09-Hl47 Trim Optimisation - Sustainable Savings

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Trim Optimisation

– Sustainable Savings
In today’s uncertain financial times, amidst volatile fuel led conditions. For these reasons, our experience has
prices and increasingly stringent environmental regula- demonstrated that model testing is almost always the
tions, many shipowners are finding themselves under most effective and reliable method for performing trim
pressure to do more with less. IMO is contributing to optimisation studies.
these pressures by continuing to implement new emis-
As I mentioned in the sions regulations, such as the MARPOL Annex VI NOx
previous number of SSPA and SOx limits, that could require eventual modification
Backed by a wide range of experience
Highlights I see the chal- of existing ship’s systems. All of this activity has left Trim optimisation studies are most often requested dur-
lenge of optimising the many shipowners scrambling to find ways to cut both ing periods of extended economic turmoil and recession,
complex system of ship- their operating expenses and emissions. Often these such as the 1973 Oil Crisis and the current international
ping through, among other are tasks that can appear inherently opposed. slump that began in the early 2000s. These events lead
things, the technical and many owners to seek quick, inexpensive methods of relief
operational solutions. Do any low-cost solutions for reducing both operating from high fuel prices and slimmer operating budgets.
In this edition of SSPA costs and emissions exist? Yes. One option is to oper- To date SSPA has performed approximately 50 trim
Highlights we present three ate the ship in a trim optimised condition. This provides optimisation studies on all variety of ships, including LNG
different operations. the same operating performance at lower power levels Carriers, tankers, bulkers, RO/ROs, PCTCs, containerships,
The first one tackles and can immediately translate to fuel savings. Thanks to and special purpose ships, such as reefer vessels. As fol-
the increasingly important lower propulsion power requirements, optimising trim low-on testing to several trim optimisation studies, SSPA
problem of trim optimisa- can generate significant additional savings in the areas of has also performed manoeuvring simulations, seakeeping
tion. And I can only agree main and auxiliary machinery wear, maintenance, usage of tests, and full-scale verification tests of study results. For
with the author’s, Mr spares, and machinery life. By burning less fuel and oper- those vessels included, the manoeuvring simulation results
Merritt Boytim, statement ating at lower power levels, the owner can also expect a verified that the manoeuvring performance in a trim
that trim optimisation pro- reduced environmental footprint for their vessels includ- optimised condition would differ from normal opera-
vides many tangible ben- ing lower levels of emissions, less waste, and reduced tions. However, those differences were not found to be
efits both economical and overall energy and fuel consumption. as substantial as initially feared by seafarers nor were they
environmental. deemed to add any significant risk or danger to the ves-
The second opera- sels’ operations.
tion I am convinced will
What is trim optimised?
enrich all stakeholders in Defined simply, the optimum trim is the trim angle at
the Artic environment. In a given condition (displacement and speed) where the
close cooperation with required propulsion power is lower than for any other
Vs = Constant
Transatlantic our staff trim angle at that condition. A trim optimisation study
members, mainly Mr Björn seeks to find the optimum trim angles by investigating a
Forsman, Mr Johannes range of normal operating conditions for a particular ship
Hüffmeier and Mr Jim or class of ships.
Sandkvist, have developed These investigations usually include four displace-
a riskbased decision sup- ments and four to five trim angles per displacement at
port tool, a toolbox, for four to five speeds. The results are used to develop a
Ship displacement x 10-3 [ton]

offshore operations in the map over the desired range of operating trims and dis-
Arctic. placements in order to provide the shipowner with the
In the third Mr Björn information necessary to ensure that the ship is always
Allenström and Mr Peter trimmed to the optimum angle and thus operating trim
Ottosson describe the optimised.
quite new insights and their
importance developed
through a profound study
Full-scale trials vs. Model testing
on shallow waters which There are two common methods for performing trim
our joint industry partners optimisation studies: full-scale shipboard trials and model
and SSPA have conducted. tests. Full-scale trials are a much discussed option, but not
Thus the traditional mathe- always very practical or reliable. This is because full-scale
matical models are actually trial data must be normalised using accurate wind, wave, Trim [m]
too simple and the reality and swell information which is difficult to measure from aft trim < 0, forward trim > 0
more complicated. the ship. Instead, the magnitude and direction of each are
I am sure that all three
operations will be of great
estimated which can make the study’s results very subjec-
tive and quite difficult to repeat.
xample trim optimisation study results in the form
of a contour map covering the complete range of tested operating
use in different sectors and Model testing, on the other hand, is a quick, objec- conditions. Each contour curve represents a line of constant deliv-
I can promise that SSPA tive, and repeatable process which can be easily tailored ered power (PD) as a function of the ship’s trim and displacement.
has more of that kind to to the vessel’s current or desired operating profile. For reference, each contour line denotes a 0.2MW step in power
introduce in the future. Furthermore, all powering predictions are based directly with blue being the lower end of the power spectrum and red the
Susanne Abrahamsson on model test measurements performed under control- higher.

