Construction Materials For Coastal Structures
Construction Materials For Coastal Structures
Construction Materials For Coastal Structures
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Construction Materials for Coastal Structures
Moffatt ond Nichol, Engineers
~§C'0LO APtvS
* 83 06 27 06 6
SR-9/ I
Special Report
Moffatt and Nichol,
P.O. Box 7707 D31234
Long Beach, CA 90807
Department of the Army January 1983
Coastal Engineering Research Center (CEREN-CD) 13. NUMBER OF PAGES
Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 427
14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(I. dilferent from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report)
17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the baact entered In Block 20, If dlfferent from Report)
19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side it necessary nd Identify by block number)
The report describes the effects of common forces encountered in the coastal
environment on the materials' design properties. The effects of material place-
ment, joining, and repair methods and of treatments to prolong design life are
also presented. The report discusses in detail the impregnation of wood with
preservatives and the cathodic protection and coating of metals. Example proj-
ects illustrate the use of the materials in breakwaters, jetties, groins, sea-
wells, bulkheads, revetments, and harbor piers and wharves.
The report was prepared by Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, under CERC
Contract No. DACW72-80C-OO6. Preparation of the report was under the direc-
tion of L.L. Whiteneck, with assistance of L.A. Hockney and S.H. Anderson.
Consultation and technical writing was provided by R.J. Barrett, A.L. Roebuck,
C.M. Wakeman, W.J. Herron, Jr., and R.A. Morrison and L.J. Lee of Woodward
and Clyde Consultants. Cooperation and assistance were provided by Corps
of Engineers Divisions and Districts.
R.E. Ray was the CERC contract monitor for the report, under the super-
vision of Mr. R.A. Jachowski, former Chief of the Coastal Design Branch, and
* Mr. N. Parker, Chief, Engineering Development Division.
Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Congress,
approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88th Congress,
approved 7 November 1963.
3 t iatI i
INTRODUCTION .......................................... 13
1. General .......................................... 13
2. Background ....................................... 13
3. Objective ........................................ 13
4. Organization of Report ........................... 13
IV EARTH ................................................. 51
1. Component Types and Class of Soils ............... 51
2. Properties and Characteristics of Soils .......... 54
3. Methods of Soil Improvement ...................... 57
4. Placement of Soil for Coastal Structures ......... 61
5. Repair of Earth Structures ....................... 64
6. Environmental Considerations ..................... 64
7. Uses of Soils in Coastal Construction ............ 64
CONTENTS (Continued)
CONTENTS (Continued)
6. Uses in Coastal Structures ............................ 372
'I 6
TABLES (Continued)
* 8
FIGURES (Continued)
il 9
FIGURES (Continued)
Multiply by To obtain
inches 25.4 millimeters
2.54 centimeters
square inches 6.452 square centimeters
cubic inches 16.39 cubic centimeters
ITo obtain Celsius (C) temperature readings from Fahrenheit (F) readings,
use formula: C = (5/9) (F -32).
To obtain Kelvin (K) readings, use formula: K = (5/9) (F -32) + 273.15.
Moffatt and Nichol, Enjg-tneers
1. General.
2. Background.
3. Objective.
4. Organization of Report.
Experience has demonstrated the success and failure of many materials used
4 in the past to create various types of coastal structures. In this report the
principal physical properties of these materials and their importance in the
selection of construction materials are set forth. New synthetic materials as
• 14
1. General.
2. Structural Properties.
* 15
Structures built of stone, earth and asphalt are generally not capable
of resisting tensile stress. They are capable of taking loads in compression,
shear and impact only and must be designed accordingly. Concrete and wood
may or may not be subjected to tensile stress or bending moments. If
9concrete is subjected to such stress, reinforcing steel or prestressed
cable must be employed to carry the tensile load. Steel is capable of
withstanding all types of stress when properly designed. The sections flex
or deflect when subjected to bending loads and this movement should be
considered in the design phase. Synthetics, particularly the sandbag and
filter-cloth materials, are mainly subjected to tension, impacts, flexing,
and fatigue. They are seldom required to accept a compressive load.
3. Nonstructural Properties.
a. Durability. Durability is the ability of a material to withstand
the effects of service conditions to which it is exposed. Many laboratory
tests have been devised for measuring durability of materials but it is
extremely difficult to obtain a direct correlation between laboratory tests
and field use. Due to the severe coastal environment it is important that
field experience be carefully assessed in selecting materials for coastal
structures. For a coastal structure to function properly the planned
structural life must be known; a structural life projected for a short term
(e.g., less than 10 years) may have a major impact on cost and material
selection for the structure. The location of the structure with respect to
local resources and materials will also impact on the selection of construc-
tion materials.
* Concrete is considered durable and will generally last the planned life
of the structure so long as it is not exposed to adverse chemical reaction
or excessive abrasion.
* 16
Wood is considered less durable than concrete but its lifespan depends
to a great extent on the characteristics of the wood, the usage, and the
quality of maintenance. It is an organic material and subject to attack by
both plants and animals. It is more subject to damage by fire than other
Stone and earth structures can assume a wide variety of shapes. The
materials are generally available and, forming nonrigid structures, can for
example accomodate changes in foundation elevations or slope adjustments
without losing structural integrity or ability to perform their function in
the structure. Stone can be used under most weather conditions and will
accept major and rapid changes in temperature and moisture without major
0 17
* 4. Availability.
a. Abundance.
(3) Concrete. The cement, sand, and stone required to make
concrete are available in all parts of the United States. Some of the
smaller Pacific Islands may require the importation of cement.
(4) Wood. Wood used to be one of the most available construction
materials in the United States. It is generally produced within reasonable
shipping range of a coastal project. Now, certain types and sizes of
hardwoods are becoming more difficult to obtain. In cases where the
designer would almost automatically select wood, he now has to compare wood
to the relative costs and advantages of other construction materials.
b. Transportability.
dolos, and the fabrication of reinforced or prestress concrete piles all
require specially designed handling equipment. This equipment may or may not
have a reuse capability.
6. Maintenance and Preservation Requirements.
These requirements and their annual costs are generally influenced b,'
comparison with the initial costs of construction. All materials require
some maintenance and preservation. The problem may be physical or chemical
maintenance and may vary not only between different materials but within
the same material.
c. Concrete. The quality and the life of concrete are largely con-
trolled by the methods of mixing and placing. Coatings are available which
improve the set period of the concrete and protect the surface from flaking
or dusting. In saltwater, and to a lesser extent freshwater, if the rein-
forcing steel is exposed to oxygen it will combine to produce corrosion.
The corroded surface of the steel expands greatly, resulting in cracks in
the concrete that admit more water and accelerate the process. The result
is physical spalling, cracking, or splitting of the concrete resulting in
total failure. Such cracks must be kept sealed to slow this process. As
cement has a calcium base, it may be necessary to protect it from chemical
change by pollutants or biological attack. Like stone, the primary need
for maintenance or preservation is to prevent deterioration. This may be
from abrasion by harder and sharper substances, such as quartz sands, or
from the force of storm waves overstressing the structure. Impact by
rocks, barges, ships or debris may overload concrete, as in the case of
dock structures. Seismic damage may occur. Maintenance may consist of
* sealing cracks, patching abraded or worn areas before the reinforcing steel
is exposed, or actually replacing individual concrete units within the
Physical failure will not normally occur from wave or current forces if
steel structures are properly designed. Primary cause of failure will be
severe damage by ships, barges or debris, or in the case of a dock, through
overloading. Prompt replacement of buckled members is mandatory to prevent
further damage to adjacent members.
Crushed and broken stone includes all stone in which the shape is not
specified, such as that used as aggregate and riprap. Riprap is well-graded
within wide size limits. Quarrystone armor consists of comparatively large
broken stone that is typically a specified size and is used, without a binder,
principally for breakwaters, jetties, groins, and revetments, which are
intended primarily to resist the physical action of water.
harmful; however, in larger quantities it sets up planes of structural
weakness and provides a starting point for disintegration. Granite occurs
mainly in large bodies, known as batholiths, which are exposed over many
square miles. Batholiths commonly consist of numerous individual bodies of
various granitic rock types, with contrasting colors, textures, and mineral
While granites vary widely in texture and appearance, most of them are
dense and have a porosity of less than I percent. Granite spalls badly
under the combined effect of fire and water, so it is not particularly
resistant to fire. Most unweathered granitic st.'nes are hard, strong,
tough, and resistant to abrasion, impact, and chemical attack. The average
unit weights range from approximately 24.3 to 27.5 kilonewtons per cubic
meter (155 to 175 pounds per cubic foot). These properties make granitic
stones well suited to use as riprap and quarrystone armor units.
Basalts are one of the heaviest stones with an average specific gravity
of 2.9 to 3.2 and average unit weights of 28.3 to 31.4 kilonewtons per
cubic meter (180 to 200 pounds per cubic foot)); however, in certain areas
they may contain many small cavities (vesicles) which result in stone with
low densitities. Basaltic stones are characteristically hard, tough, and
durable, so they are well suited for use as aggregate, riprap and quarry-
stone armor units.
* 24
Fir use as stone, carbonate rock should be physically sound, dense, and
relatively pure. Porosity of limestone generally ranges from approximately
I to 15 percent. Limestones have an average unit weight of approximately
Y22.0 to 25.9 kilonewtons per cubic meter (140 to 165 pounds per cubic
foot). Marble has an average unit weight of 25.1 to 26.7 kilonewtons per
cubic meter (160 to 170 pounds per cubic foot). Carbonate stone that is
tough, strong, and durable is well suited for use as concrete aggregate,
riprap and quarrystone armor units.
very resistant to chemical and physical weathering. These properties make
it desirable as crushed and broken stone for riprap, but generally not for
quarrystone armor units.
crusher run fines or unclassified waste from production of riprap, are used
for fill. Miscellaneous soil, rock and rubble fills may be used as random
r or temporary shore protection (Fig. 2).
gv 11C
e. Armor Stone. Armor stone, chosen to be of nearly uniform size and
,t compact, sometimes blocky shape, depends on density and mass to resist
_rV the force of waves or currents. The voids between the armor rock, to a
certain extent, absorb energy through creation of turbulence. To a lesser
extent, wave energy is absorbed by wave runup on the sloping outer face.
f. Underlayers. The underlying rock layers are usually randomly
pla,:ed and serve to support the armor rock. By size gradation, and some-
times in several layers or zones, they may also absorb wave or current
ene2rgy through turbulence in the voids. Rocks used for these underlayers
are considerably less costly per unit volume than armor rock.
. Bedding Layers. In breakwaters, jetties, and groins constructed on
relatively flat sand or mud bottoms, a bedding layer consisting of smaller
well-graded stones is required to prevent the fine bottom material from
piping upwa rd through the structures. Piping and subsequent erosion of the
foundation soils could result in settlement of the upper layers of rock,
particularly the large heavy armor stones. Settlement could in turn cause
ultimate collapse of that part of the structure.
h. Filter Layers. In revetments, seawalls, and bulkheads a layer of
filter material is required. While this layer of fine well-graded stones
may in part act as a supporting bedding layer for sloped revetment or
seawall structures, its primary function is to relieve hydrostatic pressures
(die to changes in water elevation on the seaward side or changes of ground
water elevation on the landward side. It is designed as a true filter to
permit the passage of water in either direction, but to prevent the dis-
turbance of the sand or clay foundation. The gradation of the filter
material depends on the characteristics of the backfill core or beach
materials and on the voids of the riprap or armor units. The filter
;:iaterial should be uniformly graded from fine sands, coarse sands, gravels
and stonCs such that it will not wash into the rubble. The material could
IcL-in two or more layers. It should also be noted that filter cloth is
t''.q!ioently used in place of a graded granular filter.
j. Fill for Gabions and Cribs. Gabions are wire baskets that can be
cJ1oLctUd and filled with stone. The baskets must be solidly filled, or
[ wires will be abraded by movement of loose stones. The stones must be
[ trre enough, generally 10 to 25 centimeters in diameter, to prevent loss
, stone through the gabion mesh. Cribs may be filled with similar stone
; .,terialsto form a gravity type structure.
"tone Specifications.
local source. Material from new sources should be tested by the Government
for quality to determine acceptability. When the contractor desires
rim.terials from a source not listed, or if the Government elects to retest a
source that is listed, suitable samples for quality evaluation should be
taken by the contractor under the supervision of the contracting officer.
,amples are generally delivered by the contractor to the nearest Corps of
Ini:ineers laboratory for testing.
No standard testing procedures have yet been developed for the determina-
tion of the quality of stone. The Waterways Experiment Station (WES) and
.")IIe Corps Division laboratories have devised tests to evaluate such
:.iteri'l, but the test procedures employed in these different laboratories
,irv somewhat. In any case, judgment is necessary in applying the test
results. Any testing program for the determination of the quality of rock
for use as stone in coastal structures should include petrographic examina-
tion: determination of absorption and bulk and specific gravity {AS11
Standard C97-47 (77) or C127-77); a soundness test {American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Test T-104-46 or ASTM
Standard C88-76}; and an abrasion test {ASTM Standard 535-69 (75)}. Other
tests that may also prove useful include a slaking or wetting-and-drying test,
and a freeze-thaw test. See Lutton, Houston, and Warriner (1981) for details.
'!he best data for evaluating stone to be used in coastal structures are
service records. If a stone has not been previously used, the quarry
shouid be visited and old surface outcroppings examined for signs of
h. Stone Size. To make optimum use of local materials, designs should
,tot only have a wide range of stone sizes to choose from, but also an
Al adequate number of classes within this range. Each class available for a
specific use should be limited in range. Physical limitations in the size
oft irmor stone that is feasible to use must also be considered. These may
!,(tr,uck or highway capacity or the handling limits of the quarry equipment.
[it,geoloical structure of the rock quarry may also limit the quantity and
:.i:e of stone that can be obtained.
The total weight or size of the armor units, the side slopes, the
density of armor material, and the degree of interlocking or wedging
bozt,,,,a units are interrelated and comprise the principal factors in the
dkZigrL ~,f a stone structure. Armor stone may be rubble mound placed at
random, individually placed, or it may be rectangular blocks of stone
caretF'lly fitted together. Several empirical formulas have been derived
for determining the size of armor stone required for the stability under
,tve action. These are contained in the appropriate design manuals.. In
thc Hunson equation for design of armor stone {U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers,
(',aastail Engineering Research Center (CERC) 1977}, the required size of
6 30
1i1u11 ,u1l armor stone is roughly inversely proportional to its density.
Ihis fltxibility of size versus density of stone permits some latitude in
,hoice between two quarry sites. Stones larger than about 223 to 267
kilonewtons (26.1 to 30.0 short tons) are generally not easily handled.
The greatest dimension of each individual large stone should be no greater
th,in three times the least dimension.
Flhe reverse of this size-density factor can be used for a more efficient
consideration of choice of rock source for core and underlayers where
density is not a critical design consideration. Frequently a savings in
cost can be affected by bidding the armor stone in tons and the underlying
stone in solid cubic yards. Underlayers placed beneath the armor units
should be an adequate size to prevent withdrawal of the units through the
interstices of the cover layer and to prevent excess movement and subsequent
tceakage. The weight of underlayer stone may range from 3 to more than 30
ki lonewtons.
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Angular stones (Fig. 4), particularly for the armor layer, have two
advantages: (1) the voids are maximized, increasing energy losses through
turbulence; and (2) the stones tend to interlock with their neighbors,
increasing their resistance to movement by wave or current forces.
I 33
While angularity is most desirable, the stones should be approximately
rectangular in shape. For large stone, the greatest dimension should be no
greater than three times the least dimension. Sharp points should be
avoided as they may cause a stone to wobble or the point may break off
under stress, disturbing the stability of the section. Even if dislodged
or partially dislodged, an angular stone will tend to find a stable
position, whereas a rounded stone will tend to roll to the toe of the
g. Abrasion. The Los Angeles rattler test and Wetshot rattler test
measure resistance to abrasion. Use of these tests is more significant
when the rock is to be used in shore protection where it is subjected to a
pounding surf carrying sand, gravel, and smaller stones. Stones having
relatively high losses in these tests have performed satisfactorily in
shore protection and therefore a rather lenient value is permissible. A 40-
percent maximum loss for the Wetshot rattler and 45 percent for the Los
* Angeles rattler are considered reasonable.
4. Quarrying Methods.
.r~lrin is almost flat, it is necessary to ramp down into tihe rock creating
pit that is entirely below the surface of the surrounding terrain.
the height of the quarry face may be determined by the thickness of the
oriii-ition. However, since most formations being mined exceed the practical
iits of bench heights, the determining factor in the choice of
hci htS is usually that of safety. Bench heights must be selected to be
cimnattble with the loading equipment so that the broken rock can be safely
iwc uv~d from the muck pile. If a single piece of loading equipment, such
.s a shovel or front-end loader, is incapable of reaching high enough to
:'ide all unstable rock from the broken bench face, then it is customary
t' use a dozer to work the rock down to a safe height for the loader. The
aJse of the proper blast design will result in the utilization of the
~aximum safe bench heights and the optimum use of loading equipment.
A somewhat special method used in quarry develorment is called "Coyote
LUi,,ling." This is a method in which tunnels are excavated into a bluff
,,,hillside and partially filled with explosives. In a crude sense, they
:cht be considered large-diameter horizontal boreholes, the additional
,pt onn of turning corners or excavating "tee" sections. With this method,
it is extremely important that the natural jointing characteristics of the
Sz-ck have the capability of producing the desired material, since there is
rclati:ely limited additional fragmentation by this blasting method itself.
Tie iiiethod is economically attractive if there is a vertical or steep rock
Iace and the rock has the desired jointing characteristics. For example,
it has proved to be very successful for producing riprap in columnar
ha-alrs, and for producing crusher feed in diced basalts.
bast Design. In general, the blasting method is determined by the
<, ,iO(,v of the material to be broken, the fragmentation required, the hole
~a ,ctu, and the type of explosive. The type of equipment available for
i 1dlling and loading should also be taken into consideration (e.g., in
,ictermining bench height).
tests. fowever, it is generally true that both the design of blasting
rounds and the chances of their success largely depend on the previous
experience and skill of the blaster.
In many cases, a very hard, brittle rock will break with less difficulty
th'in a soft, spongy rock. This is dramatically true if the hard rock is
closely jointed and the soft rock is massive. The orientation of the
primary joint system in a formation is a very important factor in the blast
design. When the primary jointing is dipping at a steep angle, it is
LOlO11v1 advantageous to develop the quarry face at no less than 450 (and
prefrabl 90) to this jointing angle; however, this is not universally
true. In determining the angle of the quarry face, consideration should
also he given to the desired end product (e.g., crusher feed versus riprap),
slope stability questions, ease of development, traffic flow, and equipment.
trequently, the direction of development is not a controllable factor. In
such cases, it is important to make certain that blast designs and exca-
vating procedures take into account the geometric relationships between the
jointing, explosives action, excavating sequences, and final surfaces.
V (3) Hole Diameter. The proper hole diameter depends largely on the
physical properties of the formation, the fragmentation required, and the
height of the quarry face. The hole diameter should be selected to be
compatible with the geological and physical characteristics of the forma-
tion, since it is the only factor in the overall blast design that cannot
h- altered. Unfortunately, this selection is sometimes made on the basis
of the total volume of rock to be mined, the duration of the project,
production rates, capital costs, and depreciation rates, with no considera-
tion given to geology.
*O 36
explosive. Its low brisance is compensated for by its high gas volume.
licnce, it is capable of producing as much work as some of the more expensive
bri ,,nt explosives.
,ore important that the sequence of operations, type of equipment, rate of
i'uction, and number of times the material is handled be cevluated and
cit I-ol led.
Ihe best time to control the gradation of quarried stone is during the
'ring. Control of gradation to meet specifications is usually carried
littLv visual inspection. In order to calibrate the judgment of the in-
>Pccto1-, it is very helpful to establish, at a conven;ent location in the
Z-'-v,' pile of stone with the desired gradation. This standard pile
*il, contain 44.5 to 89 kilonewtons (5 to 10 short tons) of material, and
.ail Le formed by measuring and selecting the individual stones to be
ibincd in the correct proportion. In the case of riprap, or other large
toii:, there may need to be a larger volume in the pile used for visual
iiibrit ion.
6 38
5. Place'ent Methods.
110t be dropped from a height greater than about . . meter
,M.aximum heights from which stones may be dropped oi geotext i I
are spec ified for varying sizes of stone in SOLt ion IX.
or dropping stone more than 0.6 meter or moving by drifting and ',,ni
lat ing down the slope is generally not permitted (U.S. Armn I imulw'cr
Division, North Central, 1978).
d. Cover (Armor) Stone. The SPM (U.S. Army, Corps of Lnin. rs, (IDL.
1977) and White (1948) show the placement of cover or armor _ torne is :'!c, .
The special placement method will require close inspection ajn,! cleai
* instruction to the contractor to ensure proper placement procedurs. This
method requires more time than random placement and should, therefore,
increase the selection, handling, and placement costs of the qlarrvstonh:.
and along the axis of the rubble structure, but can vary from one
the next. Placement can also vary from one contractor to another. i,,
variables and difficulties in placing armor units one at a time, oj diIi .
by skiff, above and below water, present the engineer with a diffimi;,t
desion problem. The extent of interlocking achieved is unprediczaV,I i-h
usiIIg random size (but still within specified limits) quarrystonei.
Generally, in specifying quarrystone armor units, the dimension oI thec
maximum axis is no greater than three times the minimum axis. This "ppl1e:
onl) to armor stone, as this ratio was devised to forestall the u.e of flat
or piatelike stone that, if laid flat on the structure slope. iwoul]i
he less stable than a more cubic stone. Because of these unpredi,.*,blc
vari.ibles all methods of placement, except for uniform and special f;laLC-
ments, have been lumped together as "random placement" to encompas- the.
~~,eo,f placement methods.
U 4
0 c
during final placing, or by other methods of placement which will produce
the specified results. Rearranging of individual stones by mechanical
equipment or by hand may be required to obtain a reasonably well-graded
distribution of stone sizes. Pushing material up the slope or dumping down
the slope should not be permitted.
6. Repair of Structures.
7. Environmental Considerations.
d. Chemical Attack. Calcareous stones are subject to decomposition I)y
acids which may be formed by the combination of moisture and gases, such as
sulfur dioxide, which may be present in the air. A sandstone in which the
-cementing material is calcium carbonate may also disintegrate under such
action, whereas a silicate would be more resistant.
Practically all stones are injured if exposed to such 1i10h t pLr: Uts,
as may be encountered in fires, and particularly if exposed lo thi, :,,;2i jed
action of fire and water. The cause of disintegration is u:u.ll attli-t1t11d
to internal stresses resulting from unequal expansion of un((faUl 1Y heJted
parts of the material. Experience has shown that granites ai, :),:'I
larly poor resistance to fire and are susceptible to crackiag!4 aa.isp: lii
This is probably due to the irregularity of the stone structure :rId ll
complexity of the mineral composition. The coarse-grained ,,ranir', are
most susceptible to the action of fire and water, and the gneisst.s olteli
suffer even more severely because of their banded structure.
a. Offshore Structures.
b. Shore-Connected Structures.
(b) Jetties. Jetties are usually constructed From the sic. re-
line through the breaker zone seaward to 12- to 18-meter (40 to 6) fort)
deptns. They are generall perpendicular to the shoreline. However, du..
to pcrhaps as much as a 30 skew,or because of variable wave dire. tions,
thtIir ilinement may vary from 0 to 90 from the direction oF Wave tI 1\ (,.
Bfc,,use of variable depths, different parts of the structure may be c xp r J
to tuibcokun, breaking, or broken waves. Thus with careful desiorn, the
el,.e.ction, total cross section, and size of armor rock can be r:od to
produce an economical structure. As jetties are used to detin).- ,'-orh o,
river access to the sea they may be subjected to major tidal or river
currents or a combination of tidal and river flow. This must be careful)v
Lonsidered, particulary in design of the inner toe of the structur,. A-S
the jetties' primary purpose is to prevent the passage of littoral material
through the littoral drift zone, the uprush area must be impermeable or
sand tight. Other design considerations are much the same as for ':rc:k-
face of the breakwater. The armor stone must be designed against the force
of breaking waves, nonbroken waves, or broken waves. The design size of
armor stone will be a function of density, slope, and wave height. in
contrast to some breakwaters, almost all seawalls or revetments mu; be
designed to an elevation to prevent wave overtopping. Care must also ie
taken to construct an adequate toe structure to prevent undermining of the
structure during severe wave action. This may not he a serious problem ilt
lakes or bays where advantage can be taken of prolonged periods of 'n~al or
no wave action to construct the toe trench. Conversely, aloii.i thc' oien
seacoast, where the action of the surf is continuou:;, it is generai ly not
possible to excavate to a sufficient depth to reduce scouring velocities.
The usual alternative is to overbuild the toe structure in the anticipation
* that as sand is scoured from under the toe, the excess rock will drop into
place and maintain toe support of the structure.
S III "-
(2) designed as a filter blanket or bedding layer, it may be
used to prevent scouring of the natural bottom material which might
", result in undercutting of the wall.
... .
There are several soil classification systems, but the most widely used
in engineering is the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The USCS
is presented in the ASTM Standard D2487 and MIL-STD-619A. A summary of
the classification system is presented in Table 2 and the general soil
characteristics are discussed in the following paragraphs. Table 2-3 in TM
S-818-1 is another useful version of USCS. A more detailed presentation of
the classification systems and soil properties can be found in the report
entitled "Geotechnical Engineering in the Coastal Zone," Callender and
Eckert (in preparation, 1983).
D6 0
- Uniformity coefficient (Cu) = D1
SD30 )
.• - Coefficient of curvature (Cc) = D 10 .D 6 0
Because most soils are composed of more than one type of constituent,
the USCS makes the following distinctions for sands and gravels:
0 51
TablIe 2. Un i fji soil classification syst em (A-SPI1-1
* Groupo
AA.., D,v,uons vmonoit Trp cal Na.-es ~OSOt C1/li5C1 Xi'i C
C us
E d;
c r't,5 ~d . 1-
SI~ ~Attetberg
lin 0, p
limts below
ess than 4
P I lt~esn~i
"A" Allcs
A ;ne -lhrt Is
4 an 7 are boifet
lie cat' e se .1
u0 GC Clayey gta"Is gravel sand clay mix. 'C Attorberg limits belows dual syinr!u
21 i tutes iii 0 0I., 0 ine it~h P.1. greaterth~an 7
0 0 -
0 Cs
2~ Sily sandcss
S-1 cn
Arsetbg limn
e 0, POIt less than 4
L it hbtched
%. C,o~' ~iiPIbt~e
Pill1~~ln 4nl~lt~
- - Clayiey sands, tand clay mnixtures r. Attrbf limits abv **A* and 7naip iof dal~li cs
0 - line .v,th Pi greater than 7teltnquiofdi yi
o it boAttrtt
p i,M,Ist suffix d used whsen LL. is 280or less and the P.1. is 6 or less; the siffix u used 'when L.L. is gr'eater thatn 28.
a orderl ne clossifications, used for loalt oossessitlg characteristics of two groups , ore destgnoted by combinaton% of
group symtbols. For OxamPle! O*-OC , weil -graded gravel-t td itlure wth clay binder.
-SilIty Irav c N r -sanrd :mremo t fi, n I '~rli 1
-ire finer thani 1:c ilo s ie e c, and thle tf ne h1(-
11 I tt
plastic ity.
-Clavey gravel coi- sand (SC) : mioreC tha~n I I perA. cni 1% 1).
are finer ian the No. 200 sieve, aind the, Cin~s :1ie_ ")"I
When the fraction sinai 1cr than the No. 200 sjv ceo is Io t han
5 percent and 1less than 12 percent , a dual symb-,ol s hou Id 1e ;e
Well and poor]ly graded gravels and sands are further def i aed> i canT
gravels or sands; silty or clayey gravels and sands ma: he ret(-vcr to Ais
dirty gravels or sands. It should also be notedl that thle part I,:[ IIshPe has
an influence on the density and the stability of the coars;e-grirJ-, soils.
(1) Gravel (G) . The UISGS defines gravel ats the materiI I
size ranges between 76.2 millimeters (3 inches) and the 'No. I Sej
Materials larger than1 76.2 millimeters are designated ascbls. ae
may be man-made (crushed stone) or may come from natural depo, its Krk
run). Gravels are cohesionless materials.
(2) Sand (S). A material is defined as sand when its igrain size
is between 4.76 and 0.075 millimeter (No. 4 and 200 sieves, respectively).
The USGS developed further classification: the sand is coarse iwhen its
grain size varies between 4.76 and 2.00 millimeters (No. 4 and 10 s;ieves,
respectively); medium when between 2.00 and 0.42 millimeter (No. 10 and
40 sieves, respectively); and fine when between 0.42 and 0.075 m-,illimeter
(No. 40 and 200 sieves, respectively). Sands are cohesionless materials,
however, they present an apparent cohesion when damp or Moist dllC to
surface tension effects, of pore fluids. These effects disappear when the
sand is saturatedI.
b. Fine-Grai ned Matrials, Silts and clays Lire known as fine-g rained
soils. Fine-grained materials are such that 50 percent or more of the
materials by weight paiss the No. 200 -sieve. They are distinguished either
vi suil lv and manual ly or- b\, mneans of the Atterberg limits. The U1SCS,
contrary to most other claIssification systems, does not make any size
distinction between silt and clay. This is because the engineering proper-
ties of fine-grained soril ire more closely related to plasticity character-
istics than to grrivisie
-~ Silt, clay, aind or ' mm. silIt and c lay having iqIdIL
l imits less t hali i I. CL, and 01., respect ivel y
(2) Clay (C). Clay is distinguished by its fine particle size and
cohesive strength which is inversely related to its water content. For
this reason, a clay's performance as a foundation material is strongly
influenced by its stress history. In situ overconsolidated clays, clays
which have been loaded to higher stresses than the present load may per-
form quite well in foundations. Normally consolidated or underconsolidated
q clays typical of estuaries will generally experience large settlements when
loaded. The minerals included in the clay composition influence the
properties of the soil; e.g., mon-morillonite is a highly active mineral,
and a soil containing such a miner:al will present high swelling and shrink-
age characteristics. Two other commonly occurring minerals are illite
(less active than montmorillonite and commonly found in marine clays) and
'. kaolinite (the least active mineral).
c. Organic Materials (0). Peat, organic mulch, and muskeg are highly
organic soils which usually have a spongy nature and a fibrous texture.
Organic materials come from the decay of vegetable matter. They are
recognized by their odor, which is intensified by heating, and by their
dark color (although some dark soils may be inorganic). Usually organic
soils have high moisture and gas contents and a relatively low specific
(3) Consol idated-[ra ied t riax ia I test, commonl known as
a CD-Test or S-Test.
