Measurement of Gear Elements

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Prof. Dr Kanakuppi Sadashivappa

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology Davangere

Lecture – 26
Measurement of Gear Elements

(Refer Slide Time: 00:19)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:28)

I welcome you all for module number 7 and lecture number 2 on gear measurement in this
lecture number 2, we will cover the following topics gear tooth measurement by gear tooth
vernier caliper, constant chord method, base tangent method, pitch measurement, gear tooth
involute form inspection.
Then gear run out measurement also we will discuss about Parkinson gear tester backlash
checking internal gear measurement and finally we discuss about visual inspection of gears.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:16)

We will study how to use gear tooth caliper for measurement of tooth thickness.
(Video Starts: 01:28)
Now we can observe the gear tooth vernier caliper in horizontal scale of the caliper the main
scale and vernier and now we can observe the vertical scale of the gear tooth vernier the main
scale and vernier of vertical scale of gear tooth caliper. We can see the full view of vernier

Now we can observe how to measure the tooth thickness using the gear tooth Vernier caliper
theoretical values should be calculated the vertical blade should be moved and then the gear
tooth vernier caliper is placed on the gear tooth and then the horizontal movable jaw of the
horizontal scale should be adjusted and then thickness can be measured.
(Video Ends: 02:34)
(Refer Slide Time: 02:35)
Now let us move to the another method of measurement of tooth thickness that is constant
chord method in this diagram we can see the w is chordal thickness is measured at the pitch
line at depth of d now the expressions chordal thickness expressions and the depth
expressions used for measurement for calculated for tooth thickness these expressions contain
the value N that is number of teeth.

Both the expressions w and depth contains the number of teeth N if a large number of gears
for a number of set each having different values of N are to be tested then separate
calculations would become laborious.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:42)
In such cases the method of constant chord is useful method so this constant chord is used in
dimension since it has the same nominal value for all gears of a common system irrespective
of number of teeth provided that the backlash allowance is same on all gears.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:10)

Now in the diagram we can see C is the constant chord it is the distance between point A and
point B we have the point A here and we have point B here. A constant chord is a chord
between the points at which the gear tooth profile touches the flank of the basic rack of the
system and here you can see basic rack of the system this is the gear profile they meet at
point A here and point B here the distance between the these2 points AB is the constant
(Refer Slide Time: 05:03)
Now from this geometry we can derive the expression for constant chord is =2AC that is
distance from A to C from C to B =2AC this is the constant chord C from this geometry we
can derive the expression C=(pie/2)m cos squared X is the pressure angle and similarly we
can derive the expression for depth d that is d=addendum-PC so this gap we have to detect
from addendum so d=addendum-PC.

So the final expression is d=m(1-pie/4)cos X x sin X where X is pressure angle so these 2

expressions are for spur gear for helical gear we can get the expressions for constant chord
=pie/2Mn x cos square Xn, where Mn is normal module, and Xn = normal pressure angle and
d =Mn (1-(pie/4) cos Xn x cos Xn x sinXn).

Now we have to fix the value of d in the vernier caliper after finding the value of d and then
we can measure the value of C that is constant chord and the measured value can be
compared with the theoretical value to find error.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:56)

Now we will have numerical Problem we required to determine the chordal thickness of a
gear with 45 teeth and module 4 millimeter and pressure angle 20 degree also we have to
determine the value of constant chord.

Now the data that is given is N = 45 and module = 4mm pressure angle = 20 degrees, so
chordal thickness which is measured and the pitch line, so this is the chordal thickness this is
=N x m sin(90/N) so N is 45 and module is 4 millimeter and N is again 45 so this value of
chordal thickness is 6.28 millimeter and constant chord c = (pie/2) x m x cos square alpha so
alpha is 20 degrees and m is 4 millimeter so we get the value of constant chord that is 5.5
millimeter now for this diagram we can see the constant chord is measured slightly above the
pitch line so that is this AB is the constant chord, whereas the chordal thickness is measured
at the pitch line this is the pitch line, so the constant chord value will be < the chordal
(Refer Slide Time: 08:39)

Now we will move on to another method of measurement of gear tooth that is base tangent
method. This method uses an instrument called David Brown tangent comparator or we can
use a flange comparator the measurement of tooth thickness by using the gear tooth vernier
has some disadvantages.

