the OTHERS
exception handler. This traps any exception not yet handled. For this reason,
OTHERS may be used, and if used it must be the last exception handler that is
Consider the preceding example. If the exception NO_DATA_FOUND is raised by
program, the statements in the corresponding handler are executed. If the
exception TOO_MANY_ROWS is raised, the statements in the corresponding
handler are executed. However, if some other exception is raised, the
statements in the OTHERS exception handler are executed.
The OTHERS handler traps all the exceptions that are not already trapped.
Some Oracle tools have their own predefined exceptions that you can raise to
cause events in the application. The OTHERS handler also traps these

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-9

Guidelines for Trapping Exceptions

• The EXCEPTION keyword starts the exception

handling section.
• Several exception handlers are allowed.
• Only one handler is processed before leaving the
• WHEN OTHERS is the last clause.

8-10 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Guidelines for Trapping Exceptions

• Begin the exception-handling section of the block with the EXCEPTION
• Define several exception handlers, each with its own set of actions, for
the block.
• When an exception occurs, PL/SQL processes only one handler before
leaving the block.
• Place the OTHERS clause after all other exception-handling clauses.
• You can have only one OTHERS clause.
• Exceptions cannot appear in assignment statements or SQL statements.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-10

Trapping Predefined Oracle Server Errors

• Reference the predefined name in the exception-

handling routine.
• Sample predefined exceptions:

8-11 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Trapping Predefined Oracle Server Errors

Trap a predefined Oracle server error by referencing its predefined name
within the corresponding exception-handling routine.
For a complete list of predefined exceptions, see the PL/SQL User’s Guide
and Reference.
Note: PL/SQL declares predefined exceptions in the STANDARD package.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-11

Predefined Exceptions
Exception Name Oracle Description
ACCESS_INTO_NULL ORA- Attempted to assign values to the
06530 attributes of an uninitialized object
CASE_NOT_FOUND ORA- None of the choices in the WHEN clauses
06592 of a CASE statement are selected, and
there is no ELSE clause.
COLLECTION_IS_NULL ORA- Attempted to apply collection methods
06531 other than EXISTS to an uninitialized
nested table or VARRAY
CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN ORA- Attempted to open an already-open cursor
DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX ORA- Attempted to insert a duplicate value
INVALID_CURSOR ORA- Illegal cursor operation occurred.
INVALID_NUMBER ORA- Conversion of character string to number
01722 fails.
LOGIN_DENIED ORA- Logging on to the Oracle server with an
01017 invalid username or password
NO_DATA_FOUND ORA- Single row SELECT returned no data.
NOT_LOGGED_ON ORA- PL/SQL program issues a database call
01012 without being connected to the Oracle
PROGRAM_ERROR ORA- PL/SQL has an internal problem.
ROWTYPE_MISMATCH ORA- Host cursor variable and PL/SQL cursor
06504 variable involved in an assignment have
incompatible return types.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-12

Predefined Exceptions (continued)
Exception Name Oracle Description

STORAGE_ERROR ORA- PL/SQL ran out of memory, or memory is

06500 corrupted.
SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT ORA- Referenced a nested table or VARRAY element
06533 by using an index number larger than the
number of elements in the collection
SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT ORA- Referenced a nested table or VARRAY element
06532 by using an index number that is outside the
legal range (for example, –1)
SYS_INVALID_ROWID ORA- The conversion of a character string into a
01410 universal ROWID fails because the character
string does not represent a valid ROWID.
TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE ORA- Time-out occurred while the Oracle server was
00051 waiting for a resource.
TOO_MANY_ROWS ORA- Single-row SELECT returned more than one
01422 row.
VALUE_ERROR ORA- Arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size-
06502 constraint error occurred.
ZERO_DIVIDE ORA- Attempted to divide by zero

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-13

Trapping Non-Predefined
Oracle Server Errors

Declare Associate Reference

Declarative section EXCEPTION section

Name the Use PRAGMA Handle the raised

exception. EXCEPTION_INIT. exception.