The Q, R, and S designat ions are standard use in Corps I iterature. The
descriptions are indicative of the conditions under which the tests are run.
From the results of these tests the stress-strain characteristics are estab-
lished under the various loading conditions noted, and of equal importance,
the conditions of failure for the soil are established. The strength of a
. soil is usually defined in terms of the stress ueveloped
stress-strain curve and is presented in the form of Mlohr at the peak
circles and of the
a Mlohr
fai lure envelope. The strength is then expressed in terms of cohesion and
the angle of internal friction.
will have permeabi Iitiv-s raingiih from l0_r to 1(i'';~rLitV
Organic and inorganic SiltS, MI XtUrCs Of sanld, sl1it Hidi1
r and some stratified clav deposits wil1 have probilte Wra iI0,
to 10-5 centimeters per second . Clays , which Ire pr~r ct i,,1 I I ipc r s-11Amd
commonly used for core materials in water-reta jin In, mank ;t,. '
37'-9 1 36 -1
4TETRAPODS. 4 2YD3 EL 27 5
r- -0. 44n
> m -.. l
1.440 444140. 0 04W 0.0 0 4 0* ,
(44 4 (D
41 .04
.44 V0001.
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T '4 044
-1. Placement of Soil for Coastal Structures.
4 61
* ahead of the advancing fill and overload the bulkhead causing its failure
before the landfill reaches it. The mud should be removed before fill
placement or the bulkhead designed for thle increased pressures of the nmud
wave. Care should also be taken to place select fill behind the bulkhead
before placing the general fill to ensure that the active pressure zone has
the shear strength planned in the design.
C. Hydraulic Fills. hlydraulic fills' aire DICd onl Lind Or underT waIter
by pumping material through a pipeli te or by ter si u cic throuigh al conl-
veyor . Borrow Mater ialIs used for these fill sare v I
dredging (Fig. 11). The chairacteristics of such bdrat1i, :11 11.1y he
generally classified according to the natulre Of bet i lhitmn
1970). This classi fication is shown in kTable1
0Generally, material with more than 1.--percent lnwtp lII, t Illecs or 10-
per-cent plastic fines passing ai No. 2010 s ieve shouild iot !) i. ed tinlder
wate2.. The wash water for hydrau Ii callIy laced ft Ii )1 1111 11h1ti(
Id run
Off' inl -such a manner thait fines; ;1e no0t -OlcltTrtt rt c ill ;io~ket . I ii. mo'na
requiire advanrcing thle fill from one s;ide( or- c:O'rncrl Jf l IrA *ittipt i g
to force out any soft fines ahlead of the f'il t, it is Illral ic
ffi IIs p)laiced beh ind wall1s o r bu Ileads shunl Id be I)iccd in1 1 1 Its 'thin
enough to permit runoff of wash wvater withlout hMi dll,,Ill ti a
Jt itI11 i.,tt iOf
hydrostatic Pressure.
* 62
resu 1 t i m', troill winnlow jug associalted
with this process; appear to be oil
thle order of Ii) percent or- more,
depending onl the original bottom
iat e r i a1I
It ic of fill1 based on nature of borrow
:1aa t t.r, i;a
t it a 'aSkeleton
'i cs'. of ciZav balls, with
mat rix ofV sand atrld clI ;i
6. Environmental Considerations.
a. Physical Effects. The nature of the soil pore fluid and temperature
can influence the behavior of clay soils. A loss in shear strength of
marine clays may be realized by removal of the salt due to leaching by
freshwater. Changes in moisture content can cause swelling or shrinking of
clay soils. Decreasing the temperature of a cohesive soil can cause an
expansion of the soil. Fine-grained soils are also susceptible to frost
a. General. Earth can be used for almost any kind of coastal struc-
ture. Coastal structures are generally associated with three types of
projects: port and harbor development (including marinas), land reclama-
tion, and coastal protection. Design considerations and criteria are
* Al
0 65
b. Offshore Construction.
c. Shore-Connected Construction.
of the four component types of soil (gravel, sand, silt, clay) ; however,
not all soil mixtures are eqLallV effective in a given situation. Organic
-. materials are usually considered detrimental and are not used, since they
tend to be more compressible and have lower shear strengths. Highly
expansive clay should also generally not be used for backfill of coastal
(4) Wharves and Piers. The use of earth for wharves and piers is
generally as fill behind or for slopes underneath the facility. The natural
in-place soils generally provide support for the structures, and foundations
are designed in accordance with conventional geotechnical procedures. The
purpose of the fill is to help provide stability and rigidity to the struc-
ture and to provide useful working areas behind the structure, Most soils
may be used for this purpose, but they generally need some type of protec-
tion, such as rock riprap and a filter, to mitigate erosion. Coarse-
grained granular soils are preferable for use as backfill materials, since
they are typically stronger and less compressible. The properties of the
backfill soils of use in the design include dry density, water content,
shear strength, and compressibility. Other important properties may be the
compact ion characteristics, permeability, and corrosive characteristics.
* 68
distribution and amount of sand. The sources of material may be either
from land or offshore. The methods of placement include placing sand
directly on the beach along the entire length of the project, placing it in
stockpiles at a feeder beach at one end of the site, and placing it as an
offshore bar. The grain size of the materials used should be larger than,
or at least the same size as, the original beach material. If coarser
sands are used in the beach restoration, the equilibrium slope will be
steeper than the existing one, and vice versa for finer particles. A more
detailed presentation on beach nourishment may be found in Chapters 5 and 6
of the SPM (U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, CERC, 1977).
1. Introduction.
PConcrete, a diversified construction material, exists in two physical
states--the first as a semifluid or plastic state while being mixed,
transported and placed in final forms; the second as a solid after havin'
set and cured. These features of concrete give it a wide application of
use in coastal and waterfront structures under many special conditions.
Ingredients for making concrete exist in virtually all areas of the world
and the use of it in coastal structures depends only on the understanding
and knowledge of the materials, design, and processes required for its end
use. Concrete has proven to be an excellent construction material. The
use of concrete is adaptable to many coastal structures. With good
planning it will probably find many additional uses in the future to take
Portland cement types aiid characteri stics for coastal strititures are
StanLdards (C13 ..7 8:
spvciftied in AS .IM
1j) I'Vpe I ce ,{ i i s ,t inA o lill r V tr' ll tllr;il C Ar 't a r
* tioun t ion{ls , ca:ds., ,]: h - , :051 onI ~'t tOii lt aOL l/ iit abicc( I t}
(b) Type IA is t nrai air -ntraining Port :1id ceIment for Use
in concrete structures as ment ioned for type I cement , st Ijcct to
freezing climates.
(c) Type 11 ceim..iit is :I mild sol phate-i-esi , jng cement and can
be used for concrete in a marine environment not subject to fireezing
and thawing, if ty-pe V (listed below) is not available. IIoever,
type II cement concrete is not as durable in seawater as :a type V
cement concrete.
(e) Type III cement is used where a high early strength is needed.
Concrete made with this cement will attain a strength in 7 days
Uequivalent to that made with type I cement in 28 days. It should not
be used for marine concrete.
(j) For concrete piles used in soil containing from 0.10 to 0.20
percent water soluble sulfate (as SO) or used in water containing
from 150 to 2 000 parts per million SOL, the concrete should be
made with cement containing not more than 8 percent tricalcium
• aluminate (C3A) such as type II or a moderate sulfate-resistant
(MS) cement. In environments where the water soluble sulfate
exceeds 0.20 percent or the sulfate solution contains from 2 000 to
10 000 parts per million, Portland cement with the tricalcium
aluminate content limited to 5 percent (e.g., type V) should he
used. For very severe sulfu'te exposure (more than 10 000 parts per
* million), type V cement with a flvash admixture should be used.
3. Properties.
by reducing the penetration of aggressive liquids. Resistan"v to "were
weathering, particularly freezing and thawing, and to salts Usqd for jc'
removal is greatly improved by incorporation of a proper distribution of'
entrained air. Entrained air should be used in all exposed concrete in
climates where free:ing occurs. By using a suitable cement :nd a prperly
proportioned mix, concrete will resist sulfates in soil, ground w tcr, or
seawater, provided that concentrations are not in excess of TV. r May 1
grams) of Na 2 SO per liter of witer. High-quality concrete will rist
mild acid attack, but no concrete has good resistance to strong ac.ids;
special protection is necessary in this case.
4. Components.
limits may be set on chlorides, sulfates, alkalies, and sulid:l in thc
mixing water. A water source comparable in analysis to any o" the watcrs
in Table 5 is probably satisfactory for use in concrete.
concentration,i lest
Chemicals (ppm) method2
Wash water reused as mixing water in concrete can exceed the listed con-
centrations of chloride and sulfate if it can be shown that the concentra-
tion calculated in the total mixing water, including mixing water on the
aggregates and other sources, does not exceed the stated limits.
Other test methods that have been demonstrated to yield comparable results
can be used.
For conditions allowing use of CaC1 2 accelerator as an admixture, the
chloride limitation may be waived by the purchaser.
Water containing less than 2 000 parts per million of total dissolved
solids can generally be used satisfactorily for making concrete. Water
4 containing more than 2 000 parts per million of dissolved solids should be
tested for its effect on strength and time of set. Water containing 2 000
to 3 000 parts per million, not including Na2 SO'4 , of dissolved solids is
acceptable if free of organic matter. American Concrete Institute (ACI)
dommittee 201 (1977), limits chloride ions to percentages of weight according
to types of concrete (Table 6).
Water for use in prestressed work should be more definitely restricted
in salt, ilt, ard organic contents. It should 'ontain
(b) less than 650 parts per million of chloride ion (some
authorities permit up to 1 000 parts per million);
(c) less than 1 300 parts per million of sulfate ion (some
authorities limit this to 1 000 parts per million); and
(d) no oil.
6 * " JI" l i - - I l
in the mixing water depends upon how significantly mixing water contributes
to the total chloride content. Suggested limits are shown in Table 5.
Water containing less than 500 parts per million of chloride ion generally
is considered acceptable. However, the contribution of chlorides from
other ingredients also should be considered.
b. Polymers in Concrete.
6l 77
c. Aggregates.
(d) laboratory freezing and thawing tests (of limited value, but
do furnish useful information for new source material); and
Table 8. Characteristics and tests of aggregates.
Requirement of
Characteristic Significance ASTM Standard item reported
ratio and, of course, produce concrete of a greater strength than that
containing the 19-millimeter aggregate. Table 9 shows maximum aggregate
sizes for various uses.
A Okl
beneficial, but others result ill serious damage to tile concrete by causing
abnormal expansion, cracking, and loss of strength (Woods, 1968). The
reaction that has received greatest attention and was the first to 1)e
recognized involves a reaction between alkalies (Na:,0 and K2 0), from the
" cement or from other sources with hydroxyl, and certain siliceous con-
stituents that may be present in the aggregate. This phenomenon was
originally, and is still sometimes, referred to as "alkali-aggregate
reaction," but in recent years it has been more properly designated as
'alkali-silica reaction."
(a) Specify a low alkali cement having a maximum of 0.6
percent equivalent Na 2 0.
usually most strongly developed in areas of the structure where the concrete
has a constantly renewable supply of moisture, such as close to the water-
line in piers, from the ground behind retaining walls, beneath road or
sidewalk slabs, or by wick action in posts or columns. A distinguishing
feature from alkali-silica reaction is the general absence of silica gel
exudations at cracks. Additional signs of the severity of the reaction are
closed expansion joints with possible crushing of the adjacent concrete
(Hadley, 1964).
It is not certain that rapid determination of potential reactivity can
always be made by using the rock cylinder test, because some rocks showing
an initial contraction may develop considerable expansion later on.
Expansions greater than 0.10 percent in the rock cylinders are usually
taken as a warning that further tests should be undertaken to determine
expansion of the aggregate in concrete. Fortunately, many carbonate rocks
that expand in rock cylinders do not expand in concrete.
* Of these measures, the first is the safest and usually the most econ-
d. Admixtures.
accelerate the hardening of mixtures of Portland cement and water include
some of the soluble chlorides, carbonates, silicates, fluosilicates, and
hydroxides (Steinour, 1960), and also some organic compounds such as
triethanolamine (Newman, et al., 1943). Calcium aluminate cements and
finely ground hydrated Portland cement have also been advocated.
of conventional steel reinforcement in typical reinforced concrete
under normal conditions where the bars have sufficient concrete
cover. Stannous chloride when properly used acts as an accelerator
(and does not cause corrosion of the steel even when steam curing
is used.
However, it should not be used where stray electric currents are expected
and should not be used in prestressed concrete because of possible stress
corrosion of the prestressing steel (Arber and Vivian, 1961). Calcium
chloride in concrete may be expected to aggravate corrosion of embedded
galvanized metal and of galvanized forms that are left in place. Combina-
tions of metals, such as aluminum-alloy electrical conduit and steel
reinforcing, should not be used in concrete exposed to water.
tory mortar specimens have been reported for additions of 1 percent by
weight of the cement of lithium salts and for additions of about 2 to 7
percent of certain barium salts. Moderately reduced expansions were also
obtained with certain protein air-entraining admixtures and with some
water-reducing, set-retarding admixtures. It was found that some of these
substances were more effective in reducing expansion than others. The
results reported are limited and further work is needed. There is some
evidence that expansions due to alkali-aggregate reaction are slightly
lowered by air entrainment and the use of low alkali cement.
(8) Expansion Admixtures. Admixtures, which during the hydration
period of concrete or grout expand themselves or react with other con-
stituents of the grout to cause expansion, are used to minimize the effects
of dry shrinkage. They are used in both restrained and unrestrained
placement. The most common admixtures for this purpose is finely divided
iron and chemicals to promote oxidation of the iron. This use is generally
limited to relatively small projects. Expansive cements are most often
used on large projects.
(9) Shrinkage Preventing Admixtures. Three different shrinkage-
compensating cements are described in ASTM Standard C845 and are designated
as Type K, Type S, and Type M. The expansion of each of these cements when
mixed with sufficient water is due principally to the formation of ettrin-
gite. Most shrinkage-compensating cements consist of constituents of
conventional portland cement with added sources of aluminate and calcium
sulfate. The three types of expansive cements differ from each other in
the form of the aluminate compounds from which the expansive ettringite is
developed. The principal constituents of these cements are:
(a) Type K Portland cement, calcium sulfate, and Portland-like
cement containing anhydrous tetracalcium trialuminate sulfate;
plasticity of fresh concrete, the amount of surface area of the solids per
unit of water volume, will determine the bleeding characteristics and
workability of concrete and grout. A low ratio of surface area of solids
to volume of water results in a thin and watery paste; consequently, the
aggregate particles are only slightly separated and the mixture lacks
plasticity and tends to segregate. The ratio of surface area of solids to
volume of water may be increased by increasing the amount of cement or by
adding a suitable mineral admixture to the mix. Admixtures that are
relatively chemically inert, such as ground quartz or limestone, cemetitious
materials such as natural cements, hydraulic limes or slag cements, and
pozzolans are commonly used.
(12) Impermeability Admixtures. Concrete and grout are not
impermeable to the penetration of water; however, the terms "waterproofing"
or "damp proofing" have come to mean a reduction of rate of penetration of
water into dry concrete and grout. Admixtures comprised of fatty acids,
usually calcium or ammonium stearate or oleate, which also cause air
entrainment during mixing. Also used are mineral oils, asphalt emulsions,
and certain cut-back asphalts.
(13) Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures. In the manufacture of
certain concrete products containing steel, it might be desirable to
accelerate the rate of strength development by use of both a chemical
accelerator and heat. The latter is usually in the form of steam at
atmospheric pressure. When calcium chloride is used as the accelerator in
this type of curing, laboratory studies have found the rate of corrosion
of the steel to be accelerated. However, Arber and Vivian (1961) found
that certain compounds containing an oxidizable ion such as stannous
chloride, ferrous chloride, and sodium thiosulfate, act as accelerators as
does calcium chloride, but also appear to cause less corrosion than the
latter. Stannous chloride appeared to be the best of the products tried
and 2 percent of the salt by weight of cement was more effective than 1
percent, and as effective as greatpr amounts, both from the standpoint of
acceleration and resistance to c.. sion. For effective use, the salt
must be added to the concrete ii. he stannous form and a dense concrete
must be used.
(14) Color Admixtures. Pigments are often added to produce color
in the finished concrete. The requirements of suitable coloring admixtures
-* (a) color fastness when exposed to sunlight;
(b) Blue--ultramarine blue, Phthalocyanine blue,
There are standard methods for selecting proportions for concrete made
with aggregates of normal density and of workability suitable for usual
cast-in-place construction. The methods provide a first approximation of
proportions and are intended to be checked by trial batches in the labora-
tory or field and adjusted, as necessary, to produce the desired character-
istics of the concrete.
Slm (mm
Types of construction Minimum
S DOCM2-88-C-e006
I. 11N 11111
K 0 O
0 0 • O 0 0 • O
(2) Choice of Maximum Size of Aggregate. Large maximum sizes of
well-graded aggregates have less voids than smaller sizes. Hence, concretes
with the larger sized aggregates require less mortar per unit volume of
concrete. Generally, the maximum size of aggregate should be the largest
-that is economically available and consistent with dimensions of the struc-
ture. In no event should the maximum size exceed one-fifth of the narrowest
dimension between sides of forms, one-third the depth of slabs, nor three-
fourths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars,
bundles of bars, or pretensioning strands.
(3) Estimation of Mixing Water and Air Content. The quantity of
water per unit volume of concrete required to produce a given slump depends
on the maximum size, particle shape, and grading of the aggregates, and on
the amount of entrained air. It is not greatly affected by the quantity of
cement. Table 11 provides estimates of required mixing water for concretes
made with various maximum sizes of aggregate, with and without air entrain-
ment. Depending on aggregate texture and shape, mixing water requirements
may be somewhat above or below the tabulated values, but they are suf-
ficientlv accurate for the first estimate. Such differences in water
demand are not necessarily reflected in strength.
Table 11 indicates the approximate amount of entrapped air to be
expected in nonair-entrained concrete in the right side of the table and
O shows the recommended average air content for air-entrained concrete in
the left side of the table. The use of normal amounts of air entrainment
in concrete with a specified strength near or about 34 megapascals (5 000
pounds per square inch) may not be possible due to the fact that each added
percent of air lowers the maximum strength obtainable with a given combina-
tion of materials (Tuthill, 1960).
l hen trial batches are used to establish strength relationships or
verify strength-producing capability of a mixture, the least favorable
combination of mixing water and air content should be used. This is, the
air content should be the maximum permitted or likely to occur, and the
concrete should be gaged to the highest permissible slump. This will
avoid developing an overoptimistic estimate of strength on the assumption
that average rather than extreme conditions will prevail in the field.
40 0) C>0 n a))
a) 0 a) O u0
- - - u- d)c
or +j
-4 04 -
(M -4 t 4eJN(
-4 c- 4
r= 0. 0 n0 -z - :
-4I 4- 4) -N4.
20 0 .- CD tON3:0
.,j 0 4-J -4
4-4 z - - ) 0 "K
0 0 .4 4- )
a0 - Cdcl
4-4 0,
4-. k04- r
-na)4- O00uO~~' 0
0~) 4a
2 ~
0. -4 =2to
4-J CO4 a106
~ - 0
~ 04
Z) Mt- 4- V .,OV
a,- u 00 u
Q)0 '.) a)
cd -4 0
4-b 0 4- a) :3
m b4 a) 04 It r1 0ID- 4 a) A
:3: 4- 1 0
m- OLIn V)UN
le I qrq O VI
0 0 a ()
*u 4- u
- * ) x~- a
C m ~ 4- C = e
a) 4- - r OCOOC 2a)
r= 'A
2 Z Lr n0 0 0 m1
* 0C
0 as Q a) U
0~~ 0 2-4
4- MZ 4
(2 4 - C7-4j
) UN
0j C-t- oo -- Ua)Jczt
Table 12. Relationships between water-cement ratio
and compressive strength of concrete.
6 000 0.41 --
5 000 0.48 0.40
4 000 0.57 0.48
3 000 0.68 0.59
2 000 0.82 0.74
American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1979.
Values are estimated average strengths for concrete containing not
more than the percentage of air shown in Table 11. For a constant
water-cement ratio, the strength of concrete is reduced as the air
content is increased. Strength is in accordance with Section 9(b) of
ASTM Standard C31.
Continuously or
frequently wet and Exposed to
Type of structure exposed to freez- seawater or
ing and thawing sulfates 2
(6) Estimation of Coarse Aggregate Content. Varying the volume
of coarse aggregate used per unit volume of concrete changes the workability
of the mix. Given coarse and fine aggregates of available maximum size
rand gradation, respectively, the correct volume of coarse aggregate per
unit volume of concrete must be chosen to produce satisfactorily workable
concrete. The fine aggregate is characterized by its fineness modulus, a
measure of the part of the coarse and medium sand, described in ASTM
Standard C125. The fineness modulus increases with coarseness and is
usually restricted to values between 2.3 and 3.1. The weight and volume
characteristics of coarse aggregate are determined by tests on dry aggregate
placed in thin layers and compacted by rodding.
Table 14. Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate
per unit of volume of concrete.
P Maximum size
of aggregate Fineness modulus of sand
2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
3/8 0.S0 0.48 0.46 0.44
1/2 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
3/4 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
1 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
1 1/2 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
2 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
3 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
6 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
'As described in ASTM Standard C29.
2ACI, 1979.
if it is properly cured for an adequate period of time before being placed in
service. Proper curing prevents loss of moisture for the time necessary to
obtain necessary hydration of the cement. Excess mixing water is allowed
to escape; however, the appearance of plastic shrinkage cracks in the
surface of the concrete about the time the concrete is ready for finishing
indicates that the paste is losing water too rapidly.
Concrete should be cured by keeping the concrete damp for not less than
7 days if made of normal Portland cement, and for not less than 3 days if
made of high (early)0 strength cement. For each decrease of 2.70 below 210
Celsius (5 below 70 Farenheit), in the average curing temperature, the
curing period shall be increased by 4 days for units made of normal Portland
cement and by 2 days for units made of high (early) strength cement or
until the concrete has attained its designed strength. Where units are
cured by high-pressure steam, steam vapor, or other approved processes used
to accelerate the hardening of the cement, the curing time may be reduced
provided the compressive strength of the concrete is equal to that obtained
by damp curing, equal to the 28-day strength. Concrete units shall not be
moved from the casting bed until the curing period is complete.
been applied, or surfaces damaged by subsequent construction operations
*within the curing period shall be immediately resprayed at the rate specified
above. Membrane curing compound shall not be used on surfaces that are to
receive any subsequent treatment that depends on adhesion or bonding to the
concrete. Membrane curing compound shall not be used on surfaces that are
maintained at curing temperatures with free steam. Where membrane-forming
curing compounds are permitted, permanently exposed surfaces shall be cured
by use of a nonpigmented membrane-forming curing compound containing a
fugitive dye. Where nonpigmented-type curing compounds are used, the
concrete surface shall be shaded from the direct rays of the sun for the
curing period. Surfaces coated with curing compound shall be kept free of
foot and vehicular traffic, and from other sources of abrasion and contamina-
tion during the curing period.
(2) Special Conditions. There are some conditions of curing
concrete for coastal structures that frequently occur and require special
(a) Hot Weather Concreting. High temperatures impact on
concrete by more rapid hydration of cement, greater mixing water demand,
increased evaporation of mixing water, reduced strength, and a tendency to
crack either before or after hardening. Special precautions are necessary
such as cooling the aggregate, adding ice to the concrete mix, and covering
the curing concrete to keep it moist. Certain water-reducing retarders may
counteract the accelerating hardening of concrete at high temperatures and
reduce the need for additional mixing water. Curing concrete above 32.20
Celsius (900 Farenheit) is undesireable.
original state despite attack of the environment. The ability of the
structure to withstand environmental attack is called durability.
b. Impacts on Durability.
* (1) Disruption. Durability is affected by disruption of concrete
structure, environmental attacks, and use of aggregates. Disruption may
take several forms:
high(3) cement containing high percentage of alkalis or
J- high C3A;
(4) oxygen;
(11) crack;,
- -
Fortunately, care ill the selec ion ot aggireotc souirctes, :tId Ilse of low
alkali cement and pozzolans , whe re appropr i:t c , w i11 ini mIle tl!is problem
s i ni f i cant Iv.
Al 1 a reates should be soud, non-rect ixe 'I :IbrIs iou res ist jut
and free from salt or alkalis. Particullr cIre sh"1ld I e taken Ihen
working with 'a ecates fr0111 new sorIrces , espec i! I t 'lose %N'
ith Si 1 i ceolls
rocks and in desert areas. Sands from Jteposits sevcrall 1i les fromll the
shores of the Persian Gulf are heavilv contaminated ith salt from salt
fog; their use, unwashed, has led to serious corrosion illmild steel
_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ steel i -ci fo~~.u n t. o
i t ei - 1F lCil , c l o Ie uIt f~ ms ,I l((tI ; Al
~ o--so el o-l~tdvlpoltieOhde
~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 te. 111O -ic
l .na7lm s os l c nl-t
CIr cc l ilv~lim~
me IIShCIIIS0 ,F- i 's*4
iI oi, ci. i l ool ,ltio1
e I nt c 1:]
tT-oI i v ilc onc
'Id h Con act o "d iss milaimvti Is . A c i-v sir
a mill or coating facility usually by a fusion-banding process as a result
of an irreversible heat--catalyzed chemical reaction. The careful applica-
tion of a fusion-bonded or electrostatically applied epoxy coating has
produced virtually pinhole-free coating protection of the steel bars from
the moisture, chlorides and other contaminates that may be in or enter the
abrasion has been underway for more than a century. The problem is com-
plicated because there are several different types of abrasion, and no
single test method has been found which is adequate for all conditions.
-1M Abrasion can be classified into four types:
(a) Wear on concrete floors due to foot traffic and light
trucking, skidding, scraping, or sliding of objects on the surface
(b) wear on concrete road surfaces due to heavy trucks and
automobiles with studded tires or chains (attrition, scraping, and
(c) erosion in hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways,
tunnels, bridge abutments, concrete breakwaters, and piling due to
the action of abrasive materials carried by flowing water (attrition
and scraping); and
(d) wear on concrete dams, spillways, tunnels, and other
water-carrying systems where high velocities and negative pressures
are present (generally known as cavitation erosion, which is
mainly the result of design and is not covered in this guide).
To properly evaluate abrasion resistance, the type of concrete being
tested must be considered. If it is of the same mix throughout, the
abrasion resistance can be expected to be a direct function of the concrete
strength. If, however, metallic or other hardeners have been applied, the
time required for the abrasion apparatus to penetrate the hard surface must
be determined to properly evaluate the test results.
(a) Factors Affecting Abrasion Resistance of Concrete. The
abrasion resistance of concrete is affected primarily by compressive
strength, aggregate properties, finishing methods, use of toppings, and
1 Compressive Strength and Aggregate Properties. For a
required concrete strength level, the strength selected should be appropriate
for both the service exposure and the life of the structure. In no case
should the compressive strength be less than 28 -gapascals (4 000 pounds
per square inch). Suitable strength levels may -e attained by:
(e) when wear conditions are severe, a high strength (not less
than 34 megapascals (5 000 pounds per square inch)) topping layer,
called a two-course floor, limiting the maximum size of aggregate
to 12 millimeter (1/2 inch) in the topping.
I o
waterproof tape. Curing compounds meeting ASTM Standard C309 seal the
moisture in the concrete and are economical and easy to apply; they may be
used where other methods are impracticable. The curing compound should be
( covered with scuff-proof paper if a floor area must be used before curing
is completed.
4. . . .. L .. . . .- -
. .,'-r,,4 ,. • .
increases and the longer it has wet-cured, the rate of absorption of any
kind of aiggregate can be lowered by reducing the water-cement ratio of the
paste and by requiring good curing.
Requi remen t s tor tihe ka ter - cement rIat io and a iI. ent ra inment i re desc ri bed
in detail bel.ow
(d) W
Zater-Cement Ratio. Frost-resistant reglar " igt
concrete should have a water-cement ratio not to exceed the values given in
Table 13. Because the determination of the rate of absorption for light-
weight aggreoates is uncertain, it is illlpracticable to calculate the water-
cement ratio of concretes conta i n1i rig such aggregates. For these concretes
-a specified 2S-dav compressive strength of 27.0 megapascals (4 000 pounds
per square inch) is recommended. For severe exposures, some have found it
also desirable to specify a minimum cement content of 3.2S kilonewtons per
cubic meter (3641 pounds per cubic yard), and only that amount of water
necessary to achieve the desired consistency.
(e) Fntrained Air. Too little entrained air will not protect
. cement paste against cyclic freezing. Too much air will unduly pena li:e
the strength. About 7 percent of air in the mortar for severe exposure, and
about 3 percent for moderate exposure are reasonable. Frequent determina-
tions of the aiir content of the concrete should be made. For regulir
weight concrete, the following test methods may be used: volumetric
method l\ST'l Standard C173), p ressure method (.\STM Standard C231), or the
' unit wei ght test (ASTM Standard C138). An air meter- may be used to provide
,an approximate indication of air content. For lightweight concrete, the
volumetric method is recommended.
The air content and other characteristics of the air void system in
hardened concrete may be determined microscopically (ASTIM Standard C4;7).
ASTM Standard C672 is often used to assess the resistance of concrete to
deicer scaling.
7. Reinforcing-Prestressing Materials.
(3) welded wire fabric, ASTM Standard AISS, when zinc coated
(galvanized), not less than 2.39 newtons per square meter (0.8
ounce per square foot) of Grade 5 "'Prime Western" conforming to
AS'I'l Sta ndard B0.
v4 - 4) M
0 4) 0) U a)
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a) C 4) w o-O 6.'a04 0 4) 0
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0 4 -43 Uj co) 4))44.
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also been developed and successfully applied to prestressed concrete,
resulting in considerable ,conomy at times.
The prestressing wires now in the market are mostly high tensile wires
obtained by cold-drawing high tensile steel bars through a series of dies.
The process of cold drawing tends to realine the crystals, and the strength
* of the wires is increased by each drawing so that, the smaller the diameter
* of the wires, the higher their ultimate unit strength. The ductility of
wires, however, is somewhat decreased as a result of cold drawing. It
must be recognized that the actual strength will vary with the composition
and manufacture of the wire as well as with its diameter.
I 114
In the United States, there are two kinds of high tensile wire strands
available--one for pretensioning and another for posttensioning. Pre-
tensioning strands are made of seven or more small uncoated wires as drawn.
The strands are then drawn through a lead bath for stress-relieving and
also to improve their bond characteristics. For posttensioning and unbonded
work, strands consisting of 7 to 61 galvanized wires are produced. These
strands are machine fabricated and stress-relieved to increase their
proportional limit and to minimize creep. When the strands are to be
bonded to the concrete, the wires should preferably be ungalvanized.
