Therapy Worksheet (Page 1 of 2) : A. VALIDITY: Are The Results of This Single Preventive or Therapeutic Trial Valid?

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Title of the article : ……………………………………….

First authors : ……………………………………….
Journal : ……………………………………….

A. VALIDITY: Are the results of this single preventive or therapeutic trial valid?

Was the assignment of patients to treatments

 and was the randomisation list concealed?

Were all patients who entered the trial accounted for at

its conclusion?
 and were they analysed in the groups to which
they were randomised?

Were patients and clinicians kept “blind”

to which treatment was being received?

Aside from the experimental treatment,

were the groups treated equally?

Were the groups similar at the start of the trial?

Sample calculations:

Occurrence of diabetic Relative Risk Absolute Risk Number Needed

neuropathy Reduction Reduction to Treat
Usual Insulin Intensive CER - EER CER - EER 1/ARR
Control Event Insulin CER
Rate Experimental
CER Event Rate
9.6% 2.8% 9.6% - 2.8% = 9.6% - 2.8% = 1/6.8% = 15
71% 6.8% pts,
9.6% (4.3% to 9.3%) (11 to 23)
95% Confidence Interval (CI) on an NNT = 1 / (limits on the CI of its ARR) =

Your calculations:

Relative Risk Absolute Risk Number Needed to

Reduction (RRR) Reduction (ARR) Treat (NNT)


C. APPLICABILITY: Can you apply this valid, important evidence about a
treatment in caring for your patient?
1. Do these results apply to your patient?
Is your patient so different from those
in the trial that its results can’t help

How great would the potential benefit

of therapy actually be for your
individual patient?

Method I: f f = Risk of the outcome in your patient,

relative to patients in the trial. expressed as a
decimal = ……….
NNT for patients like yours = NNT/f = ….../ …
= ………

Method II: 1 / (PEER x RRR) PEER = Your patient’s expected event rate if
they received the control treatment = ……..
(NNT for patients like yours) =
1 / (PEER x RRR) = 1/ ………….= ………

2. Are your patient’s values and preferences satisfied by the regimen and its
Do your patient and you have a clear
assessment of their values and

Are they met by this regimen and its


Additional Notes:

Are the results of this systematic review of therapy valid?

Is it a systematic review of randomised trials
of the treatment you’re interested in?

Does it include a methods section that

finding and including all the relevant

assessing their individual validity?

Were the results consistent from study to


Are the valid results of this systematic review important?

Translating odds ratios to NNTs. The numbers in the body of the table are the NNTs for the
corresponding odds ratios at that particular patient’s expected event rate (PEER).

Odds Ratios (OR)

0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5
.05 2091 139 104 83 69 59 52 46 412
.10 110 73 54 43 36 31 27 24 21
Control .20 61 40 30 24 20 17 14 13 11
Event .30 46 30 22 18 14 12 10 9 8
Rate .40 40 26 19 15 12 10 9 8 7
(CER) .503 38 25 18 14 11 9 8 7 6
.70 44 28 20 16 13 10 9 7 6
.90 1014 64 46 34 27 22 18 15 125


1 The relative risk reduction (RRR) here is 10%.
2 The RRR here is 49%
3 For any OR, NNT is lowest when PEER = .50
4 The RRR here is 1%
5 The RRR here is 9%
Can you apply this valid, important evidence from a systematic review in caring for
your patient?
Do these results apply to your patient?
Is your patient so different from those
in the overview that its results can’t
help you?

How great would the potential benefit

of therapy actually be for your
individual patient?

Method I: In the table on page 1, find

the intersection of the closest odds
ratio from the overview and the CER
that is closest to your patient’s
expected event rate if they received
the control treatment (PEER):
Method II: To calculate the NNT for
any OR and PEER:

___1 - {PEER x (1 -
NNT = (1 - PEER) x PEER x (1 -
Are your patient’s values and preferences satisfied by the regimen and its
Do your patient and you have a clear
assessment of their values and

Are they met by this regimen and its


Should you believe apparent qualitative differences in the efficacy of therapy in some
subgroups of patients? Only if you can say “yes” to all of the following:
1. Do they really make biologic and clinical sense?
2. Is the qualitative difference both clinically (beneficial for some but useless or harmful for
others) and statistically significant?
3. Was this difference hypothesised before the study began (rather than the product of
dredging the data), and has it been confirmed in other, independent studies?
4. Was this one of just a few subgroup analyses carried out in this study?

