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The key takeaways are that students will learn about APA citations and how to identify their components and create an APA citation.

The main similarities between MLA and APA citations are that they both provide attribution to original authors. Some differences are that MLA uses author-page citation within the text while APA uses author-date citation. APA also requires inclusion of publication dates for sources.

To create an APA citation, students must identify the author, publication date, title, source, and location within the source. This information is formatted following APA style guidelines.

Understanding by Design Lesson Plan

Title of Unit MLA vs. APA Grade Level 12​th​ Grade

Curriculum Area English One 30-45 min. lesson
Time Frame
Developed By Emily Horan
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Content Standards
Georgia Standards of Excellence
● ELAGSE9-10W8: ​Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital
sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in
answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain
the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
● ELAGSE9-10L3​: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend
more fully when reading or listening, and to write and to edit so that it conforms to the
guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, APA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual for
Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type.

Knowledge Skills
Students will know… Students will be able to…

● Similarities between MLA and APA ● Identify components of an APA citation

citations ● Create an APA citation
● Differences between MLA and APA
● Components of an APA citation

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task Description
Goal Students will understand the differences between MLA and APA citation in
order to create a correct APA citation.
The media specialist will collaborate with classroom teacher and facilitate
learning of APA citations.
Audience 12​th​ grade ELA students
Situation Students will work in media center with student computers.
Product/ (1) Students will practice identifying components of an APA citation. (2)
Performance Students will create an APA citation.

AASL Standards for the 21​st​-Century Learner

● 6.2.1 ​Ethically using and reproducing others’ work.
Standards ● 6.2.2 ​Acknowledging authorship and demonstrating respect for the
intellectual property of others.

Stage 3: Learning Plan
Where​ are your students Students have previously practiced creating MLA citations in 9th,
headed? Where have they 10th, and 11th Grade ELA classrooms. The 12th Grade ELA
been? How will you make teacher wants to ensure students know other styles of citations
sure the students know as well, especially since so many students are interested in the
where they are going? medical and research field. Students will learn about APA,
building off of their background in MLA citations.
How will you ​hook Students will be hooked into the lesson by a brief discussion on
students at the beginning why writers must cite their work, especially when it comes to
of the unit? taking ideas from others. An example of stealing someone’s
homework without giving them credit will be used. The discussion
will then lead into why there are specific styles of citations.
What events will help Students will explore the topic of APA citation techniques through
students ​experience and online tools and games. These tools and games are designed to
explore ​the big idea and help students spot the differences in MLA versus APA citations.
questions in the unit? How The “Psych Out” game will test the student’s ability to identify
will you equip them with components of APA citation. Students will be equipped with the
needed skills and necessary skills of identifying APA citations through a guided
knowledge? PowerPoint.
How will you cause N/A
students to ​reflect and
rethink?​ How will you
guide them in rehearsing,
revising, and refining their
How will you help students Students will participate in a class discussion to reflect on the
to ​exhibit and self-evaluate reasons why we cite work and why having a style guide matters
their growing skills, to share work universally.
knowledge, and
understanding throughout
the unit?
How will you ​tailor​ and Students who struggle on activities like the “Psych Out” game will
otherwise personalize the be given additional remediation on APA citation.
learning plan to optimize
the engagement and
effectiveness of ALL
students, without
compromising the goals of
the unit?
How will you ​organize​ and 1. Lesson Hook: Why do we cite? Why does a style guide
sequence the learning matter?
activities to optimize the 2. Media Specialist reviews slides 1 - 10 of MLA vs. APA
engagement and PowerPoint.
achievement of ALL 3. Students work in pairs to spot the differences in Slide 11.
students? 4. Media Specialist guides students through different citation
5. Students practice using previously saved Galileo and other
researched articles.
6. Media Specialist and Classroom Teacher review citations
created, providing individual feedback.
7. Students complete the “Psych Out” game/assessment.
Results are sent to classroom teacher and media specialist
for review.

Adapted From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). ​Understanding by Design​, Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.

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