Brexit Betrayal Letter To UK Prime Minister May

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27th February 2018

The Rt. Honourable Theresa May, MP

Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
10 Downing Street

Dear Prime Minister,

Brexit Betrayed

Some view with incredulity the inept handling of Brexit led by remainer politicians, the CBI,
and the establishment, which has left the UK electorate angry and confused, and a media
seemly unable to insightfully challenge the duplicity and shambolic crisis.

The purpose of this letter is to provide you, your colleagues and others with an Australian
perspective and, proposes a Brexit implementation strategy in the context of a broader nation
rebuilding strategy.

The Brexit shambles is causing…

… concern for missed opportunities to repair a dishevelled UK, the future of the operation of
UK economy, its parliamentary and democratic systems and, the potential global political
implications if Brexit is not implemented fully and as scheduled by 29th March 2019.

Both Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne rightly recognised that a remainer should not lead Brexit:
one only has to look at what has happened to understand why.

Apart from the courageous efforts of Mrs Thatcher and later Mr Major, the Tory party’s
EEC/EU record is dreadful: for example…

…Tory, Edward Heath betrayed Britons by failing to inform the electorate of EEC treaty
implications before taking the electorate to an EEC referendum,

and now…

… again another Tory PM has betrayed the people’s democratic expression and in a King
John’s “Magna Carta” moment ignored the peoples simple Brexit criteria, which was...
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… simply Brexit, which unambiguously meant a complete departure from the EU: nothing
more or less.

When Britons voted to join the EEC that’s what they got – similarly they should now have the
same uncompromised Brexit outcome.

The 23 June 2016 referendum was a wonderful expression of John Wycliffe’s

dictum “for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People”.

However, it would seem that in the mind and actions of your remainer cabinet colleagues and
some parliamentarians from all sides, the Tory 2016 referendum was never intended to reflect
the meaning of John Wycliffe’s truism: the Westminster oligarchy rather than the people
knows best.

Similarly since 1945, Britons have for the most part had a tough time betrayed by inept
misleading political elites...

…who imposed economic and social policies which permanently degraded quality of life, put at
risk the economic viability of the UK, created an internal security nightmare, reduced to
unviable levels the defence force capacity, diminished a national distinctiveness, character,
and values of the indigenous people (Anglo) and cruelled their capacity to determine their
nation’s destiny.

Brexit offers a once in 500 year opportunity …

…to aggressively repair many of the terrible post war impositions on the economy, boost real
GDP by up to 5% year on year on for at least 8-10 years, and improve living standards and
reduce government debt;

Eight examples which continue to cause Britons grief and misery, present a Brexit inspired
opportunity to purposely target and implement major nation building reforms, meet the
above objective and turbo charge the economy:

… the Attlee/ Wilson socialist economy, which while the Thatcher reforms repaired, rebuilt
and revitalised, many outcomes persist despite the Cameron reforms, which are reflected in
a generally “poor” and deprived population (lower and middle classes) who suffer the daily
effects of poor government service standards, problematic security, decayed and
inadequate infrastructure, cramped underfunded cities, towns and regions and …

… a growing public national debt sapping energy from the economy, burdening future
generations, and a constant risk to the UK and global economy, which has been exacerbated
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… a less than rigorous primary, secondary, technical and tertiary education systems causing
outcomes which have disempowered generations of all classes and leaving the UK with the
most poorly educated inarticulate population within advanced and some emerging nations
(from leading for 1400 years) which has been further compromised by…

… immigration policies causing the UK’s highest internal security presence and risk ever;
permanently degraded urban centres, some ancient, to create residential and civic “hell
holes”; and put at risk the Britishness of Britain, and as an example already evident with
London, the nation’s ancient and emblematic capital now irreversibly no longer Anglo and
most likely the future capital of a UK Caliphate governing an alienated Anglo-British
population, a process which will be aided by a…

… an out of control growing Muslim problem with the prospect that in 40 years the UK will
be a Caliphate aided by a …

…an enhanced UK vulnerability caused by diminished defence force viability, accelerated by

a declining economy, and diminished the UK’s capacity to defend the UK and contribute
meaningfully to the defence of the West, and exacerbated by for example a funding sapping

… national health system groaning under the weight of underperforming systems,

shockingly low service levels, too many shabby under resourced facilities, overworked staff,
and a cost structure and method of financing already threatening the viability of the
economy and wellbeing of future generations and compounded by…

… energy policies distorted by an unsubstantiated anthropogenic global warming claim

which needs to be challenged, reduce energy costs by 50% and boost the economic growth,
and install energy and other civic infrastructure to cope with an extreme long term cooling
cycle already started…

Your negotiation position is dreadful…

…the Florence effort humiliating, and the 14th December 2017 “shuttle” a demeaning betrayal
– you did not even have the decency to tell the UK people the basis for the £35bl payment; at
taxpayers’ expense you fuel Brussel’s gravy train!

While your Lancaster House speech laid out some useful principles, it was nonetheless no
strategy document. It was the speech you give when you have nothing of substance to say or
seek not to say.

An example of that speech’s vagueness was prescient when you said:

“…Whether that means we must reach a completely new customs agreement,

become an associate member of the Customs Union in some way, or remain a
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signatory to some elements of it, I hold no preconceived position. I have an open

mind on how we do it. It is not the means that matter, but the ends...”

