Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical Engineering - Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Questions and answers

1. One litre of water occupies a volume of

A.100 cm3
B. 250 cm3
C. 500 cm3
D.1000 cm3

Answer: Option D

2. The value of bulk modulus of a fluid is required to determine

A.Reynold's number
B. Froude's number
C. Mach number
D.Euler's number

Answer: Option C
3. In a depressed nappe
A.the pressure below the nappe is atmospheric
B. the pressure below the nappe is negative
C. the pressure above the nappe is atmospheric
D.the pressure above the nappe is negative

Answer: Option B
4. In one dimensional flow, the flow steady and uniform
B. takes place in straight line
C. takes place in curve
D.takes place in one direction

Answer: Option B
5. The kinematic viscosity is the
A.ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the liquid
B. ratio of density of the liquid to the absolute viscosity
C. product of absolute viscosity and density of the liquid
D.product of absolute viscosity and mass of the liquid

Answer: Option A

7. The discharge over a right angled notch is (where H = Height of liquid above the apex of notch)
Cd 2g x H
Cd 2g x H3/2
Cd 2g x H2
Cd 2g x H5/2

Answer: Option D
8. A weir is said to be broad crested weir, if the width of the crest of the weir is __________ half the height of
water above the weir crest.
A.equal to.
B. less than
C. more than
Answer: Option C
9. A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. The total
pressure on the wall per unit length is (where w = Specific weight of liquid, and H = Height of liquid)
B. wH/2
C. wH2/2

Answer: Option C
10. An error of 1% in measuring head over the apex of the notch (H) will produce an error of __________
in discharge over a triangular notch.
B. 1.5%
C. 2%

Answer: Option D
12. Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of
A.actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
B. loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orifice
C. actual discharge through an orifice to the theoretical discharge
D.area of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice

Answer: Option D
13. In a free nappe,
A.the pressure below the nappe is atmospheric
B. the pressure below the nappe is negative
C. the pressure above the nappe is atmospheric
D.the pressure above the nappe is negative

Answer: Option A
14. The Reynold's number of a ship is __________ to its velocity and length.
A.directly proportional
B. inversely proportional

Answer: Option A

15. When a tube of smaller diameter is dipped in water, the water rises in the tube due to viscosity of
B. False

Answer: Option B
16. According to equation of continuity,
A.w1a1 = w2a2
B. w1v1 = w2v2
C. a1v1 = a2v2
D.a1/v1 = a2/v2

Answer: Option C
17. Coefficient of resistance is the ratio of
A.actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
B. area of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice
C. loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orifice
D.actual discharge through an orifice to the dieoretical discharge

Answer: Option C
18. Euler's equation in the differential form for the motion of liquids is given by

C. ρ.dp + + v.dv = 0
D.ρ.dp - + v.dv = 0

Answer: Option A
19. In order to measure the flow with a venturimeter, it is installed in
A.horizontal line
B. inclined line with flow upwards
C. inclined line with flow downwards
D.any direction and in any location

Answer: Option D
20. The discharge through a large rectangular orifice is given by (where H1 = Height of the liquid
above the top of the orifice, H2 = Height of the liquid above the bottom of the orifice, b = Breadth
of the orifice, and Cd = Coefficient of discharge)
Q= Cd x b2g(H2 - H1)
Q= Cd x b2g(H21/2 - H11/2)
Q= Cd x b2g(H23/2 - H13/2)
Q= Cd x b2g(H22 - H12)

Answer: Option C
21. The discharge over a rectangular notch is (where b = Width of notch, and H = Height of liquid,
above the sill of the notch)
Cd x b2gH
Cd x b2g x H
Cd x b2g x H3/2
Cd x b2g x H2

Answer: Option C
22. The discharge through a siphon spillway is
A.Cd x a2gH
B. Cd x a2g x H3/2
C. Cd x a2g x H2
D.Cd x a2g x H5/2

Answer: Option A
23. The maximum discharge over a broad crested weir is
A.0.384 Cd x L x H1/2
B. 0.384 Cd x L x H3/2
C. 1.71 Cd x L x H1/2
D.1.71 Cd x L x H3/2

