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● Homeostasis, Stress,
and Adaptation

On completion of the chapter, the learner will be able to:
1. Relate the principles of internal constancy, homeostasis, stress,
and adaptation to the concept of steady state.
2. Identify the significance of the body’s compensatory mechanisms
in promoting adaptation and maintaining the steady state.
3. Identify physiologic and psychosocial stressors.
4. Compare the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary response to stress to
the hypothalamic-pituitary response to stress.
5. Describe the general adaptation syndrome as a theory of adapta-
tion to biologic stress.
6. Describe the relationship of the process of negative feedback to
the maintenance of the steady state.
7. Compare the adaptive processes of hypertrophy, atrophy, hyper-
plasia, dysplasia, and metaplasia.
8. Describe the inflammatory and reparative processes.
9. Assess the health patterns of an individual and determine their
effects on maintenance of the steady state.
10. Identify ways in which maladaptive responses to stress can
increase the risk of illness and cause disease.
11. Identify measures that are useful in reducing stress.
12. Specify the functions of social networks and support groups in
reducing stress.

Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 81

W hen the body is threatened or suffers an injury, its response

may involve functional and structural changes; these changes may External environment:
be adaptive (having a positive effect) or maladaptive (having a Family
negative effect). The defense mechanisms that the body exhibits Group
determine the difference between adaptation and maladaptation— Community
health and disease. Society as a whole

Stress and Function Humans

Physiology is the study of the functional activities of the living or-

ganism and its parts. Pathophysiology is the study of disordered Organ system
function of the body. Each different body system performs spe-
cific functions to sustain optimal life for the organism. Mecha-
nisms for adjusting internal conditions promote the normal steady Organ
state of the organism and ultimately its survival. These mecha-
nisms are compensatory in nature and work to restore balance in
the body. An example of this restorative effort is the development Tissue
of rapid breathing (hyperpnea) after intense exercise in an at-
tempt to compensate for an oxygen deficit and excess lactic acid
accumulated in the muscle tissue.
Pathophysiologic processes result when cellular injury occurs Cell
at such a rapid rate that the body’s compensatory mechanisms can
no longer make the adaptive changes necessary to remain healthy.
An example of a pathophysiologic change is the development of FIGURE 6-1 Constellation of systems. Each system is a subsystem of the
heart failure: the body reacts by retaining sodium and water and larger system (suprasystem) of which it is a part. In this figure the cell is the
increasing venous pressure, which worsens the condition. These smallest system, being a subsystem of all other systems.
pathophysiologic mechanisms give rise to signs that are observed
by the patient, nurse, or other health care provider, or symptoms
that are reported by the patient. These observations, plus a sound
knowledge of physiologic and pathophysiologic processes, can as- and matter are continuously exchanged. Within the internal
sist in determining the existence of a problem and can guide the environment each organ, tissue, and cell is also a system or sub-
nurse in planning the appropriate course of action. system of the whole, each with its own internal and external en-
vironment, each exchanging information and matter (Fig. 6-1).
Dynamic Balance: The Steady State The goal of the interaction of the body’s subsystems is to pro-
duce a dynamic balance or steady state (even in the presence of
Physiologic mechanisms must be understood in the context of the change), so that all subsystems are in harmony with each other.
body as a whole. The person, as a living system, has both an in- Four concepts—constancy, homeostasis, stress, and adaptation—
ternal and an external environment, between which information enhance the nurse’s understanding of steady state.

adaptation: a change or alteration designed by the adrenal cortex; they are involved in tion, manifested by pain, redness, heat,
to assist in adapting to a new situation or carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism swelling, and sometimes loss of function
environment and have anti-inflammatory properties metabolic rate: the speed at which some
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): a gluconeogenesis: the formation of glucose, substances are broken down to yield en-
hormone produced by the anterior lobe of especially by the liver from noncarbohy- ergy for bodily processes and other sub-
the pituitary gland that stimulates the se- drate sources such as amino acids and the stances are synthesized
cretion of cortisone and other hormones glycerol portion of fats metaplasia: a cell transformation in which a
by the adrenal cortex guided imagery: use of the imagination to highly specialized cell changes to a less
antidiuretic hormone (ADH): a hormone achieve relaxation or direct attention away specialized cell
secreted by the posterior lobe of the pitu- from uncomfortable sensations or situations negative feedback: feedback that decreases
itary gland that constricts blood vessels,
homeostasis: a steady state within the body; the output of a system
elevates blood pressure, and reduces the
excretion of urine the stability of the internal environment positive feedback: feedback that increases
catecholamines: any of the group of amines hyperplasia: an increase in the number of the output of a system
(such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, or new cells steady state: a stable condition that does not
dopamine) that serve as neurotransmitters hypoxia: inadequate supply of oxygen to change over time, or when change in one
coping: the cognitive and behavioral strate- the cell direction is balanced by change in an op-
gies used to manage the stressors that tax a infectious agents: biologic agents, such as posite direction
person’s resources viruses, bacteria, rickettsiae, mycoplasmas, stress: a disruptive condition that occurs in
dysplasia: a change in the appearance of a fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, that response to adverse influences from the
cell after exposure to chronic irritation cause disease in people internal or external environments
glucocorticoids: the group of steroid hor- inflammation: a localized, protective reac- vasoconstriction: the narrowing of a blood
mones, such as cortisol, that are produced tion of tissue to injury, irritation, or infec- vessel

HISTORICAL THEORIES process: each individual has varying abilities to cope or respond.
OF THE STEADY STATE As new challenges are met, this ability to cope and adapt can
change, thereby providing the individual with a wide range of
Claude Bernard, a 19th-century French physiologist, developed adaptive ability. Adaptation occurs throughout the life span as the
the biologic principle that for life there must be a constancy or individual encounters many developmental and situational chal-
“fixity of the internal milieu” despite changes in the external en- lenges, especially related to health and illness. The goal of these
vironment. The internal milieu was the fluid that bathed the cells, encounters is to promote adaptation. In situations of health and
and the constancy was the balanced internal state maintained by illness, this goal is realized by optimal wellness.
physiologic and biochemical processes. His principle implied a Because both stress and adaptation may exist at different lev-
static process. els of a system, it is possible to study these reactions at the cellu-
Later, Walter Cannon used the term homeostasis to describe lar, tissue, and organ levels. Biologists are concerned mainly with
the stability of the internal environment, which, he said, was co- subcellular components or with subsystems of the total body. Be-
ordinated by homeostatic or compensatory processes that re- havioral scientists, including many nurse researchers, study stress
sponded to changes in the internal environment. Any change and adaptation in individuals, families, groups, and societies; they
within the internal environment initiated a “righting” response focus on how a group’s organizational features are modified to
to minimize the change. These biologic processes sought physio- meet the requirements of the social and physical environment in
logic and chemical balance and were under involuntary control. which they exist. Adaptation is a continuous process of seeking
Rene Jules Dubos (1965) provided further insight into the dy- harmony in an environment. The desired goals of adaptation for
namic nature of the internal environment with his theory that any system are survival, growth, and reproduction.
two complementary concepts, homeostasis and adaptation, were
necessary for balance. Homeostatic processes occurred quickly in
response to stress, rapidly making the adjustments necessary to Stressors: Threats to the Steady State
maintain the internal environment. Adaptive processes resulted
Each person operates at a certain level of adaptation and regularly
in structural or functional changes over time. Dubos also em-
encounters a certain amount of change. Such change is expected;
phasized that acceptable ranges of response to stimuli existed and
it contributes to growth and enhances life. Stressors, however, can
that these responses varied for different individuals: “Absolute
upset this equilibrium. A stressor may be defined as an internal or
constancy is only a concept of the ideal.” Homeostasis and adap-
external event or situation that creates the potential for physio-
tation were both necessary for survival in a changing world.
logic, emotional, cognitive, or behavioral changes in an individual.
Homeostasis, then, refers to a steady state within the body.
When a change or stress occurs that causes a body function to de-
viate from its stable range, processes are initiated to restore and TYPES OF STRESSORS
maintain the dynamic balance. When these adjustment processes Stressors exist in many forms and categories. They may be de-
or compensatory mechanisms are not adequate, the steady state scribed as physical, physiologic, or psychosocial. Physical stres-
is threatened, function becomes disordered, and pathophysio- sors include cold, heat, and chemical agents; physiologic stressors
logic mechanisms occur. The pathophysiologic processes can lead include pain and fatigue. Examples of psychosocial stressors are
to disease and may be active during disease, which is a threat to fear of failing an examination and losing a job. Stressors can also
the steady state. Disease is an abnormal variation in the structure occur as normal life transitions that require some adjustment,
or function of any part of the body. It disrupts function and such as going from childhood into puberty, getting married, or
therefore limits the person’s freedom of action. giving birth.
Stressors have also been classified as: (1) day-to-day frustra-
STRESS AND ADAPTATION tions or hassles; (2) major complex occurrences involving large
groups, even entire nations; and (3) stressors that occur less fre-
Stress is a state produced by a change in the environment that is quently and involve fewer people. The first group, the day-to-day
perceived as challenging, threatening, or damaging to the per- stressors, includes such common occurrences as getting caught in
son’s dynamic balance or equilibrium. The person is, or feels, un- a traffic jam, experiencing computer downtime, and having an
able to meet the demands of the new situation. The change or argument with a spouse or roommate. These experiences vary in
stimulus that evokes this state is the stressor. The nature of the effect; for example, encountering a rainstorm while one is vaca-
stressor is variable; an event or change that will produce stress in tioning at the beach will most likely evoke a more negative response
one person may be neutral for another, and an event that pro- than it might at another time. These less dramatic, frustrating,
duces stress at one time and place for one person may not do so and irritating events—daily hassles—have been shown to have a
for the same person at another time and place. A person appraises greater health impact than major life events because of the cu-
and copes with changing situations. The desired goal is adapta- mulative effect they have over time. They can lead to high blood
tion, or adjustment to the change so that the person is again in pressure, palpitations, or other physiologic problems ( Jalowiec,
equilibrium and has the energy and ability to meet new demands. 1993).
This is the process of coping with the stress, a compensatory The second group of stressors influences larger groups of peo-
process with physiologic and psychological components. ple, possibly even entire nations. These include events of history,
Adaptation is a constant, ongoing process that requires a change such as terrorism and war, which are threatening situations when
in structure, function, or behavior so that the person is better experienced either directly, in the war zone, or indirectly, as
suited to the environment; it involves an interaction between the through live news coverage. The demographic, economic, and
person and the environment. The outcome depends on the de- technological changes occurring in society also serve as stressors.
gree of “fit” between the skills and capacities of the person, the The tension produced by any stressor is sometimes a result not
type of social support available, and the various challenges or only of the change itself, but also of the speed with which the
stressors being confronted. As such, adaptation is an individual change occurs.
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 83

