Smith Meter Ultra: Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter

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Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter

Smith Meter Ultra 4 ® ™

Issue/Rev. 0.0 (8/09) Bulletin SSLS002

The Smith Meter ® Ultra4™ Liquid Flowmeter is a four

path ultrasonic meter with a Signal Processing Unit
(SPU) for measurement of refined petroleum products
and crude oils. The Ultra4 is a new entry in the FMC
Technologies Measurement Solutions family of meter-
ing products which also includes the Ultra6 for custody
transfer liquid measurement and the MPU 1200, 600
and 200 gas ultrasonic flow meters.

Principle of Operation

The Ultra4 functionality is based on the well-established

acoustic transit time principle. This measurement prin-
ciple documents how ultrasonic pulses are modified
as they are transmitted through flowing mediums. An
ultrasonic pulse propagating with the flow will experi- Smith Meter ® Ultra4™ Liquid Flowmeter with SPU
ence an increase in velocity while an ultrasonic pulse
propagating against the flow will experience a decrease In-line Transducer Replacement – Designed so
in velocity. there is no need for special tooling or process shut-
The Ultra4 measures the transit time of the ultrasonic sig- down to replace a transducer
nal that is transmitted. The start of the transmission and Real Time Diagnostics – WinScreen Software
arrival of the correct signal is detected by its software. provides real-time logs, trends, signal performance
and parameter reports for operation, diagnostics and
The Ultra4 transducers are non-intrusive and flush maintenance
mounted ensuring minimum risk of clogging by residues
in the flow. The transducer is fully encapsulated and the Reciprocity – Exclusive transducer and electronic
transducer housing is manufactured from titanium. design that virtually eliminates zero flow offset and
drift to provide long-term measurement stability
independent of pressure, temperature, and transducer
Ultrasonic Benefits aging

Low Pressure Drop – Drop is the same as an equal

Unique Smith Meter Ultra4™ Features for

length of straight pipe

Crude Oil Service
Low Maintenance – No moving parts that need re-
placement due to wear, especially beneficial in severe
Advanced Noise Immunity – Provides high noise
operating environments
immunity to accurately measure hard to handle high
Ideal for Problematic Applications – Non-intrusive viscosity crude oils with S&W
parts help avoid product build up on equipment Viscosity Correction – Four-path configuration with
Operational Flexibility – Bi-directional flow reduces specialized software to correct for the viscous effects
time required to redirect product flow of high viscosity crude oils. This allows for optimum
accuracy over a wide range of crude oils from con-
densates to high viscosity crude oils
Unique Smith Meter Ultra4™ Features

High Reproducibility – To achieve consistent mea- Applications

surement over a wide range of operating conditions
Measurement of refined petroleum products and crude
Field-Proven Electronics – The same elec- oils for:
tronic processor and rugged packing as the
FMC Technologies MPU™ Series gas ultrasonic • Inventory control • Allocation
meters which have been proven in the world’s harsh- • Leak detection • Line balancing
est field environments • Off-loading and on-loading

