Xmrs User Guide 1.0

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October 19, 2012

XMRS 1.0 - User Guide

Rodrigo Ferreira
[email protected]
LVC - Computer Vision Lab – PUC-Rio

Command Line
xmrs <input_image> <operation_mode> <algorithm> <fitting> <selection> <bands_weights>
<shapes_names> <shapes_weights> <shape_weight> <scale> <reference> <evaluation>

input_image – The image that will be segmented.

operation_mode – Sets the program operation mode. Accepts the following values:

Value Description
VisMean Generates an image where the segments are painted
with their mean color values.
VisRandom Generates an image where the segments are painted
with random colors.
VisImage Generates an image where the segments borders are
painted over the original image.
VisReference Generates an image where the segments borders are
painted over the reference segments.
Eval No result image is generated.

algorithm – Sets the segmentation algorithm to be used. The only one available is Baatz.

fitting – Sets the fitting criterion. Accepts the following values:

Value Description
BestFitting The best feasible neighbor
segment is merged.
MutualFitting The best feasible neighbor
segment is merged only if
this relation is mutual.
This option is highly

selection – Sets the way by which the segments are chosen to undergo the merge process.
Accepts the following values:
Value Description
SequentialSelection The segments are visited
in a linear order through
the image.
RandomSelection Segments are visited in a
random fashion. This
option is highly

bands_weights – Represents the relative importance of each image band in the segmentation

shapes_names – The names of the shape attributes separated by commas. The attributes
available so far are:

Value Description
Structure Factor
Circular Factor

shapes_weights – Represents the relative importance of each shape attribute in the

segmentation process.

shape_weight – Represents the relative importance between shape and color in the
composition of the heterogeneity criterion.

scale – Sets the maximum allowed heterogeneity for each segment. Indirectly implies the final
size of segments.

reference – Reference image. The program evaluates the segmentation quality according to
the given reference segments. (Not required)

evaluation – Keeps a record file of the segmentation parameters and its evaluations. (Not

output – Name of the output file where the results will be written to.

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