Corruption Is One of The Biggest Threat To

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Corruption is one of the biggest threat to the well-being of a society.

Corruption degrades the quality of the services and also ruins the life of the common man. Many
countries in the world are affected by this problem called corruption.
Political parties who promised to stop and take steps to eradicate corruption have being voted for
power. This shows the significance of corruption free society and government.

Unlike like developed countries, corruption is at high rate in India. The causes of corruptionin India are
many and quite complex that the promises of the political parties to eradicate corruption is not easy.
Main Causes of Corruption
1. Low Pay scales/ Wages: Most of the employees in government sector are paid low wages and
salaries. Hence some employees revert to corruption for more financial benefits.

2. Low Job opportunities. This is another cause of corruption. Due to lack of job opportunities at will,
there are many people who like to go for corruption mode to get the job offer. They will be ready to
pay lump some amounts for the job offer to the higher officials or politicians.
3. Lack of Strict and fast punishments: Even if some one is found guilty or even caught red-handed by
the anti-corruption officials or media, the convicts get less punishment. First they will be suspended
for few months or weeks and then re-posted to another location with same Job grade and pay. So this
means the official who did the corrupt practice is given a free license to continue his practice.

Corruption in India
Corruption is an issue that adversely affects India's economy of central, state and local government
agencies. Not only has it held the economy back from reaching new heights, but rampant corruption
has stunted the country's development.[1] A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005
recorded that more than 92% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official
to get a job done.[2][3] In a study conducted in 2008, Transparency International reported that about
50% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services
performed by public offices.[4]
Transparency International's 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 81st place out of
180 countries.[5]
The largest contributors to corruption are entitlement programs and social spending schemes
enacted by the Indian government. Examples include the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act and the National Rural Health Mission.[6][7] Other areas of corruption
include India's trucking industry which is forced to pay billions of rupees in bribes annually to
numerous regulatory and police stops on interstate highways.[8]
The media has widely published allegations of corrupt Indian citizens stashing millions of rupees
in Swiss banks. Swiss authorities denied these allegations, which were later proven in 2015–2016.
The Indian media is largely controlled by extremely corrupt politicians and industrialists who play a
major role by misleading the public with incorrect information and use the media for mud-slinging at
political and business opponents.[9][10]
The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated tax and licensing
systems, numerous government departments with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers,
monopoly of government controlled institutions on certain goods and services delivery, and the lack
of transparent laws and processes.[11][12] There are significant variations in the level of corruption and
in the government's efforts to reduce corruption across different areas of India.

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