Answer: Option D
24. In a venturimeter, the velocity of liquid at throat is __________ than at inlet.
B. lower

Answer: Option A
25. The loss of head due to friction in a pipe of uniform diameter in which a viscous flow is taking
place, is (where RN = Reynold number)
B. 4/RN
C. 16/RN

Answer: Option C
Mechanical Engineering - Strength of Materials

1. Strain energy is the stored in a body when strained within elastic limits
B. energy stored in a body when strained upto the breaking of a specimen
C. maximum strain energy which can be stored in a body
D.proof resilience per unit volume of a material

Answer: Option A

2. A vertical column has two moments of inertia (i.e. Ixx and Iyy ). The column will tend to buckle in the
direction of the
A.axis of load
B. perpendicular to the axis of load
C. maximum moment of inertia
D.minimum moment of inertia

Answer: Option D

3. The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress is
B. minimum
C. maximum

Answer: Option A
4. Euler's formula holds good only for
A.short columns
B. long columns
C. both short and long columns
D.weak columns

Answer: Option B
5. The object of caulking in a riveted joint is to make the joint from corrosion
B. stronger in tension
C. free from stresses

Answer: Option D
6. A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15° C to 40° C and it is free to expand. The bar Will induce stress
B. shear stress
C. tensile stress
D.compressive stress

Answer: Option A
7. A body is subjected to a tensile stress of 1200 MPa on one plane and another tensile stress of 600
MPa on a plane at right angles to the former. It is also subjected to a shear stress of 400 MPa on the
same planes. The maximum normal stress will be
A.400 MPa
B. 500 MPa
C. 900 MPa
D.1400 MPa
Answer: Option D
8. Two shafts 'A' and 'B' transmit the same power. The speed of shaft 'A' is 250 r.p.m. and that of shaft
'B' is 300 r.p.m. The shaft 'B' has the greater diameter.
B. False

Answer: Option B
9. A thick cylindrical shell having ro and ri as outer and inner radii, is subjected to an internal pressure
(p). The maximum tangential stress at the inner surface of the shell is




Answer: Option A
10. The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is __________ the stress induced when the
same load is applied gradually.
A.equal to
B. one-half
C. twice
D.four times

Answer: Option C
For a beam, as shown in the below figure, the maximum deflection is .

B. False

Answer: Option B
12. If the slenderness ratio for a column is 100, then it is said to be a __________ column.
B. medium
C. short

Answer: Option A
13. A masonry dam may fail due to
A.tension in the masonry of the dam and its base
B. overturning of the dam
C. crushing of masonry at the base of the dam
D.any one of the above

Answer: Option D
14. In order to prevent crushing of masonry at the base of the dam, the maximum stress should be
__________ the permissible stress of the soil.
A.equal to
B. less than
C. more than

Answer: Option B
15. When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite pushes, as a result of which the body tends to
reduce its length, the stress and strain induced is compressive.
B. False

Answer: Option A
16. The bending moment at a point on a beam is the algebraic __________ of all the moments on either
side of the point.
B. difference

Answer: Option A
17. The maximum diameter of the hole that can be punched from a plate of maximum shear stress
1/4th of its maximum crushing stress of punch, is equal to (where t = Thickness of the plate)
B. 2t
C. 4t

Answer: Option C
18. Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the number of turns of
spring 'A' is half that of spring 'B' The ratio of deflections in spring 'A' to spring 'B' is
B. 1/4
C. 1/2

Answer: Option C
19. The deformation per unit length is called
A.tensile stress
B. compressive stress
C. shear stress

Answer: Option D
20. A thin cylindrical shell of diameter (d) and thickness (t) is subjected to an internal pressure (p). The
ratio of longitudinal strain to volumetric strain is




Answer: Option D
In the torsion equation the term J/R is called
A.shear modulus
B. section modulus
C. polar modulus
D.none of these

Answer: Option C
22. Strain resetters are used to
A.measure shear strain
B. measure linear strain
C. measure volumetric strain
D.relieve strain

Answer: Option B
23. The torque transmitted by a solid shaft of diameter (D) is (where τ = Maximum allowable shear
x τ x D3
x τ x D3
x τ x D3
x τ x D3

