Diagram Drafting With Microsoft Visio: Vesa Piekiäinen

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Vesa Piekiäinen

Diagram drafting with Microsoft Visio

Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Engineering
Chemical Engineering
26. August 2016

Author(s) Vesa Piekiäinen

Title Diagram drafting with Microsoft Visio

Number of Pages 30 pages + 12 appendices

Date 26 August 2016

Degree Bachelor of Engineering

Degree Programme Chemical Engineering

Specialisation option

Instructor(s) Mats Riska, Product Manager

Timo Seuranen, Principal Lecturer

Purpose of this thesis was to create a functional Microsoft Visio template and write basic
drawing rules both for piping and instrumentation and for process flow diagram drafting for
Evac. The template was to contain the needed drawing sheets, stencils and shapes. Also
the necessary page settings were adjusted so that the template would work. Drawing rules
were to be in common level and include some basic instructions on how to use Microsoft

The template, stencils and shapes were all made by using Microsoft Visio Professional
2013. Microsoft Visio is Microsoft’s software for diagram drafting. Diagrams created with
Visio can illustrate different kind of processes, organization charts or even floor plans.

The template is a pre-formatted file, which serves as a starting point for a new drawing.
The template for Evac contains the needed pages, stencils and shapes. Shapes were
made according to the chosen standards. For part of the shapes, pre-defined data were
added. Also, tag codes were defined according to the chosen engineering numbering sys-
tem for all shapes. Shapes were created and divided into eight different stencils. Stencils
are files that hold drawing shapes. The template contains multiple pages for different pur-
poses: front page, drawing page, revision page and several background pages.

Rules and instructions were written for drawing process diagrams. Those include basic
rules about page size, about notes and markings, process flows, flow direction, revision
making, sheets naming, and the minimum information required in P&ID. Also some instruc-
tions on topics such as how to add data into shapes and how to insert a new page were

As a result of this thesis, a working template for Visio and drawing rules were created.
Consequently, the template can be used for drafting diagrams in Evac.

Keywords template, stencil, shape, Microsoft Visio, process diagram


Tekijä(t) Vesa Piekiäinen

Otsikko Diagram drafting with Microsoft Visio

Sivumäärä 30 sivua + 12 liitettä

Aika 26.8.2016

Tutkinto Insinööri (AMK)

Koulutusohjelma Kemiantekniikka


Ohjaaja(t) Product Manager, Mats Riska

Lehtori Timo Seuranen

Tämän insinöörityön aiheena oli luoda Evacille toimiva piirustusmalli prosessikaavioiden

piirtämiseen Microsoft Visio -ohjelmalla. Lisäksi luotiin säännöt ja käyttöohjeet prosessi-
kaavioiden piirtämiselle. Piirustusmallin oli tarkoitus sisältää tarvittavat kaavaimet, muodot
ja sivut. Myös asetukset toteutettiin niin että, malli sopii käyttötarkoitukseensa. Sääntöjen
ja käyttöohjeiden oli tarkoitus olla perustasoa.

Tässä insinöörityössä ohjelmana käytettiin Microsoft Visiota, joka on Microsoftin ohjelma

kaavioiden luontiin. Ohjelmalla voi luoda kaavoita, kuten prosessikaavioita, organisaa-
tiokaavioita tai vaikka pohjapiirustuksia.

Piirustusmalli on valmiiksi muotoiltu tiedosto, jota voi käyttää uuden piirustuksen tekemi-
seen. Mallia varten luotiin kaavaimia ja kaavaimiin luotiin tarvittavat muodot. Muodot luotiin
valittujen standardien mukaisesti. Muodoille myös määritettiin tunnistekoodit valitun stan-
dardin mukaan. Osaan muodoista lisättiin valmiiksi dataa. Piirustusmalliin luotiin valmiiksi
useita sivuja: etusivu, piirustussivu, revisiosivu sekä usea taustasivu.

Insinöörityössä kirjoitettiin myös säännöt ja käyttöohjeita prosessikaavioiden piirtämiseen

Microsoft Visiolla. Säännöt olivat yksinkertaisia, kuten mitkä ovat sallitut kaavion koot, mi-
ten merkinnät tehdään kaavioihin, miten eri prosessilinjat kuvataan, miten revisiot merki-
tään ja mitkä ovat kaavioiden vähimmäistiedot. Käyttöohjeisiin kirjoitettiin ohjeita, kuten
miten luodaan uusi sivu ja miten lisätään dataa muotoihin.

Insinöörityön lopputuloksena syntyi toimiva piirustusmalli sekä kaavioiden piirtämistä tuke-

vat säännöt sekä käyttöohjeet. Piirustusmallia voidaan käyttää Evacissa prosessikaavioi-
den piirtämiseen.

Avainsanat piirustusmalli, kaavain, muoto, Microsoft Visio, prosessikaavio



List of Abbreviations

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Evac 1

1.2 The Purpose of the thesis 1

2 Process diagrams 2

2.1 Process flow diagram 2

2.2 Piping and instrumentation diagram 3

3 Standardization and Standards 4

3.1 Standardization 4

3.2 Standards 4

3.3 Standardization organizations 5

3.3.1 Finnish Standardization Association (SFS) 5
3.3.2 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 5
3.3.3 Standards Norway (SN) 6
3.3.4 European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 6

3.4 Purpose of the standards and used standards 7

3.4.1 SFS ISO-EN 10628–2:2012 7
3.4.2 NORSOK Z-004 7
3.4.3 Engineering numbering system by HHI 8

4 Microsoft Visio 8

4.1 Basics 9

4.2 Starting a drawing 10

4.3 Drawing tools and drawing 11

4.4 Benefits of Microsoft Visio for Evac 11

5 Creating the Microsoft Visio template 12


5.1 Pages 12

5.2 Settings 16

5.3 Stencils 16

5.4 Shapes 19

6 Drafting rules 21

6.1 Representation 21

6.2 Drafting 21
6.2.1 General rules 21
6.2.2 Naming of the drawing sheets 22
6.2.3 Process lines and direction of flow 22
6.2.4 Notes and markings 23
6.2.5 Minimum information 24

6.3 Tag codes 25

6.4 Revisions 25

7 Up keeping, updating and development 26

7.1 Updating 27

7.2 Development 27

8 Discussion 28

References 30


Appendix 1. MBR30K piping and instrumentation diagram

Appendix 2. Shapes according to SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012
Appendix 3. Shapes according to NORSOK Z-004
Appendix 4. Tag codes according to HHI Engineering Numbering System
Appendix 5. How to add data into shapes
Appendix 6. How to generate component list
Appendix 7. Tag code formatting
Appendix 8. How to create stencil

Appendix 9. Creating a master shape

Appendix 10. Editing the master shape
Appendix 11. How to add data fields into a shape
Appendix 12. Process lines

List of Abbreviations

CEN European Committee for Standardization. Association that brings together

the National Standardization Bodies of 33 European countries.

