07 Birney Sternberg

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The Development of Cognitive Abilities

Damian P. Birney and Robert J. Sternberg

Corresponding Author: Damian P. Birney, Accelerated Learning Laboratory, Australian School

of Business, University of New South Wales, NSW 2052, Australia.

[email protected]

Running Head: Cognitive Development

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Although the study of cognitive and intellectual development is often seen as quite separate and

distinct from, say, social development, emotional development, and moral development, few

researchers would disagree that development draws from a multitude of cognitive, non-cognitive,

and situational facets – that together, the processes involved in social, emotional, moral, as well

as cognitive development, determine at least to some extent how closely an individual’s global

potential is realized (Neisser et al., 1996). Even within the group of researchers who study

cognitive and intellectual abilities and their development, different approaches and

methodological paradigms have been used. These approaches have at times been thought to be so

distinct that they have been considered as separate domains of investigation. Whereas it might be

convenient and expedient to parcel the study of cognition and its development into manageable

pieces, it is also important to recognize that these pieces are often just part of the full cognitive

development story. There have been various calls over the years to try to integrate the findings

from the different approaches to conceptualizing cognition (e.g., Ackerman, 1987; Cronbach,

1957; Hunt, 1980; Sternberg, 1977). When attempting this, one is pressed to recognize the large

dependency of many factors in the developmental process. This dependency is unlikely to

emerge clearly when only a single methodological approach is used. In this chapter, we attempt

to review a selection of theories, findings, and issues that span methodologies which we believe

are significantly related to the development of cognitive abilities. Some of the theories and

findings we discuss have a long history of investigation within traditional developmental

psychology (i.e., Piagetian theories). Other theories are more contemporary (i.e., development of

wisdom), tend to be less explicitly associated with chronological-maturational development (i.e.,

theories of knowledge-acquisition), or are only tangentially related to traditional Piagetian-like

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conceptualizations of development (i.e., the relation between concept formation and creativity).

We feel this breadth provides for a deeper appreciation of the multifaceted issues that influence

cognitive development.

We have separated the chapter into five sections. The first section reviews briefly what is

considered the traditional developmental perspective of cognitive abilities. The second section

considers some of the theorizing and findings in cognitive development from the information-

processing tradition. These types of theories were built on a metaphor of the mind as a computer

(Sternberg, 1990) and emerged following a general dissatisfaction with the ability of the

behaviorist movement of the 1960s to sufficiently account for variability in learning. Over time

the “computing mind” analogy was extended to try to model the massive parallel processing

believed to take place in the human brain (e.g., McClelland, Rumelhart & Hinton, 1986;

Rumelhart, 1990), while at the same time reflecting known psychological limitations in working

memory (e.g., Halford & Wilson, 1980; Halford, Wilson & Phillips, 1998) and knowledge-

acquisition processes (Anderson, 1982). Research in this area has seen considerable growth in

large part due to the active involvement of multidisciplinary teams of researchers that have

included psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists, statisticians, mathematicians, computer

scientists and engineers, and philosophers. The great advances and espoused potentials also

attracted traditional developmental scientists. As we hope to show, cognitive science now

subsumes much of the infrastructure of what was once considered Piagetian and then neo-

Piagetian theories of cognitive development.

The third section explores some of the findings from psychometric studies of cognitive

and intellectual development using correlational methodologies that attempt to identify and map

out the constellation of cognitive abilities. Much of what is known about intelligence and
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cognitive abilities is due to psychometric studies. This is due in part to the immense importance

placed on the outcomes of psychometric testing by its stakeholders. Because the correlational

methodology of psychometric studies focuses on prediction (partly for construct validation, and

partly as an end in itself), this area of research has been of applied interest for selection decisions

in education, military institutions, and training in corporate and other government organizations.

The psychometric approach has been and continues to be influential in expanding our view of

intelligence and cognitive development and in modeling relations with other non-cognitive

factors such as personality, motivation, and knowledge (e.g., Ackerman, 1996; Ackerman &

Beier, 2003). Whereas psychometric theories have been instrumental in mapping the range of

different abilities, the differential approach underlying these theories has been less useful in

eliciting an understanding of the intellectual processes involved (Deary, 2001; Lohman & Ippel,


In the fourth section, we explore systems theories of cognitive development. We look at

two theories, those of Sternberg (1997) and of Gardner (1993). These theories integrate aspects

of cognitive information-processing and psychometric approaches.

In the fifth and final section, we explore some relatively recent findings from approaches

to the development of wisdom. Intuitively, wisdom is seen as the culmination of development on

various fronts. It is the intersection of highly developed knowledge, advanced cognitive

processing, creativity, and a well-developed capacity for social, emotional, and moral reasoning.



Piaget [1896-1980] is arguably the most influential researcher of all times within the area

of cognitive-developmental psychology (Bidell & Fischer, 1992). He began his work in cognitive
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development as a graduate student working in Alfred Binet’s psychometric laboratory. There, he

became interested in children’s answers to intelligence-test items. Piaget asserted that researchers

could learn as much about children’s intellectual development by examining their incorrect

answers to test items as by examining their correct answers. By observing children’s errors in

reasoning, Piaget determined that coherent logical systems underlie children’s thinking. These

systems differ from the systems adults use. To understand development, these systems and their

distinctive characteristics must be identified. With this interest, Piaget proceeded to write about

his observations of children, especially his own.

Specific and General Heredity

Piaget conceived of intelligence as a form of biological adaptation to the environment.

Development of knowledge and abilities were, according to the Piagetian account, the result of

the individual constantly interacting with the environment in an attempt to maintain a balance

between his or her current needs and understandings, on the one hand, and the demands of the

environment, on the other. Piaget’s theory embraces two biological antecedents of cognitive

development, specific heredity and general heredity. Specific heredity takes several forms. One

aspect of specific heredity is the automatic behavioral reaction, or reflex. All members of a

species, with the exception of those with defects, inherit the same physical mechanism that

creates the reflex. The presence of a stimulus activates this mechanism which, in turn, causes the

reflex. For example, the sucking reflex in human infants is necessary for infants’ survival. An

infant does not need to be taught how to suck, and the response will enable the infant to eat. If an

object (the stimulus) touches the infant’s lips, the infant will automatically respond with sucking

(the reflex). These reflexes are significant in the first few days of an infant’s life. After that
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initial period, the infant’s interactions with the environment (i.e., experience) modify the reflexes

(Ginsburg & Opper, 1979).

Another form of specific heredity is physical maturation, whereby members of a species

follow a genetically determined course for the growth of physical structures. This physical

maturation is frequently correlated with psychological activities. As these physical structures

mature, various activities are able to emerge. For example, as children age, their brains grow and

their muscles become stronger. Children’s ability to speak emerges as their brains grow

(MacWhinney, in this textbook). Also, as their leg muscles strengthen, they gain the ability to

walk, which allows them to explore the world (Adoph & Berger, in this textbook). According to

Piaget, physical maturation, coupled with experience and other factors, is necessary for

development. Although contemporary developmental scientists acknowledge the dual role of

maturation and experience (e.g., Halford, 1993), the extent that the effects of maturation and

experience are dissociable has been an issue of continued debate. This is epitomized in the

identification of precocity – the case in which a child’s level of performance is beyond what

would be expected given his or her developmental level. Precocity is contentious because the

relative distribution of maturation versus experience has many applied implications, particularly

for early education (e.g., at what age will the cognitive architecture be in place to enable a given

concept to be understood and mastered). Precocity, as we will show below, has also been the

primary piece of evidence used to dispute Piaget’s theory.

The second biological factor in Piaget’s theory is general heredity. General heredity

comprises two basic inherited tendencies, or invariant functions that govern interactions of the

individual with the environment: organization and adaptation. The first process, organization, is

effectively a tendency toward generalization. When two or more representations of a concept

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exist, there is a tendency toward combining these representations into a higher-order, integrated

scheme. Schemes are structures of knowledge and, in the Piagetian account, are the building

blocks of development and cognition.

The second process, adaptation, consists of two sub-processes: assimilation and

accommodation. Assimilation is the process of fitting information from new experiences into

existing concepts. Accommodation is the process of changing existing knowledge structures to

take account of new information. Although assimilation and accommodation occur at the same

time, the balance of each is determined by the specific situation. Cognitive structures and hence

abilities are seen as a result of the child’s (and later adult’s) attempts to organize experience in a

coherent way (Bidell & Fischer, 1992; Case, 1992b; Piaget, 1950; Sattler, 1992).

Schemas and Stages of Development

As individuals organize their behavior and adapt to the environment, certain

psychological structures result. These structures, called schemes, change as a child matures.

Some schemes are innate, but most are not and are based largely on experience. For example,

Piaget refers to the sucking reflex as the “sucking scheme.” However, thumb sucking is not

innate because, although sucking is a reflex, the act of moving the thumb to the mouth is learned.

When children do not change very much, they assimilate more than they accommodate.

Piaget referred to this steady period as a state of cognitive equilibrium. During periods of rapid

cognitive change, however, children are in a state of disequilibrium, in which they accommodate

more than they assimilate. They find that they frequently have to modify their current schemes

due to an influx of new information. Piaget referred to this back-and-forth movement from

equilibrium to disequilibrium as equilibration. Equilibration ultimately produces efficient

schemes (Piaget, 1985). Schemes that are similar and occur in the same developmental time
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period cluster together to form stages (Tanner & Inhelder, 1956). In terms of intellectual

development, the Piagetian theory proposes four major developmental stages (or periods)

through which the child progresses. These are the: (1) sensorimotor period, (2) preoperational

period, (3) concrete-operations period, and (4) formal-operations period. These stages reflect the

gradual reorganization of basic cognitive processes and operations that facilitate (or at least

coincide with) certain important developmental milestones.

