Mini Unit Plan Lesson 2
Mini Unit Plan Lesson 2
Mini Unit Plan Lesson 2
Subject: English A30 Grade: 12
Topic: Identity and short stories
Essential Question: How does family effect identity?
“Mirror Image” by Lena Coakley- 30 copies
Discussion questions- 30 copies
Mirror Identity assignment- 30 copies
Magazine box for making collages
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing Thinking: Students will be encouraged to think critically about the underlying meaning of
components of the text through answering group discussion questions. They will also analyze their own
identities through a mirror identity collage. Students will think contextually, creatively, and critically
throughout this lesson to help them understand the deeper meaning of the text and what shapes their own
Developing Identity and Interdependence: By participating in this lesson students will explore the ideas and
issues of self-identity, diversity, and personal agency. Students will understand and value one’s own and
others diversity in identity.
Developing Literacies: Students will use a variety of different literacies throughout this lesson to help them
interpret and represent their knowledge of the content from the text and their own identity. Reading, writing,
speaking, and representing are the literacies that will be incorporated into the lesson. Students will develop
skills, strategies, and knowledge related to these literacies to explore and interpret the text and discover their
own identities.
CR A30.1
View, listen to, read, comprehend and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate First Nations, Metis,
Saskatchewan and Canadian texts that address:
Identity (e.g., Define the Individual, Negotiate the Community)
CR A30.4
Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade-appropriate informational
(including editorials, reviews, and articles) and literary (including fiction, script, poetry, and non-
fiction) texts from First Nations, Metis, and Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis for
understanding self and the multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canadian culture.
CC A30.1
Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
PGP Goals:
3.1- the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable, and holistic approaches to assessment and evaluation
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
- I will informally assess the students by walking around and listening to the group read the story I will
stop a group and ask a question about what they had just to assess their comprehension about the
story and to get them critically thinking about the story.
Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
Students will self-assess themselves on their mirror identity collage. They will evaluate their comprehension
of their own identity and what the theme of identity means to them. The students will be given a rubric to
help them determine their knowledge on the theme of identity. (Rubric= Appendix 2)
Students will also hand in their group discussion questions to assess their comprehension of the story. I will
hand back the questions to the groups with written feedback on other things to think about and what they
did well. (Discussion Questions= Appendix 1)
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Have a class discussion (10 minutes): Question of discussion Why might someone struggle to define their
identity in a society? What are reasons they may struggle?
Main Procedures/Strategies:
1. Reading of “Mirror Image” by Lena Coakley (30 minutes). I will hand out a copy of the short story to
each student. They will work in groups of 4-5. The students will take turns reading the story out loud
to each other. Copies will be given to the students so that they are able to keep these and make notes
on the paper. Students will pick their own groups and people who they feel they work well with.
Students with exceptionalities will be placed with students who are responsible and are a strength to
the class. I have chosen to read this story in groups to differentiate the instructional strategies within
the class and given the students some choice in who they work with. Once the group has completed
reading the short story they can come see me to get their next task.
2. Group Discussion Questions (15 minutes): Once a group has completed reading the short story, they
will come to me to receive their group discussion questions. They will have to fill the question sheet
out as a group and hand it into me. This will allow me to assess the groups comprehension of the
story and how they interpret the questions. I will be looking for critically answers as they are able to
work in groups and discuss answers. I will not be marking these questions but will return them to the
group with written comments on the sheet to provide feedback.
3. Mirror Identity Collage (60-90 minutes): Once students have completed their discussion questions in
their group they will start their next project on developing their own identity and discovering their
own identity. Students will work individually on this assignment. Students will be given a paper with a
mirror on it. They will then be expected to go through the magazines and cut out images or words
that describes them when they look at their reflection in the mirror of themselves. The collage can be
of what we see on the outside as well what is on the inside. Students will perform a self-assessment
on this assignment on a rubric that will be provided to students.
- Small group instruction and group work can provide struggling students with more one on one
time with teacher as well as help from peers
- By working in groups on the questions students will have the opportunity to express their
learning through verbal and written to accommodate for diverse learners.
- Have students with exceptionalities pair with a person of strength in the classroom and who is
willing to help the student
- Use a microphone for people who may be hard of hearing
- Pair students who are advanced with students of a lesser skill ability to challenge them to teach the
content to that student while benefiting the student who needs help
- Pair students who are advanced with each other to discuss high order questions and challenge each
other to think critically for a deeper understanding.
Closing of lesson:
- Students will have the opportunity to share their collages and describe each piece of their collage
- Students will have a chance to view each other’s collage
Personal Reflection:
M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)
Discussion Questions
Turning Point
2. What is the significance of telling the story in a non-linear way and what does it to the story?
3. Why does Jenny not allow her sister to read her diary? Do you agree with her decision?
4. Provide evidence from the story that indicates that Alice is still the same person? Provide
evidence from the story that indicates she is a different person?
6. What does the MIRROR symbolize in the story? What is its significance?
7. In your opinion, what make up someone’s identity? Are we the sum of our parts, or does our
brain encompass who we are?
8. Provide 2 examples of similes/metaphors within the story and analyze the meaning of them.
Mirror Identity Collage Assignment
In the following space provided, you will search through magazines to complete a collage of your
self-identity. This assignment is strictly on what you believe makes up your identity. You will cut
pictures and words from the magazine and paste them below inside the mirror to create a collage.
This assignment will be self-evaluated on the rubric provided.
Note: Mirror should be printed out on separate sheet and enlarged to fit an 11 by 17 piece of
Picture from:
Making A Collage: Mirror Identity Collage Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two graphics The student did not
graphics or objects graphics or objects or objects were make or customize
used in the collage used in the collage made or customized any of the items on
reflect an reflect student by the student, but the collage to show
exceptional degree creativity in their the ideas were their identity.
of student creativity creation and/or typical rather than
in their creation display of their creative of their
and/or display of identity identity (.e.g, apply
their identity the emboss filter to a
drawing in
Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student\\\'s
Theme reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are
explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how weak and illustrate
every item in the most items in the most items in the difficulty
collage is related to collage are related to collage are related to understanding how to
their identity For their identity. For their identity. relate items to their
most items, the many of the items, identity.
relationship is clear the relationship is
without explanation. clear without
Time and Effort Class time was used Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
wisely. Much time wisely. Student could always used wisely, used wisely and the
and effort went into have put in more but student did do student put in no
the planning and time and effort at some additional work additional effort.
design of the home. at home.
collage. It is clear the
student worked at
home as well as at
Number of Items The collage includes The collage includes The collage includes The collage contains
15 or more items, 10-14 different items. 9 different items. fewer than 9 different
each different. items.