Message in A Bottle Rubric

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Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________

Rubric for Message in a Bottle Assignment /20

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

4-5 3.5-3.9 3-3.4 2.5-2.9

Creativity/effort Significantly increases Mostly increases the Somewhat increases the Does not increase the
reader’s awareness of reader’s awareness of readers awareness of the readers awareness of the
the situation. the situation. situation. situation.
4-5 3.5-3.9 3-3.4 2.5-2.9
Spelling/grammar/ Very few to no Few spelling/grammar/ Some spelling/grammar/ Several
punctuation spelling/grammar/ punctuation errors. punctuation errors. spelling/grammar/
punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Meaning is very clear. Meaning is mostly clear. Meaning is somewhat Meaning is not clear.
8-10 7-7.9 6-6.9 5-5.9
Content Excellent description of Good description of the Fair description of the Limited description of
- Description of the island with many island with some details island with little details the island with very
island details about other about other characters about other characters little to no details about
- Description of characters and events. and events. and events. other characters and
characters events.
- Description of

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