Sensorimotor development (birth to 2 years). The first stage, the sensorimotor period, is

divided into six substages because so much change occurs in children’s first 2 years of life.

Piaget believed that children are born with little knowledge about the world and a limited

capacity to explore it. Because they need an effective way to modify their early schemes, Piaget

asserted that infants use a circular reaction. Such reactions originate when infants accidentally

generate a new experience because of their own motor activity. Through a process of trial and

error, infants try to repeat the occurrence over and over. The circular reaction strengthens into a

scheme for the child. Two other abilities that Piaget cited as occurring in the sensorimotor period

are play and imitation. They have important roles in consolidating old schemes and developing

new ones. Piaget viewed play as a form of assimilation. Through play, children rehearse current

schemes simply for pleasure. Piaget also associated imitation and accommodation. By imitating

others, children copy and learn behaviors that are not in their inventory of schemes.

In Substage 1: Reflexive Schemes (birth to 1 month), the various reflexes with which the

infant is born are the initial sensorimotor schemes, and therefore, the building blocks for later

and more complex schemes. For example, a newborn will suck when presented with a nipple, but

the newborn may also appear to suck when no stimuli are present.
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Substage 2: Primary Circular Reactions (1 to 4 months) is characterized by the infant’s

ability to gain simple motor control through primary circular reactions. In this stage, infants also

experience some anticipation (e.g., sucking behavior is displayed, in anticipation of being fed, as

soon as the child is placed in the mother’s arms), and play and imitation make their first

appearances – infants appear to enjoy practicing simple motor actions.

Substage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions (4 to 8 months) are responses on the part of the

infant that produce responses from objects or people. Children begin to display diverse motor

skills, learning to manipulate objects, sit up, and crawl. These skills direct their attention away

from themselves and toward the environment. When children at this age discover an exciting

behavior, such as banging a toy against a table, they will repeat this action. They also have a

better formation of object concept, or object permanence. In contrast to substage 2 children, 4- to

8-month-old children are able to retrieve objects that are partially hidden, but not completely

hidden. Children at this age can also anticipate where to look for an object. For example, if an

infant drops a toy, the infant will anticipate where it will land, even if the descent of the toy was

too fast to see.

In Substage 4: Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions (8 to 12 months), infants

begin to coordinate their schemes to build more complex action sequences. As a consequence,

infants become more skilled at two cognitive abilities – object permanence and goal directed

behavior. Infants are more skilled at understanding that objects truly continue to exist when they

are not in view. Therefore, when an object is completely covered by a cloth, the infant will lift

the cloth off and grasp the object. However, if the object is moved under a different cloth (B), the

infant will continue to look under the original cloth (A). Piaget concluded that 8- to 12-month-

olds make this AB (or A not B) search error because they cannot sustain a clear image of the
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object after the object is removed from their sight. In substage 4, a child will engage in goal-

directed behaviors. At this point, infants have had a great deal of experience with various

schemes and are therefore able to coordinate several schemes using an overarching goal to solve

a variety of problems. Piaget considered this coordination to be the first real intelligent behavior

and the basis for future problem solving.

By Substage 5: Tertiary Circular Reactions (12 to 18 months), children are no longer

concerned only with themselves; they now have true interest in their surroundings. As a result,

they have circular reactions – tertiary ones – that are novel, creative, and experimental, and that

allow them to explore the world. Children now deliberately vary their repetitions to produce

different outcomes. For example, infants will devote time to experimenting with a block and a

hole, varying the orientation of the block until it fits the hole.

This experimentation with different types of objects provides a child at this substage with

a better understanding of object permanence. The child will no longer make the AB search error

because the child will search in several places until he or she finds the hidden object.

Furthermore, children’s ability to experiment and systematically to control their movements

enables them to imitate a variety of unfamiliar behaviors in the presence of a model.

In Substage 6: Mental representation (18 to 24 months), children reach the ability to

create mental representations, which includes the ability to use mental terms, symbols, and

images to refer back to previously experienced events and objects. Children can now solve

problems using mental representations instead of using circular reactions. For instance, suppose a

child gets a toy stuck in the slats of a crib. A child younger than 18 months would move and pull

the toy in a random manner until the toy comes loose. A child in substage 6 would study the
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situation and find a systematic way of loosening the toy, as if the child were mentally

representing various solutions to the problem.

With the ability to represent objects and events mentally comes deferred imitation – the

ability to repeat the behavior of a model who is no longer present. Children at this age are able to

imitate new behaviors without the numerous trials of a substage 5 child. When the model is

absent, the child can reenact the previously learned behavior. It is assumed here that mental

representation is required to remember and reproduce an event successfully. Mental

representation also ushers in the beginnings of pretend play. Shortly before their second birthday,

children start to pretend to act out familiar activities, such as eating and sleeping.

Preoperational period (2 to 7 years). The most noticeable change that children undergo

from the sensorimotor stage to the preoperational stage is their tremendous increase in

representational activity. Piaget recognized that language is an individual’s most flexible means

of representation. By thinking in words, individuals can deal with the past, present, and future at

the same time and create powerful images of reality (Miller, 1993). However, Piaget did not

consider language as creating higher forms of cognition. Instead, although the details were never

clearly explained, Piaget believed that experience with sensorimotor activity leads to mental

images, which children in turn label with words.

The ability to understand that objects can be represented in pictures is an aspect of

symbolic-representational ability, which blossoms in the preoperational stage. Parents would

generally agree that toddlers understand that pictures stand for real objects. In fact, even young

infants can recognize the similarities between pictures and their represented objects (e.g.,

DeLoache, Strauss, & Maynard, 1979) and their differences (e.g., Slater, Rose, & Morrison,

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Young children do, however, run into some confusion with more difficult problems. For

instance, suppose a child is watching a television show containing a helium balloon and then is

asked, “If I take the top off the TV and then I shake it, would a real balloon come floating out

into the room?” The majority of 3-year-olds would say “yes.” However, when explicitly taught

about the differences between photos of objects, videos of objects, and real objects, many more

of them would answer correctly (Flavell, Flavell, Green, & Korfmacher, 1990).

Pretend play is another example of symbolic representation in the preoperational period,

which emerges around the age of 2 years. Its development has been written about extensively by

researchers, including Bretherton (1984), Fein (1979), Garvey (1990), and Vygotsky (1978).

Piaget (1951) viewed pretend play as an opportunity for a child to exercise symbolic schemes.

This view is now considered too narrow because research shows that pretend play also

contributes to a child’s social and cognitive skills (Singer & Singer, 1990). Children who spend a

great deal of time in sociodramatic play – pretend play with others – tend to be more socially

competent (Burns & Brainerd, 1979; Connally & Doyle, 1984) and more imaginative and

creative (Dansky, 1980; Pepler & Ross, 1981). Pretend play comes from separating behaviors

and objects from their actual use and using these behaviors and objects for play. For instance, a

child eats dinner at dinnertime, in the kitchen, and usually when hungry. However, when

pretending to eat dinner, a child can do so at another time, in another place, and in another

physiological or psychological state. Piaget (1950) considered children in this stage to be

egocentric with respect to their symbolic viewpoints. They believe that everyone else’s thoughts,

feelings, desires, and perceptions are the same as theirs (Piaget & Inhelder, 1956). Piaget claimed

that egocentrism is also responsible for children’s erroneous and inflexible thinking. Because
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they are unable to consider other people’s points of view, they do not always accommodate in

response to feedback from their environment.

Concrete-operational period (7 to 11 years). When children reach the concrete-

operational stage, their thought resembles adult thought more so than the thought of a

sensorimotor or a preoperational child, because their reasoning becomes more flexible, logical,

and organized, and thus more powerful (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969). This period is marked by the

acquisition of operations. Prior development has placed the groundwork for this achievement.

Children in the sensorimotor stage learned to interact physically with the world; preoperational

children learned to represent states mentally. Concrete-operational children learn as well to

manipulate their mental representations internally. Operations are characterized by their ability to

be reversed and to be organized with other operations into greater systems. Children acquire

logico-arithmetical operations, including concepts like class-inclusion, conservation, perspective

taking; and spatial operations, including comprehension of distance, time, velocity, and space.

However, concrete-operational children can think only about concrete information. Their

operations fail when applied to abstract ideas. Although their problem-solving ability

mushrooms, they cannot do certain types of abstract reasoning. This ability is acquired in the

formal-operations stage.

Formal-operational period (11 years onward). This stage is characterized by the ability

to “operate on operations” because adolescents and near-adolescents can now think abstractly

(Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). Three main capabilities arise: reasoning with abstract possibilities,

hypothetico-deductive reasoning, and propositional thought. Concrete-operational children tend

to look for the solution to conceptual problems by manipulating the data with their logical

concrete-operational skills. They seek the one real answer. By contrast, formal-operational
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adolescents and adults tend to work in the opposite direction: They start with possible solutions

and progress to determine which is the real solution, called reasoning with abstract possibilities

(Flavell, Miller, & Millar, 1993).

Formal-operational thinkers inspect the given data, form some hypothesis about what

possibly could be the correct explanation, deduce whether it logically can occur in reality, and

then test their theories to see whether their predictions hold. This is called hypothetico-deductive

reasoning. If any of these steps fall short, the process is reiterated. These theories are conceptual

entities constructed by abstract thinkers after careful analyses of the problem situations. These

are not representations of the perceived situation (Flavell et al., 1993).

There is a difference between the way concrete-operational thinkers and formal-

operational thinkers handle propositions. Concrete-operational thinking, termed

intrapropositional thinking by Piaget, involves considering propositions as single entities and

testing each one individually against reality. Concrete-operational thinkers look only for a factual

relation between a single proposition and reality. A formal-operational thinker goes one step

further and reasons about the logical relations that exist between two or more propositions.

Piaget dubbed this more abstract form of reasoning interpropositional (Flavell et al., 1993).