Additional Notes:

Are the results of this diagnostic study valid?

1. Was there an independent, blind
comparison with a reference (“gold”)
standard of diagnosis?

2. Was the diagnostic test evaluated in an

appropriate spectrum of patients (like
those in whom it would be used in

3. Was the reference standard applied

regardless of the diagnostic test result?

Are the valid results of this diagnostic study important?

Target Disorder Totals
(iron deficiency anaemia)
Present Absent
Diagnostic Positive 731 b 270 a+b
Test Result (<65 mmol/L) a 1001
(serum ferritin) Negative 78 d 1500 c+d
(>65 mmol/L) c 1578
Totals 809 b+d 1770 a+b+c+d
a+c 2579
Sensitivity = a/(a+c) = 731/809 = 90% Specificity = d/(b+d) = 1500/1770 =
Likelihood Ratio for a positive test result = LR+=sens/(1-spec)=90%/15%=6
Likelihood Ratio for a negative test result=LR-=(1-sens)/spec=10%/85%=0.12
Positive Predictive Value = a/(a+b) = 731/1001 = 73%
Negative Predictive Value = d/(c+d) = 1500/1578 = 95%
Pre-test Probability (prevalence) = (a+c)/(a+b+c+d) = 809/2579 = 32%
Pre-test-odds = prevalence/(1-prevalence) = 31%/69% = 0.45
Post-test odds = Pre-test odds x Likelihood Ratio
Post-test Probability = Post-test odds/(Post-test odds + 1)

Target Disorder Totals

Present Absent
Diagnostic Positive a b a+b
Test Result
Negative c d c+d

Totals a+c b+d 1770 a+b+c+d

Sensitivity = a/(a+c) = Specificity = d/(b+d) =

Likelihood Ratio for a positive test result = LR+=sens/(1-spec)=
Likelihood Ratio for a negative test result=LR-=(1-sens)/spec=
Positive Predictive Value = a/(a+b) = Negative Predictive Value = d/(c+d) =
Pre-test Probability (prevalence) = (a+c)/(a+b+c+d) =
Pre-test-odds = prevalence/(1-prevalence) =
Post-test odds = Pre-test odds x Likelihood Ratio =
Post-test Probability = Post-test odds/(Post-test odds + 1) =
Can you apply this valid, important evidence about a diagnostic test in caring for your patient?
Is the diagnostic test available, affordable,
accurate, and precise in your setting?

Can you generate a clinically sensible

estimate of your patient’s pre-test probability
(from practice data, from personal
experience, from the report itself, or from
clinical speculation)

Will the resulting post-test probabilities affect

your management and help your patient?
(Could it move you across a test-treatment
threshold?; Would your patient be a willing
partner in carrying it out?)

Would the consequences of the test help

your patient?

Additional Notes:

Are the results of this prognosis study valid?

1. Was a defined, representative sample of
patients assembled at a common (usually
early) point in the course of their disease?

2. Was patient follow-up sufficiently long and


3. Were objective outcome criteria applied in

a “blind” fashion?

4. If subgroups with different prognoses are

identified, was there adjustment for
important prognostic factors?

5. Was there validation in an independent

group (“test-set”) of patients?


Are the valid results of this prognosis study important?

