RPH KSSR Bahasa Inggeris BI Tahun 4
RPH KSSR Bahasa Inggeris BI Tahun 4
RPH KSSR Bahasa Inggeris BI Tahun 4
Level Three
7. Fill in missing words in sentences. 1.2.2 Listen and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
8. Write simple and compound 1.3.3. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
sentences. them to pictures and the spoken words.
2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.7.2 To request for specific objects in school when carrying out a task.
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
4.4.2 Complete simple instructions with missing words.
4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3
3 Personal Level 1
Relationship. By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words.
able to:- 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to
(Greetings pictures.
and 9. Listen to and pronounce words and 2.2.3 Ask ‘wh’ questions to seek information.
phrases with correct intonation and 2.7.5 Talk about oneself to neighbours and friends.
word stress. 3.2.3 Recognize complete words in texts.
Social 3.2.4 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words for each topic taught.
Expressions) 10. Understand the meaning of words 3.3.3 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
and phrases in context. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts.
11. Ask simple questions. 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
12. Exchange greetings.
13. Learn meaning of key words.
14. Read and understand phrases.
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 3
Level 1
6 World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words.
Knowledge able to:- 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
(Occupations) 1. Listen to and repeat phrases with 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
correct intonation and word stress. 2.2.1 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
2. Acquire vocabulary and meaning of 2.5.1 Give details about the people of a story heard or read.
words in context. 3.2.1 Recognise complete words in texts.
3. Obtain information from texts 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words .
listened. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
4. Listen read and enjoy rhymes, 3.8.2 Scan for specific information in texts.
songs and poems. 3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text.
5. Ask and answer questions politely 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories.
6. Talk about people and their 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures.
occupations. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words (5-6 words in a sentences)
7. Read and understand key words in Level 2
phrases, sentences and texts. 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
8. Read and understand simple texts 1.3.2 Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching them
for main ideas. to pictures and the spoken word.
9. Complete texts with words and 1.5.2 Listen to simp0le texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
phrases. 1.5.3 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
10. Construct sentences. 2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.5.2 Talk about the actions of the people in a story heard or read.
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main
ideas and details
3.9.2 Read and give details about people in the story
4.3.2 Match words to signs.
4.4.2 Complete simple descriptions with missing words.
4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3
1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation
1.5.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them.
3.2.5 Learn another 5 key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of their own.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people in a story heard or read.
3.9.4 Tell why a person in a story is good or bad.
4.3.3. Match words to other words.
4.4.3 Complete simple texts stories with the missing words
7 Level 1
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.2.4 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words.
Knowledge able to:- 1.3.3 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
1.5.5 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
(Occupations) 11. Listen to and repeat phrases with 1.6.2 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
correct intonation and word stress. 2.2.3 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
12. Acquire vocabulary and meaning of 2.5.4 Give details about the people of a story heard or read.
words in context. 3.2.3 Recognise complete words in texts.
13. Obtain information from texts 3.2.4 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words .
listened. 3.3.4 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
14. Listen read and enjoy rhymes, 3.8.5 Scan for specific information in texts.
songs and poems. 3.8.6 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text.
15. Ask and answer questions politely 3.9.5 Read simple poems and simple stories.
16. Talk about people and their 4.3.3 Match phrases to pictures.
occupations. 4.5.3 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words (5-6 words in a sentences)
17. Read and understand key words in Level 2
phrases, sentences and texts. 1.2.5 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
18. Read and understand simple texts 1.3.4 Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching them
for main ideas. to pictures and the spoken word.
19. Complete texts with words and 1.5.6 Listen to simp0le texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
phrases. 1.5.7 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
20. Construct sentences. 2.2.4 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.5.5 Talk about the actions of the people in a story heard or read.
3.3.5 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.8.7 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main
ideas and details
3.9.6 Read and give details about people in the story
4.3.4 Match words to signs.
4.4.4 Complete simple descriptions with missing words.
4.5.4 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3
1.2.6 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation
1.5.8 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
2.5.6 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them.
3.2.6 Learn another 5 key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of their own.
3.3.6 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.9.7 Read and talk about the actions of people in a story heard or read.
3.9.8 Tell why a person in a story is good or bad.
4.3.4. Match words to other words.
4.4.5 Complete simple texts stories with the missing words
9 Level 1
World Of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.1.4 Listen and repeat : initial diagraphs
Personal able to:- 1.3.3 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by
Relationship pointing to pictures.