Cross-cultural studies of Piagetian tasks in the 1960s and 1970s showed that people in

many cultures do not seem to achieve formal operations without schooling (e.g., Ashton, 1975;

Goodnow, 1962; Laurendeau-Bendavid, 1977). In response to this finding, Piaget (1972)

repealed the claim that his stages are universal, because achieving formal operations is dependent

on experience with the specific scientific thinking found in science classes and is thereby not

domain and culture free.

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Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory

Piaget's theory of cognitive development involves development through a series of

stages. To Piaget, stages occur at roughly the same ages for different children, and each stage

builds on the preceding stage. Stages occur in a fixed order and are irreversible: Once a child

enters into a new stage, the child thinks in ways that characterize that stage, regardless of the task

domain, the specific task, or even the context in which the task is presented. Other theorists (e.g.,

Beilin, 1971; Gelman, 1969), including some neo-Piagetians (e.g., Case, 1992a), would disagree

with this view, suggesting that there may be greater flexibility in the cognitive-developmental

progression across tasks and task domains than Piaget suggested. Much of the criticism of

Piaget’s theory has to do with the inflexibility of his proposed stages and uses of evidence of

precocity as support.

For example, Piaget asserted that object permanence develops from manipulating objects,

a skill he believed emerges in substage 4. Yet, all his tests of object permanence involve infants’

reaching for objects. Using reaching tests may underestimate infants’ conceptual abilities

because the infants’ failure to respond correctly may be due simply to infants’ immature motor

systems (Baillargeon, 1993; Diamond, 1990; Mandler, 1988). In Piaget’s tests, the infant has a

difficult task of removing the cover before grasping the object. Regardless, Piaget concluded

from these tests that young infants are lacking the ability to represent objects mentally. Later

developed tests seem to show otherwise. In a collection of studies by Baillargeon (1987;

Baillargeon & DeVos, 1991), which used a method to study object permanence that did not

require the infant to reach for an object (habituation/ dishabituation task), infants as young as 3½

months showed indications of object permanence. This finding, combined with the findings of

Spelke (1991; Spelke, Breinlinger, Macomber, & Jacobson, 1992), lends credence to the
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hypothesis that young infants fail Piaget’s original tests because the tests require behaviors of

which the infants are not yet capable (e.g., reaching). Research suggests that infants probably

have some understanding that hidden objects continue to exist, and that this understanding comes

months earlier than Piaget had thought, and may even be present from birth. Similar evidence of

apparent precocity that questions the immutability of other stages and operations such as mental

representation and problem solving, has also been presented (see Lutz & Sternberg, 1999, for

more detailed discussion).

Fundamental Criticisms

Piaget's fundamental assertion--that the changes in children's cognition occur chiefly as

an outcome of maturational processes--has been questioned. Although Piaget observed that

developmental processes result from children's adaptations to their environment, he held that

internal maturational processes, rather than environmental contexts or events, determine the

sequence of cognitive-developmental progression. Evidence of environmental influences on

children's perception of the environment, of the child's prior experiences with the task and the task

materials, and even of the experimenter's presentation of the task itself may lead to apparent

unevenness in cognitive development. Although Piaget allowed for some differences across task

domains through a construct he called horizontal décalage, the mechanism underlying this construct

was never clearly explained, and in the context of the theory, it seemed to be an after-the-fact

explanation rather than a motivated part of the entire picture.

Consistent with this fact, theorists and researchers have questioned Piaget's interpretation

regarding what causes difficulty for children in certain Piagetian tasks. Piaget's theory

emphasizes the development of deductive and inductive reasoning, and Piaget held that

limitations on children's ability to reason cause their difficulties in solving particular cognitive
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tasks. Different theorists have suggested that other kinds of limitations may at least partly

influence children's performance on Piagetian tasks. Such limitations include children's motor

coordination, as well as working memory capacity (e.g., Bryant & Trabasso, 1971; Kail, 1984;

Kail & Park, 1994), memory strategies (Siegler, 1991), or verbal understanding of questions

(e.g., Sternberg, 1985).

The evidence cited against Piaget’s theory often refers to children’s inconsistent abilities

to perform well on tasks believed to be beyond their stage of development. However, Thelen and

Smith (1994) presented an approach to development that assuages many of the apparent

problems for Piaget’s theory. In particular, Thelen and Smith’s dynamic-systems approach, in

which discontinuities occur as part of the natural interaction of nonlinear dynamic systems

(systems with highly complex physical properties – in this case, children and their environment),

predicts the very kinds of conflicting performance seen in children on the verge of stage

transition. Indeed, Thelen and Smith pointed out that instability is necessary for new abilities to

develop – a system must contain variability in its behavior for new behaviors to be selected.

Furthermore, this disequilibrium is part of the natural interaction of the nonlinear dynamic

systems involved in children’s interactions with their environment. Thus, the dynamic systems

approach to development encompasses conflicting evidence into a new framework – children do

progress through stages, but not strictly via maturation. Research on the non-linear development

of mathematical skills supports such a dynamic view of development (Rittle-Johnson, Siegler, &

Alibali, 2001).

These ideas notwithstanding, even adolescents and adults do not show formal-operational

thinking under many circumstances (Neimark, 1975). They often seem to think associatively

rather than logically (Sloman, 1996). In 1972, Piaget modified his own theory to acknowledge
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that the stage of formal operations may be more a product of an individual's domain-specific

expertise, based on experience, than of the maturational processes of cognitive development.

In sum, Piaget’s descriptions of infant development and the research methods he used are

commendable and historically important, but the theory he originally posed has not endured.

Although substantial biological maturation occurs at each of Piaget stages, maturation is seen

primarily as a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of many cognitive

skills. Learning experiences derived from optimal interactions with the environment help to

determine the full extent of the development of cognitive abilities (Bidell & Fischer, 1992;

Halford, 1999; Piaget, 1950). In fact, learning experiences, particularly those in which the

complexity of the environment is mediated by a “teacher,” are considered by many to be not only

advantageous, but crucial to cognitive development (e.g., Feuerstein, 1979; Lidz, 2000;

Vygotsky, 1962).

Beyond Piaget: Development of Working Memory

Limitations of Piaget’s theory as described above (see also, Lutz & Sternberg, 1999;

Sternberg & Powell, 1983) led to subsequent extensions and advances on many of Piaget’s

original conceptualizations (e.g., Carey, 1985; Case, 1985, 1992b; Halford, 1993; Pascual-Leone,

1970). In general, neo-Piagetian researchers acknowledge the existence of stage-like maturation

but focus more within a framework of working memory development. We review two related but

somewhat quite distinct approaches as espoused by Case and by Halford, and then consider the

possible role of knowledge in the assessment of working memory development.

Case. Case (1985, 1992a), like Piaget, proposed that children move through four

developmental stages. The types of mental representations children can form and the types of

responses they give characterize these stages. In the first stage, sensorimotor operations,
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children’s representations consist of sensory input, and their responses to this input are physical

movements. In the second stage, representational operations, children’s representations involve

concrete mental images, and their responses can produce additional mental representations. In

the next stage, logical operations, children have the abilities to represent stimuli abstractly and to

respond to them with simple transformations. The final stage, formal operations, differs from the

previous stage in that children continue to represent stimuli abstractly, but they can now execute

complex transformations of the information.

An interesting aspect of Case’s theory of cognitive development is his view of cognitive

change. In one of Case’s demonstrations of the existence of this ability, he placed children of

different ages at one end of a balance beam. Case showed the child that if the balance beam were

pushed down, it would ring a bell. A young infant would only be able to follow visually the

beam's movements. Older infants between 4 and 8 months would be able to push down the beam

and ring the bell, thereby coordinating two actions – visual tracking and hand movements –

instead of one isolated activity as before – visual tracking. An even older child, between 8 and 12

months, would be able to incorporate another property in a modified version of this problem,

when the bell was moved out of the child’s sight and placed on a different part of the beam.

Finally, 12- to 18-month-old children were able to succeed when the problem required the child

to push the beam up instead of down. Younger children were not able to reverse the learned

action, as they consistently pushed the beam down and became upset when the bell would not

ring as it had in the past.

Case’s explanation for older children’s success on the final problem was that the problem

contains two units, the pushing of the beam and the ringing of the bell, which are separate

enough for older children to be able to see their reversible relation. The children are able to see
Cognitive Development 20

that, when one end of the beam goes down, the other end goes up, and vice versa. Within Case’s

theory of development, the execution of this behavior shows that a child has the ability to form

subgoals (pushing beam) to reach a final goal (ringing bell). The behaviors that lead up to a

child’s success on a given problem illustrate cognitive change. To reach a goal, a child must

either draw on learned strategies or formulate new ones. Children’s collections of strategies

expand as they mature. They gain mental capacity and the ability to deal with more and more

information. In this respect his theory is similar to Halford’s theory of relational complexity. We

consider this theory next.

Halford et al.: Relational complexity theory. Similar to Case, Halford and his associates

(Halford, 1993; Halford & Andrews, 2004; Halford, Baker, McCredden, & Bain, 2005; Halford,

et al., 1998) view cognitive development as the result of the differentiation of working memory

that facilitates the capacity to deal with tasks of increasing complexity. In their account,

complexity is formalized theoretically and mathematically, and is seen as the defining

characteristic of both development and working memory-capacity limitations. Halford et al.

(1998) argued that capacity limitations are best conceptualized not simply as a count of the

pieces of information that can be stored and manipulated in working memory, but that the

complexity of relations between these pieces of information is crucial. Hence, the theory has

been referred to as Relational Complexity theory. In terms of development, the capacity to

represent increasingly complex relations is said to increase with age.