ISO International Organization for Standardization. Association that adminis-

trates international standards.

Instance shape
Copy of a master shape.

Master shape
Shape that always remains in stencil.

P&ID Piping and instrumentation diagram. A diagram, that represents the tech-
nical realization of process by means of graphical symbols representing
equipment and piping.

PFD Process flow diagram. A diagram, that represents the process with the
main process information.

SFS Finnish Standards Association. Association that administrates Finnish

national standards.

SN Standards Norway. One of the three standardization bodies in Norway.

Stencil File that hold collection of drawing shapes.

Tag Unique identifier for component.

Template Pre-formatted file, which serves a starting point for a new drawing.

1 Introduction

1.1 Evac

Evac was established in 1979 and is nowadays world’s leading provider of integrated
waste, wastewater and water management systems for the marine, offshore and build-
ing industries. Evac has about 216 employees in Finland, Germany, France, China,
Korea, USA, Brazil and Norway. Evac also has representatives and service specialists
in over 40 countries. Evac’s headquarters is located in Espoo, Finland. [2; 3]

Evac is concerned about the environment and therefore follows the ISO 9001 and
14001 requirements in everyday operation. Evac’s products and processes also meet
or exceed the IMO MEPC.159 (55) and Alaska 33CFR 159.309 regulations and Baltic
MEPC 62 rules. [1]

1.2 Purpose of the thesis

This thesis had two main objectives. The first objective was to create a Microsoft Visio
template for process diagram drawings. The second main objective was to write a
guide on how to draw diagrams with Microsoft Visio. In this thesis, the Microsoft Visio
Professional 2013 was used.

The need for the Microsoft Visio template arose from the willingness to start using Mi-
crosoft Visio as a drafting program. The purpose of the template was to contain stencils
that hold shapes made according to the chosen standards. The aim was also to define
tag codes for the shapes according to the chosen engineering numbering system. In
addition the template was to include pages defined in advance to make sure that the
settings were right.

The purpose of the drawing guide was to include basic rules about drafting and basic
instructions on how to use Microsoft Visio. The importance of the guide was high be-
cause there was not much expertise of using the Microsoft Visio in the company. Also
because Evac has offices and designers all around the world, the instructions helps in
sharing information and introducing the software.

2 Process diagrams

2.1 Process flow diagram

The process flow diagram (PFD) is a diagram that represents the process and the main
process information. The process flow diagram is needed for the making piping and
instrumentation diagrams, for preliminary equipment and pipeline specification and for
budget planning. The process flow diagram is needed when briefing the staff that is
participating in a project and also in various license proposals. [4] Process flow dia-
grams are also used in marketing to give a general view of the process in the bidding

Chemical, mechanical and physical part processes are represented in functional order
in process flow diagrams. Process operation is represented in stationary status at de-
sign conditions. PFD contains the following:

 main equipment

 equipment names, identifiers and size or capacity descriptive quantities

 process flows

 pipeline identifiers

 control necessities

 flow rate and quality of the flow substances

 inflows and outflows of substances and energy

 address for coming and leaving process lines

In the creation of process flow diagram, there are a few principles that are normally
followed. The PFD should be drawn loose enough, the direction of main process flows
should be from left to right, the main equipment should be drawn as simply as possible,
and, if possible, the process should be drawn in one straight vertical or horizontal line
depending on the system. [5]

2.2 Piping and instrumentation diagram

The piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is based on the process flow diagram
(PFD). P&ID represents the technical realization of the process by means of graphical
symbols representing equipment and piping. P&ID also includes graphical symbols for
process measurements and control functions. [5]

Purpose of the piping and instrumentation diagram is to provide information about the
technical solutions of the process. P&ID represents detailed paths of the pipelines in-
cluding common information about pipelines. P&ID gives data for creating a component
list and an estimate of costs. P&ID works as an introduction to the process for design-
ers, technicians, maintenance and operators. [4]

Piping and instrumentation diagram consist of the following items:

 equipment

 process lines

 valves

 measuring points and control functions

 reject, cleaning and ventilation couplings

 equipment numbers and names

 pipeline identifiers

 delivery lines

 address for coming and leaving process lines. [4]

A piping and instrumentation diagram that was drafted by using an Evac template and
shapes is presented in Appendix 1.

3 Standardization and Standards

3.1 Standardization

Creating an agreed way to do something is called standardization. The purpose of

standardization is simplifying how to do things. Standardization makes the authorities
work, economic life and the consumer’s life easier. [6]

Standardization affects the many variables. Standardization improves product compati-

bility and safety, protects consumer and the environment and makes both domestic
and international trade easier. [6]

Standardization makes sure that products, service and processes are suitable for in-
tended usage and circumstances. Standardization also ensures compatibility of prod-
ucts and processes and ensures that products and processes work together. [6]

3.2 Standards

Standards are documents that include requirements, specifications, guidelines and

characteristics for materials, products and processes. Using standards consistently
ensures that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. Any-
one can purchase and use standards. Purchasing standards is chargeable, but using
and applying them is free. [7]

A product that is manufactured according to the standards is acceptable on the global

market. Standards remove trade barriers and make global trade easier. [7]

There are many different kinds of standards in the world. For example paper and enve-
lope sizes, clothing and shoe sizes, food packaging and screws are based on stand-
ards. Products manufacturing, construction, installation, repairing and maintenance
work are conducted in accordance with standards. Standards are required for using
systems, devices and equipment, as well as for operating and maintaining them. [8]

In some standards, the letter combination on the standard’s name tells in which organi-
zations the standard is confirmed. The letter combination SFS tells that the standard is

confirmed in Finland, EN means that the standard is confirmed in the European Com-
mittee for Standardization (CEN), and ISO means that the standard is confirmed in the
International Organisation for Standardization. Every country has its letter combination
as an identifier. [9]

3.3 Standardization organizations

3.3.1 Finnish Standardization Association (SFS)

The Finnish Standardization Association is the main organization for standardization in

Finland and, it was founded in 1924. [11] SFS is a non-government and a non-profit
aiming organization. [10] Members of SFS are commercial and industrial organizations
and the state of Finland. [11]

