HSE-000-GUD-0001 Guideline To Elaborate HSE Plan

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Guideline to Elaborate HSE Plan

Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Responsibilities and glossary ............................................................................................ 4
3.1 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Glossary............................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Element 1 – Leadership and Policies ................................................................................. 5
4.1.1 Management commitment ............................................................................................ 5
4.1.2 Policies .......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Element 2 – Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 5
4.2.1 General........................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation .................................................................. 5
4.2.3 Job Safety Analysis ...................................................................................................... 5
4.2.4 Risk Map ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2.5 Environmental Aspects and Impacts ........................................................................... 6
4.2.6 Other Risk Assessment ................................................................................................ 6
4.3 Element 3 – Legal and Contractual Requirements ............................................................ 6
4.4 Element 4 – Objectives, Targets and Plans ....................................................................... 6
4.4.1 HSE Objectives and targets.......................................................................................... 6
4.4.2 HSE Plan and Program ................................................................................................. 7
4.5 Element 5 – Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................ 7
4.5.1 General........................................................................................................................... 7
4.5.2 Organizational Structure .............................................................................................. 7
4.5.3 QHSE Structure ............................................................................................................. 7
4.5.4 Recruitment and selection............................................................................................ 8
4.6 Element 6 – Training and Competency .............................................................................. 8
4.6.1 Induction ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.6.2 General and Specific Training ...................................................................................... 8
4.6.3 Competency and authorizations .................................................................................. 8
4.7 Element 7 – Communication .............................................................................................. 8
4.7.1 Internal and External ..................................................................................................... 8
4.7.2 Health and Safety Committee ....................................................................................... 9
4.8 Element 8 – Document Management ................................................................................. 9
4.9 Element 9 – Incident Reporting and Investigation ............................................................ 9
4.10 Element 10 – Risk Control ............................................................................................ 10
4.10.1 General......................................................................................................................... 10
4.10.2 Permit to Work System ............................................................................................... 10
4.10.3 Fire Hazard Control ..................................................................................................... 10
4.10.4 Chemical Hazard Control ............................................................................................ 11
4.10.5 Physical Hazard Control ............................................................................................. 11
4.10.6 Motorized Vehicles Hazard Control ........................................................................... 12
4.10.7 Heavy Equipment Hazard Control .............................................................................. 12
4.10.8 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Surveillance and Control .................. 12
4.10.9 Sanitation..................................................................................................................... 13
4.10.10Water Management ..................................................................................................... 14
4.10.11Effluent Management .................................................................................................. 14
4.10.12Waste Management ..................................................................................................... 14
4.10.13Noise Generation Control ........................................................................................... 14
4.11 Element 11 – Emergency Preparedness ...................................................................... 14
4.11.1 Contingency Plan ........................................................................................................ 14
4.11.2 Drills ............................................................................................................................. 15

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4.12 Element 12 – System Improvement and Corrective Actions ...................................... 15
4.13 Element 13 – Measuring and Monitoring ..................................................................... 15
4.13.1 Occupational Agents Monitoring ............................................................................... 15
4.13.2 HSE Inspections .......................................................................................................... 15
4.14 Element 14 – Audit ........................................................................................................ 15
4.14.1 Internal Audits ............................................................................................................. 15
4.14.2 External Audits ............................................................................................................ 15
4.15 Element 15 – Management Review ............................................................................... 15
5.0 References ......................................................................................................................... 16

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Guideline to Elaborate HSE Plan

1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish the guideline to prepare an HSE plan that complies
with PERU LNG HSE standards, Peruvian regulation, and other applicable requirements.

2.0 Scope
It is applicable for all contractors and internal department and areas that establish HSE Plans. For
short term contracts/services will be evaluated its applicability of this guideline.

3.0 Responsibilities and glossary

3.1 Responsibilities

QHSE Department  To provide support to the Contractor to contribute with the

compliance of this guideline.
 To track the compliance of Contractor’s HSE plans and
Contractor  To comply with the guideline described in this document.
Contract Administrator  To ensure Contractor complies with this guideline.
 To provide support to the Contractor to comply with HSE
plans and programs.