What does a relation look like? Consider for example the comparison of size. Halford

(1993) argued that size comparison requires a binary relation between “has two pieces of

information” (or arguments, in the author’s parlance), as might be represented by: LARGER-

THAN (elephant, mouse). This is read as, “elephant is larger than mouse,” where “elephant” and
Cognitive Development 21

“mouse” are the two arguments that form the relation, LARGER-THAN. Ternary relations have

three arguments as in ADDITION(2, 3, 5). Quaternary relations have four interacting

components. The more arguments or pieces of information that are required to instantiate a

relation, the greater the cognitive complexity of the task and the greater the demand placed on

working memory (Halford et al., 1998).

There are at least four types of evidence that have been used to provide support for the

conceptualization of cognitive development and working memory capacity limitations using

relational complexity theory. These are: (1) age-of-attainment evidence – the finding that tasks of

similar relational complexity have similar median ages at which levels of performance become

better than chance (Andrews & Halford, 2002; Bunch, Andrews, & Halford, 2007; Halford,

Andrews, Dalton, Boag, & Zielinski, 2002; Halford, Bunch, & McCredden, 2007); (2) dual-task

studies – the finding that secondary (dual) task deficits increase as relational complexity in the

primary task increases (e.g., Foley, 1997; Foley & Berch, 1997; Halford, Maybery, & Bain,

1986; Maybery, Bain, & Halford, 1986); (3) neurological correlates of relational reasoning – the

finding that increasing relational complexity of tasks is associated with increased activation in

regions of the brain associated with executive function, the main processing component of

working memory (e.g., Kroger et al., 2002; Waltz et al., 1999); and (4) perceived or subjective

workload ratings – the finding that increases in relational complexity are associated with

perceived increases in cognitive demand (Andrews & Halford, 1995; Boag, Neal, Halford, &

Goodwin, 2000). The age-of-attainment evidence is particularly relevant in terms of cognitive

development, and it is appropriate to consider the context in which this evidence is acquired in

more detail.
Cognitive Development 22

Andrews and Halford (2002, p. 161) argued that a conceptual complexity metric, such as

provided by relational complexity theory, has much to offer the investigation of cognitive

development across task domains:

Attempts to define cognitive performances operationally by the tasks used to measure

them appear to have the advantage of simplicity, but they provide no way of comparing

tasks for their conceptual complexity. Thus superficially dissimilar tasks, such as

transitivity, class inclusion, and interpretation of object-relative clause sentences, may

turn out to be equivalent in conceptual complexity. Apparently similar tasks may be very

different in complexity. A complexity metric can help to resolve this issue by identifying

tasks that are at the same levels of complexity and separating them from lower and higher

levels of complexity.

To investigate their claim, Andrews and Halford (2002) considered the performance of

children on a number of superficially dissimilar task that have similar levels of complexity. We

consider two of their tasks as examples, transitivity and class inclusion. Their transitive inference

task required children to order colored-squares (e.g., red, green, blue, yellow, pink) so that they

were consistent with separately presented premises that described the correct order of the squares

(e.g., red is above green; green is above blue; blue is above yellow; yellow is above pink). The

binary version of the task required children to construct a five-square tower in which the order of

the squares was consistent with the premises. The ternary version required children to determine

which of two non-adjacent squares (i.e., green and yellow) would be higher up the tower. This

second version of the task required the integration of two separate premises in working memory

(green is above blue; blue is above yellow), and this type of reasoning has been shown to entail

greater cognitive demand than simple (binary) ordering of adjacent elements (Maybery et al.,
Cognitive Development 23


The class-inclusion task requires recognition of the fact that the relation between a

superordinate class (e.g., fruit) and two or more subordinate classes (e.g., apples and non-apples)

is asymmetrical. That is, while all members of a subclass (apples) can be included in and share

the properties or attributes of the superordinate class (fruit), the reverse does not necessarily hold

– all fruit do not have the same properties as apples. Andrews and Halford (2002) argued that a

capacity to process ternary relations is required to understand this type of asymmetry. Therefore,

although a task requiring this reasoning is clearly different from, say, the ternary version of the

transitive inference task, they are similar in the complexity of the relations that are entailed.

Consistent with the relational complexity theory, the authors showed that the median age at

which the superficially dissimilar ternary tasks were mastered is in fact similar. Furthermore, in

terms of cognitive development, the average proportion of participants succeeding on the ternary

tasks at each age-level were approximately 15.5% of 3- and 4-year olds, 48.3% of 5-year olds,

70.2% of 6-year olds, and 77.8% of 7- and 8-year olds. Thus it was concluded that the capacity

to process ternary relations develops gradually between 3 and 8 years.

Halford et al. (1998) argued that relational-complexity theory is not a stage theory in the

way other neo-Piagetian theories might be considered to be (Case, 1985; Pascual-Leone, 1970).

However, as we have just described, mastering a particular level of relational processing has

been aligned with ages-of-attainment that are similar to Piagetian stages (Halford, 1993) on what

are often called Piagetian tasks. This finding has been cited as evidence to support relational

complexity theory. The crucial difference, it would seem, is at least two-fold. First, development

is conceptualized by relational complexity theorists as being more gradual and less explicitly

“stage-like.” Second, development is conceptualized more as an increase in the general capacity

Cognitive Development 24

for relational processing that coincides with age, than as the development of specific skills or

operations per se. This is not to say that specific skills and knowledge are not important in

relational complexity theory; they are. Differences in strategies can result in marked differences

in the complexity of the processing. It is therefore very important to ensure that an appropriate

methodology is in place to take knowledge into consideration (see Andrews & Halford, 2002, for

a discussion of this issue).

Knowledge and the development of working memory capacity. The types of errors made

in Piagetian tasks can be diagnostic of a variety of misunderstandings in knowledge. These have

implications for cognitive theory testing (e.g., Lohman & Ippel, 1993; M. J. Roberts, 1993). For

instance, various modifications of Piaget’s balance-beam task have been useful in exploring the

interplay between knowledge and cognitive capacity in complex reasoning. In another version of

the balance-beam task (we have already considered one version as used by Case, 1985, 1992a),

individuals are required to indicate whether a beam with various weights at certain distances on

each side of a fulcrum will balance (see for example, Halford et al., 2002; Siegler & Chen,

2002). An algorithmic approach to determining whether the beam will balance is to calculate the

product of weight and distance on one side of the beam and to compare this with the product of

weight and distance on the other side. Such a strategy is demanding of working memory

resources. Young children (< 7 years) typically resort to considering fewer dimensions. Is this

difficulty a result of lack of knowledge or limited cognitive capacity? The answer is probably

“both.” Although it is clear that relations among weight, distance, and balance can be discovered

with experience, there also appears to be a maturational component to performance.

Halford et al. (2002) argued that more complex relations (among weight, distance, and

balance) can be represented as age and working memory capacity increase, consistent with the
Cognitive Development 25

predictions of relational complexity theory (Halford, 1993). However, adults have also been

observed to have difficulty with the balance-beam task (even though capacity is presumably less

of an issue). This difficulty tends to indicate that knowledge and experience are also important

factors influencing performance (for a discussion of methodological limitations in the balance-

beam task see Turner & Thomas, 2002).

Although neo-Piagetian research has provided many insights into the sequential

development of children’s long-term understanding of basic logical reasoning (e.g., Carey, 1985;

Case, 1985, 1992b; Halford, 1993; Pascual-Leone, 1970; Schliemann & Carraher, 2002), it is not

always clear that development is as regular and sequential as these theories might imply.

Research in mathematical abilities, for instance, has shown that skill development can be quite

chaotic and non-linear (Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001). The theories we have discussed so far have

been predominately concerned with describing and explaining cognitive development. An area of

cognitive science research that is less frequently aligned with traditional conceptualizations of

development focuses on the process of knowledge acquisition and information processing, rather

than development per se. Part of the reason that development can be quite chaotic and non-linear

may be due to differences in available knowledge and experience that lead to both different

strategies for information processing and further knowledge acquisition. We consider some of

the theorizing in these areas next and argue that this work has indirect but important implications

for developmental theorizing.


Cognitive-processing theories tend to focus on task and person characteristics that relate to

learning and lead to differences in performance (e.g., novices versus expertise; Chi, Glaser &

Rees, 1982; Shafto & Coley, 2003). They are not necessarily explicitly linked to cognitive
Cognitive Development 26

maturation through childhood (although some are). They have often been developed using adult

populations. Knowledge acquisition and information-processing theories are often characterized

by what are referred to as computational models. These models attempt to formalize cognitive

theories using advanced mathematics and statistics (e.g., Braine, 1990; Johnson-Laird, 2001;

Johnson-Laird, Byrne, & Schaeken, 1992; Rips, 1983, 1994; Simon & Halford, 1995). There are

important differences between the models in terms of the level and type of formalization as well

as the psychological theory on which they are based. What is common to each is an attempt to

model the effect of task characteristics on reasoning and problem solving while taking into

consideration plausible psychological limitations, such as working memory capacity or available

knowledge. That is, there is a concerted attempt to specify a theory of reasoning sufficiently

detailed to be able to identify and methodologically differentiate the specific task characteristics

that mediate performance (Embretson, 1995, 1998; Embretson & Gorin, 2001).

The impact of these complex theories is far reaching. Taken to their extreme (i.e., with

the psychological limitations removed), computational information-processing models are all but

indistinguishable from the artificial intelligence models that are the basis of many computer-

based “intelligent systems,” such as speech-recognition software and economic models of

financial markets. They all try to characterize the often-complex interactions between

components of the environment – such as the phonology of an utterance or the subtle fluctuations

in stock-exchange trade – so as to be able to predict some outcome (recognition of a word or

financial success).

One of the earlier examples of an information-processing model was proposed by

Sternberg (1977), who decomposed the classical analogy task (A:B::C:?) into elementary

performance components. The types of components or process that have been investigated in this
Cognitive Development 27

task include the encoding of problem details, inference making processes, mapping of inferred

relations, as well as processes related to the application, comparison, and justification of the final

response. The general strategy of this research was to specify an information-processing model

of task performance and to propose a parameterization of this model so that each information-

processing component (encoding, inference, mapping, and so forth) is assigned a mathematical

parameter corresponding to its latency.

