Two-Stage Micro-Grid Inverter With High PDF

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Published in IET Power Electronics
Received on 15th November 2012
Revised on 8th February 2013
Accepted on 22nd June 2013
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2012.0666

ISSN 1755-4535

Two-stage micro-grid inverter with high-voltage

gain for photovoltaic applications
Mahrous El-Sayed Ahmed, Mohamed Orabi, Omar Mohamed AbdelRahim
Electrical Engineering Department, APEARC, Aswan Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University, Aswan 81542, Egypt
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: This study proposes a new two-stage high voltage gain boost grid-connected inverter for AC-module photovoltaic (PV)
system. The proposed system consists of a high-voltage gain switched inductor boost inverter cascaded with a current shaping
(CS) circuit followed by an H-bridge inverter as a folded circuit and its switches operate at line frequency. The switched
inductor boost converter (SIBC) has one switch operates like a continuous conduction mode. The maximum power of the PV
module is achieved through the SIBC circuit whereas the grid connection requirements are accomplished using the CS circuit
with the H-bridge inverter. The switch of the CS circuit is controlled with a sine wave modulation control scheme. The main
advantages of the new proposed system are high boosting gain, lower switching losses and reduces the ground leakage
current as all H-bridge switches operate at the line frequency. A 120 W prototype has been built and experimentally tested. It
has been found that experimental results have a good matching with the proposed analysis and simulation results.

1 Introduction 2. Increasing the DC–AC conversion gain ratio by increasing

the DC–DC conversion gain ratio [9, 10].
The use of photovoltaic (PV) modules as a source of renewable
energy is gaining attention nowadays. PV modules may be The first aforementioned solution of cascading PV
operated as an isolated system (standalone) or grid connected. modules is not preferred because of its practical limitation
PV inverters may be classified as single-stage or two-stage. and technology dependence. As a practical side, the
The typical PV converter is based on a two-stage converter environmental conditions especially shadow has a severe
[1–7]. Two-stage configuration is mainly used because of its effect on the performance of the PV string system
advantages of easy control since maximum power point configuration. String configuration is very sensitive for
tracking (MMPT) control and current injection control are environmental conditions such as shading phenomenon
decoupled at different stages. In addition, this gives the [11, 12]. If any partial shaded strikes any part of any
freedom to push the switching frequency of the DC–DC module, the system will react and disconnect the whole
converter to an order higher than the inverter (the second chain, however some modules can run if they work
stage) one. As a result, the size and the cost of the converter independently. Thus the system generates a lower power
are decreased. Normally, the first stage is a DC–DC boost than expected. Cascading the output of the DC–DC
type converter responsible for both extracting the maximum converters will solve this environmental problem, but this
power from the panel and boosting the PV voltage to a value requires central inverter which decreases the system
higher than the peak of the grid voltage. The second stage is reliability because of failure issues. Moreover, this solution
a DC–AC inverter that generates a sinusoidal current does not work with residential solution of small number of
complied with the international standards to be either injected PV panels.
into the grid or to feed local and remote loads. Several topologies have been surveyed and presented to
Normally the DC voltage generated from a single PV explain the second aforementioned solution. The direct
module is a few tenths of voltage. This small DC value is solution is to utilise a transformer with high boosting ratio
not suitable to be used alone to generate the required AC [10]. In this system, the 24 V DC input can be boosted to
voltage in standalone or in grid connection applications. 200 V with 8.33 DC–DC conversion gain ratio and
These applications need peak AC voltage about 311 V (in efficiency reaches approximately to 92.5%. On the other
European system). Moreover, higher modulation index (MI) side, surveys of commercial PV inverter topologies in terms
can make the second stage of the DC–AC system operates of maximum efficiency, weight and volume are presented in
in the saturation region generating higher harmonics. There [1–7]. These surveys show that transformer-less topologies
are two main solutions to overcome this challenge: are more efficient, lighter, less bulky and less costly than
the utilised transformer topologies. However,
1. Increasing the DC voltage value by cascading many PV transformer-less topologies should pay attention into the
modules or cascading the DC–DC converter outputs of each grounding and the leakage ground currents through the PV
module [8]; parasitic capacitance [10].