High strength bars up to 1 034 megapascals (150 000 pounds per square
inch) or more are made by cold-working special alloy steels. By alloying
high carbon steel with proper agents such as silicon and manganese, high
strength is obtained. Then the proportional limit is raised by cold
working. The chemical contents of these bars again may differ. A sample
composition of high strength steel bars is:
Table 17. Strength of steel wires.
Ultimate Strength,
Wires (MPa)
fYield point
at 0.2-pct set
1 1
iUltimate strength
Secant modulus
* cannot be easily measured for strands; only the wires making up the strands
are measured for ductility.
stress for a period of time. The two methods give about the same results
when the creep is not excessive, but the constant strain method is more
often employed as a basis for measurement, because of its similarity to the
actual conditions in prestressed concrete. Creep varies with steel of
different compositions and treatments; hence exact values can be determined
only by test for each individual case if previous data are not available.
humid atmosphere if such matcrials are subiect to any stress in the concrete.
Exposures in industrial atmosphere may lead to 82 S concentr -ions that can
cause brittle fracture in the hardware. Metallizing hardware with high
corrosion resistant material, by flame or arc application, is an optional
method of protecting metal hardware. These failures are generally classi-
fied as one form of hydrogen embrittlement which occurs when molecular
1: hydrogen ions are able to enter between the steel molecules. This condition
may also develop when dissimilar metals such as aluminum or zinc are used
in the vicinity of steel.
* 8. Joint Sealing
iTis section shows that, by combining the right sealant with the right
design for a particular application and then carefully installing
'n,:ie is every prospect of successfully sealing the joint and keeping
it .czlcd. this section is a guide to what can be done rather than a
recommended practice because in most instances there is more than one
choice available. Without specific knowledge of the structure, its design,
ze'Vice use, environment, and the amount to be spent, it is impossible to
prescribe a "best joint design" or a "best sealant." The information
.:ontained in this guide is, however, based on current practices and experi-
jlCc judged sound by many agencies and organizations. It should therefore
!c useful in making an enlightened choice of a suitable joint sealing
sytein and ensuring that it is then properly detailed, specified, installed,
nd maintained.
of the grout. Compressive strength and placeability may limit the amount
of sand that can be used in a grout as it must be sufficiently fluid to
penetrate and fill all of the voids and joint space, yet be of a consistency
that the suspended sand and cement do not filter out. Pozzolan is used to
improve fluid properties of the mix, and to reduce segregation of solid
particles. Usually, the proportions of cement to pozzolan are 2:1, although
ratios as low as 1:1 and up to 9:1 have been used. For structural grout,
it is usually not desirable to exceed a cement to sand ratio of 1:2 by
weight, because higher ratios produce lower strengths and excessive segrega-
tion of sand in the grout mixture. The ratio of water to cement plus
pozzolan (w/c+p), by weight, should range from 1:0.45 to 0.50.
epoxy concrete. Epoxy grouts or mortars usually consist of four to seven
parts of aggregate (by weight) to one part of binder.
The results of these changes are movements, both permanent and transient,
cf the extremities of concrete structural units. If, for any reason, con-
traction movements are excessively restrained, then cracking may occur
within the unit. The restraint of expansion movements may result in
distortion and cracking within the unit or crushing of its ends and the
transmission of unanticipated forces to abutting units. In most concrete
structures these effects are objectionable from a structural or an appearance
viewpoint. One means of minimizing these effects is to provide joints at
which movement can be accommodated without loss of integrity of the struc-
O --
freezing and thawing, wetting and drying, leaching or erosion caused by any
concentrated or excessive influx of water at joints. Foreign solid matter,
including ice, must be prevented from collecting in open joints; otherwise
the joints cannot close freely later. Should this happen, high stresses
may be generated and damage to the concrete may occur.
of the abutting concrete structural tnits that might otherwise occur due to
the transmission of compressive forces that may be developed by expansion,
rapplied loads, or differential movements arising from the configuration of
the structure or its settlement. They are frequently used to isolate walls
from floors or roofs; columns from floors or cladding; pavement slabs and
decks from bridge abutments or piers: and in other locations where restraint
or transmission of secondary forces is not desired. Many designers consider
it good practice to place such joints where walls change direction as in I.-,
T-, Y-, and U-shaped structures and where different cross sections develop.
Expansion joints in structures are often called isolation joints because
they are intended to isolate structural units that behave in different
Hinge joints are joints that permit hinge action (rotation) but at
which the separation of the abutting units is limited by tie bars or the
continuation of reinforcing steel across joints. This term has wide usage
in, but is not restricted to, pavements where longitudinal joints function
* in this manner to overcome warping effects while resisting deflections due
to wheel loads or settlement of the subgrade. In structures, hinge joints
are often referred to as articulated joints.
Sliding joints may be required where one unit of a structure must move
in a plane at right angles to the plane of another unit; e.g., in certain
py reservoirs where the walls are permitted to move independently of the floor
or roof slab. These joints are usually made with a bond-breaking material
such as a bituminous compound, paper or felt that also facilitates sliding.
In butt joints, the structural units being joined abut each other and
any movement is largely at right angles to the plane of the joint. In lap
joints, t.he units being joined override each other and any relative move-
!- 'ent is one of sliding. Butt joints, and these include most stepped
,olar; are by far the most common. Lap joints may occur in certain
Aiding joints, between precast units or panels in curtain walls, and at
the junctions of these and of cladding and glazing with their concrete or
other framing. The difference in the mode of the relative movement between
structural units at butt joints and lap joints, in part, controls the
functioning of the sealant. In many of the applications of concern pure
Itp joints do not occur, and the functioning of the lap joint is in practice
cu:rination of butt and lap joint action.
f. Sealant Materials.
0 123
No . A: - I. 'u,6 " 1I0
NJ ) , 2J10 a __ __
o o~. . 1 H ip *
ID~~~S I' E l',.'
I~~c L 0"001
IT IVI. 11.
(4) Fie Id -. Lo0c,1
dK I >. fol 1lowing types of materials,
0he as
listed in Table 210, are Li nt used as field-molded sealants.
glazing. Rubbcr ,sphaIts : e used in canal linings, tanks, and fillers for
reaction to a solid state from the liquid form in which they rii ,pl pied.
They include polysulfide, silicone, urethane, and epoxy-bated :ii:it.rials.
The properties that make them suitable as sealants for a wide range ofoft
are their resistance to weathering and ozone, flexibility and resilience ait
tboth high and low temperatures, and inertness to a wide range of chemicals,
including for some, solvents and fuels. In addition, the abrasion and
indentation resistance of urethane sealants is above average. Thermosetting,
chemically curing sealants have an expansion-compression range up to ± 25
percent, depending on the one used, at temperatures from -40 to +820
Celsius (-40 to +180 Farenheit). Silicone sealants remain flexible over
an even wider temperature range. They have a wide range of uses in buildings
and containers for both vertical and horizontal joints or in pavements.
Though initially more expensive thermosetting, chemically curing sealants
can stand greater movements than other field-molded sealants, and generally
have a much greater service life.
Table 21. Preformed materials for waterstops, gass ets, and s.ealing purposes.
(1) ButI - Conventional High resistance to water, vapour Beads, Rods. tubes, flat Waterstops. Combined crack
Rubber Cured and weathering. Low permanent sheets, tapes and purpose inducer and seal. Pressure
set and modulus of elasticity form. made shapes sensitive ,lust and water seal-
ulations possible, giving high co- ing tapes for glazing and
hesion and recovery. Tough. curtain walls
Colour - Black, can be painted.
(2) Butyl - Raw, Polymer High resistance to water, vapour Beads, tapes, gaskets, Glazing seals. lap seams in
modified with resins and and weathering. Good adhesion to grommets. metal cladding Curtain wall
plasticisers metals, glass, plastics. Moldable panels
into place but resists displacement,
tough and cohesive. Colour
Black. can be painted.
(3) Neoprene - Conventional High resistance to oil. water, Beads, rods, tubes, flat- Waterstops. Glazing seals.
Rubber cured vapour and weathering. Low sheets, tapes, purpose-made Insulation and Isolation of
permanent set. Colour - shapes. Either solid or open service lines.
basically black but other surface or closed cell sponges. Tension Compression seals.
colours can be incorporated. Compressior, Seals, Gaskets
(41 PVC High water, vapour, but only Beads, rods, tubes, flat Waterstops. Gaskets, Com-
Polyvinvichlorice moderate chemical resistance. sheets, tapes gaskets, bined crack inducer and seal
Thermoplastic, Low permanent set and modulus of purpose-maoe shapes
Extrusions or Moldings elasticity formulations possible,
giving high cohesion and recovery.
Tough. Can be softened by heating
for splicing. Colour - Pigmented
black, brown, green, etc.
(5) Polyisobutylene High water, vapour resistance. Beads, tapes. grommets. Gaskets. Glazing Seals.
Non curing High flexibility at low temperature gaskets. Curtain wall panels,
Flows under pressure, surface Acoustical partitions
pressure sensitive, high adhesion,
Sometimes used with butyl com-
pounds to control degree of cure.
Colour - Black, grey, white
(6la SBE. Sty ens High wae. resistance, NBR has Beads, rods, ilatsheets Waterstops, Gaskets for pipe
Butadiene Rubber) high oil resistance. tapes, gaskets. grommets. Insulation and Isolation of
purpose-made shapes. Service Lines
(6)b NBR (Nitrile Either solid or cellular
Butadiene Rubber) sponges.
Polyisoprene - poly.
diene - Conventional
Rubber cure
(7) Polyurethane, Foam Low recovery at low temperature., Rods flat sheets (strips) Gaskets. Compression Seals
impregnated with poly- can be installed in damp joints, open cell sponges
butylene Colour - Black, grey
(8) Natural Rubber - cured High water resistance but deter- Purpose-made shapes. Waterstops, Gasket for pipes
(vulcanized) iorates when exposed to air and
sun. Low resistance to oils and
solvents. Now largely superseded
* by synthetic materials, Colour -
(9) Metals For waterstops Flat and preshaped strips, (ab) WaterqtopS
lal Copper (a) Ductile and Flexible, but work Lead also molten or yarn Ic) Protectinn for joint edges
hb)Steel (stanless) hardens under flexing and in fier
I10 Lead fracturess. (d) Panel dividers in floor
(d) Bronze (b) RigvJ must be V or U corr topp-Ins
gatef to accommodate anY
0movement and anchored.
(c) Deforms readily but inelastic
to deformation under movement
110) Rubber Asohalts Natural rfubhpr 8, Butyl I . or Beads, rods flatsherIts As alrernative 'o hot or cnid
Neoprene 3 digested in asphalt Istrps) apoled Riblei asohalts
High viscoslty, some elasirity (7, IIHK' r Gasket in, MIG lIK). Ga et tn
Moldable into place pipes
construction stainless steels are used to overcome this. Ihy m-t 1c low
in carbon and stabilized with columbium or titanium to f cilitatc .wlId!n
and retain corrosion resistance after welding. Although annealiu i_
required for improved flexibility, the stiffness of steel waterstops may
still lead to cracking in the adjacent concrete.
Copper waterstops are used in dams and general construction. The), are
highly resistant to corrosion, but must be handled with care to avoid
damage. For this reason, and because of cost, flexible waterstops are
often used instead. Copper is also used for flashings.
occur on warming). If during the manufacturing process the neoprene is not
fully cured, the interior webs may adhere during service (often perma-
nently) when the seal is compressed.
* To date. these devices have been used exclusively on bridge decks, and
special sections have been developed to fit curb contours. They may also
have application on dam faces or other locations where sealing against
considerable pressure and movement is required.
9. Repair of Concrete.
6 . . _. .____• . . ..
whbat Caused the dm i 11i the) rdi pht 1,v '1
I) i ;i~e vv hc t lie resii I t of
pool. ties i cln t ltI It v kWo rkrim-ish 1i 11112t11,1n i Cil I b I C Jxei Ion, cix I tit ioil (r
0 ro iln t'rom bvra \I u I i c alC t 1on
0 11 OaCh i 1111 , che1i ca1Ilt atJAck, ch1eC11i CaNIl_reCt i0on
inhberent inl thte Colic :'(t2 Me \ t arc.' CXPOSii r to
a ci c i l in it cirros io o (i
011i1)L'111e ttI'ilcti 1 , 0 1' 0 t 1ie(-1 1L 1 !t 11\ e\1,)o ' IIrI* t o( i1 I fltv oi'il)l ci\i rtu11111eilt.
UI-i Si. I>-,i 1. shou k:~r
1';ii0av ollc
* 131
I the response of the pitch arid the old concrete to changes inT
te,m,0perat ire , mnoisture, Ind Iloa1 shoIolld be simHilar enough to avoid
ross di fferences in nmoxemrent•
(6) the patch should be resistant to weathering and be durable
in the environment in which it is exposed.
b. Types of Repairs.
* remove all concrete which has undergone some degree of deterioration.
Numerous quick-setting patching materials, some of which are proprietary,
are available. Information on the field performance of these materials is
given in Federal Highway Administration (1975).
Rest 'ationo St rIc tura inOt eg r ityv across a crack has beev n sIcc essfI I11ly
accompl i shed ,ising pressure and vacuum in.1ction of low-viscosity epoxies
a nd other monom, rs which pol-yme rize in Situ and rebond tihe parent concrete.
Sealing of cracks without rest)ration of structural integrity requires the
use of materials and techniques similar to those used in sealing joints.
iipoxy resin has become a common and satisfactory material for sealing
cracks. The U.S. Navy Civil Engineering Laboratory has developed the
following information on these resins. Epoxy, when mixed with a curing
agent, becomes epoxy resin, which is a thermosetting plastic that rapidly
develops adhesive strength. This synthetic organic compound is stable
chemically and physically; it is durable, crack-resistant, and undergoes
little reduction in volume (2 to 3 percent) as the result of curing.
Adhesives of this type become irreversibly set as the result of exothermic
chemical changes initiated by the chemical changes initiated by the chemical
curing agent. Epoxy resins can be formulated to have specific values of
mechanical and physical characteristics; this is accomplished by means of
'; rious hardeners, fillers, flexibilizers, and plasticizers.
Epoxy resin pressure-injected into the cracks of concrete can restore
the structure to its original strength. Cracks as narrow as 0.13 millimeter
(5 mils) and as wide as 6.35 millimeters (250 mils) can be repaired by
injecting epoxy resin. The type of resin needed depends on the width of
the crack, on whether the crack is working or stationary, and on the
particular method chosen for applying the resin.
(I) Clean tne crack with compressed air; remove any salt, oil,
or grease deposits from the adjacent concrete surface and, if
possible, from the crack itself;
(2) seal the exposed crack along its entire length; (the
sealant, which may be an epoxy resin, must be able to withstand
internal pressures of at least 862 kilopascals (125 pounds per
A ;quare i-ich ); if apnlied to either vertical or overhead cracks,
it shotuld be stiff enough so that it will not slough off or sag
btcore hardening; it should be able to bridge cracks as wide as
o.35 oillimetors" alternatively, a special thermoplastic sealant
p-cain be applied directly to the concrete surface and will
ant deface the concrete when removed later);
(7) release the pressure and then pump more adhesive through
the same nipple until the next nipple overflows, then disconnect
the hose and cap the nipple;
(8) follow the nrocedure until the entire crack is filled and
all nipples are capped; and
•I(9) cut off the protruding ends of the capped nipples flush
with the concrete surface, plugging the resultant exposed openings
with epoxy resin sealant.
(2) unanticipated service conditions have resulted in
greater joint movements than those allowed for when the joint
design and type of sealant were determined;
Where the sealant has generally failed but has not come out of the
sealing groove it can be removed by hand tools or, on larger projects such
as pavements,by routing or plowing with suitable tools. Where widening is
required to improve the shape factor, the sealant reservoir can be enlarged
by sawing.
Minor edge spalls to concrete joint faces may be repaired with an epoxy
resin mortar, an essential operation if a compression seal is being used.
Otherwise most repairs to correct defects in the original construction of
the joint involve major, exacting, and often expensive work. The reason
for the failure must be identified and, depending on the cause, continuity
must be restored in the joint system either by the removal of whatever is
blocking the free working of the joint or by cutting out the whole joint
O and rebuilding it.
Where cracks have taken over from a nonworking or absent joint, these
can be routed out and sealed with a suitable field-molded sealant to
prevent damage to the structure. The selection of a suitable sealant and
installation method follow those for the equivalent joint. An additional
* occurs where water is flowing through the crack and the upstream
face cannot be reached for sealing. Before sealing can be successfully
undertaken, the waterflow must be stopped. If the source of water cannot
be cut off by dewatering, then (depending on the circumstances) one of the
many alternatives such as cutting back the crack deeper and plugging with
a quick-setting or dry-pack mortar, or cement, chemical or eloxy resin
* may be tried. Successful execution of any of these operations
usually requires specialized knowledge, experience, and workmanship.
Few exposed sealants have a life as long as that of the structure
whose joints they are intended to seal. Fortunately, buried sealants such
as waterstops and gaskets have a long life because they are not exposed to
weathering and other deteriorating influences.
a. Batching.
the batching cycle when the scale has not returned to ± 0.3 percent of zero
balance or when preset weighing tolerances are exceeded. An individual
automatic batching system provides separate scales and batchers for each
aggregate size and for each of the other materials batched. The weighing
cycle is started by a single starter switch, and individual batchers are
charged simultaneously.
b. Mixing.
c. Transporting.
hais proper. phas t c phys icalI properties , and the concrete i s of adequate
cmis I steflev an1d homooen i tx' foi- sat isfactory placement and consl)idat ion.
hi I 1t tr .:pproach
a i S faivored spec i f i calI ly w ith rega rd t o mia xi mum all ow-
C rdischar-ge ,and i clarIN appl icable when cool concrete
e'~r~ti r-;Are uised or- when coolecr weather oreva i s . Final deterinat ion
it he1
1 %IC C xi n, is being accomplished sati sfactori lv should he based on
',t ItIlird mTiXer [in iform i t tests (ASTNI Staindard C.94-81).
i ~vo
c I i nv, 1)ri iin By this method, the inixeir serves as ain
.1I tLIt it., t r i Spoi rt at Ion uI it. [he d1ruIm i S rotaZte I't a chaI rg i ngV SI)CCd
during loading and reduced to agitating speed or stopped after loading is
complete. Elapsed time for discharge of the concrete can be the same as
for truck mixing.
The equipment and method used for placing concrete should avoid separa-
ting the coarse aggregate from the concrete. Clusters and pockets of
coarse aggregate should be scattered before placing concrete over them to
prevent rock pockets and honeycomb in the completed work.
Requests for increases in mixing water are frequently made on the job
when concrete of relatively stiff consistency will not flow down chutes,
drop out of buckets or hoppers, or discharge through gates or trunks. If
the concrete is readily workable and satisfactorily consolidated in place
with proper vibration, these requests for additional water are not valid.
* A limitation on the use of reasonable mix proportions and slump should not
be imposed because inadequate placing equipment is being used.
of low volume change is required. As preplaced aggregate concrete construc-
tion is of a specialized nature it is advisable that the work be undertaken
by qualified personnel experienced in this method of construction. The
pphysical properties of preplaced aggregate concrete are similar to those of
conventional concrete; therefore, the same allowable working stresses used
for conventional concrete structural design may be used (U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, 1954).
The concrete mix proportions for tremie placement differ from ordinary
structural mixes because of the need to have the mix flow into place
slowly by gravity without vibration or mechanical help. The mix should be
proportioned for a slump 15 to 23 centimeters (6 to 9 inches). It is
generally preferable to use a natural round gravel rather than crushed rock
because of flow requirements. The maximum size aggregate is usually 38.1
millimeters. However, a nominal size of 19.0 millimeters or 9.51 millimeters
(3/4 or 3/8 inch) can be used for complex sections and critical flow
conditions. The proportion of fine aggregate (sand) is usually in the
range of 40 to 50 percent of the total weight of aggregate. Water-reducing
retarding admixtures conforming to ASTM Standard C494 have been found to be
an aid in placement of the concrete, and the retarding effect slows the
rate of heat development and provides flatter slopes with less laitance
(Williams, 1959). Air-entraining admixtures and pozzolans are also benefi-
cial to flow characteristics. The concrete temperatures should be kept as
low as practical, usually below 21.10 Celsius to improve placement and
structural qualities. The recommended maximum water-cement ratio for
concrete deposited by tremie under water is 0.44 by weight.
t- - , . -. - , , - -c%
To establish the optimum slump for a pump mix and to maintain control
of that particular slump through the course of the job are both extremely
important factors. Experience indicates that slumps below 50 millimeters
(2 inches) are impractical for pumping, and slumps above 152 millimeters (6
inches) should be avoided. In mixtures with high slump, the aggregate will
separate from the mortar and paste and may cause blocking in the pump line.
Overly wet mixes also blee! and increase shrinkage. It is more important
to obtain a truly plastic mix through proper proportioning than to try to
overcome deficiencies by adding more mortar.
result of exposure to sulfates or acids. Natural-occurring sulfates of
sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium, which are sometimes in soil or
dissolved in ground water adjacent to concrete structures, can attack
There are two chemical reactions likely to be involved in sulfate
attack on concrete: (1) the combination of sulfate with free calcium
hydroxide liberated during the hydration of the cement to form calcium
sulfate (gypsum), and (2) the combination of gypsum and hydrated calcium
aluminate to form calcium sulfoaluminate.
,- Table 22. Effect of commonly used chemicals on concrete.
Rate of
attack at
ambient Inorganic Organic Alkaline Salt
temperature acids acids solutions solutions Miscellaneous
Ammonium Bromine (gas)
sulfate Sulfite liquor
Moderate Phosphoric Tannic Sodium Magnesium
hydroxide- sulfate
> 20 pct' Calcium
Avoid siliceous aggregates because they are attacked by strong solutions
of hydroxide.
concrete as well as its stability and resistance to the environment make
it an ideal coastal zone construction material. However, concrete being a
relatively heavy material is limited in its use where its heavy weight may
be a deterrent.
I I)77
- I
L7 -
cake Slbs - E .
G.WdEw1 3.6
E0 13
there rock armo r units in adequate quaintit ies or size are not econom-
cily availablie , conicret e armor units are used. Also, concrete sheet
pi les are sometimes used as core for jetties. Figure 30 illustrates the
4use of Quadr ipod a rmor units on the rubble-mound j etty at Santa Cruz:
CfOM A Figure 29 illustrates the use of the more recently developed
I I( armor unit where 374- and 38-ki aIonewton (42 and 43 ton dolosse were
4 151
Jupiter Island, Florida (1965)
Courtesy of Carthage Mills Inc.
Erosion Control Division
'.- .~4
used to rehabilitate the seaward end of the Humboldt Bay jetties against
* 12-meter (40 foot) breaking waves (Magoon and Shimizu, 1971).
Santo Cruz California (1963
Concfe'e Cop
EL 600
Es Ston~e
n ~~dC-
co,e r
B -Stone 5Co > 000*, ,n 4COC #
C-Stone 4000 # to 4" 50%> 500O#
~I I -c 0 tIII 1 1 di rt
T-111t1 c - I~
11 J Si () ' f
Ilce 1s (114, 19 7 7
Boie Comeau, Quebec, Canada (August 1962)
H WLOST -gl /-
El 150 L Steel g 6 ar ,f4"*o rie Fresh "'ater,
7~~~~ 4"$i eifhlsI Pipe
* 4" Holes
- o0
79 -0-'0" 2i
El-300 ~~~ii 2 i
26 ! 9 33" - '"- - "
F iguire S1. Per f eri t ed ci i s son 1)rea kwa t er (U. S. Arimy, Co rps o f
Fn g i fl c rs , C1:RC ,I1T7'
The unit weight of concrete containing normal aggregates will range
from 22.0 to 24.3 kilonewtons per cubic meter (140 to 155 pounds per cubic
foot) but can be increased with the use of heavy aggregate to 28.3 (180
pounds per cubic foot) usually at some additional cost. The technique of
placement and the size of the armor unit will determine if reinforcing is
required in dolos or tribar units. Heavy units, exceeding about 178 kilo-
newtons (20 tons) will require reinforcing if placed from a landside unit.
Placing armor units from floating equipment where the wave action may cause
bumping of the units t.ay require reinforcing in armor units as light as 89
kilonewtons (10 tons).
Table 23 lists the concrete armor units in use today and shows
where and when the unit was developed. Table 24 lists projects using
tetrapods, tribars, quadripods, and dolosse in the United States. Com-
monly used types of units are illustrated in Figure 32.
Table 23. Typical concrete armor units in use today.
I Country Year
Plan Bottom Plan Bottom
Elevati ~n
L(DOLOSSE, plural) TIA
E levat ion
i1~ 1'
• ,U.
I -L.
A , - LC
44 \~
~ t
~ ,t4rt~ ,
2,Vt>i <
4,1 ~N1 11
~ ~ ~ ' 4*#
t 4 I~ 1 fl','
'0>4 1~
&~9 - -: 14~~~
XA r -
* C.
I,,~" Zr
- ' ~'
* 1-el'
0 GA
These piles may vary in cross section from 0.15-meter (6 inch) diameter
round piles to 0.76-meter (30 inch) solid square or octagonal piles and
1.2 mete (4 foot) round hollow piles. Hollow piles usually have a 0.15- to
(.30 meter wall. The restrictions on concrete pile size are determined by
the equipment reqiliired to manufacture them, e.g. the pile
I bed, forms and,
if required, pre: tressing equipment as well as the pile handling equipment
such as cranes, barges and piledriver.
S .
1. Bituminous Concrete.
- ----
most important function is as a waterproof barrier holding water
or other liquid inside the structure.
(13) Porous Asphalt Mixes. Asphalt mixes that permit the free
flow of water through the mix. Porous asphalt mixes are divided
into two general classifications: permeable asphalt mixes and
open-graded asphalt mixes (see below).
(14) Permeable Asphalt Mixes. Asphalt mixes having medium
voids after installation, designed to permit the free passage of
water through the lining to and from the supporting layer or
(16) Prefabricated Asphalt Panels. A layer of a very dense
mixture of asphalt and filler sandwiched between two layers of some
tough, asphalt-impregnated material and usually coated with water-
proofing asphalt."
For- many years asphalt cement has been graded on the basis of the pene-
tration test, an empirical measures of consistency. Recently, however, the
penetration grading of asphalt cements has been replaced by the more funda-
mental viscosity grading. Two systems of viscosity grading are currently
10 used. The AC system is based on the viscosity of the original asphalt
cement. The *R system, used mostly on the Pacific coast of the United
State-s, is based on the viscosity of the residue of the asphalt cement after
it has been subjected to hardening conditions approximating those occurring
in normal hot-mix plant operations.
• The relationships between the var] ijs grading systems are shown in
Figure 38.
c. Asphalt Mixes.
(I) ').1iecti,'es
C oMix
at \sphallt lesign. The design o" asphalit
* mixes, as with other oncinceriun materials designs, is larielv ;i matter of
seoect i n, and proportioning materials to obta in the desired properties in
the finished construction. The overall objective for the design of asphalt
mixes is to determine an economical blend and iradation of aggregates
0 V
CO4 '0
Q) 0&"0
4J 0o
0 - 41
U .,-I co
u4- J
r- 4J -
"a ..- q m~ V
-4 0 W)
0 0 ~ 0m " (
*0 0 0 c 00)
4. r--
0 00 ) >~
0 0$ - -
4, 0 c
0, 0
0L 40
"within the limits of the project specifications) and asphalt that yields a
mix having:
Where the initial trial mixes fail to meet the design criteria it will
be necessary to modify or, in some cases, redesign the mix. Adjustments in
the grading of the original aggregate blend will be required to correct the
p l10ood/l ) .
where p is the total percentage passing given sieve, d the size of sieve
opening, and D the largest size (sieve opening) in gradation. Mixtures
* described !y such curves tend to he workable and readily compacted.
*z CL'
* 0
n 4J
0U V
5z E
However, their void contents may be too low. Usually, deviations 'rom,
these curves will result in lower densities and higher VMA. The extcnt (O
change in density and VMA depends on the amount of adjustment in fine oiv
, coarse aggregate. Figure 39 illustrates a series of Fuller maxiritm densl v
curves plotted on a conventional semilog grading chart.
9C_ -- 90Z
4; T I
- r4+ -r-
'-- , -- - -
. . . . S-I - - - -- . . ..
Figure 40. Maximum density curves on Federal 40ihwy
XA Administration 0.45 power gradation chart
(Federal Highway Administration, 1975).
The following is a general guide for ad usting the tria i ntx, . 4,
suggestions outlined may not necessarily apply in all cases.
If the asphalt content is higher than normal and the excess is not
requilied to replace that absorbed by the aggregate, the asphalt coLntrt naiy
be lowered to increase the voids. It must be remembered, however, that
lowering the asphalt content increases the void content and reduces the
film thickness, which decreases the durability of the pavement. Too great
a reduction in film thickness also may lead to brittleness, accelerated
oxidation, and increased permeability. If the above adjustments do net
produce a stable mix, the aggregate may have to be changed. It usually is
possible to improve the stability and increase the aggregate void content
of the mix by increasing the amount of crushed materials. With some
aggregates, however, the freshly fractured faces are as smooth as the
waterworn faces and an appreciable increase in stability is not possibc.
'his is generally true of quartz or similar rock types.
(b) Voids Low, Stability Satisfactory. Low void content may
rcsilt in instability or flushing after the mix has been exposed to design
loads tor a period of time because of reorientation of particles and addi-
tinrnil compaction. It also may result in insufficient void space for the
Amount of asphalt required for high durability, even though stability is
satinitarv. Degradation of the aggregate under the action of use may also
lead to instability and flushing if the void content of the mix is not suf-
ticient. For these reasons, mixes low in voids should be adjusted by one of
the methods given above, even though the stability appears satisfactory.
(3) Aggregate Gradations and Fractions. For the purpose of speci-
fications and test reporting it is almost universal practice to specify the
gradation of aggregates on the basis of the total aggregate gradation,
-i.e., total percent by weight passing the designated sieve sizes. The
individual fractions of the total aggregate gradation, however, are desig-
nated as follows:
No. 200).
S. •
These materials can be used in various forms to waterproof, protect, or rein-
force a structure. Table 25 shows how each type of asphalt material may be
used to perform these various functions.
(2) Impermeable Asphalt Concrete Linings. Impermeable asphalt
mixes are similar to asphalt mixes for highway paving except that, since a
low void content mix is required to ensure impermeability, they usually
have higher mineral filler and asphalt-cement contents. Also a harder, or
more viscous, grade of asphalt cement normally is used. Mixes are prepa red
in an asphalt mixing plant and placed with conventional, or as shown in
Figure 41, special paving equipment. Compaction during paving is necessary
to produce the required impermeability.
