.OI— H, (g)
—(1 —gs)
0 Such curves are shown in Fig. 3 for the materials
discussed here as well as for lead and mercury. It is
clear that the diGerences among tin, indium, and
tantalum are small. The amplitudes of these curves
are sensitive to the choice of Ho and thus are affected
by the uncertainty in the extrapolation to O'K.
Measurements below 1'K will be required before the
".02— differences in amplitude of D(t) for these elements can
be considered to be clearly established. Further
measurements, if extended to suKciently low temper-
-.03- atures to yield reliable y values, will also permit the
deduction of the temperature dependence of C„(the
super conducting electronic specific heat) from the
FIG. 3. Deviation of critical Geld curves of several super- shape of D(t).
conductors from parabolicity. For clarity the curves for individual
samples of tin and indium are not shown (since the di6'erences in IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
D amount to 0.0014 or less).
Itis a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of
found in dH, /d T' —
as temperature is lowered D. K. Finnemore in taking the measurements.
Whether this behavior will extend into the range Discussions with Professor C. A. Swenson, Dr. J. I.
below 1'K remains to be seen. " Budnick, and Dr. M. Garfinkel have been most helpful.
"It should be pointed out that the work of E. A. Lynton, data are extrapolated to O'K by means of an expression which takes
B. Serin, and M. Zucker on tin indicates that a value of y in explicit account of the exponential temperature dependence of
better agreement with calorimetric data results if critical Geld the superconducting electronic speciGc heat.
cally advantageous and may be possible only when superexchange which is linear in the spin-orbit coupling
some imperfections of structural or chemical nature has an antisymmetric form as was briefiy reported. '
stabilize the domains. From these impurity mecha- In this paper we discuss the anisotropic superexchange
nisms, we expect the magnetic properties to change interaction to a fuller extent and the weak ferro-
from sample to sample depending on their purity. magnetism of o.-Fe203, the carbonates of Mn and Co
However, it seems to be natural to raise the following and CrF3.
question: Is weak ferromagnetism an intrinsic property
of e-Fe203 or not? An afFirmative answer was first given ANISOTROPIC SUPEREXCHANGE INTERACTION
by Dzialoshinski. ' His argument is phenomenological The anisotropic superexchange interaction is derived
and is as follows: He first showed that when the spins
by extending the theory of superexchange interaction
are perpendicular to the trigonal axis, an n-Fe203 to include the e8ect of spin-orbit coupling. We use
crystal with the antiferromagnetic spin arrangement Anderson's new formalism' of superexchange inter-
has the same symmetry as that with a canted spin
action. The basic one electron wave functions are those
arrangement which has a net magnetic moment localized at the positions of magnetic ions and are
perpendicular to the trigonal axis. The next step was orthogonal to each other. The one electron part of the
to write down the free energy of the system in terms of Hamiltonian is diagonalized within an ion, in this
spin variables, the magnetic moments of the four representation. These basic wave functions are denoted
sublattices. Among the. terms of the form allowed under
this crystal symmetry there was a term which favors
the canted spin arrangement rather than the antiferro-
f„t(r R), —g(r —R), f
magnetic one and therefore is essential to the weak where f and g mean the spin almost up and almost
ferromagnetism. This term is expressed by down, respectively. As we take account of the spin-orbit
coupling, these functions are not eigenfunctions of the
D. LS, &&S,j, (1.1) —
spin component S, but mixtures of and +
where D is a constant vector. In n-FesOs, D is parallel states. The one electron Hamiltonian is written in terms
to the trigonal axis. This theory, however, is a phe- of annihilation and creation operators as follows:
nomenological one and does not clarify how this
interaction arises and how D can be calculated.