The vernier is not reliable to closer than 0.02 millimeter the measurement depend on 2
readings d that is depth and constant chord or chordal thickness each of which is a function of
the other measurement is made with edges of the measuring jaws so we can see here the tooth
thickness is measured using the edges of the gear tooth not their face so which does not lend
itself to accurate measurement.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:05)
These problems can be overcome by measuring the span over a convenient number of teeth
we can see here we can select some number like 4 teeth or 3 teeth or 5 teeth, so we can select
the spam over the convenient number of teeth and we can measure the width we can use
David brown tangent comparator which consists of limited movement micrometer.

So this is the moving anvil and this is the fixed anvil the distance between the moving anvil
and fixed anvil can be set using slip gauges and then we have locking ring to lock the position
of fixed angle setting cubes will give approximate dimension w this is the base circle so this
is the tangent to base circle, so we can always use gear flange micrometer also for
measurement of width over the convenient number of teeth.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:31)
The measurement principle consists of measuring the distance between flanks of together
lying teeth this provides accurate indications about the tooth thickness and requires a precise
caliper or a micrometer no special instruments are needed we should choose a number of
teeth such that measurement is made approximately at the pitch circle of the gear you can see
here this is the base circle and this the pitch circle.

So the measurement is we should select the number of teeth such that the measurement is
made approximately at the pitch line so this is the pitch line of the pitch circle of the gear at
this point the tooth form is most likely to conform to a true involute.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:36)

Now we consider a straight edge ABC so this is the straight edge A, B, C of length AC being
rolled back and forth along a base circle that is line A,B,C is rolled back and forth like this
along a base circle this is the base circle its ends A and C this is the end A and end C its end A
and C will sweep out opposed involutes A1AA2 and this is A1 A A2 and C2CC1.

There is C2 C C1measurements made across these opposed involutes by span gauging will be
constant that is W= AC=A1C1=A2C2=Arc A0B0 that is. the arc length of the base circle
between the origins of the involutes.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:21)
Therefore, the position of the measuring faces of the instrument is unimportant as long as
they are parallel and on an opposed pair of true involutes in the formulas and in the tables the
theoretical tooth thickness is always indicated the probable backlash should be deducted from
that value In this picture a gear is being inspected by flange micrometre by adopting base
tangent method.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:05)

The following formula indicates the theoretical measurement across a certain number of teeth
for the involute gear, so Wk is the base tangent length=m cos (alpha) [(k-0.5)pie+Z(tan
(alpha)-alpha)] in which Wk is the distance between the flanges of the instrument in
millimeter or base tangent length m is module and alpha is the pressure angle.
k is number of teeth between the flanges you can see here w3 is the base tangent length for
number of teeth = 3 and w5 is base tangent when the number of teeth selected are 5 and
z=number of teeth of the gear to be checked.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:16)

In order to avoid the calculation of the value of Wk for every case tables are prepared for all
ordinary tooth numbers module and for pressure angles 14degree 30minutes and 20 degree.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:33)

Now, we can see here the prepared table, which will give directly the value of Wk theoretical
value of Wk alpha is pressure for alpha of 14 degree 30minutes and for different value of z
equals number of teeth of the gear and for different number of teeth between the flanges so k
is number of between the flanges and Wk is theoretical dimension with module 1.
So for different z values 5, 6, 7, 49, 50, 60, 102, 103, 104 different values of z for different
values k values k=2, k=4, k=5, k=9 so like this different k value and for module 1 this table
will give the base tangent length.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:38)

Now we have the numerical problems we are required to determine the base tangent length of
a spur gear having 5 teeth, module1 pressure angle 14.5 degree and number of tooth spaces
contained between the lips of the instrument is 2 that is k= 2 module=1 alpha=14.5 degree
z=5, so we use this relationship expression for finding the tangent length so after inserting the
values we get the base tangent length of 4.59 millimeter.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:35)
Now we have another numerical problem determining the base tangent length of a spur gear
having 60 teeth, module 1, pressure angle 14.5 degree and number of tooth spaces contained
between the lips of instrument is 5 K is 5 m module is 1 pressure angle is 14.5 degree Z=60.

So by using the expression and by inserting the values we get base tangent length of 14.01
(Refer Slide Time: 19:14)

From the tables we can directly get the Wk values you can see for z =5 and k=2 the Wk value
is 4.59 millimeter and for z = 60 and k=5 Wk value is 14.01 millimeter.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:48)

Now this table shows the base tangent length values Wk theoretical values in millimeter with
module 1 and pressure angle 20 degree and different values of z and different values of k the
z value are wherein from 8, 9, 10, 61, 62, 97, 98 like this the different z values and k values is
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, so for different k values and wk values are obtained from this table.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)

Now we have numerical problem we are required to determine the base tangent length of a
spur gear having 8 teeth module 1 pressure angle 20 degree and number of tooth spaces
contain between the lips of instrument is 2 that is k=2 module 1 pressure angle is 20 degree
and z=8 there using expression we get the base tangent length of 4.54millimeter, so this can
directly obtained from the tables z=8 and k=2 and the base tangent length that is Wk is 4.541
(Refer Slide Time: 21:35)

Now let us discuss about tooth pitch measurement Pitch is the length in between 2 successive
teeth gear so this gear tooth pitch is also known as circular pitch it is the distance from a point
on 1 tooth to a corresponding point on the next tooth and is measured on the pitch circle you
can see in this diagram we have gear teeth.