The third group of stressors has been studied most extensively cognitive appraisal and coping as important mediators of stress.
and concerns relatively infrequent situations that directly affect Appraisal and coping are influenced by antecedent variables that
the individual. This category includes the influence of life events include the internal and external resources of the person.
such as death, birth, marriage, divorce, and retirement. It also in-
cludes the psychosocial crises described by Erikson as occurring Appraisal of the Stressful Event
in the life cycle stages of the human experience. More enduring
chronic stressors have also been placed in this category and may Cognitive appraisal (Lazarus, 1991a; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984)
include such things as having a permanent functional disability is a process by which an event is evaluated with respect to what is
or coping with the difficulties of providing long-term care to a at stake (primary appraisal) and what might and can be done (sec-
frail elderly parent. ondary appraisal). What individuals see as being at stake is influ-
A stressor can also be categorized according to duration. It enced by their personal goals, commitments, or motivations.
may be Important factors include how important or relevant the event is
to them, whether the event conflicts with what they want or de-
• An acute, time-limited stressor, such as studying for final sire, and whether the situation threatens their own sense of
strength and ego identity.
• A stressor sequence—a series of stressful events that result As an outcome of primary appraisal, the situation is identified
from an initial event such as job loss or divorce
as either nonstressful or stressful. If nonstressful, the situation is ir-
• A chronic intermittent stressor, such as daily hassles relevant or benign (positive). A stressful situation may be one of
• A chronic enduring stressor that persists over time, such as three kinds: (1) one in which harm or loss has occurred; (2) one that
chronic illness, a disability, or poverty
is threatening, in that harm or loss is anticipated; and (3) one that
is challenging, in that some opportunity or gain is anticipated.
STRESS AS A STIMULUS FOR DISEASE Secondary appraisal is an evaluation of what might and can be
Relating life events to illness (the theoretical approach that de- done about this situation Actions include assigning blame to
fines stress as a stimulus) has been a major focus of psychosocial those responsible for a frustrating event, thinking about whether
studies. This can be traced to Adolph Meyer, who in the 1930s one can do something about the situation (coping potential), and
observed in “life charts” of his patients a linkage between illnesses determining future expectancy, or whether things are likely to
and critical life events. Subsequent research revealed that people change for better or worse (Lazarus, 1991a, 1991c). A compari-
under constant stress have a high incidence of psychosomatic son of what is at stake and what can be done about it (a type of
disease. risk–benefit analysis) determines the degree of stress.
Holmes and Rahe (1967) developed life events scales that as- Reappraisal, a change of opinion based on new information,
sign numerical values, called life-change units, to typical life also occurs. The appraisal process is not necessarily sequential; pri-
events. Because the items in the scales reflect events that require mary and secondary appraisal and reappraisal may occur simulta-
a change in a person’s life pattern, and stress is defined as an ac- neously. Information learned from an adaptational encounter can
cumulation of changes in one’s life that require psychological be stored, so that when a similar situation is encountered again the
adaptation, one can theoretically predict the likelihood of illness whole process does not need to be repeated.
by checking off the number of recent events and deriving a total The appraisal process contributes to the development of an
score. The Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (Tausig, 1982) emotion. Negative emotions such as fear and anger accompany
contains 118 items such as death, birth, marriage, divorce, pro- harm/loss appraisals, and positive emotions accompany challenge.
motions, serious arguments, and vacations. The events listed In addition to the subjective component or feeling that accompa-
include both desirable and undesirable circumstances. nies a particular emotion, each emotion also includes a tendency
Sources of stress for patients have been well researched (Bal- to act in a certain way. For example, an unexpected quiz in the
lard, 1981; Bryla, 1996; Jalowiec, 1993). People typically experi- classroom might be judged as threatening by unprepared students.
ence distress related to alterations in their physical and emotional They might feel fear, anger, and resentment and might express
health status, changes in their level of daily functioning, and de- these emotions outwardly with hostile behavior or comments.
creased social support or the loss of significant others. Fears of im- Lazarus (1991a) expanded his former ideas about stress, ap-
mobilization, isolation, loneliness, sensory changes, financial praisal, and coping into a more complex model relating emotion
problems, and death or disability increase a person’s anxiety level. to adaptation. He called this model a “cognitive-motivational-
Loss of one’s role or perceived purpose in life can cause intense relational theory,” with the term relational “standing for a focus
discomfort. Any of these identified variables plus a myriad of on negotiation with a physical and social world” (p. 13). A theory
other conditions or overwhelming demands are likely to cause in- of emotion was proposed as the bridge to connect psychology,
effective coping, and a lack of necessary coping skills is often a physiology, and sociology: “More than any other arena of psy-
source of additional distress for an individual. When a person en- chological thought, emotion is an integrative, organismic concept
dures prolonged or unrelenting suffering, the outcome is fre- that subsumes psychological stress and coping within itself and
quently the development of a stress-related illness. Nurses possess unites motivation, cognition, and adaptation in a complex con-
the skills to assist people to alter their distressing circumstances figuration” (p. 40).
and manage their responses to stress.
Coping With the Stressful Event
Coping, according to Lazarus, consists of the cognitive and be-
TO STRESS havioral efforts made to manage the specific external or internal
After the recognition of a stressor, an individual consciously or un- demands that tax a person’s resources and may be emotion-
consciously reacts to manage the situation. This is called the medi- focused or problem-focused. Coping that is emotion focused seeks
ating process. A theory developed by Lazarus (1991a) emphasizes to make the person feel better by lessening the emotional distress

