The Name Tara Means "Star," "Planet," or "She Who Ferries Across The Ocean of Samsara...

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The passage discusses Tara, a Buddhist female deity known as the Saviouress who ferries beings across samsara. It mentions she is beloved in Tibet and known for her swift compassionate activity.

The two primary forms mentioned are the green and white Tara. It also references many other forms that embody Tara's various aspects.

The color green symbolizes youthful vigor and activity. It is also the color associated with Amoghasiddhi, the Buddha of karma and action, indicating Tara belongs to that family and is a goddess of action and accomplishing tasks.

The name *Tara* means "star," "planet," or "she who

ferries across the ocean of samsara....

Tara, the Saviouress......

"she who ferries beings across the ocean of samsara*is the

most beloved by the Tibetans of all the female goddesses.
Her praises are sung and Tara is supplicated in all Tibetan
monasteries and by many lay people as well. Tara is
renowned for her swift and compassionate activity.

Whether devotees to Tara have worldly or spiritual

motivation, Tara gives benefit to all, and leads people to
Tara is also known as "the Mother of all the Buddhas”

This is because she is a form manifestation of the

prajnaparamita, the perfection of wisdom, the realization of emptiness, and as
such she is what gives birth
to all the Buddhas. Meditating on Tara helps to awaken our Buddha nature as
well as the qualities of our Buddha nature. Tara leads us beyond duality to the
infinite bliss and emptiness
that is our most precious opportunity.
There are many forms of Tara, which embody her various
aspects. The two primary forms of Tara are the green and
the white.
Green Tārā, known as the Buddha of enlightened activity
The Bodhisattva Tārā was born from the tears of Avalokiteśvar
as he looked down on the sorrows of the world....
Her name comes from the Sanskrit word Tāra and means
literally: carrying across, a saviour, protector; a star, shining.
Tārā is usually depicted with the Tathāgata Amitabha in her
headress. Green Tārā is also sometimes called Ārya or Noble
Tārā. In Tibetan she is Drolma (sgrol ma).
White Tārā is the most common form of Tārā after green.
Green Tara
Green Tara is Tara's most dynamic manifestation. Her color symbolizes youthful
vigor and activity.
The Buddhist Lord of karma (action), Amoghasiddhi, is also associated with the
green color, thus signifying that they belong to the same family.
This is a further affirmation of the perception that Green Tara is a goddess of
action. She is often depicted in a posture of ease with right leg extended,
signifying her readiness to spring into action.
The left leg is folded in the contemplative position on the lotus pedestal, the two
together thus symbolizing the integration of wisdom and art.
Her left hand, in the gesture of granting refuge holds the stem of a blue lotus
that floats over her left shoulder as a symbol of purity and power.

Green Tara is described as being the color of melted snow in a high mountain
lake- turquoise green...she is of the nature of light.
Her green color is indicative of the Buddha family she belongs to- that of
Amogasiddhi, her consort, the Buddha of all accomplishing activity.
Her specialty is to remove difficulties, danger, obscurations, and fear and to
transmit the blessing of perfect wisdom. In an outer sense Tara removes all
obstacles; in an inner sense she removes negative imprints and habitual patterns.
Her right arm is a sign of divine compassion, and her right hand is in the mudra
of boundless generosity, signifying that she bestows both the ordinary
accomplishments (supernatural powers), and the extraordinary accomplishment
(realization of the absolute true nature).
lthough she is fully enlightened, she remains in samsara in order to benefit

Receiving the Blessings of the Bodhisattva Tara

An empowerment is a special, guided meditation whereby in this case we receive
the inspiration and blessings of a powerful and enlightened being, a Buddha.
An empowerment awakens our potential to become in alignment with that we
are becoming empowered to…. Green Tara, or ‘Superior Liberator’, is a female
Buddha who is the manifestation of the swift compassion of all the enlightened
This empowerment gives us the opportunity to draw close to Mother Tara so we
can come under her loving care…this in turn enables us as lightworkers…to be
in a position to anchor this loving care to the earth plane…and assist others for
the Highest Good of All***

Entry into the path of meditating of the bodhisattva Tara begins with
empowerment, the transmission of her enlightened wisdom and blessings.
When we receive the transmission of the blessings of green Tara, we first offer
thanks and visualize Green Tara… or gaze upon a likeness of her….
From the heart centers of Green Tara, brilliant light shines forth which strikes
ourselves and all sentient beings. This radiating light transforms our ordinary
bodies physical, emotional,conscious, and we become enveloped in this glorious
green turquoise light….Our mind/body/spirit becomes at peace…We rest
naturally in this state, remaining in this state being gently brought back to
everyday consciousness… in Divine Time….
This varies of course…on the individual….and time required….usually
between twenty minutes and half an hour***

An empowerment is only a beginning. For there to be enduring benefit, proper

practice has to follow.

Create Sacred Space...Both environment and self***

Be comfortable...
Incense/ essential oils...may enhance your experience....
Have a picture of Green Tara....may use manual....
Ensure you have read manual....and requested guidance from your
Highest receive empowerment at this point in time....
There is much information in the Goddess Tara Group in Messengers
of Spirit...and wonderful music....
Relax...clear your mind as in meditation.....request your Angelics and or
Guides to be present with you...if this is your usual practise....
Bring in bring forth the Green Tara
Empowerment given to me by El.....(what ever feels right*)
Things may come to your conscious mind....or may be portrayed to you
at other levels of being***Be assured you will through your
intent...and the empowerment....have energetic contact...and
transmission...from Green Tara....this may be in the form of herself....or
symbolic...specific for your own understanding....
When empowerment is finished (you will know when to come back to
3D)...Always give thanks....The Universe provides for us in so many
wonderful ways....
This manual is priceless….no monetary charge….An exchange of

energy is required to maintain the balance….this may be in the

form of contribution to the GODDESS GROUPS on the

Network of Messengers of Spirit****





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