8-14 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Trapping Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors

Non-predefined exceptions are similar to predefined exceptions; however,
they are not defined as PL/SQL exceptions in the Oracle server. They are
standard Oracle errors. You create exceptions with standard Oracle errors by
using the PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT function. Such exceptions are called non-
predefined exceptions.
You can trap a non-predefined Oracle server error by declaring it first. The
declared exception is raised implicitly. In PL/SQL, PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT
tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error
number. That enables you to refer to any internal exception by name and to
write a specific handler for it.
Note: PRAGMA (also called pseudoinstructions) is the keyword that signifies
that the statement is a compiler directive, which is not processed when the
PL/SQL block is executed. Rather, it directs the PL/SQL compiler to interpret
all occurrences of the exception name within the block as the associated
Oracle server error number.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-14

Non-Predefined Error

To trap Oracle server error number –01400

(“cannot insert NULL”):
insert_excep EXCEPTION; 1
(insert_excep, -01400); 2
INSERT INTO departments
(department_id, department_name) VALUES (280, NULL);
WHEN insert_excep THEN

8-15 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Non-Predefined Error
1. Declare the name of the exception in the declarative section.
exception EXCEPTION;
In the syntax, exception is the name of the exception.
2. Associate the declared exception with the standard Oracle server error
number using the PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT function.
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(exception, error_number);
In the syntax, exception is the previously declared exception and
error_number is a standard Oracle server error number.
3. Reference the declared exception within the corresponding exception-
handling routine.
The example in the slide tries to insert the value NULL for the
department_name column of the departments table. However, the operation
is not successfulOracle
because department_name
Database is a NOT NULL
10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals column. Note the
following line in the example:
Functions for Trapping Exceptions

• SQLCODE: Returns the numeric value for the error

• SQLERRM: Returns the message associated with
the error number

8-16 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Functions for Trapping Exceptions

When an exception occurs, you can identify the associated error code or error
message by using two functions. Based on the values of the code or the
message, you can decide which subsequent actions to take.
SQLCODE returns the Oracle error number for internal exceptions. SQLERRM
returns the message associated with the error number.
Function Description
SQLCODE Returns the numeric value for the error code (You can assign it to a
NUMBER variable.)
SQLERRM Returns character data containing the message associated with the error

SQLCODE Values: Examples

SQLCODE Value Description
0 No exception encountered
1 User-defined exception
+100 NO_DATA_FOUND exception
negative number Another Oracle server error number

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-16

Functions for Trapping Exceptions

error_code NUMBER;
error_message VARCHAR2(255);
error_code := SQLCODE ;
error_message := SQLERRM ;
INSERT INTO errors (e_user, e_date, error_code,
error_message) VALUES(USER,SYSDATE,error_code,

8-17 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Functions for Trapping Exceptions (continued)

When an exception is trapped in the WHEN OTHERS exception handler, you can
use a set of generic functions to identify those errors. The example in the
slide illustrates the values of SQLCODE and SQLERRM assigned to variables,
and then those variables being used in a SQL statement.
You cannot use SQLCODE or SQLERRM directly in a SQL statement. Instead, you
must assign their values to local variables and then use the variables in the
SQL statement, as shown in the following example:
err_num NUMBER;
err_msg VARCHAR2(100);
err_num := SQLCODE;
err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100);
INSERT INTO errors VALUES (err_num, err_msg);
END; Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-17
Trapping User-Defined Exceptions

Declare Raise Reference

Declarative Executable Exception-handling

section section section

Name the Explicitly raise Handle the raised

exception. the exception by exception.
using the RAISE

8-18 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Trapping User-Defined Exceptions

PL/SQL enables you to define your own exceptions depending on the
requirements of your application. For example, you may prompt the user to
enter a department number.
Define an exception to deal with error conditions in the input data. Check
whether the department number exists. If it does not, then you may have to
raise the user-defined exception.
PL/SQL exceptions must be:
• Declared in the declarative section of a PL/SQL block
• Raised explicitly with RAISE statements
• Handled in the EXCEPTION section