The Most Trusted Name In Measurement

Operating Specifications ASME B16.5 RF Flanges Class 150, 300 and 600.
Consult the factory for other flange type connections.
Meter Body and Flanges
Refined products and crude oils.
Carbon Steel body and RF Flanges, Stainless Steel
Accuracy optional. For other options consult the factory.
Compliant with API MPMS Chapter 5.8 and OIML R-117-1. Transducer
Repeatability Piezoelectric element, fully encapsulated in titanium
+/- 0.02% housing.
Linearity - Refined Products and Light Crude Oils For other operating conditions and accuracy require-
(up to API 35) ments consult factory.
To 20 cSt, ±0.25% over the complete flow range for a Instrument Power
given product. DC Instrument Input Power to Field Mounted
Linearity - Crude Oil 24 Vdc +15% / -10%, 0.5A.
To 200 cSt, ±0.25% over the complete flow range for a Power inrush: 8 Amps for < 20mS at 24 Vdc.
given product.
To 500 cSt consult factory. The DC power input circuitry is reverse current pro-
tected and fused.
Flow Range Tested to 20 milliseconds power drop without shut down.
Meter will always restart orderly after power loss.
Normal Normal Extended Extended
Size Min. Max. Max. Flow Min. Flow
AC Instrument Input Power to Field Mounted
Flow Rate Flow Rate Rate Rate
In mm bph m3/h bph m3/h bph m3/h bph m3/h 120/240 Vac continuous, +/- 10%, 12 Watts, 48 to 63 Hz.
6 150 450 72 4,500 720 5,500 870 160 25 Power inrush: 6 Amps for <20mS at 120 Vac.
8 200 800 125 8,000 1,270 9,600 1,525 220 35 Power inrush: 3 Amps for <20mS at 240 Vac.
10 250 1,250 200 12,500 1,990 15,000 2,385 340 55 The AC circuitry is fuse-protected.
12 300 1,900 300 19,000 3,020 22,800 3,625 500 80 Power Interruption Tolerance: Interruption of power
16 400 2,800 445 28,000 4,450 33,600 5,340 700 110 greater than 100 milliseconds (typical) will cause an
orderly shutdown. Tested to 20 milliseconds power
20 500 4,200 667 42,000 6,670 50,000 8,200 1,200 190
drop without shut down. The meter will restart in an
orderly progression after a power loss.
Bidirectional Electrical Inputs
Digital Inputs
Maximum Working Pressure - PSI (kPa)
2 digital inputs
ANSI Carbon Steel Type: High speed, optically isolated digital input. The
150 285 (1,965)
input pulse must rise above V (high. min) for a period
300 740 (5,102)
of time and then fall below V (low) to be recognized
600 1,480 (10,205)
as a pulse.
Temperature Range V (high): 5 Vdc minimum to 28 Vdc maximum.
Operating flow temperature: -4°F to 250°F (-20°C to V (low): 1 Vdc maximum.
120°C) For applications over 158°F (70°C) consult Input impedance: 1.67 kΩ.
factory for proper mounting of electronics.
Ambient temperature: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Analog Input (4-20mA)
Up to 2 analog inputs (maximum number of analog
NACE Compliant inputs and outputs are 2).
Designed for NACE compliance. Type: Two-wire, 4-20mA current loop receiver, iso-
lated from ground, programmable as to function.
Multivariable Device Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Standard instantaneous flow rate and totalized flow rate. Input Burden: 50Ω.
Additional information on volume at 60°F (15°C) Resolution: One part in 65,536.
(as per API) mass flow; reference density and VCF
calculation. Voltage Drop: 2 Volts maximum.

Humidity Analog Input (1-5 Vdc)

Up to 2 analog inputs (maximum number of analog
Up to 95%, non-condensing. inputs and outputs are 2).
Standard Flange Connections Type: Two-wire, 1-5 Vdc voltage loop receiver, isolated

