GBM Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Unable to do transaction in the respective scheme ie PPF/SCSS/RBI Bonds/CBDT

Ans. TB BOD Process is to be done to proceed for doing any type of transaction otherwise
system will show only inquiry options.

2. Unable to do transaction in the Suknaya (SSA) scheme

Ans. TB - BOD Process for SSA is to be done. As Sukanya BOD is separate from PPF/SCSS/RBI

3. Unable to do transaction in the KVP scheme

Ans. Terminal Branch BOD Process for KVP. As KVP BOD is separate from PPF/SCSS/RBI

4. In FTI transaction status is showing as “L”.

Ans. It means transaction is locked and to unlock record following steps to be followed
GBM>Admin>Unlock Record, user to enter the GBM tran id and submit, System will now unlock the
transaction for verification/deletion.

5. To Add 15g/15h in SCSS and RBI Bonds.

Ans. Under GBM>Admin>Exempt from TDS for details refer to HO:ITD cir 54/2012.

6. To delete or reverse the verified transaction of GBM before GBM MCP of that date.

Ans. Under GBM>Admin>Deletion After Verification , to run the same first user to reverse the
original finacle transaction and note the transaction number(M number) , while using deletion after
verification system will ask for four things namely,

a. Finacle Tran id
b. GBM Tran id
c. Amount
d. Reversal Tran id

7. How to waive the penalty for PPF accounts.

Ans. Under GBM>Admin>Public Provident Fund > PPF Penalty Waiver for Migrated Accounts option is
8. For CBDT challans is there any option to rectify the challan after GBM MCP of the date of

Ans. Under GBM>CBDT>Error Challan RT18 user can rectify the previous date challan the
detailed validations to be refer to HO:GBD cir 148/2011.

9. If on submit of CBDT challan if user forgets to take print challan is there any option to reprint
the receipts.

Ans. Under GBM>CBDT>Terminal Branch>CBDT Scrolls>Reports> Computer generated receipts to tax

payers is there .

10. How to search the PPF account by name in a particular branch

Ans. Under GBM>PPF>PPF Scroll>Report on Name search

11. In case at GBM MCP message comes reconciliation is pending .

Ans . Check GBM FTI is there any entry where finacle entry is in entered stage check the validity
of the same is it be verified or deleted as the case may be, thereafter under GBM>Reconciliation
user can use option Verified transaction in finacle or deleted transaction in finacle respectively .

12. To recover or pay difference of interest in case of PPF account for a FY.

Ans. User has to calculate the difference of interest to be paid/recover and enter the same in
GBM>PPF>Interest adjustment register which has to be verified by the other user. System will
Pay/Recover the same from said PPF account during next interest application (March).

13. Wrong credit in PPF account A instead of PPF account B of a sol is there any option to rectify
the same after GBM MCP.

Ans.The same can be reversed Under GBM>PPF>Reversal from account A to account B of the
same sol.

14. In SCSS message comes invalid operative account number.

Ans. Under GBM>SCSS>Acct Holder Maintenance>field inter sol id to be filled as per base sol id
of the operative account number along with account number in operative account number field.
15. Is there any option to issue certificate of investment for SCSS scheme.

Ans It can be generated Under GBMRPT 3/17 –“Certificate of Investment for SCSS scheme 2004
“, option to print certificate of investment of a particular SCSS account is given.

16. Do user need to tally PPF/SSA balances on daily basis.

Ans . User to tally balances on daily basis under GBM>PPF/SSA>Balance Report for a particular
date and same is to be tallied with finacle account number 3232405/3232436 respectively.

17. To inquire PPF ledger of some other sol account is there any option.

Ans. Under GBM>Inter sol PPF> Account Ledger - Intersol PPF option can be used.

18. Is there need to check the GBM MCP status.

Ans. Yes user has to check on daily basis GBM MCP status under GBM>Admin>MCP Status Inquiry
. It should be completed for all modules to avoid any problem in ABH/SOLEOD

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