11. Listen and discriminate similar and 2.1.6 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- initial diagraphs
Family and different sounds. 2.1.7 Pronounce 3-syllable words
Relationship of 12. Listen and pronounce words 2.2.2 Ask ‘Wh’ question to seek information.
People correctly. 2.3.2 Name and identify members of the family
13. Understand the meaning of key 2.5.3 Give details about people in a story heard or read.
words and phrases in context. 2.7.2 Talk about one’s family to neighbours and friends.
14. Ask and answer questions. 3.1.4 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds:- initial diagraphs
15. Talk about family members and 3.4.4 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly
relatives and their relationship. 3.10.2 Read according to one’s interest.
16. Read aloud expressively. 4.1.2 Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing – capital letters.
17. Read widely and independently. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures.
18. Copy correctly. 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
19. Complete texts with missing words. Level 2
10 World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.3.5 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. Scope 30 – 40
Knowledge able to:- 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
1. identify, name and refute numbers 2.3.3 Understand numbers in stories and situations : 30 – 40
Numbers/Calenda 2. acquire vocabulary on Cardinal 3.2.5 Recognise and read aloud the cardinal numbers 30 – 40 in numeral and word forms
r/Time and Ordinal Numbers, days of the 4.2.1 Write clearly and legibly numerals 30 – 50 in both number and word forms using cursive writing for
week and months of the year. word forms.
3. Add and subtract numbers. 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures
4. Listen to and enjoy rhymes, jazz 4.6.1 Spell words that are given to memorize
chants and songs. 4.7.1 Use full stop for initials and abbreviations
5. write numbers clearly and legibly Level 2
6. Spell and take dictation 1.3.6 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers:
7. Ask and answer questions. Scope 40 – 50
8. Punctuate meaningfully. - numbers in tens : 50 – 70
- when the numbers are added, subtracted and refuted.
2.2.3 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.3.4 Understand and respond in relevant situations and stories pertaining to numbers
- 40 –50
- numbers in tens up to 70
- adding, subtracting and refuting the numbers.
3.2.6 Recognise and read aloud
- the numbers 40 –50
- numbers in tens: 50 – 70 in its numeral and word forms
Level 3
2.2.4 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and
2.3.5 Give replies pertaining to ordinal numbers 10 th – 15 th
14. Spell and take dictation 1.3.9 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers:
15. Ask and answer questions. Scope 40 – 50
16. Punctuate meaningfully. - numbers in tens : 50 – 70
- when the numbers are added, subtracted and refuted.
2.2.5 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.3.7 Understand and respond in relevant situations and stories pertaining to numbers
- 40 –50
- numbers in tens up to 70
- adding, subtracting and refuting the numbers.
3.2.8 Recognise and read aloud
- the numbers 40 –50
- numbers in tens: 50 – 70 in its numeral and word forms
4.3.4 Match words to signs.
Level 3
2.2.6 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and
2.3.8 Give replies pertaining to ordinal numbers 10 th – 15 th
and cursive writing. 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
10. Complete texts 1.3.2 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
11. Construct sentences. them to pictures and the spoken word.
Level 3
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
and cursive writing. 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
21. Complete texts 1.3.4 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
22. Construct sentences. them to pictures and the spoken word.
1.5.5 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions
1.5.6 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
2.1.5 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation.
2.1.6 Ask questions with the correct intonation
2.2.3. Ask other forms of questions to seek information
3.2.4 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words .
3.3.4 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.8.5 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main
Level 3
Level 1
14 World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat final diagraphs.
personal able to:- 1.4.1 Listen to and understand simple instructions
Relationship 1. Listen to and discriminate similar 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
and different sounds. 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly: - final diagraphs.
Parts of the Body 2. Listen and enjoy the rhyme , 2.3.1 Name and identify parts of the body.
rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. – final diagraphs
chants and songs. 3.6.2 Give words according to categories
3. Listen and follow simple 3.8.1 Read and recognize descriptions.
instructions. 3.8.5 Read and obtain meaning by making references to words within the text.
4. Speak clearly by pronouncing 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
words accurately Level 2
5. Give relevant information politely 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds.
to enquiries made. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions.
6. Recognise word on sight 2.1.2 Say aloud phrases expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and
7. Acquire a wide range of intonation.
vocabulary. 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences.
8. Read and understand simple factual 3.1.2 Identify letter shapes by their sounds.
texts. 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning.