Halford et al. (1998) also proposed an advanced computational model of relational

reasoning based on the theoretical specification of relational complexity, which we described in a

previous section. In fact, Case’s model of development also has information-processing

characteristics. Recall that Case regarded cognitive change as the ability to deal with more and

more elements of a problem. The change in ability was seen as a change in the efficiency of

processing. That is, reminiscent of classic working memory models in which separate storage

and processing components are proposed (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974) and consistent with resource

theory (Kahneman, 1973; Norman & Bobrow, 1975), Case proposed that total processing space

(TPS) was a resource that could be flexibly allocated to either processing (i.e., operating space,

OS) or storage (short-term storage-space, STSS) – that is, TPS = OS + STSS. After infancy, total

processing space was considered to be relatively constant over age. Case argued that the

demands for operating space actually declined with age because of the increase in processing

efficiency. Given the closed nature of the proposed system, this served to free short-term storage-

space. Hence the empirical research that demonstrated an increase in short-term memory span

with age was attributed to more efficient processing. This was considered the main factor

responsible for cognitive development (Case, Kurland, & Goldberg, 1982; Halford, 2002).
Cognitive Development 28

It is important to comment on the unitary nature of the processing system that resource

theory might be assumed to propose, given what is presented in the previous paragraph. First,

most researchers now accept the existence of multiple resources, rather than a single resource

(e.g., Wickens, 1991). Second, even though resource theory has served as the dominant metaphor

for limited capacity theories such as those proposed by Case and by Halford, its utility has been

questioned. Navon (1984) argued that resource theory should be considered only as a metaphor

for information-processing because it cannot differentiate between the effects of processes that

compete for a common resource and the effect of output interference generated elsewhere in the

system. That is, differentiation of the cognitive architecture is often identified by the

characteristics of tasks that interfere with each other and those that do not. For instance, the

finding that certain visual processing tasks did not interfere (in terms of accuracy and response

times) with phonological processing tasks leads to the postulation of separate visual- and

auditory-processing systems (Baddeley, 1986). Tasks that interfere with each other are assumed

to require a common system of resources, and, hence, freeing up resources in one task should

result in better performance in the other. Navon argued that dual-task deficit, as this interference

is known, can be accounted for without imposing the additional baggage of resource theory (such

as the need to postulate additional resources when interference is not complete). Oberauer and

Kliegl (2001) suggested that decay (temporal loss of information in working memory) and

interference are sufficient to account for limits in working memory without additional constructs

like limited resource pools.

Concurrent development of knowledge and increased experiences provide an additional

factor that impacts on the assessment of a developing cognitive system. The evidence that

working memory develops with age does not necessarily mean that development entails a
Cognitive Development 29

quantitative change of a single entity, such as resources. Fry and Hale (2000, p. 6) described

“some evidence [that] suggests that there may be qualitative changes in working memory

function prior to entering the first grade. In particular, under some circumstances younger

children prefer to use different mnemonic strategies than older children” (emphasis added). Part

of this qualitative change is seen to be a function of pre-school children’s preference for visual

processing rather than phonological processing. This preference changes as the focus of

experience at school becomes more verbally based. The potential role of knowledge and

experience are once again implicated in the relation between development and capacity and the

apparent increase in efficiency of the cognitive system. Research therefore tends to support a

multi-component perspective of working memory, not only in terms of the differentiation of the

storage systems, but also in terms of the differentiation of the central executive and its relation

with long-term memory (or knowledge) (Baddeley & Logie, 1999).

Representations of Knowledge and Processing

Many formalized information-processing theories of knowledge acquisition are probably

best epitomized by the early work of Newell and Simon (1972) and that of Anderson and his

associates in their conceptualization of the Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT) framework

(Anderson, 1982, 1983, 1990; Anderson & Lebiere, 1998; Anderson & Schunn, 2000; Rumelhart

& Norman, 1981). ACT is adaptive because it attempts to formalize knowledge-acquisition,

learning, and problem-solving processes in the same network. Learning is conceptualized to

entail the assimilation of new information into the network as a series of declarative facts or

productions. During the early stages of skill acquisition, this declarative information can be used

with general problem-solving procedures (e.g., means-ends analyses) in an interpretative fashion

to facilitate successful problem solving without the need to access (or possess) context-specific
Cognitive Development 30

strategies. With each successful application of the information, links between appropriate nodes

are strengthened. Unsuccessful applications result in the links between nodes being weakened.

Together, these experiences can be brought to bear on new information and new problems to

facilitate a more automatized set of procedures that can be implemented with increasing

efficiency to acquire new information and to solve problems (Schunn & Reder, 2001) – this is

procedural knowledge. For instance, a child learning a new mathematical rule relating the area of

a rectangle to the product of its length and breadth will store this information in the semantic

network as a declarative fact. Links from this fact to other personally relevant types of

information are likely to be developed at the same time – for instance, “the table is a rectangle,”

“squares are like rectangles,” and “the area of a square is length  length.” With experience,

appropriate links will be reinforced and inappropriate ones weakened. Within the ACT

framework, procedural knowledge is represented by a large number of rule-like units that are

referred to as productions (Anderson & Schunn, 2000). Production rules are condition-action

units (i.e., IF…THEN rules) that specify the cognitive actions that are the responses to certain

problem-solving conditions.

For instance:

IF area of rectangle is needed,

THEN multiply breadth by length.

A production can trigger the implementation of a series of additional productions and

thereby facilitate subgoaling (e.g., IF multiply, THEN…, and so on). The centrality of

productions in this theorizing has meant that the framework is sometimes referred to as a

Cognitive Development 31

An extended conceptualization of the organization and development of knowledge can be

found in the concept of a schema. Schematic knowledge is highly context specific (Quilici &

Mayer, 2002). It contains declarative knowledge (also referred to as conceptual knowledge; de

Jong & Ferguson-Hessler, 1996; Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001) and procedural knowledge, in

addition to what has been referred to as situational knowledge, which provide cues to when

knowledge should be used (Cheng & Holyoak, 1985; de Jong & Ferguson-Hessler, 1996).

Contextualized schematic knowledge reflects the development of a deep structural understanding

of the domain, but this high contextualization can also come at a cost. It may place constraints on

the availability of certain information and in some cases can produce near-transfer failure – the

unexpected failure to transfer knowledge from one context to a similar one in the same domain

(Woltz, Gardner ,& Gyll, 2000). That is, situation cues can become so entrenched with task

performance that even slight changes in the nature of the task can produce failure because the

appropriateness of a known response is overlooked.

Information-processing theorists argue that empirical evidence of individual differences

in intelligent behavior are the result of variations in system efficiency and flexibility in selecting

and applying appropriate rules to problem solving (Just & Carpenter, 1992). For instance, in the

simulated air-traffic control task described by Kanfer and Ackerman (1989) and an application of

the ACT framework, Schunn and Reder (2001) showed that, although people may appear to

possess similar strategies for allocation of task resources, there are individual differences in the

ability to appropriately select from the available strategies in response to feedback from the

environment (i.e., success or failure in landing aircraft). Schunn and Reder argued that these

differences in “strategy adaptivity” are associated with differences in reasoning ability and

working memory capacity.

Cognitive Development 32

Concept Development and Creativity

Many of the theories so far discussed have been criticized as being too reductionistic and

as being incapable of accounting for individual differences in strategy use (e.g., M. J. Roberts,

1993). Although this criticism is acknowledged by cognitive scientists who attempt to

incorporate a role for individual differences in information-processing theories (e.g., Schroyens,

Schaeken & d'Ydewalle, 1999; Schunn & Reder, 2001), others have arguably pursued an even

greater degree of reductionism in attempts to identify the very basic and implicit processes of

cognition. One such area where considerable research has been invested explores how categories

and concepts form and develop (e.g., Markman & Gentner, 1993; Murphy & Medin, 1985;

Posner & Keele, 1968). For instance, what are the processes involved in the development of an

understanding that a Doberman, say, is a member of the dog family, that dogs are part of an even

larger superordinate category of mammals, and so on? In general, the research questions how

different branches and nodes within and between trees of knowledge become related to each

other, and how they are modified with experience.

Early research in category/concept formation was concerned with the development of

prototypes (Posner & Keele, 1968). Prototypes are defined as a generalized conceptualization of

an entity that consists of the typical attributes associated with the most commonly found

instances of the entity (prototypical entities are, in effect, averages, and like statistical averages,

they may not actually occur in practice). Given the shared experiences of most people through

mass education and popular media, prototypes tend to be relatively consistent from one

individual to another, although not completely so, particularly within a given culture. A

prototype of a dog, say, may be a medium-sized animal that has four legs, is brownish in color,

has a wagging tail, and do forth (Chi, 1997). The ease in classifying a new previously unseen
Cognitive Development 33

instance of the dog category will be determined partly by how typical the attributes of the “new

dog” are. That is, “… the likelihood of assigning some example to a category depends on the

similarity of the example to the category representation” (Medin, Goldstone, & Gentner, 1993, p.

254). For instance, a Labrador is likely to be more readily recognized and classified as dog than a

Toy Poodle because many of the attributes of a Labrador are more similar to the common

conceptualization of “dog.” In much the same way, a whale might be more readily, although

incorrectly, identified as a fish, rather than as a mammal, because certain attributes of whales are

not typically associated with mammals (e.g., they live in the ocean and swim). Furthermore,

beliefs about whether one entity of a category (e.g., tuna) has a certain property (e.g., disease X),

given that another entity of the category (e.g., goldfish) has the same property (disease X), vary

as a function of how similar the two entities (tuna and goldfish) are perceived to be (Medin et al.,

1993; Shafto & Coley, 2003).

