Soccer - Skill Practice
Soccer - Skill Practice
Soccer - Skill Practice
Grid Size:
• 50m x 20m.
• 12
• Divide players into two teams, with a GK at each end.
• All players have a ball and begin by dribbling
anywhere inside the central zone (orange) [Pic.1].
• Next, the Coach will call out either Blue or Red.
• If the Coach calls Blue, the Blues must run their ball
towards either goal and try to score past the
Goalkeepers [Pic.2].
• The other team (Reds), will leave their ball in the
central zone and try to prevent the Blues from
• If any Reds win possession of the ball from their
opponent, they should run the ball out of the area to
finish the move.
• Once all the players have finished, count how many
goals were scored.
• Rotate the Goalkeepers and return for the next
More Advanced:
• Players have limited time to finish (e.g. 6 seconds).
Less Advanced:
• No Goalkeepers.
Other possibilities:
• Defenders tag their opponents rather than tackle.
• Players run their ball over the end line to score (no
• Players are paired up and can only challenge their
CORE SKILLS – Striking the Ball, First Touch
Grid Size:
• 2 x (30m x 20m)*
• *Guide only, adjust accordingly.
• 12
• Divide players into two teams. Blues in the blue half
and Reds in the red half, plus a GK in each goal.
• The Coach begins the game by playing the ball to one
of the teams (Blue).
• The Blues are looking to maintain possession, while
two of the Reds enter their grid and try to win the ball
back [Pic.1].
• If the Blues manage to get 6 passes, they are then
allowed to shoot towards the goal at their end [Pic.2].
• If the Reds win possession, they are looking to switch
the ball out to their teammates in the opposite grid.
• If successful, the game transitions with the defending
Reds returning to their grid and two Blues becoming
defenders [Pic.3].
• The game then continues with the five Reds against
two Blues.
• If a team scores they remain where they are and a
new ball will be played in. If they don’t score, the
opposite team will receive the ball.
• Keep score and rotate the Goalkeepers regularly.
More Advanced:
• Add a third defender.
• Make the area smaller.
Less Advanced:
• Defend with one player.
• Need less passes before shooting.
Other possibilities:
• Have no Goalkeepers, and players shoot into a smaller
• Instead of one large goal, have multiple small goals at
the ends.
CORE SKILLS – Striking the Ball, 1v1
Grid Size:
• 20m x 16m*
• *Guide only, adjust accordingly.
• 12
• Divide players into three teams and set up as shown
• The Coach begins the game by playing a ball into the
• The Blues are looking to score in the goal at the
bottom end and the Reds at the top end.
• The Yellows provide a Goalkeeper at each end and a
bouncer on either side.
• Goals can be scored anywhere on the pitch, however
they are weighted according to distance.
• If a player scores in the zone closest to the opponents
goal it’s worth 1 point (e.g. a tap in).
• If a player scores from the middle zone, his team are
awarded 2 points [Pic.2].
• If a player scores from the zone furthest from the
opponents goal it’s worth 3 points (e.g. a screamer).
• Play quick rounds of 3 minute games.
• The team with the most points stays on and the other
two teams swap.
More Advanced:
• No points for goals scored in the closest zone.
• Points only count for a first time finish.
Less Advanced:
• Rather than bouncers, both players join in the game
as neutrals to create an overload (6v4).
Other possibilities:
• First team to 5 points is the winner.
• When the bouncers receive the ball, they can enter
the field and play (5v4) until they release the ball.
Upon releasing/shooting they will return to the
CORE SKILLS – First Touch, 1v1
Grid Size:
• 10m x 10m*
• *Guide only, adjust accordingly.
• 12
• Divide players into two teams and set up as shown
• The Coach starts the game by playing a ball into the
Blues, who begin passing.
• At the same time, the first Red defender will enter the
area and attempt to win the ball.
• The Coach counts out loud the Blues passes and after
every three passes, another Red defender enters the
area [Pic.2].
• If the Reds win the ball, they must dribble it out of the
area to finish the round [Pic.3].
• The Blues can counter press in order to win the ball
back before the Reds have dribbled out of the area. If
successful the game continues.
• The round concludes if a red defender runs the ball
out or the ball leaves the area (e.g. misplaced pass).
• Play six rounds, with a different player starting off as
the first defender each time.
• At the completion of six rounds the teams swap, with
the Blues highest passing round used as a target for
the Reds to try and beat (e.g. 11 passes were
completed in round 3)
More Advanced:
• Defenders enter the area two at a time.
• Make the area smaller.
Less Advanced:
• Increase the amount of passes before defenders can
enter (e.g. every five passes).
• Make the area bigger.
Other possibilities:
• Reward for the passing team: If the passing team
complete more than 15 passes (e.g. 6v6), the
defenders must restart the game back at round 1.
• Reward for the defending team: If the passing team
fails to reach 3 passes against the first defender (e.g.
6v1), the teams swap over.
CORE SKILLS – Striking the Ball, First Touch
Grid Size:
• 30m x 30m*
• *Guide only, adjust accordingly.
• 12
• Divide players into two teams and spread out inside
the area [Pic.1].
