Nozzle Performance Test Unit PDF
Nozzle Performance Test Unit PDF
Nozzle Performance Test Unit PDF
Determine the effect of back pressure on mass flow rate and to calculate the nozzle
efficiency through impact loading.
Determine the specific thrust by varying back pressure by jet reaction.
Nozzle performance test unit F790 – The setup is specifically designed to allow us to
investigate the performance of a range of nozzles as kinetic energy producers and as
thrust producers. The unit also allows investigation of the mass flow rate through
The Setup unit works on air at ambient temperature and stabilizes immediately and its
energy consumption is only the energy input needed to drive a relatively small
Different types of nozzle like type-1, type-3 and type-5. Type-1 is convergent nozzle,
type-2 is convergent-divergent nozzle and type-5 is also convergent-divergent nozzle.
Air reservoir is also required and one pressurized unit that can supply the air to the
performance unit.
From the above relation we can say that the Mach no will be unity only at the point in
the nozzle at which the dA will be zero that means at the throat.
Due to the effects of friction, uncontrolled expansion, shocks etc., the velocity of the
jet of fluid leaving a nozzle will be lower than that from an ideal nozzle.
The efficiency of nozzle is given by in terms of kinetic energy is-
Exp. 3 Propulsion lab Naveen Kumar 28/03/2018
Assuming that the velocity is zero at the nozzle inlet, then we can say that-
The relation for the mass flow rate is given by the formula given below-
Specific thrust is defined as the Thrust per unit mass flow rate is called the specific thrust.
The velocity of jet is calculated by the Newton’s 2nd law of motion i.e. - Axial force per unit
mass flow rate.
Measurement of velocity- The compressed air is delivered to a nozzle mounted in the
wall of a chamber. The jet of air issuing from the nozzle strikes a specifically designed
impact head mounted on the end of a hollow cantilever. Air leaving this impact head
has no axial velocity and the force associated with the change of momentum causes the
cantilever to deflect.
Measurement of jet reaction and specific thrust- For this, the nozzle hole in the
chamber wall is plugged. The nozzle under investigation is then screwed into the end
of the cantilever so that it discharges vertically upward into the chamber.
Compressed air is then supplied through the hollow cantilever and the jet reaction again
causes a deflection which is measured by the micrometre adjustment and contacts.
1. Measurement of jet velocity and nozzle efficiency-
1. The air valve is closed and it has been made sure that the setup is not
Exp. 3 Propulsion lab Naveen Kumar 28/03/2018
700 100 0.142857 0.7 15.7 6.050687 3.059143 505.5861 127.8086 131.1379 97.46125
700 200 0.285714 0.61 15.7 6.050687 2.661478 439.8638 96.74008 92.51569 104.5661
700 300 0.428571 0.54 15.7 6.050687 2.352183 388.7465 75.56191 66.11235 114.2932
700 400 0.571429 0.43 15.2 5.868534 1.866148 317.9922 50.55952 45.43467 111.2796
700 500 0.714286 0.29 13.1 5.116267 1.247558 243.8414 29.72932 28.18355 105.4847
700 600 0.857143 0.11 7.9 3.342339 0.452228 135.3028 9.153429 13.24864 69.08957
700 650 0.928571 0.06 5.1 2.439563 0.231303 94.81328 4.494779 6.442135 69.77157
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig. 4
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Efficiency (%)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig. 5
700 100 0.142857 0.65 15.2 5.868534 2.838218 483.6333 116.9506 131.1379 89.18135
700 200 0.285714 0.53 15.1 5.832243 2.307998 395.7307 78.30141 92.51569 84.63582
700 300 0.428571 0.45 15.4 5.941254 1.954518 328.974 54.11193 66.11235 81.84845
700 400 0.571429 0.37 15.4 5.941254 1.601038 269.4781 36.30923 45.43467 79.91524
700 500 0.714286 0.29 15.8 6.087258 1.247558 204.9458 21.00139 28.18355 74.51651
700 600 0.857143 0.1 10.9 4.350315 0.408043 93.79619 4.398862 13.24864 33.20237
700 650 0.928571 0.07 7.8 3.309466 0.275488 83.24244 3.464652 6.442135 53.78111
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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig. 6
efficency vs Pressure Ratio (Nozzle-3)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig. 7
Exp. 3 Propulsion lab Naveen Kumar 28/03/2018
700 100 0.142857 0.55 15.6 6.0141624 2.396368 398.4542 79.38286 131.13791 60.5338737
700 200 0.285714 0.52 15.6 6.0141624 2.263813 376.4137 70.84363 92.515687 76.5747211
700 300 0.428571 0.43 15.7 6.0506866 1.866148 308.4192 47.56121 66.11235 71.939971
700 400 0.571429 0.33 15.7 6.0506866 1.424298 235.3944 27.70527 45.434669 60.9782625
700 500 0.714286 0.25 15.5 5.977685 1.070818 179.1359 16.04484 28.183547 56.9297967
700 600 0.857143 0.16 13.8 5.3647296 0.673153 125.4775 7.872305 13.248641 59.419715
700 650 0.928571 0.09 9.8 3.9758336 0.363858 91.51741 4.187718 6.4421354 65.0051271
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig 8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure Ratio
Fig 9
From the plot 5, we have observed that for a convergent nozzle, the nozzle efficiency
increase till a value of pressure ratio of about 0.45 and then decreases till pressure ratio
is 0.85 and then increases till a value of 0.93.
Theoretically, there is no decrease in the nozzle efficiency 1st increase with pressure
ratio and then starts decreasing after critical pressure ratio reached. The differences in
plots can be due to the parallax error and calibration error.
From plot 7 & 9, we have observed that the nozzle efficiency for convergent divergent
nozzle 3 & 5 decreases gradually until critical pressure ratio is arrived. At critical
pressure ratio due to formation of shock wave, the nozzle efficiency decrease drastically
as can be observed from the graph and once the shock moves downstream of the nozzle
at the exit, the nozzle efficiency again increases. The slight variation of the
experimental curve in comparison with the theoretical plot can be due to the error
Exp. 3 Propulsion lab Naveen Kumar 28/03/2018
involved while conducting experiment and due to the parallax error and calibration
From plot 4, 6, & 8, we have observed that specific thrust decreases with the increase
in pressure ratio. This is because, as the deflection decreases the force decreases and
since we have calculated specific thrust as force divided by the mass flow rate, and
mass flow rate being reasonably constant over some pressure ratios, the specific thrust
decreases as the force decreases.
This method of measuring specific thrust is not entirely accurate because even though
the unit of specific thrust is same as that of velocity, specific thrust is not necessarily
the velocity of the jet, since the pressure of the fluid at the exit from the nozzle may be
different from that of the region into which it discharges and so due to the pressure
difference there may be a pressure thrust in addition to the momentum thrust.
In the present experiment we have investigated the performance of a convergent nozzle
(type 1) and two convergent divergent nozzles (type-3, type-5).
Two type of test has been conducted, 1st to measure the jet velocity and efficiency of
the nozzles and 2nd to measure the specific thrust produced by the nozzles.
The maximum mass flow rate observed among all the tests for the same
Pressure ratio is 6.087 gm/s.
The critical pressure ratios for the CD nozzles have been observed from the graphs
plotted for each case.
P.A. Hilton Nozzle performance test unit laboratory manual.