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US Army Corps

of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center

HEC Models for Urban

Hydrologic Analysis

January 1994

Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unlimited. TP-141

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January 1994 Technical Paper
HEC Models for Urban Hydrologic Analysis



Arlen D. Feldman



US Army Corps of Engineers TP-141
Institute for Water Resources
Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC)
609 Second Street
Davis, CA 95616-4687



Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

The Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC, has several numerical models for simulation of hydrologic and hydraulic
processes in urban areas. This paper will focus on new developments and applications procedures for the surface water
hydrology models. The primary surface water hydrology model is the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package. It can simulate
the precipitation-runoff process in a wide variety of basins, from small urban areas to large river basins. It also has many
features which facilitate its application to urban areas. The next generation of HEC-1, termed the NexGen Hydrologic
modeling System, HMS, is currently under development. A new model to analyze flooding in interior areas (e.g., on the lad
side of a levee) was just released. An older model (STORM) for urban storm water and combined sewer storage and
treatment is still used in the profession but not actively supported by HEC. These models (primarily HEC-1) will be
discussed in relation to urban hydrologic design. Future direction of the Corps new "Urban Hydrology Method/Models"
research work unit will also be discussed.


hydrology, hydraulics, urban, models,. GIS, database, runoff, design
UU 24
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18
HEC Models for Urban
Hydrologic Analysis

January 1994

US Army Corps of Engineers

Institute for Water Resources
Hydrologic Engineering Center
609 Second Street
Davis, CA 95616

(530) 756-1104
(530) 756-8250 FAX TP-141
Papers in this series have resulted from technical activities of the Hydrologic
Engineering Center. Versions of some of these have been published in
technical journals or in conference proceedings. The purpose of this series is to
make the information available for use in the Center's training program and for
distribution with the Corps of Engineers.

The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of

the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.

The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or
promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official
endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products.
HEC Models for Urban Hydrologic Analysis


HEC Hydrologic Background

As the Corps' national center for hydrologic engineering and analytical planning methods, the
Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC, addresses the needs of the Corps field offices..
HEC has developed and supported a full range of simulation models for understanding how water
resources systems function'. It is assumed that experienced professionals can deduce the appropriate
solution to a problem given the insight provided by selective execution of the simulation models. This
deduction process has historically been and will continue to be the dominant methodology for planning
and operational decisions in the water resources community.

This paper primarily addresses the urban-hydrology software of HEC.. Not included in the
paper is information about HEC's river hydraulics, flood damage, flood frequency, reservoir system,
and water quality models. In recent years, many improvements have been made to: the steady state
water surface profile model; the sediment scour and deposition model; and the unsteady flow model.
In the area of flood damage analysis, a flood damage analysis package provides a comprehensive set
of tools to evaluate flood damage reduction, and a new program accounts for project benefits during
flood event operations. HEC also maintains a set of non-point source, river, and reservoir water
quality simulation models.

Urban Hydrology Background

The U,.S,.Army Corps of Engineers flood control responsibility has applied to many geographic
settings. The flood damages to be prevented are primarily in urban areas.. HEC developed several
computer programs and methods to analyze and compute urban flood damage. The principal program
is the Flood Damage Analysis Package2.. The subject of this paper is not the damage computation,
but the hydrologic simulation software (e.g. HEC-1) developed for urban areas. The Corps has made
flood damage reduction investigations of just about every type of urban area, from sparsely developed
areas to major metropolitan areas. For these studies, traditional hydrologic models have been applied
to the urban areas; oftentimes, new runoff parameters were added to the models to simulate the
particular watershed characteristics of urban areas. Many of the computer simulation models are
simply adapted to the particular infiltration, runoff, and channel characteristics of urban areas..
In the Corps Urban Studies Program of the 1970's, new models were developed to meet
the specific needs of those studies. In other studies, e.g. the Expanded Floodplain Information
Studies, major changes in use of geographic data were made; this was the start of geographic
information system, GIs, usage in hydrologic modeling. In all cases, HEC strives to develop
physically-based simulation models which are easily applied in ungaged areas. This is especially
true in the urban situation. The following sections of this paper discuss the urban hydrology
software development and application activities of the HEC.



The HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package3computer program was originally developed in 1967 by
Leo R. Beard and other members of the HEC staff. The first version of the HEC-1 program
package was published in October 1968. It was expanded and revised and published again in
1969 and 1970. To simplify input requirements and to make the program output more
meaningful and readable, the 1970 version underwent a major revision in 1973. In the mid
1970's, increasing emphasis was being placed on urban storm-water runoff. A special version of
HEC-1 was developed which incorporated the kinematic wave runoff techniques that were being
used in several urban runoff models. Special versions of HEC-1 were also developed for other
purposes. In 1981, the computational capabilities of the dam-break, project optimization, and
kinematic wave special versions were combined into a single package. In late 1984 a
microcomputer version (PC version) was developed. A menu capability was added to facilitate
user interaction with the model; an interactive input developer, a data editor, and output display
features were also added.

