Use LPG Sudan
Use LPG Sudan
Use LPG Sudan
This report was prepared by Dr. Ahmed Hassan Hood, on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme. Any views expressed
within this document are the authors own, and may not necessarily represent those of the United Nations Environment Programme.
The Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) in Sudan
The depletion of forests in Sudan is a major challenge and automotive sectors, amongst others. So as to
facing the countr y today. North and central protect supplies and ensure its policy commitment
states of have lost 70% of their forest cover since to supporting the household and services sectors
independence (UNEP, 2007). Recurrent droughts, with clean energy, the government removed
desertification, over-grazing and expansion of subsidies for LPG to the country’s industrial sector.
agricultural land, as well as the collection of timber
for firewood, charcoal production and other uses, Despite the success in uptake, it is clear that the
are among the root causes of forest degradation. benefits of LPG have not been equally spread.
The use of biomass fuels for household energy Poor households in the peripheries of large towns
creates significant demand for forest products and and rural areas still have little to no access to
leads to further degradation of an already scarce clean energy. The consumption of LPG is largely
resource. concentrated in Khartoum state, which constituted
about 75 percent of overall consumption in
The impacts of household reliance on wood based 2006. The other states had minor shares, with the
fuels are considerable. Poor peri-urban households central states of Gezira and Sinnar accounting
spend a sizeable percentage of their income on for 14 percent together; with the remaining states
purchasing firewood and charcoal, while rural consuming the rest.
households collect fuelwood, sometimes in inse-
cure areas. As cleaner renewable energy options are still
under development, LPG is presented as the
Biomass energy use has been shown to be highly short-term solution in delivering clean modern
inefficient. In households across Sudan, biomass energy for household use, and particularly for
fuels are burned in stoves that are often only 10 to cooking applications. This study concludes that
15 percent efficient, wasting heat and releasing there are clear benefits from the use of LPG over
excessive amounts of smoke. The latter contributes the existing biomass fuels that are widely used by
to serious health problems for women and for chil- the household sector across the country. These
dren below five years of age. Accordingly indoor air include improved environmental conservation and
pollution measurements conducted in peri-urban reduced deforestation, climate change mitigation,
households in Kassala, Eastern Sudan, showed that improvement in women and children health and
the level of indoor air pollution caused by wood fires wider socio-economic development.
is 20 times or more higher than standards specified
by WHO. This study demonstrates that LPG use in Sudan is on
a slow ascendancy, due in particular to govern-
In the face of these challenges, the rationale for ment incentives, investment by LPG companies in
clean and efficient energies is clear. One of the distribution infrastructure and dissemination efforts
options that has emerged in Sudan is liquefied made by private, public and non-governmental
petroleum gas (LPG). Upon the onset of local organizations.
production of LPG in Sudan, the Government of
National Unity adopted a fuel-switching policy LPG use remains, however, concentrated in the cen-
to increase the uptake of LPG amongst the tral region of the country. This has been attributed to
population. The price of LPG was reduced by 50 high population density, the high price of woodfuel,
percent and LPG appliances were exempted from greater awareness and infrastructure development.
import duty tax. As a result of this intervention the
use of LPG, particularly by the domestic sector, The study analyses a range of case studies of LPG
increased from about 31,000 metric tonnes in promotion initiatives across Sudan and recognizes
2000 to 274,000 metric tonnes in 2006. In addition the following as the main barriers for the widespread
there was significant uptake in use by the industrial national use of LPG:
The forestry sector is very important in Sudan – fuel- climate change. The gum Arabic belt for example
wood and charcoal constitute the main domestic (an area of 520,000 km2 between the latitudes of
energy sources, while timber is the country’s primary 10° and 14° north), covering one-fifth of Sudan’s
source of construction material. The forestry sector land surface, protects 40 percent of the country
contributes as much as 13 percent to Sudan’s gross from desert encroachment.
domestic product (GDP).
A large increase in the consumption of forest prod-
Sudan is confronted by a number of processes ucts (mainly in Khartoum state where much of the
of change which significantly threaten its existing population is concentrated), combined with the
natural resource base. Increasing urbanization, uneven distribution of resources and changing
which has in places been compounded by con- rainfall patterns, has led to serious inequalities in the
flict related displacement, coupled with a growing supply of, and demand for, resources. The shortfall in
population has led to significant demand in house- fuelwood in some areas is clearly demonstrated by
hold energy needs and for construction material. the Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview
Sudan’s population grew from 21 million in 1981 Mapping by FAO (Figure 1.1).