IET Power Electron., pp. 1–10 1

doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2012.0666 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013
Based on that, transformer-less two-stage micro-inverters frequency with keeping the four switches of the H-bridge
are a good choice for PV grid connected applications. By operate at the line frequency. This reduces the leakage
looking to literatures, different module integrated inverters current and resulting in improving the proposed system
(micro-grid inverters) for PV applications are introduced grounding capability in addition to reducing the switching
[1, 6, 7, 9, 10]. In these techniques, a DC–AC converter with losses and thus the system overall efficiency can be
high voltage gain is attached at each module. They have a improved too.
boost DC–DC converter for every PV module to save its
generated power by tracking its maximum power point
(MPPT). Then a second stage inverter is cascaded with the
3 Analysis of the proposed system
DC–DC converter for grid connection requirements. Several 3.1 Analyses of the SIBC
topologies have been proposed in literatures to introduce
high boosting voltage gain solutions [13–20]. The highest The SIBC topology [3] and its operational modes are shown
voltage gain reported is five times the input PV voltage in Figs. 2a–c. It is very similar to the conventional DC–DC
through integrating boost converter and full bridge inverter converter. It has also two modes of operations based on the
[14]. However, this solution suffers from zero crossing inductor current operation; store or release energy. The
current distortion in addition to insufficient voltage gain. A arrangement of diodes and coils of the switched inductor
dual boost converter circuit with only one active switch is enables the two coils to store energy in parallel in a linear
presented in [21]. The system achieves a simple control and manner with tendency of (vg/L), whereas the two branches
high efficiency but its boosting ratio is approximately five of the coil release energy in a series manner with tendency
which is still low. Recently, multilevel boost converter is of (vg/2L). Thus the instantaneous values of the two
presented as a solution for very large conversion ration [22]. branches of the inductor currents iL1 and iL2 are equal;
When higher output voltage is required, extra stages can be iL1(t) = iL2(t) = iL(t). Also, to simplify this analysis, the
added without changing the main configuration of the circuit. SIBC will be discussed assuming a simple resistive load R
This circuit requires many components such as capacitor and is connected across its terminal instead. SIBC modes of
diodes resulting in overall system complexity, less reliability, operations are explained as:
and high cost, especially for low power PV applications. Mode 1: Occurs when the switch SW1 is ON, this causes
Therefore both structures, two-stage and single-stage, suffers diodes D1 and D3 to be turned ON and diodes D2 and D4 to
from the same problem of limited boosting voltage gain. be turned OFF. Thus the two branches of inductors are
In this paper, a two-stage micro-grid inverter topology for charging in parallel. Fig. 2b shows the proposed converter
PV applications is proposed based on the primary idea circuit of mode 1. Let the inductor internal resistance to be
presented in [3]. Analysis, simulation and experimental RL, diode voltage drop Vd and switch internal MOSFET
set-up are introduced to verify the proposed system

2 Proposed system topology

The proposed micro-inverter is shown in Fig. 1. The proposed
system consists of SIBC cascaded with current shaping
(CS)-folded cascade H-bridge. The SIBC has the advantage
of high-voltage gain as the conventional DC–DC boost
converter coil is replaced with a switched inductor coil [20].
The switched inductor consists of two coils and three
diodes with the shown arrangement in Fig. 1. This
arrangement enables the two coils to be charged in parallel
during the on-state and discharged in series manners during
the off-state. The boost converter switch SW1 is designed
to operate at high frequency to decrease the inductor values
and the overall system size. The CS-folded cascade
H-bridge inverter is composed of switch SW2 and diode
D5 in addition to the bridge SW3–SW6. It has the
advantage of using only SW2 operates at the switching

Fig. 2 SIBC circuit and its operational modes

a SIBC circuit
b Circuit during mode 1 operation
Fig. 1 Schematic circuit of the proposed micro-grid inverter c Circuit during mode 2 operation