Current Version

The latest version, Version 4.0 (September 1990), represents improvements and expansions to the
hydrologic simulation capabilities together with interfaces to the HEC Data Storage System,
HEC-DSS (see later section of this paper). The DSS connection allows HEC-1 to interact with
the input and output of many HEC and other models. (DSS will be an important capability for
marrying several models needed for complex urban runoff situations as discussed later.) New
hydrologic capabilities in HEC-1 include Green and Ampt infiltration, Muskingum-Cunge flood
routing, prespecified reservoir releases, and improved numerical solution of kinematic wave
equations. The Muskingum-Cunge routing may also be used for the collector and main channels
in a kinematic wave land-surface runoff calculation. This new version also automatically
performs numerical analysis stability checks for the kinematic wave and Muskingum-Cunge
routings. The numerical stability check was added because many users did not check the validity
of the time and distance steps used in the model.

In September 1991, an alternate version of HEC-1 (version 4.0.1E) was released for use
on extended memory PC's. A hydrograph-array size of 2,000 time intervals is now available in
this version. The increased array size reduces limitations encountered when simulating long
storms using short time intervals. For example, simulation of a long (96-hour) storm in an urban
area at 15-minute intervals requires 384 ordinates just for the storm; more time intervals would
be required to simulate the full runoff hydrograph and route it through the channel system. The
large-array version also allows greater flexibility in checking for numerical stability of simulation
processes (e.g., kinematic runoff and routing computations). The large-array version uses an
extended or virtual memory operating system available on 386 and 486 machines.
Urban Hydrology Features

Watershed Runoff

HEC-1 computes runoff using one of several loss methods (e.g. SCS Curve Number or Green
and Ampt) together with a either a unit hydrograph or kinematic wave. Kinematic wave was
added specifically to address the issues of urban hydrology. It also provided a better physical
basis for application in ungaged areas. Before adding the kinematic wave runoff capability to
HEC-1, the overall structure of urban runoff computations was analyzed. Urbanization impacts
on both infiltration and runoff characteristics were considered. Also, the procedure for applying
the model to large urban areas was reviewed. It was noted that runoff is usually computed from
two types of surfaces: pervious and impervious. Within a subbasin (the smallest land surface
area for which precipitation-runoff calculations will be made), urban drainage systems were
found to have a regular structure of overland flow leading to collector channels of increasing
size. For example, runoff from a property goes into a gutter, then into various sizes of storm
drains until it reaches the main channel (storm sewer).

These characteristics of urban runoff were taken into account in designing the kinematic
wave urban capability in HEC-14. The result is a series of runoff elements, Fig. 1, which are
linked together. These elements are linked together into a "typical" collector subsystem within
the subbasin, Fig. 2. The rationale is that urban developments often have fairly regular storm
drain systems which are tributary to a main channel. As shown in Fig. 2, there are two overland
flow elements (pervious, the longer and impervious, shorter) which flow into the first collector
channel. These overland flow elements allow specification of different infiltration and runoff
characteristics, usually one representing pervious surfaces and the other representing impervious
surfaces. If the "typical collector system" capability is not appropriate, the simulation may be
accomplished on a detailed lot-by-lot and block-by-block basis. That detailed simulation is
performed by specifying each runoff plane and channel element as a separate subbasin and
routing reach.

The capability to represent impervious and pervious areas could be accomplished by

artificially separating the subbasin into two more subbasins. The artificial subbasins would be
characteristic of pervious and impervious runoff. This would have the same effect for the
overland flow segments, but not for the channels. Both types of overland runoff typically flow
into the same runoff collector channel (maybe a gutter). Thus, when they are treated together,
there is a larger volume of flow in the channel than when each is done separately, and the
nonlinear flow characteristics could not be reproduced by doing two separate smaller flow

This collector system capability allows for use of either kinematic wave or Muskingum-
Cunge channel routing. Two main deficiencies in kinematic wave routing (both channel and
overland) have been noted in our experience: lack of attenuation and numerical instability. The
Muskingum-Cunge method has been found to apply to a much wider range of flow conditions,
and be as good as the full unsteady flow solution much of the time5. Muskingum-Cunge routing
still has numerical stability problems but they are not as limiting as for kinematic wave.

Flow Diversions

Urban storm runoff often encounters blocked or insufficiently sized channels and/or inlets to
channels. Typically runoff from the land surface flows down gutters and ponds at storm drain



Figure 1. Elements Used in Urban-Runoff Calculations

inlets because the inlet is undersized or the storm drain is already full. Where does the water
go? Depending on the terrain, the water may pond at the inlet or flow along the surface streets
(channels). To accommodate this situation, HEC-1 has a diversion capability which allows the
user to specify the inlet capacity and divert the remaining flow. The amount of the diversion is a
function of the incoming flow. The diverted flow is saved and can be retrieved in any subsequent
computation; it can be routed through a reservoir to simulate ponding or routed through a
separate channel system (e.g., down the streets or in an adjacent channel). Because this flow
separation mechanism is so unique to the particular terrain and storm drain characteristics, the
diversion and disposition of the diverted flow was not made an automated process in HEC-1.