Now this is the pitch circle so we have a point on the profile of the gear tooth the point is on
pitch circle and corresponding point on the next tooth is available here so this distance along
the pitch line is known as circular pitch How we can measure the tooth pitch so we have an
arrangement here 2 dial gauges on adjacent teeth can be used to check pitch errors.

We have dial gauge A and we have dial gauge B and we have 2 stylus pivoted at this point
now the stylus tip is in contact with flank of the tooth on the pitch circle that we can observe
here the gear is indexed through successive picture to give a constant reading A what we have
to do we have to initially place 2 stylus on the point here.

Then we should see we should make arrangements such that dial gauge A reads and what is
the reading in this dial we have to note down and then we have to withdraw the 2 dial gauges
we should have such arrangement to withdrawing the stylus and then we should index the
gear and again.

We should move the 2 dial gauges in and we should see that this stylus contact the point on
the flanks on the pitch line and we should again adjust the reading A to read 0 and what is
reading B that we should note down that will give the error in pitch any changes with reading
on dial B indicates the pitch error.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:48)
Now we can see here a pitch measuring machine there is a spindle on which gear to inspected
are placed and 2 stylus are there which will make contact on the flange of the gear on the
pitch line there is an arrangement for indexing the gear and there is an arrangement for
movement of stylus in and out the schematic diagram we see the gear has to be indexed and 2
stylus are there and then 2 transducers are there necessary hardware and software are there
and recording unit to record the pitch errors.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:43)

Now we observe the pitch measurement process now we observe the pitch measuring
machine in action the gear to be inspected the arrangement for mounting the gear to be
inspected it is mounted between centers it can observe the movement of measuring head
which has 2 probes mode in between the space which has 2 probes in between part to
measure the pith the gear is rotated and the pitch is measured.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:18)
Now we frequently use another term called the chordal pitch associated with the terminology
chordal pitch is the length of the chord of the pitch circle connecting to similarly located
points on to continuous teeth we can see here so we have point on the reference circle the
similarly located points in next tooth we have selected here the distance between the these 2
points is known as chordal pitch.

It can be calculate using these expression chordal pitch=D x sin(180/T) where D is pitch
circle diameter and it is number of teeth of the gear, so these chordal so this theoretical
chordal pitch is compared measured pitch to check error in the pitch circle.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:46)

Now let us discuss the involute form inspection to test the tooth profile and instrument
incorporating a dial indicator is made to trace the path of an involute tooth profile we can see
here this is the base surface circle of the gear and then this is the gear tooth and this is the
profile involute profile in the arrangement.

We have a straight edge and at one end of the straight edge we have dial indicator and
plunger of the dial indicator is contacting the tooth involute profile now if the straight edges
rolled around the base circle without slipping the plunger of the dial gauge traverses an
involute curve generated from that base circle now you can see here this straight edge is
tangential to the base circle and it is rolled around the base circle.

When the straight edge is rolled the plunger of the dial indicator traces the path of involute
curve generated by the base circle now if the involute profile of the year to be that is being
inspector is perfect then there will not be any reading in a dial indicator, if there are any
variations deviations from the true involute profile then that will be indicated by the dial
indicator any deviation should be ideal involute are indicated by the dial indicator.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:48)

Now this instrument that is shown here obviously would not be practical since the dial gauge
interferes with the next tooth so there will be another gear tooth here, so it will be obstructing
the dial indicator so this is not a practical instrument a feasible instrument is shown here this
is known as David Brown involute form tester you can see here.

The disc the gear is to be inspected is mounted here on this disk the diameter of this disk is
equal to the base circle diameter of the gear to be inspected and this is the straight edge which
is placed tangential to the disc and then there is a slide on the straight edge there is a
provision for motion of the slide parallel to the straight edge and hence normal to involute the
stylus is mounted over the straight edge.