(1981 census) to 39.2 million in 2008 (4th Census in
2008), representing a growth rate of 2.8 percent The green areas in the map represent areas with
according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. This a high surplus in fuelwood, while the red areas
is recognized as one factor which has contributed represent areas with a shortage of fuelwood. It is
to deforestation in Sudan. According to the UN clear from this that the Khartoum area in particular
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2006), as well as the Darfur states need to consider alter-
Sudan lost more than 5,500 km2 of forest per year native energy sources and more efficient energy
between 1990 and 2000 – an annual deforestation consumption, particularly in the context of the 2011
rate of 0.77 percent. This increased to 0.84 percent secession of South Sudan.
between 2000 and 2005, meaning that since 1990
Sudan has lost 11.6 percent of its forest cover. UNEP Alongside the natural and demographic factors
(2007) meanwhile estimates that given an annual that impact energy supply and consumption in
rate of loss of 1.87 percent between 1973 and Sudan, another contributing factor is the long period
2006, 48.2 percent of forest cover has been lost of conflict the country has experienced. This has
in since 1973. had a particular effect on energy consumption
patterns, the environment and livelihoods. With
At the same time, climate and rainfall patterns large numbers of people forced to abandon their
have changed significantly. Statistics from Darfur homes, internally displaced persons (IDP) and refu-
show that there is increased variability of rainfall gee camps have become commonplace in some
and an increased likelihood of drought. In Darfur, it parts of the country. People in these camps search
is acknowledged that 16 of the 20 driest years on for firewood alongside the local population, often in
record have occurred since 1970. This pattern is in situations where the conflict has cut off alternative
keeping with climate change models for the Sahel fuel sources. This has significantly increased defor-
region and is likely to continue in the coming years. estation and wrought significant changes in liveli-
hood patterns. For example, livestock rearing and
Stopping deforestation and protecting and agriculture has ceased to provide the best option
increasing the area of land covered by forests is and firewood collection has become more attrac-
a necessary component for any strategy to build tive (Figures 1.2). At the beginning of the conflict,
resilience against the consequences of climate collection of wood and charcoal production were
change. Forests not only convert carbon dioxide only coping strategies, but now they have become
(CO2) into oxygen, thus slowing the pace of climate viable long-term livelihood options – a seismic shift
change, but they also prevent soil erosion, helping that needs to be reversed. In the event of failure to
to secure agricultural productivity and combat respond, conflicts over timber resources will arise,
Figure 1.2. Shift in livelihood strategies (Arab Aballa in Barka Alla, North of Kutum, North Darfur)
• Environmentally friendly fuel with minimal sul- Work on this report was undertaken on the
phur content and sulphur- free emissions; recommendation of the Environmental Technology
Task Force (ENTEC), that was set up as a collaboration
• Very high efficiency with direct firing system between UN, donor and civil society organisations
instant heat for faster warm-up and cool-down; following the importance of this issue, identified
during the Darfur Joint Assessment Mission (DJAM)
• Can be used for a variety of applications. process in 2008. ENTEC’s central concern is to
introduce and scale-up alternative construction and
LPG can be easily stored, transported and used energy technologies in Darfur to reduce the current
virtually anywhere from downtown urban areas to rate of deforestation and projected deforestation
remote rural area. These properties have made it in the future when IDPs eventually return and
a highly appealing global fuel option which both reconstruction begins. The group is co-chaired
meets household energy needs and causes very by UNEP with a focus on energy and UN-Habitat
low levels of pollution. While LPG also has potential with a focus on construction technologies. More
downsides – it is highly inflammable at very low information is available at
concentrations, and gas is odourless so the addi-
tion of a pungent odorant is compulsory worldwide
to enable rapid detection of leakages – its use is
considered significantly safer for household pur-
poses than fuels.
Figure 2.1. Sources and percentages of national energy supply in Sudan, 2009
Hydro 1%
Oil 36%
Biomass 63%
Figure 2.2. National energy balance (‘000 tonnes of oil equivalent [toe]), 2008
Hydro-Power 14
126 474 368
1% 57 Agriculture
Transmission & Distribution
8 Losses 18%
3 (106)
Generation Losses (66%)
(531) 203
Industry 10%
8 47
Crude Production 8
Table 2.1. Biomass energy consumption in some Sudanese states (‘000 toe), 2001
Table 2.2. Households using a combination of different fuels for cooking purposes, White Nile state (%)
Asida is the main staple food in rural areas of Sudan, particularly Darfur, a porridge made from millet flour and cooked in round
aluminum pots that only fit well on the 3-stone fire place as the cooking process demands rigorous stirring) Kisra (mainly in Central
Sudan, Kisra represents the main staple food, a sort of pancake cooked on a hot plate, which fits well on almost all sorts of stoves,
even large size charcoal stoves (including recently LPG).No measures have been made to compare the energy consumption of
cooking Asida and Kisra. The cooking of Kisra consumes less energy as it does not involve boiling the water.
Figure 2.8. Number of bricks produced and taxed by Forestry National Corporation (FNC) in major
towns of Darfur, pre and post conflict
keepers and humanitarian agencies and NGOs) It is usually classified into two categories: formal
created significant demand drivers for construction (restaurants, boarding houses, schools and prisons)
and increased brick-making. (Figure 2.8) and informal (urban and roadside tea and food
(ii) Other industries
The bread-making industry is a major consumer of 2.5. Other sources of energy
firewood. Since 1994 there has been a consistent consumed by the household
increase in firewood consumption across Sudan
(Figure 2.9). In 2005, firewood consumption by bak-
eries amounted to 15,738,000 toe, with Khartoum
Other energy sources used in the domestic sector
state and the central regions of Sudan accounting
include electricity and petroleum products (kero-
for the highest consumption levels
sene/gasoil and LPG). Consumption of the latter,
and particularly of LPG by the household sector,
(iii) Commercial and services sector has increased considerably in recent years. This can
Commercial and services sector consumption of be attributed both to increasing availability from
biomass energy is quite considerable (Table 2.3). local production, and to government incentives.