3.6.4 Understand words opposite in meaning.
9. Construct simple and compound 3.8.6 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main
sentences. ideas and details
4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
4.8.5 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
Level 3.
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.1.4 Listen to and repeat final diagraphs.
personal able to:- 1.4.3 Listen to and understand simple instructions
Relationship 10. Listen to and discriminate similar 1.6.2 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
and different sounds. 2.1.3 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly: - final diagraphs.
Parts of the Body 11. Listen and enjoy the rhyme , 2.3.2 Name and identify parts of the body.
rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz 3.1.4 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. – final diagraphs
chants and songs. 3.6.5 Give words according to categories
12. Listen and follow simple 3.8.2 Read and recognize descriptions.
instructions. 3.8.7 Read and obtain meaning by making references to words within the text.
13. Speak clearly by pronouncing 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
words accurately Level 2
14. Give relevant information politely 1.1.5 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds.
to enquiries made. 1.4.4 Listen to and follow simple instructions.
15. Recognise word on sight 2.1.4 Say aloud phrases expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and
16. Acquire a wide range of intonation.
vocabulary. 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences.
17. Read and understand simple factual 3.1.5 Identify letter shapes by their sounds.
texts. 3.6.6 Understand words similar in meaning.
3.6.7 Understand words opposite in meaning.
18. Construct simple and compound 3.8.8 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main
sentences. ideas and details
4.5.5 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
4.8.6 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
Level 3.
10. Punctuate meaningfully 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
1.3.3. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by
matching them to pictures and the spoken words.
1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions .
1.5.2 Listen to texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
1.5.3 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard before.
2.5.2 Talk about actions of people in a s story heard or read.
2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
Level 3
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
20. Punctuate meaningfully 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
1.3.4. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by
matching them to pictures and the spoken words.
1.4.4 Listen to and follow simple instructions .
1.5.5 Listen to texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
1.5.6 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
2.2.4 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.4.4 Complete parts of a story heard before.
2.5.4 Talk about actions of people in a s story heard or read.
2.6.3 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
3.4.5 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
4.8.3 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
Level 3
1.5.7 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events
2.4.6 Retell stories heard before with expression.
2.6.4. Give reasons why one likes or does not like the story.
3.4.6 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively.
3.6.6 Distinguish words that show action(verbs)
4.8.3 Write simple description with picture cues.
World Of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
words accurately. 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds.
5. Express thoughts and feelings and 1.2.2. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
give opinions on things read, seen, 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
heard and viewed in simple 2.2.5 Ask other forms of questions to0 seek information.
language. 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
6. Acquire word recognition and word 3.1.4 Identify letter shapes by their sounds
attack skills. 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning
7. Acquire a wide range of 3.6.4 Understand words opposite in meaning.
vocabulary. 3.9.2 Read and give details about people and animals in the story.
8. Read and enjoy simple poem and 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts
stories. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
9. Complete texts with missing words
10. Spell correctly and take dictation. Level 3.
11. Give accurate information when 1.13 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds.
writing simple reports. 1.2.2 Listen and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation stress and intonation
1.54 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
1.7.3 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feeling about the story.
2.15 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words correctly.
2.6.3 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the story.
3.14 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
3.6.6. Distinguish words that show action .
3.6.7. Distinguish words that show comparison
3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read.
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
4.8.3 Write simple descriptions with pictures cues
words accurately. 1.1.3 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds.
16. Express thoughts and feelings and 1.2.3. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
give opinions on things read, seen, 1.5.4 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
heard and viewed in simple 2.2.6 Ask other forms of questions to0 seek information.
writing simple reports. 1.14 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds.
1.2.4 Listen and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation stress and intonation
1.55 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
1.7.4 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feeling about the story.
2.16 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words correctly.
2.6.6 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the story.
3.15 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
3.6.8. Distinguish words that show action .
3.6.9. Distinguish words that show comparison
3.9.6 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read.
4.5.6 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
4.8.7 Write simple descriptions with pictures cues
By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge 1. Listen and discriminate similar and 1.1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds-diphthongs
different sounds 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by
2. Acquire vocabulary and understand pointing to pictures.
Objects the meaning 2.11 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly – diphthongs
3. Speak clearly by pronouncing 2.3.1 Name or identify objects
words accurately. 3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly.