2 IET Power Electron., pp. 1–10

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2012.0666
on-resistance to be Ron. The inductor voltage vL(t), capacitor Also, the input power of the system Pin which represents the
current ic(t), and the input current iin(t), in this mode are given PV extracted power PPV is derived as
by the following equations  
(1 + D) 0.5(1 + D)Vin − Vd
vL (t) = vin (t) − 2iL (t)Ron − Vd − iL RL (1) Pin = PPV = Vin (14)
RL + 2Ron D + 0.5R(1 − D)2
vo (t)
ic (t) = − (2) From (10) to (14), the efficiency of the DC–DC SIBC is
R calculated as follows
iin (t) = 2iL (t) (3)
v2o /R v (1 − D)
hSIBC = =G o =G (15)
where vin(t), vo(t) and R are the input voltage, output voltage Vin Iin RIin (1 + D)
of the SIBC and the resistor that represents the load connected
across the SIBC, respectively. To study the performances of the SIBC, the aforementioned
Mode 2: Occurs when the switch SW1 is OFF, this causes derived analysis has been used advantageously. The effect
diodes D1 and D3 to be turned OFF and diodes D2 and D4 to of the SIBC circuit parameters has been considered for the
be turned ON and thus the two branches of the inductor converter boosting gain and its efficiency. The used
discharge in series. Fig. 2c shows the proposed converter parameters in this test are Vin = 20 V, RL = 0.01 Ω, Ron =
circuit of mode 2. Similarly, the inductor voltage, the 0.01 Ω, R = 200 Ω and Vd = 1.5 V.
capacitor current and the input current in this mode are Fig. 3a shows a comparison between the gain of the SIBC
given by the following equations and conventional boost converter in ideal case. This figure
  shows that, the gain of the SIBC is theoretically higher than
vL (t) = 0.5 vin (t) − 2Vd − 2iL RL − vo (t) (4) the conventional boost converter by a factor of (1 + D).
Applying the practical conditions of the circuit parameters,
vo (t) Figs. 3b and c gives the gain and the efficiency of the SIBC
ic (t) = iL (t) − (5)
R against duty cycle for various values of input voltages,
respectively. The first observation yields from these two
iin (t) = 2iL (t) (6) curves is that, the converter enters the unstable region
beyond duty cycle 0.9. Therefore it should keep the duty
Then, applying inductor volt second balance and capacitor cycle below 0.9. The effect of changing the input voltage
charge balance [23], (2)–(6) yield the following equations on the gain is small because as the input voltage increases
for the proposed converter model results in slight increase on the gain for the same duty cycle
  as shown in Fig. 3b. On the other hand, the effect of
kvL (t)lT = d(t) vin (t) − 2iL (t)Ron − Vd − iL RL changing the input voltage on the SIBC efficiency is very
+ [1 − d(t)] 0.5 vin (t) − 2Vd − 2iL RL − vo (t) noticeably. As the input voltage decreases, it results in
    deterioration of the converter efficiency as shown in
v (t) v (t) Fig. 3c. It can be concluded that, the used input voltage for
kic (t)l = d(t) − o + (1 − d(t)) iL (t) − o (8) this technique should not be less than 20 V to obtain an
acceptable efficiency.
kiin (t)l = (i + d(t))iL (t) (9) Figs. 3d and e illustrate the gain and the efficiency of the
SIBC against duty cycle for various values of switch
From the DC analyses, the DC operating point of the on-resistance, respectively. Figs. 3d and e reveal that, the
proposed converter with a constant duty ratio d = D can be effect of the switch on-resistance on both the converter gain
determined by equating the right-hand sides of (7) and (8) and also the efficiency is very trivial especially for low
to zero and solving the two resulting algebraic equations for values of duty cycle (below 0.6). However, the converter
iL and vo, resulting in efficiency starts to deteriorate as the duty cycle becomes
closer to 0.8. Therefore it limits the upper limit for the duty
Vo cycle operation.
iL = (10) The calculated efficiency of (14) has been plotted against
R(1 − D)
the output power for various values of input voltage as
  shown in Fig. 3f. The main observation is that, as the input
R(1 − D) 0.5(1 + D)Vin − Vd
Vo = (11) voltage increases, the converter efficiency is improved for
RL + 2Ron D + 0.5R(1 − D)2 the same output power. It is worth to note that for input
voltage less than 20 V, the converter efficiency decreases
Then, the voltage boosting gain of the proposed converter is vary rapidly lower than 90% which means the converter is
found as economically failed.
Vo R(1 − D) (1 + D) − 2Vd /Vin 3.2 Analyses of the CS-cascaded H-bridge circuit
G= = (12)
Vin 2RL + 4Ron D + R(1 − D)2
The CS-cascaded H-bridge circuit composed of a CS circuit
The DC component of the input current is obtained from (9) and a folded cascade H-bridge inverter. The CS circuit
to (11) as consists of single controlled switch SW2, single diode D5
and filter inductance Lf. The CS circuit utilises the charging
  and discharging increments of boost inductor current to
vo (1 + D) 0.5(1 + D)Vin − Vd
Lin = (1 + D) = (13) shape a sinusoidal rectified current [24, 25]. Then the
R RL + 2Ron D + 0.5R(1 − D)2 folded cascade H-bridge inverter reforms this rectified