There, in that “Mad Hatters” type riddle, you sowed the seeds of a Brexit betrayal and, a
licence to render a clean Brexit dead: “…Nothing would be what it is, because everything
would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't
be, it would…”

I suggest, again in “Mad Hatters” jargon, you again twisted the meaning and intent of Brexit
and the referendum outcome to mean something else, and to cause a different process to
emerge from that which was intended by the people.

On all the evidence your “Brexit means Brexit” was a sweep of “Mad Hatter’s”
rhetoric and meant to be read as something quite different.

The need for two year transition to December 2020, nearly five years after the Brexit vote is
smoke and mirrors contrived by the political class and the CBI to thwart Brexit…

…it beggars belief that having had a vote 23 June 2016 you need nearly another two year
transition after 29 March 2019 – the period you are now in should be the only transition.

There is no reason why UK civil servants properly briefed by you now would not be able to
deliver all the services required by 29th March 2019: they are not the incompetents your
actions infer.

Similarly, it’s a lie that UK business needs a further two years plus to reorganise their
businesses and markets and supply lines: for the most part they would only need weeks or
months with most already have done the work in preparation for a WTO outcome.

The City of London is well able to cope with any outcome including a WTO, to adapt quickly
and while there may be a loss of jobs, the benefits to the wider economy through a structural
rebalancing will be well overdue.

It is a pity that you have not dealt with the people openly: it is after all their Brexit.

You fail to confide in the people - your interviews are evasive, leaving confusion about your
intentions resulting in an inept “bumbling” public debate, which probably suits your purpose.

Interviews with some of your colleagues such as Mr Davis and Mr Hammond either lack
substance or are an uppity blatant betrayal or, just muddled, and contradictory.

There is no need for secretive EU negotiations and silly “can’t reveal games” – everything
should be in the open: after all Brexit means Brexit! There is nothing complicated about it,
unless of course you are going to short-change the people again.
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While your management has the hallmarks of incompetence, it is more likely contrived, a
smoke and mirrors job to give the impression of a total mess to prepare the people for a
“Remainer“ engineered outcome to emerge out of the confusion: “the best we could have
got”: in other words …deceit! A classic Jim Hacker tactic and moment.

The opportunity to get out as quickly as possible and start to rebuild the UK should be an
urgent, exciting and dynamic task absorbing your government and energizing the people.

A critique of your Brexit strategy is evident from the following get on with it “should have
been” strategy…

Article 50 should have been invoked days after 13th July 2016 followed by the following

1. The country should have been advised that from July 2018 the UK would trade under
WTO rules;
2. Immediately implemented a complete legal and operational separation from the EU in
all manifestations effective July 2018 involving all stakeholders;
3. Enter into non-EU trade negotiations for implementation July 2018 – independence
4. Leave it to the EU to make a free trade agreement proposal effective July 2018: do not
chase them (instead of your current tactic);
5. Review for discussion with the EU those existing arrangements which could be
renegotiated for new agreement effective at July 2018 or later;
6. Work with Republic of Ireland to establish a seamless uncomplicated boarder;

A WTO Brexit to rebalance the UK economy, deregulate EU regulations and

constraints, globalise the UK economy and, rebuild the nation should now be
your top priority to achieve by end March 2019.

The EU cost to UK tax payers has been in the hundreds of billions with untold incalculable
hidden damage and costs: now is the time for the bleeding to stop.

There is so much to fix…

… for example the UK, was the most efficient and innovate farming nation since Anglo-Saxon
times and, now damaged and over regulated while subsidising French farmers life style;

Similarly, the UK fishing industry sacrificed by the Tories caused a loss of most of the UK
industry with extensive losses in jobs, local businesses and related industries including ship
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Similarly, oppressive EU regulation of the UK R&D sector, the list is endless;

And the absurd churn of UK taxpayers’ funds through Brussels bureaucrats to issue EU grants
(UK tax payers) to depressed UK regions…

… it just beggars belief that UK politicians have put up with the tragic farce for so long;

Under your leadership Brexit has become a dreadful distraction: you need to get on and
govern the country – it needs focussed effort to fix the myriad of dreadful problems – in
comparison Brexit is “small beer”.

Britain lost up to 75% to 80% from all backgrounds of its best of breed in the first world war
and, in the second war many of the offspring of those who survived the first, leaving the nation
deprived of their talent and the critical mass needed to lead in all sectors, evident in the
decayed standards in most aspects of British life.

Those who lost their lives after two disastrous wars deserve a better legacy than that offered
by the oppressive undemocratic EU and the inept UK political class.

Instead of acting as though you and your remainers are fearfully overwhelmed by the tide of
history, you should instead be inspired by those 20th century and other eras’ sacrifices and, the
1500 years of extraordinary achievements of the English speaking peoples and consider
Abraham Lincoln’s moment of sublime leadership when he said to make sense of an earlier

“…It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who
fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the
great task remaining before us—that from these honoured dead we take increased devotion
to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly
resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth."

You have a lot to do Prime Minister for the UK to meet Lincoln’s entreaty and so little time to
do it: you need to do the Brexit business now and move on to new and more exciting nation
building challenges: the EU oligarchy’s reign over the UK is past, the global economy and world
is the UK’s future: make it happen now, be in a rush and embrace it.

Yours sincerely,

Geoffrey Rubython

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