Table 2.3. Annual firewood and charcoal consumption by the commercial/services sector, 1999
3.1. Environmental impacts of high The demand for wood products is significant
and far exceeds the natural regrowth rate. The
dependence on biomass energy annual clearance of forest area in Sudan is
The environmental challenges posed by the high about 36,975 hectares. This has led to a tangible
dependence on biomass as a source of household deficit between the annual consumption of forest
energy are considerable in Sudan. The country has products, 21 million m³, and the annual growth
witnessed an acute reduction in forest area, which rate and reforestation of 10 million m³ annually.
has decreased from covering 36% of the country The result of such a non-sustainable exploitation
in 1958 to 12% in 1998. (Forestry National Corpora- of forest resources is a continuous depletion of
tion (FNC), 1998) forest area.
Most rural dwellers augment their Wild fruits and honey become
food supply with forest products harder to find
Figure 3.1 shows that the Darfur and Kordofan and other deadwood. In contrast urban households
regions contain the bulk of remaining woody bio- primarily depend on fuel purchased from the mar-
mass stock in the Republic of Sudan. However, within ket. In general, commercial fuelwood is collected
these regions the distribution of remaining woody by organized, well-equipped traders who undertake
biomass stock can vary considerably – Northern large-scale tree felling to obtain bulk quantities of
Darfur and Northern Kordofan, for example are fuel which is then transported to urban areas. By
highly impacted by desert encroachment and clearing large forest areas annually without replant-
have significantly fewer forest resources than South ing trees, the harvesting of fuel for the urban markets
Darfur and South Kordofan. (FNC (1998) contributes to environmental degradation.
Urban demand for wood products is an important The industrial sector also contributes to the depletion
driver of deforestation in less populated states. of forest resources (Figure 3.2). Bakeries and brick-
Firewood and charcoal are presently hauled over makers are the main consumers of firewood in the
more than 1,000 km to supply major consump- industrial sector. Both industries employ traditional
tion areas in central Sudan (Khartoum and Central production processes characterized by using inef-
region) from as far off as South Kordofan. ficient wood burning techniques. The brickmaking
industry is considered highly polluting in nature and
The burning of non-renewable woodfuel is also energy intensive. Such highly polluting industries
responsible for emissions of greenhouse gases, are a major health hazard for not only the work-
including as CO2, CH4, CO, N2O and NOx. Given ers but also for the surrounding populations. This
that the household sector is responsible for consum- is particularly the case in Khartoum State, where
ing 68% of total biomass consumption in Sudan, brickmaking yards along the Blue and main River
it is clear that this sector is an important source of Niles are becoming enclosed within the residential
greenhouse gas emissions as it uses non-renewable areas. Smoke from the brick kilns accompanied by
woodfuel burned in inefficient stoves. However, a strong odour has become an inherent feature of
some studies (Ministry of Energy and Mining,1983) many residential areas of Khartoum. The burning
claim that households in the rural areas use renew- of cow dung contained in the bricks is the main
able wood as they usually collect fallen branches source of the odour.
The inefficient burning of biomass fuels emits harm- 3.2. Health impacts
ful greenhouse gases which usually are referred to
as products of incomplete combustion (PIC). These Cooking and heating with solid fuels, such as dung,
are considered to be significantly larger contributors wood, agricultural residues, charcoal and coal,
to global warming than CO2 and include methane remains the most widespread traditional source of
(CH4), nitrous Oxide (N2O), carbon monoxide (CO) indoor air pollution exposure globally. Indoor smoke
and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC). (COM- contains a range of health-damaging pollutants,
PETE, 2009). such as small particles and CO, and particulate
pollution levels may be 20 times higher than
The burning of fuelwood is considered to be accepted guideline values (WHO 2004). Indeed,
among the highest contributors of PIC’s amongst indoor air pollution has been identified as being
other sources of domestic fuel. Due to incomplete responsible for 2.7 percent of the global burden
of disease (WHO, 2009).Nearly 2 million people die
combustion of fuelwood anywhere between 10 and
every year from household air pollution; 44 percent
20% of released carbon is PIC.
from childhood lower respiratory infections (LRI), 54
percent from chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
Modern cooking fuels emit far less PIC than fuel-
ease and 2 percent from lung cancer. (WHO 2011)
woods which, due to incomplete combustion,
It has been found that children exposed to indoor
release 10 and 20% of released carbon as PIC. LPG
air pollution from household solid fuel use have a
on the other hand is far more efficient, with a release
2.3-fold higher risk of LRI, while women exposed to
rate of 2.3%.(COMPETE, 2009) Even where biomass
such indoor air pollution have a 3.2-fold higher risk
is harvested sustainably, the fuelwood would not be of COPD (Goldemberg, J. et al., 2004).
carbon neutral due to its incomplete combustion.
The situation is further exacerbated when fuelwood People cook with solid fuels at least once a day
is inefficiently burned on traditional stoves, as is the in around half of the world’s households (Desai et
case in Sudan. al., 2004). In rural areas of developing countries,
the prevalence of solid fuel use is even higher. In national burden of disease attributable to the use of
Sudan, more than 70 percent of households use fuelwood and charcoal is estimated at 0.7 percent
solid fuels as their primary household cooking fuel (see Table 3.3). Monitoring of indoor air pollution
(SHHS, 2006). Combustion of solid fuels on inefficient in poor households in Eastern Sudan, meanwhile,
stoves in poor ventilation conditions results in large showed that concentrations of CO and particu-
exposure to indoor air pollution, particularly for
late matter were 20 times the WHO standard of
women and young children, who spend the greater
50 µg/m³ (Practical Action, 2006).
part of their time at home.