3.2 Glossary

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

PPE Personal Protective Equipment
JSA Job Safety Analysis
HAZOP Hazard and Operability
HAZID Hazard Identification
QHSE Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
PTW Permit to Work
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
Spanish acronym for Hazard identification and Risk Assessment
(Identificación de Peligros y Evaluación de Riesgos)
FRC Fire Retardant Clothing
Spanish acronym for Health Service Provider (Entidad
Prestadora de Salud)
MINSA Spanish acronym for Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Salud)
CAR Corrective Action Request

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4.0 Procedure
Consider that this plan shall have purpose, scope, responsibilities and glossary defined before
including the 15 elements of PERU LNG Integrated Management System.

4.1 Element 1 – Leadership and Policies

4.1.1 Management commitment

Include how Senior and Medium management levels are involved and committed to HSE topics. For
example, walkdowns, stand downs, meetings, HSE observations, near miss reporting, etc.

4.1.2 Policies

Include all policies related to HSE, for example HSE Policy, Alcohol & Drugs, Stop working
activities, among others. Consider how these policies are communicated to personnel (trainings,
meetings, published, etc). Alternatively, consider a statement expressing adherence to PERU
LNG´s Sustainability Policy.

4.2 Element 2 – Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment is conducted through a group of procedures that identify hazards that could
potentially affect persons, equipment, property, productivity or the environment. The identification of
risk is step one of a two phase process. The second step can be found in the Risk Control Programs
and Procedures in Element 10.

4.2.1 General

A systematic assessment of all health, safety (including process safety as applicable) and
environmental risks and impacts shall be carried out during the planning of the activities.

The process involves risk and impacts identification, assessment and evaluation, prevention, control
measures determination and follow up.

4.2.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation

Include the formal procedure to identify health and safety hazards and risks, related to their
activities. This shall include the methodology, values, risk levels, how to manage critical risks, etc.
For controls required, consider the control hierarchy (elimination, substitution, engineering control,
administrative control, PPE). This section shall also include who prepares and approves the risk
matrixes, how the personnel participate in the assessment and how they will be communicated and
published. These matrix shall be updated at least once a year, and when activities, conditions,
equipment, or other change, and/or in case of accidents.

Specific risk assessment by job position shall be prepared and communicated to all employees.

4.2.3 Job Safety Analysis

A Job Safety Analysis shall be prepared for all activities, indicating hazards, risks and controls of the
specific tasks to be developed. It is prepared prior to the job, and is attached to the Permit to Work.
JSA shall consider all HSE risks and impacts, related to the job, work area, work conditions, crew,
and others that could affect the personnel involved. Specific controls shall be established, following
control hierarchy.

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JSA shall be review, validated and update if necessary at the field, and signed by all workers
involved in the activity.

Contractors will use PERU LNG JSA form. Main Maintenance Services contractors at Plant and
Pipeline can use their form, but it shall be reviewed and approved by PERU LNG, and shall contain
at least the information of PERU LNG form. In that case, include how this form will be managed and

4.2.4 Risk Map

Risk Maps will be prepared and published in work areas. Include who will prepare and approve
these risk maps, how are they going to be communicated to all personnel, reasons and frequency
for review and update, among other relevant information.

4.2.5 Environmental Aspects and Impacts

Include the formal procedure to identify and assess environmental aspects and impacts associated
with their activities. This section shall include the methodology, values, index rank, how to manage
significant environmental aspects, etc. This section shall also include the parties involved in the
preparation and approval of the matrix, how the personnel participate in the assessment, how the
matrix is communicated amongst the personnel and how it would be made accessible to all
personnel (i.e.: published in common areas, available on the work-site, digital accessible, etc.). This
matrix shall be updated at every two years, when activities, process, conditions, equipment, or other
change takes place; or in case of significant environmental incidents or related events.

4.2.6 Other Risk Assessment

Include that other risk assessment such as Process Hazard Analysis (What if, HAZOP, HAZID,
among others) can be required as per evaluation. Contractors can also be required to elaborate and
participate in this kind of study.

4.3 Element 3 – Legal and Contractual Requirements

The company needs to operate in line with acceptable industry practices and in full compliance with
all applicable laws, regulations and norms related to HSE and the energy and hydrocarbon section.
Contractors will ensure that all relevant applicable legislation and regulation that fall under their
responsibility are in place for the activities undertaken.

