Master of Arts (Economics)

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of Printed Pages : 8 MEC-005


Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Answer the questions as per instructions given for each
(Long Answer Questions)
Answer any two questions from this section in
about 700 words each : 2x20=40
1. Examine the rationale for undertaking
comprehensive state intervention in economic
activity under planning. Outline the ways of
harmonising private decision -making with public
planning in a mixed economy.

2. Discuss the relative merits of the following policy

measures for alleviating poverty in India :
(a) Moving the poor into more productive and
remunerative wage employment.
(b) Providing assets and necessary training for
more productive self-employment.

MEC-005 1 P.T.O.
3. "The sluggishness in the growth of
agricultural sector in the recent years is largely
attributable to the steep decline in capital
formation in the sector." Examine the

4. What do you mean by E-Governance ? Discuss

the components of an effective E-Governance

MEC-005 2
(Medium Answer Questions)
Answer any five questions from this section
in about 400 words each : 5x12=60

5. Make a critical assessment of the New Economic

Policy keeping in view both the short-term and
long-term objectives of economic development.

6. Explain what do you understand by Fiscal

equity. Distinguish between horizontal equity and
vertical equity .

7. What do you mean by current account deficits in

balance of payments ? How are these deficits
financed ?

8. What do you mean by inequality ? How are the

inequalities of income measured in an economy ?
Also state the different indicators that cover
inequality in non-income aspects of life.

9. What do you mean by Social infrastructure ?

What are its important components ? Make an
assessment of the growth of social infrastructure
sector in the Indian economy.

MEC-005 3 P.T.O.
10. What is Finance Commission ? How is it different
from the Planning Commission ? Make an
evaluation of the recommendations of the Twelfth
Finance Commission.

11. Discuss the concept and features of bureaucracy.

Also examine the role and significance of
bureaucracy in the development process.

12. "Population growth is not a cause but a result of

poverty". Do you agree ? Explain in the light of
India's experience in this regard.

MEC-005 4
14in 1--Itarf
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r-p-irorod 474 .1Rt 37R I
drIt c1419.17 700 tI 2x20=40

1.dti3 i3 iTf r-d-r-qfqt «114* Trf T(*f

Tht 3trrq- 4 A-4 I Pi F5A-u 372f-
4.a-TuT .Wrf-
fwt:T mchR leirchich &Tr-44
ATEr (harmony)rd t?

2. 41R-ff TR-1t 3 c t-q F-14--irorocr 71-Fl-NTT

-41-11ff cb1 :
(a) fff%ft ail 3TfirT dclilqcb to 1,1771- LiiRcilgcn qf
,i):31411( ch 31TATIT 'WT9-1
(b) 304lqchk 7T-
477L-Erf- r
(assets) cf?-1T 331 rc -51f TWT 1 7-91 I

MEC-005 5 P.T.O.
3. VET4q Tfliz Tr---6r tr ripr
*Rut t-A- ir frR-raz tr 3Trir tt"
t2T9 tr 4.auur ti

4. 3iFT 411 T1117A ? a-C1 3nqr-{1.0

3-Ta-zra cb t4-.41.tlf---A--4

MFC-005 6
tgus -
( TruriT z911-Er vq-ff )
-ucr - f cew.-TA drR I .5f-
371( WPM 400 -krit t 5x12=60

5. 34r2kfacer rwrotff
b7{7 14 31-rfik 4.awrr
* -- 47
1-F- I

6. fq.9171 (fiscal equity) -4 37.9. etql ?

fur-d--417 ki4-11-1c11 (horizontal equity) 'ff21T

(vertical equity) 14 4611 3 t ?

7. 71-drff 317 i ii TI1TFt?

7-9. e fq9-IzTlAci97 f*--4 -5rwR fwzrr ?

8. 31-41Tr9-dr 3Trcr err r ?f 31-21-- m-T-qr

31-Ff cn1 3R911TiaT cn1 f-*-4 HI4I ■
TlIcli t? -tqff
31-Frrm -cru rafim

9. '(-111-11 Act) 3-11475-0 f1tzliii 3-7171 ctql T11:1 t?

Twffck-uf i;ra-w 11-F-d1
--zr 340--- rq-T-21-r
114-llrzich air emop 4k-.1-11 ci-1 4i4)-1

MEC-005 7 P.T.O.
10. fq7 3Trzfrrr t? ti zh---49-r aTrzfrrr f art fiTq.
t? .qR-0 f--q- 3Trzh-rr cril Rf-hifikii r 4v-,414,1 ---1-r-A-4
-- 1

11. -I eilkil (bureaucracy) t 3-rdtTRTIT Td fq-vlEr-drati

cb`l 74-u W1f74 I fq-WFTI 3-rwzrr il -tich, 141 --1- itf-Trwr

12. "Arli-l&sqf 1-f TRWI chltuf t*71:1f uTETT t I" I611

3Titt 7:1A ic.1 t? iTTTU t' 31-TM 'RI-1i 14 "Mf v

owsii 1fA71

MEC-005 8

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