• The Coach begins the game by playing a ball
anywhere into the area.
• The first thought for both teams is to complete at
least one pass.
• After the first pass, teammates should look to make
runs out of the area in order to receive a pass [Pic.2].
• The defending team must remain inside the area and
try to prevent the opposition passing to players who
have made runs outside.
• If a player completes a pass to a teammate who has
run to receive beyond the area, that team receives a
point (Reds) [Pic.3].
• The Coach restarts the game by playing a new ball
into the area.
• The first team to five points is the winner.
More Advanced:
• Teams must complete a higher amount of passes
before they can score.
• Maximum two touch for players.
Less Advanced:
• Overload with two Neutral players (5v5 + 2).
• Make the area bigger.
Other possibilities:
• After a point is recorded, the scoring player can
continue the game by either passing in or dribbling in.
CORE SKILLS – Striking the Ball, First Touch
Grid Size:
• 30m x 30m*
• *Guide only, adjust according to numbers, age, ability, etc.
• 12
Aim Of The Game:
• The aim for both teams is to combine with the outside
team before attempting to score through the centre
goal, in either direction.
• Divide players into three teams and set up as shown,
with one of the Yellows as a Goalkeeper. Depending on
numbers, the Coach can play on the vacated side [Pic.1].
• The Coach begins the game by playing a ball randomly
into the area.
• The first thing that the team in possession needs to do is
pass to one of the outside players (Yellows/Coach).
• Once the Yellows/Coach have returned the ball to the
team in possession, they are then allowed to shoot for
goal [Pic.2].
• If a goal is scored, it is registered and the game continues
as long as the ball is still in play.
• Anytime the ball leaves the area, the Coach will restart
the game by playing in a new ball.
• Players aren’t allowed to enter the inner ring. If the
Goalkeeper collects the ball, he can throw it randomly
back into play and the game continues.
• With every turn over of possession, the ball needs to be
played to the outside again before teams can shoot
• The first team to reach five goals is the winner.
• Swap the teams with the winner staying on.
More Advanced:
• Teams must complete a higher amount of passes before
they can score.
• Maximum two touch for players.
Less Advanced:
• Players can shoot at any time.
Other possibilities:
• Outside players can receive and dribble into the area to
create an overload, returning to the outside after they
pass or shoot.
CORE SKILLS – First Touch
Grid Size:
• 2 x (10m x 10m)*
• *Guide only, adjust according to numbers, age, ability, etc.
• 12
Aim Of The Game:
• The team that keeps possession for longer gets the
• Divide players into two teams and set up as shown. Get
the players to choose a number each from 1-6, or the
Coach can assign the numbers [Pic.1].
• The game begins with both teams passing a ball amongst
• Next, the Coach will call out a number (e.g. 4).
• The number 4’s from both groups leave their square and
run to the opposition square, looking to break up play
• Teams try to keep the ball away from the defender for as
long as possible.
• If the defender wins the ball, they must run the ball out
of the square (no deliberate kicking the ball out).
• If the ball leaves the square through a misplaced pass or
poor control, it is considered out.
• The team that keeps possession for longer will receive
the point. In this case, the Blues receive the point [Pic.3].
• The first team to reach five points is the winner.
More Advanced:
• The team in possession must keep the ball moving at all
times. If the ball is stationary it is deemed out.
• The Coach calls out two numbers to defend (4v2).
Less Advanced:
• Increase the size of the squares.
Other possibilities:
• Once one side has lost possession, allow the other side
to continue playing. Offer a bonus point if they can
complete a further 5 passes.
• Depending on numbers or ability, you may choose to
progress to two defenders.
CORE SKILLS – Striking the Ball, First Touch
Grid Size:
• 20m x 20m*
*Guide only, adjust according to numbers, age, ability, etc.
• 12
Aim Of The Game:
• Complete passes with your teammates while avoiding
the dribblers.
• Divide players into three teams and set up as shown.
There should be one Red and one Blue per square, with
players restricted to that square.
• Yellows will need a ball each, while the Reds and Blues
will only require one ball per team [Pic.1].
• The game begins with both teams passing a ball amongst
themselves. Reds can only pass to Reds, and Blues to
Blues [Pic.2].
• Players are free to move within their squares to create
possible passing lanes, whilst being aware of the other
teams movements.
• Players are not allowed to pass back to the player that
they received the ball from. This rule will help circulate
the ball around the area and ensure more touches for
each player.
• Once the teams have completed a few passes, allow the
Yellow team to enter the area.
• The Yellows are free to go wherever they want, with the
aim of trying to disrupt the passing of the Reds & Blues.
They do this by dribbling their balls in the way of players
who are trying to connect passes (no tackling).
• It's up to the Reds & Blues to adjust their position if any
Yellows are blocking their passing or receiving
options [Pic.3].
• After a minute, swap the roles.
• After a few rounds, turn it into a competition. Get one
player from each team to shout out the completed
passes as they happen. The first team to ten passes is
the winner.
More Advanced:
• Limit the touches e.g. 2-touch.
Less Advanced:
• Increase the size of the area.
• Stagger the dribblers e.g. every 10 seconds another
dribbler enters the area.