Written procedures for identification of applicable laws are necessary. Include in the plan how the
identification and compliance with applicable law is managed, including responsible, methodology to
update the list or matrix of regulations and how to ensure full compliance.

4.4 Element 4 – Objectives, Targets and Plans

4.4.1 HSE Objectives and targets

Establish annual HSE objectives, targets and indicators. These shall include leading and lagging
indicators. In order to comply with these targets, plans and programs must be established, to ensure
follow up and compliance.

Objectives and targets of contractors and other areas shall be aligned to PERU LNG KPIs. They
shall include, among other indicators:

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Objective Target
Perfect Days
Recordable Incident Rate (RIR)
(N° Recordable Incidents*1000000/Total hour worked)
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)
(N° Lost Time Incidents*1000000/Total hour worked)
Total Vehicle Accident Rate (TVAR)
(N° Total vehicular accidents*1000000/Total Km
driven) It will be established by
Severe Vehicle Accident Rate (SVAR) PERU LNG every year.
(N° Total severe vehicular accidents*1000000/Total
Km driven)
Audit of Safety Programs
WATCH Cards reported

Implementation of the Emergency Drills Schedule

HSE Inspections

4.4.2 HSE Plan and Program

One or more HSE plans shall be prepared for the activities. In case of contractors these plans must
be submit to PERU LNG for approval within the first two weeks of January each year.

The activities shall be scheduled during the year, in a program that also includes indicators, targets,
responsible, and the month where the activity is scheduled. This program must ensure that monthly
follow up can be done and that a compliance percentage can be calculated.

4.5 Element 5 – Roles and Responsibilities

4.5.1 General

According to the organizational structure of the Company, the roles and responsibilities of personnel
with respect to QHSE shall be clearly defined and documented. All roles must include specific
QHSE responsibilities.

4.5.2 Organizational Structure

Explain the organizational structure, where one or more members shall have specific responsibilities
with regards to QHSE, independently of other responsibilities that shall have roles and authority to
ensure that a management system is established, implemented and maintained, according to the
PERU LNG requirements and applicable regulation. Include for example, managers, coordinators,
supervisors, foreman, employees, etc.

These persons shall have HSE competencies required to an adequate compliance with their

Include an organization chart.

4.5.3 QHSE Structure

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Define the QHSE structure, indicating the number of employees per job position and explaining their

4.5.4 Recruitment and selection

Contractors shall include the procedure for recruitment and selection, which ensures that the
personnel hired is competent to perform their job. Also explain the process to hire subcontractors
and how competency is verified during this process.

4.6 Element 6 – Training and Competency

The training element is to ensure that all personnel can perform their assignments properly,
efficiently, and in a manner that safeguards their health and safety while protecting the communities
and environment in which we operate. Annual training ensures that all personnel are aware of the
hazards, can assess the hazards, and understand how to protect themselves from those hazards
associated with their job.

4.6.1 Induction

All employees working in the facilities will receive PERU LNG HSE induction. Specific induction on
the job shall be given to the new employee, including risks related to their job position.

Contractors shall include any additional induction given by them, and the process to prepare a new
employee before he can start any job. This induction shall be validated by PERU LNG and can be
audited or review at any time. It also shall be updated if new QHSE requirements are necessary.

4.6.2 General and Specific Training

HSE and technical training plans and schedules are required for all employees. Also, the following
items shall be considered:
 Identification of training needs so personnel can perform their jobs in a safe way,
complying with national regulation and other PERU LNG requirements.
 A mechanism to verify efficacy of the trainings.
 Ensure that trainings are provided when there are changes in the process.
 Safety toolbox talks
 Records of all HSE trainings

4.6.3 Competency and authorizations

Include the specific competency required for personnel that perform critical activities such as
scaffolding, work at heights, welding, crane operations, riggers, manlift, Confined Space, among
others. Clearly explain the process to ensure competency of employees and guarantee that they are
trained, certified and authorized. Include how the authorizations for doing these risk activities are
controlled, for example an authorization list, cards, stickers, etc.