1. How likely are the outcomes over time?

2. How precise are the prognostic


If you want to calculate a Confidence Interval around the measure of Prognosis:

Clinical Measure Standard Error (SE) Typical calculation of CI
Proportion (as in the rate of some  {p x (1-p) / n} If p = 24/60 = 0.4 (or 40%) &
prognostic event, etc) where: where p is proportion and n is n=60
number of patients
the number of patients = n SE={0.4 x (1-0.4) / 60} = 0.063
(or 6.3%)
the proportion of these patients
who experience the event = p 95% CI is 40% +/- 1.96 x 6.3% or
27.6% to 52.4%

 {p x (1-p) / n} Your calculation:

n from your evidence: ________ where p is proportion and n is
number of patients SE: ____________

p from your evidence: ________ 95% CI:

Can you apply this valid, important evidence about prognosis in caring for your
1. Were the study patients similar to your

2. Will this evidence make a clinically

important impact on your conclusions
about what to offer or tell your patient?

Additional Notes:
HARM/AETIOLOGY WORKSHEET: Page 1 of 2 Sackett June 1996

Citation: PROGNOSIS WORKSHEET (page 2 of 2)

Are the results of this harm study valid?

1. Were there clearly defined groups of
patients, similar in all important ways other
than exposure to the treatment or other

2. Were treatment exposures and clinical

outcomes measured the same ways in both
groups (e.g., was the assessment of
outcomes either objective (e.g., death) or
blinded to exposure)?

3. Was the follow-up of study patients

complete and long enough?

Do the results satisfy some “diagnostic tests for

 Is it clear that the exposure
preceded the onset of the
 Is there a dose-response gradient?

 Is there positive evidence from a

“dechallenge-rechallenge” study?

 Is the association consistent from

study to study?

 Does the association make

biological sense?

Are the valid results from this harm study important?

Adverse Outcome Totals
Present Absent
(Case) (Control)
Exposed to the Yes
(Cohort) a b a+b
Treatment No c d c+d
Totals a+c b+d a+b+c+d
In a randomised trial or cohort study: Relative Risk = RR = [a/(a+b)]/[c/(c+d)]
In a case-control study: Odds Ratio (or Relative Odds) = OR = ad/bc

In this study:

Should these valid, potentially important results of a critical appraisal about a harmful
treatment change the treatment of your patient?
1. Can the study results be extrapolated to
your patient?

2. What are your patient’s risks of the adverse

To calculate the NNH6 for any Odds Ratio
(OR) and your Patient’s Expected Event
Rate for this adverse event if they were
NOT exposed to this treatment (PEER):

NNH = PEER (OR - 1) + 1 .

PEER (OR - 1) x (1 - PEER)

3. What are your patient’s preferences,

concerns and expectations from this

4. What alternative treatments are available?

Additional Notes:

6 The Number of Patients you Need to treat to Harm one of them.

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS WORKSHEET: Page 1 of 2 Sackett June 1996


Are the results of this economic analysis valid?

1. Is this report really asking an economic

 comparing well-defined alternative

courses of action?

 with a specified point-of-view (a hospital, a

ministry of health, or preferably society as
a whole) from which the costs and effects
are being viewed?
 With clinically useful expressions of the
costs and consequences of the alternative
courses of clinical action?
 Effects equal, and a simple
comparison of costs: “cost-
minimisation” analysis.
 Effects unequal but measured in
the same common unit of health:
“cost-effectiveness analysis.”
 Effects both unequal and
measured in more than one kind
of unit of health.
 Converted into monetary
units: “cost-benefit
 Converted into personal
preferences or utilities
(QALYs): “cost-utility
2. Does it cite good evidence (that would
meet the Therapy, Diagnosis, or Overview
Guides) on the efficacy/accuracy of the

3. Does it identify all the costs and effects

you think it should, and did it select
credible measures for them?

Are the valid results from this economic analysis important?