Much of the research in this area has been conducted under the experimental/cognitive

paradigm. The focus is predominately on knowledge-acquisition processes and sometimes on the

direct effect of experience and expertise (Shafto & Coley, 2003), although not exclusively so. As

children learn and experience more, their knowledge base expands and new or unseen instances

(entities) are not only classified into one or more categories, but the categories themselves may

continually be modified by experience. This is not unlike the processes of accommodation and

assimilation proposed by Piaget. In other words, category definitions and concepts expand and

narrow to accommodate new information and new attributes. This process is ongoing and

continues into adulthood. For instance, the list of attributes of mammals might be expanded to

include some qualifications stating that whales are in fact mammals that breathe air and have live

young, even though they live in the ocean.

Cognitive Development 34

This line of research has focused on identifying the processes and nature of knowledge

acquisition. However, the findings also have direct implications for the investigation of more

complex reasoning (Coley, Hayes, Lawson, & Moloney, 2004) and cognitive development. For

example, the analogical reasoning involved in the classic A:B::C: ? type-problem (where ? is D,

E, F, or G) relies on individuals being able to identify relations between attributes of the

components (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G). These relations and attributes often belong to overlapping

categories that sometimes differ in hierarchical levels. This knowledge may be necessary for

efficient solution. Consider the following analogy problem:


There are numerous factors that need to be considered to determine the correct response

(coop). The relation between horse and stable will need to be considered. So will the different

categorical (hierarchical) levels between the response options (e.g., sty, coop, and stable are

subordinate to farm). Successful performance will require retrieval of previously acquired

knowledge about the relations and categories, and of course, individuals will need to have had

the opportunity to acquire this knowledge. This opportunity can vary quite substantially both

between and within cultures.

Over and above the opportunity to learn, individuals differ in their basic capacity to

acquire and represent knowledge and then to draw on this knowledge for future reasoning (Just

& Carpenter, 1992; Schunn & Reder, 2001). There is also recognition of the role of individual

differences from within cognitive research in concept formation. Chi (1997), for instance, argued

that one component of creativity entails flexible movement between branches and nodes of

categorical trees of knowledge. Moving within levels of one tree tends to be reasonably straight-

forward. For instance, re-classifying a whale as a mammal rather than as a fish can be
Cognitive Development 35

accomplished gradually over time with experience, or through direct mediated instruction from a

respected and more knowledgeable other (e.g., teacher, peer, or parent). However, re-

representing entities from one tree to another tends to be more difficult because different trees,

especially those that are fundamentally different, are considered to be different ontologically (in

their fundamental conceptualization), and therefore have different ontological attributes. In

philosophical terms, ontologies (or ontological trees) are structures of knowledge that have an

entire hierarchy of categories that are fundamentally different from each other. The attributes of

such trees are referred to as ontological attributes (see Chi, 1997, for further discussion of the

distinction between various types of attributes).

The distinction between ontological trees is philosophically defined. It is a complex but

important distinction. Chi (1992) argued that ontological attributes are not modifiable, either

physically or mentally. Yet other types of attributes that are not fundamental may be modified.

That is, once an entity is classified into a particular categorical tree – into a particular framework

of knowledge – it inherits all the ontological attributes associated with that tree or framework.

Moving from one tree to another is difficult because all the basic ontological attributes associated

with the entity need to be modified to move between trees (Chi, 1997). The typical outcome of

an attempt to reconceptualize entities across ontological boundaries is, for all intents and

purposes, nonsensical. Chi (1997, p. 218) argued that one can move between branches of a tree

that have a common ontology and be able to conceptualize a statement such as, “A dog is

purple”. One attribute of the category dog is color. Although purple may be a false instantiation

of the color of dogs (at least as far as we currently know), the statement makes sense. With

sufficient factual support, it could result in a minor restructuring of the concept/category of dog

without changing the ontological attributes associated with dogs in general (and other entities
Cognitive Development 36

within the tree). However, if, as suggested by Chi (1997), we cross over between trees and try to

conceive of a statement such as, “A dog is an hour-long” we are in a fundamentally different

situation. We cannot make sense of this statement without reconceptualizing many of the

fundamental (ontological) attributes associated with both dogs and time.

As a practical example of ontological restructuring, imagine the difficulty experienced by

citizens in the late 1800s, when evolutionary theorists began to argue that humans are not as

distinct from non-human primates and other animals as was once believed. That is, rather than

being conceived of as two distinct categorical trees (humans vs. others) consisting of distinct and

separate ontological paths and attributes, humans and other animals began to be considered as

inhabiting different levels of the same ontological category. Similarly, one can imagine the

difficulty of people at the time when Galileo and others shook the religious and scientific

thinking of the day and argued that the Earth was not the center of the universe and that it, in

fact, revolved around the sun, rather than vise versa. Arguably, both these conceptual changes

had massive rippling effects throughout science and society, as the full implications of changing

ontological categories became more and more evident and the cognitive dissonance generated by

new information and previously held (and conflicting) beliefs was reconciled (e.g., the

implications of evolutionary theory on religious beliefs still cause concern in many parts of the

world today).

Crossing these types of ontological barriers so as to re-represent entities is considered by

Chi (1997) to be a candidate for a core component of creativity. It is a difficult and cognitively

demanding process that entails a certain degree of knowledge and experience, but it is also a

process that requires the flexibility to appreciate and apprehend the full implications of changing

the underlying associations with ontological attributes. To the extent that there are individual
Cognitive Development 37

differences in flexibility, or creativity, one might also expect individual differences in at least

two areas. First, there may be individual differences in the knowledge required to modify the

representation of the entity (e.g., when new information becomes available that refutes the

original classification of an entity). Second, there may be individual differences in the cognitive

capacity or flexibility of individuals in seeing how new and disparate pieces of information can

be combined in novel ways to generate a new and insightful solution to an old problem (e.g.,

information that conflicted with the view that the sun revolves around the Earth).

This latter requirement, the capacity for flexible thinking, is probably the most

psychologically demanding on a number of levels. First, there is a distinct cognitive demand in

the analytical skill necessary to assimilate multiple perspectives. Traditional ability theories (e.g,

working memory theories) are in a good position to account for some of this difficulty. For

instance, the process theories described earlier, such as relational complexity theory (Halford et

al., 1998), may be useful in the analysis of the difficulty or complexity of different types of

ontological shifts and re-classification (e.g., Halford, Andrews, & Jensen, 2002, using the

relational complexity theory, account for the difficulty of cognitive processing in class inclusion

tasks and hierarchical classification tasks which exploit the products of concept-category

formation processes). However, as the above examples also demonstrate, there are other

demands (social, cultural, motivational) that can also influence the likelihood of creative ideas

being supported and further developed. Sternberg’s (1997) theory of successful intelligence,

particularly that part of the theory related to creative intelligence, has been used to account not

only for the analytical demands of the creative process, but also for the practical skills required

to sell and develop the creative idea.

Cognitive Development 38

Both Darwin and Galileo were under intense pressures of the time not to report their

creative ideas. Defying this pressure required considerable courage, as well as practical

intelligence to know when and how best to sell their ideas. The theory of successful intelligence

(Sternberg, 1997) formalizes an explicit role for creativity that, with further development and

research, may provide an individual-differences framework for exploring the type of flexibility-

creativity processes proposed by Chi (1997).

It is reasonably clear that many issues in cognitive development can be addressed by

viewing processes at different levels of focus. Although it is true that, alone, much of the basic

research described in this section is probably too reductionistic and ecologically weak to be of

any use in directly predicting successful cognitive development (and success in life), it is

invaluable in providing insights into future applied research. Traditionally, there have been only

limited links between developmental/information-processing research which we have reviewed

above, and what are referred to as individual-differences or psychometric theories of intelligence.

Psychometric theories attempt to identify the full constellation of cognitive abilities and to map

the interrelations between them. Given this focus, psychometric theories have typically tended to

be somewhat agnostic to the underlying processes of the abilities that have been identified

(Deary, 2001; Lohman & Ippel, 1993). However, much is being done to link process theories of

abilities (e.g., working memory theories) and development with psychometric theories (e.g.,

Cowan et al., 2005; Unsworth & Engle, 2007).We turn now to the area of psychometric

intelligence to consider how differential psychologists model and conceptualize cognitive

Cognitive Development 39



Many different definitions of intelligence have been proposed over the years (see, e.g.,

"Intelligence and its measurement: A symposium", 1921; Sternberg & Detterman, 1986). The

conventional notion of intelligence is built around a loosely consensual definition of intelligence

in terms of generalized adaptation to the environment. Psychometric theories of intelligence tend

to extend this definition by suggesting that there is a general factor of intelligence, often labeled

g, which underlies all adaptive behavior (Brand, 1996; Jensen, 1998; see essays in Sternberg &

Grigorenko, 2002). As we describe briefly below, the consensual notion of intelligence as one’s

ability to adapt to one’s current situation or environment has been formalized by Sternberg

(1997) in his theory of successful intelligence, and in particular in the conceptualization of

practical intelligence (Sternberg et al., 2000). This has been done in a way that is quite distinct

from typical conceptualizations of psychometric intelligence.

In many psychometric theories, including those most widely accepted today (e.g., Carroll,

1993; Gustafson, 1994; Horn, 1994), a number of differentiable but variously related mental

abilities are proposed. The positive interrelation between these abilities – that people strong in

one area also tend to be strong in others – is used as evidence to support the proposed

hierarchical nesting of these abilities under one or more general cognitive ability factors at

successively greater levels of specificity. In fact, most psychometric theories, described in more

detail elsewhere (Brody, 2000; Carroll, 1993; Embretson & McCollam, 2000; Herrnstein &

Murray, 1994; Jensen, 1998; Sternberg, 2000), use evidence from correlational research to

support their view.