Answer: Option B
24. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress is developed on
the layer
B. bottom layer
C. neutral axis
D.every cross-section

Answer: Option B
25. For a beam, as shown in the below figure, when the load W is applied in the centre of the beam, the
maximum deflection is





Answer: Option A
Mechanical Engineering - Hydraulic Machines

1. Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to __________ of its impeller.
B. square of diameter
C. cube of diameter
D.fourth power of diameter

Answer: Option D
2. The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is
A.ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by the turbine
B. ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel
C. ratio of the Work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet
D.none of the above
Answer: Option B
3. The overshot water wheels are those in which the wheel runs entirely by the __________ of water.
B. impulse

Answer: Option A
4. In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades are generally between
A.2 to 4
B. 4 to 8
C. 8 to l6
D.16 to 24

Answer: Option B
5. If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction, then net or effective head (H) is given
A.H = Hg/hf
B. H = Hg x hf
C. H = Hg + hf
D.H = Hg - hf

Answer: Option D
6. Discharge of a centrifugal pump is
A.directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
B. inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
C. directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
D.inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller

Answer: Option D
7. A Pelton wheel develops 1750 kW under a head of 100 metres while running at 200 r.p.m. and discharging
2500 litres of water per second. The unit power of the wheel is
A.0.25 kW
B. 0.75 kW
C. 1.75 kW
D.3.75 kW

Answer: Option C
8. The static head of a centrifugal pump is equal to the __________ of suction head and delivery head.
B. difference
C. sum
Answer: Option C
9. The ratio of actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel is known as
__________ efficiency.
B. mechanical
C. overall

Answer: Option B
10. Geometric similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
A.have identical velocities
B. are equal in size and shape
C. are identical in shape, but differ only in size
D.have identical forces

Answer: Option C
16. Slip of a reciprocating pump is defined as the
A.ratio of actual discharge to the theoretical discharge
B. sum of actual discharge and the theoretical discharge
C. difference of theoretical discharge and the actual discharge
D.product of theoretical discharge and the actual discharge

Answer: Option C
17. The efficiency of a centrifugal pump will be maximum when the blades are bent backward.
B. No

Answer: Option A
18. Multi-stage centrifugal pumps are used to
A.give high discharge
B. produce high heads
C. pump viscous fluids
D.all of these

Answer: Option B
19. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per second against a head of 15
metres at 725 r.p.m., is
A.24.8 r.p.m.
B. 48.2 r.p.m
C. 82.4 r.p.m.
D.248 r.p.m

Answer: Option C
20. Theoretical power required (in watts) to drive a reciprocating pump is (where w = Specific weight of liquid
to be pumped in N/m3, Q = Discharge of the pump in m3/s, Hs = Suction head in metres, and Hd = Delivery
head in metres)
B. wQHd
C. wQ(Hs - Hd)
D.wQ(Hs + Hd)

Answer: Option D
21. Which of the following pump is preferred for flood control and irrigation applications?
A.Centrifugal pump
B. Axial flow pump
C. Mixed flow pump
D.Reciprocating pump

Answer: Option B
22. The efficiency of a Pelton wheel working under constant head __________ with the increase in power.
A.remains same
B. increases
C. decreases

Answer: Option B
23. The discharge of a centrifugal pump working under constant head __________ with the speed.
B. decreases

Answer: Option A
24. The unit discharge through the turbine is




Answer: Option A
25. Delivery head of water of a centrifugal pump is inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller.
B. No

Answer: Option B
Mechanical Engineering - Machine Design

1. The sleeve or muff coupling is designed as a

A.dun cylinder
B. thick cylinder
C. solid shaft
D.hollow shaft

Answer: Option D
2. A sliding bearing in which the working surfaces are completely separated from each other by lubricant is
called zero film bearing.
B. False
Answer: Option B
3. Screws used for power transmission should have
A.Low efficiency
B. high efficiency
C. very fine threads
D.strong teeth

Answer: Option B
4. The number of rivets in shear shall be equal to the number of rivets in crushing.
B. Incorrect

Answer: Option A
5. When bevel gears connect two shafts whose axes intersect at an angle greater than a right angle and one of
the bevel gears has a pitch angle of 90°, then they are known as
A.angular bevel gears
B. crown bevel gears
C. internal bevel gears
D.mitre gears