4.7 Element 7 – Communication

4.7.1 Internal and External

Include the procedure of communication related to HSE topics, considering internal and external
communication. Include how this procedure ensures efficient internal communication by providing:
 Guidance regarding the work or task on an individual basis

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 Dissemination of information on HSE issues, such as HSE Bulletin submit by PERU
LNG or generated by each Contractor, incident investigation results or information
provided by PERU LNG during HSE Contractor meetings.
 Each Contractor’s Supervisor must hold an HSE meeting with the people working under
their responsibility at least once a week. In this meeting, they must discuss HSE issues
and resolve them by means of recommended actions. A record of the agreements and
follow up of the actions of these meetings shall be kept by Contractor.
 Pre-Job Safety meetings, tool box talks and other regular meetings to keep a high level
of awareness among the crews with regards to HSE matters, procedures and controls.
 Meetings to discuss accidents, incidents, lessons learned, near miss reports and root
cause analysis.
 Participation on HSE meetings called by PERU LNG and communication of the
 Monthly reports, including accidents, training and other HSE statistics and management
activities, are to be sent to the PERU LNG QHSE Department.
 Dissemination of Risks and Impacts and related controls to minimize and manage them

4.7.2 Health and Safety Committee

Explain how the Health and Safety Committee at the Site will be managed, it shall comply with
Peruvian regulations. If not applicable due to the number of employees, explain the requirements
and responsibilities of the person complying with the Safety Supervisor role according to law.

4.8 Element 8 – Document Management

Define the procedure, system or mechanism to control and manage documents. Include that
Contractor must have an updated master list of their documents.

All the Contractor's HSE documents with a different version having some bearing in the developing
of their work at PERU LNG facilities must be presented to QHSE Department for their information.

The Contractors shall keep every record as requested by governing laws, such as: monitoring of
occupational agents (physical, chemical, biological, ergonomics and psychosocial), internal health
and safety inspections, first aid kits, emergency equipment, PPE delivery to workers, training, drills
and audits, according to national applicable regulations, and must be available at any time.

Contractor shall ensure that all involved employees are aware and have knowledge about the
corresponding procedure and documentation.

4.9 Element 9 – Incident Reporting and Investigation

The reporting and investigation of incidents is an essential part of understanding how an incident
occurs, so measures can be implemented to achieve incident prevention.

All incidents related to damage to people, environment, property and/or process, including near
misses, must be reported to the PERU LNG QHSE Department immediately, in case of contractors
it shall be through the PERU LNG Contract Administrator. In case of events related to gas leaks in
the process area, the communication shall also include the Plant Operator.

Contractor can have their own investigation procedure and forms, nevertheless, they must comply
with PERU LNG procedure and forms to report and prepare the incident investigation.

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When an incident occurs, the communication must be immediately. Then, before the end of the
work shift where the event occurred, a preliminary report must be prepared and submit to PERU
LNG QHSE department. In case of near misses, the preliminary report will be replaced by a Near
Miss Card. Later on, the investigation will be carried out in order to determine the root causes and
take corrective and preventive actions. All the forms, responsibilities and time limits are established
in PLT-000-PRO-0003 Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure.

4.10 Element 10 – Risk Control

4.10.1 General

Risk controls shall address all hazards identified through the hazard identification process, the risk
assessment and the identification of environmental aspects and impacts.

The Risk Control element is the largest of the elements and consists of a set of management
programs, procedures, and statements that are divided between Environment, Health and Safety
Management. These controls are designed to meet the specific requirements of our environmental,
health and safety policies and to comply with applicable laws and regulations and PERU LNG
adopted standards.

4.10.2 Permit to Work System

All works at PERU LNG facilities requite a Permit to Work or a Standard Operating Procedure
approved by PERU LNG. All Permits will be managed according to SAF-000-PRO-0056 Permit to
Work Procedure. A Permit to Work (PTW) is an official document that authorizes activities to be
carried out under specific safe working conditions. This document, signed by the parties, states that
the worksite conditions are safe to perform the specified task within an established period. The
Performing Party is to carry out the work in accordance with the PTW requirements. Each PTW
initiation must have attached, at least, the following supporting documentation:
 Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
 Additional plans for hot works, lock out and tag out, confined space entry, among others.
 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), when applicable.
 Other items such as drawings, inspection certificates, test procedures, etc.

