Artanddesign Assessment Objective Checklist

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Guidance on writing: You should record your ideas, observations, insights and independent judgements, not only
in visual terms but also through written commentary. You may use annotation or more extended forms of writing to
show how you have met any one, or any combination, of the assessment objectives. Your style of writing should be
suitable for purpose, legible, clear and coherent. You should use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Provide evidence that shows you have: √or x

AO1 Investigated the work of other artists, craftspeople and

Critical Understanding designers as well as other sources and used your research to
develop a range of ideas.
Develop ideas through
investigations, demonstrating Documented your own judgements and opinions about the work
of others.
critical understanding of
sources. Developed your ideas through sustained, focused and
coherent investigations, demonstrating a clear understanding
of your sources and their relevance to your own ideas.

AO2 Explored and refined your ideas throughout each stage of

Creative Making development.

Been able to select and experiment with a variety of materials

Refine work by exploring and processes in order to progress your work.
ideas, selecting and
experimenting with appropriate Skilfully and safely handled materials and processes to produce
media, materials, techniques quality outcomes.
and processes.
Reviewed your work to improve quality as it progresses.

AO3 Used suitable and varied methods to record ideas,

Reflective Recording observations and experiences, preferably from first hand, rather
than secondary, sources.
Record ideas, observations Demonstrated that your research and enquiry has been relevant
and insights relevant to to your personal intentions.
intentions as work progresses.
Organised and clearly conveyed your ideas as they have
developed from your research, reflecting on your work as it has

AO4 Presented your own, imaginative ideas and outcomes.

Personal Presentation
Demonstrated the processes through which you have realised
your intentions.
Present a personal and
meaningful response that Made clear connections between the various parts of your
realises intentions and work, including that of other artists, craftspeople and designers;
demonstrates understanding so that it is meaningful and in a sequence that can be easily
of visual language. followed

Thought carefully about the final selection and method of

presentation of your work.

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