Linux Command Enigma2
Linux Command Enigma2
Linux Command Enigma2
grab -o -p /tmp/kuni.png – very useful command, grabs the osd screenshot of your box and
saves it in /temp/. Replace “filename.png” with the name you want to use for the screenshot.
grab -d -p /tmp/filename.png – the same except it grabs the channel too.
shutdown -r now – the same as the above init 6 command.
shutdown -h now – full shutdown.
lsusb – lists all attached USB devices.
df -h – checks memory and storage stats.
nmap -sp – allows you to map your local network (change the IP address for
mapping your own network).
cat /proc/meminfo – memory info.
killall -9 enigma2 – If your box freezes for some reasons, this will restart Enigma2 for you.
top – this commands will give you current stats of your memory, cpu, program usage.
find – this command will find a file or folder within your dreambox directory structure.
rm – remove command will remove files normally followed by -rf for a complete removal from
the system.
df – will show you the file system and the file system setup.
free – this command shows you the memory usage on your dreambox.
date – shows you the time and date on your dreambox.
unzip – this command will unzip files to a location of your choice. IE (unzip -o /tmp/
/media/hdd/latest) that would take a file in the tmp folder and unzip it into /media/hdd/latest.
tar – roughly is the same as unzip and zip but for tarball files.
gzip – for zipping and unzipping gz files.
cp – the copy command, this will copy a file from one location to another.
mkdir – this command will make a directory of your choice.
uname – usually followed by -a will tell you what operating system you are using, very useful
command for checking what box you are using and build times etc!
ls – this is the list command will list the contents of a directory.
which – nice command to find the location of a program.
chmod/chown/adduser/deluser/ – these are all user and group management commands…
there are a few more but these are the obvious ones.
Advanced Commands
ipkg-build – this command will build you a plugin once you have wrote the plugin in correctly
written bash.
ipkg-unbuild -this command will unbuild a plugin see above (these two commands may not
work on all boxes – I am going to make separate post about plugin building, so stay in touch).
dmesg – used with (dmesg | more) is a very powerful and first call diagnostic tool in linux.
grep – put this in here as its probably the most used command in linux and very powerful for
searching files and listing information in order.
wget – by far my favorite command on linux platforms and so underrated, I can do with this
command things that people would not believe, however its main use is for getting
information/files/ from another location on the internet or lan.
enigma2 – this is the base command for enigma2 boxes, only use this command if you know
what you are doing… a useful command for use is (enigma –help-all)
Obviously this list is not exhaustive and there are many more commands available for use with your
enigma2 box. I’ll keep updating this post with new commands and if you want to update this list as
well or have something to say just use comments section below. Thanks for reading and until next
Update/Upgrade/Download/Install Commands
opkg update (short for Open PacKaGe Management) – this command will update the image
feeds located in /etc/opkg/ (to make sure just check the path to your opkg folder) Basically,
what the command does is to check and let your image know that the updates are there ready
to be installed.
opkg upgrade – this command updates the image and/or plugins that were identified by the
above opkg update command. When using these commands it is recommended to first put
the enigma2 into a sleeping mode so that any changes that are made have less risk of
becoming corrupted as this may happen when being updated in a running state.
opkg list-upgradable – allows you to check what is available to update on the image (same
as opkg update)
opkg download – allows you to download plugins directly from the images own feeds in a
installable .ipk format to the /home/root/ directory of your receiver.
Example usage:
opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
opkg download enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker
opkg install – allows you to install plugins directly from the image feeds.
Example usage:
opkg install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker
opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
opkg remove package – this command removes packages (replace “package” with package
1. wget -O /dev/null -q
2. where X =
3. 0 - deep standby "shutdown"; will execute all /etc/rc0.d/* scripts before e
ntering deep standby
4. 1 - single user without network; will execute all /etc/rc1.d/* scripts afte
r switching the runlevel
5. 2 - multi user with network; will execute all /etc/rc2.d/* scripts after sw
itching the runlevel
6. 3 - multi user with network with enigma2; will execute all /etc/rc3.d/* scr
ipts after switching the runlevel
7. 4 - multi user with network; will execute all /etc/rc3.d/* scripts after sw
itching the runlevel
8. 5 - multi user with network with enigma2; will execute all /etc/rc5.d/* scr
ipts after switching the runlevel
9. 6 - reboot ; will execute all /etc/rc6.d/* scripts before reboot
10. S - shutdown ; will execute all /etc/rc0.d/* scripts before entering deep s
1. wget -O /dev/null -q hxxp://
2. where X =
3. 0 = Toogle Standby
4. 1 = Deepstandby
5. 2 = Reboot
6. 3 = Restart Enigma2
7. 4 = Wakeup form Standby
8. 5 = Standby