The main task of SFS is to create, verify, publish and sell standards. Informing about
the standards to public is also one of the main tasks of SFS. [11] SFS takes care that in
Finland we have a collection of standards that meets the national needs. [10]

SFS is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Most of the SFS standards are based
on European or international standards. [11]

3.3.2 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) started its official operation on 23

February, 1947. ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization.
ISO has 162 members from national standards bodies and 3368 technical bodies. The
Central Secretariat of the ISO is based in Geneva, Switzerland. [12]

ISO has published over 19000 international standards, and the standards covers al-
most every industry. Standards are developed voluntaries by the members of the ISO
to support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. [12]

3.3.3 Standards Norway (SN)

Standards Norway is one of the three standardization bodies in Norway. It was founded
on 24 June 2003. Standards Norway is a non-governmental and independent member
organization. The organization is not responsible for standardization activities in electro
technical field and telecommunications field. It is responsible for standardization activi-
ties in all other areas. [13]

Standards Norway is a national member of the International Organization for Standard-

ization (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). [13]

About 1200 new Norwegian Standards (NS) are published every year by Standards
Norway (SN). At the present there are more than 15000 valid Norwegian Standards
existing. [13]

3.3.4 European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

European Committee for Standardization is an association that unites the National

Standardization bodies of the European countries. The number of the National Stand-
ardization bodies is 33. [14]

CEN is a private and non-profit organization. CEN aims to produce high-quality stand-
ards for products and services, thus, the need of stakeholders becomes fulfilled. [15]

The European Union and The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) has officially
recognized CEN as an official European Standardization Organization due to being
responsible and defining voluntary standards at the European level. [14]

CEN closely co-operates with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and is committed to support-
ing the international standardization system. [15]

3.4 Purpose of the used standards

The purpose of standards in this thesis was using them as a reference in stencils and
tagging system creating. The SFS ISO-EN 10628-2:2012 and the NORSOK Z-004
standards were used as references in the creation of stencils. The tagging system was
created by using the Engineering Numbering System that is created by Hyundai Heavy
Industries’ ship building division.

3.4.1 SFS ISO-EN 10628–2:2012

The standard SFS ISO-EN 10628-2:2012 contains the English text of the European
standard EN ISO 10628-2:2012 Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry.
Part 2: Graphical symbols (ISO 10628-2:2012). This European standard EN ISO
10628-2:2012 is confirmed as a Finish national standard in 21.January, 2013. Confir-
mation for this standard is made by the Mechanical Engineering and Metals Industry
Standardization in Finland. This standard is also approved in CEN. This standard SFS
ISO-EN 10628-2:2012 replaces the standard SFS ISO-EN 10628:2001. [16]

In practice this standard SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012 defines graphical symbols for the
preparation of diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry. Symbols included
in this standard are, for example, pumps, valves, filters, heat exchangers, compres-
sors, blowers and agitators. [16]

The purpose of this standard in this thesis was to use it as a reference in creating the
needed shapes. Shapes that are made according to this standard are presented in
Appendix 2.

3.4.2 NORSOK Z-004

With the support of the Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF) and Federation of
Norwegian Engineering Industries (TBL), Norwegian petroleum industry has developed
Norsok standards for petroleum industry developments and operations. [17] The pur-
pose of the Norsok standards is to ensure appropriate safety, value adding and cost
effectiveness. The Norsok standards are administered by Standards Norway (SN). [18]

The purpose of the NORSOK Z-004 standard is to define drawing symbols for offshore
engineering. The symbols of this standard are designed so that they are in compliance
with ISO and other standards where possible. Some of the symbols are unique to the
offshore industry. [17] Shapes created according to NORSOK Z-004 are presented in
Appendix 3.

3.4.3 Engineering numbering system by HHI

The Engineering Numbering System (ENS) that is used in this thesis has been devel-
oped by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) ship building division. The purpose of the
standardised ENS is to provide abbreviated identifications and classifications for engi-
neering data such as equipment, instruments, piping, systems, documents and draw-
ings. [19]

In this thesis the HHI Engineering Numbering System was used to define tag codes for
the shapes. A tag code for the shapes that was found from HHI ENS is presented in
Appendix 4. ENS does not include tag codes for all shapes, for those symbols the tag
code was defined by me and my thesis instructor. For valves we made an exception
and agreed that all tag codes for valves is defined to be “V”.

4 Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio is a diagram drafting software. Diagrams created with Visio can illus-
trate different kind of processes, organization charts or even floor plans. Three main
properties have been defined for Visio. It is a supporting tool for office software, mean-
ing that diagrams with information can be created to support other documents. Visio is
software for technical design, management and support so technical personnel can
create diagrams from existing systems and engineer new ones. Visio can be used for
making customized presentations; hence, unique diagrams can be created and organi-
zations can define their own standards which can be utilized with Visio. [20, p. 4]

Using Visio with other Microsoft office programs makes presentation, document and
table designing and execution easier. It also helps in project management. The func-
tionality of user interface can be visualized, for example, by creating hyperlinks be-
tween diagram sheets. [20, p. 4]

4.1 Basics

The external look of Microsoft Visio is very similar compared to other Windows soft-
ware (Image 1). [20, p. 8] Earlier use of other Windows software definitely helps learn-
ing the basics of Visio.

Image 1. Resemblance between the external look of Visio reminds and that of other Windows
software [20, p. 8]

In the option ribbon there are the following basic tabs: File, Home, Insert, Design,
Data, Process, Review and View. In addition to this, there can be alternative tabs de-
pending on the diagram type. [20, p. 9] For example in, process diagrams there is Pro-
cess Engineer tab.

General control tools such as opening a new file, saving, printing and Visio settings can
be found from File tab. Home tab contains formatting tools for shapes and text, shapes
alignment tools and basic tools for drawing. With the commands of the Insert tab pic-
tures, hyperlinks, comments and other objects can be added into document. The De-
sign tab holds drawing layout tools. Behind the Data tab can be found data manage-

ment tools. The Process tab holds commands for sub processes, validity control and
task path. The Review tab contains checking tools and, the View tab contains display
features. [20, p. 9]

4.2 Starting a drawing

Before starting to draw the actual drawing, it is good to think what type of drawing is
going to be made. When this is known, the right kind of diagram type can be chosen.
Also page settings should be set properly so that are drawing area can be utilized as
efficiently as possible. [20, p. 10]

The diagram type can be selected in the opening window of Visio. Choosing the right
diagram type helps starting the drawing. Visio contains many different diagram types
such as block diagrams, project schedules, software diagrams, network diagrams and
process diagrams. The diagram type affects what kind of stencils are available for cre-
ating drawings. Other stencils can still be opened. If you want to open a new diagram,
choose File, choose New and then choose the wanted diagram type. [20, p. 10]

After choosing the diagram type, it is recommended that page settings be adjusted.
When adjusting the page setting, it is good to consider for which purpose the diagram
will be used. The page setting can be accessed from the Design tab and pressing the
Page Setup extension button (Image 2).