felt. Problem-focused coping aims to make direct changes in the into the second stage, resistance. During this stage, adaptation to
environment so that the situation can be managed more effec- the noxious stressor occurs, and cortisol activity is still increased.
tively. Both types of coping usually occur in a stressful situation. If exposure to the stressor is prolonged, exhaustion sets in and en-
Even if the situation is viewed as challenging or beneficial, cop- docrine activity increases. This produces deleterious effects on the
ing efforts may be required to develop and sustain the chal- body systems (especially the circulatory, digestive, and immune
lenge—that is, to maintain the positive benefits of the challenge systems) that can lead to death. Stages one and two of this syn-
and to ward off any threats. In harmful or threatening situations, drome are repeated, in different degrees, throughout life as the
successful coping reduces or eliminates the source of stress and re- person encounters stressors.
lieves the emotion it generated. Selye compared the general adaptation syndrome with the life
Appraisal and coping are affected by internal characteristics process. During childhood, there are too few encounters with
such as health, energy, personal belief systems, commitments or stress to promote the development of adaptive functioning, and
life goals, self-esteem, control, mastery, knowledge, problem- the child is vulnerable. During adulthood, the person encounters
solving skills, and social skills. The characteristics that have been a number of life’s stressful events and develops a resistance or adap-
studied most often in nursing research are health-promoting tation. During the later years, the accumulation of life’s stressors
lifestyles and hardiness. A health-promoting lifestyle buffers the and the wear and tear on the organism again deplete the person’s
effect of stressors. From a nursing practice standpoint, this out- ability to adapt, resistance falls, and eventually death occurs.
come—buffering the effect of stressors—supports nursing’s goal
of promoting health. In many circumstances, promoting a LOCAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME
healthy lifestyle is more achievable than altering the stressors. According to Selye’s theory, a local adaptation syndrome also oc-
Hardiness is the name given to a general quality that comes curs. This syndrome includes the inflammatory response and re-
from having rich, varied, and rewarding experiences. It is a per- pair processes that occur at the local site of tissue injury. The local
sonality characteristic composed of control, commitment, and adaptation syndrome occurs in small, topical injuries, such as
challenge. Hardy people perceive stressors as something they can contact dermatitis. If the local injury is severe enough, the gen-
change and therefore control. To them, potentially stressful situ- eral adaptation syndrome is activated as well.
ations are interesting and meaningful; change and new situations Selye emphasized that stress is the nonspecific response com-
are viewed as challenging opportunities for growth. Some posi- mon to all stressors, regardless of whether they are physiologic,
tive support has been found for hardiness as a significant variable psychological, or social. The many conditioning factors in each
that positively influences rehabilitation and overall improvement person’s environment account for why different demands are in-
after an onset of an acute or chronic illness (Felton, 2000; terpreted by different people as stressors. Conditioning factors also
Williams, 2000). account for differences in the tolerance of different people for
stress: some people may develop diseases of adaptation, such as
hypertension and migraine headaches, while others are unaffected.
The physiologic response to a stressor, whether it is a physical Interpretation of Stressful Stimuli
stressor or a psychological stressor, is a protective and adaptive by the Brain
mechanism to maintain the homeostatic balance of the body. The
stress response is a “cascade of neural and hormonal events that Physiologic responses to stress are mediated by the brain through
have short- and long-lasting consequences for both brain and a complex network of chemical and electrical messages. The
body . . .; a stressor is an event that challenges homeostasis, with neural and hormonal actions that maintain homeostatic balance
a disease outcome being looked upon as a failure of the normal are integrated by the hypothalamus, which is located in the cen-
process of adaptation to the stress” (McEwen & Mendelson, ter of the brain, surrounded by the limbic system and the cerebral
1993, p. 101). hemispheres. The hypothalamus integrates autonomic nervous
system mechanisms that maintain the chemical constancy of the
internal environment of the body. Together with the limbic sys-
The General Adaptation Syndrome tem, it also regulates emotions and many visceral behaviors nec-
Hans Selye developed a theory of adaptation that profoundly essary for survival (eg, eating, drinking, temperature control,
influenced the scientific study of stress. In 1936, Selye, experi- reproduction, defense, aggression). The hypothalamus is made
menting with animals, first described a syndrome consisting of en- up of a number of nuclei; the limbic system contains the amyg-
largement of the adrenal cortex; shrinkage of the thymus, spleen, dala, hippocampus, and septal nuclei, along with other structures.
lymph nodes, and other lymphatic structures; and the appearance Literature supports the concept that each of these structures
of deep, bleeding ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. He iden- responds differently to stimuli, and each has its own characteris-
tified this as a nonspecific response to diverse, noxious stimuli. tic response (Watkins, 1997). The cerebral hemispheres are con-
From this beginning, he developed a theory of adaptation to bio- cerned with cognitive functions: thought processes, learning, and
logic stress that he named the general adaptation syndrome. memory. The limbic system has connections with both the cere-
bral hemispheres and the brain stem. In addition, the reticular ac-
PHASES OF THE GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME tivating system, which is a network of cells that forms a two-way
The general adaptation syndrome has three phases: alarm, resis- communication system, extends from the brain stem into the
tance, and exhaustion. During the alarm phase, the sympathetic midbrain and limbic system. This network controls the alert or
“fight-or-flight” response is activated with release of catechol- waking state of the body.
amines and the onset of the adrenocorticotropic hormone In the stress response, afferent impulses are carried from sen-
(ACTH)–adrenal cortical response. The alarm reaction is defen- sory organs (eye, ear, nose, skin) and internal sensors (barorecep-
sive and anti-inflammatory but self-limited. Because living in a tors, chemoreceptors) to nerve centers in the brain. The response
continuous state of alarm would result in death, the person moves to the perception of stress is integrated in the hypothalamus,
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 85

which coordinates the adjustments necessary to return to homeo- Blood glucose is increased, supplying more readily available en-
static balance. The degree and duration of the response varies; ergy. The pupils are dilated, and mental activity is increased; a
major stress evokes both sympathetic and pituitary adrenal greater sense of awareness exists. Constriction of the blood ves-
responses. sels of the skin limits bleeding in the event of trauma. The per-
Neural and neuroendocrine pathways under the control of son is likely to experience cold feet, clammy skin and hands,
the hypothalamus are also activated in the stress response. First, chills, palpitations, and a knot in the stomach. Typically, the per-
there is a sympathetic nervous system discharge, followed by a son appears tense, with the muscles of the neck, upper back, and
sympathetic-adrenal-medullary discharge. If the stress persists, shoulders tightened; respirations may be rapid and shallow, with
the hypothalamic-pituitary system is activated (Fig. 6-2). the diaphragm tense.


The sympathetic nervous system response is rapid and short- In addition to its direct effect on major end organs, the sympa-
lived. Norepinephrine is released at nerve endings that are in di- thetic nervous system also stimulates the medulla of the adrenal
rect contact with their respective end organs to cause an increase gland to release the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine
in function of the vital organs and a state of general body arousal. into the bloodstream. The action of these hormones is similar to
The heart rate is increased and peripheral vasoconstriction oc- that of the sympathetic nervous system and have the effect of sus-
curs, raising the blood pressure. Blood is also shunted away from taining and prolonging its actions. Epinephrine and norepineph-
abdominal organs. The purpose of these activities is to provide rine are catecholamines that stimulate the nervous system and
better perfusion of vital organs (brain, heart, skeletal muscles). produce metabolic effects that increase the blood glucose level


FIGURE 6-2 Integrated responses to stress me-

diated by the sympathetic nervous system and the
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis. The
responses are mutually reinforcing, at both the cen-
tral and peripheral levels. Negative feedback by cor-
tisol also can limit an overresponse that might be
harmful to the individual. Colored arrows, stimula-
tion; open arrows, inhibition; CRH, corticotropin-
releasing hormone; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic
hormone. Reproduced with permission from
Berne, R. M., & Levy, M. N. (1993). Physiology.
St. Louis: C. V. Mosby.

and increase the metabolic rate. The effect of the sympathetic cells, helping to mobilize energy resources. Endorphins, which
and adrenal-medullary responses is summarized in Table 6-1. are endogenous opiates, increase during stress and enhance the
This effect is called the “fight-or-flight” reaction. threshold for tolerance of painful stimuli. They may also affect
mood and have been implicated in the so-called “high” that long-
HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY RESPONSE distance runners experience. The secretion of other hormones is
The longest-acting phase of the physiologic response, which is also affected, but their adaptive function is less clear.
more likely to occur in persistent stress, involves the hypothalamic-
pituitary pathway. The hypothalamus secretes corticotropin- IMMUNOLOGIC RESPONSE
releasing factor, which stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce Research findings show that the immune system is connected to
ACTH. ACTH in turn stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce the neuroendocrine and autonomic systems. Lymphoid tissue is
glucocorticoids, primarily cortisol. Cortisol stimulates protein richly supplied by autonomic nerves capable of releasing a num-
catabolism, releasing amino acids; stimulates liver uptake of amino ber of different neuropeptides that can have a direct effect on
acids and their conversion to glucose (gluconeogenesis); and in- leukocyte regulation and the inflammatory response. Neuro-
hibits glucose uptake (anti-insulin action) by many body cells but endocrine hormones released by the central nervous system and
not those of the brain and heart. These cortisol-induced meta- endocrine tissues can inhibit or stimulate leukocyte function. The
bolic effects provide the body with a ready source of energy wide variety of stressors people experience may result in different
during a stressful situation. This effect has some important im- alterations in autonomic activity and subtle variations in neuro-
plications. For example, a person with diabetes who is under stress, hormone and neuropeptide synthesis. All of these possible auto-
such as that caused by an infection, needs more insulin than nomic and neuroendocrine responses can interact to initiate,
usual. Any patient who is under stress (caused, for example, by weaken, enhance, or terminate an immune response (Watkins,
illness, surgery, trauma or prolonged psychological stress) catab- 1997).
olizes body protein and needs supplements. Children subjected The study of the relationships among the neuroendocrine sys-
to severe stress have retarded growth. tem, the central and autonomic nervous systems, and the im-
The actions of the catecholamines (epinephrine and norepi- mune system and the effects of these relationships on overall
nephrine) and cortisol are the most important in the general health outcomes is called psychoneuroimmunology. Because one’s
response to stress. Other hormones released are antidiuretic hor- perception of events and coping styles determine whether, and to
mone (ADH) from the posterior pituitary and aldosterone from what extent, an event activates the stress response system, and be-
the adrenal cortex. ADH and aldosterone promote sodium and cause the stress response affects immune activity, one’s percep-
water retention, which is an adaptive mechanism in the event of tions, ideas, and thoughts can have profound neurochemical and
hemorrhage or loss of fluids through excessive perspiration. ADH immunologic consequences. Multiple studies have demonstrated
has also been shown to influence learning and may thus facilitate alteration of immune function in people who are under stress, as
coping in new and threatening situations. Secretion of growth evidenced by a decrease in the number of leukocytes, impaired
hormone and glucagon stimulates the uptake of amino acids by immune response to immunizations, and diminished cytotoxic-