3.6.1 Recognise and make small words from bug words.
3.7.1 Read and group words according to alphabetical order.
4. Give relevant information politely 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts.
in response to enquiries made. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words
5. Perform a variety of functions in a 4.6.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
social context. Level 2
6. Read aloud expressively and 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
fluently. 1.33. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their
7. Use the dictionary meaning by matching them to pictures and the spoken word.
8. Complete texts 2.2.2 Ask for other forms of questions to seek information.
9. Construct simple and compound 2.3.3. Talk about personal experiences.
sentences. 2.7.3 To request for specific objects in school when carrying out a task.
10. Spell correctly and take dictation.. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
3.6.2 Give words according to categories.
3.7.2 Understand the function of guide words.
3.7.3 Understand parts of an entry.
4.4.2 Complete simple instructions , descriptions with missing words.
4.5.2 Form sentences by matching sentence parts.
4.6.2 Apply spelling rules to plurals.
Level 3
Knowledge 1. Listen and discriminate similar and 1.1.3 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds-diphthongs
different sounds 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by
2. Acquire vocabulary and understand pointing to pictures.
Objects the meaning 2.12 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly – diphthongs
3. Speak clearly by pronouncing 2.3.2 Name or identify objects
words accurately. 3.4.4 Read aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly.
4. Give relevant information politely 3.6.3 Recognise and make small words from bug words.
in response to enquiries made. 3.7.4 Read and group words according to alphabetical order.
5. Perform a variety of functions in a 4.4.4 Complete missing letters in texts.
social context. 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words
4.6.3 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
Level 2
Knowledge able to:- 1.1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- silent letters
1. Listen and discriminate similar and 1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
different sounds . 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- silent letters.
Transport 2. Obtain information from texts 2.2.1 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
listened to in relation to main ideas, 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases.
specific details and sequence. 3.2.1 Recognize complete words in texts.
3. Speak clearly by pronouncing 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching pictures.
words accurately. 3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly.
4. Ask questions politely to obtain 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures.
information and clarification. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts
5. Tell stories based on pictures and 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
other stimuli.
6. Acquire key words at various Level 2
stages of development. 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
7. Read and understand phrases, 1.5.5 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
sentences, paragraphs, and whole 2.1.2 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation
texts. 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
Level 3
2.1.5 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.
2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarifications on how to make things
2.4.4 Recite simple poems with expressions and appropriate gestures
2.4.5 Retell stories heard before with expression.
3.2.7 Learn another 5 key words and use them in sentences of one’s own.
3.67 Distinguish words that show comparison .
4.3.3 Match words with other words.
4.5.2 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge able to:- 1.1.3 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- silent letters
10. Listen and discriminate similar and 1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
different sounds . 2.1.3 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- silent letters.
Transport 11. Obtain information from texts 2.2.2 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
listened to in relation to main ideas, 2.4.6 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases.
specific details and sequence. 3.2.2 Recognize complete words in texts.
12. Speak clearly by pronouncing 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching pictures.
words accurately. 3.4.3 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly.
13. Ask questions politely to obtain 4.3.4 Match phrases to pictures.
information and clarification. 4.4.2 Complete missing letters in texts
14. Tell stories based on pictures and 4.5.3 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
other stimuli. Level 2
15. Acquire key words at various 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
stages of development. 1.5.7 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
16. Read and understand phrases, 2.1.4 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation
sentences, paragraphs, and whole 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
texts. 2.4.7 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines.
17. Read aloud expressively and 2.4.8 Completing parts of a story heard before.
fluently pronouncing words 3.23 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words
correctly. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences
18. Construct simple and compound 3.4.4 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
sentences. 4.3.5 Match words with signs
4.53 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3
Knowledge able to:- 1.1.1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- word contractions
1. Listen to and discriminate similar 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words
and different sounds. 1.4.1 Listen to and understand directions.
2. Listen to and pronounce words 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
accurately. 2.2.1 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek for information.
3. Listen to and follow directions. 2.3.1 Name and identify buildings , parts of buildings.
4. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, 3.2.1 Recognise complete words in texts.
rhythm and sounds of poem, jazz 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
chants and songs. 3.6.1 Recognise and make small words from big words.
5. Ask questions politely 3.7.1 Read and group words according to alphabetical order.
6. Give relevant information politely 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures.
in response to enquiries made. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
7. Acquire key words and a wide Level 2
range of vocabulary. 1.12 Listen and identify different types of letter sound
8. Use the dictionary 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
9. Construct simple and compound 2.2.2 Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
sentences 2.3.3. Talk about personal experiences.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words .