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Fig. 3 Performances of the SIBC gain and efficiency at differing operating and circuit parameters
a Comparison between the proposed SIBC and the boost converter boosting gain ratio
b Effect of the input voltage on the SIBC gain
c Efficiency of the SIBC for various values of input voltage
d Gain of the SIBC for various values of switch on-resistance
e Efficiency of the SIBC for various values of switch on-resistance
f Efficiency of the SIBC against input power for various values of input voltage

4 IET Power Electron., pp. 1–10

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sinusoidal current to a sine wave current that can be injected The decoupling capacitance Cf controls the double line
into the grid. It is worth noting that the inductor that connects frequency over the PV power conditioning stage. Therefore
the proposed system via the grid is omitted because its to assure a low current ripple over the PV side, a designed
function is performed by the CS circuit inductor. decoupling capacitor is selected as
This CS H-bridge circuit has two modes of operations
based on the controlled switch SW2 for its ON and OFF P
Cf = (17)
states as shown in Figs. 4a and b, respectively. It should be 2pfr vo DV
noted that the power transfer is unidirectional from the
SIBC to the grid. Therefore when the switch is ON the where fr is the double line frequency, P is the system power
diode D5 is OFF and the power is transferred to the grid (equals PPV with ignoring losses), and ΔV is the allowed
from the power conditioning stage, Vo. When the switch is voltage ripple.
OFF, the diode D5 operates as a freewheeling to allow the
continuous energy transfer to the grid.
3.3 Proposed control
The grid CS is performed by controlling the amplitude of
the inductor current, and this in turns is done through the A new control method based on sine wave modulation control
modulation function of switching pulses as shown in technique has been employed as shown in Fig. 5. It uses four
Fig. 4c. When the switch is turned ON, the inductor current sensors for the PV voltage VPV, the PV current iPV, the grid
tends to rise because of charging of the inductor Lf, and voltage VG, and the grid current IG. The PV voltage and
when the switch is turned OFF, the inductor current decays current are sensed and fed into the MPPT to generate the
down by discharging through the boost capacitor. The rise SIBC switch (SW1) pulses required to catch the maximum
increment is given by (14) [24]. These up and down power from the PV. It should be noted that a
increments of the boost inductor current Dilf are the key of high-switching frequency of 40 kHz is adopted for the
the CS as shown in Fig. 4c SIBC switch; SW1. The grid reference current |IGref| is
estimated through dividing the maximum power generated
2vo (t)D from the PV by the root-mean square (RMS) grid voltage,
Dilf = (16) 220 V in this case. Therefore the rectified grid reference
Lf fs2
current waveform can be obtained by multiplying |IGref|
with the normalised grid reference signal waveform as
where fs2 is the switching frequency of the CS circuit. shown in Fig. 5. The rectified grid current and the grid

Fig. 4 CS circuit during different operation modes

a CS circuit operation during mode 1
b CS circuit operation during mode 2
c Sinusoidal modulation of the CS circuit

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Table 1 Simulation circuit parameters
Components Capacitor Capacitor Inductors Inductor
Cp Cf Cp L 1 = L 2 Lf

description 100 µF 220 µF 3.3 mH 3.3 mH

Table 2 Electrical characteristics of BP485 PV module

Electrical characteristics BP 485

maximum power (Pmax) 85 W

voltage at Pmax (Vmp) 17.8 V
current at Pmax (Imp) 4.9 A
short-circuit current (Isc) 5.4 A
open-circuit voltage (Voc) 22.0 V
temperature coefficient of Isc (0.065 ± 0.015)%/°C
temperature coefficient of Voc − (80 ± 10) mV/°C
temperature coefficient of power − (0.5 ± 0.05)%/°C
Fig. 5 Proposed control technique of the proposed inverter