Table 6-1 • Sympathetic–Adrenal–Medullary Response to Stress

Increased heart rate and blood Better perfusion of vital organs Increased cardiac output due
pressure to increased myocardial con-
tractility and heart rate; in-
creased venous return
(peripheral vasoconstriction)
Increased blood glucose level Increased available energy Increased liver and muscle
glycogen breakdown;
increased breakdown of
adipose tissue triglycerides
Mental acuity Alert state Increase in amount of blood
shunted to the brain from
the abdominal viscera and
Dilated pupils Increased awareness Contraction of radial muscle
of iris
Increased tension of skeletal Preparedness for activity, Excitation of muscles; increase
muscles decreased fatigue in amount of blood shunted
to the muscles from the ab-
dominal viscera and skin
Increased ventilation (may be Provision of oxygen for energy Stimulation of respiratory
rapid and shallow) center in medulla;
Increased coagulability of Prevention of hemorrhage in Vasoconstriction of surface
blood event of trauma vessels
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 87

ity of natural killer cells (Andersen et al., 1998; Constantino, Sec- (whether from genetic traits, health, or age), leads to illness. If the
ula, Rabin, & Stone, 2000; Glaser & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1997; Pike sympathetic adrenal-medullary response is prolonged or exces-
et al., 1997; Robinson, Matthews, & Witek-Janusek, 2000). sive, a state of chronic arousal develops that may lead to high
Other studies have identified certain personality traits, such as op- blood pressure, arteriosclerotic changes, and cardiovascular dis-
timism and active coping, as having positive effects on health or ease. If the production of the ACTH is prolonged or excessive,
specific immune measures (Chalfont & Bennett, 1999; Goodkin behavior patterns of withdrawal and depression are seen. In ad-
et al., 1996; Kennedy, 2000; Sergerstrom, Fahey, Kemeny, & dition, the immune response is decreased, and infections and tu-
Taylor, 1998). As research continues, this new field of study will mors may develop.
continue to uncover to what extent and by what mechanisms Selye (1976) proposed a list of disorders that he called diseases
people can consciously influence their immunity. of maladaptation: high blood pressure, diseases of the heart and
blood vessels, diseases of the kidney, hypertension of pregnancy,
rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory diseases of the
MALADAPTIVE RESPONSES TO STRESS skin and eyes, infections, allergic and hypersensitivity diseases, ner-
The stress response, which, as indicated earlier facilitates adapta- vous and mental diseases, sexual derangements, digestive diseases,
tion to threatening situations, has been retained from our evolu- metabolic diseases, and cancer.
tionary past. The “fight-or-flight” response, for example, is an
anticipatory response that mobilized the bodily resources of our
ancestors to deal with predators and other harsh factors in their
environment. This same mobilization comes into play in re- Indicators of stress and the stress response include both subjec-
sponse to emotional stimuli unrelated to danger. For example, a tive and objective measures. Chart 6-1 lists signs and symptoms
person may get an “adrenaline rush” when competing over a de- that may be observed directly or reported by the person. They are
cisive point in a ball game, or when excited about attending a psychological, physiologic, or behavioral and reflect social be-
party. haviors and thought processes. Some of these reactions may be
When the responses to stress are ineffective, they are referred coping behaviors. Over time, each person tends to develop a
to as maladaptive. Maladaptive responses are chronic, recurrent characteristic pattern of behavior during stress that is a warning
responses or patterns of response over time that do not promote that the system is out of balance.
the goals of adaptation. The goals of adaptation are somatic or
physical health (optimal wellness); psychological health or hav-
ing a sense of well-being (happiness, satisfaction with life,
morale); and enhanced social functioning, which includes work,
social life, and family (positive relationships). Maladaptive re-
sponses that threaten these goals include faulty appraisals and in-
appropriate coping (Lazarus, 1991a).
The frequency, intensity, and duration of stressful situations
contribute to the development of negative emotions and sub-
sequent patterns of neurochemical discharge. By appraising sit-
uations more adequately and coping more appropriately, it is
possible to anticipate and defuse some of these situations. For
example, frequent potentially stressful encounters (eg, marital
discord) might be avoided with better communication and prob-
lem solving, or a pattern of procrastination (eg, delaying work
on tasks) could be corrected to reduce stress when deadlines
Coping processes that include the use of alcohol or drugs to
reduce stress increase the risk of illness. Other inappropriate cop-
ing patterns may increase the risk of illness less directly. For ex-
ample, people who demonstrate “type A” personality behaviors
such as impatience, competitiveness, and achievement orienta-
tion and have an underlying hostile approach to life are more
prone than others to develop stress-related illnesses. Type A be-
haviors increase the output of catecholamines, the adrenal-
medullary hormones, with their attendant effects on the body.
Other forms of inappropriate coping include denial, avoid-
ance, and distancing. Denial may be illustrated by the woman
who feels a lump in her breast but downplays its seriousness and
delays seeking medical attention. The intent of denial is to con-
trol the threat, but it may also endanger life.
Models of illness frequently cite stress and maladaptation as
precursors to disease. A general model of illness, based on Selye’s
theory, suggests that any stressor elicits a state of disturbed phys-
iologic equilibrium. If this state is prolonged or the response is ex-
cessive, it will increase the susceptibility of the person to illness.
This susceptibility, coupled with a predisposition in the person

Laboratory measurements of indicators of stress have helped

in understanding this complex process. Among the measures, Physiology/Pathophysiology
blood and urine analyses can be used to demonstrate changes in
hormonal levels and hormonal breakdown products. Reliable
measures of stress include blood levels of catecholamines, corti-
coids, ACTH, and eosinophils. The serum creatine/creatinine
ratio and elevations of cholesterol and free fatty acids can also be Normal Adapted Injured or Dead
cell cell diseased cell cell
measured. Immunoglobulin assays may be determined. With
greater attention to neuroimmunology, improved laboratory
measures are likely to follow. Increases in blood pressure and
heart rate can also be measured. Compensatory mechanisms; Pathophysiologic mechanisms;
In addition to using laboratory tests, researchers have devel- Cell remains intact Loss of cell integrity
oped questionnaires to identify and assess stressors, stress, and
coping strategies. Many of these are discussed in the research FIGURE 6-3 The cell on a continuum of function and structure. Changes
monograph developed by Barnfather and Lyon (1993), which in the cell are not as easily discerned as the diagram depicts. The point at which
was based on a synthesis conference held by nurse scientists on compensation subsides and pathophysiology begins is not clearly defined.
the state of the science in stress and coping nursing research.
Some examples of the research instruments that nurses com-
monly use to measure levels of client distress and client func-
tioning can be found in a variety of research reports (Cronquist,
Wredding, Norlander, Langius, & Bjorvell, 2000; Starzonski & tectable, because each state does not have discrete boundaries,
Hilton, 2000). Miller and Smith (1993) provided a stress audit and disease represents an extension and distortion of normal
and a stress profile measurement tool that is available in the pop- processes. The earliest changes occur at the molecular or subcel-
lular level and are not perceptible until steady-state functions or
ular lay literature.
structures are altered. With cell injury, some changes may be re-
versible; in other instances, the injuries are lethal. For example,
NURSING IMPLICATIONS tanning of the skin is an adaptive, morphologic response to expo-
sure to the rays of the sun. If the exposure is continued, however,
It is important for the nurse to realize that the optimal point of
sunburn and injury occur, and some cells may die, as evidenced
intervention to promote health is during the stage when the in-
by desquamation (“peeling”).
dividual’s own compensatory processes are still functioning. Early
Different cells and tissues respond to stimuli with different
identification of both physiologic and psychological stressors re-
patterns and rates of response; some cells are more vulnerable to
mains a major role of the nurse, and information on the interre-
one type of stimulus or stressor than others. The cell involved,
lationships between physical and emotional health can be found
its ability to adapt, and its physiologic state are determinants of
in research journals. The nurse should be able to relate the pre-
the response. For example, cardiac muscle cells respond to hy-
senting signs and symptoms of distress to the physiology they rep-
poxia (inadequate oxygenation) more quickly than smooth mus-
resent and identify the individual’s position on the continuum of
cle cells do.
function, from health and compensation to pathophysiology and
Other determinants of cellular response are the type or nature
disease. For example, if an anxious middle-aged woman pre-
of the stimulus, its duration, and its severity. For example, neu-
sented for a checkup and was found to be overweight, with a
rons that control respiration can develop a tolerance to regular,
blood pressure of 130/85 mm Hg, the nurse would counsel her
small amounts of a barbiturate, but one large dose may result in
with respect to diet, stress management, and activity. The nurse
would also encourage weight loss and discuss the woman’s in- respiratory depression and death.
take of salt (which affects fluid balance) and caffeine (which pro-
vides a stimulant effect). The patient and the nurse would CONTROL OF THE STEADY STATE
identify both individual and environmental stressors and discuss
The concept of the cell as existing on a continuum of function
strategies to decrease the lifestyle stress, with the ultimate goal
and structure includes the relationship of the cell to compen-
being to create a healthy lifestyle and prevent hypertension and
satory mechanisms, which occur continuously in the body to
its sequelae.
maintain the steady state. Compensatory processes are regulated
primarily by the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine
Stress at the Cellular Level system, with control achieved through negative feedback.