E=Q Q s„(R)Ln„t*(R)n„t(R)+n„g*(R)n„g (R) j
We erst note that the expression (1.1) is the anti-
symmetric part of the most general expression for Q Q (b„ „(R'—R)fn t~(R')rr t(R)
+BWB' n„n'
bilin ear spin-spin interaction. Only the symmetric
interactions have been familiar to us so far. In insulators + „., *(R') „,(R) j+C„„(R'—R))~„,,*(R') „,(R)
the known spin-spin interactions are isotropic super- (R' —
—n„g*(R')n„g (R)]+C„„— R)n„.t*(R')n„g (R)
exchange interaction, magnetic dipole-dipole interaction
and anisotropic superexchange interaction of pseudo- +C„.„+(R' R)n„g*(R')n„t (—
R)), (2.1)
dipolar type. Among them the magnetic dipole-dipole where
interaction can make a contribution to the antisym-
metric coupling in certain special cases because of the b ~ (R' —R)+C „'(R'—R)
orbital moments. Its magnitude, however, is generally
very small and it vanishes in the above mentioned P„ t*(r R')HgP„t (r R— —
trigonal crystals. The anisotropic superexchange inter-
action studied so far4 is the so-called pseudodipolar b (R' —R) —C '(R'
interaction and is symmetric. However, the previous
theories do not seem to be general.
We have developed a general theory of anisotropic
P„.g*(r R')Hgg„g(r R—
)dr, 2)—
superexchange interaction with the use of the new
formalism recently developed by Anderson. ' We take
account of the spin-orbit coupling in the mechanisms C„„(R' R) = P„ t*(r —
R')HgP„g (r R)dr—
of superexchange while the previous theories do not
explicitly consider the mechanism of superexchange.
We could show that when the crystal symmetry is C„.„+(R'—R) = P„.g*(r R')H, y„t(r R)dr—
suf6ciently low, the largest term of the anisotropic
' I. Dzialoshinski, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 4, 241 (1958). = p'/2rN+
J. H. Van Vleck, J. phys. radium 12, 262 (1951); T, Moriya Hr V (r)
and K. Yosida, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 9, 663 (1953);
T. Xagamiya, K. Yosida, and R. Kubo, Advances in Physics,
+ (A/2m'c') S.PgradV(r) g pj,
edited by N. F. Mott (Taylor and Francis, Ltd. , London, 1955), C„.„+(R'—R) = C„„*(R'—R) &ic„„"(R'—R),
Vol. 4, p. 1.
5 P. W.
Anderson, Phys. Rev. 115„2 (1959). s T, Moray@, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 228 (1960),
n„t (R) and n„t*(R) are the annihilation and the creation g isthe gyromagnetic ratio and Ag is its deviation from
operators of the electrons in the state f„t(r R—), etc. the value for a free electron. Therefore the orders of
The most important contribution to the superexchange magnitudes of D and 1' are estimated by
comes from the conlguration mixing of the polar states
due to the transfer terms of (2.1). By the second order
D (hg/W) J, F (Ag/g)'J. (2.6)
perturbation calculation we get the usual isotropic The contribution of the next importance is the direct
superexchange from the 6' terms, the interaction of the exchange interaction. This has the same form as (2.3)
form (1.1) from the bC terms and pseudodipolar and the coeKcients of the 6rst two terms Jgg" and
interaction from the C' terms. We have for the inter- I'gg ' are given as follows:
action between the spins at R and R'
Eg, g &'&
= Jg, a &'&(S(R) .S(R'))
+D . LS(R)XS(R')]
rp„*(r~ —R) p„*(r2—R')
(3 1) = i2C p,
i. — (3 l, 2)= —i2Cp', (41l, 15) = i, —
(1 /p 5) = iv3Cp i—
Cp, (2 —
l( 5) = iv3Cp' i—
Cp', —
(314 4) =i, (4.3)
(1 l„ 4) = iVBCp —iCp,
(3 l„ 5)=
(lr cosg —
D (2) —D (2)—
U m &m
b. b. .
The following trigonal crystals are known to be weak
ferromagnets: n-Pe~03, MnCO3, CoCO3, CrF3, and
possibly FeF3. n-Fe203 has a corundum type crystal
D (2) —D (2)-P structure and MnCO3 and CoCO& are of NaNO& type.
The crystal structures of CrF3 and FeF3 have recently
where e
denotes the ground orbital state and m the been determined. " All of these crystals have the same
excited states. There is no reason why any one of the space group D3d' — R3C. The spin superstructure of
transfer integrals should vanish and therefore we see n-Fe203" gives rise to a nonvanishing antisymmetric
from (4.3) and (4.4) that the a and b components of spin coupling of the form (1.1) between the sublattice
D are nonzero regardless of which the ground state magnetizations and D is parallel to the trigonal axis as
may be. D, or D, in (4.4) consists of only one term was first shown by Dzialoshinski. ' For the remaining
when the ground state is other than 1ta and two terms crystals, the carbonates and the triQuorides, non-
when the ground state is f3. Similarly the direct vanishing D parallel to the trigonal axis exists when the
exchange contribution is calculated as follows. magnetic unit cell is just the same as the chemical unit
cell (with two molecular units) as may actually be the
(i*) ~ case.