Upon completion of the work, the PTW must be returned duly signed to the PTW office to be filed in
the Plant, and if it is related to the Pipeline, the document must be submitted to the PTW System

At the end of each work, the work area must be left in good conditions with regard to tidiness and

4.10.3 Fire Hazard Control

Contractor must develop and implement a Fire Safety Program based on PERU LNG requirements
and applicable standards. This program is to be developed specifically to prevent losses in an
energy-based business and must be focused on controlling fire hazards within the Contract work
areas, paying special attention to hazardous areas where a flammable atmosphere may develop.

Employees shall respect all the requirements to control ignition sources in hazardous areas.
Contractors must also efficiently control this by prohibiting smoking, eliminating accidental ignition
sources and controlling hot works through a PERU LNG PTW system that will ensure, through
continuous supervision, that there are safe conditions while hot works are being carried out.

The Contractor must have firefighting equipment certified by UL while performing their activities at
PERU LNG process area. The Contractor must have a gas monitoring equipment while performing
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activities with equipment that are not intrinsically safe within operational or processes areas. Gas
monitoring equipment must be highly reliable and must have the manufacturer's support when
required. This equipment must be calibrated and maintained according to the manufacturer's
specifications. Prior to using monitoring equipment, performance tests as Bump test or similar must
be carried out according to equipment specifications.

4.10.4 Chemical Hazard Control

Include that a Hazardous Material Control Program must be developed and implemented. This shall
include: a hazardous material control procedure describing the way in which hazardous materials
are authorized for use within PERU LNG operations; the guidelines and requirements to transport,
stored, handling and dispose hazardous materials and an inventory of hazardous materials
identifying those to be used and stored. It shall also include the detail on how to manage MSDS,
labelling, PPE required, prevention measures to avoid incidents, training, inspections, conditions to
transport HAZMAT if applicable, containment trays and systems, spill kits, fuel supply procedure if
applicable and other required.

4.10.5 Physical Hazard Control

Physical hazards are the most common industrial hazards. The Contractor must implement control
measures for the most common physical hazards that employees are exposed to at the work site,
which are identified in the IPER matrix. Personal Protective Equipment

PERU LNG considers the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be a mandatory
requirement in all work areas: safety glasses, steel toe boots, hard hat, and gloves. Fire Retardant
Clothing (FRC) is required in all process areas. In addition, life jackets must be worn in the port
facilities areas required (their manufacturing must be authorized by the maritime authority).

Additional PPE can be needed for each job, according to the Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment analysis.

The contractor is responsible for providing adequate PPE to their employees. Also, is necessary to
verify proper PPE use and maintenance, and ensure that it is in good condition. Should any PPE be
in poor condition, the Contractor must immediately replace it with a new PPE. Barricades

The Contractor must ensure that barricades around equipment or materials, excavation or other, are
install and maintained to prevent potential damage, only authorized personnel are allowed within the
perimeter of the barricades, who must know the associated hazards and if a work at height is
performed, the Contractor must install a barricade at ground level, replacing it if damaged or
accidentally removed. Power and Hand Tools

Include the standards to ensure that the power and hand tools are inspected before being used.
Also must be inspected on a quarterly basis following the PERU LNG color code.

The following controls also need to be included: when working at heights, the grating must be
covered to prevent some tools passing through the grids; to raise or lower tools at different levels,
the first alternative should be bags or belts tool holder; if activities are performed in a steep slope all
tools must be secured, and if ropes are to be used, these should be checked by the work
supervisor, who must evaluate the best method, inspect the rope and knots to hold the tool.

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4.10.6 Motorized Vehicles Hazard Control

All employees and contractors that drive within PERU LNG facilities must have a valid license or
certificate to operate vehicles and mobile equipment and must be trained in Defensive Driving
provided by PERU LNG or an authorized company.

Contractors shall include how to manage the preventive maintenance program for their vehicles and
equipment, and must ensure these units receive maintenance as per the manufacturer’s
recommendations and keep the corresponding maintenance records.