measured current are fed to the PI controller to generate the perturb-and-observe (P&O) for MPPT algorithm [27] has
sine wave MI which compared with a carrier signal to been adopted.
generate the signal for the CS circuit switch SW1. A 10 Some selected simulation results have been chosen to
kHz switching frequency carrier is employed for the CS demonstrate the performance of the proposed system. The
switch SW2. The folded cascade H-bridge inverter circuit PV module outputs; voltage, current and power are
switches signals operate at the line frequency switching and illustrated in Fig. 6. The simulation has been done at
they can be generated by comparing the normalised grid normal environmental condition. As a result of that, PV
voltage to zero voltage value as shown in Fig. 5. During the generates almost its normal values 35 V, 5 A, and 170 W.
positive half cycle; switches SW3 and SW6 are always ON CS switch SW2 signal and H-bridge inverter switches
whereas switches SW4 and SW5 are always OFF and vice signals are illustrated in Figs. 7a and b. It should be noted
versa. that, the CS switch operates at 10 kHz switching frequency
and all switches of the H-bridge operate at the grid line
frequency. The current of the CS circuit switch is shown in
4 Simulation result Fig. 7c. It is similar to a rectified sine waveform and this is
attributed to the proposed employed sinusoidal modulation
The proposed system has been simulated using PSIM control technique. Therefore the folded cascade H-bridge
software to verify the performance of the proposed circuit switches operate at the grid frequency to reforms this
configuration. Two PV modules of the BP485 85 W PV rectified sine to a sine waveform in phase with the grid
module are used [26]. The circuit parameters of the voltage. In addition, the output inductor before the grid is
proposed system and the electrical characteristics of the PV omitted because of its function is performed by the CS
module are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Grid circuit. The grid voltage and the grid current are shown in
voltage and grid frequency are 220 V and 50 Hz, Fig. 7d which indicates that the injected current into the
respectively. In this paper, the conventional grid is almost sinusoidal and in phase with the grid voltage.

Fig. 6 From top to bottom PV output, PV output current and PV Power, respectively

6 IET Power Electron., pp. 1–10

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Fig. 7 Proposed circuit waveforms

a Signal of the current shape switch SW1
b Switches signals for H-bridge inverter switches SW3–SW6
c Switch SW2 current of the CS circuit
d Grid voltage and grid current

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5 Experimental results overall system has been tested experimentally. Fig. 9 shows
a comparison between the calculated and experimental
To verify the operation of the proposed system, a 120 W overall system efficiency. The experimental system
prototype has been built in the laboratory and efficiency has been recorded using the measured input and
experimentally tested. SIBC were built using two units of 3 output powers from the oscilloscope signals which is
mH inductors, single unit of IXFT36N50P switch, three obtained by multiplying their corresponding voltage and
units of RURG8060 diodes, and single unit of 1N50 diode current. High efficiency is noticed because there are only
and 220 µF capacitor. The CS circuit is built using single two switches SW1 and SW2 operating at 40 and 10 kHz,
unit of IXFT36N50P switch, single unit of RURG8060 and respectively. Whereas the rest of the switches operate at the
single unit of 3 mH inductor. The H-bridge inverter grid frequency. For load power of 120 W, the measured
switches are built using four units of IXFT36N50P switches system efficiency reaches about 92%.
types. A second test has been carried out where a single PV
First the SIBC system has been tested alone using DC module has been applied instead of the DC source. Fig. 10a
power supply and a resistive load. Main parameters of the shows the PV module outputs voltage, current and power at
tested case are, the input voltage of the SIBC is 30 V, the environmental condition near 4 PM in Aswan city, Egypt.
load resistance is 660 Ω and 80% constant duty cycle. The Generated PV values are found to be approximately 12.9 V,
SIBC is operated in the continuous conduction mode 4.76 A and 59.56 W, respectively. Therefore the grid
(CCM) with switching frequency of 40 kHz. connection has been done using an autotransformer because
Fig. 8 shows the input and output voltage of the SIBC 12.9 V is very low to be boosted to 311 DC voltage
under this test condition. The output voltage has been found required for the grid connection minimum required voltage.
to be ∼ 241 V with boosting gain of about eight which Fig. 10b shows the grid voltage and grid current before the
proves the proposed idea and matches with the provided transformer with nearly unity power factor. The injected
calculation and simulation results. Then, the CS and the RMS current and the RMS output voltage have been found
cascaded H-bridge inverter circuits are added and the to be about 1.31 A and 41.7 V, respectively. The injected

Fig. 8 Experimental waveforms of SIBC input and output voltage at 0.8 duty cycle

Fig. 9 Proposed system overall calculated and experimental efficiency at Vin = 30 V

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Fig. 10 Experimental waveforms for the PV grid-connected proposed micro-inverter

a Single PV module outputs (voltage, current and power) at 4 PM
b CH1 is the grid voltage and CH2 is the grid current for single PV module at 4 PM
c FFT of grid current

grid current harmonic spectra is shown in Fig. 10c which experimental efficiency of the proposed system in this case
indicates that harmonics are only distributed around the reaches about 82% (as the input voltage is less than 13 V
switching frequency of the CS circuit 10 kHz. The injected because of test limitation) which is matched with the
power to the grid is found to be about 54.8 W. The aforementioned analyses.

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