Flow Constrictions

Another problem in urban areas is insufficiently sized culverts at road crossings. These
constrictions turn the open flow channel into a reservoir. The level-pool reservoir routing
feature of HEC-1 can handle these conditions very effectively. If the culvert is submerged most
of the time, then the orifice outlet capability of the dam routing may be used. If the flow
exceeds the roadway, then the road may be represented as a nonlevel top-of-dam. For cases
where open channeI flow conditions are prevalent in the culvert, then a separately-determined
rating curve for the culvert and top of the roadway must be computed and input to the dam
Overland Flow Elements
! , : j e r l a n d Flow Strips

Flows from
overland flow

Q in

Figure 2. Subbasin Collector System


In relatively flat urban areas, pumps are often installed to lift the flow to reduce excessive depth
construction costs and to dispose of the water into a river or flood control channel. A pumping
capability was added to HEC-1 to lift flood water over. levees in interior flooding situations. (A
more thorough capability, HEC-IFH, for simulating interior flood situations is presented in a
subsequent section of this paper.) Pumping is accomplished as part of a reservoir routing. As
the reservoir water surface elevation increases, pumps are turned on at different elevations.
There are separate on and off elevations for each of five pumps in HEC-1. The pumped water is
handled in the same manner as the flow diversions, i.e. it can be retrieved in any subsequent
computation. The water that is not pumped either stays in the reservoir (sump or bay) or flows
out a gravity outlet.

ModiJLing Flow-Frequency Curves

One of the key questions in analyzing a flood damage reduction project is: what is the modified
flow-frequency curve with the proposed project in place? The frequency curve together with a
flow-damage relationship allows one to compute expected annual damage reduction to analyze
the economic efficiency of the proposed project. The multi-ratio and multi-plan capability in
HEC-1 performs this modified frequency curve determination. It requires that a flow frequency
curve be provided for existing conditions. Then HEC-1 simulates a series of different-sized
storms (ratios) for both the existing and alternative future basin conditions to compute the
modified frequency curve. The typical application in an urban area is to compute the modified
frequency curve for a change in land use (alternative 'plan'). Then, compute the modified
frequency curve for a change in land use and the addition of a detention storage reservoir
(another 'plan'). This is easily accomplished with the HEC-1 urban runoff and reservoir routing
simulation in a multi-ratio, multi-plan format.

Optimizing the Size of Flood Damage Reduction Projects

The size of a flood damage reduction project can be optimized for economic efficiency6. This
computation combines two major features of HEC-1: expected annual damage computation and
the automated parameter estimation algorithm. With the addition of cost-versus-size
relationships for the projects in question, HEC-1 searches different project sizes to find which
one minimizes the sum of costs and damage. This is equivalent to maximum-net-benefit measure
of economic efficiency. Thus, a detention reservoir may be automatically sized for maximum
economic efficiency.


Some flood damage reduction projects, such as levees and flood walls, usually involve special
problems associated with isolated interior urban areas. Storm runoff patterns are altered and
remedial measures are often required to prevent increased or residual flooding in the interior
area due to blockage of the natural flow paths. Hydrologic analyses are needed to characterize
the interior area flood hazard and to evaluate the performance of the potential flood damage
reduction measures and plans. The HEC-IFH program7 was conceived to meet this need.

HEC-IFH is a comprehensive, interactive program that is operational on extended

memory PC's. It is particularly powerful for performing long, historical-period simulations to
derive annual- or partial-series interior elevation-frequency relationships for various
configurations of interior features such as gravity outlets, pumps, and diversions. It makes
extensive use of a menu-driven user interface, statistical and graphical data representations, and
data summaries. An engineer may use either a continuous simulation or hypothetical event
approach depending on the type of study.

Continuous simulation analysis (also called a period-of-record analysis) uses continuous

historical precipitation to derive streamflow records, see Fig. 3. HEC-IFH is designed to
accommodate complete continuous simulations for at least 50 years of hourly records. However,
these are not the absolute limits of the program's capabilities. For example, total periods of up
to 100 years and time increments as small as 5 minutes may be used, although significant
increases in data storage requirements and computation time will result.

Exterii Conditions

-- Runoff


Figure 3. Interior-Flood-Hydrology Continuous Simulation

Hypothetical-event analysis is generally applicable when interior and exterior flood events
are dependent. The analysis can be conducted so that the same series of synthetic storm events
occur over both the interior and exterior areas. This analysis method can also be applied using a
constant exterior stage, or for any "blocked" or "unblocked gravity outlet condition.


The original version of the STORM program8 was completed in January 1973 by Water
Resources Engineers, Inc., WRE, of Walnut Creek, California, while under contract with HEC.
STORM analyzes the quantity and quality of runoff from urban or nonurban watersheds. The
purpose of the analysis is to aid in the sizing of storage and treatment facilities to control the
quality and quality of storm water runoff and land surface erosion. The model considers the
interaction of seven storm water elements: rainfall/snowmelt; runoff; dry weather flow; pollutant
accumulation and washoff; land surface erosion; treatment rates; and detention reservoir storage.
The program is designed for period-of-record analysis using continuous hourly precipitation data.

The quantity of storm water runoff has traditionally been estimated by using a design
storm approach. The design storm was often developed from frequency-duration-intensitycurves
based on rainfall records. This approach neglects the time interval between storms and the
capacity of the system to control some types of storms better than others. Infrequent, high
intensity storms may be completely contained within treatment plant storage so that no untreated
storm water overflows to receiving waters. Alternately, a series of closely spaced storms of
moderate intensity may tax the system to the point that excess water must be released untreated.
It seems reasonable, therefore, to assume that precipitation cannot be considered without the
system, and design storm cannot be defined by itself, but must be defined in the light of the
characteristics of storm water facilities. The approach used in this program recognizes not only
the properties of storm duration and intensity, but also storm spacing and the storage capacity of
the runoff system.