Image 2. Page Setup extension button


Pressing the Page Setup extension button opens a Page Settings window. In Page
Settings it is possible to set settings, such as printing settings, page size, drawing
scale, page name, type and layout as well as routing settings. [20, p. 11-13].

4.3 Drawing tools and drawing

Drawing tools can be found in the Tools group in the Home tab. The Tools group con-
tains tools for pointing, connecting, text, geometric shapes, lines and text rotating. By
using these tools, it is possible to create shapes, make connections between shapes
and write information.

Drawing the diagram happens by choosing the wanted shape, by pressing the left
mouse button and by dragging the shape into the drawing sheet. After releasing from
the left mouse button the selected shape appears into the drawing sheet. After being
added into the drawing, the shape can be moved, rotated and resized. Connections
between shapes are made with the Connector tool. Text can be added into a shape
by double clicking the shape or by choosing the text tool and by pressing the shape
where text is needed.

4.4 Benefits of Microsoft Visio for Evac

In addition to the basic tools of Microsoft Visio, there are lot of advanced and useful
properties in Visio. In the following chapter I will introduce some of the properties that
are beneficial for Evac at the moment. The beneficial properties are the following:

 Data can be added to shapes

 Data can be exported into Microsoft Excel

 Data can be linked from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Visio

 Automatic tag coding

 Multiple design can be drafted into one drawing

The fact that data can be added into shapes (Appendix 5) and the fact that data can be
output to Microsoft Excel are heavily linked together. Data that is included in the

shapes are the data that can be output to Excel. The benefit is that when creating a
diagram that contains data, component lists can be created more quickly and easier.
Hence, when the data is in the diagram, it is possible to output the component list from
Visio as an Excel sheet. Appendix 5 shows how to generate component lists in Evac.

Linking data from Excel to Visio is a quality that is used when there is a need to link
data (such as mass balances) to process flow diagram so that the data can be re-
freshed. This is beneficial because you need only one mass balance template and you
can use it for every process flow diagram.

Automatic tag coding is beneficial because it makes drawing a diagram quicker be-
cause, you do not have to add tags manually. It also prevents using wrong tag codes
because in the Evac template the tag codes are already defined.

Multiple designs can be drafted into one drawing by using layers. This means that
when Evac has different standard designs from membrane bioreactors, all designs can
be drafted into one drawing. This helps in maintaining documents.

5 Creating the Microsoft Visio template

One of the main priorities in this thesis was to create a complete Microsoft Visio tem-
plate for Evac. Template is a pre-formatted file, which serves a starting point for a new
drawing. The template was supposed to include all the needed pages and stencils. It
was also ensured that the settings of the template were right. Creating a template is
very easy in practice. As its simplest, it can be just one blank drawing sheet and saved
in template format (.vstx). However, the template can also be very versatile and practi-
cal with different kind of sheets, settings and stencils. Having an own standard tem-
plate makes it is easy to maintain likeness in every drawing in every project.

5.1 Pages

A template can contain multiple pages for different purposes. Pages that the Evac tem-
plate contains are named as front page, drawing page, revisions page and background
page. Background page is made for different page sizes (A0 – A3).

Front page is a page that includes symbol and abbreviation explanations. There are
explanations for valve shapes, pipelines, instruments, some main equipment shapes
and a list of abbreviations (Image 3). Information in the front page can vary according
to project needs. The idea is that only the used valve shapes and abbreviations, and
the most used equipment shapes and the shapes that need to be explained are shown
in the front page.

Image 3. Front page example, shapes can vary according to project needs.

The actual drawing page is a blank page where to start a drawing. The size of the
drawing page is A3. The drawing is to be drawn to several A3 pages according to the

The revision page includes a table for revision marking as Image 4 shows. The fields
that revision table contains are Revision, Designer, Date and Description. This is an
easy way to follow in which revisions the drawing has undergone and what changes
there have been made to the drawing. A separate page for revision marks also leaves
more space for the drawing page.

Image 4. Revision table as own page makes following in revisions easier

The background page contains the title block. Image 5 shows that the title block con-
tains fields for inserting the name (title) and type of the drawing (PFD or P&ID), the
designer, the approver, the date, the sheet number, the page name (drawing no.) and
the proprietary notes. The sheet number field and Page name field are automated. The
background page reflects to every page so all the marking that is made to background
page appears on every page. Different page size (A0-A4) needs different background;
therefore, there are five different backgrounds in the Evac template.

Image 5. Title block

Pages can be inserted in two ways in Visio. The first way is to go into the Insert tab
and in the Pages group click New Page (Image 6). After clicking New Page, Visio
gives three different options, Blank Page, Background Page and Duplicate This
Page. Blank Page opens a new blank page with similar settings to those of the page
that is on display. Background Page opens a Page Setup window where settings
such as page size and name for the background can be set. Duplicate This Page du-
plicates the current page.

Image 6. New page can be inserted from Insert tab.

The second way to insert a new page is to right click the Page Name ribbon. Right
clicking the Page Name ribbon opens a shortcut menu. In the shortcut menu there are
few different options, Insert, Delete, Rename, Duplicate, Page Settings and Reorder
Pages. Insert opens a Page Setup where the page settings, such as page Type
(foreground or background), Name of the page and Page Size, can be adjusted. After
adjusting the settings right, click Ok and Visio creates new page.

Image 7. New page can be inserted by right-clicking the name ribbon.

Delete deletes the current page. Rename option allows renaming the page. Duplicate
duplicates the current page. Page Settings opens a Page Setup window where differ-
ent settings can be adjusted. Option Reorder Pages opens a Reorder Pages window,
where it is possible to put pages to specific order.

5.2 Settings

Adjusting settings properly can make the template work better. Properly adjusted set-
tings also make drafting easier and viewing the drawings clearer. Some settings ad-
justments were made, so that the use of the template runs effortlessly.

A background page is added to every page. The background page is part of the tem-
plate but it has to be added to every page. When background is added to every page
already, designer does not need to pay attention to it. The designer only needs to insert
the needed information in the title block.

The grid is set to be shown. Grid spacing is adjusted to be 3 mm x 3 mm. Grid spacing
can be adjusted to a desirable spacing but a 3 mm x 3 mm spacing or a 1 mm x 1 mm
spacing is recommended. The grid makes drafting much easier. Without the grid it is
very hard to align the equipment.