Revetmuent s cons tructed Q ith impermeable asphalt mixes are used for hank
protection oil streams, rTesrvoirs, 1akes, aid shorelIi nes. Waterproofing
4 J4 0-
4-04JO 041
4-j44 0
0 caJO .000
Ui 09. 0)0.
(a 0 ,4
P4 0
00 :0
*0 4-3 3 C
o4 1 4 I.H
.. 00 0
) -4C
0 0 0 0
44l b r1400 0
'U W4 C: )
C) 00 9: .0014 00 0 ocn
cc 0-41- 44U: 4C 0 V ,-4 kC
44. a 800 '-4~ 0 4.4.04
11 9. 0o :3
41 4
a) &j6 4 - 4A
-4 V -4 1- r- C3)-
Xa- 0 x0 0 A- U
w. 0. C. 1 0)
C0 0l to m
0.4 04.-444
There are two types of porous asphalt linings: permeable and open-
graded. Permeable hot-mix asphalt linings serve as a cover over an earth
embankment to protect it from erosion by wave action or surface runoff.
Open-graded asphalt linings, with higher void content than the permeable
•. lining, serve as drainage layers under an impermeable lining while at the
same time contributing to the structural strength of the lining. In either
case, the purpose is to provide free drainage to prevent hydrostatic
pressures from building up in the embankment or within the lining itself.
Asphalt, as a surface lining, allows water to flow to and from the embankment
through the lining. As a drainage layer, asphalt collects the subsurface
kater, channel ing it co drains for removal.
20 -30cm (8 -12 in.) ASPHALT CONCRETE--,
For reinforcing, asphalt mastics are used as grouts to fill and plug
the voids in stone structures such as jetties and revetments (Figs. 44 and
45). The binding action of the mastic tends to make one firm mass, yet
mastics are flexible enough to conform to some differential settlement in
the structure. Asphalt mastics are also used as joint fillers to bind stone
blocks together on coastal structures, particularly in European construc-
2.4 rm(8 ft)
5.4 to 9.1 t (6 TO 10
M. L. W. /T*ONS' *
34 kg to1.8 t
'0 (75 LB. TO
A"- ; ~' 1 5-
A F / ~'
-c 4
~I U-. -1
6 I
1 /
6 I
'~' I
loose material Its temperature should preferable exceed 38 Celsius ( 1000
Fahrenheit). A sloped surface usual ly necessitates hand spraying. This
should be done in a back-and-forth sweeping motion to build up the film and
* to keep the asphalt from flowing down the slope.
Asphalt painels Ire usual ly about 13 millimeters (1/2 inch) thick, but
they are available as thin as 3 millimeters (1/8 inch) thick. They are
usually 1.0 to 1.' meters (3 or 4 feet) wide and 3 to 6 meters (10 to 20
feet) long for handling and placing.
* 181
The most extensive use of prefabricated asphalt panels has been in
lining and waterproofing all types of water storage reservoirs, including
domestic water reservoirs, sewage lagoons, industrial waste-treatment
reservoirs, evaporation ponds, and reflecting pools. They are also used
for lining canals and ditches, and for bank protection. Prefabricated
asphalt panels have been used underneath riprap or rock reveted embankments
to prevent leaching of sand and earth through the rock revetment usually
r. caused by action of waves and tides. The development of geotechnical
fabrics has largely replaced the use of asphalt panels in recent years.
Asphalt panels have the advantage of providing a relatively thin watertight
barrier that can be used as a surface lining. In addition, they do not
require heavy machinery to install. They are useful for relining reservoirs
where the concrete lining has cracked badly and where leaking has been
excessive. Prefabricated asphalt panel linings are also used as an element
of composite lining structures, most frequently serving as the watertight
surface of a built-up lining.
(6) Miscellaneous.
Sand asphalt has been used alone for linings, as base courses for other
linings, for revetments, and for groins, although not in the coastal zone.
rThe largest use of sand asphalt for hydraulics purposes in the United
States probably has been for bank paving along the Mississippi River by the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Netherlands has made extensive use of
sand asphalt in the construction of seawall revetments. Typically, the base
thicknesses range up to 0.20 meter (8 inches) and are usually capped with
a layer of asphalt concrete.
(c) Asphalt Injection. Asphalt injection is the subsurface
application of asphalt pumped under pressure through pipes. The method is
used to reduce leakage of a hydraulic structure through underground crack ,
fissures, and cavities. Injection of asphalt into the subsurface has been
done to prevent leaching of soils through rock reveted embankments at
commercially developed sites to prevent surface subsidence behind the
The hot, fluid asphalt is usually pumped through hPated perforated pipes
dropped into drilled holes at the leakage strata levels. Once in the
4leakage channel, the asphalt spreads out and hardens into a tight plug or
water stop. With sufficient pumping pressure, the asphalt will do this even
in fissures filled with water. These asphalt plugs can adapt to slight
movements in the formation and changes in water pressure.
(d) Asphalt >Iattresses. Asphalt mattresses are precast sections
or blankets of asphalt mastic reinforced with wire mesh and steel cables or
fiber netting and lines. Generally they vary in thickness from 25 to 50
millimeters (1 to 2 inches). Their length and width are limited only by the
size of the molding platform and the cababilities of the equipment used to
manipulate and place them.
The reinforced asphalt mattress was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers in 1932-34 for use on underwater revetments on the banks of the
lower Mississippi River. Continuous asphalt mattresses were cast on a
special barge pulled into the water. Mattresses have since been adapted for
use in European hydraulic structures and in Japan. Their principal function
is to protect the surface on which they rest from erosion or scour by waves
and currents. They are often used at the toe of a revetment or lining.
After a short period, the edge of the mattress settles into the scour zone,
thus stabilizing the erosive process. Asphalt mattresses are also used as
linings and as protective blankets for hydraulic structures.
Preplaced aggregate (PA) concrete derives its name from the uniaue
placement method by which it is made. Intrusion and grouted concretes are
other common names used for this type of concrete. In this method of
construction, forms are first filled with clean, well-graded coarse aggre-
gate. Structural quality grout is then injected into the voids of the
>0 aggregate mass to produce concrete.
Preplaced aggregate concrete differs from conventional concrete in that
it contains a higher percentage of coarse aggregate in the finished prod(uct.
Because of point-to-point contact of the coarse aggregate, as placed,
drying shrinkage is about one-half the magnitude of that which normally
occurs in conventirnal concrete {U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station (WES), ,j,, Shideler and Litvin, 19641.
The economics of its use are a function of site conditions and job
requirements. Structural forms for the concrete are usually more expensive
than that required for conventionally placed concrete because greater care
re is needed to prevent grout leaks and placements usually require additional
lateral support. However, in underwater construction, higher placing rates
have been achieved by this method than by conventional placing methods.
(1) Cement. Grout can be made with any one of the types of cement
that complies with ASTM, Standard CISO, Corps of Engineers specification
* CRD-C 201, which would be suitable for use in conventional concrete and
produce the required conditions for preplaced aggregate concrete. The type
of cement should be selected in accordance with controlling factors, job
conditions, and service exposures which would influence the same selection
for conventional concrete.
except as to grading. Importantly, the coarse aggregate should not be
susceptible to excessive breakage and attrition during handling and placinl
in the forms. The void content of the coarse aggregate after placement in
the form will customarily range between 38 to 48 percent. For economy, it
is desirable to keep the void content as low as possible to minimize the
required volume of the intruded grout. A low void content not only results
in a saving in cementing materials, but, concomitantly, less volume change.
The maximum size aggregate depends on availability, type of construction
involved, and usual limitations established for thickness of section and
spacing of reinforcement bars (King, 1959). The minimum recommended size is
dependent, essentially, on sand grading. Typical aggregate gradations are
shown in Table 26. When grout is prepared with sand graded for use in
conventional concrete, minimum coarse aggregate size should be 38 millimeters
(1.5 inches). When a mason or plaster sand grading is used, minimum coarse
aggregate size may be reduced to as low as 13 millimeters (0.5 inches). No
limit is placed on maximum size of the coarse aggregate.
100 97 67 31 10 0 1.95
100 98 72 34 11 0 1.85
100 96 56 36 20 0 1.92
Typical coarse aggregate grading
Cumulative percentage passing given sieve
4 1-3/4 1-1/2
6 in. in. 3 in. in. in. 7/8 in. 3/4 in. 5/8 in, in.
* (150 (114 (75 (45 (38.1 (22.4 (19.0 (16.0 (12.5
mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm)
100 97 45 9 2 1
100 62 4 2 1
100 78 40 10 2 1
1 67 40 6 2 1
cements. However, this grading is uneconomical for most work. ,ar,
aggregates as large as the largest stones capah!e of being iar'i< b)
have been used with good results.
sufficiently fluid so that it will penetrate and fill all the void:, in UL
aggregate mass, yet be of such consistency that the suspended sand "lid
cumenting materials do not settle out. For normal structural work, thic
ratio of cementitious materials (cement plus pozzolan) to sand sh, !id h!
approximately 1:1. Usually, the proportions of cement to :ir ):I,
although ratios as low as 1:1 and up to 9:1 have been used on various Jol .
Occasionally, the pozzolan may be omitted entirely. For a structival , ro,t
it is usually not desirable to exceed a cement to sand ratio of 1:2 by weight
because higher ratios produce lower strengths and excessive segregation oIf
sand in the grout mixture may occur. Mix proportions may be determined by
Corps of Engineers Specifications CRD C615.
e. l1acement.
* 187
moist at the time of grout injection. Dry aggregate will absorb water fr ,
the grout which thickens the grout within the aggregate mass and rnry resilt
in ungrouted or honeycombed areas. If more than one size of coarse aggregate
is used, the aggregate should be weighed, batched, and mixed in the prorfer
proportions, or discharged at proportional rates onto the wash screen. he
wash screen may be either a vibrating deck or revolving type. The latter
is effective as a blender, as well as a washer.
or by grouting in properly sized increments or lifts and allowing atleqUatu
setting time between them. Tests for the setting time of grout are descrilted
in Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C614.
4. Soil Cement.
density. As the cement hydrates, the mixture becomes hard ,ind i!,-].
the stability of the soil.
The term "soil" includes native soils, gravels, sands, crusi.,c] it- jli;,
and miscellaneous materials such as cinders, slaig, cali-'hc, and chr.
b. Types of Soil Cement. There are three general types of _soil c nc;,it
mixtures depending on the quantity of cement and water added to tii-. soil.
(1) Sandy and Gravelly Soils. Sandy and gravelly soils WIth about
10 to 35 percent silt and clay have the most favorable characteristics ,n.i
generally require the least amount of cement for hardening if the.y cont:in
55 percent or more passing No. 4 sieve. These soils are readily oinlxcri Ze,
easily mixed, and can be built under a wide range of weather cond cions.
(3) Silty and Clayey Soils. These soils make satisfactoiv , iI-
cement, but those containing high clay contents are harder to pul( cci _c.
(;enerally, the more clayey the soil the higher the cement c0,ntent ',ftired
to harden it gradually.
~~~~A-Ai -8i6
.- 0 • O
O • O
a N m . I - - m.
I i
Excessivly wet soil is difficult to mix and pulverize. lxfp'rienri 1,,-
shown that cement can be mixed with sandy soils when the moisture contcuj!
is as high as 2 percent above optimum. For clayev soils the mo>;ttlrc
-1 content should be below optimum for efficient mixing.
1) impregnat ing materials with sulfur, and
It has been known for many years that mixing molten sulfur with sand or
rtegregate produces a sulfur concrete with excellent strength. However, the
durabi lity simple sulfur concretes of this type has not been impressive,
Uparticularly under conditions of high humidity and wide temperature fluctua-
tion. Research has centered -i developing additives to sulfur to improve
the durability. Work carried out by the U.S. Bureau of Mines at Boulder
City, \evada, and by Sulfur Innovations, Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, has
resulted in sulfur concretes with greatly improved properties.
r h_. hot asphalt and -sulfur are mixed, some of the sulfur, about 20
i~cr1ent wv iei'Tt of the asphalt, will dissolve in the asphalt. The
rCen ud t Of the sUifur formo. a dispersion of sulfur in asphalt. Both the
*-..,*,o) ,rid th_. di s tr-td -mUlt'tfr modify the properties of the asphalt.
l'a(,,,t" th. ,tissOlved s;ulfur reacts chemically with the asphalt to form
P,'1 , lti.C', i.Iiyh m:ak' the asphalt softer and more ductile. (At higher
* 193
The use of mixed modifier rather than straight DCPD results in improved
durability and corrosion resistance. It is also easier to prepare the
modified sulfur using the mixed modifier. The reaction of DCPD with sulfur
is exothermic, and care must be exercized when adding straight DCPD to
molten sulfur to prevent overheating. With mixed modifiers, the reaction
is easier to control.
* 195
and freeze-thw resistance, whereas quartz aggregates give higher corrosion
resistance. [he salts in chloride and sulfate-containing aggregates have
(no effect on bonding, but some aggregates ire unacceptable for SC because
they react chemically with the binder. Aggregates containing swelling
clays are also undesirable.
6. Environmental Considerations.
(5) Sulfur Cement and Grout. Sulfur cement and grout are not
generally affected by pollutants in the coastal or marine environment and
they can tolerate chloride and sulfate-containing aggregates. They are
highly resistant to the corrosive effects of saltwater (The Sulphur
Institute, 1979).
(5) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout does not appear to be affected by sunlight; however, being a relatively
recent material development, experience is limited.
* 197
can be used in porous structures; however, the asphalt does not deteriorate
in the presence of water unless accompanied by petroleum solvents.
(2) treplaced Agregate Concrete. This concrete is not normally
penetrated by water, but seawater with a high sulfate and chloride content
may be moderately aggressive as on Portland cement concrete.
(3) Portland Cement Grout. Portland cement grout will undergo the
same environmental effect as preplaced aggregate concrete.
14) Soil Cement. Soil cement will not be affected by water penetra-
(5) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout will not be affected by water penetration.
(4) Soil Cement. Soil cement should not be used in a wave and
current environment as it is brittle and subject to damage by wave impact.
(5) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout exhibits no direct effect due to waves and currents. Wear by abrasion
and cavitation can result from severe wave action.
6 198
cement, it S >es
I ,-c ' r. turther enhanced with ddi t ion of ai' e nt 1%
in admixtures.
(4) Soil Cement. Soil cement is seldom exposed to severe tempera-
tures and ice as these conJ itions require an increase in cement content
resulting in a substaitial increase in cost and may eliminate the considera-
tion of soil cement as a cn>.-truction element in this environment. For
severe exp'osures it i 5 impoltant to note that an excess of cement is not
harmful but that a det'iciency of cement will result in inferior soil-cement
resulting in cracking and spalling.
i5' Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout because of the low melting temperature of sulfur (130 Celsius) will
deteriorate at elevatod temperatureS. Low temperatures have little effect
on this material.
t51 Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grot has not shown any deterioration from marine organisms; however, due to
the limited experience with this material, long-range performance experience
is not available.
(5) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout is unaffected by periodic wetting and drying.
(4) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout is also hard and resistant to activities of burrowing animals. The
sulfur content is also a deterrent.
k. Fire.
1. Abrasion.
(4) Sulfur Cement Concrete and Grout. Sulfur cement concrete and
grout have a relatively high resistance to abrasion. It is believed that
admixtures can enhance these properties. Because of the short field exper-
ience of this relatively new material, research and testing is still under-
way to develop admixtures that can improve abrasion resistance properties
of this material.
m. Seismic Effect.
S 201
(5) Sulfur Cement and Grout. Sulfur cement and grout are resistant
to many environmental attacks in the coastal zone and may become economical
to use due to an increasing abundance. Because of limited general use and
history, sulfur cement and sulfur asphalt must be considered unproven
materials. However, the property of reaching full strength on cooling
could be especially useful in making repairs to structures and embankments
where the cost of delay is high. In busy cargo terminals, on heavily used
roads or in coastal structures subject to imminent assault by storms, quick
repairs to structures not immersed in water could be made. No practical
-* techniques for placing sulfur concrete under water have been developed to
date. (Fast cooling is the problem.)
b. Offshore Structures.
(1) Bituminous Concrete. Bituminous concrete is used for reinforce-
ment or grout to fill and plug the voids in stone or rubble-mound breakwaters.
The binding action of the mastic tends to produce a large firm mass while
being flexible enough to conform to some differential settlement of the
structure (Fig. 44.)
(2) Preplaced Concrete. An impermeable breakwater could be made
by placing uniformly graded stones in layers along the contours of a rubble-
mound breakwater. Each layer would be bound together with tremie-placed
Portland cement concrete grout. The resulting mass concrete structure
would be accomplished by the preplaced concrete method except that no forms
would be used.
c. Shore-Connected Structures.
(2) Seawalls.
(a) Bituminous Concrete. In addition to the types of uses
described for offshore structures, bituminous concrete products and sealers
may be required to make impermeable membranes, where required.
(3) Revetments.
(c) Soil Cement. Soil cement techniques may be used where the
slope is composed of the right type of soil and the exposure is not subject
to severe wave action. It has the advantage of not requiring aggregate
materials to be hauled to the site.
(4) Piers and Wharves.
(a) Bituminous Concrete. Bituminous concrete wearing surfaces
are sometimes used to provide an economical surface to be sacrificed to the
wear of ordinary use. Replacement or refurbishment is easily and cheaply
* done and the underlying structure remains undisturbed.
* 203
(1) Metallurgy.
(2) Processing.
2 4
I 2.:5 3,)
* 205
varies widely throughout rimmed steel ingots. The area near the surface is
much lower in carhon, sulfur and phosphorus than the remainder of the ingot.
This low carbon skin persists to the finished mill product which contributes
PT to the superior deep drawing properties of rimmed steel.
is usually performed on steels requiring additional heat treatment for
hardening, on hot formed pressure vessel heads, and when specified by the
applicable material specification.
Low carbon steels are often stress relieved by heating between 5930
Celsius (1100 Fahrenheit) and the austenite transformation temperature to
remove resudial stresses resulting from prior forming or welding operations.
Stress relieving restores ductility and toughness. It may also improve
Sfatigue life. Welds areas are often postweld heat treated locally, i.e.,
stress relieved, using proprietary portable heating equipment.
b. Aluminum.
* 207
Certain alloying elements, such as copper, magnesium, zinc, and silicon,
show increasing solid solubility in aluminum with increasing temperatures.
Many aluminum alloys containing these elements can be heat treated to enhance
the initial strength. These alloys are heat treated by first raising the
alloy to an elevated temperature below the melting point, called the solu-
tioning temperature, which puts the soluble element or elements into solid
solution. This is followed by quickly cooling the material, usually by
quenching in water, to retain the elements in solid solution at room tempera-
ture. At this stage the freshly quenched alloy structure is very workable.
By storing such material at below-freezing temperatures, this workable alloy
structure can be retained until the fabrication is ready to form the alloy
into the desired final shape. Such alloys after quenching are not stable at
room or elevated temperatures because precipitation of the constituents from
the supersaturated solution takes place. After a period of several days at
room temperature or hours at an elevated temperature, the alloy is consider-
ably stronger. This process is called age hardening or precipitation harden-
ing. The degree of hardening or temper produced by heat treatment is denoted
by a "T" followed by a number.
Copper is the major alloying element of the 2000 series. These alloys
are solution heat treated to obtain optimum properties. Some alloys of this
series are aged at slightly elevated temperatures, a process called artifi-
cial aging, to obtain increased yield strength. The corrosion resistance of
the alloys in the 2000 series is less than most of the other aluminum alloys.
Sheet forms of these alloys are often clad with high purity alloy or a
magnesium-silicon alloy of the 6000 series which provides galvanic protection
to the core material and therefore increases resistance to corrosion.
Manganese is the principal alloying element of the 3000 series alloys.
Alloys of this group generally cannot be heat treated, but can be hardened
by cold working.
The 5000 series of alloys contains magnesium. Although these alloys are
nonheat-treatable, the addition of magnesium produces alloys having moderate
to high strength, good welding characteristics, and good corrosion resistance
to marine atmospheres. These alloys are subject to stress corrosion cracking
if employed in the cold-worked condition in services where the temperature
exceeds about 650 Celsius (1500 Fahrenheit).
The 6000 series of aluminum alloys contains both silicon and magnesium
in approximate equal proportions which combine during melting to form
magnesium silicide. Alloys of this series are heat-treatable, and possess
good formability and corrosion resistance with medium strength. One of the
most versatile heat-treatable alloys is the major alloy of this series,
Zinc is the major alloying element of the 7000 series, and when coupled
with a smaller percentage of magnesium results in heat-treatable alloys of
verl high strength. Small amounts of other elements such as chromium and
copper also may be added. Alloys in this series are used in air-frame
structures and for high-stressed parts. Among the high strength aluminum
alloys, 7075 can be heat treated to 565 megapascals (82 000 pounds per
square inch) tensile strength, and 496 megapascals (72 000 pounds per square
* inch) yield strength.
* 209
The U.S. copper industry through the Copper Development Association used
to designate alloys by a three-digit identification system. This recently
has been expanded to five digits, following a prefix letter C, and made part
of the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys (UNS) developed and
managed jointly by ASTM and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). In
the UNS system, numbers C10000 through C79999 denote wrought alloys. Cast
alloys are numbered from C80000 through C99990. Within these two catagories,
the alloy compositions are grouped into families of coppers and copper alloys
as presented in Table 27.
Copper and copper alloys have useful corrosion resistance for marine
application. Most corrosion resistant to seawater are aluminum brass,
classified as a miscellaneous copper-zinc alloy; inhibited admiralty, a tin
brass containing elements which inhibit the loss of zinc; and the copper-
nickel alloys. These alloys form films of corrosion products that provide
protection even in flowing seawater. The limiting velocity where these
4 films are lost depends on the alloy. Copper and copper alloys are attacked
by ammonium hydroxide due to the formation of a soluable component. Copper
alloys containing more than 15 percent zinc are susceptible to stress
corrosion cracking due to ammonium ion, and also dezincification, i.e., the
loss of zinc due to selective corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking occurs
at areas of high stress that can become more anodic than the surrounding
metal. Corrosion occurs at the interfaces of the metal crystals that are
perpendicular to the stress, weakening the bonding between crystals until
cracking occurs. Dezincification occurs in waters having a high oxygen and
carbon dioxide content.
* 211
" held a sufficient time for solutioning to occur, then cooled rapidly to
produce a metastable, ordered, close-packed-hexagonal beta phase structure,
p!m much like the transformation structure that is formed during the quenching
of high carbon steel from a temperature above the austenitizing temperature.
This structure is very hard but too brittle for most engineering purposes
and must be tempered by heating to an intermediate temperature, typically
S95 to 650 ° Celsius, and holding for a sufficient time to reprecipitate
fine acicular alpha phase particles in the tempered beta phase structure.
Tempering stabilizes the structure and restores ductility and toughness.
Aluminum .lloys
Carbon steel
Cast iron
Austenitic nickel cast iron
Copper - nickel alloys
Ferritic and mortensitic stainless steel (passive)
*e Nickel copper alloys, 400, K-500
Austenitic stainless steels (Passive)
Alloy 20
Ni - Cr - Mo alloy C
* Platinum
If two dissimilar metals must be joined, several steps may be taken to
mIi- mize galvanic corrosion:
* 212
(3) insulate the two metals from each other, making sure contact
is not restored in service by grounding or corrosion products bridging
the insulator;
a. Rivets and Bolts. Riveting, at one time, was the primary means of
joining metals together. Today the importance of riveting in construction
has lessened because of the developments of welding and high strength bolting.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code no longer lists riveting as an acceptable method for pressure
vessel fabrication, although repairs can be made to riveted vessels in
accordance with the code requirements that were used for the vessel con-
struction. Riveted joints have one important advantage over bolted joints.
Properly set, rivets do not loosen. In spite of its lack of favor in con-
struction, riveting is an important joining method in manufacturing.
Rivets are made from bar stock by hot or cold forming the head. Round
button heads are most common but flattened and countersunk types are also
produced. For structural steel fabrication, steel rivets should be specified
to ASTM Standard Standard A502, Steel Structural Rivets. This standard lists
three grades, all of which are intended to be hot driven. Grade I is a
carbon steel rivet for general purpose, usually used for joining steel
conforming to ASTM Standard A36. Grade 2 is a carbon-maganese steel rivet
used for joining high strength carbon and high strength low alloy structural
steels. Grade 3 is about the same strength as grade 2 rivet steel, but
because copper and chromium are required in the steel composition, grade 3
rivets have enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance approximately four
times that of carbon steel without copper. Grade 3 rivets correspond to
steels conforming to ASTI Standard 588, High Strength Low-alloy Structural
Steel with 340 megapascals (50 000 pounds per square inch) Minimum Yield
Point to 10.2 centimeters (4 inches) Thick. Steel rivets are also listed in
ASTM Standard A31, Boiler Rivet Steel and Rivets, for repair of riveted
boilers and pressure vessels, and in ASTM A131, Structural Steel for Ships.
Rivets meeting the requirements of ASTM A31 or ASTM A131 are not suitable for
structural construction unless these rivets have also met requirements of
0 ASTM A502. One important difference in the requirements between these
standards is that ASTM AS02 requires hardness tests, whereas the other
standards specify tensile tests on the rivet steel.
Temporary bolts are often inserted in a few holes as an alinement aid and
to help draw the structural steel members together. Steel rivets are
usually driven hot by heating to 9820 Celsius (1 8000 Fahrenheit). During
driving a second head is formed and the rivet shank may be expanded to fill
the hole. As the rivet cools, it shrinks and squeezes the connected pieces
together. The magnitude of this clamping force depends on the driving and
finishing temperature of the riveting operation, the overall grip length,
and the driving pressure. Because these are variables that are difficult to
control, no credit may be claimed for clamping force in design calculations.
Bolts are made from bar stock. High strength steel bolts are made by
open-hearth, basic oxygen, or electric furnace process. They are fine-
grained and must meet ASTM Standard A588-75. The atmospheric corrosion
resistance of this steel is approximately two times that of carbon structural
steel with copper. High strength bolts are made using various types of
quenching and tempering processes and are used in structural connections
where high stress and corrosion resistance are required.
Oxyacetylene is suitable for welding carbon and alloy steel, cast iron,
copper, nickel, aluminum and zinc alloys. Lower melting temperature alloys,
such as aluminum, magnesium, zinc, lead and some precious metals, can he gais
welded using hydrogen, methane, or propane fuel gases. Gas welding is not
* 215
type E6013 for all positions except where the section size is too thin for
this size electrode. Other electrodes, such as waterproofed iron powder
electrodes, may he satisfactory. qualification testing should be performed.
Electrodes for underwater welding are designed for straight polarity, i.e.,
the electrode is negative. If reverse polarity is used underwater, the
electrode holder is consumed due to electrolitic action. It is important
that the electrode holder be insulated and be designed to permit easy
changing of electrodes by the diver.
Underwater work including welding has been accomplished dry in air using
a caisson open to the surface. Such a structure must be strongly constructed
to stand the pressure of the water, approximately 9.8 kilopascals per meter
of depth (62.4 pounds per square foot per foot of depth), depending on salt
content and temperature. A caisson has been used to repair a tear 13.7
meters (45 feet) below the surface, in the stainless steel liner of a water-
filled storage pool. Habitats have been used to make underwater modifica-
tions to a drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Habitats can be con-
structed to surround the areas to be welded and filled with air so that
preheating of the weld areas is possible. Welds produced under these
conditions will basically have the same strength and ductility as welds
produced under the same condition topside. Habitats used in welding are
usually open at the bottom. Because of buoyancy, the habitat must be
securely attached and weighted. A constant flow of air through the habitat
is necessary to remove the fumes produced by welding, but electrolysis and
hydrogen formation is avoided because water is kept away from the arc.
d. Underwater Cutting. Underwater cutting is used in salvage work and
wherever cutting below the waterline is required on steel structures such as
docks, piers, drilling platforms, and ships. The two most widely used
methods are flame cutting and oxygen arc cutting.
The technique used for underwater flame cutting is not too different
from flame cutting steel in air. In each method, a fuel gas in a torch is
mixed with oxygen and burned to produce a flame that preheats the steel, and
a cutting jet is provided to supply oxygen to cut the steel. The underwater
cutting torch, however, contains one important difference in construction.
The underwater torch supplies its own ambient gas atmosphere, an air bubble
around the flame, by means of compressed air that is ejected through a
special nozzle surrounding the tip. An adjustable shield on the top of the
torch is also usually supplied to help control the formation of the air
bubble and to allow the torch to be held at the optimum distance from the
work, even under conditions of poor visibility and constraint due to the
cumbersome diving suits that must be worn. Slots are cut in the shield to
allow gases to escape. The underwater torch is furnished with three hoses,
for compressed air, oxygen, and fuel gas.
It is important that the air hose never be used for oxygen. Compressed
air may contain some oil which can coat the hose causing an explosion when
oxygen is introduced. Fuel gases are usually hydrogen or natural gas
because these gases can be used at any depth without liquifying. Acetylene
is almost never used in underwater cutting because at pressures more than
207 kilopascals (30 pounds per square inch) acetylene becomes unstable and
may decompose violently even if no oxygen is present.
Electrodes for underwater oxygen arc cutting are either tubular carbor-
undum or steel. Steel electrodes are available in 4.75- and 7.93-millimeter
(3/16 and 5/16 inch) diameters with a 1.6-millimeter-diameter (1/16 inch)
bore. These electrodes are provided with a waterproof coating, which serves
as an insulator during cutting.
3. Environmental Considerations.
a. Exposure to Air.
* 218
rapidly applied, as in the Charpy impact test, the amount of energy absorbed
during fracture decreases gradually as testing is performed at progressively
lower temperatures until, at some temperature, the absorbed energy drops
dramatically. This temperature is known as the nil ductility transformation
'(NDT) temperature, the temperature at which the specimen exhibits little
ductility before fracture. The NDT temperature can be defined by Charpy V-
notch testing as (1) the temperature at which a certain absorbed energy is
attained, (2) the temperature at which 50 percent shear fracture is attained
on the broken specimen, or (3) the temperature at which a certain lateral
expansion is attained on the specimen opposite the notch. A common value
for minimum absorbed energy at the NDT temperature for ordinary constructional
steels is 20 newton meters (15 foot-pounds); however, acceptable impact
values are often stated in ASTM or other material specifications. Complete
procedures for conducting many mechanical tests on metals including impact
tests are given in ASTM A370. Figure 48 presents a representative plot of
absorbed energy versus temperature for Charpy V-notch tests on a typical
carbon steel.
E 4
50 wX
(c) microstructure (e.g., size, shape and orientation of grains,
and grain boundaries of a structurel,
d. Exposure to Freshwater.