Runoff quantity is computed from hourly precipitation (and air temperature for snow) by
one of three methods: the coefficient method; the U.S Soil Conservation Service Curve Number
technique; or a combination of the two. Any sized basin may be used; for small basins, the
calculation is simply an hourly volume accounting. Runoff quality is computed from the washoff
of pollutants that accumulate on the land surface and from dry weather sanitary flow. The
amount of pollutants washed into the storm drains and eventually to the treatment facilities for
receiving waters is related to several factors including the intensity of rainfall, rate of runoff, the
accumulation of pollutants on the watershed and the frequency and efficiency of street sweeping

The resulting runoff is routed to the treatment-storage facilities where runoff less than or
equal to the treatment rate is treated and released. Runoff exceeding the capacity of the
treatment plant is stored for treatment at a later time. If storage is exceeded, the untreated
excess is wasted through overflow directly into the receiving waters The magnitude and
frequency of these overflows are often important in a storm water study. STORM provides
statistical information on washoff, as well as overflows. The quantity, quality, and number of
overflows are functions of hydrologic characteristics, land use, treatment rate, and storage

When the Corps urban studies program ended in the late 1970's, HEC discontinued
development of STORM. It has remained in its original form since then, but some private
engineering organizations have converted it to the PC environment. STORM was used
extensively by consultants doing waste water management studies for EPA. Currently, there is
much renewed interest in STORM for use in EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System effort.


Background and Purpose

HEC-DSS9was the outgrowth of a need that emerged in the mid 1970's. During that time most
studies were performed in a step-wise fashion, passing data from one analysis program to another
in a manual mode. While this was functional, it was not very productive. Programs that used
the same type of data, or were sequentially related, did not use a common data format. Also this
required that each program has its own set of graphics routines, or other such functions, to aid in
the program's use.

HEC-DSS was developed to manage data storage and retrieval needs for water resource
studies. The system enables efficient storage and retrieval of hydrologic and meteorologic time-
series data. The HEC-DSS consists of a library of subroutines that can be readily used with
virtually any applications programs to enable retrieval and storage of information. At present
approximately 20 applications programs have been adapted to interface with DSS.

Approximately 17 DSS utility programs have been developed. A number of these

programs are for data entry from such files as the U.S. Geological Survey's WATSTORE data
base or from the National Weather Services's precipitation data files. Other utility programs
include a powerful graphics program, a general editor, and a program for performing
mathematical transformations. Macros, selection screens, and other user interface features
combine with DSS products to provide a set of tools whose application is limited only by the
ingenuity of the user. HEC-DSS is depicted in Fig. 4.

National Weather Service
US Geological Survey
Environmental Protection Agency

HEC-5 Data Entry/Edit
_ Dss - A
: Display Graphics
FDA Files Report Generation

Figure 4. HEC-DSS Data Storage System

Using DSS to Link Several Models

HEC-DSS has played an integral link in several urban modeling studies where more than one
model was necessary to solve the problem. In West Columbus, Ohio, the Corps Huntington
District used three models to analyze urban flooding: HEC-1, SWMM'O, and HEC-IFH. The
land surface runoff was computed with HEC-1 and routed to storm drain inlets. Flow into the
inlet was computed and flow in excess of the inlet capacity was stored or routed through another
part of the surface system as warranted by the terrain. The extended transport, EXTRAN,
module of SWMM was used to collect the surface inlet flows and route them through the storm
sewer system. The surface and subsurface systems drain naturally to several low areas which are
now blocked by a levee protecting West Columbus from the main Scioto River. Thus, an interior
flooding problem is created at those areas and the runoff must be pumped over the levee. The
HEC-IFH model was used to solve the interior flooding problem. HEC-DSS was used to
connect the output of one model to the input of the next model. The result was that a complex
urban flood problem was disaggregated by detailed simulations of three specialized models whose
results were managed by HEC-DSS.


In 1990, HEC embarked on a project to develop the next generation, termed NexGen, of its
simulation models. The objectives of the new modeling capabilities were to provide the user with
better means to visualize and understand the process being simulated, and to build more
engineering expertise into the models themselves. The capabilities of modern workstations and
PC's using the Windows-NT and UNIX operating systems offer a new level of processing power
that could meet these next-generation software needs. Four technical areas are being addressed
in the current NexGen effort: river hydraulics, watershed runoff, reservoir system, and flood
damage analysis. The new models will have most of the capabilities of the existing HEC models
in those areas plus new algorithms where appropriate. The watershed runoff project is called the
Hydrologic Modeling System, HEC-HMS.

The intent of this next generation of models is to put the users inside the model and give
them the tools to easily work with the data, simulation processes, and results. The user will enter
data into a data base that is constructed in a logical engineering-analysis format, not a format for
some computer input device. Output will also be stored in the data base for analysis. A
graphical user interface will let the user view the data, computations, and results for maximum
understanding and analysis of the data and the physical processes.

The ultimate goal is to have smarter models that automatically evaluate numerical
stability (time and distance steps) and physical constraints of the process being simulated. The
user will be advised of process-simulation problems, and alternative methods and analyses will be
recommended where possible. Thus, more engineering expertise will be built into the models to
enhance their application and interaction with the user.

New Software Structure

The HEC-HMS model is being developed using "object oriented" technology. Object oriented
technology provides a natural way to express a problem, decompose its complexity into
understandable entities, and implement program code to solve the problem. Previously most
models have been developed by looking at problems from a procedural viewpoint. The
procedures that operate on the data were identified, defined, and executed using data supplied
when the procedure was invoked. Either the object or the procedural approach can be used to
solve a problem. The object perspective coupled with an object oriented computer language can
offer some interesting advantages over the procedural approach.