Line jump size is adjusted to be 1 vertically and 1 horizontally. Line jump style is Arc,
and the adding of the line jumps is set to appear on horizontal lines. With these setups
the line jump is clear enough even with the widest lines.

A custom equipment list has been added into Shape Reports. That is the list that is
used when making a component list (Appendix 6). This already modified list makes
making component lists faster and easier.

Tag code formats are modified according to the chosen tag codes (Appendix 4) from
HHI ENS. It is important that this setup is correct so that the right tag code appears on
the right when a shape is added into a drawing. Tag code formatting is presented in
Appendix 7.

5.3 Stencils

Visio stencils are the files that hold collections of drawing shapes. Each stencil is made
so that the shapes have something in common. [21] Visio contains already a consider-
able number of stencils, but if some particular shapes are not found in the existing

stencils, creating own one’s stencils and adding shapes created by oneself into those
stencils is a possibility.

Stencils that are made for the Evac template contains a large number of shapes that
are self-made with Visio. Evac template contains the following stencils:

 Evac General Equipment (ISO)

 Evac General Equipment (NORSOK)

 Evac Pumps & Blowers (ISO)

 Evac Pumps & Blowers (NORSOK)

 Evac Instruments

 Evac Pipelines

 Evac Text Boxes

 Evac Fresh Water Systems.

Evac General Equipment (ISO & NORSOK) stencils contains basically the same
shapes. ISO is made according to SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012 and NORSOK is made
according to NORSOK Z-004. These stencils hold all the different shapes except for
the Evac Fresh Water Systems shapes, which are made for the template. These two
stencils hold also shapes that are not made according to the standards. That is be-
cause there were many of shapes that were wanted for the template, but those shapes
do not exist in the used standards. Shapes included into these two stencils do not con-
tain pre-defined data.

Evac Pumps & Blowers’ (ISO & NORSOK) stencils hold different pump and blower
shapes. These shapes are named according to different pump and blower models that
are often used in Evac projects. These shapes contain pre-defined data (Image 8).

Image 8. A shape with pre-defined data.

Evac Instruments’ stencil holds different type of instruments. These instruments are
named according to different instrument models that are the most used in Evac pro-
jects. These instruments contain pre-defined data (image 8).

Evac Pipelines’ stencil holds the connectors that are modified to reflect different pro-
cess flows. These connectors have different colours and widths and are named accord-
ing to their functions of use.

Creation of a new stencil is simple and can be done in two ways (Appendix 8). The first
way to create a new stencil is to click More Shapes in Shapes window and clicking the
option New Stencil (Metric) or New Stencil (US Units) from the menu that opens. The
second way to create a new stencil is to from the Stencil group in Developer tab click
either option New Stencil (Metric) or New Stencil (US Units). The Developer tab is
not displayed as default. It can be added to the ribbon in Visio’s Options. The new
stencil appears into the Shapes window named as Stencil1 if it is first one made. The
name of the stencil can be changed by right clicking the stencil and choosing Proper-
ties. In Properties window, write the name of the stencil into the Title section.

Stencils do not have many adjustable configurations. In the Properties window there is
no important configurations, only the Title of the stencil. Right clicking the stencil name
opens a floating menu. In the section View it is possible to choose how the shapes
icons and names are shown in the stencil. In the section Order the stencils can move

up or down to put stencils in a desirable order. This can also be done by dragging the
stencils in the Shapes window.

Stencils contain an area for Quick Shapes where shapes can be added. This “Quick
Shapes” area is located always at the top of the stencil so the shapes are always in
top. This is a useful attribute if stencil hold lot of shapes. If there are some shapes that
is used more frequently than others, these can be add to the “Quick Shapes” area.

5.4 Shapes

Shapes are the symbols for different process equipment. Microsoft Visio contains a
large number of ready-made shapes already. These shapes are so called master
shapes. A master shape remains always on the stencil even if you drag one onto your
drawing page. The shape that you drag onto your drawing is called an instance, a copy
of that master shape. Instances of the same shape can be dragged onto drawing as
many times as wanted. [21]

Even Microsoft Visio contains a large number of ready-made shapes, I needed to cre-
ate many of shapes (Appendix 9) by myself because the shapes needed to meet the
requirements of standards SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012 or NORSOK Z-004. New master
shapes can be created for a stencil in two different ways.

One way to add a new master shape is to right click the stencil shape area and choose
New Master. New Master window opens where properties can be modified such as
Name, Prompt and Icon Size. After the properties have been set, click Ok. A new
empty master appears into a stencil. The other way to make new a master shape is to
copy the wanted shape from a drawing and paste it into the stencil. This way the shape
icon appears immediately into the stencil. The master name can be changed by right
clicking the master, choosing Edit Master and then clicking Master Properties or dou-
ble clicking the master name.

Master shapes can be edited (Appendix 10). Right click the master, choose Edit Mas-
ter and click Edit Master Shape. A master editing window opens where the master
shape can be edited or a completely new shape can be created. It is also possible to
bring a shape from other sources.

When making a customized shape, it is important to make sure that the shape category
and the tag format is right. The shape category and the tag format can be changed in
Process Engineering tab. In Process Engineering tab, go to Manage group and
click Shape Conversion. Shape Conversion window opens (image 9) and there the
category and tag format can be changed.

Image 9. Shape Conversion window

Shapes can hold data in Microsoft Visio (Image 6). To be able to hold data, the shape
needs data fields where to add the data. Data fields can be added into a master shape
or into the instance of the master shape (Appendix 11). If data fields are added into the
master shape, the same data fields appear into every instance that is made from that
master shape. If data fields are made into an instance shape, the data fields are specif-
ic for just that shape. Data fields can be added into the master shape in the master
editing window, whereas the data fields can be added into an instance shape by right
clicking the shape, choosing Data and clicking Define Shape Data.

Shapes that are modified for one’s own purposes like adding data and making custom
tag formats are so called smart shapes. With these kinds of shapes, making diagrams
such as piping and instrumentation diagrams is more efficient and professional.

6 Drafting rules

One main priority of this thesis was to create rules for Evac’s standard products draft-
ing. The rules created for the Evac company sets the format and technical basis for
drawing the piping, instrumentation diagrams and process flow diagrams of Evac’s
standard products. Processes can be different such as wastewater treatment or solid
waste handling processes.

As design software, Evac uses Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Excel to produce process
diagrams and component lists.

