A Review On Uv Spectrophotometric Methods For Simultaneous
A Review On Uv Spectrophotometric Methods For Simultaneous
A Review On Uv Spectrophotometric Methods For Simultaneous
Review Article
Kamal et al.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
www.ejpmr.com EJPMR
In present era, market is floated with various combinations dosage forms and the number is increased day by day.
These multicomponent formulations are gaining interest due to greater patient acceptability, increased potency,
multiple action, fewer side effects, and quicker relief. Therefore, it is desired that these formulations meet the entire
standards related to their quality, safety, and efficacy. This can only be possible if different analytical techniques are
available for their determination. Different UV spectrophotometric methods are used in simultaneous
multicomponent analysis. Such methods are based on recording and mathematically processing absorption spectra.
This review is mainly focused on simultaneous equation method, difference spectrophotometry, derivative
spectrophotometry, absorbance ratio spectra, derivative ratio spectra, double divisor ratio spectra derivative method,
successive ratio - derivative spectra, Q-absorbance ratio method, isosbestic point method, absorpitivity factor
method, dual wavelength method, ratio subtraction method, mean centering of the ratio spectra, absorption factor
method and multivariate methods. An overview of theories and some applications of these methods are presented.
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Eq. (8) illustrates that the amplitude difference in the ……………….. (9)
mixture absorbance ratio between two wavelengths 1
and 2 (termed; peak to peak, peak to trough, maximum The difference between the two spectra and
to minimum measurement, or ratio difference
spectrophotometric method) is equal to the same (Fig. 1) is due to the constant interference value due to
amplitude difference for compound y after canceling the compound x ( ). Elimination of such interference can
constant interference due to compound x. The
concentration of compound y (Cy) is proportional to the be done by measurement of ratio spectra difference
peak to peak amplitudes of its absorbance spectra. A between two wavelengths or calculating derivative of the
calibration graph is obtained by recording and storing the ratio spectra.[21] Second derivative of the ratio spectra
spectra of solutions of different concentrations of pure y, may be also used to improve linearity, mean %
and the spectrum of a solution of pure x (the divisor x0). recoveries and decrease relative standard deviation.[25]
The stored spectra of the solutions of pure y are divided Derivative ratio spectra was modified for the
by the standard spectrum of the divisor (x0). In the determination of ternary mixtures using the derivative
generated ratio spectra, the peak to peak amplitudes ratio spectra zero-crossing method. This method is
between the selected wavelengths are measured and realized by measurement of amplitudes at the zero-
plotted against Cy to obtain the calibration graph. By crossing points in the derivative ratio spectra.[19,26-29]
using the calibration graph, the concentration of
compound y in the mixture is determined after similar 6- Double divisor ratio spectra derivative method
treatment for the mixture solution. The concentration of This method is based on the use of the derivative of the
x in the mixture is determined by an analogous ratio spectrum obtained by dividing the absorption
procedure. Ratio spectra method was developed for the spectrum of the ternary mixture by a standard spectrum
simultaneous determination of several binary mixtures of a mixture of two of the three compounds in the
e.g., emtricitabine and tenofovir, [22] diclofenac and mixture, and the measuring at either the maximum or
pantoprazole [21] and ternary mixtures, e.g., omeprazole, minimum wavelengths. It can only be used for the
tinidazole and clarithromycin. [23] mixtures that the ratio of the concentrations of two
interfering compounds (used as double divisor) is
known. In other words, the ratio of the concentrations of
two interfering compounds should be the same in
calibration, prediction and unknown samples. It is
obvious that the ratio of the concentration of the analytes
in real samples is always unknown.
If a mixture of three compounds (x, y and z) is
considered, if Beer's law is obeyed for all compounds
over the whole wavelength range used and if the path
length is 1 cm, the absorption spectrum of the ternary
mixture at wavelength λcan be written in form of the
Fig. 1: Ratio spectra of a standard solution of y and a
mixture solution (x and y) containing the same …………………. (10)
concentration of y, using x0 as a divisor.[21]
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where Am is the absorbance of the mixture, independent of the concentration values CX and Cy in the
are the absorptivities of x, y and z, ternary mixture. The concentrations of x and y are
determined by analogous procedures. [27]
and are the concentrations of x, y
and z, respectively. 7- Successive ratio - derivative spectra method
This method is used for simultaneous determination of
A similar equation for two compounds in the same the three compounds in ternary mixtures without need to
ternary mixture as in a standard binary mixture can be know the ratio of concentration of species. It is based on
written as the successive derivative of ratio spectra in two
………………………. (11) successive steps.
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the other compounds of the ternary system (y and z in measured using other spectroscopic method (DS), the
these equations). As Eq. (21) shows there is a linear concentration of the other could be calculated by
relation between the amount of dD/dλ and the subtraction. A linear correlation was obtained between
concentration of x in the solution. A calibration curve the absorbance values and the corresponding drug
could be constructed by plotting dD/dλ against concentrations. Consider you have a mixture of two
concentration of x in the standard solutions of x or in the drugs x and y. The absorbance of each drug can be
standard ternary mixtures. For more sensitivity the calculated at any wavelength (λ) from the equation
amount of dD/dλ corresponding to maximum or
…………. (27)
minimum wavelength should be measured. Calibration
graphs for y and z could be also constructed as described
for x. [30] Therefore, for drug x: ……(28)
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method has was successfully applied for the where, F is the absorptivity factor, ax and ay are the
simultaneous determination of several binary mixture, absorptivities of x and y respectively.
e.g., metronidazole and diloxanide furoate,[32] ezetimibe
and atorvastatin,[33] and sitagliptin and metformin.[34] For mixture of x and y, the total absorbance of x and y at
absorptivity factor point kF can be expressed as follows
10-Absorpitivity factor method …………………… (39)
The absorptivity factor (modification of the classical
isoabsorpitive method) is applied for the analysis of …… (40)
binary mixture if only there is a large difference in the …………………… (41)
absorptivity between both drugs, so there is no
occurrence of an isoabsorptive point.
Where Ax, Ay and Am are the absorbance of x, y and their
mixture at kF respectively, Cx and Cy are the
In isoabsorptive technique (Fig. 3) the spectra of the
concentrations of x and y respectively, ax and ay are the
same concentration of the two studied drugs should cross
absorptivities of x and y at kF respectively. When ax is
at a point called isoabsorptivity point at which they have
substituted by Fay
equal absorptivities while in absorpitivity factor method
the crossing point did not occur at equal concentration.
Crossing point is obtained only between different …………………… (42)
concentrations of the two drugs at which the …………………….... (43)
absorptivities of the two drugs are not equal but they are
equal to the inverse of the ratio of the used
So, the total concentration of the mixture (FCx +Cy) can
be calculated by using a regression equation representing
the linear relationship between the absorbance of y and
its corresponding concentration at the absorptivity factor
point. The concentration of x can be determined after
subtraction of concentration of y and multiplication by
the inverse of F
……………. (44)
………….…..………. (37)
…………………………. (38)
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