3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.6.2 Give words according to categories.
3.7.2 Understand function of guide words.
3.7.3 Understand parts of entry.
4.3.2 Match words to other words.
4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3.
3.2.5 Learn 5 key words and use them in sentences of one’s own.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.6.8 Read and distinguish homographs and homophones.
3.7.4. Read and select the definiton suited to the meaning of the word in the context.
3.7.5. Read and locate the required words in the dictionary.
4.4.3 Match words to other words.
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge able to:- 1.1.2. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- word contractions
10. Listen to and discriminate similar 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words
and different sounds. 1.4.1 Listen to and understand directions.
Building/ 11. Listen to and pronounce words 1.6.2 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
Places/Directions accurately. 2.2.3 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek for information.
12. Listen to and follow directions. 2.3.2 Name and identify buildings , parts of buildings.
13. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, 3.2.3 Recognise complete words in texts.
rhythm and sounds of poem, jazz 3.3.4 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
chants and songs. 3.6.3 Recognise and make small words from big words.
14. Ask questions politely 3.7.4 Read and group words according to alphabetical order.
15. Give relevant information politely 4.3.3 Match phrases to pictures.
in response to enquiries made. 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
16. Acquire key words and a wide Level 2
range of vocabulary. 1.12 Listen and identify different types of letter sound
17. Use the dictionary 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
18. Construct simple and compound 2.2.4 Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
sentences 2.3.4. Talk about personal experiences.
3.2.4 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words .
3.3.5 Read and understand simple sentences.
3.6.4 Give words according to categories.
3.7.5 Understand function of guide words.
3.7.6 Understand parts of entry.
4.3.4 Match words to other words.
4.5.5 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
Level 3.
3.2.5 Learn 5 key words and use them in sentences of one’s own.
3.3.6 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
3.6.9 Read and distinguish homographs and homophones.
3.7.6. Read and select the definiton suited to the meaning of the word in the context.
3.7.7. Read and locate the required words in the dictionary.
4.4.4 Match words to other words.
4.5.6 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
Knowledge able to:- 1.11 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- word endings
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words
Vegetation different sounds. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
2. Listen to and pronounce words 1.7.1 Listen to stories and recall names of vegetation.
accurately 2.2.1 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
3. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm 3.6.1 Name and identify vegetable Fruits and flowers.
and sounds of poem, jazz chants and 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
songs 3.6.2 Recognise and make small words from big words.
4. Ask questions politely 4.3.1 Match phrases to pictures.
5. Read and understand phrases and 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.6.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
6. Acquire key words and a wide range of
vocabulary. Level 2
7. Use the dictionary 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sound
8. Construct simple and compound 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions
Level 3
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge able to:- 1.12 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- word endings
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and 1.2.4 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words
Vegetation different sounds. 1.6.2 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
9. Listen to and pronounce words 1.7.4 Listen to stories and recall names of vegetation.
accurately 2.2.4 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
10. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm 3.6.3 Name and identify vegetable Fruits and flowers.
and sounds of poem, jazz chants and 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
songs 3.6.4 Recognise and make small words from big words.
11. Ask questions politely 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures.
12. Read and understand phrases and 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.6.3 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
13. Acquire key words and a wide range of
vocabulary. Level 2
14. Use the dictionary 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sound
15. Construct simple and compound 1.2.5 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions
sentences 1.7.5 Listen to simple stories and recall story-line by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
2.2.5 Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
3.33 Read and understand simple sentences
4.5.5 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
4.6.4 Apply spelling rules to plurals
Level 3
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge able to:- 1.13 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- word endings
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and 1.2.7 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3-syllable words
Vegetation different sounds. 1.6.3 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
16. Listen to and pronounce words 1.7.7 Listen to stories and recall names of vegetation.
accurately 2.2.7 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
17. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm 3.6.5 Name and identify vegetable Fruits and flowers.
and sounds of poem, jazz chants and 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures.
songs 3.6.6 Recognise and make small words from big words.