110 TYPE 304 SS
1 70-
>. 60 Ni
W 50 N
-400 -300 -200 -o00 +160 +200
mineral composition, stream water may be less corrosive to carbon steel than
yield laterally to relieve any thrust load due to ice. Plugged and broken
waterlines caused by ice are inconveniences that require cooperation between
design and construction personnel, and between operations and maintenance
personnel to eliminate this problem. Heat tracing and insulation are solu-
tions to this problem, but other methods may be more practical such as
pumping out fire hydrants, and closing doors to heated loading docks.
e. Exposure to Saltwater.
It has been shown that the rate of corrosion of steel in seawater and in
freshwater is governed to a large extent by the oxygen content. Carbon
steel, in contact with freshwater saturated with oxygen at ambient tempera-
ture, usually exhibits a corrosion rate of 220 micrometers (9 mils) per year
general corrosion plus an additional 220 micrometers per year of pitting.
When freshwater is oxygen-free, the corrosion rate for carbon steel is
usually only 25 micrometers (1 mil) per year or less, provided no corrosive
pollutants are present.
(2) Variable Oxygen Content. The pattern of corrosion found on
steel pilings in the atmosphere, the splash zone, the tidal zone, submerged
in clean seawater, and in the mud zone varies considerably. A principal
variable related to position is the oxygen content. The high corrosion rate
in the splash zone is attributed to the constant wetting of the steel by
highly aerated seawater. In the tidal zone, differential aeration produces
a protective cell effect, resulting in a considerably lower corrosion rate.
At deeper positions, less oxygen is present and the corrosion rate for steel
drops to rates usually in the range of 76 to 152 micrometers (3 to 6 mils)
per year. Carbon steel in seawater that has been treated to remove dissolved
oxygen and marine bacteria exhibits an even lower corrosion rate under low
effects of sulfides. Hardened steel, or welds not stress relieved in medium
carbon steel, may crack due to stress corrosion. Hydrogen sulfide presence
can lead to corrosion of the vapor side of copper alloy heat exchangers.
Small amounts of ammonia may also be present in polluted seawater, causing
aggressive attack and stress corrosion cracking of copper-zinc alloys. The
copper-nickel alloys are preferred when ammonia pollution is expected and
the 90-10 copper nickel alloy (UNS No. C70600) has demonstrated satisfactory
performance in many applications where sulfide pollution has been present.
Biofouling resistance is highest for copper and the 90-10 copper nickel
alloy. Brass and bronze have good resistance but 70-30 copper nickel alloy,
aluminum bronze, zinc (galvanizing), and Monel alloy 400 have only fair
biofouling resistance. The high resistance to biofouling of many of the
copper-base materials have been attributed by some researchers to the in-
hospitable nature of the green cupric hydroxychloride corrosion product that
forms on these materials. This film is itself loosely attached so that any
marine organisms that do attach to this film are soon removed. Monel,
carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel exhibit poor corrosion resistance
under biofouling. Carbon steel suffers general corrosion, whereas Monel,
aluminum, and stainless steel exhibit pitting and crevice corrosion.
Crevice corrosion is caused by differential oxygen cells produced when
oxygen is prevented from reaching the metal surface under barnacles.
j. Fire. Metals in the shapes and sizes used in construction will not
burn in a fire; however, these do have reduced strength as temperatures
rise. Carbon steel is affected above 3400 Celsius (650 Fahrenheit). At
4800 Celsius (900 Fahrenheit), carbon steel has only about half the strength
that it does at room temperature. During a fire, structures of all steel
construction have collapsed. Structures are protected from fire loss by the
installation of sprinkler systems, which spray water on the building and
roof supports to keep them cool and by the covering of steel beams and
supports with concrete to provide insulation. Metals that have experienced
a fire should be tested for suitability before being reused because strength
and toughness may be reduced. Heat treatment may be required to restore
Legs on drilling platforms are often sheathed with copper nickel alloys
in the splash zone areas to minimize corrosion. Attempts to use similar
methods in harbors have not been completely successful because the sheathings
have been stolen for their metal value as scrap.
a. General.
In buildings, door and window frames are usually 6063 aluminum, roofing
and siding, alclad 3004 aluminum. Tread plate, such as used for decking and
PV catwalks, is 6061 aluminum heat treated to T4, T42, or T6 temper. Aluminum
alloys are also used for architectural trim, hardware, and gutters and
downspouts. Insulation is even faced with aluminum foil to reflect heat,
making the insulation more effective.
Electrical wire and bus bars are either copper or 1350 aluminum. Because
the conductivity of 1350 aluminum is approximately one half that of copper,
the cross section of the aluminum conductor must be approximately twice that
of the copper for equivalent current capacity. The specific gravity of
aluminum is so much less than that of copper that equivalent conductors of
1350 aluminum weigh only half those of copper, making the choice one of
economics. Lamp poles and standards are made from 6063 aluminum. Even the
lamp bases may be 3004 or 5050 aluminum.
Tanks and equipment for liquid natural gas facilities must be constructed
of materials having high notch toughness. Aluminum alloys 5083 and 5456 have
been specified for liquid natural gas storage tanks and vaporizers because
these alloys have good corrosion resistance to marine atmospheres and high
notch toughness. In accordance with ASTM A370, aluminum alloys do not
require Charpy impact testing because aluminum alloys do not become brittle
at cryogenic temperatures.
(3) Copper. Electrical conductors such as wire and bus bars are the
largest applications of copper. Copper is also used for pipe and sheathing.
Coppers are used in many hidden applications in supporting equipment at
Spowered coastal structures. Such uses
equipment, springs and include
contacts radiators in air conditioners
in communication and control and
and even tools of beryllium copper for use in areas where sparks must be
prevented to avoid fires and explosions. Copper alloys are used in equipment
such as heat exchangers, pumps, valves, and hardware for sluice gates and
traveling water screens.
b. Sheet-Pile Structures.
K A complete sheet-pile wall system may consist of the wall, wale, tie
rods, and the anchor. The wale is a flexible member attached to the wall
which distributes the horizontal reactive force from the anchor tie rods to
the wall section. Locating the wale on the outside of the wall where the
piling will bear against the wale in compression is preferred for engineering
puLrposes. However, wales are sometimes bolted onto the inside face to
*provide a clear outside Face.
Tie rods are subject to corrosion and must, therefore, be adequately coated
and wrapped.
The method used for the construction of steel breakwaters depends on the
soil conditions and the height of the waves. If the waves are below 10
feet, and the bottom is soft to a great depth, steel sheet pile topped with
concrete and supported with batter piles may be used.
1. General.
The main problem when using wood in the coastal zone is that it is an
organic material that is the natural food supply and habitat for fungi,
bacteria, insects and marine organisms. The first three occur on land and
are more active in the high moisture conditions at the coast. Wood treat-
ments to prevent attack by natural enemies are very effective in combating
damage from these sources.
(1) Hardwoods and Softwoods. Species of trees are divided into two
classes: hardwoods, which have broad leaves; and softwoods or conifers,
which have needlelike or scalelike leaves. Hardwoods shed their leaves at
the end of each growing season, but most softwoods are evergreens. The
terms "hardwood" and "softwood" are often misleading because they do not
directly indicate the hardness or softness of wood. In fact, there are
hardwoods which are softer than certain softwoods.
00 PIT
(5) Grain and Texture. The terms "grain" and "texture" are used
in many ways to describe the characteristics of wood and, in fact, do not
have a definite meaning. Grain often refers to the width of the annual
rings, as in "close-grained" or "coarse-grained." Sometimes it indicates
whether the fibers are parallel to or at an angle with the sides of the
* pieces, as in "straight-grained" or "cross-grained." Texture usually
refers to the fineness of wood structure rather than to the annual rings.
When these terms are used in connection with wood, the meaning intended
should be defined.
cell walls remain saturated until the free water has been evaporated. The
point at which evaporation of free water is complete and cell walls begin to
lose their moisture is called the fiber saturation point (fsp). This point
occurs between 25 and 30 percent moisture for most species.
Moisture in wood is expressed as a percentage of the ovendry weight and
is determined most accurately by weighing a representative sample, drying
it at slightly more than 100 Celsius (212 Fahrenheit), until no further
loss of weight takes place, reweighing, and then dividing the difference
between the original and final weights by the final (ovendry) weight.
Electric moisture meters offer a simpler though less exact method of
determining moisture content. With slight seasonal variations, wood in use
over a period of time attains an equilibrium moisture content (emc) corres-
ponding to the humidity and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.
'hen exposed to similar atmospheric conditions, different woods will have
the same moisture content regardless of their density.
loisture content has an important effect upon susceptibility to decay.
.Most decay fungi require a moisture content above fiber saturation point to
develop. In addition, a tavorable temperature, an adequate supply of air,
and a source of food are essential. Wood that is continuously water-soaked
(as when submerged) or contl l dry (with a moisture content of 20
percent or less) ,ill not deciy. Moisture content variations above the
* fiber saturation point have no effect upon the volume or strength of wood.
As wood dries below the fibeC Ituration point and begins to lose moisture
from the cell walls, shrinkage begins and strength increases.
grain), and tangential (perpendicular to grain) (see Fig. 54). Strength and
o1 astic properties corresponding to these three axes may be used in design.
i'he diffterence between properties in the radial and tangential directions is
seldom of practical importance in most structural designs; for structural
purposes it is sufficient to differentiate only between properties parallel
and perpendicular to the grain.
d. Specific Gravity. Solid wood substance is heavier than water, its
;pccific gravity being about 1.5 regardless of the species of wood. Despite
this fact, dry wood of most species floats in water because a part of its
volume is occupied by air-filled cell cavities. Variation among species in
the size of cells and in the thickness of cell walls affects the amount of
solid wood substance present and hence, the specific gravity. Thus,
specific eravity of wood is a measure of its solid wood substance and an
.ndex of its strength properties. Specific gravity values, however, may be
.om'what affected by gums, resins, and extractives which contribute little
to strength. The relationship of specific gravity to wood strength is
•recommended in the practice of assigning higher basic stress values to
Sobez designated a(s "dense."
,.. [ t ~i
oit :,1 I Stabilityv.
As a piece of green or wet wood dries, the outer parts are reduced to a
moisture content below the fiber saturation point much sooner than are the
inner parts. Thus the whole piece may show some shrinkage before the
average moisture content reaches the fiber saturation point. Neither the
initial nor the final moisture content (M1 or Mf) can be greater than 30
Percent when calculating shrinkage because that is the moisture content at
which, when drying, wood starts to shrink or at which, when absorbing
moisture, it reaches its maximum dimension. Values for longitudinal
shrinkage with a change in moisture content are ordinarily negligible. The
total longitudinal shrinkage of normal species from fiber saturation to
ovendry condition usually ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 percent of the green wood
dimension. Abnormal longitudinal shrinkage may occur in compression wood,
wood with steep slope of grain, and exceptionally lightweight wood of any
The anisotropic nature of wood may be confusing to the designer during
his first experience with its use, but as he gets to know the material he
finds that engineering design with wood can be interesting as well as
productive in the way of lower construction costs. The discussion which
follows provides a brief description of the various mechanical properties of
structural wood as they affect engineering design.
,,, - G RA IN - m
•- G RA IN
• ~-GRAIN- -
(6) Shear Perpendicular to Grain. Shear perpendicular to grain is
not a design factor in solid wood because effective control is applied
through limits on design stresses in shear parallel to grain and compression
or bearing perpendicular to grain.
-a- GRAIN -M
* construction, it is advisable to determine which species and grades are
available locally before design values are selected.
(4) ASTM Standards. There are two ASTM standards which serve as
principal references in the assignment of working stresses of lumber. One
standard is ASTM D2555, "Methods for Establishing Clear Wood Strength
Values," which sets forth procedures for establishing strength values for
clear wood of different species in the unseasoned condition and unadjusted
for end use. Such procedures may be applied to a single species or to a
group of species where growth and marketing conditions justify such grouping.
The other standard is ASTM D245, "Methods for Establishing Structural
Grades for Visually Graded Lumber," which sets forth reduction factors to be
applied to the clear wood values and provides procedures for determining
strength ratios, based on knots and other characteristics, which, when
applied to the adjusted clear wood values, results in working stresses for
the various commercial grades of any species. This standard also provides
adjustments for degree of density and for condition of seasoning.
Wt '\1
E 1/4 W F
and other strength reducing characteristics are described in sufficient
detail that the procedures of AST4 D245 can be applied and working stresses
can be assigned to the specified quality. It is common practice to give
each grade a commercial designation such as No. 1 for best, No. 2 for next
best. This means that the purchaser orders the commercial grade which
qualifies for the values used in design.
(1) Friction Piles. Friction piles are used when pile capacity is
* determined by the friction developed in contact with the surrounding soil,
along with the compressive strength of the timber piles used. Table 29
from ASTM Standard D25-73, lists size requirements for friction piles.
-4 M $.4
4) .14
4JV 4 It 0 0 0 44 -
o4 14 Q> o
r -4
V) -)
Q) a) d
U) U -414'Dql" D\0 0I U 4
4-4cl 4- .'IC
UA 00 .9 r=~0'~
oO) 0) t~ tnC
-- 4- p. ' c
u- 0 U 4J)-
-4~~~~) )t q\
u 0 r- tn0 n )4
.1- 00 d) Lf 04-
4-4 CU
- 0)
C)u4J =-~
0 0o
0)q 0 ) 4
4-4- a) :
) 0 -4 (
vt0 V, 0
0, ____C __0_______r
Ln"t tT4-j 0
4-1 4-)
- 4 - - 4 4 0).4
0)) -1- 4- 4 R rL n )V
Table 30 from ASTM Standard D25-73 (75), lists size requirements for end
bearing piles.
b. Wood Sheet Pile. Wood sheet piles are sometimes used for groins,
bulkheads and subterranean cutoff walls in a saltwater environment. Wood
used as sheet piling is subject to environmental attack and therefore must
be treated with preservatives if it is to have a useful life more than a
few months. Wood sheet pile should be beveled at the bottom on one side
and one edge to facilitate driving and to cause each succeeding pile to
wedge firmly against the adjacent pile. Sheet pile should not be driven
more than a meter. If deeper penetration is needed, the area along the
line of piles should be excavated before driving so that the piles need be
driven only a meter to final tip elevation. There are two types of wood
sheet pile in general use. Members are sized according to the loads and
conditions to be resisted by the sheeting.
Woods normally used in the coastal zone are the domestic softwoods
,enerally available in the United States: Douglas fir, southern pine,
6. Destructive Biota.
a. General.
Although there are many life forms that may eat, live in, or make use
of wood in a way that may be called destructive, many are so rare or do so
little damage during the useful life of wood structures that they can be
ignored relative to the use of wood in the coastal zone. Those that most
Table 32. Domestic and imported hardwoods.
Shrinkage in 3
volume from green
to ovendry
seriously affect the useful life of wood are the shipworms (teredos) of the
family Teredinidae and small (2 millimeters) crustaceans of the genus
Limnoria. These marine biota are generally more active in clean water with
high dissolved oxygen. On land, the most destructive insects are termites.
Also on land 7.ut more in air, and very destructive in the presence of
moisture or intermittent wetting are the fungi and bacteria. Preservative
treatment can reduce the destructive effects of the various biota and
extend the useful life of wood but cannot completely prevent the attacks.
Cracks or holes in the wood or leaching of the preservatives will eventually
:il ccess for some marine borer or nest of termites.
m:t es are ;nt i he insect about 5 niii meters long that spend their
inside a n ea rt t net or gnawing tube. through availaM e wood except
the winge, adu Its. Termite damage is not evident to casual observation
," e the olter Iycr of woo"d is left ttenched for their ov'-n protection.
,, ":ual ,cvi cn~e ot their presence are the' p, iLc, of fec; l pellets tbal
Figure 62. Teredo or shipworm
(Ray, 1959).
U. S.A.
are pushed out of the way through small ventholes about 1 millimeter in
diameter in the wood. A structure attacked by termites will eventually
fail unless the infestation is discovered early and the termites destroyed.
In the United States there are many species of fungi that cause wood
decay. Two important species are the building poria, Poria incrassata, and
lthe tear fungus, Merulius Zachrymans. The tear fungus is more common in
northern United States and Canada; the poria fungus prevails in the south
and west (Thomas, 1951). Timber destroying fungi require both moisture and
oxygen at a temperature of about 20 to 36 Celsius (680 to 970 Fahrenheit)
for optimum growth. Therefore, wood that is kept very dry will not decay
nor will wood that is submerged where the oxygen is excluded. Because wood
must be kept moist, the term "dry rot" is a misnomer for the crumbly brown
rot that results from the action of fungi. Figure 67 shows specimens of
wharf timbers heavily damaged by fungi.
a. General. To extend the life of wood for both economical and practical
use in the coastal zone, it must be protected from its natural enemies--
• fungi, bacteria, insects, and marine organisms. Effective preservative
treatments have been found to discourage the natural enemies and extend the
useful life of wood to about four to five times that of untreated wood.
Untreated wood can be used effectively for temporary structures and facili-
*" b. Pressure Processes. The most effective method of treating wood with
preservatives is by means of pressure. There are a number of pressure
processes that employ the same general principle but differ in the details
of application. Treatment includes loading the timber on tramcars, which
are run into a large steel cylinder, bolting the cylinder door, and pressure
applying the preservative until the required absorption has been obtained.
Two principal types of pressure treatment, the full-cell and empty-cell,
are in common use (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1952).
It is impossible to remove all the air from the wood cells regardless of
the method of treatment employed. For this reason, even under the most
favorable conditions, there is some unfilled airspace in the cell cavities
of the treated wood after impregnation by the full-cell process.
* The Rueping process is called "empty-cell process with initial air"; this
process differs from the Lowry empty-cell process in that air is forced into
the treating cylinder before the preservative is admitted. The air pressure
is then maintained while the cylinder is filled with preservative; thus, the
wood cells are left more or less impregnated with air pressure.
such as coal-tar cruosote and other creosotes, mixtures of coal tar creosote
with coal tar, petroleum, or other oils, solutions of toxic chemicals such
as pentachlorophenol or copper naphthenate in selected petroleum oils or
FV other solvents, and various mixtures of these solutions with the byproduct
oils and mixtures. The waterborne preservatives include solutions of single
chemicals such as chromated zinc chloride (CZC) or chromated copper arsenate
(CCA), which ;re not resistant to leaching, and various formulations of two
or more chemicals that react after impregnation and drying to form compounds
with limited solubility and sometimes with high resistance to leaching.
Arsenic compounds have been used as preservatives for many years. They
are important ingredients of a number of proprietary preservatives, some of
which have demonstrated high effectiveness and are extensively used. Three
effective compounds commonly used are chromated copper arsenate (CCA), acid
copper chromate (ACC), and ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA). Three types of
CCA are specified in Interim Federal Specification (U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, 1974). The type is chosen according to availability and economics.
Copper sulfate, although extensively used in Europe for many years and
demonstrated to be moderately effective in retarding decay, has found
little use for wood preservation in the United States except in certain
proprietary preservatives, in which it is combined with other chemicals.
Several of these preservatives are of high effectiveness and extensively
used. Copper sulfate is corrosive to iron and steel and, therefore, cannot
be used alone in ordinary treating equipment.
Table 33. Preservative retention for timber treatment (from AIWPA C.' and CSj.
C, Q
. Types of E
Preservative r _
0o C, 0 .
Creosote, 12.0 - 6 6
Pentachlorophenol .6
ir CCA or ACA .6
creosote-coal tar.
tar not recormended for single treatment of these woods.
1n saltwater atmosphere, above splash zone, use retentions for "Freshwater
and Soil Contact."
For members under 5 inches (13 cm) thick.
51n soil contact in saltwater Splash zone or atmosphere, use retentions (or
"Splash :one."
AWPA C2 lists treatments for these woods "Sub)ect to Marine Borer Exposure."
but \WP\ C18 does not recommend them for Saltwater use. NR: Not recommendvd.
Teredo 1- pres.ent with no to light limnoria activity.
'limnoria. ictvitv is moderate to heavy hut pholads are absent.
?Lrmnori.i present ,ith teredo or pholads.
Table 34. Preservative retention for treatment of wood piles (from AWPA C3).
Types of Preservative
.9 0.0
o N
.,I 2
0 M
in C -1 k-
0.. CA o AA
$4 O)OC
0 O)-_
$. 0
0 Q -
0 C
cV) oy-4
to Ar ACA 2.les.
CNtrecoeded. 0.
25 6
used for wood exposed to severe weathering cond itions, such as contact with
soil or water and for important aboveground tructures exposed to the
weather. Because oil-type preservatives afford protection against weathering
and checking as well as against decay, they are generally preferable to
waterborne preservatives for the treatment of sawed wood that is to be used in
contact with the ground. If cleanliness, freedom from odor, or paintability
is essential, either of the four water orne preservatives mentioned above
may be expected to give good protectiok to sawed wood that is selected for its
receptiveness to treatment and treatecy to meet the minimum penetration
requirements. The same four preservatives may be used for wood in contact
with saltwater where limnoria are the only threat. Pentachlorophenol in
a volatile petroleum solvent (Table 33) is ordinarily to be used in above-
ground structures, particularly where cleanliness and paintability are re-
quired. All the waterborne preservatives (Table 34) are suitable for
such use. Pentachlorophenol in a light petroleum solvent is also generally
limited to aboveground use especially where moderate cleanliness is desired
and freedom from residual solvent is not essential. If water repellency
also is desired in order to avoid surface damage due to wetting during
storage, it should be stipulated by the purchaser. In some harbors, condi-
tions are highly favorable for limnoria, and the life of creosoted piling
may be extended by mechanical barriers. AWPA Standard C3 includes a dual
treatment that is recommended for trial in harbors where experience has
shown that a high limnoria hazard exists along with other organisms.
fender piles and wales at the top of wood groins. These are frequently
located at or below the water level. The planks of Wakefield piling used as
a groin and wood cribbing below water are other examples.
When timber and lumber are used above the water but near enough to be
frequently wetted by splash and spray they would be in the spray or splash
zone. Pier decks and wood fittings such as handrails are frequently in this
use zone. Timber bulkheads and cribbing above water are also frequently in
the splash zone.
Where wood is used away from the immediate contact with saltwater or
its splash and spray, two different treatments are called for. They are
pressure treatments that have different retention requirements depending on
whether the wood is placed in contact with the soil or above the soil in
air. Retention requirements for these uses are shown on Table 33.
Timber :ind lunber in the splash zone can be protected by using either of
the oil base preservatives, creosote or creosote-coal tar or one of the
waterborne preservatives CCA or ACA to the retentions shown on Table 33.
The creosote or creosote-coal tar preservatives are usually preferred
because the waterborne preservatives are subject to leaching.
Creosote and creosote-coal tar mixtures are commonly employed for sawed
material (such as bridge timbers) used under relatively severe conditions.
Retentions specified for such timbers vary from about 942 to 3 927 newtons
. per cubic meter (6 to 25 pounds per cubic foot), about 1 570 to 1 890 newtons
(10 to 12 pounds) being li.toSt common. Both empty-cell and full-cell methods
are employed, depending on the amount of sapwood, retention required, size
of timbers, and similar factors. The full-cell process is commonly employed
in the treatment of resistant heartwood timbers and timber for use in salt.-
to marine borers that can enter the wood in veryv snia ll cracks or exposcd
c. Piles.
(1) General. The principal woods used for piling are southern pine
and coastal Douglas fir, although a few other woods, such as red pine,
lodgepole pine, western larch, and oak, are used in some localities. No
untreated wood, commercially available for pilings, either domestic or
imiported, will resist borer attack for more than several years. However, one
! species of tropical tree known as greenheart (Po,: ,odi7ae or e t,'zybra
,'czaci), which is not treatable, may last 2 or 3 years longer than treated
Douglas fir, in the same water. Timber piles should conform to the require-
ments of ASTM Standard D25.
Untreated pine and fir piles usually last no longer than 2 years in the
U ocean, often less than 1 year where marine borers, such as L. tripurltita,
are present in great numbers. Treated piles have a life expectancy averaging
8 to 10 years where tripunctata are present. Limnoria tripunctata was selected
as an example because this is the only known species of Limnoria which will
attack and destroy heavily creosoted piling (Civil Engineering Laboratory (CEL),
The Civil Engineering Laboratory (CEL, 1974) reports that a compound that
is toxic to L . tr-2nunctata does not prevent Teredo diegensis attack and a
compound that is toxic to T. cfejencis is not effective against L. tripunctata.
Experiments by CEL indicate that a dual treatment of wood piles should be
used in moderate or warm waters to effectively defend against marine borer
attack. The dual treatment consists of metallic salts, either ammoniacal
copper arsenate (ACA) or chromated copper arsenate (CCA) and coal-tar creo-
sote. A 157-newton per cubic meter (1.0 pound per cubic foot) treatment of
metallic salts is applied in water solution. After drying, the wood is
pressure treated with coal-tar creosote to a 3 140-newton per cubic meter
(20 pound per cubic foot) retention. The above treatment may be specified
as conforming to American Wood Preservers Association Standard C3. Ihis
treatment significantly increases the expected life of wood piles used in
moderate or warm waters but it also reduces the strength and toughness of
the wood. Eaton, Drelicharz and Roe (1978) of the Civil Engineering Labora-
tory report that dual-treated piles lose 27 to 54 percent of their untreated
,•flexural strength, measured as modulus of rupture, and about 50 percent of
their untreated flexural toughness, measured as energy absorbed per unit
volume. They recommend creosote treatment alone rather than dual treatment
for fender piles in cases where breakage from impact may limit the useful
life before marine borer attack. Appendix B describes their results, in-
cluding effects on other mechanical properties.
Foundation or Saltwater
Freshwater Dual Treatment
A method which has adequately protected the cutoff areas and is inexpen-
sive consists of boring five or six 19.1-millimeter (0.75 inch) holes, about
25.4 millimeters (1 inch) apart in a circular pattern, in the untreated area
of the cutoff. This is shown in Figure 68. The holes are then filled with
a 50-50 mix of liquid coal tar and creosote. A layer of Irish flax is
S 261
0 (A
4-) 0
0 0-
C) (1)
placed on top and covered by a 3.8-millimeter (150 mil) layer of high density
polyethylene before placing the pile cap. Side and end grain penetration of
the preservative completely impregnates the entire pile top to a depth of
more than 25.4 millimeters in less than 2 years.
Most of the poles that have been pressure-treated and on which the best
service records are available are southern yellow pine and coastal Douglas-
fir. Preservative retention quantities for these and other species are
shown in Table 36. The data are taken from Federal Specification TT-W-5TIJ
which gives a more complete specification on the treatment of wood poles.
9. Joining Materials.
Preservative .14
r-4 *dO-4
O0 0. 0 0 0
Creosote 2 124
Pentachloro- 0.38 to 0.45 to 0.603 0.53 to 0.683 0.60 to 0.80 0.80
phenol in 0.453
heavy 0.604
ACA 0.603 0.603 0.603 0.60 0.60
CCA 0.603 0.603 0.603 0.60 0.60
'Retentions are for use as utility poles except for Southern, Ponderosa, and
Red Pines and Coastal Douglas Fir which are used for building poles as noted
in Footnotes 3 and 4.
According to AWPA C4, creosote coal tar also may be used for utility poles.
According to AWPA C23, the highest retentions are used for building poles as
well as utility poles.
4Fed. Spec. TT-W-571J requires these high retentions for building poles but
not utility poles.
b. Adhesives.
'o 265
* Figure 70. Split riings, spike grids and metal plate connectors.
provided the joint strength and
rigidity obtainable in factor), gluing.
(The relatively recent development of
fast-curing, gap-filling phenolic and
phenol-resorcinol resin adhesives for
construction may allow onsite gluing
to further expand into the area of
primary load-bearing connections
{American Institute of Timber Con-
struclion (AITC), 1974}.
o .04
~- H 4-
,4 -!..
0 o
4l - .. t 4
40, -
-4 V) U4
-- 4
* 269
Wood pilings that have been severed by macine borers have been success-
fully restored, in-place, by literally dozens of methods. Most of these are
based on external reinforcement, such as heavy wall steel pipe, overlapping
the upper and lower pile sections, followed by corrosion protection of the
steel by a plastic wrap. Small scale tests in the laboratory have proved
the efficiency of these methods in repairing piles, both in the bearing and
bending capacity, to achieve their full design loads.
Modular kits are available which permit fast and positive application
from above or below water. This system effectively removes wood piles from
their environment. Marine borers attacking the piles while encapsulated
under the wraps die from lack of oxygen within 48 hours, while the synthetic
4 sheating prevents further intrusion.
This system has been successfully used on both coasts of the United
States, Germany, Australia, the Bahamas, and elsewhere for more than 20
years. The U.S. Navy has also used the system on numerous projects (see
NAVFAC specification 75M-Bl0a).
Other methods of wrapping wood piles with synthetic film before driving
have also been tried as shown in Figure 75. Unless the piledriving crew are
very careful, the PVC jackets can be ripped during driving. Fortunately,
permanent repairs can be made by nailing patches of synthetic film over torn
areas with aluminum alloy 5056 roofing nails.
Damaged wood piles are removed by pulling, after removing deck and
stringers when present. Before pulling, remnants of the damaged pile and
- 4-)
o -
I 271
11j 72
Fi~ u u T C wr pp d pi e ea y or d r v ng O l ot c ur4
of Pote t of \ngLc .
* L,272
fastenings must be cleared away to make space for the replacement pile. A
replacement pile can then be set in the same hole as the original and driven
to refusal. If it is to support a deck, the pile is driven alongside the
pile cap, cut off below the pile cap, and pulled over into place. The cut
is treated with preservatives and shims are inserted to fill the space
between the pile and pile cap. A driftpin is then hammered into place to
secure the pile.
• 273
stresses due to this change may be neglected. Cut pieces of wood will warp
toward the sun unless restrained or dried before use.
d. Wave and Current Effects. Because wood has less strength than some
other commonly used structural materials, a larger wood member is needed to
adequately protect the wood against the force developed by water currents
and waves even where a solid face is presented to the wave and current
forces. The resilient characteristic of wood, however, allows wood members
to absorb impact energy and rebound intact better than concrete and steel.
Although the surface chars, the undamaged wood below the char retains its
strength. Heavy timber members will retain their structural integrity
throughout long periods of fire exposure because of their size and the slow
rate at which charing penetrates inward from the wood surface.
a. General.