In the HEC-HMS model the hydrologic element objects are the main building blocks. A
watershed may be comprised of any number of Subbasins, Reaches, Junctions, or other
components. Each hydrologic component object is linked to its associated neighbors to form a
dendritic network. Fig. 5 shows an actual network for an area above the Allegheny Reservoir. in
Pennsylvania. Once the model is configured, some interesting capabilities are possible by using
the behavior defined in the component objects.

To compute flows in the system, the outlet is found, and it is requested to compute its
flow. The outlet component requests the upstream neighbor for its flow. The compute request
works itself up through the object network until components such as Subbasins compute flows
from precipitation. As the component flows work their way back downstream, each Reach
encountered performs a routing operation, and each Junction combines its inflows. The final
result of outflow is then available at the outlet. This illustrates the concept of an object oriented
model and the interrelationships that can be defined between objects.

New Algorithms

The initial goal of the project is to field a working model that is useful for accomplishing work
similar to that currently done with HEC-1. As such, the model will initially contain the most
frequently used algorithms in HEC-1. Later releases will incorporate newer engineering
algorithms. The new model framework discussed in the previous section greatly facilitates the
expansion of the model to include new technologies. Such new algorithms under consideration
include the following.

- Both gaged and spatially distributed precipitation.

- A continuous soil moisture accounting procedure to permit long-period analysis, and
improved low-flow simulation and flow forecasting.
- Improved direct runoff response may be possible by use of a transform that accepts a
non-uniform excess distribution, where the spatial distribution of precipitation and
excess is available.
- Improved baseflow and total runoff simulation.
- Automatic calibration of loss rates to reproduce given flow-frequency curves and given
volume-duration frequency curves.

New User Interface

The user interface is the portion of the model that the user "sees" and "touches". In existing
models the interface is a text input file, an execution command line, and a text output file. The
HEC-HMS makes dramatic changes to the user interface by operating in a window environment
with a graphical user interface, GUI. With the GUI the user has the ability to edit, execute, and
view model data and results. The watershed configuration is depicted in the main window in
schematic form. The schematic in Fig. 5 shows the name and graphic icon for each runoff
subbasin, routing reach, and combining junction, along with the linkages that make up the model.
The schematic itself may be altered on the screen to add, delete, or change subbasins, reaches, or
junctions. Because of the object oriented framework, a newly reconfigured model is able to
continue to perform all of its runoff functions without other user actions. The internal object
representation used to perform model functions is always consistent with the visual presentation
in the GUI schematic.

The GUI is currently the only access to model functionality. While not yet designed and
implemented, it has been recognized from the outset that for large project requirements the
HEC-HMS model must be able to be driven from other processes, as well as by the interactive
GUI user. With the ability to accept commands from other processes, it will be possible to use
the HEC-HMS as one component of a larger model encompassing reservoir, river hydraulic,
water quality, and flood damage evaluation models. This will eventually make it possible to
investigate a broader range of water resource problems producing an integrated solution across
multiple modeling tools.


Some of HEC's earliest work in GIs hydrology involved development of a systematic

methodology for automating the data preparation process. The raster-based organization chosen
by HEC was called a grid cell data bank. Techniques for use of satellite data, for conversion of
polygon data to grid format, and for use of commercially available software to manipulate and
convert the data were developed. Parameters for HEC-1 and other hydrologic models were
computed by a program called HYDPAR1' which accessed the grid cell data. In 1975, the grid
cell data bank approach was formalized in the HEC Spatial Analysis Methodology, HEC,-SAM.
Remotely sensed land use and other hydrologic characteristics were also incorporated in the
SAM methodology. Later, HEC explored the use of triangular irregular network elements, TINS,
for representation of watershed characteristics. A program linking HEC-1 with the TIN was
developed in the late 1970's. Because of various hardware, software, and study-management
problems associated with the GIs approach, HEC has been less active in the evolution of GIs
technology for the past decade.

Recent HEC efforts have included a review of GIs applications in hydrologic

modeling12, and research into a method for combining the spatial GIs data with lineal
hydrologic networks. A hybrid grid-network procedure for adapting these existing GIs
capabilities for hydrologic modeling is being investigated. Spatially distributed processes are
represented on a grid and one-dimensional flow and transport occurs through an associated
network. There is a duality between a grid and a network in that once the direction of flow on
each grid cell is defined to a single neighboring grid cell, an implied flow network is created.
These ideas are being further investigated in HEC's NexGen and remote sensing/GIS projects.


In FY 1994, HEC will begin a new urban hydrology and hydraulics R 6% D work unit. Many
more of the Corps flood control investigations are now being conducted in urban areas. Several
simulation models exist in the profession to perform these analyses, but each has its particular
purpose. Each of the models has limitations too. The intent of this research is to: review the
needs of Corps field offices; understand the limitations of existing models; develop guidance for
the use of existing models for different types of investigations; and develop new or modified
models as necessary to meet the needs. Table 1 summarizes the present status and perceived
needs for urban hydrologic modeling capabilities at HEC.