6.1 Representation

The representation and designation of all equipment, instrumentation and piping should
comply with the requirements of these rules. Auxiliary systems may be represented by
rectangular boxes with reference to separate diagrams

The graphical symbols for process measurement and control functions for equipment,
machinery and piping, as well as piping and valves themselves, shall be shown in the
logical position with respect to their functions.

6.2 Drafting

6.2.1 General rules

Drafting shall be in accordance with the requirements outlined in these rules. Allowable
drawing sheet sizes are A3 – A0.The drafting must be of sufficiently high quality to
maintain legibility when the drawing is printed to an A3 size sheet. The Evac template
shall be used. Backgrounds shall be used on every page.

6.2.2 Naming of the drawing sheets

There are two different ways to name the drawing sheets depending whether there is a
process flow diagram sheet or not. Drawing without a process flow diagram sheet is
named in the following way:

 Front page: drawing number – Front page – 101

 P&ID sheets: drawing number – P&ID – running number from 102

If there is a process flow diagram included into a drawing, sheets are named following

 Front page: drawing number – Front page – 101

 PFD sheets: drawing number – PFD - 102

 P&ID sheets: drawing number – P&ID – running number from 103

These naming instructions shall be followed. Naming of the sheet must be done manu-
ally but the name of the sheet automatically updates to into a drawing title block, sec-
tion drawing number.

6.2.3 Process lines and direction of flow

Process lines in a drawing represent the substances that are flowing in a process. To
obtain a clear representation, different line widths and colours shall be used for differ-
ent process lines. Different line widths help when viewing a drawing in greyscale, and
different line colours help when viewing a drawing in colour. Process lines, process
lines colours and widths are introduced in Table 1. Process line examples are present-
ed in Appendix 12.

Table 1. Colours, dash types and widths of a process lines

Process line Colour Dash Type Width

Main flow Dark blue Solid 2,5 pt
Accommodation & Laundry grey water Black Dashed 1,25 pt
Bio sludge / Screen Reject Brown Solid 1,25 pt
Black water Black Solid 1,25 pt
Food waste Orange Solid 1,25 pt
Galley Yellow Solid 1,25 pt
Ventilation Green Solid 1,25 pt
Chemical Red Solid 0,25 pt
Washing / Technical water Light blue Solid 0,25 pt
Aeration Light blue Solid 0,25 pt
Pneumatic Black PID Pneumatic 0,75 pt

The direction of main flow shall be proceeding from left to right and from top to bottom.
Other process lines such as recycling lines, chemical feeds, washing lines and tech-
nical water lines can proceed also from right to left and from bottom to top. Inlet and
outlet arrows shall be used for indicating the inflows and outflows into and out of the

Arrows are used to indicate the direction of the flow. Arrows are used at the inlets and
outlets of process tanks, every time when two different process lines connect . Gen-
erally the direction of flow shall be easy to recognize.

If a diagram consists of several sheets, the incoming and outgoing process flow lines
on a sheet may be drawn in such a manner that the lines continue at the same level
when the individual sheets are horizontally aligned.

6.2.4 Notes and markings

Markings into a drawing shall be written by using the font type Arial. The font size de-
pends on the note or marking type. Table 2 shows font sizes for different notes and

Table 2. Font size and font type for markings

Marking Font size Type

Drawing title 12 pt Regular
Tag for tanks 12 pt or bigger Regular
Tag for pumps 8 pt Regular
Tag for blowers 8 pt Regular
Tag for valves 6 pt Regular
Tag for instruments 6 pt Regular
Tag for other equipment 6 pt Regular
Tag for pipelines 6 pt Regular
Inflow or outflow inscriptions 12 pt Bolded
Designation of process lines minimum 10 pt Regular

These instructions apply when the drawing size A3 is used. If the drawing size is bigger
than A3, font sizes can be bigger. Font sizes for page sizes bigger than A3 are not de-

6.2.5 Minimum information

Each P&ID shall present all information as required in Table 3 during the implementa-
tion of a project in detailed design phase. The Extent of information shown on each
P&ID in the basic design stage shall be agreed in advance.

Table 3. Minimum information to be shown in piping and instrumentation diagrams

Equipment Minimum Information to be shown

Tanks Tag, Description, Nominal capacity (m 3)
Pumps Tag
Blowers Tag
Valves Tag
Instrumentation Tag
Otherequipments Tag

6.3 Tag codes

The tag code is a unique identifier to a piece of equipment. Each piece of equipment
shall be given a tag code to identify the equipment in piping and instrumentation dia-
grams. In Evac standard products tag code is formatted from the tag code (according
to Hyundai Heavy Industries Engineering Numbering System if possible) and a running
number beginning from 001. For example, the tag format for a centrifugal pump is as
Image 10 shows.

Image 10. Tag code format for centrifugal pump

Microsoft Visio adds the tag code automatically when a shape is added into a drawing.

6.4 Revisions

The piping and instrumentation and process flow diagrams shall be revised depending
on the type of change. In the Evac revision system, there are two different revision
changes: minor and major (Image 11). When a major change is made to a drawing,
such as customer interface change or major process change, the revision letter shall
be changed. If a minor change is made to a drawing, the revision number shall be

Image 11. Minor and major revision change.

The latest revision changes shall be marked on the piping and the instrumentation dia-
grams. The revision change shall be marked by using revision cloud and revision mark
symbols according to Image 12.

Image 12. Example how to use revision cloud and mark.

Only the latest revision marking shall be presented on the drawing, other revision mark-
ings shall be hidden.

7 Up keeping, updating and development

Updating and developing the Evac template and stencils became current when the first
versions of the template and stencils were launched. We, I and my thesis instructor
decided that I continue controlling the master files updating. I also continued develop-
ing the template and the stencils.

7.1 Updating

At the beginning updates were made almost every day. There were lots of minor is-
sues in the shapes. Most of the issues were shapes handling issues. At the beginning
many updates were also made because some important and frequently used symbols
were missing from the stencils. When most of the issues were solved, the updating
frequency was decreased so that updates were made just at the end of the week.
When the template started work as wanted and stencils hold shapes that were really
needed, updates were made just when necessary.

7.2 Development

The template being functional enough, the next step is development. The main target
of development is to make a template even more functional, to check whether there is
something new what can be done or if something can be done in different way. Shapes
data fields can be developed to be more accurate to their own function. Even encoding
is a possibility because Visio drawings can contain VBA coding. Some on how to de-
velop the template, shapes, drafting rules and on how to use Visio more effectively
have been collected into the following list:

 Define the use of layers as drafting rules

 learn to use data linking between Excel and Visio more deeply

 acquire new standards

 modify the shapes data fields to be more accurate to their own function

In drafting rules there is no mentioning about layers. Hence, defining how to use layers
could be smart in near future and considering if there are more benefits in using layers.