Foundations and sill plates for frame buildings are usually pressure
treated with chromated copper arsenate. Any use where contact with the
0 earth exposes the lumber to rot, fungus, or insect attack requires treatment
to obtain a satisfactory useful life. Specific treatment would be determined
by the conditions of service. Exposed uses subject to severe weathering or
prolonged (or periodic) immersion in seawater should be pressure treated
with coal-tar creosote; otherwise, one of the other treatments could be
(2) Piles and Poles. Wood piles and poles used in the coastal
environment are nearly all pressure treated with coal-tar creosote to
resist insect attack or, in water, marine borers and limnoria. Properly
treated piles and poles will also withstand rot and fungus attacks. Piles
are used for building foundations, support for piers, wharves, trestles,
jetties, groins, and bulkheads. Also, they are used in fender systems along
the wharves and to anchor floating moorings for small boats.
brush, cane, bamboo, and reeds have all been used to make devices to control
water currents, stabilize bottom sediments or to control dry sand buildup.
Where these wood forms are indigenous to the area or readily available they
can be valuable materials.
b. Offshore Structures.
c. Shore-Connected Structures.
(4) Revetments.
(b) Fascine Mattresses. The word "fascine" cowes from the Latin
"fascina" meaning a bundle of sticks. Fascine mattresses are used as
• submerged scour aprons and as filter blankets along revetments. There are
many ways to construct the blankets but they basically all consist of
sticks tied together in bundles and arranged in mattresses about 20 meters
* (62 feet) wide and up to 200 meters (620 feet) long. The mattresses are
brush, cane, bamboo, and reeds have all been used to make devices to control
water currents, stabilize bottom sediments or to control dry sand buildup.
Where these wood forms are indigenous to the area or readily available they
can be valuable materials.
b. Offshore Structures.
c. Shore-Connected Structures.
(4) Revetments.
(b) Fascine Mattresses. The word "fascine" cores from the Latin
"fascina" meaning a bundle of sticks. Fascine mattresses are used as
'* submerged scour aprons and as filter blankets along revetments. There are
0 many ways to construct the blankets but they basically all
consist of
sticks tied together in bundles and arranged in mattresses about 20 meters
(62 feet) wide and up to 200 meters (620 feet) long. The mattresses are
I 278
made in a place that is normally dry but can be flooded (either at high tide
or by removing a gate) for towing the mattress to its final location. The
( mattress is then loaded with stones and sunk into place. It is then covered
with stones as needed to resist the expected currents. Examples of fascine
mattresses are shown in Figure 78. Finer material is placed on the bottom
of the mattress where it contacts the sand and coarser material is on top to
support the stones. These mattresses will deteriorate rapidly if left where
they would receive periodic wetting. Therefore, they will only work where
they are completely submerged all the time. Where damage by marine borers
is expected, preservative treatment could be applied but the cost of treatment
may indicate that some other material be used (Van Bendegon and Zanen, 1960).
(6) Piers and Wharves. Piers and wharves may be made entirely of
wood construction with incidental use of metal fastenings and rock for slope
protection. Piles, pile caps, stringers and decking would all be treated
and placed as discussed in earlier paragraphs of this section. These wood
members can also be used in conjunction with other materials, such as con-
crete piles.
Mooring dolphins and fender piles for piers and wharves are frequently
made of wood to take advantage of the energy absorbing property of wood even
when the remainde. of the structure is of some other material such as
(7) Sand Fences. Fences made of brush have proved more effective than
fences made of boards in building sand dunes on the Outer Banks of North
Carolina (Savage, 1963). In this installation, brush was held upright
between pairs of wood plank rails as shown in Figure 81. The filtering
action of the brush apparently trapped more sand than the wind deflection
action of wood slats.
4 279
Figure 80. Examples of wood-formed cribs (Van Bendegon and Zanen, 1960).
0 '7
1. General.
All plastics share many common properties and, in general, have four
things in common. First, at some stage in their production they are soft and
pliable and can be formed, by the application of heat, pressure or both, into
definite desired shapes. Second, plastics are organic materials; i.e., they
are based on a carbon structure. This distinguishes them from such materials
as metals, ceramics, and concrete. Third, plastics are synthetic materials
and are products of chemical processes that alter the characteristics of the
raw materials from which they derive. Fourth, plastics are high polymers;
they consist of monomer atoms joined together into molecular aggregations.
plasticizers, fillers, colorants, stabilizers, and impact modifiers.
Plastics which are hard and rigid or brittle at normal temperatures can be
made pliable and flexible by the addition of plasticizers.
* 2. Geotextile Filters.
* 283
perform one or more of these roles, however; they are most frequently used as
* filters which permit the passage of water through the fabric but not soil or
sand particles. Geotextiles used as materials separators prevent the mixing
of materials that should remain apart such as poor subgrade soil and good
subgrade gra, 71. Geotextiles have also been successfully used as reinforcing
in the paving of roads and to restrain lateral movements of embankments built
on soft soils. Koerner and Welsh (1980) give design guidance for many uses.
The use of geotextiles has expanded rapidly in the past 20 years and
many different kinds are available today. However, there are constraints
that must be removed before geotextiles achieve unqualified acceptance.
One of these is lack of standardization. Many fabrics are made by suppliers
in different ways, out of different materials, and for different uses. In
choosing a fabric for a project, it may be necessary to consider tensile,
elongation, and puncture properties, plus factors such as fabric elasticity,
porosity, permeability, and resistance to abrasion, chemicals, light,
weather, and temperature as well as resistance to biological attack.
* 284
* 285
CL R DACU72-88-C-0886
Illi* ll
11 i---- 11.8
6 •O•O. , O•O
composition, fabric construction, and additives. The 1977 Chief of Engineers
Civil Works Construction Guide Specification CW 02215 (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers 1977) states that "The plastic yarn shall consist of a long-chain
synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of propylene,
ethylene, ester, amide or vinylidene chloride." All geotextiles for coastal
applications must meet this requirement. Filtering integrity depends on the
fabric's ability to resist piping through the fabric and clogging. These
properties are discussed in subparagraph c below. These topics are covered
in subparagraphs 2c(l) and 2c(2). Filtering integrity also depends on the
4, fabric's resistance to loss of permeability due to distortion of the pores
by elongation of the fibers under stress, a physical property of the fabric,
or by melting in fire.
• 286
yarns have relatively regular and uniform pore sizes. "Some engineers believe
that because of their simple pore structure, the monofilament fabrics are more
pm reliable filter materials and use them in critical installation, where their
higher cost can be justified" (Bell and Hicks, 1980). The fabric is thin.
which are not woxen or knitted. tIhcy consist of discrete fibers, which may
have a preferred orl.nt:it in ,or a% be placed in a random manner and do not
form a regular or siwple 'etttern .i-Jo wovens. Nonwoven fabrics are
composed of eitl'Vr 01ntnumas,
l !larent or staple filament fibers. Con-
tinuous filaments irc extruded, J- :wn and laid in the fabric as one con-
tinuous fiber. qtaple iilancit> iru cut to length before being laid in the
fabric. The engineering :ropcrtit, ; ot nonwoven fabrics are controlled by
the fiber type, the ieometric relationships of the fibers, and the methods
of bonding. Four methods of tbonding are described below.
* 287
fabric thickness are intermediate between the two fabrics described above.
Normally, they have less permeability and fewer voids.
4 Combination Bonded. A number of nonwoven fabrics are a
combination of two or more of the above methods to construct a finished
product. Due to the variety and numerous combinations available, it is
impossible to make an applicable statement regarding pore properties and
thickness of this classification of fabrics.
aggregate filters (Dunham and Barrett, 1976), and permit the use of larger
stones adjacent to the filter, thereby possibly reducing the overall thick-
ness of the structure (Barrett, 1966; Dunham and Barrett 1976). When armor
is removed or rearranged, the fabric's independent strength should also
retain the soil (Barrett, 1966; Fairley, et al.,1970) and prevent cavity
2 Elongation at Failure.this is part of the tensile test
described in Appendix C. Percent of elongation must be known because exces-
sive elongation will distort and enlarge the pores and change the soil
retention capabilities (piping resistance) (Steward, Williamson, and Mahoney,
1977). If excessive elongation is necessary to develop the fabric's ultimate
strength, the fabric will probably never develop its required strength in-
3 Seam Strength. It is advantageous to use geotextile
filter sheets or paneT in large lengths and widths in most applications.
The larger panels reduce the number of overlaps required which is the most
probable cause for error during construction. Fabrics are manufactured in
various widths 1.8 to 5.2 meters (6 to 17 feet), and then sewn together or
bonded by cementing or by heat to form large panels as much as 25.6 meters
q (84 feet) wide. When sections are sewn together the yarn used must conform
to the chemical requirements in subparagraphs 2b and 4b. If the seam strengths
are too low the sheets may separate and permit piping to develop.
Filtering Integrity.
IThis table may also be used for sand core breakwaters (a jetty,
groin or breakwater in which the core material consists of sand
rather than stone).
of quarrystone armor units of nearly uniform size.
* 4Weight
limits of riprap, quarrystone well graded within
wide size limits.
0 291
Table 38. Construction limitations: block revetments and
subaqueous applications.
Block Revetment
Precast Cellular Block
Steepest Slope:
Table 39. Minimum geotextile filter physical property requirements.
I Burst Strength App. C-4 3450 kPa 3790 kPd 1650 kPa
Abrasion Resistance 4-
SPD App. C-5 0.44 kN 0.27 kN
BPD 0.29 kN
WPD 0.29 kN 0.15 kN
High Temperature
Survivability App. C-7 80% of required strength
Low Temperature
Survivability App. C-8 85% of required strength
= Stronger Principal Direction
= Both Principal Directions
* 3WPD
= Weaker Principal Direction
1n accordance with the specifications for the tests for these proper-
ties, these forces are applied over a width of 25.4 millimeters (I inch).
(b) there i:s a size problem: many are not "true" when received
from the manufacturer;
* 294
sand - EOS equals No. 70 sieve), on some occasions the discrepancy
is reversed. (B.R. Christopher, P.E., Corporate Laboratory
Director, STS Consultants Ltd. (formerly Soil Testing Services,
Inc.), Northbrook, Illinois, personal communication, 1979-82).
* 295
For all critical and severe filter applications the U.S. Forest Service
• indicates that ony woven geotextiles should be used (Steward, Williamson,
and Mohney, 1977). The USDAFS definitions of these terms are quoted below:
the risk and consequence of possible failure at this time". Fhey also state
that in similar installations, graded aggregate filters have a 50 percent
chance of functioning properly, while woven geotextile filters have a rate
near 100 percent.
On slopes, co..str ction begins it the toe and then proceeds up the
slope. Hori zonti I inderwater placement (such as groins, jetties, and scour
* 29/
protection for vertical walls and piers) starts at the shoreward end and
proceeds away from the shore, or starts adjacent to the protected structure
and proceeds to the outer limits of the scour protection.
When securing pins are required to prevent the geotextile from slipping
during construction, they shall be 3/16-inch in diameter, of steel, pointed
at one end and fabricated with a head to retain a steel washer having an
outside diameter of no less than 3.8 centimeters (1.5 inches). The pins
should have a minimum length of 46 centimeters when used in soils having a
medium to high density. For loose soils, longer pins should be used. They
should be inserted through both strips of overlapped fabric at the midpoint
of the overlap. The maximum pin spacing along overlaps should be 0.6
meter (2 feet) for slopes steeper than IV on 3H, I meter (3 feet) for
slopes of IV on 3H to lV on 4H, and 1.5 meters (5 feet) for slopes flatter
than IV on 411. Additional pins shall be installed as necessary to prevent
any slippage of the geotextile, regardless of location.
percent; burst, 3 720 kilopascals (540 pounds per square inch); puncture,
620 newtons (140 pounds); abraded strength, 440 newtons (100 pounds) (warp),
310 newtons (70 pounds) (fill).
In 1969 the U.S. Army Engineer District, Memphis inspected three bridge
abutments protected by geotextile filters overlayed with 560-newton (125
pound) stone. In one abutment built in 1962, the fabric, similar to the
890-newton tensile strength fabric referred to above, had numerous holes
attributed to abrasion and could be easily torn by hand. The other two
abutments, built in 1964 using the stronger, 1 690-newton tensile strength
fabric, were in excellent condition and no evidence of loss of strength was
apparent (Fairley, et al., 1970).
The following list identifies the first uses of geotextile filters in
coastal structures by U.S. government departments and agencies:
1961 - U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, Florida. Beneath stone
1964 - U.S. Air Force, Capehard Marina, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Beneath stone breakwaters.
By 1966 woven geotextile filters had been included in the following types
of coastal structures in North America: filters beneath stone and inter-
13cking concrete block revetments, linings for the interior of vertical
seawalls (bulkheads) to permit the relief of water through weepholes and
the joints (tongue and groove, king pile and panel, T-pile and panel),
wrapping for collector pipes and "french drains," beneath stone jetties,
groins and breakwaters, sturity for the slopes of "sand core" jetties,
linings for the interior of steel cells, and scour protection around steel
cells and piers of drilling platforms down to a 46-meter (150 foot) depth
as in the North Sea (Barrett, 1966).
3. Other Forms of Plastics Used in Coastal Structures.
a. Flexible Forms for Concrete. High strength fabric such as nylon may
be used in conjunction with concrete to control erosion. To form slabs, the
fabric is put down as a double layer along a bank or shoreline and acts as a
mold form for concrete that is injected into it. Figure 83 shows two types
of double layer fabric forms. Figure 84 shows installation of a concrete
filled form.
Mol1ded F0rm-,.
As .4-
.~( . A ) ,
A -
-MEJ 4
t oc
FI.1- I 1,0ga P0dt LbeS beinlg
SIIL~ f'ill ed with sand for beach
nourishmient pro'ject, North Sea Coast Gerianly
photo courtesy of Langeoog).
[ r~"Ile
S onc ret c -Ci I l ed Im'. sof sy'ptiheti fie use fo
41 303
Rubber, in the form of tires and molded shapes, is utilized with excellent
success as rubbing bumpers. Old tires are frequently found in harbors as
bumpers for small craft. The energy absorption capacity of old tires is
* unpredictable and not relied upon for larger vessels. For larger vessels, a
chain net of tires over a rubber or HDPE cushion block to provide energy
absorption may be used. Figure 89 shows such an application.
d. Pipe Forms
* 1r*
The material costs of FRP pipe are higher than steel pipe. However,
• installation costs for FRP pipe can he significantly lower than that of
steel pipe due to its lightweight, case of handling, and capability of
making field joints. In fact, the total installed cost of FRP piping is
usuallv lower than that for steel pipe in the same size range.
e. Epoxy Grouts. Epoxy resins, when mixed with sand, tor1 a chLII caIl
grout which has excellent chemical and physical properties. TIhes;e grMats
may be used to patch cement construction such as roadways, or to patch
certain worn or corroded metal parts. These epoxy grouts have SUl)erior
adhesion properties with high strength and corrosion resistance. Many other
grout types are available, e.g., silicates, acrylics, and lignin.
4. Environmental Considerations.
biological attack, with the passible exception of polyamidc (nylon).
Research has shown, ho,,ever, that bacterial activity in the fabric inter-
stices can clog a fabric, reducing its permeability. B.C. Beville, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Orlando, Florida, in
1968 performed the follo.,ing test (Calhoun, 1972). Iwo slotted collector
pipes were installed in separate trenches. Each was wrapped with a geo-
textile filter of different physical type and chemical composition. In a
matter of weeks, the nonwoven glass fiber fabric on one pipe became clogged
with an iron sludge. The sludge was formed by iron bacteria that oxidized
and precipitated iron into the water. There was no sludge buildup on the
woven polyvinylidene chloride cloth on the other pipe.
Other factors discussed in detail below can also have an adverse effect
on the performance or physical properties of geotextiles.
(b) the armor may be precast cellular block, cast with a hole
through the concrete from the top to the bottom of the block, per-
mitting daily exposure to UV rays;
* 307
One monofilament woven polypropylene fabric in which carbon black was
incorporated in the filament during the extrusion process retained satis-
factory strength properties after 11 years of exposure (no cover material)
"( in a coastal environment (Soil Testing Services, 1980).
(2) Fire. The melting point varies with the polymer used in the
fabrics from 1735 to 2600 Celsius (2740 to 5000 Fahrenheit). If fire gener-
ates heat beyond the fabric melting point, it will alter the geotextile
filter's piping and permeability performance. Some polymers will burn
(support combustion), while others only melt.
1. Introduction.
2. Concrete.
like the coastline of the Gulf of MexicQ, the southeastern United States or
parts of the shorelines of the Great Lakes may be the only protective
Imaterial immediately available. Sources of salvaged concrete for use in
revetment are broken highway or landing strip paving, foundations for
structures, broken piles or light standards, manholes, large sewer or water
pipe. Thin slabs, particularl) those reinforced with wire mesh, should not
be used as they tend to form flat planes upon which other materials slide
into deeper water and the exposed mesh is hazardous to recreationalists and
the rusting of the mesh causes rapid deterioration.
(2) Roads and Parking Lots and Storage Areas. Crushed concrete is
frequently used as a base course for roads, parking, or storage areas,
particularly in commercial harbors. Properly graded, it is as effective as
crushed stone and in urban areas may be less costly.
pounds). 'liev arc generally of an awkward shape to place and, if made of
reinforced concrete, can have severe handling and corrosion problems,
particularly if used in saltwater. They are generally unsightly and :an be
difficulL to recover when no longer needed.
3. Asphalt.
6I 312
S ;va> 1ick be rejects from the ki ln.-
1;aav ' :i
2- ram dismantled
buildings oi strutures. They may be a whole brick, Abrn brick, or a
cluster of ;)ricks still bound by mortar.
(2) Crushed Brick. When brick is crushed it ma- he - sed a., !,ase
course material for roads, parking areas, and storage areas in the same
manner as crushed stone. It has limited value as bedding material because
of the low specific gravity and tendency to reduce to sand atnd clay sizes.
It is of almost no value as a filter material because of lack of dur;ability
and a tendency to break down and fill the voids necessary for it to act as
a filter material.
I.en : :at vmn 1rry protective structure if the .shin s.t les too
deeply iri tia : inid hottom, rolls over, partially n'.e, r)tc- , a"
is no
* Ionger flo, 1 lle, it can he extremely difficult avid co t'v to remove. It
is ohvis thait as the. ships disintegrate and ar, iioved by ves or cuirrents
they can become a hazard to navigation, a danger to recreationalists, and
very unsightly from an esthetic point of view.
Concrete barges are unsightly and dangerous due to the mass of rein-
forcing bars exposed as they deteriorate and break up. Steel barges, like
ships, have relatively thin hull plates and through corrosion or wave
forces deteriorate very rapidly, especially in seawater.
(4) Groins. There has been some limited success with the use of
several barges in tandem. They must be securely fastened to each other and
well seated on the bottom. Even so, because of deterioration, provisions
must be made to either remove them or cover them with rock at a later date.
6. Rubber Tires.
a. General. About 2 million rubber tires, too worn for further use on
trucks and automobiles, and not capable of being recapped or retreaded, are
available annually throughout the United States. While, as a material,
rubber tires are strong and durable, they have almost no salvage value.
Hence, they are generally available at very low cost or just for the cost
of hauling. Rubber tires have been used for years as fenders on barges,
work boats, and docks but it is only since about 1963 that they have been
seriously considered as a low cost, and readily available, material for
protection structures.
c. Uses.
water as related to the depth of the floating breakwater system. As with
fasteners, a prudent inspection and maintenance schedule is mandatory.
(3) Revetments. If the tires or modules of tires can be securely
anchored to the bottom of the natural slope they can serve as revetments.
With a specific gravity of only 1.2 they cannot be expected to stay in
place of their own weight. They do not act as a revetment in the same
manner as rock rubble; i.e., by completely absorbing or reflecting wave
energy before it reaches the native bank material. The rubber tire revetment
will only partially reduce the energy of the waves and, under persistant
attack, increased turbulence may even accelerate the erosion of the native
material. It may be feasible to use the rubber tires in conjunction with
underlayers of rock to act as a revetment, providing the tires are securely
anchored in place.
Some success in use of tires to control littoral drift has been reported
in areas of low turbulence by simply anchoring rubber tires to the seabed
to slow the bedload movement of sand either by currents or wave-induced
movements in the littoral zone. This is obviously not feasible in the
breaker zone of the open coast and the entrapment of sand outside the
breaker zone would be slow and of minor quantities. This application may
have particular merit in lakes, reservoirs or bays where surf is not severe.
4 b. Offshore Structures.
(1) Breakwaters. Concrete rubble and salvaged asphaltic concrete
can be used as a substitute for stone underlayers or cores but their lower
densities must be considered when making the substitution. Crushed concrete
can be an effective core material. Concrete blocks and brick can also be
used as rubble in place of stone underlayer or core allowing for their
lower densities. Crushed, these materials can be used for core material.
(4) Piers and Wharves. Salvaged rubber tires make good bumpers
and fenders for small craft using the piers and wharves. Tires are also
good buffers between independent floats or structures that might otherwise
bump or scuff each other in moving with tides, waves or currents.
1. Corrosion.
' +
H+ H+ H+
Table 40. Corrosion rate of some common metals.
Consumption Rate
Metal (newtons per ampere-year)
Lead 333.6
Copper 204.6
Tin 191.3
Zinc I 102.3
Iron 89.0
Magnesium 1 75.6
Aluminum i 26.7 (seawater)
Carbon i 8.9
High Silicon Iron 2 less than 0.44
Magnetite Fe3 04 2 less than 0.044 5
2 less than 0.044 5 (seawater)
Platinized Titanium 2 less than 0.000 044 (seawater)
Galvanic anode material
2 Impressed current anode material
a. Single cell
* b. Multiple cells
d. Corrosion Prevention. The corrosion process on a given structure
can be prevented or stopped if any one of the three conditions necessary
* for corrosion can be eliminated. The principal methods for preventing or
mitigating corrosion are described below.
2. Coatings.
a. Introduction. Environmental conditions affecting coastal structures
range from mild to severely corrosive. To provide suitable service life
for coastal structures, protective coatings are usually required, ranging
from little or none (other than decorative painting) to complex and extensive
multicoat systems. Specific coating demands depend upon type of substrate
* to be coated and it,; environment.
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
This section will cover the basic design considerations that must be
given to the structures to be protected and to the selection, application
and inspection procedures necessary to provide a protective coating system
with years of dependable service life. Repair, rehabilitation, proper
maintenance procedures and other important facets, including economics, are
also described.
| ~ ~~WELD"-'
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0C v .C w 0?C .
*0 w-
0 C.C >'- t o~
I1~U C >))))
-~~o 0410
0 0_
C CL 000 <E U.o
>000 w 0 0 o 0
o OO(
(D~ L W0 M D L ( DLL. Z ( CDCe LU L
4 c-I .0c 0
o0 40
Pt-0 .0
0. 0 VU.
C)0 I
~4 o
oc 00 C
0C o-* 0
V0V0 0 to
~' 0 0 0
0 0
6 324
Table 42. Coating components.
Epoxy Color
The pigments are the finely ground solids which are added to give
coating body, color, and corrosion-inhibitive properties. Special additives
are added, usually in small amounts, to give the coatings many special
Table 43 lists generic coating types suitable for use on concrete and
steel (both immersed and nonimmersed). Selection of a recommended coating
system for a given service condition is determined from specific properties
of coating types, des:ribed below.
Coal-Tar Epoxy
q Silicone Alkyd
Silicone Acrylic
Epoxy (Good-Excellent)
Urethane (Good-Excellent)
Zinc Rich
Epoxy Phenolic
(31 Modified Alkyds. Modified alkyds have additional resins added
(such as ester gum, phenolic, styrene, vinyl, acrylic and chlorinated rubber)
to improve properties such as weather resistance and corrosion resistance.
They may be used for some coastal structures, however, because of the limited
corrosion resistance of alkyds, immersion service or exposure to corrosive
environments is not recommended.
weathering resistance and color stability. They are suitable for immersion
in salt and fresh water to 490 Celsius (120' Fahrenheit). Chlorinated
rubber coatings have fair abrasion and impact resistance but possess only
poor resistance to organic solvents.
(b) Modified Coal-Tar Coatings. Coal-tar coatings are frequently
modified with other materials such as epoxy or polyurethane. The modified
products have the excellent water resistance of the coal tar with the
improved toughness and solvent resistance of the modifier. Properties of
coal tar and the modified materials are as follows:
Two component coal-tar epoxy and coal-tar urethane coatings are dis-
cussed. Coal-tar epoxy systems contain coal tar, pigments, solvents, epoxy
resin, and either an aliphatic or aromatic amine or polyamide curing agent.
Coal-tar urethaneas contain coal tar, pigments, solvent and reactive urethanes.
These "chemically cured" coal-tar coatings can be applied in one coat to
dry film of 0.13 to 0.64 millimeter (5 to 25 mils). Most coal-tar epoxies
have excellent adhesion, abrasion, and impact resistance. Their resistance
to immersion effects in salt and fresh water is excellent and they withstand
a wide range of chemical corrodents. Proper measurement of two components
is mandatory for proper cure and coating properties. It is recommended
that these coatings be mixed by use of power mixers. Subsequent coatings
must be applied within manufacturers' specified time and temperature
limitations to avoid delaminization between coats. The coal-tar epoxies
have a variable Dot life when mixed depending on the temperature. Repaira-
bility is a major problem and color is limited to black. They tend to
chalk lightly in sunlight and weather and lose their original black gloss
within 6 months to I year.
known as "palming" (Fig. 93). Gloves should be worn when handling epoxy
materials as many people have a toxic reaction tu epoxies.
Certain epoxy polyamide coatings and mastics will cure on moist surfaces,
or even under water. It is this property that allows these materials to be
utilized for coating and for repairing wet or submerged structures which
require protection. Epoxy coatings have excellent corrosion resistance to
most chemicals. They perform well in alkaline media but are only fair in
contact with acids. Because of their inertness they are sometimes difficult
to repair or topcoat. Because of adhesion problems, very few coating
materials will adhere to a well-cured epoxy. Epoxy coatings tend to chalk
and for this reason, colors fade, particularly dark colors. The lighter
colors are most frequently specified for use where the coating will be
exposed to sunlight and weather. To summarize, epoxy coatings have excellent
corrosion resistance and toughness, but are fair to poor in-weather re-
(c) requirement for heat in curing (not true with all epoxy
The phenolic coatings designed for atmospheric service are made from
phenolic resin combinations and drying oils. These, at one time, were
* considered the best air-drying coatings for water resistance and weak
chemical resistance; they were used extensively as marine maintenance
coatings. They are still considered superior to most alkyd coatings in
hardness, abrasion i , i.e, and chemical resistance. Their limitations
include somewhat less 'rer resistance than certain alkyd coatings. They
possess only fair gloss retention and are applied at comparatively low film
thicknesses. The\ ai (ul 'e good surface preparation for best performance.
Many phenolics beoe r tr- v,,ith age.
* 1/(13)
[norn'm i . These products are formulated with metallic
zinc dust, at re ,ati.e.e high pigment volume concentration, with inorganic
binders. Met illi :.'i , cait at
o (O to 90 percent by volume in the dried
film. As a single coat syst r. they have r:'m ,: , :ros
cu I- rc, .. 1-,
on coastal structures for protecting met:i] -xpsod 0 , .g"cslvc'
atmospheres. They may be topcoatted to !1,:,
even greater anticipal:, erv
. -e i f,.. I z',. "i' .,
1 in industrial v! - .
be used without t ,"
the past, is lining hydroc -n , r: .
(16) Other. There are other special coatings that may bc used
from time to time for certain applications for coastal structures. These
materials are combinations and modifications of the abo\e goaneric .ating
classes. They will not be discussed in detail in this report. 11e.i e
* coatings include vinyl polyurethanes, epoxy/fiber reinforced mortars and
coatings, polyester/glass flake combinations, glass flake/coal Lar/epoxy,
100 percent solids urethane/elastomeric membranes, catalyzed hypali/coal
0 7 7 0 5 5 .
2 :7
Time to Handle
Aromatic a0. C. 0 . 0 w
44 Aliphatic LI z. L1 LX. 0 L m 0 0 Lm 4
I C-
o " Alkali u
4 0
FA Acid a. 0 I L u I l
0 M E
0 Codnsto w z
44 ) Condesion o. a. ., "4 Li w w w
C) r. Li.U.
Abrasion o l i;-L
- I I
.- 0 W. CL
Gloss and
Color Retention o
0 X) 0 r
0i- 0 -a 0
44 C0 00 0
Glss an Lj~Li L. Li. 0- 0.- >i Ii
W e 1 C)M °0
C) r.n.0 F. F-
U) a) 00 C' a)
333 4
d. Surface Preparation.
5 1 White Metal 0
10 2 Near White 5
6 3 Commercial 33.3
7 4 Brush Blast na
• -I
clean is usually reserved for slightly less corrosive exposures such as
nonimmersion marine. Commercial blast-cleaning surface preparation (SSPC-
SP-6 or NACE-3) is utilized for still less corrosi, 'xposure4 such as mild
marine or industrial exposure. Table 46 sh ows recno0ndrcJ surface prepara-
tion for maximum results with specific generic cl:,sses of coating.
38 )1TT7
12.7,. Th
particle size
passing through Average height of profile
Abrasive ASTM mesh 1 (mils) Wm)
In normal sandblasting, the anchor pattern ;hoAld run about 38 to 50
micrometers (1.5 to 2.0 mils) deep. Most manufacturers recommend at 16-to
30-(16/30) mesh silica sandblasted at the snrface at o90 kilopascals (10t)
pounds per square inch) to produce this profile pattern. An 8/30 mesh sand
may be needed to remove tightly adhering rust and Tpaint. Seldom are anchor
patterns of more than 75- to 100-micrometer (3 to 4 mils) depths rec'om-
mended, even for high build mastic coatings of up to 5-millimeter dry film.
This profile can usually be achieved by use of 8/30 mesh silica sand,
blasted at the surface with a nozzle pressure of 090 kilopascals.
Zinc-rich coatings on the other hand require a blast by 30/60 mesh sand
to produce a required profile of 25 to 40 micrometers (1 to 1.5 mils).
Other abrasives include garnet, flint, steel grit, steel shot, and
aluminium oxide. Costly abrasives, such as steel shot and steel grit, are
primarily used where they can be recovered and reused such as in cabinets
-i and blast rooms. Special equipment such as surface profile comparator
furnished by Zorelco and NACE TM-01-70 visual standard should be used to
verify the surface roughness (anchor pattern) produced by various abrasives.