In Sudan premature deaths attributable to the use Figure 3.3 shows the emission of pollutants of differ-
of fuelwood and charcoal for cooking are esti- ent household fuels per cooked meal. As concerns
mated at 4,400 per year, while disability-adjusted the relative emissions per meal, LPG use is second
life years attributable to their use are estimated lowest for both carbon monoxide and hydrocar-
at 79,900 per year (IEA 2008). The share of total bons, and lowest for particulate matter.
Figure 3.3. Health-damaging pollutants per unit energy delivered: ratio of emissions to LPG
Figure 3.4. Co-benefits for climate and health of changes in household fuels in India
(For comparison, the health-based standard for particle air pollution is about 50 μg/m3. The arrow
illustrates a shift from crop residues to LPG for one household, which would decrease indoor air
pollution by 95 percent and greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent)
4.1. Key stakeholders in the into one ministry and then again in 2010 split into
three ministries (Oil, Mining and Electricity). Similarly,
energy sector the FNC, which was formerly under the Ministry of
Agriculture, is now under the Ministry of Environment,
A number of national institutions in Sudan have
Forestry and Physical Development.
mandates related to the energy sector. These are
summarised in Table 4.1 below. The main stakehold- In addition to the agencies listed above, the fol-
ers responsible for policy making as concerns LPG lowing bodies are also responsible for regulatory
are the Ministry of Petroleum and the FNC. activities relevant to the sector.
Over the past 10 years, the energy sector has seen • General Administration for Environment and
several changes with the creation of new ministries, Safety: This regulatory body within the petro-
and shifts of functions between existing ministries. As leum sector deals with environmental issues in
an example, the Ministry of Energy and Mining was the oil fields (explorations, refineries, transporta-
split in two ministries (Oil and Electricity), regrouped tion activities and legislations).
Energy Research Institute, ERI, – National Centre for Research, Ministry of Science
and Technology
Training, Forestry Research Institute
Khartoum University and the Sudan University for Science and Technology – Ministry
Research and
of High Education
Development Sudan Academy for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science and Technology
General Directorate of Energy Affairs (responsible for undertaking National Energy
Assessments, planning, and policy)
Energy/ Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources – Ministry of Environment,
Environment Forests and Physical Development
Civil Defence Department – Ministry of interior Affairs
Source: Own table
accessibility to LPG and its appliances. This is dis- 4.2. Energy policy
cussed in detail below at section 5.1)
The Ministry of Petroleum has the responsibility for
4.1.4 Civil society organizations formulating and implementing the energy policies
in the country. The government formulates its energy
A number of NGOs concerned with environmental policies by using a participatory process between
conservation, food security and livelihoods have relevant ministries and stakeholders for each policy
implemented LPG promotion projects in different field e.g. oil, electricity. The national energy policy
parts of the country. These include: sets the direction for the development of the energy
sector in order to meet national development
• Practical Action in Eastern Sudan, PA, (Kassala goals in a sustainable manner. Through its General
and Gedaref States) Directorate of Energy Affairs, the Ministry of Energy
and Mining is responsible for:
• Sudanese Environment Conservation Society,
SECS, (Khartoum State) • Conducting National Energy Assessments;
These initiatives are discussed in greater detail in • Conducting studies for conservation and envi-
Section 5 below. ronmental impacts issues.
• Exemption of LPG equipment from import duty As a consequence of the above policy and dissem-
tax (although VAT applied); ination efforts the consumption of LPG increased
tremendously (Figures 4.1). The low price of LPG
• Commitment for consistent and sustainable relative to other petroleum products attracted other
supply of LPG for the domestic consumption; sectors, including the automobile and industrial
sectors, to switch to LPG use instead of gasoline
• Measures to ensure LPG price stability.
and fuel oil. However, faced with a steady growth
The government subsidy scheme for LPG did not of LPG consumption by the domestic sector, the
however involve any awareness campaign or government banned distribution for the automo-
promotional activity in order to further encourage bile sector, and stopped new authorizations for the
households to switch to LPG use instead of wood- industrial sector (2008). In addition, industries which
fuel. In addition, LPG subsidies are maintained only had already converted to LPG use were subject to
for the household and commercial/services sectors, pay a premium price of SDG 1,000 per tonne. For
and for bakeries, which together have been identi- the household sector, the price was maintained
fied as key biofuel users in need of intervention. at SDG 960 per tonne. Export of LPG was also
Figure 4.1. Development of LPG production, consumption and export, 2000-2006 (‘000 mt)
There is however poor adherence to these regula-
tions, and of the suppliers, only the NPC applies the Source: Ministry of Energy and Mining Website, Oil Statistics
fixed price of SDG 12.0 for 12.5 kg cylinder at its Book (n.d.)
petrol stations in Khartoum State. For other suppli-
ers in Khartoum the price has been noted to vary
between SDG 12 and 15. Figure 4.3. Variation in 12.5 kg LPG cylinder
refilling price in different cities and towns in
For the other states, sales prices are determined by Sudan
transport costs and availability. Given the state of
roads, there is significant variation in LPG consumer
prices across the different states (Figure 4.3). The
highest refilling price of LPG is noted in Darfur, where
transport by either rail or road tankers is very expen-
sive, due to long hauling distance and insecurity.