One of the areas of concern is the transition from surface runoff to storm sewer flow.
Inadequate inlet capacity and surcharging storm sewers make the simulation difficult. The
SWMM EXTRAN module addresses this problem, but has limitations. One consideration will
be to use HEC's new unsteady flow routing program, UNET13, to perform the storm sewer
routing. UNET has the capability to simulate flow in looped networks under free-surface and
pressure-flow conditions. It presently interacts with HEC-DSS for input and output. UNET will
have to be tested in such urban applications in conjunction with HEC-1. A dynamic link
between the two models may be desirable.
TABLE 1 HEC Urban Hydrology Capabilities and Needs

Existing Needed
Hypothetical frequency-based storms:
Nested intensities balanced in time Other hypothetical storm distributions

Land use-based Replacement for SCS Curve Number
Lump sum computation Distribute in time while water is on plane
No recovery during dry periods Soil moisture accounting
Impervious area OK

Drainage system:
Typical collector system or detailed simulation OK
Two land-surface-runoff planes OK
No inlet control or check on storm drain Check for inlet control and storm drain
capacity capacity
Collector channel routing Test diffusion routing in co1lector.s

Channel routing:
Several hydrologic methods Additional checks for stability of computation
Kinematic wave and Muskingum-Cunge for Check for channel capacity and limit flow.
typical urban channels
Muskingum-Cunge widely applicable Test diffusion routing for improvements
No storm sewer hydraulics except via data More direct connection of HEC-1 to unsteady
storage system flow model UNET or SWMM
E m
Single monotonic function More flexible function with changes based on
time and stage

Pumping stations:
Fixed computation time interval causes Dynamic time interval
oscillations between "on" and "off'

Detention storage:
Level pool reservoir routing OK
Culvert outflow submerged Include free surface and pressure flow

Water quality:
Only STORM computes land surface runoff Add water quality routing or connect through
quality data storage system

Project analysis:
Fixed channel sizes Automatic storm drain sizing
Modified flow-frequency curves Automatic calibration to frequency curve
Flood damage calculation OK
Multi-flood and multi-project simulation OK

Several existing and emerging software packages for urban hydrologic modeling and analysis have
been presented. More detailed information on any of the capabilities can be obtained from
HEC. The purpose of HEC software is to help solve hydrologic analysis problems faced by
Corps field offices. HEC follows a very applications-oriented approach to software development
and problem solving. The development of new urban hydrology software will follow this same
approach. One of the first tasks in the new R & D work unit will be to host a seminar to bring
Corps users in contact with leaders in the urban hydrology profession. It will serve to both
apprise the profession of the Corps needs and review the latest capabilities of the profession.
With that information in hand, new and modified methods, models, and guidance will be
developed. The result will be a set of physically based models with applications guidance for
solution of urban hydrology problems in gaged and ungaged areas.


1. A. D. Feldman. HEC Models for Water Resources System Simulation: Theory and
Experience, in Advances in Hydroscience, edited by Ven Te Chow. Vol. 12, Academic Press, New
York, 1981, pp. 297-423.

2. Hydrologic Engineering Center. Flood Damage Analysis Package, User's Manual. Computer
Program Document No. 59, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CAY1988.

3. . HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package, User's Manual. Computer Program

Document No. lA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1990.

4. . Introduction and Application of Kinematic Wave Routing Techniques Using

HEC-1. Training Document No. 10, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, originally 1979,
updated 1993.

5. J. Garbrecht and G. Brunner. Hydrologic Channel-Flow Routing for Compound Sections.

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 5, American Society of Civil Engineers, New
York, 1991, pp. 629-642.

6. D. W. Davis. Optimal Sizing of Urban Flood-Control Systems. Journal of Hydraulic

Engineering, Vol. 101, HY8, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, August 1975, pp.

7. Hydrologic Engineering Center. HEC-IFH Interior Flood Hydrology, User's Manual.

Computer Program Document No. 31, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1992.

8. . STORM Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff Model, User's Manual.

Computer Program Document No. 7, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1977.

9. . HEC-DSS Data Storage System, User's Guide and Utility Program Manuals.
Computer Program Document No. 45, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1990.

10. W. C. Huber and R. E. Dickinson. Storm Water Management Model, Version 4: User's
Manual. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA,
11. Hydrologic Engineering Center. HYDPAR Hydrologic Parameters, User's Manual.
Computer Program Document No. 34, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1985.

12. B. A. DeVantier and A. D. Feldman. Review of GIs Applications in Hydrologic Modeling.

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 119, No. 2, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, March-April 1993, pp. 246-261.

13. Hydrologic Engineering Center. UNET One-Dimensional Unsteady Flow Through a Full
Network of Open Channels, User's Manual. Computer Program Document No. 66, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1993.
Technical Paper Series