1. Are the resulting costs or costs/unit of
health gained impressive?

2. Are the conclusions unlikely to change

with sensible changes in costs and
A “league table” of costs to gain one additional quality adjusted life year (QALY):
Treatment (£ Aug. 1990)
Cholesterol testing and diet therapy (all adults aged 40-69) 220
Neurosurgical intervention for head injury 240
Advice to stop smoking from general practitioner 270
Neurosurgical intervention for subarachnoid haemorrhage 490
Antihypertensive treatment to prevent stroke (ages 45-64) 940
Pacemaker implantation 1100
Hip replacement 1180
Valve replacement for aortic stenosis 1140
Coronary artery bypass graft (left main vessel disease, severe angina) 2090
Kidney transplant 4710
Breast cancer screening 5780
Heart transplantation 7840
Cholesterol testing and treatment (incrementally) of all adults aged 25-39 14,150
Home haemodialysis 17,260
Coronary artery bypass graft (one vessel disease, moderate angina) 18,830
Continuous ambulatory periotoneal dialysis 19,870
Hospital haemodialysis 21,970
Erythropoietin treatment for anaemia in dialysis patients (assuming
10% reduction in mortality) 54,380
Neurosurgical intervention for malignant intracranial tumours 107,780
Erythropoietin treatment for anaemia in dialysis patients (assuming
no increase in survival) 126,290
adapted from: Mason J, Drummond M, Torrance G: Some guidelines on the use of cost-
effectiveness league tables. BMJ 1993;306:570-2.

Should this economic analysis be applied in your practice?

1. Do the costs in it apply in your own

2. Are the treatments likely to be as effective

in your setting?

3. Is it worth it?
 If a cost-minimisation analysis, is the
difference in costs big enough to warrant
switching over to the cheaper one?

 If a cost-effectiveness analysis, is the

difference in effectiveness great enough
for you to want to spend the difference?

 If a cost-utility analysis, where does it lie

in your local, current league table?

Additional Comments:
DECISION ANALYSIS WORKSHEET: Page 1 of 1 Sackett Revised July 20, 1996

Are the results of this clinical decision analysis valid?

1. Were all the important clinical strategies

and outcomes included?

2. Are the probabilities credible? (Was an

explicit and sensible process used to
identify, select, and combine the best
external evidence into probabilities?)

3. Are the utilities credible? (Were the

utilities obtained in an explicit and
sensible way from credible sources?)

4. Was the robustness of the conclusion

tested? (Was the impact of clinically
sensible differences in probabilities and
utilities determined?)

Are the valid results from this decision analysis important?

1. Did one course of action lead to clinically
important gains in life-expectancy or other
utility measure?

2. Was the same course of action preferred

despite clinically sensible changes in
probabilities and utilities?

Should this decision analysis be applied in your practice?

Do the probabilities apply to your patient?

If not, can you adjust them appropriately?

Can your patient state their utilities in a

usable and stable form?

Additional Notes:
GUIDELINES WORKSHEET: Page 1 of 2 Sackett Revised July 21, 1996


Are the recommendations in this guideline valid?

1. Were all important decision options and
outcomes clearly specified?

2. Was the evidence relevant to each

decision option identified, validated, and
combined in a sensible and explicit way?

3. Are the relative preferences that key

stakeholders attach to the outcomes of
decisions (including benefits, risks and
costs) identified and explicitly considered?

4. Is the guideline resistant to clinically

sensible variations in practice?

Is this valid guideline or strategy potentially useful?

1. Does this guideline offer an opportunity for
significant improvement in the quality of
health care practice?

 Is there a large variation in current


 Does the guideline contain new evidence

(or old evidence not yet acted upon) that
could have an important impact on

 Would the guideline affect the

management of so many people, or
concern individuals at such high risk, or
involve such high costs that even small
changes in practice could have major
impacts on health outcomes or resources
(including opportunity costs)?

Should this guideline or strategy be applied in your practice?

1. What barriers exist to its implementation?

Can they be overcome?

2. Can you enlist the collaboration of key


3. Can you meet the educational,

administrative, and economic conditions
that are likely to determine the success or
failure of implementing the strategy?
 credible synthesis of the evidence by
a respected body

 respected, influential local exemplars

already implementing the strategy

 consistent information from all

relevant sources

 opportunity for individual discussions

about the strategy with an authority
 user-friendly format for guidelines

 implementable within target group of

clinicians (without the need for
extensive outside collaboration)
 freedom from conflict with economic
incentives, administrative incentives,
patient expectations, and community

Additional Comments:

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