As the prices of firewood and charcoal soared, the response of the commercial and services, sector in Khartoum was
very positive and almost all restaurants switched to LPG use in place of firewood and charcoal. The Civil Defence
Department (Ministry of Interior) put in place safety regulations and an awareness program to allay fears over the
possible safety risks of LPG appliances. This initiative can be credited as supporting the significantly increased
consumption of LPG in Khartoum (figure 4.2).
A number of initiatives have been undertaken to NGOs adopted the dissemination of LPG instead
encourage the use of LPG in place of traditional of improved stoves within their food security and
biomass fuels. These build on recognition of the livelihoods interventions, particularly in urban areas.
opportunities it presents in addressing both house-
hold health and in arresting deforestation due to
5.2. Practical action – Kassala/El
household energy demand.
5.1. Sudagaz/FNC project Practical Action’s LPG use promotion projects in
Kassala and North Darfur have aimed to facilitate
In a joint partnership with Sudagaz Alamarty, the access to clean modern cooking energy for poor
FNC launched the Gabat Gas project in 2002, households. The primary goal of the project is to
aimed at facilitating households’ accessibility to improve the health conditions of women and chil-
LPG and LPG based appliances. dren below five years age, through a reduction of
smoke emitted by inefficient biomass fuel stoves.
Under the partnership Sudagaz imported LPG cylin-
ders from abroad. Through its offices across Sudan,
5.2.1. Kassala
the FNC ensured that these were widely distribution
throughout the States. Hood et al. (2004) report on the experience in
Kassala. Practical Action initiated the first indoor air
In total 88,521 LPG cylinders were distributed across pollution monitoring in Sudan, monitoring household
the country in 2002. The refilling of cylinders was indoor air pollution levels over a period of 24 hours.
conducted by the FNC. However, as FNC lacked the Thirty poor households from a semi-urban residential
necessary infrastructure and logistics for managing area (Wau Nour, Kassala) voluntarily participated in
the refilling process, the project faced considerable the research. Firewood purchased from the market,
constraints. These included (Mahasin, 2007): was the dominant cooking fuel, and usually took a
significant share of the daily household expenditure.
• High initial cost of gas appliances; Cooking took place on traditional inefficient three
stone stoves.
• Safety concerns over gas leakage due to the
cylinder’s adapter; The monitoring of indoor air pollution revealed
high levels of particulate matter and CO. During
• Underdeveloped LPG distribution and refilling the research phase, the project enabled 167
network; households to switch to cooking with LPG. The use
of LPG led to a reduction in indoor air pollution lev-
• Micro credit refund failure due to lack of clear els by more than 80 percent (Table 5.1). A scaling
implementation system and proper collateral up strategy was developed focussing on Women
means. Development Associations (WDA) and incorporat-
ing project partners and stakeholders. The scaling
As a number of private actors emerged to take up phase started in May 2004 and since then sig-
advantage of LPG subsidies, the Gabatagas project nificant achievements have been realized – over
stopped. The new LPG companies were authorized 3000 households switched to LPG use instead of
to refill its cylinders for existing consumers. biomass fuels.
Although the Gabatgaz project witnessed lot of The Practical Action project carried our energy
drawbacks, it can be lauded for encouraged saving and conservation calculations, concluding
private sector investments in LPG distribution and that cooking with LPG costs much less than using
marketing. In addition following the project several biomass fuels. It was shown that a household in
24-hour means:
Kassala could repay the cost of LPG appliances The strategy for scaling up LPG use in Kassala, par-
over a period of six months (Figure 5.1). Accord- ticularly in poor residential areas, was based on the
ingly, the idea of using a revolving fund system following components:
was presented to the WDA, which already had
experience with a revolving fund system used for • Supporting and capacity building of WDA’s as
funding income-generating activities. The WDAs the primary local partners;
are registered charity organizations, have accounts
with the Credit and Social Development Bank and • Provision of seed funding for the revolving fund
are registered for receiving formal credits. On their system;
acceptance of the idea, the project provided
seed funding to initiate the microcredit system. The • Awareness raising and training of women on
WDA was trained and its capacity built to procure the advantages of LPG over biomass fuels;
LPG appliances and to manage the microcredit
system. The households repaid their loans through • Training women on safety precautions and
lease term instalments. efficient use of LPG;
Figure 5.1. Payback periods (months) for the different LPG cylinders and appliance combination
• Women organizations (WDAs) are the most The project strategy is based on the following
appropriate and interlocutors for the wide- components:
spread dissemination of LPG use in the
• Adopting a participatory project implementa-
domestic sector in Sudan. However, training
tion approach while working through partner-
and capacity building of WDAs are essential
ship with Women Development Associations,
for ensuring successful outcomes;
(WDAs), in North Darfur;
• The revolving fund system is the development of
• Use microcredit to facilitate poor households’
a traditional funding system in Sudan (Sandug).
