เข้า ม.1 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุดที่ 1

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The passage provides a sample English proficiency test for grade 1 students in Thailand. It contains questions about grammar, vocabulary, situations and conversations.

The passage provides a sample English proficiency test for grade 1 students in Thailand. It tests their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, situations and conversations through multiple choice questions.

The passage mentions that the position requires fluency in oral English, knowledge of basic technical ability with audio, visual and lighting equipment, and an aptitude for operating and maintaining equipment.


แนวข ้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษเข ้า ม.1 โรงเรียนสามเสนวิทยาลัย

Choose the best answer that appropriate communicative.
1. A : My son won the singing contest.
B : ……………………………………….
a. How was possible.
b. How did you teach him ?
c. Congratulations.
d. Wonderful.

2. Christ : What can you see in the …………………………..

Mike : Myself.
a. mirror
b. grass
c. glasses
d. curtain

3. Situation : On a crowded bus. Peter stands on a

woman’s foot.
Woman : ………………you’re standing on my
Peter : I’m sorry. Excuse me. I want to
get off here.
a. Stop !
b. Look out !
c. How come ?
d. Be careful, please.


a. Crocodile are sold here.

b. Do not feed the crocodile.
c. Be careful of the fierce crocodile.

d. Do not play with the crocodile.

5. You have the fierce dogs at your house. Which sign

would you hang up on the gate ?
a. Beware of Dogs.
b. No Dogs Allowed
c. Dogs on Sales
d. Don’t Feed Dogs.

6. Direction : Find the meaning of each statement

I want to go home now.
a. I can go home.
b. I will go home.
c. I have to go home.
d. I’m staying home now.

7. The weather is hot, sunny and dry.

a. In summer.
b. In spring.
c. In autumn
d. In winter.

“ Ladies and gentlemen, let me show our new motorcycle

to you. This is the latest and greatest car from Honda
. It is the strongest motorcycle on the Thai market. ”
8. Who should say this piece ?
a. Salesman
b. Pilot
c. Teacher
d. Nurse

9. Where should it take place ?

a. In the classroom
b. At the exhibition
c. In the market
d. At the swimming pool

Situation : John called up to Peter, But Peter wasn’t in.

Jill answered the phone.
Jill : Hello, This is Nanmee Book store.
John : Hello. ………………….(10)…………….
Jill : I’m sorry, sir. Peter isn’t in.
John : Yes. Could you tell him that John called
Jill : ……………………..(12)……………………….
John : Thank you very much. Good - bye.
a. This is John.
b. Can I help you ?
c. What can I help you ?
d. Could I speak to John, please ?

a. Can you leave any messages ?
b. Can you take any messages ?
c. What time will she come in ?
d. When will you call back ?

a. I think not.
b. Yes, of course.
c. You’re welcome.
d. That’s a good idea.

13. There is some disagreement between my parents

and ……….. about which job I should take.
a. I
b. My
c. Myself
d. Me

14. Natali : “ Which dress do you think I should wear

to the parly ? ”
Paradon : “ I like the red one …………. The others.”
a. better than
b. more than
c. as much as
d. over than

15. “ Your cooking is great. What’s your secret ? ”

Nan : ………………………………………..
Nok : “ ……………….. good dishes, you need to
use lots of spices ”
a. To make.
b. Make.
c. Making
d. For making.

16. Jane : Hi , Malee ! How are you ?

Malee : Terrible ! I saw my ex – boyfriend at a
party last night. I hate him. He’s
ugly ……..stupid !
a. or
b. nor
c. yet
d. and

17. Sunee : Excuse me. Where can I find the rare books.
Jame : ……………………………………………….
a. Look in the post office.
b. Look in the police station.
c. Look in the library
d. Look in the hospital

18. When the sun came out Radda got up. She said
a. good dream.
b. good night.
c. good morning.
d. good luck.

19. I eat a little everyday. I’ d like to ……………………..

a. strong
b. fat
c. diet.
d. thick.

20. A : How do you feel ?

B : Not so good.
A : ……………………………
B : Yes, I think.
a. May be you’re a flu.
b. I think you’re happy.
c. May be you’re fun.
d. Oh, really great.

21. What are some common pets in your country ?

a. bear.
b. fox.
c. camel.
d. dog

22. In an examination room , a student’s mobile phone

often rings . The teacher says “………….”
a. Turn that off !
b. Why not !
c Shut up !
d. Stand up !

23. Situation : Santa talks to Toshi about a student

in the English class.
Santa : He is sitting in the front row. He’s
next to Sue. ……..( )…….
Toshi : He is Palp.
a. Where is it ?
b. Whom do you see ?
c. Who is it ?
d. Who is he ?
24. What is the symbol of Christmas’s Day ?
a. candy
b. gift.
c. card.
d. Christmas tree.

25. Christmas’s Day as same as ……………..

a. Asarnha Bucha day.
b. Wisakha Bucha day.
c. Makhabucha day.
d. Khao Phansa day.
26. What day is the people tell a lie ?
a. Valentine’s Day.
b. Christmas’s Day.
c. April fool’s Day.
d. Halloween’s Day.

A : Excuse me. Where’s the Post Office ?

B : …………………………………………
A : Thank you very much.
B : ………………………………………

27. a. Yes, I see.

b. It’s in the next black – straight ahead.
c. Fine, thank you.
d. That’s all right.

28. a. Yes, I see.

b. It’s in the next black – straight ahead.
c. Fine, thank you.
d. That’s all right.


Urgently requires
O Fluency in oral English
O Knowledge of basic technical ability with
audio, visual & lighting equipment.

29. To apply for the post required an applicant should

a. apply in person.
b. phone for details
c. fill in an application form and send it by
d. send an application letter , photo , and personal
30. The International School needs a Theatre Manager
Assistant …………………….
a. very soon
b. after school
c. recently
d. quite soon

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