TP-1 Use of Interrelated Records to Simulate Streamflow TP-39 A Method for Analyzing Effects of Dam Failures in
TP-2 Optimization Techniques for Hydrologic Design Studies
Engineering TP-40 Storm Drainage and Urban Region Flood Control
TP-3 Methods of Determination of Safe Yield and Planning
Compensation Water from Storage Reservoirs TP-41 HEC-5C, A Simulation Model for System
TP-4 Functional Evaluation of a Water Resources System Formulation and Evaluation
TP-5 Streamflow Synthesis for Ungaged Rivers TP-42 Optimal Sizing of Urban Flood Control Systems
TP-6 Simulation of Daily Streamflow TP-43 Hydrologic and Economic Simulation of Flood
TP-7 Pilot Study for Storage Requirements for Low Flow Control Aspects of Water Resources Systems
Augmentation TP-44 Sizing Flood Control Reservoir Systems by System
TP-8 Worth of Streamflow Data for Project Design - A Analysis
Pilot Study TP-45 Techniques for Real-Time Operation of Flood
TP-9 Economic Evaluation of Reservoir System Control Reservoirs in the Merrimack River Basin
Accomplishments TP-46 Spatial Data Analysis of Nonstructural Measures
TP-10 Hydrologic Simulation in Water-Yield Analysis TP-47 Comprehensive Flood Plain Studies Using Spatial
TP-11 Survey of Programs for Water Surface Profiles Data Management Techniques
TP-12 Hypothetical Flood Computation for a Stream TP-48 Direct Runoff Hydrograph Parameters Versus
System Urbanization
TP-13 Maximum Utilization of Scarce Data in Hydrologic TP-49 Experience of HEC in Disseminating Information
Design on Hydrological Models
TP-14 Techniques for Evaluating Long-Tem Reservoir TP-50 Effects of Dam Removal: An Approach to
Yields Sedimentation
TP-15 Hydrostatistics - Principles of Application TP-51 Design of Flood Control Improvements by Systems
TP-16 A Hydrologic Water Resource System Modeling Analysis: A Case Study
Techniques TP-52 Potential Use of Digital Computer Ground Water
TP-17 Hydrologic Engineering Techniques for Regional Models
Water Resources Planning TP-53 Development of Generalized Free Surface Flow
TP-18 Estimating Monthly Streamflows Within a Region Models Using Finite Element Techniques
TP-19 Suspended Sediment Discharge in Streams TP-54 Adjustment of Peak Discharge Rates for
TP-20 Computer Determination of Flow Through Bridges Urbanization
TP-21 An Approach to Reservoir Temperature Analysis TP-55 The Development and Servicing of Spatial Data
TP-22 A Finite Difference Methods of Analyzing Liquid Management Techniques in the Corps of Engineers
Flow in Variably Saturated Porous Media TP-56 Experiences of the Hydrologic Engineering Center
TP-23 Uses of Simulation in River Basin Planning in Maintaining Widely Used Hydrologic and Water
TP-24 Hydroelectric Power Analysis in Reservoir Systems Resource Computer Models
TP-25 Status of Water Resource System Analysis TP-57 Flood Damage Assessments Using Spatial Data
TP-26 System Relationships for Panama Canal Water Management Techniques
Supply TP-58 A Model for Evaluating Runoff-Quality in
TP-27 System Analysis of the Panama Canal Water Metropolitan Master Planning
Supply TP-59 Testing of Several Runoff Models on an Urban
TP-28 Digital Simulation of an Existing Water Resources Watershed
System TP-60 Operational Simulation of a Reservoir System with
TP-29 Computer Application in Continuing Education Pumped Storage
TP-30 Drought Severity and Water Supply Dependability TP-61 Technical Factors in Small Hydropower Planning
TP-31 Development of System Operation Rules for an TP-62 Flood Hydrograph and Peak Flow Frequency
Existing System by Simulation Analysis
TP-32 Alternative Approaches to Water Resources System TP-63 HEC Contribution to Reservoir System Operation
Simulation TP-64 Determining Peak-Discharge Frequencies in an
TP-33 System Simulation of Integrated Use of Urbanizing Watershed: A Case Study
Hydroelectric and Thermal Power Generation TP-65 Feasibility Analysis in Small Hydropower Planning
TP-34 Optimizing flood Control Allocation for a TP-66 Reservoir Storage Determination by Computer
Multipurpose Reservoir Simulation of Flood Control and Conservation
TP-35 Computer Models for Rainfall-Runoff and River Systems
Hydraulic Analysis TP-67 Hydrologic Land Use Classification Using
TP-36 Evaluation of Drought Effects at Lake Atitlan LANDSAT
TP-37 Downstream Effects of the Levee Overtopping at TP-68 Interactive Nonstructural Flood-Control Planning
Wilkes-Barre, PA, During Tropical Storm Agnes TP-69 Critical Water Surface by Minimum Specific
TP-38 Water Quality Evaluation of Aquatic Systems Energy Using the Parabolic Method
TP-70 Corps of Engineers Experience with Automatic TP-105 Use of a Two-Dimensional Flow Model to Quantify
Calibration of a Precipitation-Runoff Model Aquatic Habitat
TP-71 Determination of Land Use from Satellite Imagery TP-106 Flood-Runoff Forecasting with HEC-1F
for Input to Hydrologic Models TP-107 Dredged-Material Disposal System Capacity
TP-72 Application of the Finite Element Method to Expansion
Vertically Stratified Hydrodynamic Flow and Water TP-108 Role of Small Computers in Two-Dimensional
Quality Flow Modeling
TP-73 Flood Mitigation Planning Using HEC-SAM TP-109 One-Dimensional Model for Mud Flows
TP-74 Hydrographs by Single Linear Reservoir Model TP-110 Subdivision Froude Number
TP-75 HEC Activities in Reservoir Analysis TP-111 HEC-5Q: System Water Quality Modeling
TP-76 Institutional Support of Water Resource Models TP-112 New Developments in HEC Programs for Flood