access to LPG;
It solves the problem of poor communities’
access to services and income-generating
• Raising public awareness about the negative
activities, and is an empowerment tool, par- environmental and health impacts of burning
ticularly for women, which leads to an improve- fuelwood on inefficient stoves;
ment in their livelihoods;
• Training and education of beneficiaries on
• Involving partners and stakeholders at early efficient and safe use of LPG appliances;
stages of the project is a key element of project
success and sustainability; • Capacity building of partners. This includes the
training of WDA-Net (Women Development
• In poor households, smoke from burning Association Network in North Darfur) and WDA’s
firewood is not the sole source of indoor air on microfinance, accounting, bookkeeping;
pollution. Traditional kerosene wick lamps and
candles also contribute to indoor air pollution; • Monitoring to ensure continuous use of LPG and
timely repayment of credit instalments;
• For poor households accessibility to LPG appli-
ances does not guarantee consistent use of • Cooperation with Civil Defence Department for
LPG. Poor households may not be able to afford training and raising awareness on safety issues
the refilling cost of an LPG cylinder; of LPG use;
• Coordination and advocacy with view of The continued use of biomass fuels can be
influencing stakeholders to joint efforts with the attributed to traditional cooking methods and taste
project to achieve widespread dissemination preference. Some local staple foods, including
of LPG use in North Darfur; Asida and Kisra are more conveniently prepared
on the 3-stone fire place. It should be noted here
• Provide seed money to initiate the microfinance that there are no LPG stoves designed specifically
system, then run it on a revolving fund basis; for cooking Kisra.
• Close cooperation with LPG companies for sup-
It is clear therefore that in North Darfur the dynamics
plying LPG appliances on a lease term basis.
of new fuel and stove adoption and use does not
For the purpose of measuring the projects impact, a follow the correlation between household affluence
household energy survey was conducted by Practi- and modern fuels that is often seen elsewhere.
cal Action in El Fasher, 2008, covering 17 residential Other factors (including awareness and cultural
areas. It showed that 57.8 percent of households preference) greatly influence the decision to
were predominantly dependant on firewood and switch to using clean modern fuel at the household
charcoal for satisfying their cooking energy needs level. The situation in El Fasher is representative of
(see Table 5.3). Their average monthly expenditure this phenomenon, with well-off households using
on cooking fuel was SDG 83.0. multiple fuels to satisfy their cooking energy needs.
The same study showed that 20.4 percent of the Given the high rate of poverty in El Fasher, the
households only use LPG for cooking purposes, while main barrier to household access to LPG is the
9.5 percent of households use a cooking energy high upfront cost of LPG appliances. As indicated
mix (firewood, charcoal and LPG). in Table 5.3 below, this, along with the high cost of
refilling LPG cylinders (12.5 kg), and perceptions energy cost of using LPG is only SDG 0.11 compared
that the use of LPG is dangerous are the three main to SDG 0.2 and 0.25 respectively for firewood and
reasons deterring households from switching from charcoal on traditional stoves (3-stone fireplace
fuelwood to LPG and traditional metal charcoal stove). The main
reasons behind these figures are the high price of
Due to the high prices of biomass based fuels in biomass fuels with low energy density; inefficient
north Darfur, it much cheaper to cook with LPG than biomass stoves; and the high energy density of LPG.
with firewood or charcoal. This is notwithstanding the
high refilling price of LPG cylinders in El Fasher, which Based on this data, it was found that switching to
at SDG 35 are more than twice as expensive as LPG use in place of firewood and charcoal could
those in Khartoum. As shown in figure 5.2, the useful generate considerable monetary savings for
Table 5.3. Reasons that deter households from switching to LPG use in El Fasher
N.A. 47 32.0
Others 1 0.7
household in El Fasher. As highlighted in Figure 5.3 bility criteria for obtaining LPG appliances through
below these include 56 percent savings when LPG microcredit, with each WDA to serve as a guarantor
replaced charcoal, and 45 percent saving when for loans to its members.
replacing firewood to LPG use.
On the basis of these agreements, the initial seed
Following the baseline study the Practical Action money for the revolving fund was used to purchase
project signed partnership agreements with the a first batch of 561 LPG appliances sets for the
WDA-Net and two LPG companies in El Fasher. The benefit of seven WDAs. The repayment of credit
agreement with WDAs included beneficiary eligi- instalments from this batch was very good, reach-
Figure 5.3. Monetary savings (%) on switching from firewood and charcoal to LPG in El Fasher
Table 5.4. Rate of repayment of credit instalments, first batch of LPG appliances
Tanmia wa Tatweer
1 50 7,775 7,775 0 100
Monitoring undertaken by SAG staff indicated that • The introduction of LPG raised IDPs awareness
the LPG adoption rate by beneficiaries was very and encouraged a considerable number of
high. Although no specific figure is mentioned, SAG well-off IDP households to switch to LPG use
staff highlighted that some men who received LPG through direct purchase from the market
cylinders on behalf of their wives sold them. With
regards to LPG accidents, SAG staff noted that only • The unavailability of LPG refilling services within
one accident was reported during the three-year the camp discouraged some households from
period. It was however a small accident which refilling their empty LPG cylinders. If an LPG
was quickly contained by the household members refilling service is made available within the
without causing any damage. camp boundary, small size cylinders (4, and 6
kg) could replace the 12.5 kg cylinder thereby
Switching to LPG use instead of firewood requires a increasing the number of beneficiaries several
significant initial investment by households in cook- fold.
