Masterprotect 1815: A Non-Toxic, Flexible High Build, Epoxy Polysulfide Coating

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MasterProtect® 1815 (Formerly known as Masterseal 200 EPS)

A non-toxic, flexible high build, epoxy polysulfide coating


MasterProtect 1815 is a protective flexible high
build epoxy polysulfide resin coating specifically Volume Solids 100%
developed to protect concrete and steel from Mixed Density at 25°C 1.286 kg/l
contact with aggressive chemicals, oils, mild acids, Pot Life at 25°C 45 min
solvents and has a broad spectrum of chemical Tack free time at 25°C 6h
resistance. Supplied as a two-pack system, Full cure at 25°C 7 days
comprising pigmented base and a hardener, it Inter-coat time at 25°C 9h
requires only on site mixing to produce an easily Tensile strength at 7 days 24 MPa
applied decorative and chemically resistant finish. ASTM D638
Elongation at 7 days 4%
For the internal protection of concrete or metal Hardness (Shore D) 82
tanks containing sewage, sludge, certain ASTM D2240
chemicals, oils and fuel. Contact your BASF U/V resistant (500h Xenon Resistant
representative for further advice. Arc)
As an impervious, resilient and chemically ASTM G53-58
resistant floor or wall coating and as a gas and Adhesion to steel Excellent
vapour barrier. Adhesion to concrete Concrete failure
As a protective and decorative coating in
laboratories, abattoirs, etc. Other usage areas APPLICATION PROCEDURE
include oil refineries, paper mills, power stations,
marine applications, garages, hospitals, hangars
and most liquid containment areas. SURFACE PREPARATION:
Surfaces must be clean and dry. Use suitable
APPEARANCE AND FINISH methods to remove dirt, dust, oil and all other
High gloss, heavy bodied, ultra dense surface. forms of contamination that could interface with
Hygienic and easily cleaned. Standard colours are the adhesion of the coating.
silver grey and window grey.
ADVANTAGES Concrete must be cured for 28 days. Mechanically
surface profile the substrate to CSP3 as described
• Superior chemical resistance
by the International Concrete Repair Institute.
• Waterproof and protective
Voids and pinholes must be repaired with suitable
• Durable products from the MasterBrace range. Porous
• UV resistant concrete should be primed with
• Easily applied by brush or roller MasterSeal P 659.
• Flexible
• Tough
Prepare to SSPC-SP6. Surface profile 50 – 75
micron. Do not allow surface to re-oxide before
MasterProtect 1815 is supplied in 4L & 10 Ltrs application of MasterProtect 1815.
MasterProtect® 1815 (Formerly known as Masterseal 200 EPS)


MasterProtect 1815 is supplied in two pre- MasterProtect 1815 is resistant to the following
weighed components, base and reactor. No typically encountered chemicals:
additions or omissions are required. Add reactor • Chlorine Water – 50ppm
contents to the base component and mix • Deionised Water
thoroughly for at least 3 minutes using a slow • Gasoline
speed drill fitted with a suitable mixing paddle until • Diesel fuel
a uniform streak free colour is achieved. • Phosphoric Acid 20%
• Vegetable Oil
APPLICATION • Sodium Chloride Saturated
MasterProtect 1815 coating can be applied using • Hydrochloric Acid 5%
good quality rollers or short haired brushes or by • Sulfuric Acid 10%
airless spray. MasterProtect 1815 should be • Calcium Hydroxide Saturated
applied in two coats of contrasting colours to • Isopropanol
ensure complete coverage free of holidays • Sodium Hydroxide 50%
If the application is delayed more than 16 hours at • Nitric Acid 20%
40°C or 36 hours at 20°C after the previous coat • Acetic Acid 10%
(the higher the ambient temperature, the shorter
• Lactic Acid 10%
the maximum period), then the previous coat must
• Ammonium Hydroxide 30%
be thoroughly abraded to give an adequate
mechanical key and solvent wiped. • Formaldehyde 37%


The quality of the final coating is dependent on the All equipment must be cleaned immediately after
substrate and the material temperatures. A use with MasterTop Thinner No. 2. Similar
substrate temperature of min. +14°C and max. cleaning procedures should be adopted for break
+30°C is required. Prior to application the optimal periods exceeding 15 minutes duration.
material temperature is +20°C to +25°C.
AIRLESS SPRAY: Where indicated, apply MasterProtect 1815
For application by airless spray, use a 45:1 or protective epoxy polysulfide coating as
higher ratio pump, minimum 9mm dia. hoses and manufactured by BASF, or similar approved to the
HD tip 19-23 thou. following specification:
Composition: Two component, non-toxic,
pigmented epoxy polysulfide
OVERCOATING resin based compound.
Where areas need to be overcoated due to Coverage: Two coats at 0.25L/m²/coat.
damage etc. it is important that the areas to be Dry film thickness: 500 microns
treated are well abraded using a stiff rotary wire
brush or coarse sand paper to give an adequate
key. Completely strip off any unsound coating and
proceed with overcoating as for new work. Store under cover out of direct sunlight and protect
from extremes of temperature. In tropical climates
the product must be stored in an air conditioned
environment. Failure to comply with the
recommended storage conditions may result in
premature deterioration of the product or
packaging. For specific storage advice, consult
BASF's Technical Services Department.
MasterProtect® 1815 (Formerly known as Masterseal 200 EPS)

As with all chemical products, care should be
taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
eyes mouth, skin and foodstuffs. Treat splashes to
eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally
ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep
away from children & animals. Reseal containers
after use. For further information, refer to material
safety data sheet.

Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF
representative. BASF reserves the right to have
the true cause of any difficulty determined by
accepted test methods.


All BASF Products are manufactured under a
management system independently certified to
conform to the requirements of the quality,
environmental and occupational health and safety
standards of ISO 9001 and BASF ESHQ

* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
NOTE BASF either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

Saudi BASF for Building Materials Co. Ltd.

P.O. Box 1884, Al Khobar, KSA
Tel: +966 13 8121140, Fax: +966 13 8121822

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