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from ground, programmable as to function. Digital Outputs
Span Adjustment: Program adjustable. 2 digital outputs.
Input Burden: 1 MΩ. Type: Optically-isolated solid state output. User-program-
mable as to function.
Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Polarity: Programmable (Normally Open or Normally
Analog Input (Temperature Probe - RTD) Closed)*.
Up to 2 analog inputs (maximum number of analog
inputs and outputs are 2). Switch Blocking Voltage: 30 Vdc maximum.
Load Current: 150mA maximum with 0.6 volt drop.
Type: Four-wire, 100Ω Platinum Resistance Temperature
Detector (PRTD). *Note: Power-down normally open.
Temperature Coefficient: @ 32° F: 0.00214 Ω/Ω/°F Analog Output (4-20mA)
(0.00385 Ω/Ω/°C). Up to 2 analog outputs (maximum number of analog
inputs and outputs are 2).
Temperature Range: -148°F to 572°F (-100C to
300°C). Type: Two-wire, 4-20mA current loop transmitter, isolated
from ground, programmable as to function.
Offset: Temperature probe offset is program-adjustable.
Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Self Calibrating: Lead length compensation that requires
no resistance balancing of leads. Accuracy: +/-0.025% of full scale.
Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Electrical Outputs Voltage Burden: 4 volts maximum.
Communications Maximum Load Resistance: 250Ω.
Ethernet Analog Output (1-5 Vdc)
ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Ethernet channel operating at 10/100 Up to 2 analog outputs (maximum number of analog
Mbps. inputs and outputs are 2).
Modbus/IP at port 502. Type: Two-wire, 1-5 Vdc voltage loop transmitter, isolated
Twisted pair (10Base-T/ 100Base-T) or from ground, programmable as to function.
Optional optical fiber (100Base-FL) Span Adjustment: Program adjustable.
Serial Accuracy: +/-0.025% of full scale.
Configuration: Multi-drop network. Resolution: One part in 65,536.
Data Rate: Selectable asynchronous data (Baud) rates
of 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps. Approvals
Data Format: One start bit, One stop bit, eight data Hazardous Locations Classification
bits - no parity.
Model USI-L (Housing and Electronics)
Line Protocol: Half duplex, full duplex.
Protocol: MODBUS (RTU) ATEX (European Community)
Ports NEMKO 05 ATEX 1244
Two ports: Selectable from EIA-485 and EIA-232. EEx d IIB T5 Tamb = -55°C to 60°C IP66
EIA-232 Port IEC Ex (Global Approach)
EIA-232 data communication. IEC Ex NEM 05.0007
EIA-485 Port Ex d IIB T5 Tamb = -55°C to 60°C IP66
Operating Half-Duplex (2-wire) or Full Duplex (4-wire).
CSA-US (North American)
Multi-drop network for EIA-485 data communication. Up 01CSA1112186
to 16 Ultrasonic Flowmeters can be connected onto the For use in Class I, Div. 1, Group C & D and Class I, Zone
same Bus/ twisted pair. 0, Groups IIB, T5 locations
Pulse Output Ex d IIB T5 Tamb -55°C to 60°C IP 66 Type 4X
4 pulse outputs.
Model (Ultrasonic Tranducer)
Type: Open collector type output. User- selectable pulse
units. ATEX (European Community)
Volume output selectable for rate and incremental DEMKO 05 ATEX 05.11224
volume. Ex d IIB T5 Tamb = -40°C to 70°C IP 66
Single or Dual Quadrature (outputs 90 electrical degrees IEC Ex (Global Approach)
out of phase).
IEC Ex DEMKO 05.0014
Polarity: Selectable (Normally Open or Normally
Closed. Ex d IIB T5 Tamb = -40°C to 70°C IP 66
Switch Blocking Voltage (Switch Off): 30Vdc maximum. UL/CUL (North American)
Load Current (Switch On): 10mA with 0.6 volts drop. UL File E23545
Frequency Range: 0 to 5kHz. Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D
Class I, Zone 1, Groups IIB T5
Duty Cycle: 50/50 (on/off). Ex d IIB T5 Tamb = -40°C to 70°C Type 4X
Issue/Rev. 0.0 (8/09) SSLS002 • Page 
Dimensions and Weight

To Open Box

CL Meter
to Top of
Junction E
Box MI Cable

Inches (mm) and Pounds (kg)

ASME Class 150 Flange

Size A B C D E Weight - lb (kg)

6" 21" (533) 13" (330) 20" (508) 45" (1,143) 11" (297) 200 (91)

8" 23" (584) 13.5" (343) 20" (508) 55" (1,397) 13.5" (343) 250 (113)

10" 25" (635) 14.5" (368) 20" (508) 65" (1,651) 16" (406) 320 (145)

12" 28" (711) 15.5" (394) 20" (508) 70" (1,778) 19" (483) 450 (204)

16" 32" (813) 17" (432) 20" (508) 80" (2,032) 23.5" (597) 600 (272)

20" C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F

ASME Class 300 Flange

Size A B C D E Weight - lb (kg)

6" 23" (584) 13" (330) 20" (508) 45" (1,143) 12.5" (317) 275 (125)

8" 26" (660) 13.5" (343) 20" (508) 55" (1,397) 15" (381) 325 (147)

10" 28" (711) 14.5" (368) 20" (508) 65" (1,651) 17.5" (444) 430 (195)

12" 30" (762) 15.5" (394) 20" (508) 70" (1,778) 20.5" (521) 590 (268)

16" 36" (914) 17" (432) 20" (508) 80" (2,032) 25.5" (648) 760 (344)

20" C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F

ASME Class 600 Flange

Size A B C D E Weight - lb (kg)

6" 27" (686) 13" (330) 20" (508) 45" (1,143) 14" (356) 350 (158)

8" 30.5" (775) 13.5" (343) 20" (508) 55" (1,397) 16.5" (419) 400 (181)

10" 32.5" (825) 14.5" (368) 20" (508) 65" (1,651) 20" (508) 550 (249)

12" 34.25 (870) 15.5" (394) 20" (508) 75" (1,778) 22" (559) 750 (340)

16" C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F

20" C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F

C/F – Consult Factory

Note:Dimensions – inches to the nearest tenth (millimetres to the nearest whole mm), each independently dimensioned from respective
engineering drawings.