So when the slide most parallel to the straight edge this stylus will trace the involute profile
and any deviation from true involute profile will indicate by this dial indicator now for
rotating the disc there is an arrangement operating rod when moving the rod we can rotate the
disc and hence we can rotate the gear to be inspected.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:45)

The gear to be inspected to be mounted on a disc whose diameter is accurately the diameter
of the theoretical base circle the stylus is mounted on a small flat ball slide constrained to
move parallel to straight edge the slide movements measured by the dial gage or the errors in
involute form measured along the line of the straight edge that is normal to the involute form
nowadays the involute profile of flank profile are measured by using coordinate machine.
(Video Starts: 32:42)
Now we can observe the profile of the involute coordinate measuring machine, now we can
observe the profile involute impression by the coordinate measuring machine the gear to be
tested to be mounted in the centers and the probe of CMM is scanning the involute profile of
the gear tooth it can observe the rotation of the gear as well as the movement of stylus of
coordinate measuring machine the profile is being scanned now we can observe the profile
result left profile and the right profile.
(Video Ends: 33:38)
(Refer Slide Time: 33:39)
Now we will move on to the measurement of gear run out the run out is an amount as your
moves in and out away from it true centre as it is rotated if runout is excessive, the gear
wobbles as it rotates. Runout is also the eccentricity in the pitch circle of gear gears that are
eccentric tend to have vibration when the gear rotate a badly eccentric tooth.

May cause an abrupt gear failure, the gear runout is measured by eccentricity testers the gear
is held on the on a mandrill in the centers and the dial indicator of the tester holds a special
type depending upon the module of gear being tested. That is inserted in between the 2 spaces
and dial indicator reading is noted.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:56)

The gear is rotated tooth by tooth and dial readings are recorded the maximum variation is
noted from the dial indicator reading and that gives the run out of the gear so in this picture
we can see the arrangement used for measurement of gear run out there is a spindle on which
the gear to be inspected is mounted and a special tip.

Which will move in between the tooth space and the dial indicator reading is noted the
special tip of the stylus is moved in between the teeth and a dial indicator is noted the tip is
withdrawn and gear is rotated and special tip is inserted in between a next tooth space and
again dial indicator reading is noted like this gear run out is measured.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:19)

(Video Starts: 36:29)

Now we can see the process of measurement of gear run out, now we can observe the
measurement of gear run out we can see the gear to be inspected is mounted on a particular
spindle we can also observe the stylus with spherical end and there is an automatic movement
for stylus to move in to the tooth space and move out of the tooth space now.

We can observe the ball type stylus enters in to the tooth space and then the digital display
reading is recorded and the stylus is withdrawn and gear is rotated and then stylus again
enters in to the tooth space and again display is recorded so the processing of all display
value we can calculate the clear run out.
(Video Ends: 37:42)
(Refer Time: 37:43)
Now let us discuss about composite testing of gears the gears consists of measuring the
variation in center distance when a gear is rolled in tight mesh with a master gear is also
known as double flung contact method in composite gear checking 2 types of checking or
made one is total composite variation and the second one is tooth to tooth composite

Total composite variation is the centre distance variation in one complete revolution of the
gear been inspected where is a tooth to tooth composite variation is the centre distance
variation as the gear is rotated through any increment of 360 degree..Uniform tooth to tooth
variation shows profile variation various acid and jump indicates the pitch variations.
(Refer Time: 39:05)
Now in order to conduct composite testing a tester known as Parkinson gear tester is used and
it is also known as rolling the gear tester it consists of the base is sturdy base with guide ways
on which 2 flanges are mounted which is fixed flange and moving flange this fixed flange can
be moved on the guide ways and it can be clamped on any location and this movement is
necessary for mounting the gears of different sizes.

Now this is the movable flange which has got a vernier scale and main scale is fixed to the
base the schematic diagram shows the arrangement of Parkinson gear tester this is a fixed
flange vertical spindle is there and which master gear is mounted movable flange again
vertical spindle gear and test is mounted which has tight mesh because of spring pressure the
2 gears are able to rotate in the tight mesh if there is any center distance variation.

The movable flange will move like this and this movement is measured by dial indicator so
this dial indicator indicates the variation of center distance and we can fit an recording device
here and we can obtain charts for radial errors we can also fit an record for radial chart for
radial errors of gears so this particular circular chart indicates the gear under inspection is
satisfactory this is moderately ok and this chart the gear under inspection is not satisfactory
since there is variations in center distance.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:11)

The principle of the rolling gear tester to mount a master gear on a fixed vertical spindle and
the gear to be tested on another similar spindle mounted on a sliding carriage maintaining the
gears in mesh by spring pressure movements of the sliding carriage as the gears are rotated
are indicated by a dial indicator and these variations indicate the irregularities in the gear
under test alternatively a recorder can be fitted in the form of a waxed circular chart and any
irregularities in the gear under test can be recorded.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:38)