Pathologic processes may occur at all levels of the biologic or-

ganism. If the cell is considered the smallest unit or subsystem
Negative Feedback
(tissues being aggregates of cells, organs aggregates of tissues, and Negative feedback mechanisms throughout the body monitor
so forth), the processes of health and disease or adaptation and the internal environment and restore homeostasis when condi-
maladaptation can all occur at the cellular level. Indeed, patho- tions shift out of the normal range. These mechanisms work by
logic processes are often described by scientists at the subcellular sensing deviations from a predetermined set point or range of
or molecular level. adaptability and triggering a response aimed at offsetting the
The cell exists on a continuum of function and structure, deviation. Blood pressure, acid–base balance, blood glucose
ranging from the normal cell, to the adapted cell, to the injured level, body temperature, and fluid and electrolyte balance are
or diseased cell, to the dead cell (Fig. 6-3). Changes from one examples of functions regulated through such compensatory
state to another may occur rapidly and may not be readily de- mechanisms.
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 89

Most of the human body’s control systems are integrated by Positive Feedback
the brain and influenced by the nervous and endocrine systems.
Control activities involve detecting deviations from the predeter- Another type of feedback, positive feedback, perpetuates the
mined reference point and stimulating compensatory responses chain of events set in motion by the original disturbance instead
in the muscles and glands of the body. The major organs affected of compensating for it. As the system becomes more unbalanced,
are the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. disorder and disintegration occur. There are some exceptions to
When stimulated, these organs alter their rate of activity or the this; blood clotting in humans, for example, is an important pos-
amount of secretions they produce. Because of this, they have itive feedback mechanism.
been called the “organs of homeostasis or adjustment.”
In addition to the responses controlled by the nervous and en- CELLULAR ADAPTATION
docrine systems, local responses consisting of small feedback
loops in a group of cells or tissues are possible. The cells detect a Cells are complex units that dynamically respond to the chang-
change in their immediate environment and initiate an action to ing demands and stresses of daily life. They possess a maintenance
counteract its effect. For example, the accumulation of lactic acid function and a specialized function. The maintenance function
in an exercised muscle stimulates dilation of blood vessels in the refers to the activities that the cell must perform with respect to
area to increase blood flow and improve the delivery of oxygen itself; specialized functions are those that the cell performs in re-
and removal of waste products. lation to the tissues and organs of which it is a part. Individual
The net result of the activities of feedback loops is homeosta- cells may cease to function without posing a threat to the organ-
sis. A steady state is achieved by the continuous, variable action ism. As the number of dead cells increases, however, the special-
of the organs involved in making the adjustments and by the con- ized functions of the tissues are altered and the individual’s health
tinuous small exchanges of chemical substances among cells, in- is threatened.
terstitial fluid, and blood. For example, an increase in the carbon Cells can adapt to environmental stress through structural and
dioxide concentration of the extracellular fluid leads to increased functional changes. Some of these adaptations are hypertrophy,
pulmonary ventilation, which decreases the carbon dioxide level. atrophy, hyperplasia, dysplasia, and metaplasia (Table 6-2).
On a cellular level, increased carbon dioxide raises the hydrogen Hypertrophy and atrophy lead to changes in the size of cells
ion concentration of the blood. This is detected by chemosensi- and hence the size of the organs they form. Compensatory hy-
tive receptors in the respiratory control center of the medulla of pertrophy is the result of an enlarged muscle mass and commonly
the brain. The chemoreceptors stimulate an increase in the rate occurs in skeletal and cardiac muscle that experiences a pro-
of discharge of the neurons that innervate the diaphragm and in- longed, increased workload. One example is the bulging muscles
tercostal muscles, which increases the rate of respiration. Excess of the athlete who engages in body building.
carbon dioxide is exhaled, the hydrogen ion concentration returns Atrophy can be the consequence of a disease or of decreased
to normal, and the chemically sensitive neurons are no longer use, decreased blood supply, loss of nerve supply, or inadequate
stimulated. nutrition. Disuse of a body part is often associated with the aging

Table 6-2 • Cellular Adaptation to Stressors

Hypertrophy—increase in cell Increased workload Leg muscles of runner
size leading to increase in Arm muscles in tennis player
organ size Cardiac muscle in person with
Atrophy—shrinkage in size of Decrease in: Secondary sex organs in aging
cell, leading to decrease in Use person
organ size Blood supply Extremity immobilized in plas-
Nutrition ter cast
Hormonal stimulation
Hyperplasia—increase in Hormonal influence Breast changes of a girl in pu-
number of new cells (increase berty or of a pregnant
in mitosis) woman
Regeneration of liver cells
New red blood cells in blood
Dysplasia—change in the ap- Reproduction of cells with re- Alterations in epithelial cells of
pearance of cells after they sulting alteration of their size the skin or the cervix, pro-
have been subjected to and shape ducing irregular tissue
chronic irritation changes that could be the
precursors of a malignancy
Metaplasia—transformation of Stress applied to highly spe- Changes in epithelial cells lin-
one adult cell type to another cialized cell ing bronchi in response to
(reversible) smoke irritation (cells be-
come less specialized)

process. Cell size and organ size decrease; structures principally External
affected are the skeletal muscles, the secondary sex organs, the
heart, and the brain.
Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of new cells in an Internal
organ or tissue. As cells multiply and are subjected to increased
stimulation, the tissue mass enlarges. It is a mitotic response
(a change occurring with mitosis), but it is reversible when the Processing
stimulus is removed. This distinguishes it from neoplasia or ma- of information
lignant growth, which continues after the stimulus is removed. and matter
Hyperplasia may be hormonally induced. An example is the in-
crease in the size of the thyroid gland caused by thyroid-stimulating
hormone (secreted from the pituitary gland) when a deficit in thy- Environment
roid hormone is detected.
Dysplasia is the change in the appearance of cells after they
have been subjected to chronic irritation. Dysplastic cells have a Environment
tendency to become malignant; dysplasia is seen commonly in
epithelial cells in the bronchi of smokers. FIGURE 6-4 Influences leading to disorder may arise from the internal
Metaplasia is a cell transformation in which a highly special- environment and the external environment of the system. Excesses or deficits
ized cell changes to a less specialized cell. This serves a protective of information and matter may occur, or there may be faulty regulation of
function, because the less specialized cell is more resistant to processing.
the stress that stimulated the change. For example, the ciliated
columnar epithelium lining the bronchi of smokers is replaced Hypoxia
by squamous epithelium. The squamous cells can survive; loss of
Inadequate cellular oxygenation (hypoxia) interferes with the
the cilia and protective mucus, however, can have damaging
cell’s ability to transform energy. Hypoxia may be caused by:
These adaptations allow the survival of the organism. They • A decrease in blood supply to an area
also reflect changes in the normal cell in response to stress. If the • A decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood (de-
stress is unrelenting, the function of the adapted cell may suc- creased hemoglobin)
cumb, and cell injury will occur. • A ventilation/perfusion or respiratory problem that reduces
the amount of oxygen available in the blood
• A problem in the cell’s enzyme system that makes it unable
CELLULAR INJURY to use the oxygen delivered to it
Injury is defined as a disorder in steady-state regulation. Any The usual cause is ischemia, or deficient blood supply. Ischemia
stressor that alters the ability of the cell or system to maintain op- is commonly seen in myocardial cell injury in which arterial
timal balance of its adjustment processes will lead to injury. blood flow is decreased because of atherosclerotic narrowing
Structural and functional damage then occurs, which may be re- of blood vessels. Ischemia also results from intravascular clots
versible (permitting recovery) or irreversible (leading to disability (thrombi or emboli) that may form and interfere with blood sup-
or death). Homeostatic adjustments are concerned with the small ply. Thrombi and emboli are common causes of cerebrovascular
changes within the body’s systems. With adaptive changes, com- accidents (strokes). The length of time different tissues can sur-
pensation occurs and a steady state is achieved, although it may vive without oxygen varies. For example, brain cells may succumb
be at new levels. With injury, steady-state regulation is lost, and in 3 to 6 minutes, depending on the situation. If the condition
changes in functioning ensue. leading to hypoxia is slow and progressive, collateral circulation
Causes of disorder and injury in the system (cell, tissue, organ, may develop, whereby blood is supplied by other blood vessels
body) may arise from the external or internal environment in the area. However, this mechanism is not highly reliable.
(Fig. 6-4) and include hypoxia, nutritional imbalance, physical
agents, chemical agents, infectious agents, immune mecha- Nutritional Imbalance
nisms, genetic defects, and psychogenic factors. The most com-
mon causes are hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), chemical injury, and Nutritional imbalance refers to a relative or absolute deficiency
infectious agents. In addition, the presence of one injury makes or excess of one or more essential nutrients. This may be mani-
the system more susceptible to another injury. For example, in- fested as undernutrition (inadequate consumption of food or
adequate oxygenation and nutritional deficiencies make the sys- calories) or overnutrition (caloric excess). Caloric excess to the
tem vulnerable to infection. These agents act at the cellular level point of obesity overloads cells in the body with lipids. By re-
by damaging or destroying quiring more energy to maintain the extra tissue, obesity places a
strain on the body and has been associated with the development
• The integrity of the cell membrane, necessary for ionic bal- of disease, especially pulmonary and cardiovascular disease.
ance Specific deficiencies arise when an essential nutrient is defi-
• The ability of the cell to transform energy (aerobic respira- cient or when there is an imbalance of nutrients. Protein defi-
tion, production of adenosine triphosphate) ciencies and avitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins) are typical
• The ability of the cell to synthesize enzymes and other nec- examples. An energy deficit leading to cell injury can occur if
essary proteins there is insufficient glucose, or insufficient oxygen to transform
• The ability of the cell to grow and reproduce (genetic in- the glucose into energy. A lack of insulin, or the inability to use
tegrity) insulin, may also prevent glucose from entering the cell from the
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 91

