Millman's Theorem: Chapter 10 - DC Network Analysis

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Millman’s Theorem

Chapter 10 - DC Network Analysis

In Millman’s Theorem, the circuit is re-drawn as a parallel network of branches, each

branch containing a resistor or series battery/resistor combination. Millman’s Theorem
is applicable only to those circuits which can be re-drawn accordingly. Here again is
our example circuit used for the last two analysis methods:

And here is that same circuit, re-drawn for the sake of applying Millman’s Theorem:

By considering the supply voltage within each branch and the resistance within each
branch, Millman’s Theorem will tell us the voltage across all branches. Please note
that I’ve labeled the battery in the rightmost branch as “B3” to clearly denote it as
being in the third branch, even though there is no “B2” in the circuit!
Millman’s Theorem is nothing more than a long equation, applied to any circuit drawn
as a set of parallel-connected branches, each branch with its own voltage source
and series resistance:

Substituting actual voltage and resistance figures from our example circuit for the
variable terms of this equation, we get the following expression:

The final answer of 8 volts is the voltage seen across all parallel branches, like this:

The polarity of all voltages in Millman’s Theorem are referenced to the same point. In
the example circuit above, I used the bottom wire of the parallel circuit as my
reference point, and so the voltages within each branch (28 for the R1 branch, 0 for
the R2 branch, and 7 for the R3 branch) were inserted into the equation as positive
numbers. Likewise, when the answer came out to 8 volts (positive), this meant that
the top wire of the circuit was positive with respect to the bottom wire (the original
point of reference). If both batteries had been connected backwards (negative ends
up and positive ends down), the voltage for branch 1 would have been entered into
the equation as a -28 volts, the voltage for branch 3 as -7 volts, and the resulting
answer of -8 volts would have told us that the top wire was negative with respect to
the bottom wire (our initial point of reference).
To solve for resistor voltage drops, the Millman voltage (across the parallel network)
must be compared against the voltage source within each branch, using the principle
of voltages adding in series to determine the magnitude and polarity of voltage across
each resistor:

To solve for branch currents, each resistor voltage drop can be divided by its
respective resistance (I=E/R):

The direction of current through each resistor is determined by the polarity across
each resistor, not by the polarity across each battery, as current can be forced
backwards through a battery, as is the case with B3 in the example circuit. This is
important to keep in mind, since Millman’s Theorem doesn’t provide as direct an
indication of “wrong” current direction as does the Branch Current or Mesh Current
methods. You must pay close attention to the polarities of resistor voltage drops as
given by Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, determining direction of currents from that.
Millman’s Theorem is very convenient for determining the voltage across a set of
parallel branches, where there are enough voltage sources present to preclude
solution via regular series-parallel reduction method. It also is easy in the sense that it
doesn’t require the use of simultaneous equations. However, it is limited in that it only
applied to circuits which can be re-drawn to fit this form. It cannot be used, for
example, to solve an unbalanced bridge circuit. And, even in cases where Millman’s
Theorem can be applied, the solution of individual resistor voltage drops can be a bit
daunting to some, the Millman’s Theorem equation only providing a single figure for
branch voltage.
As you will see, each network analysis method has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Each method is a tool, and there is no tool that is perfect for all jobs.
The skilled technician, however, carries these methods in his or her mind like a
mechanic carries a set of tools in his or her tool box. The more tools you have
equipped yourself with, the better prepared you will be for any eventuality.

 Millman’s Theorem treats circuits as a parallel set of series-component branches.
 All voltages entered and solved for in Millman’s Theorem are polarity-referenced
at the same point in the circuit (typically the bottom wire of the parallel network).

Superposition Theorem
Chapter 10 - DC Network Analysis

Superposition theorem is one of those strokes of genius that takes a complex subject
and simplifies it in a way that makes perfect sense. A theorem like Millman’s certainly
works well, but it is not quite obvious why it works so well. Superposition, on the other
hand, is obvious.
The strategy used in the Superposition Theorem is to eliminate all but one source of
power within a network at a time, using series/parallel analysis to determine voltage
drops (and/or currents) within the modified network for each power source separately.
Then, once voltage drops and/or currents have been determined for each power
source working separately, the values are all “superimposed” on top of each other
(added algebraically) to find the actual voltage drops/currents with all sources active.
Let’s look at our example circuit again and apply Superposition Theorem to it:

Since we have two sources of power in this circuit, we will have to calculate two sets
of values for voltage drops and/or currents, one for the circuit with only the 28 volt
battery in effect. . .