Answer: Option B
6. The toughness of a material __________ when it is heated.
B. decreases
C. does not change

Answer: Option B
7. The number of slots in a 25 mm castle nut is
B. 4
C. 6

Answer: Option C
8. A screw is said to be over hauling screw, if its efficiency is
A.less than 50%
B. more than 50%
C. equal to 50%
D.none of these

Answer: Option B
9. The application of third type levers is found in
A.handle of a hand pump
B. hand wheel of a punching press
C. lever of a loaded safety valve
D.a pair of tongs

Answer: Option D
10. For unequal width of butt straps, the thickness of butt straps are
A.0.75 t for wide strap on the inside and 0.625 t for narrow strap on the outside
B. 0.75 t for narrow strap on the inside and 0.625 t for wide strap on the outside
C. 0.75 t for both the straps on the inside and outside
D.0.625 t for both the straps on the inside and outside

Answer: Option A
11. In second type of levers,
A.load is in between the fulcrum and effort
B. effort is in between the fulcrum and load
C. fulcrum is in between the load and effort
D.none of these

Answer: Option A
12. Soderberg relation is based on __________ of the material whereas all other failure relation for dynamic
loading are based on ultimate strength of the material.
A.elastic strength
B. yield strength
C. shear strength

Answer: Option B
13. In a flange coupling, the flanges are coupled together by means of
A.bolts and nuts
B. studs
C. headless taper bolts
D.none of these

Answer: Option A
14. A transmission shaft includes
A.counter shaft
B. line shaft
C. over head shaft
D.all of these

Answer: Option D
15. According to I.B.R., shearing resistance required to shear off the rivet per pitch length (in double shear) is
(where n = Number of rivets per pitch length)
d2 x τ x n
1.875 x d2 x τ x n
2x d2 x τ x n
3x d2x τ x n
16. A locking device in which the bottom cylindrical portion is recessed to receive the tip of the locking set
screw, is called
A.castle nut
B. jam nut
C. ring nut
D.sawn nut

Answer: Option C
17. Slenderness ratio is the ratio of
A.maximum size of column to minimum size of column
B. width of column to depth of column
C. effective length of column to least radius of gyration of the column
D.effective length of column to width of column

Answer: Option C
18. A crankshaft is a __________ shaft.
B. machine

Answer: Option B
19. According to Indian standard specifications, 100 H6/g5 means that the
A.actual size is 100 mm
B. basic size is 100 mm
C. difference between the actual size and basic size is 100 mm
D.none of the above

Answer: Option B
20. A plate with an elliptical hole in the centre, with semi-major axis (a) perpendicular to the direction of
loading and semi-minor axis (b) along the direction of loading, is subjected to a pull P. The maximum stress
induced at the edge of the hole is equal to (where σ = Stress for a plate with no hole i.e. nominal stress)




Answer: Option B
21. The velocity of sliding __________ the distance of the point of contact from the pitch point. directly proportional to
B. is inversely proportional to
C. is equal to cos φ multiplied by
D.does not depend upon

Answer: Option A
22. A column is known as a long column if the slenderness ratio is
B. 50
C. 70

Answer: Option D
23. Circumferential joint in boilers is used to get the required length of a boiler.
B. False

Answer: Option A
24. The ball bearings are provided with a cage reduce friction
B. to facilitate slipping of balls
C. to prevent the lubricant from flowing out maintain the balls at a fixed distance apart

Answer: Option D
25. When screw threads are to be used in a situation where power is being transmitted in one direction only,
then the screw threads suitable for this will be
A.square threads
B. acme threads
C. knuckle threads
D.buttress threads

Answer: Option D
Mechanical Engineering - Automobile Engineering
1. The condition that causes vapour locking in a brake system is
A.overheating of the fluid due to frequent brake application
B. overcooling of the brakes during high speed driving
C. keeping the vehicle without use for an extended period excessively high engine speed on a downhill road

Answer: Option A
2. The portion of a crankshaft which rests on cylinder block is called main journal.
B. No
Answer: Option A
3. A baffle plate is fitted inside the oil pan to prevent the oil from splashing when it is subjected to vibration
and other movement during vehicle operation.
B. False