The 2 mandrels can be adjusted so that their axial distance is made equal to the designed gear
center distance center distance is adjusted by slip gages we have to set limit marks on the dial
gauge if dial reading falls outside the set limit gear is rejected when the waxed paper recorder
is fitted the chart makes a revolution for each one of the gears mounted on the sliding

As the chart moves and rotates the line traced records the movements of floating carriage in
the form of circular chart and this line indicates the variation in center distance that is
composite error in the gear.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:21)
Now this picture shows the linear chart we can see the variation in the center distance is
recorded in the form of line here so this linear chart will indicate the peak and total composite
variations clear under test this various chart also indicates tooth to tooth error indicator and
radial run out. We can observe a Parkinson gear tester and how it is used for checking the
gears that can be observed.
(Video Starts: 46:23)
Now we can observe the Parkinson gear tester we can see the inductive pick up which sense
the center distance changes between the 2 gears we can see the floating slide we can see the
motor which drives the gears we can see the lever which is used to engage the 2 gears the
master gear and gear inspection is seen and gear can be mounted on the mandrel or between
center and we can see the arrangement used for gears mount and inspection.

The arrangement used for mounting the gear and inspection this is the fixed slide which can
be moved and can be clamped at any desired location and it is used for mounting the gears of
different sizes now we can observe the control unit which is used to control the operations
using this control unit.

We can adjust the speed of rotation of gears and duration of rotation of gears duration can be
adjusted for whether for 2 revelations and one revolution is adjusted and now we can observe
the recording unit and electric printer.

We can see the electric printer electric distance is printed on paper the switch for the printer
horizontal movement of paper can be adjusted we can select the vertical magnification and
horizontal magnification selecting appropriate magnifications now we can see here center
distance changes printer head is printing the composite error on the paper we can see the
movement of a printing unit the composite error is printed on the paper.

We can observe the complete view of the gear tester the base arrangement for mounting the
gears floating carriage and fixed carriage printer control unit and now we observe the master
gear for inspection we can see the lever is used to move the master gear so that engaged gear
under inspection the 2 gears are in contact they are in w flange contact we can see the
movement of master gear 2 gears are contact mesh contact.
(Video ends: 50:21)
(Refer Slide Time: 50:22)

Now let us learn how backlash is tested in gear assembly the backlash is lost motion between
the driver and driven gears the master gear is fixed on one spindle and is locked the gear
being checked is fixed on the second spindle and is locked the gear being checked is fixed on
to a second spindle and is free to rotate the dial indicator plunger is set against a flank of a
gear tooth under inspection the gear to be checked is rotated as indicated by a in the sketch.

The dial indicator shows the amount of backlash at b so this is the amount of backlash is
indicated by dial indicator if there is no backlash there will be no backlash then there will not
be any indication the dial indicator reading is zero this is how we measure the backlash.
(Refer Slide Time: 52:33)
Now for measurement of internal gears computerized machines are available with integrated
software these computerized machines can check composite errors and then variation center
distance radial run out dimensions over teeth pins balls and also we can check frequency and
noise analysis the soft wares can gear the statistical evaluation of batch and production

Such machines are used for characterization of master gears also so one such machine since
machining is seen here internal gear and inspection mounted on spindle and measuring on
measuring machine and stylus is used for measuring various features.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:04)

Now apart from quantitative measurement discussed so far the machined gears are also
subjected to visual inspection to check for surface roughness, burrs, slivers, nicks, dents blow
holes and corrosion in gears different flaws of gear are shown here, we can see the burr per
tunings the burrs in this direction and per tuning particular direction and tooth and we can see
the pit on the flank surface and the corrosion pit on the gear flank surface and burrs here and
then pits.
(Refer Slide Time: 55:06)

In this Picture we can see the corroded flank and pit and the pit on the flank surface and
rough surface all this flaws will definitely affect the performance of gears we should take
proper care while designing gear itself we have to select proper material is selected which is
having corrosion resistance and pitting can be avoided by selecting good raw material.
(Refer Slide Time: 55:46)

Now let us summarize module 7, lecture number 2, in this lecture we discussed about gear
tooth measurement by using vernier caliper we also discussed about constant chord method
base tangent method and tooth to tooth pitch measurement involute form inspection run out
measurement and then we discussed about composite gear testing in Parkinson gear tester.

And we discussed about backlash checking how the backlash is inspected in gear assembly
and we also discussed about internal gear measurement and visual inspection with this we
conclude this lecture. Thank you.

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