Trim Optimisation – Sustainable Savings

E xample test matrix showing

the various conditions included within the
trim optimisation model test program.  Each
test point (trim and displacement) is de-
noted by a small circle. The bow and stern
profiles are plotted for reference with the
stern in blue and the bow in red (bulb point-
ing down). Lines of constant displacement
are those with the right hand end pointing
southeast and lines of constant trim have

M erritt Boytim,
Project Manager, received his
right hand end pointing northeast.

B.Sc. in Naval Architecture

and Marine Engineering from Some trim optimisation study results have also been
Webb Institute of Naval Archi- tested in different wave conditions and found to have
tecture in 2002 and a M.Sc.
the same optimisation trends in moderate sea states as
in Naval Architecture from
in calm water. And, in rare cases where reliable full-scale
Chalmers University of Tech-
nology in 2004. Merritt then trim optimisation trial data could be obtained, the results
began working for ConocoPhil- corroborated those of the model tests.
lips and Qatargas followed by
BG LNG. His work was prima- Not only for the ‘gas guzzlers’
rily focused on ship acquisition
projects and LNG transport.
He joined SSPA in 2009 and
A nnual estimated fuel and emis-
sions savings based on a conservative power
The most immediately obvious beneficiaries of trim
optimisation studies are those vessels with higher fuel
works in the Ship Design reduction of 1.25% for 1-, 5-, and 10-ship consumptions and those that operate on long-haul
department with hull design, fleets operating in a trim optimised condition. trades such as: containerships, PCTCs, RO/ROs, and LNG
computational fluid dynamics, On average the trim optimisation study will Carriers. These, however, are by no means the only ves-
and model testing. pay for itself in less than a year for a single sels that have found significant savings by operating at a
Telephone: +46-31 772 9047 ship and even faster for a fleet of sister ships. trim optimised condition. SSPA has shown that vessels
E-mail: [email protected] (Fuel prices from May 2009.)
such as VLCCs and product carriers have the potential
to reduce their powering requirements over a standard
operating range of trims by as much as 10% to 15% in
Fleet Size
Ship Type 1 Ship 5 Ships 10 Ships
ballast and 5% to 8% in full load.
While not every ship will realise savings of this mag-
VLCC $138,000 $ 688,000 $ 1,377,000 nitude, a single ship with an average power saving of
400 mT-FO 2,000 mT-FO 4,000 mT-FO just 1.25% (0.5% in full load and 2% in ballast) can save
1,270 mT-CO2 6,300 mT-CO2 12,700 mT-CO2 enough fuel to cover the cost of a trim optimisation
study in less than a year of operation. For a fleet of sister
Aframax Tanker (105kDWT) $ 71,000 $ 353,000 $ 706,000 ships, the payback time will be even shorter.
200 mT-FO 1,000 mT-FO 2,000 mT-FO
650 mT-CO2 3,200 mT-CO2 6,500 mT-CO2
Gaining the most from the study
6,500 TEU Containership $ 221,000 $1,104,000 $ 2,207,000 results
630 mT-FO 3,200 mT-FO 6,300 mT-FO
When the time comes to implement the results of the
2,000 mT-CO2 10,100 mT-CO2 20,300 mT-CO2
trim optimisation study into your day-to-day operations,
145,000m3 LNGC (Steam) $ 266,700 $1,333,000 $ 2,667,000 SSPA is there to help by offering education and training
760 mT-FO 3,800 mT-FO 7,600 mT-FO services for both sailors and technical operations staff
2,500 mT-CO2 12,200 mT-CO2 24,500 mT-CO2 alike. SSPA can also offer various analysis and implemen-
tation tools to assist the ship’s operators when seeking to
6,700-car PCTC $ 71,000 $ 355,000 $ 710,000 find that optimum trim.
200 mT-FO 1,000 mT-FO 2,000 mT-FO Trim optimisation provides many tangible benefits
650 mT-CO2 3,300 mT-CO2 6,500 mT-CO2 both economic and environmental and offers a low risk
near- and long-term cost savings solution. If you would
RO/RO (46,000m2) $100,000 $ 500,000 $ 999,000
like to learn more and receive a cost-benefit calculation
290 mT-FO 1,400 mT-FO 2,900 mT-FO
920 mT-CO2 4,600 mT-CO2 9,200 mT-CO2 for your vessels, please contact SSPA.
Merritt Boytim

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