The Contractor should select their drivers and operators taking into account their experience and
aptitudes. The Contractor who subcontracts a transportation vendor must ensure vendor complies
with all the legal requirements and PERU LNG standards. PERU LNG QHSE Department may
request to the Contractor, when considered necessary, documentation regarding its transportation
vendor such as: updated vehicles or equipment maintenance records, operators certificates or
defensive driving courses of the drivers, driving licenses copies, vehicles routine inspection records,
gas emission certificates.

Include also controls such as: speed limits, seatbelts, requirements for vehicles entering into the
process area, speed monitoring, among others.

This section should also include controls for vehicles that provide the contractor (owned or rented)
to transport passengers to and from the PERU LNG facilities.

Every lifting device is tested according to the applicable requirements, and valid test certificates are
kept for those tests.

4.10.7 Heavy Equipment Hazard Control

Additional to section 4.10.6, other controls shall be implemented for heavy equipment. Include the
how to manage the following topics for each type of equipment used:
 Documents that evidence operability of the equipment. Lifting equipment (cranes,
platforms, others) must have an operability certificate from a company standardized to
perform such tests.
 Heavy equipment operators competency
 Inspections
 Preventive Maintenance

4.10.8 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Surveillance and Control

Include how the employees' medical surveillance is guaranteed by the Contractor to ensure workers’
continuous working life quality improvement and welfare in order to rule out or reduce injuries and
diseases at the workplace.

Include the management of medical examinations according to Peruvian regulations and PERU
LNG standards.

Also include how to manage health surveillance, considering analysis, reports, communication to
management and authorities required by Peruvian law.

The Contractor must implement programs to control and prevent diseases according the risks
identified for the tasks developed for their personnel, for example:
 vaccination program
 respiratory protection program
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 hearing protection program
 ergonomics program
 others based on the occupational risk requirements identified, the current regulations
and pre-pathogenic and pathogenic conditions of the working population. Preventive Measures and Vaccination

The Contractor or the employer is responsible for all preventive and risk control measures which are
to be made available to all workers.

Contractor companies which have identified in their risk assessment occupational exposure to
ultraviolet radiation must take the necessary measures to protect their workers from said exposure,
as for example: helmet/brimmed hats, long-sleeves clothes, shades, rehydration, solar sun scream.

Contractor companies carrying out activities in endemic areas where vectors are present (insects,
arthropods, etc.) must meet the housing conditions and the individual measures established to
prevent these diseases: clothing, repellent, vaccines, among others.

The Contractor must comply with PERU LNG vaccination scheme according its location and risks
identified per job position. The compliance with that program could be requested by PERU LNG
during inspections, audits or when deemed convenient. Other types of vaccinations can be included
according to the occupational procedures and risk assessment.

4.10.9 Sanitation

Food purchased, supplied and provided within the PERU LNG facilities must comply with proper
food hygiene standards to ensure health and safety of both suppliers and consumers. These
procedures must complement the relevant Peruvian regulations and local government requirements
regarding food service hygiene.

The Contractor that provides catering service must include the process and controls that ensure
compliance with PERU LNG health requirements, national regulations and international high
standards. Dust Control

Establish the requirements for dust control. Include the compliance with vehicle speed limits
established for the Plant. Soil or construction materials (sand, gravel, etc.) will need to be
transported using closed vehicles; otherwise, vehicles must be equipped with a plastic or canvas
cover or mesh to prevent spillage of the transported material and avoid dust generation. Materials
are to be stored in areas fit for this purpose and are to be regularly sprayed with water or properly
covered to avoid dust generation. If watering of work areas that are not paved or covered with
concrete and that are assigned to and under the Contractor´s control is necessary, all water used
for dust control activities must come from the Plant on-site wastewater treatment plants. Vehicle Emissions

The Contractor will need to submit a scanned copy certificate which demonstrates compliance with
the maximum permissible limits for vehicle emissions, granted by the Government agency or
authorized agency, of all their units in PERU LNG. The Contractor must maintain a certificate
caducity log and sent its renewal to its PERU LNG contract administrator.

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4.10.10 Water Management

Consider all necessary protection measures to protect must protect all water bodies from
contamination, including oceans and beaches. Any activity performed on water bodies or
surroundings must have complete risk assessment and control implementation. All construction or
maintenance water containers must be clearly labeled with signs indicating “Non-potable Water” and
“Agua no potable”.

