Motivational All These Are Motivational Books On Self Development, Relationships, Value Systems, Nature of Reality Etc

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Book Title / Author Theme of Book

22. The picture of man that emerges from these pages is a remarkable
Marston Bates one. From a biological point of view, man is the least economical of all animals:
he refuses nourishing food even when it is immediately available to him, he
engages in sexual activities that are simply exorbitant when seen as a device
to assure reproduction, he spoils the resources of the environment in which he
lives, and in general he engages in a form of waste that no other species could
even begin to afford.


Richard Bach All these are motivational books on self
development, relationships, value systems,
Richard Bach nature of reality etc.

Richard Bach

Richard Bach

Richard Bach

28. Talks of an iconoclastic architect's lifestory and struggles against a

Ayn Rand conventional society.

29. Talks of objective individualism, struggles of a bold working woman

Ayn Rand who dared to think differently.

30. . Lucidly explains the differences

- Stevan Covey between successful and unsuccessful people.

31. An insider's look at how an excellent MBA course is actually

conducted - The trials and tribulations.
Peter Robinson (MBA - Stanford)

Science Non-fiction

32. The all time great masterpiece that talks of politics, humans,
Carl Sagan evolutions, ET life, genetics and of course...... Astronomy!

33. Talks about the futility of life on Earth as seen against the
Carl Sagan cosmic backdrop.

34. The all time great trialogy describing life on Earth.

Sir David Attenborough

35. A detailed account of man's evolutionary path as found

Richard E. Leakey through the fossils in Africa..... An eye opener.

36. A masterpiece on what makes man different from everything

Jacob Brownowsky else on this planet.

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