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Catalog Code
The following guide defines the correct ultrasonic flowmeter for a given application and the respective catalog code.
This code is part of the ordering information and should be included on the purchase order.

Standard Configuration:
Instrument input power: 24 Vdc or 120/240 Vac
2 Digital inputs: High-speed, optically isolated
2 Digital outputs: Optically isolated solid-state output
4 Pulse outputs: Optically Isolated Solid-state Output (0 - 5kHz) User-programmable pulse units, pulse
rates. Single or Dual Quadrature
Ethernet: Twisted pair (10Base-T/100Base-T)
Serial: 2 Programmable ports, customer selectable for EIA-485 and EIA-232

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 RU 0 6 1 1 S 0 1 1 C S

Position 1: Code Position 9: Analog Input1

4 - Ultra4 (e.g. Temperature and Pressure)
Position 2: Certification - Not Required
1 - 1 Analog Input (4-20 mA)
Refined Products and Light Crude Oils 2 - 2 Analog Inputs (4-20 mA)
RU - US Model – Explosion Proof Certification 3 - 1 Analog Input (1-5 Vdc)
RA - European Model – ATEX/IECEX Certification 4 - 2 Analog Inputs (1-5 Vdc)
5 - 1 Analog Inputs RTD
Crude Oil
6 - 1 Analog Input (4-20 mA) and 1 Analog Input (RTD)
CD - US Model – Explosion Proof Certification 7 - 1 Analog Input (1-5 Vdc) and 1 Analog Input (RTD)
CA - European Model – ATEX/IECEX Certification
Position 10: Analog Output1
Positions 3 and 4: Diameter (e.g. To DCS or Indicator)
06" - Not Required
08" 1 - 1 Analog Output (4-20 mA)
10" 2 - 2 Analog Outputs (4-20 mA)
12" 3 - 1 Analog Output (1-5 Vdc)
16" 4 - 2 Analog Outputs (1-5 Vdc)
Position 11: Mechanical Certification
Positions 5: ASME Class Flanges
1 - Class 150 C - CRN
2 - Class 300 X - Special
3 - Class 6002
Position 12: Software
Position 6: Materials
S - Standard
1 - 300 Series Stainless Steel
X - Special
Position 7: Tranducer
S - Standard Titanium
X - Special
Positions 8: Optional Interface
0 - Not Required

1 Maximum number Analog I/O ports two (2).

2 Consult the factory for 16" diameter.

Issue/Rev. 0.0 (8/09) SSLS002 • Page 

The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
Contact information is subject to change. For the most current contact information, visit our website at and click on the
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500 North Sam Houston Parkway West, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77067 USA, Phone: +1 (281) 260 2190, Fax: +1 (281) 260 2191
Gas Measurement Products: Liquid Measurement Products:
Erie, PA USA +1 (814) 898 5000 Erie, PA USA +1 (814) 898 5000 Beijing, China +86 (10) 6500 2251
Ellerbek, Germany +49 4101 3040 Los Angeles, CA USA +1 (310) 328 1236 Singapore +65 6861 3011
Thetford, England ++44 1842 822900 Slough, England +44 (1753) 571515 Chennai, India +91 (44) 450 4400
Kongsberg, Norway +47 (32) 28 67 00 Ellerbek, Germany +49 4101 3040
Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 (11) 4312 4736 Barcelona, Spain +34 (93) 201 0989
Integrated Measurement Systems: Moscow, Russia +7 495 5648705
Corpus Christi, TX USA +1 (361) 289 3400 Melbourne, Australia +61 (3) 9807 2818
Kongsberg, Norway +47 (32) 28 67 00
San Juan, Puerto Rico +1 (787) 772 8100
United Arab Emirates, Dubai +971 (4) 883 0303

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Printed in U.S.A. © 8/09 FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. SSLS002 Issue/Rev. 0.0 (8/09)

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