(4) Sandblasting.
available (such as with long hose), the I,!anti, ,i, w.ii he slov. miln,
removal of mild scale, old rust, paint nr i r nc q wth
ji: v P. xp: -. ,r
Water contamination will oxidize and corrode the -urface, resu ltIin in
reduced quality of the final coating system. Oil contamination will reduce
the adhesion properties of the final coating system and can cause delamina-
(f) Size of lose With External (opl ings. Sandblast hoses are
often too small. The inside diameter of the ho:;e s.houId be three to four
times the orifice size of the nozzle. Avoid any coupling or pipe-fitting
connection that fits internally into hose. This can reduce the inside
diameter enough to reduce the air-carrying capsicii more than 5:0 percent,
Use only externally fitted quick couplings.
area cleaned in a given time. l\ample: " . .t ; a 3-I iiliact U1
(3/8 inch) nozzle will clean 2.23 times the r.:te ,e 1 nF
1il II tcr 1/
inc~iJ nozzle.
r (h) Sand and Abrasive Consu:mpt i I i - in! is hr :,,s
widely used abrasive and for this reason, v..ii b J , the basi- for
consumption rates presented. Other :,rasiv-,,,. i t .,
aluminum oxide, walnut shells, steel shot anr steel t Rates fur other
materials are related in genera I to sand consunpt jun rates. Spec ij.,
consumption rates for each material will depenld on the spe, i fic dell ity of
the abrasive and its velocity.
Upon impingement on a surface, the energy 'e 'i-
o by ;n abras iv
particle will be directly related to its clei iing riti?. That is, tie r'ore
energy released, the faster the cleaning rat. he l er.y of ;Iparticle
in motion is determined by it,, mass and its ,e it .:..o, ing to the
equation E = 1/2 IV2 , where E is the eiierg v or ; i\ g abrasive particle
(energy is released when particle strikes the sIc , the oass of
abrasive particle, and V the velocity. Thus, the Cl,.:1iiing rate iinreases
as the mass and velocity increase.
(aml) 344.7 413,7 482. 1
Nozzle Pressure (kPa)
551.6 620.5 o89.3
7.9 2.18 I .
2.52i 2.8b 3.2 3.-< 3.88 Air
2081.7 237).2 2686. 6 2989 3Ls15 3o11.8 'Sand
(4) removing any and all dust after blast ing tith
vacuum or brush (the latter is very important to avoid >:ting
adhesion problems); and
Table 49. Approximate sand usage and labor rates on saindhlat i ng.
S 2
jI. S 1
S1 I S
(N) (im (N) (Rin ) (N) (min) (N) (mn ')
Tight Mill Scale and 575 8.4 4-,9 10.7 287 18.0 9(o 33.4
9 Little Rust
S denotes abrasive Lisage per square met er.
"ote: These ti i-utres ;ire ;i:imro\i :ate and rti ut ork on iige : itJ
sI'Ich as t inks or Ir, a e "r " lC:1Ill.
e. Coat ins Applicat ion.
When brushing
on is called for,
the substrate. thesurface
If the primer isisrough
often orthinned
pitted,to brushing
will help work the coating into the roughened surface. The ability of a
primer to protect will be directly related to surface wetting. If areas of
the surface are not wetted by the primer they will be subject to corrosion.
When conditions dictate that a brush be used for touchup work, tacky
materials should be applied by liberally filling the brush and quickly
applying it to the surface with a minimum amount of brush out. One advantage
to application by brush is that there is only 4 to 8 percent loss of
material (as opposed to 2) to 40 percent by conventional spray.)
out properties. Pickup of the undercoat 1S J ,li'. r l hiI .nIh hi'.t h.
considered as a possibility with rolling.
W- Spray.
The external mix gun mixes and atomized material and air outside the
air cap. This type is more commonlv preferred. Other types include
automatic, extension and special spray guns.
antd a re d ifficu lt to spi ,,. I ",,,
,,..I, tf,'
h L ,,1 Wt ',i[c A !v:Ant,
.:L-,on .- - to)
the Lise of Ai CLs
les spray. m I A cv
Iir "r i- !,hi I l"s t Il
, 1lutl ai, cll "
ot over'praiV. rheris ls- t ii rci \ ftll 1 I II tI IUt)Lliii
t "+ lecii.-,\
pro,+v id in'g a ir"ct.', wl
le+.-ss H ,~H
,i k ,l
jp:ii , t+ I- t V' . It I du, I Itkl
Is ir e flit ks
areas such ,as t ,ar, ,Ad
" 1 -, .> li dl i, aLl a- ct JIIi . (,
c-overaige is re'quired.
Table 50. Estrimated lo>s o,f ,-it g lti rials during application.
Method loss
Conventional Ail 20 to 40
(5) Dip. Coat i rig wok .ia he k:ccoiip i shed by dipp ig. ost
;Nl ani-in., is by dippinig. artts h ch have N hi gh surtace area to weight
ratio aind w,hich ire relat i V --M, ll can hc dip coated in coating baths.
lhis would include rim suci 4tituings, l;ii.tcrs, and fence. The quality
oF" a dip coat i ng depends on Ih o r face prep:irat ion and the application.
he surface of the part hei 14 ciiitcd must be clean, free of contamination,
rnd have the right piorLle roy tK coating hi ng applied. Most coating
systemrs can he applied hv dip.
.- 1lics, include alkyds, coating systems which
cuLre evaorpation c . , vinyi-;s and icr',i ca) and coating systems which
cui re by reac tiorn (c g , and itr<,.h;irims
B\s statud above, tiy ai I o dlip cr it iniis depends not only on the
r tire prcpa ration, hut As-, o>,ithe alilicatirn. The dip bath must he
properly and cuntinUni -11I 1 d a.nd ag iite , so that the pigments aind
otha" coati ru comporerts arm I ol -rml'vI .i-tursrd in the bath. The tempei-a-
tare of the part and o ir HWin: tihi O'uontrolled to lie within the
ringe recolmendiln d Ky th CO. I IiNA, n t A _.
r Coat ings which cure by
• i'naction have a linitcdI dppl icm ' ii I it. This life is dependent upon the
tiapu ra t ire. rhe hiqhp tii- itI ii,,: .:r, the short er the life. Care must
he- excis.ed enot to ipplV cAt in- "hi , have o.ceuded their effective
appl icat i o i i tW
• :~LiCremust also be ic i -.
- in the Applicatiun of coa tinrgs which cur e
h>y ivaiporat ion Soi-cnt llsit h, dl fri
trAd t ime to t ime to make tip for the
-oic t INst to the at. ,- i c ,' pv r'.
it ion. D ipp it) work should i"e
-tonpped dlruring, thle ajipi .I At , it 1 cLt-, t and it -,bouIld riot be colliiinceil
A I I11 I!t lt i I t he, adhdl ,,l1 .(1)t -, t ! Ii i n it,'ril\I d isperse d . Pa rt s
'A1 1ih ir dA i tel Ii'.'- I I i - t'i
ii'' -i-' in orde r to \ i d ,Irips
* Indi I ll )i' "I I'it -. k i 1,- , , h, ' t Liy he
I lea l Anlrd i lllo eilllti
II-,,. t o inI. [," k' t ;;t' , ; it 1~11t)
l l
1l~ ttt < tllt. c
[- lI' .
(b) co'! tin tJ .,... . , . . . liter (one gallon)
container of paint is - r,)3 s .t inehes) , according to
il) i:
the U.S. Bureau of St aill-lC..11t.i i . :-W pvrcent solvent which
volatili :es... as the coatil:, -; - ,. ri',-,ining paint for surface
coverage (paint 'i'm i , .ii,- meter (1!5.5 cubic
inches). Some pairot :r,, , percent
p solvent, others
contain less, an Ithe lit- . v .t. sIolvent; i.e., they are
essentially () .. '- ' 1, m ter of nonvolatile
material is spre, .. . . 2.. 1Iamicrometers (1 nil)
thick, it wull .: ., q i re feet).
F inal topcoat inrg aitor er''tct ion is co's idltr'd ,,0 s placI ic'. IoJp C tti Ii'.
ietor c'erection is i t'eqi' int CtC''LISt' Of t l 'prlhrC'l' dui ng ci
eriliect iol.i
liariaged coatings should be removed. rh'i'. riiTng or w ii'c, brish pro-
cll'' res be used for
iayX" Covl. r'ho vdge'. of thc adjtilceslt ioldamai;rgl 'I
coated aCor s should het ftithe'lt'd l.! 0 l iht ly rVtghcllel .d (oI' g1o01 hI 'l'It'Ik
a F the repair coating) The repai i r coa ting system should he applied anlld
qhonlId overlap the previous I ;lni tlt oil inch or two.
Q inteni nce
a coi t in .vstel
1o is essont i;il for long I ife and mi illiiruii
Os;< Iii all
.Toncraic riticil
l, Arroas including splash zones andi the like
-on1id i insecite l lieast onic'C a yeari,- Protective coa tings, reg irdless
ot type ;ijd ser'\ice', will _voelitiru lIv wear'Ci"or ode iWaIV. They reqlli re
pceriodic ton. himp iiid restorition. 'lhe effective service life of a coating
-. \sttvq "if! vaiy widely v ith tie service condition, as well as coating
type, urfc' tieiparition and appl ication. For good coating life, no fixed
I lint aier program
T II can he dex eoped, unlIes s ac'curateC periodic inspection
'c-orKC Alr kept. The mo;t effective time for mainteiance work will reqiire
* 'reft!l alllyi VSis of the periodicC C
exam iInatioii records.
1he .\pcl-se of corr'ctive mlaintenance work ciii he greatly reduced hry
prope'r tiring, as
el l is the choice of the proper repair materials. A
.od lmltillit'rogramili ilclii
li11 initiate repair work before coating failiure.
It i-, simple Aind inexpen ive to Apply a fresh topcoat. It is costly and
timc coisuminig to reTlmove a fiiled c'oating, clean the surface and reapply a
coating systeml (primer aid topcoat). In choosing a repair topcoat t is
importint to select a prodli t wihich ,ill dhero to the old coating and t111
htich is compitiblc. It that pIrOdtct suppliers
is recomlllmlerndedl he corsiilted
in such choices. When the coatinog faillure is greater than 10 percent or
there is widesprid delamintio, c'racking or incipient surface rusting, it
is host to r'elmtve the old coating completely and recoat. 'The best ma intenalnco
pr1"ogram is N good inspect ioni prog.r:m copldcC with the application of a
fresh topco:it before excessivo fli lure initiates. A good weathering
toapcoa t, such is in acrylic, can add ma ny yecars of life to a coating sys tem
' ;at minimum cost,
Many' sp'citicati nq8, primaril ' I' hoc is' o" eft'orts to ,t 'eall Iii ut' tsriam
a1spec't of tie job or to plac tIlt n i ii tit' cat't'(IT' of "'rout ine work," open
loopholes for Colnt rictot rs r'siI tiny ini pHOoiCr .'bs do Ic t ( 't iC ti ol
irntkrprutut ion. Turs the coat ing~ specithat ion. ,-lI'ld he ai Ii i c tf:
possihle without forfciting any ol the pti r, N ,IT cclives, 10 ; -h,, ld ie
aritten in such a manner that the coltractc r ciT )t.spiit hi- bidi.i I,',
ftficiently .Aid colpetit ivelv, and sclh that cwi
e2 ii . ji ,Il:,plip 'd in
stri ct accorance with all rqtii reme,( ts.
) inspection requirements to show what inspection measure-
ment s and reports are requ i red.
a. Iyps and App I i cat i o.n !lcet of .athil i c Protect ion.
anodes ma be made of magnes iun a I y (usti I lv uSd if) so i I), a I I i m iII
Jlloy I Isua lLI' used in seawater I, or zinc a oy used in ei ther so i or
water). Alloys are used because in the cases of the three metals ment i oned
certain allovs of each result in greater effi ci en:v (i.e. , one or more (,
higher output current, higher outpTut voltage, 0!' longer lifc) than is
possibIC when using tile pure unll loved nietal.
Aluminum or zinc anodes are used in seawater or freshwater. lagnesiurm
ma- also be used, hut its cost is higher and its life per newton is shorter.
-irc and ma-gesium amode for use in soil are installed with a chemical
backFfill completely surroundino the anode. The backfill material should be
uniform to provide current efficiency. (With a nonuniform backfill, the
anode will supply increased currents where the backfill has low resistivity,
thus wastino the anode more rapidly in these areas.) A uniform backfill
k..ill also aid in keeping the anode continuously moist and will prevent
anode contact with adverse materials that may be in the soil. Low back-
fill resistivity has the same effect as increasing anode size, thereby
decreasing effective anode resistance to earth.
Zinc anodes are normally not sold in prepackaged backfill or with leads
attached due to difficulty in handling the much heavier anodes. If not
proxided with prepackaged backfill, galvanic anodes in soil should be
installed completely- surrounded by well-tamped chemical backfill material
to ensure best utilization of anode material. Chemical backfill material
for either magnesium or zinc anodes is shown in Table 51. No backfill of
any kind is used with anodes in water.
i -ic
and aluminum anodes. thithout backfill, are particularly useful in
,eaw:ter where the low resistivit- electrolyte permits good current output
in .spite of the relatively lo , anode driving potential. Magnesium is not
suiltable for seawater use hec,uJ;e of the low efficiency caused by the
tendency of nagnesi LIn to "sClf-c:o:rode" in the low resistivity electrolyte.
W'hether or not a gailvaic JTnodl sstem Will work depends on the electrical
cir,',uit resi stance and on the tirrent requitred for protection. The circuit
rcsSt)nice i- determined almost .ntirely by the resistivity of the electrolyte
unvironment . Galvanic aoodes work best In lo. resistivity electrolytes such
a < s-iter with a resistivity of lo to 20 ohm-centimeters. Good performance
usnaI lv is obtained through 1 0O0 ohm-centimeters. They have been m.adc to
work in resistivities as high as 2 (0(0( ohm-centimeters when conditions permit
ruse of the limited output cuirreat The output current is necessarily
limited by the relatively low driving potentials of all types of galvanic
rtv)d(s. '[lb lc .52 shows ;opproxi matC d;ata for sonie 'OIioll anode mater Is.
(irren t requ ir'd Cot'r protectioni is hased on current icns it y rql I e-
* aunt
C , nsu:l Illy stated in milliamperes per unit of rea. Ba re Steel III
Table 31. khemicai backfill for galvanic anodes in soil.
25 1 75 250
2 50 50 250
.3 _ 5 - 250
75 20 so
Table 52. Approximate data for common galvanic
annode alloys.
Kilonewtcns per
Cubic Meter o9.1 19.0 119.0
Theoretical Ampere
Hours per Newton 8-1 225 225 302
Current Efficiency
pc t) 932 3 3)3 952
Ac tua I Ampere
Hours per Newton '9- 112 ill2 2882
Solution Potential
(volts) 1 .i -l.S3 -1,81' -1.15
Iriving Potential,
"volts) -o.25 -0.o0 -0.S3 -0.256
average soil or quiescent seawater usually is considered to be about 10
milliamperes per square meter(l milliampere per square foot). Any coating
present, regardless of quality, can produce a drastic reduction in the
current density requirement. Actual current required for "igiven sub-
structure, of course, depends on the subsurface area exposed to the con-
tacting soil or water. In the case of bare steel, 93 square meters (1 000
square feet) probably would require at least 1 ampere for protection.
With wrap-coated steel pipe, approximate current density requirements may
be estimated by reference to Table 53. These values are for guidance
estimates only and may vary widely depending oi. specific conditions such as
moving seawater.
Table 54. Comparison of galvanic and impressed current
protection systems.
immersed anode leads and header cables. Insulation should be 600-volt type
and be suitable for direct burial service. High molecular weight, high
density polyethylene has a good record for satisfactory use. Insulation
quality of all subsurface electrical connections is equally important for
the same reasons. Satisfactory electrical connection methods for copper
wire include soft soldering, powder welding (such as Cadweld), silver
soldering, phoscopper brazing, crimp-type couplings, and split-bolt couplings.
The first four, if done properly, will provide metallurgical joining and
will be permanently of low resistance. Mechanical methods such as the last
two mentioned, again if done properly, will be satisfactory also. Joint
insulation should be of such quality as to at least equal the electrical
insulating qualities of the wire insualtion. Acceptable insulation methods
include cast epoxy as well as various tapes. There are several manufacturers
of cast joint insulation. Details of joining and insulating may be obtained
* from cathodic protection material supply house catalogs. In all cases,
satisfactory performance life depends on the proficiency of the people
doing the work. Ct:ireful inspection of all phases of impressed current
anode installation i mandatory.
e.iu* 'r,:vte,
into a subsurface structure, corrosion current
1t will be stopped if the external current flow counter-
.ivln .io surrent at all parts of the substructure surface. In
.. e s.structure becomes all cathode and is protected against
,, , ....
., 11 areas on a corroding substructure are polarized (or
.. l in the, same cunn circuit potential, corrosion will be impossible
. ,i be no otential diOference between anode and cathode
n , ,,rrsion current c-an flow. In practice, the potential applied
- ii- djpciavization potential, must equal or exceed the
-l<. e atenttal o: tQie most anodic a-ea in order to stop all corrosion.
While the copper sulfate electrode is by far the most common, other
electrodes are in use. These include calomel (usually the saturated type),
silver-silver chloride, and occasionally pure zinc. Other common metals
are not sufficiently stable for reference electrode use. The calomel
electrode, while very stable, is more adapted to laboratory work than field
use because of its largely glass construction. The silver-silver chloride
electrode also is quite stable and may be encountered frequently in marine
operations. Pure zinc (Special High Grade, 99.99 percent pure) is occasion-
ally used as a reference electrode but is subject to variations of as much as
50 millivolts, making it suitable only for approximate values. Table 55 shows
the potential readings for these common reference electrodes compared to the
reading for copper sulfate electrodes at 25° Celsius (770 Fahrenheit):
Table 55. Potential readings for varioiz.
reference electrodes
C 1omel
(Saturated) -0.778 Add -0.072
Chloride -0.840 Add -0.010
(0.1 N Kel solution)
S- - H
" A negative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85
volt as measured between the structure and a saturated
-cpper-copper sulfate reference electrode contacting the
relectrolyte. Determination of this voltage is to be made
with the protective current applied.
Paragraphs and are not quoted as they apply only to
specific situations not generally encountered.
*As -11nhe seen in Table 56, the only time that IR drop can be ignored
safel?" ,-when potentials are measured in seawater or similar electrolyte
with ; resistivity less than S0 ohm centimeters. In seawater the IR drop is
6 . -d n . . .. .
Table 56. Electrolyte IR drop in millivolts 1.5 meters
from bare pipe.
50 1 0
50 5 1
so is 2
so 30 3
5 000 1 33
5 000 5 110
5 000 1s 225
55000 30 331
50 000 1 328
50 000 5 1 100
50 000 is 2 250
50 000 30 3 309
usually negligible if the reference cell is within 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) of
the substructure.
There are a few considera-
tions. There should be provi-
sions for reading the potential N POTENTIAL
as soon as possible after
interruption of the current,
and, to minimize loss of polar-
ization, for keeping the inter-
ruption period as short as
possible. A simple way to do
this is by means of the circuit POTENTIAL)
shown in Figure 99. A single-
pole double-throw microswitch METER RESPONSE
is used to interrupt the cathod- (NIGHRESISTACE VOT.TM
ic protection current and at
the same time connect the
potentiometer voltmeter and
reference electrode to the
structure under protection.
The voltmeter is adjusted to X
some expected value and the
switch cycled as rapidly as
possible. This will interrupt
the current for about a tenth
of a second. The indicating
meter needle will kick up or / WfoCO PTENTA
down scale depending on the TIME FROM CURRENT OFF
potentiometer setting. The
voltmeter is adjusted in the
direction of needle kick and Figure 98. Potentials related to
the switch again cycled, time on interruption of
This is continued until a cathodic protection current.
narrow band, probably about
5 millivolts wide, is found
where no needle movement is observed. The center of this band is very close
to the true OFF potential. Care should be taken that the added resistance
of the microswitch circuit does not appreciably reduce the rectifier output
current. If necessary, the microswitch circuit may be used to drive a low
resistance relay switching circuit. This system is not feasible for general
pipeline use because of length -of required leads and switching of one or
more distant rectifiers. The system works well where the protected structure
is relatively compact such as subsurface tanks, exterior tank bottoms,
interiors of water tanks, oil or water well casings, short pipeline sections,
and most marine installations.
For general pipeline use where two of more rectifiers are used, synchro-
nous interrupters are required. Usually two such interrupters for adjacent
rectifiers will provide sufficiently accurate OFF potential data. Inter-
rupters using quartz timing are available, providing for accurate synchro-
nization. A timing interval of 25 seconds ON and 5 seconds OFF usually
will be satisfactory for pipeline work.
A possible source of error when NORMALLY CLOSED
To summarize briefly, a
cathodically protected substructure
potential to copper sulfate electrode POTENTIOMETER
of -0.85 volt or more indicates that VOLTMETER
* protection exists under the following
c. [Ik'si g,.
A very important part of cathodic protection design is to check care-
fully for presence of other subsurface structures in the area that are not
to be protected or are owned by others. These are usually known as "foreign"
substructures and they may suffer from a side effect of cathodic protection
Iknown as interference. The point to emphasize here is that a proposed
anode installation should not be placed closer than 90 meters from an
existing foreign substructure, either in soil or in water. This applies
particularly to a proposed impressed current anode installation. Also
check carefully for location of other cathodic protection systems in the
area, especially locations of anode beds.
(.2) Anode Choice. Whether to use galvanic anodes or impressed
current anodes to protect a given substructure normally will depend on
three factors, singly or in combination:
may be the deciding factor (along with resistivity) in an anode-type
R = resistance of vertical anode or backfill to ground
or water in ohms
without backfill, such as in seawater. This will depend on the type of
backfill used which will, in turn, depend on whether the anode is to be of
galvanic or impressed current type. For an impressed current anode with
carbonaceous backfill, a backfill resistivity of 50 ohm-centimeters may be
used. Assume a graphite anode 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) in diameter and 1.5
meters (5 feet) in length is to be centered in a vertical backfill column
20.3 centimeters (8 inches) in diameter and 2.1 meters (7 feet) in length (see
Fig. 100). Resistances are calculated for the anode and for the backfill
column using equation (2) with p = 50 ohm-centimeters. The difference between
the two values represents the internal resistance of the anode (0.213 - 0.128
= 0.085 ohm). For most conventional impressed current anodes used singly, a
figure of 0.1 ohm may be safely used. Where more than one anode is to be
connected in parallel, the internal anode resistance for the group becomes
the single anode internal resistance divided by the number of anodes in the
group. If the number of anodes to be parallel connected is more than three or
four, the internal resistance becomes negligible. The same method is used to
calculate the internal resistance of a single galvanic anode (see Fig. 101).
Here the backfill resistivity will be higher, with a resulting higher internal
Rv = resistance to electrolyte (soil or water) in ohms of
the vertical anodes in parallel
I ovi -
The resistance of the anode group is the sum of Rv and the internal re-
sistance of the group, that is, the internal resistance of a single anode
divided by the number of anodes in the group.
Equation (3) may be used to construct a chart for use with the anode
size and backfill size to be used for a particular project. Such a chart,
* based on impressed current anodes 0.05 meter (.2inches) in diameter and 1.5
meters long in 0.2-meter (8 inch) by 2.1-meter (7 foot) backfill columns of
50 ohm-centimeters resistivity, is shown in Figure 102. A similar typical
design chart for galvanic anodes is shown in Figure 103. Note that both
charts are based on electrolyte resistivity of 1 000 ohm-centimeters. Anode
(or backfill column) resistance to electrolyte is directly proportional to
* electrolyte resistivity. For example, consider 15 anodes in parallel at 7.6
meters (25 feet) spacing in 2 200 ohm-centimeter soil. Anode (in backfill)
resistance in 1 000 ohm-centimeter soil, shown on the chart in Figure 103,
is 0.233 ohm. Resistance in 2 200 ohm-centimeter soil = 0.233 x 2 200/1 000
- 0.513 ohm. To this add the internal resistance of the group. From use of
equation (2) the internal resistance of one electrode is 0.106 ohm, making
the internal resistance of the group (0.106/15) = 0.007 ohm, a negligible
amount. The total resistance is 0.520 ohm, but 0.513 ohm could be used
anodc weight
Life in Years 0.026 in newtons • efficiency utilization factor
anode current in amperes
o 3.0-
( C.n
o , ,0
9 0.6- .
U) 0.5- 4 m
x 0.4- 6
!E 0-3
Z 02-
0 17 LB MAG ANODE: 0.96 OHM
3 3.0- ISM LONG ANODE:0.60 OHM
1.0- AT 4.6 M SPACING
Z 09-
- 0.4-
(3.1r ,
0 5 10 15 20
Table 57. Copper wire resistance.
C F Multiply Resistance at 25 0 C by:
0 32 0.901
10 50 0.941
20 68 0.980
25 77 1.000
30 86 1.020
40 104 1.059
anode weight
Life in Years 0.009 5 • in newtons efficiency - utilization factor
* anode current in amperes
anode weight
0.035 • in newtons • efficiency utilizati-n factor
Life in Years anode current in amperes
Using the values from Table 52 for theoretic,;' o.ts per newton
and current efficiency, alcng with an 85 percent .t . ;.ifctor for the
three anode materials, the above expressions maY * J tio:
; t:
Zinc I W
L = 0.767 1o- 2 %I
Aluminum I W
L = 2.826 10- 2
where L is the anode life in years, W the anuie wc g,t in iiewt,,ns, and
I the anode current in amperes.
As may be noted, Equations (4), (5), and (6) may also be used for
calculating anode bed life where L is the anode bed life in years, W the
total anode weight in newtons (all anodes), and I the anode bed current in
For safety margin use 60 anodes, spaced evenly under the wharf, aboit
5 meters (16 feet) apart. Using equation (3) the anode resistance of each
component of the example project is calculated to determine the total anode
for protecting steel. Cathodic protection is needed as backup in areas
where the continuity of the coating is affected, due to damage or applica-
tion problems. If no coatings were used, the cost of cathodic protection
would be greatly increased, both in terms of rl) equipment needed and (2)
current required for protection of a bare (noncoated) structure. Examples
of structures where cathodic protection is used in conjunction with coatings
include: sheet piling, production platforms, piles, docks, and similar
structures continuously immersed in water.
Carefully conducted tests and field use show that most coatings designed
for immersion in seawater which have the properties described above will
perform satisfactory at steel potentials ranging from -0.8 to -1.3 volts
with respect to a copper/copper sulfate reference cell. Above the 1.3-volt
potential many coatings will show degradation such as cathodic disbondment.
5. Marine Exposure.
mists) are projected into the air by wind and wave action. These fine
droplets may remain as such for some time, or the water may evaporate,
leaving a tiny, solid particle of salt. Wind may carry the droplets or the
(salt particles some distance from the point of origin, It will be seen,
therefore, that the term marine atmosphere is not a precisely definable
exposure condition. The term might be applied to any situation where the
salt content of the air is great enough to exercise some effect on corro-
sivity and on protective coating performance. The produced effects may
range from very intense to near zero. The concentration of airborne salt,
both close to the shoreline and at increasing distances from it, is difficult
to even generally predict, since shoreline topography, wave heights, pre-
vailing wind direction and velocity, and inland physical features are all
important factors. However, the intensity of the corrosive effect declines
rapidly as the distance from the shore is increased and in most cases,
supposed acceleration of corrosion many miles inland is largely imaginary.
It has been reported that the effect of marine spray is negligible at
distances 3 kilometers (2 miles) inland and that analysis of iron corrosion
products at seaside towns usually shows more sulfur (from industrial
contamination) than chloride (from salt spray).
Coal Tar
6 373
1. General.
This section summarizes the principal properties and uses of materials in
coastl structures, beach protection devices, and erosion control. Generally
more one material is used in a single coastal structure and compat-
ibility and effectiveness of the materials working together must be con-
sidered in each case. The selection of materials for a specific coastal
u! structure may require consideration of the cost of labor and availability in
addition to the physical properties of the materials. Such considerations
influence the design of structures when more than one material can be em-
ployed to perform the same job. By considering the properties of materials
and their past performance experience, the coastal engineer may select the
proper material to achieve his design objective. Material uses are generally
considered first for their structural properties and then their durability in
coastal structures. In addition to the detailed information given in the
preceding sections, the general summary that follows may assist in the
selection of materials.
Most, if not all, of the common construction materials have been used
separately or in combinations of two or more in the creation of coastal
structures. For example, breakwaters, both detached and shore-connected, are
commonly constructed of earth and stone and in many instances capped with
concrete armor units. To the commonly used earth and stone, steel and
concrete sheet piles have been added from time to time for special functions.
Also, asphalt has been used many times as an earth and rock binder for
capping such structures and holding the basic materials in place. Bulkheads
and retaining walls have been constructed of stone, sheet piles made of
concrete or steel, mass concrete, and wood. Groins and jetties have been
built of these materials as well.
Marine and harbor structures of more complex design usually require the
use of a variety of materials in construction, the selection based not only
on their physical properties but their availability at the site and ease of
installation as well as economy of construction. When temporary structures
are called for, recycled materials such as broken or crushed concrete,
crushed asphalt concrete, blocks and salvaged or scrap metals (such as ships,
barges, and railroad cars) have been used. The recent development of a large
variety of synthetic materials has resulted in the production of improved
6I coating systems and synthetic films for filter cloths as well as foams for
improved buoyancy. The synthetic rubbers are used as energy absorbers in
fender piles, bumpers and other protective devices.
Many materials, when used in coastal structures, require special treat-
ment. Wood, for example, will have a substantially improved service life
when properly pretreated with creosote and other preservatives. Metals, and
more specifically steel, will require protective coatings or cathodic protec-
tion (usually both) to be durable in the coastal environment.
2. Materials.
a. Stone.
(1) Properties. Stone refers to individual blocks, masses, or
fragments that have been broken or quarried from bedrock exposures,' or are
obtained from houlders and cobbles in alluvium. Crush - c,or broken stone
includes all stone in which the shape is not specified. Stone for coastal
structures should he fre. from laminations, weak clcava- 3 and be of such 3
Pcharacter that it will not disintegrate from the action of air, seawater,or
handling and placing. A stone of high specific gravity is desirable because
it increases the resistance to movement by the action of waves or currents.
Durability of stone can be affected by its mineral composition, texture,
structure, hardness, toughness and resistance to the effects of wetting and
drying and freezing and thawing. Stone is generally classified as granite,
basalt and related rocks, limestone and marble, sandstone and miscellaneous
While no standard testing procedure has yet been developed for the
determination of the quality of stone, other than past experience with
specific quarries, there are testing programs that are used. With any
testing program for the determination of the quality of rock, judgment is
necessary in applying and interpretating test results. This requires a great
deal of experience and should be left to geotechnical experts. Any test
program should include petrographic examination, determination of absorption
and bulk specific gravity (ASTM Standard C97-47 or C127-77), a soundness test
(AASHTO T-104-46 or ASTM C88-76) and an abrasion test (Los Angeles rattler,
* Wetshot rattler or ASTM 535-69 {75}). Other tests may prove useful depending
on specific project requirements. Properties contributing to durability of
stone may be both physical and chemical and chemical changes can best be
evaluated by experts.