Data linking between Excel and Visio is something that I handle somehow already.
Learning to use the programs more deeply could be good so that the using can be
more efficient and the benefits of it could be used.

Acquiring new standards in the future could be one thing how to develop the template,
shapes and drawing rules.

Modifying the data fields of the shapes to be more accurate to their own function could
help the designer in drawing a diagram. It could also prevent putting data into wrong
fields and makes working easier and more effective.

8 Discussion

This objective of the thesis was to create a functional Microsoft Visio template and to
write drawing rules for both piping and instrumentation and process flow diagram draft-
ing for Evac. The template was meant to contain the needed drawing sheets, stencils
and shapes. Also page settings should be set right. The purpose of drawing rules was
to be at a common level and to include some basic instructions on how to use Microsoft

Both objectives were successfully reached. All the needed features that template
should contain were made successfully and drawing rules were written. Settings that
are adjusted into the template work well, and shapes that needed to be made accord-
ing to chosen standards, have been done. All in all, the template runs very well.

The template works so well that it can be used in drawing the piping and instrumenta-
tion- and process flow diagrams. In fact, it has been used already for a few months
because it has worked well enough from the very first version. But it has to be remem-
bered that the template fulfils the current needs. The template can be even more func-
tional in the future; thus, its development of it has not stopped here. Also the drawing
rules might need to be revised according to standards, such as ISO, in the future.

I have learned a much during this thesis project. My experience about Microsoft Visio
was almost zero before this. Hence, before I started to make anything, I needed to
learn how to use the software and make all the needed features. Luckily, it turned out
that learning to use Visio was not so hard. Especially, the experience about other Mi-
crosoft’s software helped because the internal interface is very similar. Also the Norsok
standards and Engineering Numbering System were new to me; thus, this has been a
big learning process for me.

All in all, I think that Microsoft Visio is a proper software for diagram drafting. With Visio
it is possible to create professional diagrams. I think the only negative point about Visio
is that it is not so commonly used in the world yet.


1 Evac company brochure. Network document. <http://portfolio-

web.ess.fi/www/Evac_Prochure/index.html#/1/>. Read 11.1.2016.

2 Evac intranet. Network document. Read 29.7.2016.

3 Evac homepage. Network document. <http://www.evac.com/about-us>. Read


4 Pere, Aimo. 1994. Koneenpiirrustus 1. Kirpe Oy. Espoo.

5 SFS-ISO EN 10628-1. PDF Document.

6 Standardit tutuksi. Network Document. Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS ry.

taan>. Read 16.3.2016.

7 ISO Standards. Network Document. International Organization for Standardiza-

tion. <http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards.htm>. Read 17.3.2016.

8 Getting to know standards. Network Document. Finnish Standards Association

_do_we_need_standards>. Read 17.3.2016.

9 SFS, EN, ISO?.Network document. Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS ry.

<http://www.sfs.fi/julkaisut_ja_palvelut/standardi_tutuksi/sfs_en_iso> Read

10 SFS:n tehtävät. Network document. Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS ry.

<http://www.sfs.fi/sfs_ry/sfs_n_tehtavat>. Read 17.3.2016

11 SFS in brief. Network Document. Finnish Standards Association SFS.

<http://www.sfs.fi/en/sfs_in_brief> Read 17.3.2016.

12 About ISO. Network Document. International Organization for Standardization.

<http://www.iso.org/iso/home/about.htm>. Read 23.3.2016.

13 About us. Network document. Standards Norway.

norway/#.VvOmbOKLS00> Read 24.3.2016.

14 Who are we. Network document. European Committee for Standardization.

<https://www.cen.eu/about/Pages/default.aspx>. Read 24.3.2016.

15 Mission & Objectives. Network document. European Committee for Standardiza-

tion. <http://www.cencenelec.eu/aboutus/Mission/Pages/default.aspx>. Read

16 SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012. 2012. Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical
industry Part 2: Graphical Symbols. Helsinki: Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS.

17 NORSOK Z-004. PDF-file. Cad Symbol Libraries. Standards Norway.

18 NORSOK standards. Network document. Standards Norway.

standards/#.V5rqxfl95hE>. Read 1.8.2016.

19 Engineering Numbering System. PDF-file. Hyundai Heavy Industries, ship build-

ing division.

20 Visio 2013 Pro. PFD-file. 2014. Helsinki: Salcom Group.

21 Visio Help. A beginner guide to Visio. Read 1.8.2016

Appendix 1
1 (1)

Appendix 1. MBR30K piping and instrumentation diagram

Appendix 2
1 (5)

Appendix 2. Shapes according to the SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:2012

Aeration valve Ball valve

Ball valve 3-way Manual valve

Manual valve 3-way Needle valve

Non return flap Non return valve

Reducing valve Chemical tank

Appendix 2
2 (5)

Process tank Hopper tank

Sump Tank Centrifugal compressor

Centrifugal pump Ejector

Appendix 2
3 (5)

Fan Liquid ring helical screw pump

Membrane pump Piston pump

Rotary lobe pump Screw pump

Side channel blower Vacuum pump

Appendix 2
4 (5)

Bulk filter Cartridge filter

Compensator CRT

Filter Flanges

Funnel Heat Exchanger

Appendix 2
5 (5)

Manway Mixing tube

Mixer Reducer

Rupture disc Screw conveyer

Sight glass Sludge spraying system

Appendix 3
1 (3)

Appendix 3. Shapes according to NORSOK Z-004

Ball valve (V) Diaphragm valve (V)

Needle valve (V) Non-Return valve (V)

Centrifugal pump (PA) Centrifugal compressor (KA)

Ejector (CQ) Membrane pump (PF)

Appendix 3
2 (3)

Piston pump (PB) Rotary lobe pump (PC)

Side channel blower (KF) Screw pump (PG)

Air nozzle Flanges

Flow indicator (FI) Flow indicator transmitter

Instrument Mixer (CJ)

Appendix 3
3 (3)

Manway Reducer

Rupture disc (PSE) Screw conveyer (NC)

Throttling washer (GR) Y-Strainer

Appendix 4
1 (2)

Appendix 4. Tag codes according to HHI Engineering Numbering System:


CA – Regenerative filters
CJ – Mixer/Agitators
EC – Control Equipment
FE – Electric heater
HA – Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
KA – Centrifugal Compressors
KE – Fans
KF – Blowers
NC – Screw Conveyors
NX – Other Solids Mechanical Equipment
NZ – Other Solid Mechanical Equipment Packages
PA – Centrifugal Pumps
PB – Reciprocating Pumps
PC – Rotary Pumps
PE – Gear Pumps
PF – Diaphragm Pumps
PG – Screw Pumps
PX – Other Pumps
TE – Hoppers
TG – Sumps
TK – Containers
TX – Other Tanks/Containment Equipment
Appendix 4
2 (2)

Appendix. 4 Tag codes according to HHI Engineering Numbering System:


FI – Flow Indicator
FIT – Flow Indicating Transmitter
FT – Flow Transmitter
LI – Level Indicator
LS – Level Switch
LSH – Level Switch, High
LSHH – Level Switch, High-High
LSL – Level Switch, Low
LSLL – Level Switch, Low-Low
PC – Pressure Controller
PI – Pressure Indicator
PIC – Pressure Indicating Controller
PG – Pressure Gauge
TI – Temperature Indicator
Appendix 5
1 (2)

Appendix 5. How to add data into shapes

1. Right-click a shape, go to “Data” and click “Shape Data”.

2. The Shape Data window opens and data can be inserted into a shape
Appendix 5
2 (2)

3. Close the Shape Data window

Appendix 6
1 (2)

Appendix 6. How to generate component list

This is instruction how to generate component list in Evac. First step in generating the
component list is to go into ”Review” tab and clicking “Shape Reports” from ”Reports”
group. “Reports” window opens. Choose the “Evac Equipment List” and click “Run”.

After clicking the “Run”, “Run Report” window opens. In “Run Report” window the for-
mat of the report is chosen. Choose Excel and click “Ok”.
Appendix 6
2 (2)

After clicking “Ok”, Visio generates the component list and opens it in Excel.
Appendix 7
1 (3)

Appendix 7. Tag code formatting

Tag code can be formatted in “Process Engineering” tab. In “Process Engineering” tab,
go to “Manage” group and click “Edit Tag Format”. “Edit Tag Formats” menu opens,
where tag code can be formatted.

In “Edit Tag Formats” menu there are 4 different options; “Add”, “Rename”, “Delete”
and “Modify”. “Rename” option allows renaming the tag format name. “Delete” option
deletes the tag format. “Modify” option allows modifying the tag format and “Add” allows
to add new tag format. Clicking the “Add” options opens a “Add Tag Format” menu
where new tag formats can be created. In creating a new tag format, it is possible to
use existing tag format or make a completely new tag format.
Appendix 7
2 (3)

After making the new tag format, it can be edited by clicking the “Modify” option in “Edit
Tag Formats” menu” (Image 1.). “Tag Format Properties” menu opens.

In “Tag Format Properties” menu, it is possible to add available shape data properties
into the tag format. Also counter can be added and counter format can be chose. To
the “Tag expression” field it is possible to write anything that is needed to make tag
Appendix 7
3 (3)

format look like wanted. In the top right corner there is a “Sample tag value” what
shows what kind of looking the tag format will be.
Appendix 8
1 (4)

Appendix 8. How to create a stencil

There are two ways to create a new stencil. First way create a new stencil is to from
“Stencil” group” in “Developer” tab click either option “New Stencil (Metric)” or “New
Stencil (US Units)”. “Developer” tab is not displayed as default. It can be added to rib-
bon from Visio’s “Options”.

Second way to create a new stencil is to click “More Shapes” in “Shapes” window and
clicking the option “New Stencil (Metric)” or “New Stencil (US Units)”from the menu that
Appendix 8
2 (4)

Stencil properties can be changed by right clicking the stencil and choosing
“Properties”. Stencil “Properties” menu opens where properties such as “Title”,
“Subject”, “Author”, “Manager” and “Company” can be define.
Appendix 8
3 (4)

Right clicking the stencil name opens a floating menu. In section “View” it is possible to
choose how the shapes icons and names are showing in stencil. In section “Order” the
stencils can move up or down to put stencils in desirable order.
Appendix 8
4 (4)
Appendix 9
1 (3)

Appendix 9. Creating a master shape

One way to add new master shape is right click the stencil shape area and choose
“New Master”.

“New Master” window opens where properties can be modified such as “Name”,
“Prompt” and “Icon Size”. After when properties are set, click ok.
Appendix 9
2 (3)

After clicking “Ok”, a new empty master appears into a stencil.

The other way to make a new master shape is to drag shape from the drawing sheet
into the stencil shape area.
Appendix 9
3 (3)

After dragging the shape into the stencils shape area, it appears to there as a master

Master name can be changed by double clicking the name. Master properties can be
changed by right clicking the master, choosing “Edit Master” and selecting “Master
Appendix 10
1 (2)

Appendix 10. Editing the master shape

Master shapes can be edited. Right click the master, choose “Edit Master” and click
“Edit Master Shape”.

Master editing window opens where master shape can be edited or completely new
shape can be created.
Appendix 10
2 (2)

In the master editing window a completely new master shape can be created by using
the Visio’s drawing tools or edit shape that exist in Visio, just drag the shape into the
editing window and edit it. After editing the shape, close the window and the shape
appear into the stencil.
Appendix 11
1 (2)

Appendix 11. How to add data fields into shapes

Data fields can be added into master shape in the master editing window (Appendix
10) by right clicking the shape, choosing “Data” and clicking “Define Shape Data”. Into
an instance shape, the data fields can be added same way.

Clicking the “Define Shape Data” opens “Define Shape Data” window, where shape
data properties can be set. Click “New” to add new data fields. When needed data
fields are made, click “Ok” to close the window.
Appendix 11
2 (2)

After clicking “Ok”, the added data fields appear into the shape.

Now data can be added into the shape (Appendix 5).

Appendix 12
1 (1)

Appendix 12. Process lines

Main flow Biosludge/Screen Reject

Color: Dark blue Color: Brown
(R 0, G 32, B 96) (R 156, G 75, B 9)

Ventilation Foodwaste
Color: Green Color: Orange
(R 0, G 176, B 80) (R 234, G 112, B 14)

Blackwater Accomodation / Laundry GW

Color: Black Color; Black dashed
R 0, G 0, B 0) (R 0, G 0, B 0)

Aeration Galley
Color: Light blue Color: Yellow
(R 0, G 176, B 240) (R 255, G 220, B 0)

Washing Chemical
Color: Light blue Color: Red
(R 0, G 176, B 240) (R 255, G 0, B 0)

Pneumatic General line

Color: Black Color: Black
Type: PID Pneumatic (R 0, G 0, B 0)

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