TP-77 Investigation of Soil Conservation Service Urban Control
Hydrology Techniques TP-113 Modeling and Managing Water Resource Systems
TP-78 Potential for Increasing the Output of Existing for Water Quality
Hydroelectric Plants TP-114 Accuracy of Computer Water Surface Profiles -
TP-79 Potential Energy and Capacity Gains from Flood Executive Summary
Control Storage Reallocation at Existing U.S. TP-115 Application of Spatial-Data Management
Hydropower Reservoirs Techniques in Corps Planning
TP-80 Use of Non-Sequential Techniques in the Analysis TP-116 The HEC's Activities in Watershed Modeling
of Power Potential at Storage Projects TP-117 HEC-1 and HEC-2 Applications on the
TP-81 Data Management Systems of Water Resources Microcomputer
Planning TP-118 Real-Time Snow Simulation Model for the
TP-82 The New HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package Monongahela River Basin
TP-83 River and Reservoir Systems Water Quality TP-119 Multi-Purpose, Multi-Reservoir Simulation on a PC
Modeling Capability TP-120 Technology Transfer of Corps' Hydrologic Models
TP-84 Generalized Real-Time Flood Control System TP-121 Development, Calibration and Application of
Model Runoff Forecasting Models for the Allegheny River
TP-85 Operation Policy Analysis: Sam Rayburn Basin
Reservoir TP-122 The Estimation of Rainfall for Flood Forecasting
TP-86 Training the Practitioner: The Hydrologic Using Radar and Rain Gage Data
Engineering Center Program TP-123 Developing and Managing a Comprehensive
TP-87 Documentation Needs for Water Resources Models Reservoir Analysis Model
TP-88 Reservoir System Regulation for Water Quality TP-124 Review of U.S. Army corps of Engineering
Control Involvement With Alluvial Fan Flooding Problems
TP-89 A Software System to Aid in Making Real-Time TP-125 An Integrated Software Package for Flood Damage
Water Control Decisions Analysis
TP-90 Calibration, Verification and Application of a Two- TP-126 The Value and Depreciation of Existing Facilities:
Dimensional Flow Model The Case of Reservoirs
TP-91 HEC Software Development and Support TP-127 Floodplain-Management Plan Enumeration
TP-92 Hydrologic Engineering Center Planning Models TP-128 Two-Dimensional Floodplain Modeling
TP-93 Flood Routing Through a Flat, Complex Flood TP-129 Status and New Capabilities of Computer Program
Plain Using a One-Dimensional Unsteady Flow HEC-6: "Scour and Deposition in Rivers and
Computer Program Reservoirs"
TP-94 Dredged-Material Disposal Management Model TP-130 Estimating Sediment Delivery and Yield on
TP-95 Infiltration and Soil Moisture Redistribution in Alluvial Fans
HEC-1 TP-131 Hydrologic Aspects of Flood Warning -
TP-96 The Hydrologic Engineering Center Experience in Preparedness Programs
Nonstructural Planning TP-132 Twenty-five Years of Developing, Distributing, and
TP-97 Prediction of the Effects of a Flood Control Project Supporting Hydrologic Engineering Computer
on a Meandering Stream Programs
TP-98 Evolution in Computer Programs Causes Evolution TP-133 Predicting Deposition Patterns in Small Basins
in Training Needs: The Hydrologic Engineering TP-134 Annual Extreme Lake Elevations by Total
Center Experience Probability Theorem
TP-99 Reservoir System Analysis for Water Quality TP-135 A Muskingum-Cunge Channel Flow Routing
TP-100 Probable Maximum Flood Estimation - Eastern Method for Drainage Networks
United States TP-136 Prescriptive Reservoir System Analysis Model -
TP-101 Use of Computer Program HEC-5 for Water Supply Missouri River System Application
Analysis TP-137 A Generalized Simulation Model for Reservoir
TP-102 Role of Calibration in the Application of HEC-6 System Analysis
TP-103 Engineering and Economic Considerations in TP-138 The HEC NexGen Software Development Project
Formulating TP-139 Issues for Applications Developers
TP-104 Modeling Water Resources Systems for Water TP-140 HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles Program
Quality TP-141 HEC Models for Urban Hydrologic Analysis
TP-142 Systems Analysis Applications at the Hydrologic TP-153 Risk-Based Analysis for Corps Flood Project
Engineering Center Studies - A Status Report
TP-143 Runoff Prediction Uncertainty for Ungauged TP-154 Modeling Water-Resource Systems for Water
Agricultural Watersheds Quality Management
TP-144 Review of GIS Applications in Hydrologic TP-155 Runoff simulation Using Radar Rainfall Data
Modeling TP-156 Status of HEC Next Generation Software
TP-145 Application of Rainfall-Runoff Simulation for Development
Flood Forecasting TP-157 Unsteady Flow Model for Forecasting Missouri and
TP-146 Application of the HEC Prescriptive Reservoir Mississippi Rivers
Model in the Columbia River Systems TP-158 Corps Water Management System (CWMS)
TP-147 HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) TP-159 Some History and Hydrology of the Panama Canal
TP-148 HEC-6: Reservoir Sediment Control Applications TP-160 Application of Risk-Based Analysis to Planning
TP-149 The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS): Reservoir and Levee Flood Damage Reduction
Design and Development Issues Systems
TP-150 The HEC Hydrologic Modeling System TP-161 Corps Water Management System - Capabilities
TP-151 Bridge Hydraulic Analysis with HEC-RAS and Implementation Status
TP-152 Use of Land Surface Erosion Techniques with
Stream Channel Sediment Models

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