Answer: Option A
4. The motion of the cam is transferred to the valves through
B. rocker arms
C. camshaft pulley
D.valve stems

Answer: Option B
5. Which of the following symptom is caused as a result of brake disc run out ?
A.Ineffectiveness of the brakes
B. Judder during braking
C. Localized wearing of the brake pads
D.Rapid wearing of the brake pads

Answer: Option B
6. If the engine coolant leaks into the engine oil, then engine oil
A.appears milky
B. becomes foamy
C. turns black
D.none of these

Answer: Option A
7. The function of an alternator in an automobile is to electric power
B. convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
C. continually recharge the battery
D.partly convert engine power into electric power

Answer: Option C
8. A clutch is usually designed to transmit maximum torque which is
A.equal to the maximum engine torque
B. 80 per cent of the maximum engine torque
C. 150 per cent of the maximum engine torque
D.none of these

Answer: Option C
9. What type of bearing is used for main bearings and connecting rod bearings ?
B. Plain bearings
C. Needle roller bearing
D.Taper roller bearing

Answer: Option B
10. It is necessary to maintain the valve clearances as they
A.reduce the resistance to sliding that occurs between the cam and the tappet
B. allow for lengthening of the valves owing to the heat of combustion
C. increase the speed at which the valves move up and down
D.make the crankshaft turn smoothly

Answer: Option B
11. Incorrect steering axis inclination (S.A.I.) causes
A.tendency to assume toe-out orientation
B. generation of a braking effect at tight corners
C. poor recovery of the steering wheel after making a turn
D.the vehicle to pull to the side of lesser inclination

Answer: Option C
12. In a unit type body (frameless body) design, the sheet metal parts are welded together, forming a frame work
to which outer skin is attached.
B. False

Answer: Option A
13. The torque available at the contact between driving wheels and road is known as
A.brake effort
B. tractive effort
C. clutch effort
D.none of these

Answer: Option B
14. A traction control system (TCS) in automobiles controls the
A.vibrations on the steering wheel
B. engine power during acceleration
C. torque that is transmitted by the tyres to the road surface
D.stopping distance in case of emergency

Answer: Option C
15. In radial tyres ply layer runs diagonally one way and another layer runs diagonally the other way
B. all plies run parallel to one another and vertical to tyre bead
C. inner tubes are always used
D.none of these

Answer: Option B
16. The oil pump is driven by the
B. alternator shaft
C. crankshaft via drive belt
D.crankshaft directly

Answer: Option D
17. In a spark plug, when the temperature of the central electrode exceeds a certain temperature, any carbon that
has adhered will be burnt off, and the temperature at which this burning off carbon starts is referred to as the
self cleaning temperature.
B. Incorrect

Answer: Option A
18. The flywheel and the pressure plate bind the clutch disc between them so that the engine and the
transmission can be engaged.
B. No

Answer: Option A
19. The vehicle ride will be comfortable if
A.unsprung mass is kept minimum
B. sprang mass is kept minimum
C. vehicle mass is kept minimum
D.all of these

Answer: Option A
20. The main function of intake manifold is that it
A.promotes the mixture of air and fuel
B. reduces intake noise
C. cools the intake air to a suitable temperature
D.distributes intake air equally to the cylinders

Answer: Option D
21. Positive camber is used to compensate for wheels tilting inward due to the weight of the vehicle.
B. No

Answer: Option A
22. In automobiles G.V.W. refers to
A.gross vehicle width
B. gross vehicle weight
C. gross vehicle wheel base
D.gross vehicle wheel track

Answer: Option B
23. The firing order for an in-line four cylinder I.C. engine is
B. 1-3-4-2
C. 1-2-4-3

Answer: Option B
24. In a ventilated disc brake,
A.a duct directs air towards the caliper for cooling while the vehicle is moving
B. caliper is covered with cooling fins
C. disc contains many small holes for optimum cooling performance
D.disc contains radial vanes between its rubbing surfaces for optimum cooling performance

Answer: Option D
25. The effect of having excess camber is
A.excessive steering alignment torque
B. hard steering
C. too much traction
D.uneven tyre wear

Answer: Option D

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