18. Ask questions politely 4.3.3 Match phrases to pictures.
19. Read and understand phrases and 4.5.7 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.6.5 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
20. Acquire key words and a wide range of
vocabulary. Level 2
21. Use the dictionary 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sound
22. Construct simple and compound 1.2.8 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions
sentences 1.7.8 Listen to simple stories and recall story-line by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
2.2.8 Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
3.34 Read and understand simple sentences
4.5.8 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
4.6.6 Apply spelling rules to plurals
Level 3
Knowledge and able to:- 1.1.8 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- silent letters
Stories 1. Listen and repeat accurately the 1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
correct pronunciation of words.. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and
2. Obtain information from texts animals.
listened to in relation to main ideas, 2.1.5 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- silent letters.
specific details and sequence 2.2.3 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
3. Listen to and enjoy stories , fables 2.4.11 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases.
5. Speak clearly by pronouncing 1.1.9 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
words accurately. 1.5.9 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
6. Ask questions politely to obtain 2.1.6 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation
information and clarification. 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
7. Tell stories based on pictures and 2.4.12 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines.
other stimuli. 2.4.13 Completing parts of a story heard before.
fluently pronouncing words 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds
correctly. 1.5.10 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of event.
11. Construct simple and compound 2.1.5 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.
sentences. 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarifications on how to make things
2.4.14 Recite simple poems with expressions and appropriate gestures
2.4.15 Tell stories heard before with expression.
3.2.9 Learn another 5 key words and use them in sentences of one’s own.
3.69 Distinguish words that show comparison .
4.3.9 Match words with other words.
4.5.6 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge and able to:- 1.1.10 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- silent letters
Stories 12. Listen and repeat accurately the 1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
correct pronunciation of words.. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and
13. Obtain information from texts animals.
listened to in relation to main ideas, 2.1.7 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- silent letters.
specific details and sequence 2.2.4 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
14. Listen to and enjoy stories , fables 2.4.16 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases.
16. Speak clearly by pronouncing 1.1.11 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
words accurately. 1.5.11 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
17. Ask questions politely to obtain 2.1.8 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation
information and clarification. 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
18. Tell stories based on pictures and 2.4.17 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines.
other stimuli. 2.4.18 Completing parts of a story heard before.
19. Acquire key words at various 3.25 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words
stages of development. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences
20. Read and understand phrases, 3.4.8 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
sentences, paragraphs, and whole 4.3.11 Match words with signs
texts. 4.55 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
21. Read aloud expressively and Level 3
fluently pronouncing words 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds
correctly. 1.5.12 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of event.
22. Construct simple and compound 2.1.5 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.
sentences. 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarifications on how to make things
2.4.19 Recite simple poems with expressions and appropriate gestures
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
Knowledge and able to:- 1.1.12 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds- silent letters
Stories 23. Listen and repeat accurately the 1.5.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message.
correct pronunciation of words.. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and
24. Obtain information from texts animals.
listened to in relation to main ideas, 2.1.9 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly:- silent letters.
specific details and sequence 2.2.5 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information.
25. Listen to and enjoy stories , fables 2.4.21 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases.
27. Speak clearly by pronouncing 1.1.13 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds.
words accurately. 1.5.13 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
28. Ask questions politely to obtain 2.1.10 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation
information and clarification. 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
29. Tell stories based on pictures and 2.4.22 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines.
other stimuli. 2.4.23 Completing parts of a story heard before.
30. Acquire key words at various 3.26 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words
stages of development. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences
31. Read and understand phrases, 3.4.10 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation.
sentences, paragraphs, and whole 4.3.14 Match words with signs
texts. 4.56 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
32. Read aloud expressively and Level 3
fluently pronouncing words 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds
correctly. 1.5.14 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of event.
33. Construct simple and compound 2.1.5 Chant rhymes , jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.
sentences. 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarifications on how to make things
2.4.24 Recite simple poems with expressions and appropriate gestures
2.4.25 Tell stories heard before with expression.
3.2.11 Learn another 5 key words and use them in sentences of one’s own.
3.71 Distinguish words that show comparison .
4.3.15 Match words with other words.
4.5.10 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
Level 1
35 World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
Personal able to :- 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals.
Relationship 1. Acquire and understand the 2.2.1 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information
meanings of words and phrases in 2.5.1 Give details about people and festivals .
context. 2.7.1 Talk about oneself to neighbours and friends.
Festivals/ 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures
Malaysia and 2. Listen to and enjoy stories fables 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories.
her Neighbours. and other tales of imagination and 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
fantasy and predict outcomes and Level 2
conclusions. 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
3. Ask questions politely them to pictures and spoken words.
1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple questions.