blood. This occurs in diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder that hydrochloric acid can damage the stomach lining; large amounts
can lead to nutritional deficiency. of glucose can cause osmotic shifts, affecting the fluid and elec-
trolyte balance; and too much insulin can cause subnormal levels
Physical Agents of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia) and can lead to coma.
Drugs, including prescribed medications, can also cause chem-
Physical agents, including temperature extremes, radiation, elec- ical poisoning. Some individuals are less tolerant of medications
trical shock, and mechanical trauma, can cause injury to the cells than others and manifest toxic reactions at the usual or custom-
or to the entire body. The duration of exposure and the intensity ary dosages. Aging tends to decrease tolerance to medications.
of the stressor determine the severity of damage. Polypharmacy (taking many medications at one time) also occurs
frequently in the aging population and is a problem because of the
EXTREMES OF HIGH TEMPERATURE unpredictable effects of the resulting medication interactions.
When a person’s temperature is elevated, hypermetabolism oc- Alcohol (ethanol) is also a chemical irritant. In the body, al-
curs and the respiratory rate, heart rate, and basal metabolic rate cohol is broken down into acetaldehyde, which has a direct toxic
all increase. With fever induced by infections, the hypothalamic effect on liver cells that leads to a variety of liver abnormalities,
thermostat may be reset at a higher temperature, then return to including cirrhosis in susceptible individuals. Disordered liver
normal when the fever abates. The increase in body temperature cell function leads to complications in other organs of the body.
is achieved through physiologic mechanisms. Body temperatures
greater than 41°C (106°F) suggest hyperthermia, because the Infectious Agents
physiologic function of the thermoregulatory center breaks down
and the temperature soars. This physiologic condition occurs in Biologic agents known to cause disease in humans are viruses,
people with heat stroke. Eventually, the high temperature causes bacteria, rickettsiae, mycoplasmas, fungi, protozoa, and nema-
coagulation of cell proteins, and the cells die. The body must be todes. The severity of the infectious disease depends on the num-
cooled rapidly to prevent brain damage. ber of microorganisms entering the body, their virulence, and the
The local response to thermal or burn injury is similar. There host’s defenses (eg, health, age, immune defenses).
is an increase in metabolic activity, and, as heat increases, protein Some bacteria, such as those that cause tetanus and diphtheria,
is coagulated, enzyme systems are destroyed, and, in the extreme, produce exotoxins that circulate and create cell damage. Others,
charring or carbonization occurs. Burns of the epithelium are such as the gram-negative bacteria, produce endotoxins when they
classified as partial-thickness burns if epithelializing elements re- are killed. The tubercle bacillus induces an immune reaction.
main to support healing. Full-thickness burns lack such elements Viruses, the smallest living organisms, survive as parasites of
and must be grafted for healing. The amount of body surface in- the living cells they invade. Viruses infect specific cells. Through
volved determines the prognosis for the patient. If the injury is a complex mechanism, they replicate within the cells, then invade
severe, the entire body system becomes involved, and hyper- other cells and continue to replicate. An immune response is
metabolism develops as a pathophysiologic response. mounted by the body to eliminate the viruses, and the cells har-
boring the viruses can be injured in the process. Typically, an in-
EXTREMES OF LOW TEMPERATURE flammatory response and immune reaction are the physiologic
Extremes of low temperature, or cold, cause vasoconstriction. responses of the body to the presence of infection.
Blood flow becomes sluggish and clots form, leading to ischemic
damage in the involved tissues. With still lower temperatures, ice Disordered Immune Responses
crystals may form, and the cells may burst.
The immune system is an exceedingly complex system; its pur-
RADIATION AND ELECTRICAL SHOCK pose is to defend the body from invasion by any foreign object or
Radiation is used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Ioniz- foreign cell type, such as cancerous cells. This is a steady-state
ing forms of radiation may cause injury by their destructive ac- mechanism, but like other adjustment processes it can become
tion. Radiation decreases the protective inflammatory response of disordered, and cell injury will occur. The immune response de-
the cell, creating a favorable environment for opportunistic in- tects foreign bodies by distinguishing non-self substances from
fections. Electrical shock produces burns as a result of the heat self substances and destroying the non-self entities. The entrance of
generated when electrical current travels through the body. It an antigen (foreign substance) into the body evokes the production
may also abnormally stimulate nerves, leading, for example, to of antibodies that attack and destroy the antigen (antigen–antibody
fibrillation of the heart. reaction).
The immune system can be hypoactive or hyperactive. When
MECHANICAL TRAUMA it is hypoactive, immunodeficiency diseases occur; when it is hy-
Mechanical trauma can result in wounds that disrupt the cells and peractive, hypersensitivity disorders arise. A disorder of the im-
tissues of the body. The severity of the wound, the amount of mune system itself can result in damage to the body’s own tissues.
blood loss, and the extent of nerve damage are significant factors Such disorders are labeled autoimmune diseases (see Unit 11).
in the outcome.
Genetic Disorders
Chemical Agents Genetic defects as causes of disease and their effects on genetic
Chemical injuries are caused by poisons, such as lye, which has a structure are of intense research interest. Many of these defects
corrosive action on epithelial tissue, or by heavy metals, such as produce mutations that have no recognizable effect, such as lack
mercury, arsenic, and lead, each with its own specific destructive of a single enzyme; others contribute to more obvious congen-
action. Many other chemicals are toxic in specific amounts, in ital abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. As a result of the
certain people, and in distinctive tissues. Excessive secretion of Human Genome Project, patients can be genetically assessed for

conditions such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia A

and B, breast cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, phenylke- Physiology/Pathophysiology
tonuria, and Alzheimer’s disease. The availability of genetic
information and technology enables health care providers to per-
form screening, testing, and counseling for patients with genetic Migration of leukocytes Cellular injury
concerns. Knowledge obtained from the Human Genome Proj- to inflamed area to
engulf foreign material
ect has also created opportunities for assessing a person’s genetic
profile and preventing or treating disease. Diagnostic genetics and
gene therapy have the potential to identify and modify a gene
before it begins to express traits that would lead to disease or


Cells or tissues of the body may be injured or killed by any of the
agents (physical, chemical, infectious) described earlier. When this
happens, an inflammatory response (or inflammation) naturally
occurs in the healthy tissues adjacent to the site of injury. Inflam- Plasma fluids,
mation is a defensive reaction intended to neutralize, control, or leukocytes,
eliminate the offending agent and to prepare the site for repair. It chemical
is a nonspecific response (not dependent on a particular cause) that mediators
is meant to serve a protective function. For example, inflamma- leak into
Vasodilation and inflamed area
tion may be observed at the site of a bee sting, in a sore throat, in
increased vascular
a surgical incision, and at a burn site. Inflammation also occurs in permeability of microcirculation
cell injury events, such as strokes and myocardial infarctions.
Inflammation is not the same as infection. An infectious agent FIGURE 6-5 Inflammatory response. Chemical, physical, infectious, or
is only one of several agents that may trigger an inflammatory re- other factors cause cellular injury. Vasodilation and release of chemical-
sponse. An infection exists when the infectious agent is living, mediators, leukocytes, and proteins occur. Leukocytes remove cellular debris.
growing, and multiplying in the tissues and is able to overcome Fibrinogen and plasma coagulate to prevent spread of infection.
the body’s normal defenses.
Regardless of the cause, a general sequence of events occurs in
the local inflammatory response. This sequence involves changes
in the microcirculation, including vasodilation, increased vascu- is present in many tissues of the body but is concentrated in the
lar permeability, and leukocytic cellular infiltration (Fig. 6-5). As mast cells. It is released when injury occurs and is responsible
these changes take place, five cardinal signs of inflammation are for the early changes in vasodilation and vascular permeability.
produced: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Kinins increase vasodilation and vascular permeability; they also
The transient vasoconstriction that occurs immediately after attract neutrophils to the area. Prostaglandins, another group of
injury is followed by vasodilation and an increased rate of blood chemical substances, are also suspected of causing increased per-
flow through the microcirculation. Local heat and redness result. meability.
Next, vascular permeability increases, and plasma fluids (includ-
ing proteins and solutes) leak into the inflamed tissues, produc- Systemic Response to Inflammation
ing swelling. The pain produced is attributed to the pressure of
fluids or swelling on nerve endings, and to the irritation of nerve The inflammatory response is often confined to the site, causing
endings by chemical mediators released at the site. Bradykinin is only local signs and symptoms. However, systemic responses can
one of the chemical mediators suspected of causing pain. Loss of also occur. Fever is the most common sign of a systemic response
function is most likely related to the pain and swelling, but the to injury, and it is most likely caused by endogenous pyrogens
exact mechanism is not completely known. (internal substances that cause fever) released from neutrophils
As blood flow increases and fluid leaks into the surrounding and macrophages (specialized forms of leukocytes). These sub-
tissues, the formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, stances reset the hypothalamic thermostat, which controls body
and platelets) remain in the blood, causing it to become more vis- temperature, and produce fever. Leukocytosis, an increase in the
cous. Leukocytes (white blood cells) collect in the vessels, exit, synthesis and release of neutrophils from bone marrow, may
and migrate to the site of injury to engulf offending organisms occur to provide the body with greater ability to fight infection.
and to remove cellular debris in a process called phagocytosis. During this process, general, nonspecific symptoms develop, in-
Fibrinogen in the leaked plasma fluid coagulates, forming fibrin cluding malaise, loss of appetite, aching, and weakness.
for clot formation, which serves to wall off the injured area and
prevent the spread of infection. Types of Inflammation
Inflammation is categorized primarily by its duration and the type
Chemical Mediators of exudate produced. It may be acute, subacute, or chronic. Acute
Injury initiates the inflammatory response, but chemical sub- inflammation is characterized by the local vascular and exudative
stances released at the site induce the vascular changes. Foremost changes described earlier and usually lasts less than 2 weeks. An
among these chemicals are histamine and the kinins. Histamine acute inflammatory response is immediate and serves a protective
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 93

