Black Tea's Health Advantages and Disadvantages: Hormones

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Black Tea


Hormones Black Tea's Health Advantages and Disadvantages

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HRT,Clomid,HCG Green tea is remarkable: it reduces heart disease risk, cancer risk
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Increase T Naturally to us Americans, black tea? Does black tea help or hurt the
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The answer to that is not as simple as it sounds. Black tea is
known to be loaded with polyphenols and phytochemicals that
Sex and Erections promote health. Unfortunately, the fermentation process that
Better Erections black tea goes through converts almost all of the EGCG
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(contained in green tea) to other less effective compounds.
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three or more cups were consumed per day cardiovascular risk
would be significantly reduced. [1] Furthermore, it likely
provides protection against a host of ills due to its blood glucose-
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Diabetes/Prediabetes What about erections? Will black tea help your sex life? This has
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2. Endothelial Function. Erections are all about the
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3. Blood Flow. The same study above [2] found that "flow
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Ad: Now I love black tea - it's probably my favorite day-to-day
beverage, yet I am very cautious about it. Why? The reason has
nothing to do with the heart or penis but rather the brain.
Scientists have always know that flouride tends to accumulate in
black tea and believe that this is the reason that it likely has not
done very well in cognition and brain-related studies.

Fluoride, as it turns out, is very hard on the brain and caused

increased oxidation and cell death. [5] It also worsens the effects
of aluminum in the brain [6], another very common dementia-
related element.

1 di 2 06/07/2014 18.28
Black Tea

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Of course, the question, when it comes to flouride, is dosage.

Does black tea have enough flouride to merit concern. It has
long been known that instant tea accumulates enough flouride to
even cause troubles in the short term, but scientists did not know
what to think about regular black tea over long time periods.

A recent study raised even higher levels of concern when

researchers found that black tea contained much higher levels of
flouride than previously thought. Previous studies had shown 1
to 5 mg/liter of fluoride in black tea but the level was actually
found to be about 9 mg/liter. [6] This level is high enough to
cause concern because it could lead to bone and skeletal issues,
another issue with fluoride consumption, for heavy tea drinkers.
And if it is causing bone issues, it will simultaneously be
wreaking havoc with your neurons as well.

So, for the sake of your brain, black tea is definitely a drink that
should be consumed in moderation and some researchers might
even argue sparingly. Green tea is much safer and more powerful

CAUTION: If you have a medical condition or are on any medications, please

discuss any changes with your doctor first. Certain supplements, foods and even
juices can alter absorption rates of certain medications for example. Play it


1) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007, 61:3–18, "Black

tea – helpful or harmful? A review of the evidence"

2) Circulation, 2001, 104:151–156, "Short- and long-term black

tea consumption reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with
coronary artery disease"

3) Am J Cardiol, Jun 1 2004, 93:1384–1388, "Black tea increases

coronary flow rate velocity reserve in healthy male subjects"

4) "Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes." Chen, H.,

Journal of Food Science, published online June 30, 2009

5) Toxicology, Jul 17 2007, 236(3):208-216, "Effects of fluoride

on the expression of NCAM, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in
primary cultured hippocampal neurons"

6) Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 1999, 107(1):15-21,

"Fluoride Enhances the Effect of Aluminium Chloride on
Interconnections Between Aggregates of Hippocampal Neurons"


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