D;*=4i) Q J(nnmn), When the spins are perpendicular to the trigonal
axis in the ordered state, a net magnetic moment is
(l(cos8 —i, sin8) „ induced by this interaction. The magnitude of this net
D ' =4iX Q —
moment at O'K may be estimated by
M D )Agq
where J(nnmn) is defined by (2.9). These expressions 1Vg1iiiS 2J (g )
are also valid regardless of what the ground state may Comparison of the value estimated by (5.1) with the
be. measured moments is shown in Table I. The agreement
Quantitative calculation of the transfer integrals b „ is generally reasonable. In CoCO&, the orbital moment
and the direct exchange integrals J(nnmn) is necessary
to get D. However, we may expect that 6 „and N. J. Poulis and G. E. G. Hardeman, Physica 18, 201 (1952).
J. Itoh, R. Kusaka, Y. Yamagata, R. Kiriyama, and H.
J(nnmn) are of the same order of magnitude as b Ibamoto, Physica 19, 415 (1953).
and J(nnnn), respectively, because of the low symmetry "S. W. Peterson and H. A. Levy, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 220
at the positions of Cu'+. The magnitude of D may be (1957).
"For CrF3 see K. H. Jack and R. Maitland, Proc. Chem. Soc.
about (hg/g) times the isotropic superexchange inter- (London) 232 (1957); K. Knox has also obtained the same result
action. (private communication). For FeF3 see M. A. Hepworth, Acta.
Cryst. 10, 345 (1957).
In the antiferromagnetic CuC12. 2H20, a magnetic ~ C. G. Shull, W. A. Strauser, and E. O. Wollan, Phys. Rev.
unit cell is considered to consist of two chemical unit 83, 333 (1951).
may be of particular importance. Though the g values TABIK I. Comparison between fractional magnetic moments
and (hg/g) in various weak ferromagnets.
are not available. we may naturally expect a compara-
tively large D and therefore a large moment, in quali-
tative agreement with the experiment. In Ot-Fe203,
Substance (W&gPI 5') (Ag/g)
CrF3, and FeF3y we have neutron diGraction data"" a-Feg03 1.4X10 ' 1X10 '
MnCO3 2 6X10 ' 1X10 '
which show that the spins are perpendicular to the CoCO3 2~6X10 '
L111j axis below the Neel temperature. For MnCOs CrF3 1X10 ~ ~1X10~
neutron data" suggest the spin directions are between FeF3 1X10 3
+D Q (S;Q;„—
S;„S, )+gp~H Q S;, (5.2) depend on the superexchange mechanism and therefore
is more important in substances with low Neel temper-
atures. In NiF2 this kind of interaction is responsible
where summations are taken over nearest neighboring for its weak ferromagnetism. "
In the trigonal crystals
pairs. We assume that 8 is positive, i.e., the easy which we are discussing now the fourth order terms of
direction is perpendicular to the s axis. By a molecular trigonal symmetry are the lowest order terms which
field approximation we can easily show that Xii (s may give rise to a net magnetization of the crystals.
component) obeys the Curie-Weiss law fairly well This is possible because there are essentially two kinds
down to TN while X& is given by
Ng'pnsS(S+1) T
3k (T+ Tsr) T
T~— (5 3)
of positions for the magnetic ions and the crystalline
fields around them are di6erent. They are written as
E Q S;,S;„(S;„'—3S;,')
—Q S;,Sy„(S;„' 3S;,'), (5. 6)—
JZS(S+1) where the erst and the second summations are taken
over one and the other kinds of ions, respectively. This
&n' &m'
superexchange interaction, and the other is the single
spin anisotropy energy. In o.-Fe20&, etc. , the first 2J(n' nnm)(S Srz) (m'! Xlz S !zn') q
mechanism and in NiF~ the second one are the origins (A 1)
of their weak ferromagnetism. There may be substances &n' &m'