Cognitive Development 40

As an example of how correlational evidence is used for construct validation and theory

building, consider the common distinction that has been empirically identified between verbal

and visual-spatial abilities. Different verbal measures (e.g., vocabulary, sentence comprehension)

tend to be more correlated with each other than with visual-spatial measures (e.g., paper folding,

mental-rotation). The converse is also true – different visual-spatial measures tend to be more

highly correlated with each other than with verbal ability measures. In factor analysis, an

advanced statistical technique based on correlations (Hartmann, Pelzel, & Abbott, in this

textbook), this would result in the identification of two separate factors, a verbal and a visual-

spatial factor. The separation of factors is used as evidence that the measures tap distinct

constructs. However, research has also shown that even though verbal and visual-spatial abilities

are separable, the correlation between the measures of each ability is not exactly zero. This

pattern of varying but positive correlation persists across many cognitive measures (i.e., the so-

called “positive manifold”). This manifold has been cited as evidence that there is something real

and common driving performance on many, if not all, cognitive tasks.

Exactly how the common variation in cognitive performance is partitioned is one major

way psychometric theories are differentiated. Some argue that a higher-order general ability

construct (‘g’) that variously determines performance in each of the specific lower-order abilities

is the most parsimonious account for this commonality (e.g., Herrnstein & Murray, 1994; Jensen,

1998). Carroll (1993) suggested that three levels (narrow, broad, and general) are needed to

capture the hierarchy of abilities, whereas Cattell (1971) suggested two levels were especially

important. In the case of Cattell, nested under general intelligence are what he referred to as fluid

intelligence (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc). Fluid intelligence is skill in reasoning in

novel ways. Typical tests of Gf, such as Raven’s progressive matrices, entail the ability to induce
Cognitive Development 41

relations and deal with various levels of abstraction. Crystallized intelligence is “... a type of

broad mental ability that develops through the ‘investment’ of general intelligence into learning

through education and experience” (Carroll, 1993, p. 599). Crystallized abilities are therefore of

the kind considered to be the main manifestation of education, experience, and acculturation.

Extensions of the Gf-Gc theory include a range of other broad and specific abilities, including

those associated with memory, visuo-spatial abilities, and speed of processing (e.g., R. D.

Roberts & Stankov, 1999; Stankov, 2000).

Some psychometric theorists believe that, relative to one’s peers, intelligence is fixed

relatively early in life – between 5 and10 years of age – after which it tends to remain stable (see

Bjorklund, 1995; Neisser et al., 1996). The stability beyond this period is seen by some as an

epiphenomenon (Cattell, 1987; McArdle, Ferrer-Caja, Hamagami, & Woodcock, 2002). Cattell

(1987), for instance, argued that the apparent stability of intelligence is the necessary outcome of

aggregating across multiple abilities that have different developmental trajectories. That is,

Cattell, and also Horn (1988), argued that, whereas both Gf and Gc rise through youth until early

adulthood, Gf reaches its peak relatively early (15-20 years) and later declines at a relatively

rapid rate. Gc, in contrast, tends to continue increasing well into the 60s and 70s. This research

has been extended. For instance, McArdle et al. (2002) showed a range of differences in the

developmental trajectories of the various cognitive abilities and academic knowledge assessed by

the Woodcock-Johnson tests (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989). Different developmental trajectories

are also cited as evidence for separable factors and the diminutive importance of ‘g.’

Psychometric test scores administered after about 5 years of age tend to be reasonably

predictive of later abilities and achievement (Bjorklund, 1995; Sattler, 1992). At younger ages,

the stability and predictive utility of ability estimates is substantially weaker, particularly for
Cognitive Development 42

individuals in the average or superior levels (Chen & Siegler, 2000; Sattler, 1992). For infants,

sensory-oriented measures, such as of rapidity of habituation-dishabituation and encoding, are

better predictors of future abilities than are reasoning measures, although the correlations are

typically modest (Bornstein & Colombo, 2010). One explanation for the lack of predictive power

of early performance on psychometric tests is that cognitive abilities become increasingly

differentiated with age and experience (Carroll, 1993; Halford, 1993). Generally, after this

period, psychometric test scores become stable and follow the trajectory described above. The

question remains, do psychometric test scores sufficiently represent the abilities needed to adapt

successfully to one’s environment – the consensual definition of intelligence reported earlier?

Sternberg (1985, 1998a, 1999a) and an increasing group of others (e.g., Ackerman &

Beier, 2003; Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993; Gardner, 1993) have argued that the

psychometric definition of intelligence has become (or always was) too narrow to provide a

reasonable account of performance in real-world settings, the settings in which many of the

measures were originally designed to assess. The restriction, we believe, is partly due to the

theoretical narrowness of the common operationalization of intelligence (in looking at only

“analytical” abilities) and partly due to the inadequacies of available methodologies to fully

accommodate multidimensional and complex traits (Birney & Sternberg, 2006). Research on

practical and creative intelligence (Sternberg, 2003c; Sternberg et al., 2000), social intelligence

(Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1987; Kihlstrom & Cantor, 2000; Sternberg & Smith, 1985), and

emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1995; Mayer & Salovey, 1993; Salovey & Mayer, 1990) is

expanding the theoretical foundations of intelligence. Promising methodological work on latent

trait theories (e.g., Borsboom, Mellenbergh, & van Heerden, 2003) and measurement (e.g.,

Linacre, 1989; Michell, 1999; Wright, 1999) will further strengthen the methodological
Cognitive Development 43

foundations to accommodate even more refined empirical research into these complex traits.

Already, considerable work has been invested to demonstrate that it is possible to not only assess

creative and practical intelligence (e.g., Birney, Grigorenko, & Sternberg, 2004), but also to

develop effective educational interventions that exploit students’ range of creative, practical,

analytical, and memory abilities (e.g., Grigorenko, Jarvin, & Sternberg, 2002; Sternberg, Torff,

& Grigorenko, 1998; Williams et al., 2002). Much of this thinking forms the foundation for the

theory of developing expertise.


Abilities as Developing Expertise

The theoretical basis for the developing expertise model is Sternberg’s (1985, 1997,

2003c) triarchic theory of successful intelligence. According to this theory, intelligence is, in

part, the ability to achieve success in life through a balance of analytical, creative, and practical

skills. Success is conceptualized as adaptation to, shaping, and selection of environments as a

function of the ability to recognize and capitalize on one’s strengths and to correct or compensate

for one’s weaknesses. Fitting in with this view is the broad conceptualization of intelligence and

intellectual achievements as forms of developing expertise—they can be developed, just like any

other forms of expertise. The theory of developing expertise conceptualizes abilities as a set of at

least five cognitive competencies in varying stages of development (Sternberg, 1998a, 1999a,

2003a). (1) Metacognitive skills are related to skills required for recognizing, defining, and

representing the problem; for formulating strategies and resource allocation; and for planning,

monitoring, and evaluating success of a chosen strategy. (2) Learning skills or knowledge-

acquisition skills are the skills that are necessary to know which information in a problem to

attend to (i.e., to encode); to know which existing information to select for comparison with the
Cognitive Development 44

new information; and to know how to combine new and old understandings to solve the problem

at hand. (3) Thinking skills are related to performance. A context-appropriate balance of

analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills is necessary to optimize success (Sternberg,

1997). (4) Knowledge is not only an outcome of development, but it is also necessary for future

development. Knowledge in both declarative and procedural forms is necessary. (5) The

determining element is having sufficient motivation to bring these skills to bear on problem

solving. Without sufficient motivation, abilities remain inert. Hence motivation is the driving

force behind the developing-expertise model (Sternberg, 1998a, 1999a, 2003a).

Past experiences and differences in personality will influence levels of motivation in any

given context and ultimately determine the opportunities that children (and then adults) have to

develop certain abilities and expertise (Ackerman, 1996; Ackerman & Beier, 2003). Parents and

teachers are significant determinants of the experiences of young children (Ceci, Ramey, &

Ramey, 1990). They are also likely to have some impact on whether the child perceives these

experiences as successful or not. This perception is likely to influence future levels of

motivation. Over time, the developing child has increasingly more choice in the types of

experiences he or she engages in, and a more complex array of factors starts to play on levels of

motivation (e.g., developing interests, peer pressure, financial and romantic rewards). The five

components of the developing-expertise theory all interact fully in context as the novice works

toward expertise through deliberate practice (see Ericsson et al., 1993, for a discussion on the

role of deliberate practice). For instance, motivation drives the application of metacognitive

skills. These skills in turn facilitate learning, which enables not only one’s level of expertise to

increase, but also the efficiency with which these skills will be implemented in the future.

Multiple Intelligences
Cognitive Development 45

Gardner (1993, 1999) does not view intelligence as a single construct. Instead of

speaking of multiple abilities that together constitute intelligence, like some other theorists,

Gardner proposed a theory of multiple intelligences, in which eight distinct intelligences function

somewhat independently but may interact to produce intelligent behavior. The types of

intelligence are linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic,

interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. Gardner (1999) also speculated on the possible

existence of existential and spiritual intelligences. Each intelligence is a separate system of

functioning. Nevertheless, these systems can interact to produce intelligent performance. For

example, novelists rely heavily on linguistic intelligence but might use logical-mathematical

intelligence in plotting story lines or checking for logical inconsistencies. Measuring

intelligences separately may produce a profile of skills that is broader than would be obtained

from, say, measuring verbal and mathematical abilities alone. This profile could then be used to

facilitate educational and career decisions.

To identify particular intelligences, Gardner used converging operations, gathering

evidence from multiple sources and types of data. The evidence includes (but is not limited to)

the distinctive effects of localized brain damage on specific kinds of intelligences, distinctive

patterns of development in each kind of intelligence across the life span, exceptional individuals

(from both ends of the spectrum), and evolutionary history.