. . . and one for the circuit with only the 7 volt battery in effect:
When re-drawing the circuit for series/parallel analysis with one source, all other
voltage sources are replaced by wires (shorts), and all current sources with open
circuits (breaks). Since we only have voltage sources (batteries) in our example
circuit, we will replace every inactive source during analysis with a wire.
Analyzing the circuit with only the 28 volt battery, we obtain the following values for
voltage and current:

Analyzing the circuit with only the 7 volt battery, we obtain another set of values for
voltage and current:
When superimposing these values of voltage and current, we have to be very careful
to consider polarity (voltage drop) and direction (electron flow), as the values have to
be added algebraically.
Applying these superimposed voltage figures to the circuit, the end result looks
something like this:

Currents add up algebraically as well, and can either be superimposed as done with
the resistor voltage drops, or simply calculated from the final voltage drops and
respective resistances (I=E/R). Either way, the answers will be the same. Here I will
show the superposition method applied to current:
Once again applying these superimposed figures to our circuit:

Quite simple and elegant, don’t you think? It must be noted, though, that the
Superposition Theorem works only for circuits that are reducible to series/parallel
combinations for each of the power sources at a time (thus, this theorem is useless
for analyzing an unbalanced bridge circuit), and it only works where the underlying
equations are linear (no mathematical powers or roots). The requisite of linearity
means that Superposition Theorem is only applicable for determining voltage and
current, not power!!! Power dissipations, being nonlinear functions, do not
algebraically add to an accurate total when only one source is considered at a time.
The need for linearity also means this Theorem cannot be applied in circuits where
the resistance of a component changes with voltage or current. Hence, networks
containing components like lamps (incandescent or gas-discharge) or varistors could
not be analyzed.
Another prerequisite for Superposition Theorem is that all components must be
“bilateral,” meaning that they behave the same with electrons flowing either direction
through them. Resistors have no polarity-specific behavior, and so the circuits we’ve
been studying so far all meet this criterion.
The Superposition Theorem finds use in the study of alternating current (AC) circuits,
and semiconductor (amplifier) circuits, where sometimes AC is often mixed
(superimposed) with DC. Because AC voltage and current equations (Ohm’s Law) are
linear just like DC, we can use Superposition to analyze the circuit with just the DC
power source, then just the AC power source, combining the results to tell what will
happen with both AC and DC sources in effect. For now, though, Superposition will
suffice as a break from having to do simultaneous equations to analyze a circuit.

 The Superposition Theorem states that a circuit can be analyzed with only one
source of power at a time, the corresponding component voltages and currents
algebraically added to find out what they’ll do with all power sources in effect.
 To negate all but one power source for analysis, replace any source of voltage
(batteries) with a wire; replace any current source with an open (break).

Node Voltage Method

Chapter 10 - DC Network Analysis

The node voltage method of analysis solves for unknown voltages at circuit nodes in
terms of a system of KCL equations. This analysis looks strange because it involves
replacing voltage sources with equivalent current sources. Also, resistor values in
ohms are replaced by equivalent conductances in siemens, G = 1/R. The siemens (S)
is the unit of conductance, having replaced the mho unit. In any event S = Ω -1. And S
= mho (obsolete).
We start with a circuit having conventional voltage sources. A common node E 0 is
chosen as a reference point. The node voltages E1 and E2 are calculated with respect
to this point.
A voltage source in series with a resistance must be replaced by an equivalent
current source in parallel with the resistance. We will write KCL equations for each
node. The right hand side of the equation is the value of the current source feeding
the node.

Replacing voltage sources and associated series resistors with equivalent current
sources and parallel resistors yields the modified circuit. Substitute resistor
conductances in siemens for resistance in ohms.

I1 = E1/R1 = 10/2 = 5 A
I2 = E2/R5 = 4/1 = 4 A
G1 = 1/R1 = 1/2 Ω = 0.5 S
G2 = 1/R2 = 1/4 Ω = 0.25 S
G3 = 1/R3 = 1/2.5 Ω = 0.4 S
G4 = 1/R4 = 1/5 Ω = 0.2 S
G5 = 1/R5 = 1/1 Ω = 1.0 S
The parallel conductances (resistors) may be combined by addition of the
conductances. Though, we will not redraw the circuit. The circuit is ready for
application of the node voltage method.

GA = G1 + G2 = 0.5 S + 0.25 S = 0.75 S

GB = G4 + G5 = 0.2 S + 1 S = 1.2 S

Deriving a general node voltage method, we write a pair of KCL equations in terms of
unknown node voltages V1 and V2 this one time. We do this to illustrate a pattern for
writing equations by inspection.