3 70 436 6.2 74
4 73 400 5.5 88
8 52 330 6.3 89
Average 5.5
Following the commencement of local production national LPG Scale-up strategy, which is discussed
of LPG at Al Jaili Refinery in 2000, and as a result in greater detail in section 6.2 below.
of government incentives aimed at encouraging
households to switch to LPG use instead of fuel-
wood, there has been a significant net up-take of
6.1. Barriers to widespread use
LPG use in Sudan. As a result, a number of private of LPG
sector companies have emerged to address the
increasing demand for LPG. 6.1.1. High upfront cost of LPG
appliances and new technology
It is clear also that LPG use has a number of ben-
Practical Action’s experience as well as that of LPG
efits over the conventional biomass energy sources
which are widely used in the countries household programs in other African countries has demon-
sector. These include improved environmental strated that the price of LPG appliances (almost ten
conservation and reduced deforestation, climate times the refilling cost of the LPG cylinder in Sudan)
change mitigation, improvement in women and is the main constraint hindering poor households’
children health and wider socio-economic devel- access to LPG. Even where the long term savings
opment. from a switch to LPG for fuel are significant, poor
households find it very difficult to justify the initial
The findings of this study indicate however that investment.
notwithstanding government incentives and the
expansion of the LPG distribution network, and the Efforts that have been based on the free distribution
clear benefits of LPG use, the penetration of LPG of LPG appliances to overcome this problem have
use across households Sudan as a whole is still very rarely been successful. Plan-Sudan’s experience in
low at about 6 percent. It is clear that the use of LPG Kassala State showed that LPG cylinders provided
remains concentrated largely in the central region for free were often later sold by households. It is gen-
of the country, and that it is still very low in remote erally recognized that poor households very often
areas of the country and even in the peripheries undervalue the socio-economic benefits of free
of major towns in central Sudan. Given the analysis donations. This implies the necessity of imposing a
considered above five main barriers to the wide- cost on LPG appliances. As shown by the success
spread use of LPG in Sudan can be identified: of Practical Actions interventions in Kassala and
El Fasher, supporting WDA’s with access to lease
• Relative large investment in LPG appliances arrangements is a useful method to ensure access
(cylinder and stove); of LPG for poor households.
In the case of rural areas with direct access to The case of rural areas deserves special attention
woodfuel it is much harder to make a compelling as the pattern of energy use is very different to that
case for the uptake of LPG on the basis of price. in urban areas. Forest resources may be abundant
Low prices of charcoal and firewood result from allowing free collection of firewood and charcoal
the fact that both of these fuels are derived from produce. In addition the supply of firewood and
a natural forest resource that can be exploited with charcoal to urban markets is a basic livelihood
little or no direct cost to producers or consumers. activity for a considerable proportion of the rural
As long as the price of clean cooking fuel remains population, particularly during the dry season. In
uncompetitive vis-a-vis traditional fuel it will be diffi- consequence widespread use of LPG might pro-
cult for it to gain widespread use. Indicatively, where duce a negative impact on the rural economy. For
cost-effective alternatives to traditional fuel have example, in Kassala, as a result of the intervention of
been offered, they have gained a significant share Practical Action the price of charcoal fell, negatively
of the market. For example, the widespread use of influencing the income of rural population which
LPG in Senegal and Brazil resulted from government depended largely on charcoal supply to the urban
actions that removed all taxes on LPG combined population in Kassala.
with price subsidy.
now about 12 LPG storage depots in the capitals of The situation in Nyala is indicative of the challenges
twelve Northern States of Sudan. Even then however, facing LPG supply. In 2010 the price of a gas cyl-
there are still price disparities between the State inder rose from SDG 30 to SDG 50 as a result of
capitals and Khartoum and between the State serious shortages and black market availability. So
as to correct the prices the Sudanese government
capitals and rural areas. For example in White Nile
intervened in 2011 to set up a strategic stock of
State, the refilling price of 12.5 kg capacity cylinder
LPG in the town, to supply distributors in the event
is SDG 16 in Kosti and Rabak, while in the southern
of unavailability of cylinders. As a result the price of
parts of the State it reaches up to SDG 30. a cylinder fell to SDG 25.
related to the impacts of forest degradation and a transition to clean cooking fuels (Schlag, N. and
the negative health impacts of high dependence Zuzarte, F. 2008).
on solid biomass fuels, including the identification
of indoor air pollution as one of the main cause 6.1.5. Social and cultural issues
of morbidity and mortality among women and
In addition to the factors discussed above there
children below 5 years age.
are a number of minor social and cultural issues
that reinforce the dependence on traditional fuels.