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-18

Trapping User-Defined Exceptions
ACCEPT deptno PROMPT 'Please enter the department number:'
ACCEPT name PROMPT 'Please enter the department name:'
invalid_department EXCEPTION; 1
name VARCHAR2(20):='&name';
deptno NUMBER :=&deptno;
UPDATE departments
SET department_name = name
WHERE department_id = deptno;
RAISE invalid_department; 2
WHEN invalid_department THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No such department id.');

8-19 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Trapping User-Defined Exceptions (continued)

You trap a user-defined exception by declaring it and raising it explicitly.
1. Declare the name of the user-defined exception within the declarative
exception EXCEPTION;
In the syntax, exception is the name of the exception.
2. Use the RAISE statement to raise the exception explicitly within the
executable section.
RAISE exception;
In the syntax, exception is the previously declared exception.
3. Reference the declared exception within the corresponding exception-
handling routine.
This block updates theDatabase
Oracle 10g: PL/SQLofFundamentals
department_name a department.8-19
The user supplies
department number and the new name. If the user enters a department
Calling Environments

iSQL*Plus Displays error number and message to screen

Procedure Builder Displays error number and message to screen

Oracle Developer Accesses error number and message in an

Forms ON-ERROR trigger by means of the
Precompiler Accesses exception number through the
application SQLCA data structure
An enclosing Traps exception in exception-handling routine
PL/SQL block of enclosing block

8-20 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Calling Environments
Instead of trapping an exception within the PL/SQL block, propagate the
exception to allow the calling environment to handle it. Each calling
environment has its own way of displaying and accessing errors.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-20

Propagating Exceptions in a Subblock

. . .
no_rows exception;
integrity exception;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (integrity, -2292);
FOR c_record IN emp_cursor LOOP
Subblocks can handle BEGIN
an exception or pass UPDATE ...
the exception to the IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
enclosing block. RAISE no_rows;
WHEN integrity THEN ...
WHEN no_rows THEN ...

8-21 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Propagating Exceptions in a Subblock

When a subblock handles an exception, it terminates normally. Control
resumes in the enclosing block immediately after the subblock’s END
However, if a PL/SQL raises an exception and the current block does not have
a handler for that exception, the exception propagates to successive
enclosing blocks until it finds a handler. If none of these blocks handle the
exception, an unhandled exception in the host environment results.
When the exception propagates to an enclosing block, the remaining
executable actions in that block are bypassed.
One advantage of this behavior is that you can enclose statements that
require their own exclusive error handling in their own block, while leaving
more general exception handling to the enclosing block.
Note in the example that the exceptions, no_rows and integrity, are
declared in the outer block. In the inner block, when the no_rows exception is
raised, PL/SQL looks for the exception to be handled in the subblock.
Because the exception is not handled in the subblock, the exception
propagates to the outer block, where PL/SQL finds the handler.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-21


raise_application_error (error_number,
message[, {TRUE | FALSE}]);

• You can use this procedure to issue user-defined

error messages from stored subprograms.
• You can report errors to your application and
avoid returning unhandled exceptions.

8-22 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Use the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure to communicate a predefined
exception interactively by returning a nonstandard error code and error
message. With RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, you can report errors to your
application and avoid returning unhandled exceptions.
In the syntax:
error_number Is a user-specified number for the exception between –20000
and –20999
message Is the user-specified message for the exception; is a character string
up to 2,048 bytes long
TRUE | FALSE Is an optional Boolean parameter (If TRUE, the error is placed
on the stack of previous errors. If FALSE, which is the default, the
error replaces all previous errors.)