GAE1 + G3(E1 - E2) = I1 (1)

GBE2 - G3(E1 - E2) = I2 (2)
(GA + G3 )E1 -G3E2 = I1 (1)
-G3E1 + (GB + G3)E2 = I2 (2)

The coefficients of the last pair of equations above have been rearranged to show a
pattern. The sum of conductances connected to the first node is the positive
coefficient of the first voltage in equation (1). The sum of conductances connected to
the second node is the positive coefficient of the second voltage in equation (2). The
other coefficients are negative, representing conductances between nodes. For both
equations, the right hand side is equal to the respective current source connected to
the node. This pattern allows us to quickly write the equations by inspection. This
leads to a set of rules for the node voltage method of analysis.

 Node voltage rules:

 Convert voltage sources in series with a resistor to an equivalent current source
with the resistor in parallel.
 Change resistor values to conductances.
 Select a reference node(E0)
 Assign unknown voltages (E1)(E2) ... (EN)to remaining nodes.
 Write a KCL equation for each node 1,2, ... N. The positive coefficient of the first
voltage in the first equation is the sum of conductances connected to the node.
The coefficient for the second voltage in the second equation is the sum of
conductances connected to that node. Repeat for coefficient of third voltage, third
equation, and other equations. These coefficients fall on a diagonal.
 All other coefficients for all equations are negative, representing conductances
between nodes. The first equation, second coefficient is the conductance from
node 1 to node 2, the third coefficient is the conductance from node 1 to node 3.
Fill in negative coefficients for other equations.
 The right hand side of the equations is the current source connected to the
respective nodes.
 Solve system of equations for unknown node voltages.

Example: Set up the equations and solve for the node voltages using the numerical
values in the above figure.

(0.5+0.25+0.4)E1 -(0.4)E2= 5
-(0.4)E1 +(0.4+0.2+1.0)E2 = -4
(1.15)E1 -(0.4)E2= 5
-(0.4)E1 +(1.6)E2 = -4
E1 = 3.8095
E2 = -1.5476

The solution of two equations can be performed with a calculator, or with octave (not
shown).[octav] The solution is verified with SPICE based on the original schematic
diagram with voltage sources. [spi] Though, the circuit with the current sources could
have been simulated.

V1 11 0 DC 10
V2 22 0 DC -4
r1 11 1 2
r2 1 0 4
r3 1 2 2.5
r4 2 0 5
r5 2 22 1
.DC V1 10 10 1 V2 -4 -4 1
.print DC V(1) V(2)
v(1) v(2)
3.809524e+00 -1.547619e+00

One more example. This one has three nodes. We do not list the conductances on
the schematic diagram. However, G1 = 1/R1, etc.

There are three nodes to write equations for by inspection. Note that the coefficients
are positive for equation (1) E1, equation (2) E2, and equation (3) E3. These are the
sums of all conductances connected to the nodes. All other coefficients are negative,
representing a conductance between nodes. The right hand side of the equations is
the associated current source, 0.136092 A for the only current source at node 1. The
other equations are zero on the right hand side for lack of current sources. We are too
lazy to calculate the conductances for the resistors on the diagram. Thus, the
subscripted G’s are the coefficients.

(G1 + G2)E1 -G1E2 -G2E3 = 0.136092

-G1E1 +(G1 + G3 + G4)E2 -G3E3 = 0
-G2E1 -G3E2 +(G2 + G3 + G5)E3 = 0

We are so lazy that we enter reciprocal resistances and sums of reciprocal

resistances into the octave “A” matrix, letting octave compute the matrix of
conductances after “A=”.[octav] The initial entry line was so long that it was split into
three rows. This is different than previous examples. The entered “A” matrix is
delineated by starting and ending square brackets. Column elements are space
separated. Rows are “new line” separated. Commas and semicolons are not need as
separators. Though, the current vector at “b” is semicolon separated to yield a column
vector of currents.
octave:12> A = [1/150+1/50 -1/150 -1/50
> -1/150 1/150+1/100+1/300 -1/100
> -1/50 -1/100 1/50+1/100+1/250]
A =
0.0266667 -0.0066667 -0.0200000
-0.0066667 0.0200000 -0.0100000
-0.0200000 -0.0100000 0.0340000

octave:13> b = [0.136092;0;0]
b =

octave:14> x=A\b
x =

Note that the “A” matrix diagonal coefficients are positive, That all other coefficients
are negative.
The solution as a voltage vector is at “x”. E1 = 24.000 V, E2 = 17.655 V, E3 = 19.310 V.
These three voltages compare to the previous mesh current and SPICE solutions to
the unbalanced bridge problem. This is no coincidence, for the 0.13609 A current
source was purposely chosen to yield the 24 V used as a voltage source in that

 Summary
 Given a network of conductances and current sources, the node voltage method
of circuit analysis solves for unknown node voltages from KCL equations.
 See rules above for details in writing the equations by inspection.
 The unit of conductance G is the siemens S. Conductance is the reciprocal of
resistance: G = 1/R

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