Gardner’s view of the mind is modular. Modularity theorists believe that different

abilities can be isolated as they emanate from distinct portions or modules of the brain. Thus, a

major task of existing and future research on intelligence is to isolate the portions of the brain

responsible for each of the intelligences. Gardner has speculated about some of these relevant

portions, but hard evidence for the existence of separate intelligences has yet to be produced.
Cognitive Development 46

One might argue that the culmination of the skills and abilities we have so far reviewed in

this chapter leads not only to the development of effective analytical, critical, creative, and practical

thinking, but also to some sense of wisdom. It is to this concept that we turn to in the final section.


Wisdom has, amongst other things, been defined as the power of judging rightly based on

knowledge, experience, and understanding. Reaching a wise decision involves a balancing act of

intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal interests. In turn, short- and long-term interests

must be considered to achieve a balance among adaptation to existing environments, shaping of

existing environments, and/or the selection of a new environments (Sternberg, 1998b).

Intelligence and creativity are necessary, but not sufficient skills for wisdom. Furthermore,

wisdom is not simply the application of intelligence in creative ways, but rather the more highly

evolved form of successful intelligence. It is not enough to have an understanding of the situation

at hand, but rather it is necessary to have the ability to dynamically consider different

perspectives to the mutual benefit of all those involved. This balancing act requires the

application of values with the intent of achieving a common good (Sternberg, 1998b). In this

section we explore the relation of wisdom to other cognitive abilities.

Wisdom’s Relation to Other Cognitive Abilities

Wisdom is related to other cognitive abilities, but is also unique. In particular, it is related

to knowledge, as well as to the analytical, creative, and practical aspects of intelligence

(Sternberg, 2003c, 2007). Indeed, Baltes built his widely accepted theory of wisdom around the

concept of knowledge about the pragmatics of life (Baltes & Staudinger, 2000; Baltes,

Staudinger, Maercker, & Smith, 1995). We consider five characteristics of wisdom: knowledge,
Cognitive Development 47

metacogntion, creativity, practical intelligence, and social intelligence, and then consider some

of the developmental implications.

First, wise thinking requires knowledge, but a major part of wisdom is tacit, informal

knowledge of the kind learned from hands-on experience, not the kind of explicit formal

knowledge taught in schools. One could possess “book smarts” or excel in the classroom, yet

show little or no wisdom because the kind of knowledge one needs to be wise is typically not

found in books or in the type of teaching found in most schools. That is, wisdom requires not

simply the kind of knowledge and analytical thinking emphasized in schools or measured on

tests of academic achievement. Rather, wisdom requires the analysis of real-world dilemmas

where clean and neat abstractions often give way to messy, disorderly, and conflicting concrete


Second, although metacognition is an important part of analytical thinking and

developing expertise, wisdom also seems related to metacognition because the metacomponents

involved in wisdom are similar or identical to those that follow from other accounts of

metacognition (Campione, Brown, & Ferrara, 1982; Nelson, 1999; Sternberg, 1985). In wisdom,

as in other types of thinking, one especially needs to be aware of one’s own thought processes.

This awareness requires identifying problems, formulating solutions to solve problems,

allocating resources to the solution of these problems, and so forth. These skills are used in

wisdom, as they are in other types of thinking, but in wisdom they are especially important in

achieving a balance of different interests to seek a common good.

Third, wisdom is related to creativity. Creative people often tend toward extremes,

although their later contribution may be more integrative (Gardner, 1993). Creative thinking can

often be brash, whereas wise thinking is balanced. This is not to say that the same people cannot
Cognitive Development 48

be both creative and wise. It is to say, however, that the kinds of thinking required to be creative

and wise are different and thus will not necessarily be found in the same person. As Gardner

(1993) suggested, creative people may not be wise, and they may even be foolish in their

dealings with other people. Moreover, teaching people to think creatively (see Sternberg &

Williams, 1986) will not necessarily teach them to think wisely.

Wisdom shares in common with creativity, insightfulness. According to Sternberg

(2003c) intuition can offer alternative solutions by allowing the individual to read between the

lines, as well as the ability to understand and interpret their environment. Creativity allows the

wise thinker to generate novel solutions in situations that cannot be resolved by defined and pre-

existing heuristics. Wise thinking must be creative to generate a novel and task-relevant high-

quality solution involved in the balancing of interests. Novelty, task-appropriateness, and quality

are hallmarks of creativity (Sternberg, 1999b). A solution can be creative – as in solving a

mathematical proof – but have no particular characteristics of wisdom. The proof does not

require the balancing of interests or pursuit of a common good. It is an intellectual problem

involving creative thinking (Sternberg, 2003b).

Fourth, although practical thinking is closer to wisdom than are analytical and creative

thinking, it is also not the same as wisdom. Wisdom is a particular kind of practical thinking. It

(1) balances competing intrapersonal (one’s own), interpersonal (others’), and extrapersonal

(larger) interests, (2) over the short and long terms, (3) balances adaptation to, shaping of, and

selection of environments, in (4) the service of a common good. People can be good practical

thinkers without being wise, but they cannot be wise without being good practical thinkers. Good

practical thinking is necessary but not sufficient for the manifestation of wisdom (Sternberg,

Cognitive Development 49

Fifth, wisdom also seems to be related to constructs such as social intelligence (Cantor &

Kihlstrom, 1987; Kihlstrom & Cantor, 2000; Sternberg & Smith, 1985), emotional intelligence

(Goleman, 1995; Mayer & Salovey, 1993; Salovey & Mayer, 1990), and interpersonal and

intrapersonal intelligences (Gardner, 1993, 1999). Again, there are also differences. Social

intelligence can be applied to understanding and getting along with others to any ends for any

purposes. Wisdom seeks out a good outcome through a balancing of interests. Thus, a sales

person who figures out how to sell a worthless product to a customer might do so through using

social intelligence to understand the customer’s wants, but has not done so to achieve a mutually

beneficial end.

Social and emotional skills are important parts of wisdom. But making wise judgments

requires going beyond the understanding, regulation, or judgment of emotions. It requires

processing the information to achieve a balance of interests and the formulation of a judgment

that make effective use of available information to achieve a common good. Moreover, wisdom

may require a balance of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences, but it also requires an

understanding of extrapersonal factors, and a balance of these three (often conflicting) factors to

attain a common good. Thus wisdom seems to go somewhat beyond these theoretically distinct

kinds of intelligences as well. Perhaps the most salient differences among constructs is that

wisdom is applied toward the achievement of ends that are perceived as yielding a common

good, whereas the various kinds of intelligences we have mentioned may be applied deliberately

toward achieving either good ends or bad ones, at least for some of the parties involved. It is

interesting that the conception of wisdom proposed here is substantially closer to Chinese than to

American conceptions of intelligence (Yang & Sternberg, 1997a, 1997b). One of the words used

in Chinese to characterize intelligence is the same word used to characterize wisdom.

Cognitive Development 50

To a large extent, the development and display of the attributes described in this section

is a decision over which one has substantial control, not merely some kind of innate set of

predispositions. That is, wisdom is in large part an active decision to use one’s intelligence,

creativity, and knowledge for a common good (Sternberg, 2007). Thus, the development of

wisdom entails the application of many of the attributes that have been discussed in this chapter.

It entails the application of cognitive abilities; it entails the application of knowledge; and it

entails the application of creativity. But most importantly, wisdom entails the development of a

mindset or habit to be motivated to understand things from diverse points of view across time

and space (Sternberg, 2004).


In this chapter we have considered just a small selection of the many theories that have been

proposed to describe and account for the development of a range of cognitive and intellectual

abilities. We have attempted to broaden our view beyond the areas that are typically considered

central to cognitive development in the hope that we can demonstrate the complexity of the

issues that are involved, and provide evidence for an increased emphasis on integration. We have

emphasized traditional developmental approaches (Piagetian and neo-Piagetian) as well as

cognitive, psychometric, and systems.

We believe that each approach invariably draws more heavily on the others than what has

often been recognized. Psychometric theories model individual differences in a broad range of

abilities and have indeed provided much of what is currently known about intelligence.

However, even though the psychometric approach has continued to be immensely influential in

various educational, military, and commercial applications, it is not currently well equipped for

modeling the processes of cognitive development. In terms of development, psychometric

Cognitive Development 51

theories are typically restricted to describing the changing constellation of abilities over time

(e.g, differentiation of abilities with age and changing developmental trajectories), with little

direct explanation of the causes of these changes.

Information-processing theories are much better equipped to provide an explanatory

account of development and have been particularly successful in identifying knowledge

acquisition processes and the development of such constructs as working memory capacity. This

approach is subsuming much of the traditional Piagetian notions of development. However, there

is still considerable work to be done to clarify relations among knowledge, working-memory

capacity, and psychometric constructs such as fluid and crystallized intelligence, as well as the

role of creative and practical abilities. This is particularly true given that many information-

processing theories have traditionally conceptualized development as a function of quantitative

changes in the cognitive system (e.g., increase in available resources), and that such change may

turn out to be more chaotic, non-linear (recursive), and based on qualitatively different uses of

knowledge and experience than what has thus far been modeled.

Even though the traditional individual differences and information-processing approaches

could be considered the middle ground on cognitive development, we believe that a complete

understanding of the cognitive developmental process will not be obtainable from either these

approaches, nor in fact from any other single approach in isolation of other research. As such, we

have presented research on such enigmatic constructs as concept development, creativity, and

wisdom. We believe that future theorists of cognitive development may wish to take these

constructs into account more than they have.

Cognitive Development 52


An earlier version of this chapter (Birney, Citron-Pousty, Sternberg, & Lutz, 2005) was co-

authored by Donna Lutz; we acknowledge her sections on Piaget from the previous edition that

have been maintained in the current chapter.

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