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-22


• Used in two different places:

– Executable section
– Exception section
• Returns error conditions to the user in a manner
consistent with other Oracle server errors

8-23 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR Procedure (continued)

The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure can be used in either the
executable section or the exception section of a PL/SQL program, or both.
The returned error is consistent with how the Oracle server produces a
predefined, non-predefined, or user-defined error. The error number and
message are displayed to the user.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-23


Executable section:
DELETE FROM employees
WHERE manager_id = v_mgr;
'This is not a valid manager');

Exception section:
'Manager is not a valid employee.');

8-24 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR Procedure (continued)

The slide shows that the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure can be used
in both the executable and the exception sections of a PL/SQL program.
Here is another example of using the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure:
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (e_name, -20999);
DELETE FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Higgins';
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20999,'This is not a
valid last name');
WHEN e_name THEN
-- handle the error
/ Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-24

In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Define PL/SQL exceptions
• Add an EXCEPTION section to the PL/SQL block to
deal with exceptions at run time
• Handle different types of exceptions:
– Predefined exceptions
– Non-predefined exceptions
– User-defined exceptions
• Propagate exceptions in nested blocks and call

8-25 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

In this lesson, you learned how to deal with different types of exceptions. In
PL/SQL, a warning or error condition at run time is called an exception.
Predefined exceptions are error conditions that are defined by the Oracle
server. Non-predefined exceptions can be any standard Oracle server errors.
User-defined exceptions are exceptions specific to your application. The
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT function can be used to associate a declared
exception name with an Oracle server error.
You can define exceptions of your own in the declarative section of any
PL/SQL block.
For example, you can define an exception named INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS to
flag overdrawn bank accounts.
When an error occurs, an exception is raised. Normal execution stops and
transfers control to the exception-handling section of your PL/SQL block.
Internal exceptions are raised implicitly (automatically) by the run-time
system; however, user-defined exceptions must be raised explicitly. To
handle raised exceptions, you write separate routines called exception

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-25

Practice 8: Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Handling named exceptions
• Creating and invoking user-defined exceptions

8-26 Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice 8: Overview
In this practice, you create exception handlers for specific situations.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-26

Practice 8
1. The purpose of this example is to show the usage of predefined
exceptions. Write a PL/SQL block to select the name of the employee
with a given salary value.
– Delete all records in the messages table. Use the DEFINE command
to define a variable sal and initialize it to 6000.
– In the declarative section declare two variables: ename of type
employees.last_name and emp_sal of type employees.salary.
Pass the value of the substitution variables to emp_sal.
– In the executable section, retrieve the last names of employees
whose salaries are equal to the value in emp_sal.
Note: Do not use explicit cursors.
If the salary entered returns only one row, insert into the messages
table the employee’s name and the salary amount.
– If the salary entered does not return any rows, handle the exception
with an appropriate exception handler and insert into the messages
table the message “No employee with a salary of <salary>.”
– If the salary entered returns more than one row, handle the
exception with an appropriate exception handler and insert into the
messages table the message “More than one employee with a salary
of <salary>.”
f. Handle any other exception with an appropriate exception handler
and insert into the messages table the message “Some other error
g. Display the rows from the messages table to check whether the
PL/SQL block has executed successfully. Sample output is shown

1. The purpose of this example is to show how to declare exceptions with a

standard Oracle server error. Use the Oracle server error ORA-02292
(integrity constraint violated – child record found).
• In the declarative section, declare an exception
childrecord_exists. Associate the declared exception with the
standard Oracle server error –02292.
• In the executable section, display ‘Deleting department 40.....’.
Include a DELETE statement to delete the department with
department_id 40.
Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-27
Practice 8 (continued)
• Include an exception section to handle the childrecord_exists
exception and display the appropriate message. Sample output is
shown below.

• Load the script lab_07_04_soln.sql.

• Observe the declarative section of the outer block. Note that the
no_such_employee exception is declared.
• Look for the comment “RAISE EXCEPTION HERE.” If the value of
emp_id is not between 100 and 206, then raise the
no_such_employee exception.
BLOCK” and handle the exceptions no_such_employee and
too_many_rows. Display appropriate messages when the
exceptions occur. The employees table has only one employee
working in the HR department and therefore the code is written
accordingly. The too_many_rows exception is handled to indicate
that the select statement retrieves more than one employee working
in the HR department.
• Close the outer block.
• Save your script as lab_08_03_soln.sql.
• Execute the script. Enter the employee number and the department
number and observe the output. Enter different values and check for
different conditions.
The sample output for employee ID 203 and department ID 100 is
shown below.

Oracle Database 10g: PL/SQL Fundamentals 8-28

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