1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the story –line by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
4. Talk about people ,places and 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
moral values . 2.5.2 Talk about actions of the people.
5. Perform a variety of functions in a Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions
social context. in relation to main ideas and details.
6. Read and understand phrases, 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
sentences ,paragraphs and whole Level 3
texts. 1.5.8 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
7. Construct simple and compound 2.2.6 Ask questions to seek clarifications on people and their festivals
sentences. 3.85 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
36 Level 1
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
Personal able to :- 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals.
Relationship 8. Acquire and understand the 2.2.2 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information
meanings of words and phrases in 2.5.3 Give details about people and festivals .
context. 2.7.2 Talk about oneself to neighbours and friends.
Festivals/ 3.3.2 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures
Malaysia and 9. Listen to and enjoy stories fables 3.9.2 Read simple poems and simple stories.
her Neighbours. and other tales of imagination and 4.5.4 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
fantasy and predict outcomes and Level 2
conclusions. 1.3.4 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
10. Ask questions politely them to pictures and spoken words.
1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple questions.
1.7.3 Listen to simple stories and recall the story –line by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
11. Talk about people ,places and 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
moral values . 2.5.4 Talk about actions of the people.
Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions
in relation to main ideas and details.
12. Perform a variety of functions in a 4.5.5 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
social context. Level 3
13. Read and understand phrases, 1.5.9 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
sentences ,paragraphs and whole 2.2.7 Ask questions to seek clarifications on people and their festivals
texts. 3.86 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
14. Construct simple and compound 4.5.6 Construct simple sentences independently.
37 Level 1
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.3.3 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
Personal able to :- 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals.
Relationship 15. Acquire and understand the 2.2.3 Ask ‘Wh’ questions to seek information
meanings of words and phrases in 2.5.5 Give details about people and festivals .
context. 2.7.3 Talk about oneself to neighbours and friends.
Festivals/ 3.3.3 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures
Malaysia and 16. Listen to and enjoy stories fables 3.9.3 Read simple poems and simple stories.
her Neighbours. and other tales of imagination and 4.5.7 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
fantasy and predict outcomes and Level 2
conclusions. 1.3.5 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching
17. Ask questions politely them to pictures and spoken words.
1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple questions.
1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and recall the story –line by answering simple ‘Wh’ questions.
18. Talk about people ,places and 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of questions to seek information
moral values . 2.5.6 Talk about actions of the people.
Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions
in relation to main ideas and details.
19. Perform a variety of functions in a 4.5.8 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
social context. Level 3
20. Read and understand phrases, 1.5.10 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events.
sentences ,paragraphs and whole 2.2.8 Ask questions to seek clarifications on people and their festivals
texts. 3.87 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
21. Construct simple and compound 4.5.9 Construct simple sentences independently.
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be Level 1
40 Level 1
World of By the end of the lesson pupils should be 1.3.11 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. Scope 30 – 40
Knowledge able to:- 1.6.3 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs, rhymes and poems.
17. identify, name and refute numbers 2.3.9 Understand numbers in stories and situations : 30 – 40
Numbers/Calenda 18. acquire vocabulary on Cardinal 3.2.9 Recognise and read aloud the cardinal numbers 30 – 40 in numeral and word forms
r/Time and Ordinal Numbers, days of the 4.2.3 Write clearly and legibly numerals 30 – 50 in both number and word forms using cursive writing for
week and months of the year. word forms.
19. Add and subtract numbers. 4.3.6 Match phrases to pictures
20. Listen to and enjoy rhymes, jazz 4.6.4 Spell words that are given to memorize
chants and songs. 4.7.3 Use full stop for initials and abbreviations
21. write numbers clearly and legibly Level 2
22. Spell and take dictation 1.3.12 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers:
23. Ask and answer questions. Scope 40 – 50
24. Punctuate meaningfully. - numbers in tens : 50 – 70
- when the numbers are added, subtracted and refuted.
2.2.7 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.
2.3.10 Understand and respond in relevant situations and stories pertaining to numbers
- 40 –50
- numbers in tens up to 70
- adding, subtracting and refuting the numbers.
3.2.10 Recognise and read aloud
- the numbers 40 –50
- numbers in tens: 50 – 70 in its numeral and word forms
4.3.7 Match words to signs.
Level 3
2.2.8 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and
2.3.11 Give replies pertaining to ordinal numbers 10 th – 15 th