4.10.11 Effluent Management

In case contractor uses portable or chemical toilets in the work areas, they must ensure that they
consider the number of people performing jobs (1 every 20 persons working). Also, Portable toilet
cleaning and maintenance service must be performed by skilled personnel at least three times a
week. The transport and disposal of the generated wastes must be performed by an authorized
EPS-RS, approved by PERU LNG.

4.10.12 Waste Management

The Contractor must have a Waste Management plan or procedure or adopt PERU LNG (ENV-000-
PRO-0005 Plant Waste Management Procedure or ENV-000-PRO-0006 Pipeline Waste and
Effluent Management Procedure), which is aimed at minimizing, preventing and controlling
environmental risks related to generation, handling, storage, transport and/or disposal, if applicable
according to the activities performed, and include practices to a proper waste management through
courses and continuous training.

4.10.13 Noise Generation Control

Contractors must explain the measures to control noise during their operations.

4.11 Element 11 – Emergency Preparedness

4.11.1 Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan shall consider different scenarios, including procedures to response to each
emergency, roles and responsibilities. This document shall be communicated to all personnel.
Include the training required.

The contractor must include the medical emergency plan. At the Plant, if a contractor´s worker
present a medical emergency because of an accident or disease, basic primary attention will be
provided and transfer to a specialized health center will be arranged. Additional medical attention
(including transfer) out of the Plant must be provided at the Contractor’s expense.

The Contractors must have a written procedure for their personnel and sub Contractors in case a
medical attention and evacuation is needed. Such procedure must be periodically updated and must
 List of Contractor’s personnel indicating persons’ names and phone number to be
contacted in case of a medical emergency.
 List of workers’ names, insurance company and each individual’s insurance policy
 List of all workers’ names and contact phone numbers.
 List of health centers where staff must be transferred (EPS, MINSA, private health

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Guideline to Elaborate HSE Plan
Also, the Contractor must have a response procedure for spills (hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc)
including communication and response flowchart, necessary resources, training for all personnel
involved, among others.

In case of contractors, include how their emergency plans or procedures are aligned to PERU LNG
Contingency Plan.

4.11.2 Drills

An annual drill scheduled is prepared by PERU LNG QHSE Department to practice and evaluate
response in different emergency scenarios. All employees and contractors need to participate in
these drills.

Contractors should include their own drill schedule and records to comply with Peruvian regulation.

4.12 Element 12 – System Improvement and Corrective Actions

Include the system used to register the observations related with non-compliance with standards,
regulations, guidelines or requirements and perform the follow up of their closure.

In case of Corrective Actions Request (CAR) prepared by PERU LNG, the analysis, response and
time limits will be according to PERU LNG procedures.

4.13 Element 13 – Measuring and Monitoring

4.13.1 Occupational Agents Monitoring

Include the occupational monitoring (physical, chemical, biological, dysergonomic and psychosocial
agents) necessary according to the risks identify in the IPER matrix. Establish the frequency of
these monitoring, and what to do with the results. This shall be in compliance with Peruvian

4.13.2 HSE Inspections

Include how to manage HSE Inspections, frequency, responsible, records, findings, among others.
QHSE will inspect the different areas, including the ones where contractors are responsible,
according to a HSE Inspection schedule. The observations and findings of these inspections shall
be corrected and all the evidence shall be submit to QHSE Department.

4.14 Element 14 – Audit

4.14.1 Internal Audits

Include the internal audits performed, considering also the frequency and how to manage the

4.14.2 External Audits

Include the external audits performed. PERU LNG will audit the contractor´s HSE activities
according to an annual schedule.

4.15 Element 15 – Management Review

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Guideline to Elaborate HSE Plan
Management shall review annually the performance in HSE, to review indicators, activities, actions
and other required.

5.0 References
HSE-000-PRO-0011 Contractor QHSE Requirements
PLT-000-PRO-0003 Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure
SAF-000-PRO-0056 Permit to Work Procedure
ENV-000- PRO-0005 Plant Waste Management Procedure
ENV-000- PRO-0006 Pipeline Waste and Effluent Management Procedure

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