(3) Use in Coastal Structures. Stone has many uses in coasta.
structures, including offshore structures, shore-connected structures, and
anchors. Breakwater, jetty and groin design often include several sizes of
stone for use in the core and underlayers and for use in the covering or
armor layer. Seawalls and revetments may also be constructed from stone.
For protection of pier foundations a quarrystone blanket may be laid under
the pier in the scour area.
b. Earth.
(1) Properties. Earth or soil i. a large assortment of materials of
various origins. For engineering purposes soils are generally classified as
gravel, sand, silt, clay,and organic material; however, most soils are
composed of a mixture of two or more of these materials. Although there are
several soil classification systems, the most widely used in engineering is
* the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS). Gravel is usually considered
to range in size from the No. 4 Sieve to 76.2 millimeters (3 inches). Gravels
are cohesionless materials. Sand is defined as a grain size between 4.76
millimeters and 0.075 millimeter (No. 4 and 200 sieves, respectively) and
sands may be further classified as coarse, medium, or fine. Sands are
normally cohesionless materials; however, they present an apparent cohesion
* when damp or moist due to the surface tension effects of pore fluids. Silts
and clays are known as fine-grain materials. Silts may also have an apparent
cohesion but have relatively poor strength characteristics, limiting their
use to certain cases. Clay materials are largely cohesive, have strength
characteristics dependent on past stress history, and may be difficult to
compact at high moisture contents. Minerals included in the clay composition
influence the properties of the soil. Organic materials, formed by the decay
of vegetable matter can be entrained in soils and usually have a spongy
nature and a fibrous texture. Usually organic soils have high moisture and
gas contents and a relatively low specific gravity.
The major significant engineering properties of soil are shear strength,
compressibility, and permeability. The types of problems encountered in the
design of coastal structures which utilize these characteristics are slope
stability, bearing capacity, settlement,and erosion. Other useful properties
of soils in the design of structures include dry density, water content,
specific gravity, resistivity and corrosion potential, grain-size distribu-
tion, plasticity characteristics, chemical properties, and durability.
* (2) Soil Placement Methods. Soil placement methods are usually
determined by the fill location, underwater or above water, and the need for
some degree of compaction. Earthfills made from land are usually truck-
dumped and bulldozed into place while waterside delivery may be by barge or
hydraulic pumping. Fill compaction above the water can be accomplished using
mechanical equipment. A fill placed under water will usually require some
* form of superimposed loading for a period of time to compact it. This
loading time depends upon the depth of fill and amount of loading. It
usually varies from 0.5 to 2 years. The compactibility of the soil will also
impact the loading time.
(3) Use in Coastal Structures. Earth is commonly used in virtually
S any port or harbor development, land reclamation, or coastal protection
structure. In addition to fill of all kinds, earth is used in making soil-
cement as well as fill material for plastic bags and other containing units.
c. Portland Cement Concrete.
Failures of concrete structures have been studied and some of the more
* common causes of failure and methods of prevention are discussed in Section
V. Determination of the cause of structural failure requires a careful
analysis of the site conditions, the concrete ingredients, and the original
design criteria by experienced professional engineers. Concrete failures
usually are the result of the selection of the wrong type of cement, unsound
aggregate, contaminated mixing water, improper admixtures or an inadequate
curing process. With all these possibilities for creating poor concrete
the design engineer must also have experience and good judgment in preparing
plans and specifications to ensure that concrete is used within its physical
(1) Asphalt.
supported by an open-graded asphalt drainage layer with an asphalt mastic
placed with a screed over the compacted subsurface. The drainage layer
serves to prevent damage to the watertight outer layer by draining away any
seepage through the outer layer or any ground water intrusion.
(3) Portland Cement Grout. Portland cement grout will have the same
physical properties as Portland cement concrete of similar mix design.
Grout, however, is usually modified in its mix design because of its intended
*g use and placement methods. This results usually in a grout mix of cement and
water with sand. Very small gravel and clay, used as inert fillers, or even
bentonite used as a stabilizer, may be added when it is placed under water.
Grout is easily placed by pouring, pumping or injecting into place. In
filling joints or narrow cracks it can usually be poured into place. In
filling large voids or holes, pumping is a common procedure. When stabilizing
* ground beds for foundations or the area behind bulkheads to prevent leaching
of the soil it may be injected into the ground or structure. This injection
procedure may be the same as pumping but at relatively high pressure.
with the use of small quantities of cement. In good soils, 7-day compressive
strengths of 2 070 kilopascals (300 pounds per square inch) are obtainable.
Soil cement is used primarily as a base course for stabilizing and compacting
soils for foundations, bank protection, and subbase -onstriction. It has
been used for earth dam cores, reservoir linings, anu slope protection.
V (5) Sulfur Cement. Sulfur cement concrete and grouts are a rela-
tively recent development and as such do not have a long history of use in
coastal structures. Recently, the availability of large qua.ntities of sulfur
has resulted in its increased use in construction projects as a binder or
admixture of aggregates. Molten sulfur mixed with sand and aggregates pro-
duces a sulfur concrete of excellent strength.
Whereas sulfur cement materials reach their full strength quickly upon
cooling, the inherent flammability and low melting point of sulfur impose
some limitations on the use of sulfur cement. However, because of its
quick-set characteristics, it may find many uses in emergency repairs that
could havc considerable longevity. With more experience and additional
development, sulfur-cement products will probably find increased use in
coastal construction.
It is relatively easy to alloy other metals with iron in making steel.
Low alloy steels contain up to 1.5 percent of elements such as manganese and
silicon. Medium alloy steels contain 1.5 to 11 percent of alloy elements and
-. high alloy steels, including both ferritic and austentic stainless steels,
contain more than 11 percent of alloy elements.
In the use of steel, alloys and other metals in the coastal environment,
care must be taken to avoid direct contact of dissimilar metals that can form
* a galvanic couple. When dissimilar metals are in electrical contact with
each other and immersed in an electrolyte, a potential difference is estab-
lished; an electric current will flow and rapid corrosion will take place.
If two dissimilar metals must be joined, then several precautions must be
taken such as insulating the metals, avoiding unfavorable effects by keeping
the cathode area small, placing a more anodic third metal in contact with the
* other two to provide sacrificial protection and investigating other possible
solutions to protect the structure.
f. Wood.
U 5/5
to DRCU72-80-C-8806
I .ll
0 0 S S S
Wood preservatives commonly used are grouped into two broad classes,
preservative oils and waterborne preservatives. The preservative oils are
considered the best wood protection in a marine environment and include
byproducts of petroleum such as creosotes, coal-tar creosotes, and mixtures
of these with other oils. They may include solutions of toxic chemicals such
as pentachlorophenol or copper naphthenate. Waterborne preservatives include
solutions of chromated zinc chloride, fluor-chrome-arsenate-phenol, chromated
copper arsenate, and other toxic chemicals.
g. Plastics.
(3) Use in Coastal Structures. Because geotextiles are relatively
new as a construction material, there has not been sufficient time to develop
agreed upon standard testing techniques for the most important characteristics
a fabric should have for specific applications. However, they are finding
many uses in coastal structures. Different fabric specifications may be
required for specific uses, such as replacement of stone filters under riprap,
drainage control by silt retention fabrics, and road stabilization by road or
highway fabrics. Fabric users should seek the advice and recommendations of
knowledgeable sources with experience in the specific use being considered,
such as consultants and more than one manufacturer.
Many forms of plastics other than geotextiles are also used in coastal
structures. Flexible plastics are used as mold forms for concrete and for
wrapping timber pile to provide protection from marine animals and for wrap-
ping metal piles to prevent corrosion. Molded forms have applications as
rubbing strips, fenders and bumpers. Plastic extrusions in the form of pipe
U and culverts are in common use. Pipe may be reinforced or not depending on
the structural strength required.
Recycled or salvaged materials have been used for many years for emergen-
-" cy repairs or to construct temporary structures. In many cases these tempo-
rary structures have remained in place for many years.
Bricks, hollow concrete blocks, and cinder blocks have been used as
temporary repair materials; however, they generally break down during han-
dling and are not of much long-term value. Also they have no value as an
underlayer or armor layer.
i. Protective Systems.
F' 385
to provide good bonding of the repair coating or to prevent any of the
normal types of coating failures. Coating failures may be identified by the
presence of blistering, undercutting, surfacing cracking, delamination,
alligatoring, or chalking. Coating must have strength, adhesion, resistance
to the environment and, many times, a pleasing appearance to properly func-
I - "I0 i - m d d ... ..
(1) Bituminous Concrete. Asphalt is made from crude oil and re-
fineries in recent years are using crude from many different sources, making
the characteristics of presently produced asphalts different from those
previously produced. This results in problems in the handling and placing of
asphalt cement and in its performance. Asphalt-related problems generally
divide into two categories: workability problems and performance problems.
Workability problems, which make asphalt more difficult to mix and place,
seem to be common. They result from mixing the different crude sources.
Some evidence indicates that equipment changes, such as using drum plant
mixing in which the aggregate and asphalt are added to a drum simultaneously,
can result in a softer asphalt with a higher moisture content. The intro-
duction of vibratory compactors, which densify by dynamic energy, requires a
different compaction process than steel tandem rollers.
• OThere are many variables that can affect an asphalt: cement, fines,
aggregate, temperature of mix and roll, etc. More research is needed to
identify and clarify the role of variables. More investigation of the
compaction process is necessary.
julfci "t e. lAnd Grout. With the increased production
01:1 , As '
twl!r OF It
t, 11 A1 m1rCe Sour crude, larger quantities of
furhi~vie.v~I i ak sulfur cement concrete and grout more
':'1 >yksecial uses. Ongoing research and testing
A l~
Cin~fl ',c'vIit materials by developing additives to
* . ~thoDse that allow mixing at temperatures
olc1. C.') S i, :oocnviation. In sulfur concrete develop-
P'tth ,d <: n'~ i:r to improve its physical properties
its he& s !i important activity.
The determination of the elastic parameter values is based on the linear
part of the stress-strain curve. For ultimate stress design, the knowledge
of the nonlinear part of the stress-strain curve is very important. Investi-
gation is also being done on the stress interaction behavior of wood.
'Molding machines have been iccloped to im,ld liquid polymers and tech-
nology is now being offered for injection molding of Lltrahigh molecular
weight polyethylenes. Systems for extruding polypropylene using water cool-
ing of the bubble to obtain guod toughness and high clarity are being de-
veloped. A new development in injection molding is making a solid skin of
one type of plastic and a foamed core of another. The manner in which
plastics are made impacts on the physical properties of a material such as
impact resistance, flexural strength, and heat distortion, permitting these
properties to be substantially improved with improved processing capability.
The improvement of physical properties will provide for a longer service life
of the present use of both rigid and flexible plastics. As flexural strength,
resistance to impact and heat distortion are increased, plastics may find an
increasing use as structural members.
lnd the physical properties of the new plastics can be changed and improved
through tile manufacturing process and the addition cf additives and plasti-
I, ,i -ers.
h. Protective Systems.
no residue on a surface to impede the bond of coating require additional
investigation. However, study in this area is limited as solvent cleaning is
usually used with other surface preparation processes.
Flame cleaning removes only loose rust particles and grease, therefore it
must be followed by wire brushing and coating application while the surface
is dry but cool. Because this process has a high cost, it is not used to a
* great extent and little improvement in its use is being studied.
Coal-tar pitch, the residue from distilled coal tar, is used to manu-
facture coal-tar coatings by cutting back the pitch with coal-tar solvents
and usually adding mineral filler (extender pigments) such as magnesium
-r silicate. Most recent developments of the use of coal tar in coating systems
is in the coal-tar epoxy systems. These systems contain epoxy resins,
pigments, solvents, curing agents, coal-tar pitch and gelling agents. The
broader use of coal-tar pitch with a greater variety of resins is continually
under development at present. The development of plastic resins for use in
new coating formulations is part of the research and development activities
discussed in Section IX, Plastics.
The four variables important to corrosion for which there exists a large
enough data base to permit general surface water mapping of the oceans are
temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Other variables may also be
of importance but enough data are not yet available to significantly evaluate
their impact on a global scale.
Some studies indicate that the current density for cathodic protection of
embedded steel in concrete is controlled primarily by the rate of oxygen
diffusion through the concrete. Measurements indicate that the resistance to
oxygen diffusion may be ten times higher through the interface between
cement paste and steel than through the concrete cover.
Studies to provide a better understanding of the electrochemical and the
electrode kinetics reactions at the surface of the metal-environment inter-
face and to improve field measurement techniques are ongoing in many places
in the world. This information will provide engineers with a means of
( determining better and more efficient cathodic protection designs required in
any local conditions in the future.
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS, "Properties and Selection: Irons and Steels,"
Metals Handbook, 9th Ed., Vol. 1, American Society for Metals, Metals
Park, Ohio, 1978.
Use And Its Protection From Marine Organisms" Special Technical Publica-
tion No. 200, Philadelphia, 1957.
BELL, J.R., and HICKS, R.G., "Evaluation of Test Methods and Use Criteria for
* Geotechnical Fabrics in Highway Applications," Interim Report No. FHWD/RD-
80/021, Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and Develop-
ment, Structures & Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C., June,
I ,C
,,,[. . ,35"\ .' of Elastic Parameters of Wood,"
." ,: No. 19'3,
', pp. 249-264.
, Ient cf Design Criteria and Acceptance Specifi-
,t:. to: 'sti .K r clotlh,"' Technical Report S-72-7, U.S. Army
I-:: nt 5tation, Vicksburg, Miss., 1972.
1 PTfR 'I.,
I i K [Li(.[ I. .)
tKS, "Chapter V," Bank and Shore Protection
- ". State of California, 1960, pp. 101-126.
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ASTM Title
designation standaid Application
6t 4 05
A529-75 Standard Specification Buildings
for 42,000 psi (290
MPa) minimum yield
point {l/2-in (12.7
nm) maximum thickness}
2. Preservative Treatments
(a) Untrcat,d,
All preservative retentions met the minimum American Wood Preservers' Associ-
- ation requirements except for the dual-treated CCA + creosote, both air- and
kiln-dried (se'e T:i5l. 1)."
"Forty peeiotd iuthiern pine logs as nearly alike as feasible were selected
from on-hand s,,or i nd cut into forty pieces approximately 30 feet long, 12
inches in diam,.ter it th. butt ond, and 7 inches in diameter at the tip end.
* These were sep.,ratW, iute, eight lots of five piles each. Seven lots were
given the same l.v-,ls ot treatment as the seven lots of fir. An eighth treat-
ment - 2.5 lb ,t CC".'\,ini tt of sapwood - was used on the remaining eighth lot.
All preservative r,,teotins met the minimum American Wood Preservers' Associ-
ation requirew,. t .
* Note that tie r teutiens for some preservatives were well above the speci-
fied minimums
0 407
Southern Pine
Untreated 0.54 0 0 0 0 0
Creosote 0.54 28.9 0 0 0 0
- 2.5 ACA 0.54 0 6.76 0 3.43 3.33
1.0 ACA, kiln, 0.53 29.8 2.04 0 1.05 0.99
1.0 ACA, air, 0.55 29.5 1.70 0 0.81 0.89
1.0 CCA, kiln, 0.54 27.6 1.58 0.68 0.23 0.67
-. creosote
1.0 CCA, air, 0.55 31.1 1.39 0.63 0.18 0.57
2.5 CCA 0.56 0 5.18 2.46 0.83 1.89
Douglas Fir
Untreated 0.47 0 0 0 0 0
Creosote 0.44 21.6 0 0 0 0
2.5 ACA 0.44 0 4.67 0 2.37 2.30
1.0 ACA, kiln, 0.46 30.6 1.12 0 0.53 0.59
1.0 ACA, air, 0.46 30.5 1.05 0 0.51 0.54
1.0 CCA, kiln, 0.44 18.7 0.79 0.36 0.12 0.31
1.0 CCA, air, 0.46 16.1 0.55 0.27 0.07 0.22
ACA - ammoni~cal copper arsenate
CCA - chroma,-d copper arsenate
Number represents pounds of chemical per cubic foot of sapwood.
"The 75 piles were then destructively tested at the Forest Research Lab-
oratory, Corvallis, Ore., in a random chronological manner."
* "Piles were selected randomly for testing. They were loaded into a
600,000-lb capacity, universal testing machine from the Civil Engineering
Department of Oreton State university. If a pile was curved, it was rotated
before the loadinii pr,'edure until there was no horizontal curve. The load-
ing heads were loIded until they almost touched the pile, load and deflection
recording devices wero zeroed, and circumferences were measured at the tip,
middle, and butt ,f each pile. Moisture contents of untreated or creosote-
treated piles me-1,,red
Eor with a resistance-type moisture meter near a
loading head at deth of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 inches."
"Data were recorded in two ways: (1) by means of a strip chart attached
to the universal testin.A machine and written data sheets, and (2) a magnetic
tape, digital recorder and microphone provided by CEL. The tape reel number,
tape footage, dat,, time and specimen numbers were recorded on the data
sheet, and the tape recorder was set for recording. The specimen number,
date, and weather report were spoken into the microphone, and some sounds were
recorded of the breaking piles. The loading rate was 0.53-in./min until fail-
ure when the head speed was increased until 10 inches of deflection occurred.
Maximum breaking load (Pmax) was recorded on the data sheets as were abnormal-
lities such as severe slope of grain or overabnudance of knots, and the type
of failure (i.e., compression, tension, or shear)."
"The 4-foot butt specimens obtained earlier were squared off with a table
chainsaw to a leng;th of 45 inches. The specimens were submerged in water in
a retort and 90 psi of pressure applied to bring the wood to its fiber satur-
ation point. This water-impregnation treatment required I day for pine and 1
week for Douglas fir. Moisture contents of creosoted specimens were recorded
with five readin_.s it 1/2-inch-depth increments up to a total depth of 2-1/2
. inches in the middle of a piece 2 feet from its end. fhe moisture' content of
dual-treated piles .,as assumied to be similar to creosote-treated material.
The moisture content of salt-treated piles was assumed to be similar to the
untreated specimens. The average moisture contents after pressure treatment
. with water were: 3W. tar southern pine and 28% for Douglas fir."
"The lenJti and , iur,:wtirence at butt and tip of each specimen was
measured. Latitn; to :iilure was at the rate of 200 kips/min. The location
* of each failu .. -. ,rcd,
5. Resu I t ,
* 409
lable B-2. Average mechanical properties of piles.
Flexural Properties
No. Average
Type of of Modulus Modulus of Absorbed Compressive
Treatment Test of Elasticity Energy Strength,
Piles Rupture in Flexure in Fc
MPa GPa Flexure MPa
6. Conclusions
(b) Of the two dual treatments, CCA and creosote reduces some
mechanical properties of a pile more than ACA and creosote (refer
to Table 2.
"For southern pine piles, it is concluded that:
7. Recommendations
- _| ,,A
P! 1. Tensile Strength and Elongation Test
Test five Stronger Principal Direction (SPD) and five Weaker Principal
Direction (WPDJ samples, unaged, in accordance with ASTM Standard D 1682-64
Brealing Load and Eliongation of Textile Fabric-Grab Test Method. The jaws
* shall be 2.54 centimeters (1 inch) square and the constant rate of travel
* 30.5 centimeters (12 inches) per minute. Care should be exercised to make
sure the fabric is properly alined to the jaws. If not properly alined,
the results will be inaccurate. Test should be conducted at 22.80 ±20
Celsius (730 ±30 Fahrenheit).
2. Seam Breaking Strength
3. Puncture Strength
Test five unaged samples using Standard ASTM D 751-73 and determine the
puncture strength using the Tension Testing Machine With Ring Clamp, except
that the steel ball should be replaced with a 5/16-inch diameter, solid
steel cylinder centered within the ring clamp.
Test five unaged samples in accordance with ASTM Standard D 751-73 and
* determine the bursting strength using the Diaphragm Test Method.
5. Abrasion Resistance
Test five SPD and five WPD unaged samples in accordance with ASTM
Standard D 3884-80 (formerly D 1175-71) using the "Rotary Platform, Double
Head" method. The abrasive wheels must be the rubber-base type equal to
the CS-17 "Calibrase" manufactured by Taber Instrument Company. The load
on each wheel must be 1 000 grams and the test must be continued for 1 000
revolutions. After abrasion determine the residual tensile strength by
the I-inch Ravelled Strip Method of ASTM D1682-64.
6. Freeze-Thaw Tlest
Subject five SPD and five WPD samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±0.51 centi-
meters (4 ±0.2 by 6 +().2 inches), unaged, to 300 freeze-thaw cycles as des-
cribed in test method CRD-C 20. Each cycle should be a duration of 2 hours
* f±4minutes duration. Then test samples using ASTM Standard D 1682 Grab Test
Method as described in 1. above.
7. Hi h Temperature 'Test
Place five SP10 and tlive WPI) samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±-0.51 centimeters,
*1 unaged, in a forced dr~aft oven at 82.20 ±20 Celsius (1800 ±3' Fahrenheit) for
48 ±t2 hiours. Thien Test cachi sample at the test temperature using ASTM
Standard D)I~2 ~~ '1lest Metlhod as described in 1. above.
Place five SPP and five WPD samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±0.51 centimeters,
unaged, in a refrigerator at -17.8 ° ±2 ° Celsius (00 ±3 Fahrenheit) for 48 ±2
hours, then test each sample at the test temperature using ASTM Standard D
1682 Grab Test Method as described in 1. above.
9. Acid Test
Submerge five SPD and five WPD samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±0.51 centi-
meters, unaged, in a I-liter glass beaker filled to within 5.1 centimeters
(2 inches) of its top, with a solution of sufficient hydrochloric acid in
about a liter of distilled water to produce a DH of 2 ±0.1. Cover the
beaker with a watch glass and place in a constant temperature bath at 62.80
±20 Celsius (145 ±5 Fahrenheit). Using a 0.635-centimeter glass tube
inserted into the spouted beaker to within 1.27 centimeters of the beaker
bottom, air is bubbled gently through the solution at the rate of one
bubble per second continuously for 14 days. The solution should be changed
every 24 hours, with the new warmed to 65.60 ±.5° Celsius (150 ±1 Fahrenheit)
before replacing the old solution. Test each sample then for tensile
* strength and elongation using ASTM Standard D 1682 Grab Test Method as
described in 1. above.
Submerge five SPD and five WPD samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±0.51
centimeters, unaged, in a 1-liter glass beaker filled to within 5.1 centi-
meters of its top, with a solution of equal amounts of chemically pure
sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide dissolved in about a liter of
distilled water to obtain a pH of 13 ±0.1. Cover the beaker with a watch
glass and place in a constant temperature bath at 62.80 ±20 Celsius. Using
a 0.635-centimeter glass tube inserted into the spouted beaker to within
1.27 centimeters of the beaker bottom, air is bubbled gently through the
solution at the rate of one bubble per second continuously for 14 days.
The solution should be changed every 24 hours, with the new solution warmed
to 65.60 ±0.50 Celsius before replacing the old solution. Test each sample
then for tensile strength and elongation using ASTM Standard D 1682 Grab
Test Method as described in 1. above.
Submerge ten SPID and ten WPD samples, 10.2 ±0.51 by 15.2 ±0.51 centi-
meters, unaged, in JP-4 fuel at room temperature for 7 days. Test each
* sample then for tensile strength using ASTM Standard D 1682 Grab Test
Method as described in 1. above.
10 20 30 40 50 70
20 30 40 50 70 100
100 120
The cloth shall be affixed to a standard sieve having openings larger than
the coarsest sand used, in such a manner that no sand can pass between the
cloth and the sieve wall. The sand shall be oven dried. Shaking shall be
accomplished as described in EM 1110-2-1906, Appendix V, paragraph 2d(l)(g),
except shaking shall be continued for 20 minutes. Determine by sieving
(using successively coarser fractions) that fraction of sand of which S
percent or less by weight passes the cloth; the equivalent opening size of
the cloth sample is the "retained on" U.S. Standard Sieve number of this
Designated Designated
EOS Passing Retained On EOS Passing Retained On
20 18 20 70 60 70
30 25 30 100 80 100
40 35 40 120 100 120
50 45 50
Cataphote Division
Ferro Corporation
P.O. Box 2369
0 Jackson, Mississippi 39205
Telephone: (601) 939-4631
Within each size range, 98 percent of the beads should be within the
specified range. The fabric shall be affixed to a standard sieve 8 inches
in diameter having openings larger than the largest beads to be used in the
* test. The fabric shall be attached to the sieve in such a manner that no
beads can pass between the fabric and the sieve wall. Shaking shall be
accomplished as described in paragraph 2d(l)(g), Appendix V, EM 1110-2-
1906, except the times for shaking shall be 20 minutes. Determine by
sieving (using successively coarser fractions) that size of beads of which
5 percent or less by weight passes through the fabric; the equivalent
* opening size, FOS of the fabric sample is the "retained on" U.S. Standard
Sieve number of this fraction.
13. Determination of Percent of Open Area (POA)
(4) The gradient ratio is the ratio of the hydraulic gradient over the
fabric and the 1 inch of soil immediately next to the fabric (il), to the
hydraulic gradient over the 2 inches of soil between 1 and 3 inches above
the fabric (i?).
(;R =
Informational Sources
ABRADED STRENGTH - The result when tested in accordance with ASTM D1682,
"Breaking Load and Elongation of Textile Fabric, 1-Inch Ravelled Strip
Method". One-inch square jaws at a constant rate of traverse of 12 inches
per minute.
BANK - (1) The rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea; of a river or
channel, designated as right or left as it would appear facing downstream.
(2) An elevation of the sea floor of large area, located on a Continental
(or island) Shelf and over which the depth is relatively shallow but
sufficient for safe surface navigation; a group of shoals. (3) In its
secondary sense, a shallow area consisting of shifting forms of silt,
sand, mud, and gravel, but in this case it is only used with a qualifying
word such as "sandbank" or "gravelbank".
BAY - A recess in the shore or an inlet of a sea between two capes or head-
lands, not as large as a gulf but larger than a cove.
BEACH - The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the
low water line to thc place where there is marked change in material or
* physiographic fnrm, or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the
effective limit of storm woves). The seaward limit of a beach - unless
otherwise specified - is the mean low water line.
BEACH EROSION - The carrying away of beach materials by wave action, tidal
currents, littoral currents, or wind.
BIOMASS - The amount of living material in a unit area for a unit time.
A Also standing crop, standing stock, live-weight.
BOTTOM - The ground or bed under any body of water; the bottom of the sea.
CHANNEL - (1) A nitUral or artificial waterway of perceptible extent which
either periodically or continuously contains moving water, or which
forms a connecting link between two bodies of water. (2) The part of a
body of water deep enough to be used for navigation through an area
otherwise too shallow for navigation. (3) A large strait, as the English
Channel. (4) The deepest part of a stream, bay, or strait through which
the main volume or current of water flows.
CLAY - A fine grained soil with cohesive strength inversely related to water
content. It is plastic when moist and hardens when baked or fired. See
COASTAL AREA - The land and sea area bordering the shoreline.
COLLECTOR PIPE - A pipe capable of collecting and carrying water from the
CORE - A vertical cylindrical sample of the bottom sediments from which the
nature and stratification of the bottom may be determined. The interior
material of a breakwater or groin.
CURL - To alter industrially, as to vulcanize (rubber) or to treat (synthetic
resins) with heat or chemicals to make infusible.
DAP - A notch cut in one timber to receive another, usually permitting the
two timbers to be flush.
MEAN LOW WATER - Atlantic coast (U.S.), Argentina, Sweden, and Norway;
,MEAN LOWER LOW WATER - Pacific coast (U.S.);
MEAN LOW WATER SPRINGS - United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Brazil,
and Chile;
LOW WATER DATUM - Great Lakes (U.S. and Canada);
LOWEST LOW WATER - France, Spain, and Greece.
DEPTH - The vertical distance from a specified tidal datum to the sea floor.
EQUIVALENT OPENING SIlE - E.O.S. - The number of a U.S. standard sieve
having openings closest in size to the diameter of uniform particles
which will have 95 percent by weight retained by the fabric when shaken
in a prescribed manner.
ESTUARY - (1) The part of a river that is affected by tides. (2) The
region near a river mouth in which the freshwater of the river mixes
with the saltwater of the sea.
FAUNA - Animal life as opposed to flora (plant life). Generally the entire
g group of animals found in an area.
-a FLORA - Plant life as opposed to fauna (animal life). The entire group
of plants found in an area.
FORESHORE - The part of the shore lying between the crest of the seaward
berm (or upper limit of wave wash at high tide) and the ordinary low
water mark, that is ordinarily traversed by the uprush and backrush of
the waves as the tides rise and fall.
GROUND WATER - Subsurface water occupying the zone of saturation. In a
strict sense, the term is applied only to water below the WATER TABLE.
GULF - A large embamnent in a coast; the entrance is generally wider than
the length.
LARVA - A sexually immature form of any animal unlike its adult form and
requiring changes before reaching the basic adult form.
LITTORAL DRIFT - The sedimentary material moved in the littoral zone under
the influence of waves and currents.
NOURISHMENT - The process of replenishing of beach. It may be brought about
naturally, by longshore transport, or artificially by the deposition of
(dredged materials.
PERCENT OPENING AREA (POA) - The visible net area of a fabric that is
available for water to pass through the fabric, normally determinable
only for woven and nonwoven fabrics having distinct visible and measur-
able openings that continue directly through the fabric.
POLYAkMIDE - See Nylon Fiber.
PORT - A place where vessels may discharge or receive cargo; may be the
-. entire harbor including its approaches and anchorages, or may be the
commercial part of a harbor where the quays, wharves, facilities for
transfer of cargo, docks, and repair shops are situated.
RESIN BONDED - The fabric web is impregnated with a resin which serves to
coat and cement the fibers together.
RUBBLE - (1) I.oo-. ,,i-ular waterworn stones along a beach. (2) Rough,
irregular ... o o broken rock.
SAND - An earthy matrial whose grain size is between 4.76 and 0.075 milli-
meters. Within this classification sand may vary from coarse to fine.
Sand is cohesionless but exhibits appearance of cohesion when wet. See
SCREED - A strike hoard used to level or strike off concrete pavement slabs
or cushion courses for block pavements.
SEISMIC SEA WAVE (TSUNAMI) - A long-period wave caused by an underwater
seismic disturbance or volcanic eruption. Commonly misnamed "tidal wave."
SHORE - The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with the sea, in-
cluding the zone between high and low water lines. A shore of uncon-
solidated material is usually called a beach.
SILT - A fine grained soil of low plasticity which may exhibit an apparent
cohesion due to capillary forces. See SOIL CLASSIFICATION.
SPLASH ZONE - The zone immediately landward of the mean higher high water
level affected by the wave spray.
SURF ZONE - The area between the outermost breaker and the limit of wave
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