At the same time, consumers have little access to
Food taste is a minor constraint identified mostly
information about their energy options. There is a
by elderly women. In addition, the preferred food
lack of awareness among the public on a number
preparation method for the main national staples
of levels: first, many consumers are not aware of
– Asida and Kisra is difficult to replicate on an LPG
the available alternatives and do not have a clear
stove. These are usually prepared in round bottom
understanding of what their purchasing options are.
aluminum pots and hot plate, which do not easily
Second, those consumers who know their options fit on the LPG burner. This has been identified as a
are often ignorant of the effects of their consump- reason that many affluent households still use fire-
tion choices. Because they do not understand the wood and charcoal for cooking Asida and Kisra,
consequences of their use of traditional fuels — while using LPG for other cooking tasks.
specifically, the health and environmental effects
— they continue to use them in spite of the benefits Some households claim that cooking with LPG
of a transition to clean alternatives. This makes is inadequate as it does not allow enough time
encouraging a shift to clean alternatives a difficult for the food to cook slowly. However, this claim is
task. Thus, public awareness and consumer educa- incongruous with the inherent advantage of LPG
tion would play an important role in encouraging fire being controllable as opposed to wood and
1. Development of full cost recovery microfi- • Expansion of LPG distribution network – depots
nance options to facilitate household access to and retail/refilling shops
clean modern energy such as LPG.
• Further removal of taxes on LPG appliances, for
It is clear from the lessons of existing initiatives that example VAT
both full price and free LPG appliances have met
• Set standards for LPG stoves, cylinders and
with poor up take. So as to overcome the high initial
cost of LPG units, a lease term microcredit system
for acquiring LPG appliances is essential. Creditors • Undertake policy and regulatory framework
should look to support initiatives focused on WDA’s measures attractive to prospective energy and
and other groups that have a proven record of financial investors, and to users
guaranteeing repayments.
• Encourage and support private sector and
2. Increased focus on women as primary ben- NGOs involved in the dissemination of LPG
eficiaries in LPG scale-up activities, including use, particularly among households and other
capacity building support for Womens Develop- sectors that are major consumers of firewood
ment Associations (WDAs). and charcoal
Table 2.1. Biomass energy consumption in some Sudanese states (‘000 toe), 2001
Table 2.2. Households using a combination of different fuels for cooking purposes, White Nile state
Table 2.3. Annual Firewood and charcoal consumption by the commercial/services sector, 1999
Table 3.2. Annual premature death and disability associated with indoor air pollution in Sudan
Table 3.3. Airborne emissions for household cooking, India (g/MJ delivered energy)
Table 5.1. Comparison between the levels of particulate matter and carbon monoxide as measured
before and after switching to LPG
Table 5.2. Average monthly household consumption of cooking fuels in El Fasher, and expenditure,
Table 5.3. Reasons that deter households from switching to LPG use in El Fasher
Table 5.4. Rate of repayment of credit instalments, first batch of LPG appliances
Figure 1.1. Woodfuel supply and demand balance in Sudan (data of 2000)
Figure 1.2. Shift in livelihood strategies (Top: Arab Aballa in Barka Alla, North of Kutum, North Darfur;
Below: Nur el Huda, Near Gokal, West Darfur)
Figure 2.2. National energy balance (‘000 tonnes of oil equivalent [toe]), 2008
Figure 2.5. Energy sources consumption (%) by the household sector in Sudan, 2001
Figure 2.7. Biomass energy consumption by medium-sized industries (‘000 toe), 1998
Figure 2.8. Number of bricks produced and taxed by FNC in the major towns of Darfur, pre and post
Figure 2.9. Regional annual firewood consumption by bakeries, 1994, 2000 and 2005 (‘000 toe)
Figure 3.1. Regional distribution of the volume of growing forest stock and annual allowable cut, 1998
Figure 3.2. Annual fuelwood consumption by traditional industries and forest areas cleared to meet
Figure 3.3. Health-damaging pollutants per unit energy delivered: ratio of emissions to LPG
Figure 3.4. Co-benefits for climate and health of changes in household fuels in India
Figure 4.1. Development of LPG production, consumption and export , 2000-2006 (‘000 mt)
Figure 4.3. Variation in 12.5 kg LPG cylinder refilling price in different cities and towns in Sudan
Figure 5.1. Payback periods (months) for the different LPG cylinders and appliance combination options
Figure 5.2. Useful Energy cost (SDG/MJ) of using different cooking fuels in El Fasher
Figure 5.3. Monetary savings (%) on switching from firewood and charcoal to LPG in El Fasher
Figure 5.4. Household daily expenditure on firewood and corresponding monthly monetary savings
on switching to LPG use
Woodfuel: Woodfuels refer to all types of biofuels originating directly or indirectly from woody biomass,
including fuelwood, charcoal and black liquor.
Fuelwood: Fuelwood refers to woodfuel where the original composition of the wood is preserved.
Khartoum 8981 11312 13275 16633 19760 20838 17946 23703 39574 54326 64997 130141 138584 207421
Gezira 444 686 678 895 342 428 1178 2358 6199 18249 17968 24952 31261 39022
R. Nile 107 124 28 43 492 284 722 1350 3199 5820 5345 5491 5968 7032
Red Sea 913 342 1403 717 742 1249 2222 1859 2494 2845 2749 3163 3765 4037
Kassala 1621 588 581 590 550 685 706 862 2113 4085 2922 3295 3421 4031
Northern 23 61 18 237 562 22 148 781 1912 3730 2656 3425 3159 2788
N. Kordofan 56 84 132 211 110 157 254 207 797 1679 1153 1672 1877 2502
N. Darfur 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 35 43 83 25 97 2
S. Kordofan 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 9 43 30 31 14 22 9
All Southern 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 60
Total 12145 13197 16115 19408 22603 23705 23705 31977 58910 97939 105403 182067 198415 274397
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