Year 7 Unit Wise Lesson Objectives: Unit 1 Under The Hood of A New Computer
Year 7 Unit Wise Lesson Objectives: Unit 1 Under The Hood of A New Computer
Year 7 Unit Wise Lesson Objectives: Unit 1 Under The Hood of A New Computer
Unit 1
Under the hood of a new computer
Understand that the verb ‘to compute’ can be applied to any mathematical calculation
Understand that there are many ways to compute and that the modern electronic computer
was developed to carry out computations at enormous speed
Understand that all computation requires some form of input (e.g. a number), a process (e.g. a
calculation) and produces an output (the answer)
Know that there are different number systems, decimal, binary, etc.
Know that data is stored in computers in units called bytes
Know that a byte is made up of eight smaller units called bits
Understand that data must be converted to digital format to be processed by a computer
Unit 2
Think like a computer scientists
Understand that problems are easier to solve if broken down into smaller parts
Understand that complicated activities can be recorded as a sequence of simple instructions
Be able to write a simple algorithm
Be able to correctly apply the terms ‘decompose’, ‘data collection’ and ‘algorithm’
Know that an algorithm must be clear and unambiguous
Be able to identify the data relevant to the solution of a problem
Unit 3
Drawing and Manipulating Shapes
Know and understand the basic features of regular shapes including sides and angles and their
Understand how patterns define relationships between objects and the concept of repeating
patterns Know and understand how to write algorithms to create basic geometrical shapes
Be able to understand and explain the key concepts of decomposition and abstraction.
Know and understand how to draw basic geometrical shapes using a graphical programming
Understand how written algorithms can be translated into a graphical programming language.
Year 8
Unit wise Lesson Objectives
Unit 1
Operating Systems
Be able to describe what is meant by an operating system.
Know the names of a range of operating systems
Be able to describe examples of different operating systems
Unit 2
CMD, the command line
Be able to create, move and rename files and folders.
Be aware of at least one method of copying and pasting files.
Be able to type at least one instruction at a command prompt.
Understand that there are two ways to manage files and folders
Understand that it might be quicker to run a script than to run commands individually every
Know the values of each bit of an 8-bit binary string.
Be able to convert a decimal number to binary (1–15)
Be able to add two 4-bit binary numbers together.
Understand that binary numbers are held in 8-bit fixed bit strings on computers.
Be able to explain how to convert binary to decimal and vice versa
Produce a tutorial on an aspect of binary arithmetic.