function. After the injurious agent is removed, the inflammation repair. Any of the injuries previously discussed can lead to death
subsides and healing takes place with the return of normal or near- of the cell. Essentially, the cell membrane becomes impaired, re-
normal structure and function. sulting in a nonrestricted flow of ions. Sodium and calcium enter
Chronic inflammation develops if the injurious agent persists the cell, followed by water, which leads to edema, and energy
and the acute response is perpetuated. Symptoms are present for transformation ceases. Nerve impulses are no longer transmitted;
many months or years. Chronic inflammation may also begin in- muscles no longer contract. As the cells rupture, lysosomal en-
sidiously and never have an acute phase. The chronic response zymes that destroy tissues escape, and cell death and necrosis
does not serve a beneficial and protective function; on the con- occur.
trary, it is debilitating and can produce long-lasting effects. As the
inflammation becomes chronic, changes occur at the site of in-
jury and the nature of the exudate becomes proliferative. A cycle NURSING IMPLICATIONS
of cellular infiltration, necrosis, and fibrosis begins, with repair In the assessment of the person who seeks health care, both ob-
and breakdown occurring simultaneously. Considerable scarring jective signs and subjective symptoms are the primary indicators
may occur, resulting in permanent tissue damage. of the physiologic processes that are occurring. The following
Subacute inflammation falls between acute and chronic in- questions are addressed during the assessment:
flammation. It includes elements of the active exudative phase of
the acute response as well as elements of repair, as in the chronic • Are the heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature normal?
phase. The term subacute inflammation is not widely used. • What emotional distress may be contributing to the pa-
tient’s health problems?
• Are there other indicators of steady-state deviation?
CELLULAR HEALING • What is the person’s blood pressure, height, and weight?
The reparative process begins at approximately the same time as • Are there any problems in movement or sensation?
the injury and is interwoven with inflammation. Healing pro- • Does the person demonstrate any problems with affect, be-
ceeds after the inflammatory debris has been removed. Healing havior, speech, cognitive ability, orientation, or memory?
may occur by regeneration, in which gradual repair of the defect • Are there obvious impairments, lesions, or deformities?
occurs by proliferation of cells of the same type as those de- Further signs of change are indicated in diagnostic studies
stroyed, or by replacement, in which cells of another type, usu- such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
ally connective tissue, fill in the tissue defect and result in scar (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Objective evi-
formation. dence can also be obtained from laboratory data, including elec-
trolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood glucose, and urinalysis.
Healing by Regeneration In making a nursing diagnosis, the nurse must relate the symp-
toms or complaints expressed by the patient to the physical signs
The ability of cells to regenerate depends on whether they are la- that are present. Management of specific biologic disorders is dis-
bile, permanent, or stable. Labile cells multiply constantly to re- cussed in subsequent chapters; however, the nurse can assist any
place cells worn out by normal physiologic processes; these patient to respond to stress-inducing biologic or psychological
include epithelial cells of the skin and those lining the gastroin- disorders with stress-management interventions.
testinal tract. Permanent cells include neurons—the nerve cell
bodies, not their axons. Destruction of a neuron is a permanent
loss, but axons may regenerate. If normal activity is to return, tis- Stress Management: Nursing Interventions
sue regeneration must occur in a functional pattern, especially in
the growth of several axons. Stable cells have a latent ability to re- Stress or the potential for stress is ubiquitous; that is, it is every-
generate. Under normal physiologic processes, they are not shed where and anywhere at once. Anxiety, frustration, anger, and feel-
and do not need replacement, but if they are damaged or de- ings of inadequacy, helplessness, or powerlessness are emotions
stroyed, they are able to regenerate. These include functional cells often associated with stress. In the presence of these emotions, the
of the kidney, liver, and pancreas. customary activities of daily living may be disrupted; for example,
a sleep disturbance may be present, eating and activity patterns
may be altered, and family processes or role performance may be
Healing by Replacement
Depending on the extent of damage, tissue healing may occur by Many nursing diagnoses are possible for patients suffering from
primary intention or by secondary intention. In primary inten- stress. One nursing diagnosis related to stress is Anxiety, which is
tion healing, the wound is clean and dry and the edges are ap- defined as a vague, uneasy feeling, the source of which may be
proximated, as in a surgical wound. Little scar formation occurs, nonspecific or not known to the person. Stress may also be man-
and the wound is usually healed in a week. In secondary inten- ifested as ineffective coping patterns, impaired thought processes,
tion healing, the wound or defect is larger and gaping and has or disrupted relationships. These human responses are reflected in
necrotic or dead material. The wound fills from the bottom up- the nursing diagnoses of Impaired adjustment, Ineffective coping,
ward with granulation tissue. The process of repair takes longer Defensive coping, and Ineffective denial, all of which indicate
and results in more scar formation, with loss of specialized func- poor adaptive responses. Other possible nursing diagnoses include
tion. People who have recovered from myocardial infarction, for Social isolation, Risk for impaired parenting, Spiritual distress,
example, have abnormal electrocardiographic (ECG) tracings be- Readiness for family coping, Decisional conflict, Situational low
cause the electrical signal cannot be conducted through the con- self-esteem, and Powerlessness, among others. Because human re-
nective tissue that has replaced the infarcted area. sponses to stress are varied, as are the sources of stress, arriving at
The condition of the host, the environment, and the nature an accurate diagnosis allows interventions and goals to be more
and severity of the injury affect the processes of inflammation and specific and leads to improved outcomes.

