UBD Lesson Plan Template - Stage 1 Desired Results

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UBD Lesson Plan Template – Stage 1 Desired Results

Grade/Subject: 3rd Grade- Reading
Title: Fluency and Comprehension

Teacher(s): Katrina Barnett

Length of Time - Three weeks
Date the Unit
was reviewed:
Summary of the Students will increase their reading fluency and comprehension

Number Title of Content Standard
CCSS.ELA- Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand or know how to…… Unit concepts that reside at the heart of the
[Learning outcomes] subject. Ex. What was the position of the
characters in this story?
1. Students will understand be able to 1. What does it mean to be a fluent
read and identify grade level Dolch reader?
sight words. 2. How does fluency impact learning
2. Students will break down sight words to read?
by blending sounds. 3. How do I become a fluent reader?
3. Students will accurately respond to 4. How does phonemic awareness
comprehension questions related to impact learning to read?
various texts. 5. How do I use my voice, body, and
4. Students will meet their fluency goal of eyes to speak and listen effectively?
92 wpm. 6. Why is it important to understand
5. Students will be able to access and what I read?
utilize various web 2.0 tools that will 7. How does understanding
assist them with their sight words directionality and how letters and
words go together build reading

Shippensburg Area School District

Knowledge: Skills:
Students will need to know: Students will need to do:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.4.A ELAGSE3RL10 By the end of the year,
Read grade-level text with purpose and read and comprehend literature,
understanding. including stories, dramas, and poetry, at
the high end of the grades 2-3 text
complexity band independently and
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.5.4.b Read grade- proficiently.
level prose and poetry orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on
successive readings.

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