Stress management is directed toward reducing and control- nurse can build on the patient’s existing coping strategies, as iden-
ling stress and improving coping. Nurses might use these meth- tified in the health appraisal, or teach new strategies for coping if
ods not only with their patients but also in their own lives. The necessary.
need to prevent illness, improve the quality of life, and decrease The five predominant ways of coping with illness identified in
the cost of health care makes efforts to promote health essential, a review of 57 nursing research studies were as follows (Jalowiec,
and stress control is a significant health-promotion goal. Stress- 1993):
reduction methods and coping enhancements can derive from
either internal or external sources. For example, adopting healthy • Trying to be optimistic about the outcome
eating habits and practicing relaxation techniques are internal re- • Using social support
sources that help to reduce stress; developing a broad social net- • Using spiritual resources
work is an external resource that helps reduce stress. Goods and • Trying to maintain control either over the situation or over
services that can be purchased are also external resources for stress
management, and it is much easier for individuals with adequate • Trying to accept the situation
financial resources to cope with constraints in the environment, Other ways of coping included seeking information, repriori-
because their sense of vulnerability to threat is decreased. tizing needs and roles, lowering expectations, making compro-
mises, comparing oneself to others, planning activities to conserve
energy, taking things one step at a time, listening to one’s body,
PROMOTING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE and using self-talk for encouragement.
An individual’s personal resources that aid in coping include The nurse can implement the coping enhancement interven-
health and energy. A health-promoting lifestyle provides these re- tions and explore methods for improving the patient’s coping
sources and buffers or cushions the impact of stressors. Lifestyles abilities.
or habits that contribute to the risk of illness can be identified
through a health risk appraisal. TEACHING RELAXATION TECHNIQUES
A health risk appraisal is an assessment method that is de-
signed to promote health by examining an individual’s personal Relaxation techniques are a major method used to relieve stress.
habits and recommending changes when a health risk is identi- Commonly used techniques include progressive muscle relax-
fied. Health risk questionnaires estimate the likelihood that a per- ation, the Benson Relaxation Response, and relaxation with
son with a given set of characteristics will become ill. It is hoped guided imagery. The goal of relaxation training is to produce a
that if people are provided with this information, they will alter response that counters the stress response. When this goal is
their activities (eg, stop smoking, have periodic screening exami- achieved, the action of the hypothalamus adjusts and decreases
nations) to improve their health. Questionnaires typically address the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sys-
the following information: tems. The sequence of physiologic effects and their signs and
symptoms are interrupted, and psychological stress is reduced.
1. Demographic data: age, sex, race, ethnic background This is a learned response and requires practice to achieve.
2. Personal and family history of diseases and health problems The different relaxation techniques share four similar ele-
3. Lifestyle choices ments: (1) a quiet environment, (2) a comfortable position, (3) a
a. Eating, sleeping, exercise, smoking, drinking, sexual ac- passive attitude, and (4) a mental device (something on which to
tivity, and driving habits focus the attention, such as a word, phrase, or sound).
b. Stressors at home and on the job
c. Role relationships and associated stressors
4. Physical measurements Progressive Muscle Relaxation
a. Blood pressure Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and releasing the
b. Height, weight muscles of the body in sequence and sensing the difference in feel-
c. Laboratory analyses of blood and urine ing. It is best if the person lies on a soft cushion on the floor, in a
5. Participation in high-risk behaviors quiet room, breathing easily. Someone usually reads the instruc-
The personal information is compared with average popula- tions in a low tone and with a slow and relaxed manner, or a tape
tion risk data, and the risk factors are identified and weighted. of the instructions may be played. The person tenses the muscles
From this analysis, the person’s risks and major health hazards are in the whole body (one muscle group at a time), holds, senses the
identified. Further comparisons with population data can esti- tension, and then relaxes. As each muscle group is tensed, the per-
mate how many years will be added to the person’s life span if the son keeps the rest of the body relaxed. Each time the focus is on
suggested changes are made. However, research so far has not feeling the tension and relaxation. When the exercise is com-
demonstrated that providing people with such information en- pleted, the whole body should be relaxed (Benson, 1993; Benson
sures that they will change their habits. The single most impor- & Stark, 1996).
tant factor for determining health status is social class, and within
a social class the research suggests that the major factor influenc- Benson’s Relaxation Response
ing health is level of education (Mickler, 1997).
Benson (1993) describes the following steps of the Benson Re-
laxation Response:
ENHANCING COPING STRATEGIES 1. Pick a brief phrase or word that reflects your basic belief
McCloskey and Bulechek (1999) identified “coping enhance- system.
ment” as a nursing intervention and defined it as “assisting a pa- 2. Choose a comfortable position.
tient to adapt to perceived stressors, changes, or threats that 3. Close your eyes.
interfere with meeting life demands and roles” (Chart 6-2). The 4. Relax your muscles.
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 95

5. Become aware of your breathing, and start using your se- scene, trying to feel and relive the imagery with all of the senses.
lected focus word. A tape recording may be made of the description of the image, or
6. Maintain a passive attitude. commercial tape recordings for guided imagery and relaxation
7. Continue for a set period of time. can be used.
8. Practice the technique twice daily. Other relaxation techniques include meditation, breathing
techniques, massage, Reiki, music therapy, biofeedback, and the
This response combines meditation with relaxation. Along use of humor.
with the repeated word or phrase, a passive attitude is essential. If
other thoughts or distractions (noises, the pain of an ailment)
occur, Benson recommends not fighting the distraction but sim- EDUCATING
ply continuing to repeat the focus phrase. The time of day is not Two commonly prescribed nursing educational interventions—
important, but the exercise works best on an empty stomach. providing sensory information and providing procedural infor-
mation (eg, preoperative teaching)—have the goal of reducing
stress and improving the patient’s coping ability. This prepara-
Relaxation With Guided Imagery tory education includes giving structured content, such as a les-
Simple guided imagery is the “purposeful use of imagination to son in childbirth preparation to expectant parents, a review of
achieve relaxation or direct attention away from undesirable sen- cardiovascular anatomy to the cardiac patient, or a description of
sations” (McCloskey & Bulechek, 1999, p. 506). The nurse helps sensations the patient will experience during cardiac catheteriza-
the person select a pleasant scene or experience, such as watching tion. These techniques may alter the person–environment rela-
the ocean or dabbling the feet in a cool stream. This image serves tionship such that something that might have been viewed as
as the mental device in this technique. As the person sits com- harmful or a threat will now be perceived more positively. Giv-
fortably and quietly, the nurse guides the individual to review the ing patients information also reduces the emotional response so

that they can concentrate and solve problems more effectively stance abusers and their family members, and victims of child
(Calvin & Lane, 1999; Millo & Sullivan, 2000). abuse. Professional, civic, and religious support groups are active
in many communities. There are also encounter groups, as-
sertiveness training programs, and consciousness-raising groups
ENHANCING SOCIAL SUPPORT to help people modify their usual behaviors in their transactions
The nature of social support and its influence on coping have with their environment. Being a member of a group with similar
been studied extensively; social support has been demonstrated problems or goals has a releasing effect on a person that promotes
to be an effective moderator of life stress. Social support has been freedom of expression and exchange of ideas.
found to provide the individual with several different types of As previously noted, a person’s psychological and biologic
emotional information (Heitzman & Kaplan, 1988; Wineman, health, internal and external sources of stress management, and
1990). The first type of information leads people to believe that relationships with the environment are predictors of health out-
they are cared for and loved. This emotional support appears comes. These factors are directly related to the health patterns of
most often in a relationship between two people in which mutual the individual. The nurse has a significant role and responsibility
trust and attachment are expressed by helping one another meet in identifying the health patterns of the person receiving care. If
their emotional needs. The second type of information leads peo- those patterns are not achieving physiologic, psychological, and
ple to believe that they are esteemed and valued. This is most social balance, the nurse is obligated, with the assistance and
effective when there is recognition that demonstrates the indi- agreement of the patient, to seek ways to promote balance.
vidual’s favorable position in the group. It elevates the person’s Although this chapter has presented some physiologic mech-
sense of self-worth and is called esteem support. The third type anisms and perspectives on health and disease, the way that one
of information leads people to believe that they belong to a net- copes with stress, the way one relates to others, and the values and
work of communication and mutual obligation. Members of this goals held are also interwoven into those physiologic patterns. To
network share information and make goods and services available evaluate a patient’s health patterns and to intervene if a problem
to the members on demand. exists requires a total assessment of the person. Specific problems
Social support also facilitates an individual’s coping behaviors; and their nursing management are addressed in greater depth in
this depends, however, on the nature of the social support. Peo- other chapters.
ple can have extensive relationships and interact frequently, but
the necessary support comes only when there is a deep level of in-
volvement and concern, not when people merely touch the sur-
face of each other’s lives. The critical qualities within a social
network are the exchange of intimate communications and the
presence of solidarity and trust.
Emotional support from family and significant others pro-
? Critical Thinking Exercises
vides a person with love and a sense of sharing the burden. The
1. Think about a patient who has survived a major motor
vehicle crash and is hospitalized for severe burns, a frac-
emotions that accompany stress are unpleasant and often increase tured hip, and multiple lacerations and abrasions. Identify
in a spiraling fashion if relief is not provided. Being able to talk the actual and potential physical, physiological, and
with someone and express feelings openly may help the person to psychosocial stressors evident from this person’s trauma.
gain mastery of the situation. Nurses can provide this support; Determine nursing strategies to reduce or alleviate these
however, it is important to identify the person’s social support stressors.
system and encourage its use. People who are loners, who are iso-
lated, or who withdraw in times of stress have a high risk of cop- 2. A 50-year-old woman is diagnosed with osteoporosis
ing failure. after sustaining a rib fracture. The nurse is evaluating the
Because anxiety can also distort a person’s ability to process in- coping style of the woman. What indications would the
formation, it helps to seek information and advice from others nurse note in her interactions and follow-up care for this
who can assist with analyzing the threat and developing a strat- patient that demonstrate that the woman uses problem-
egy to manage it. Again, this use of others helps the person to focused coping and emotion-focused coping?
maintain mastery of a situation and to retain self-esteem. 3. Select a patient to whom you are assigned who has an
Thus, social networks assist with management of stress by pro- acute illness or injury. Describe the manner in which home-
viding the individual with ostasis has been maintained or disrupted and the compen-
• A positive social identity satory mechanisms that are evident. How does the patient’s
• Emotional support medical treatment support the compensatory mechanisms?
• Material aid and tangible services How do you determine the nursing interventions that are
• Access to information appropriate for promoting the healing process?
• Access to new social contacts and new social roles 4. A family composed of two parents, two adolescent male
sons, and the maternal grandfather explore with the nurse
RECOMMENDING SUPPORT their health promotion needs. The family’s health history
reveals that the mother has adult-onset diabetes; the father
AND THERAPY GROUPS has coronary artery disease; the sons are somewhat over-
Support groups exist especially for people in similar stressful sit- weight; and the grandfather has mild congestive heart fail-
uations. Groups have been formed by parents of children with ure. The family has ample resources for making changes in
leukemia, people with ostomies, mastectomy patients, and those their lifestyle. What interventions would the nurse initiate
with other kinds of cancer or other serious diseases, chronic ill- to promote a healthier lifestyle for this family?
nesses, and disabilities. There are groups for single parents, sub-
Chapter 6 Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 97

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