Ingles Modulo3

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Module 3

The Past

Module 3 - the past 1

What about the past? Is it important in our lives?
If we didn´t have a past, how would be our present?
It´s important to talk about interesting things from
our past, nice things that happened yesterday, last week,
last month, last year or even some minutes ago …
So, how can we talk about our past in English?
Ready? Let´sgo…

Module 3 - the past 2

After the study of this module, you will be able to:
•­ Properly use the Verb To Be in the Past continuous
or Progressive, to work with actions that were
happening sometime in the past;
•­ Identify and correctly use the regular and the ir-
regular verbs in the Simple Past Tense, in the 3
forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative;
•­ Identify and correctly use the Simples Past or the
Past Continuous Tense in normal situations;
•­ Read, interpret and respond to texts on this

Module 3 - the past 3

This module is divided in 4 (four) classes:

Class 1 - Past tense of the Verb “To Be” (3 forms)

Class 2 - Past continuous or Progressive Tense (3
Class 3 - Past Tense of Regular and Irregular Verbs
Class 4 - Reading Comprehension

Module 3 - the past 4

Class 1
Simple Tense of Verb “To Be”

1.1 Where were you? 1.2 Grammar Bank 4

Read the sentences below Past Simple Tense (Verb To Be)

The weather was nice yesterday. I was Yesterday I was at the park.
Last night I was at the central fire station. You were You were at the game.
Last month Mary was in Lisbon. He was He was 22 last year.
Yesterday, they were at the coroner. She was She was my best friend.
Two days ago, my father and my brother were at the soccer game. You were You were at the soccer game last week.
All my friends were out yesterday night. They were at the movies. We were We were very tired last weekend.
Yesterday, I wasn’t at work. I was at home, because I was sick. They were They were in the garden 10 minutes ago.
Last year, my mother wasn’t in Paris. She was in Spain.
Were you at the club last Monday? No, I wasn’t. I was in my English
class. To talk about actions that began and finished in a specific time in
the past.
Was Mary at her friend’s house last Saturday?
Time lines: yesterday, last ……, a year ago, minutes ago, a ….. ago
Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
Ex: We all were at the nightclub last night.
Were they at the party? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
Negative form: We all weren’t at the nightclub last night.
Now that you have a small introduction of the use of the Simple Past, study
the structure of this tense Interrogative form: Were we at the nightclub last night?

Negative form
I wasn’t in the class last Monday .
You weren’t in the class last Monday.
He wasn’t in the class last Monday.
Past tense (verb To Be) + not She wasn’t in the class last Monday.
It wasn’t nice.
You weren’t in the class last Monday.
We weren’t in the class last Monday.
They weren’t in the class last Monday.
Module 3 - the past 5
Class 1
Simple Tense of Verb “To Be”

Interrogative Form c. George __________ at work last week because he __________ ill.
Verb To Be (past tense) in the beginning of the sentence + subject + object
Short Answers d. The stores __________ open yesterday because it __________ a pub-
Was I in the class last Monday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. lic holiday.
Were you in the class last Monday? Yes, you were./ No, you weren’t.
Was he in the class last Monday? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. e.“ __________ you at home at 9:30?” “No, I __________ . I __________
at work.
Was she in the class last Monday? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Were you in the class last Monday? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. Exercise 41: Write questions.
Were they in the class last Monday? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t a. I saw a film. (good?)

Exercise 39: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.

b. I met some people. (friendly?)

a. When I __________ a child, I __________ afraid of frogs.

c. I did an examination. ( difficult?)

b. Those glasses are nice.________ they expensive?

d. I bought some books (expensive)
c. The hotel __________ very nice and comfortable.
e. I went to a museum.
d. __________ the weather good when you __________ on holiday?
Thinking about it!
e.Yesterday, the weather __________ so cold. Copy the questions below in your notebook and answer
them in English. Answer the questions:
Exercise 40: Complete with: was / wasn’t / were / weren’t.
1. Where were you last Saturday?
2. Were you with your family last Sunday?
a. Mary got married when she __________ 24 years old.
3. Were you at work yesterday?
b. I called you yesterday evening but you __________ at home. Where 4. Last week I wasn’t at work. I was at the beach because I was on
vacation. And you? Were you on vacation?
5. How was your last vacation?
__________ you?

Module 3 - the past 6

Class 2
Past Continuous or Past Progressive Tense

2.1 What were you doing at this time Negative form

yesterday? I wasn’t studying in the class last Monday .
You weren’t studying in the class last Monday.
I was watching the game. He wasn’t studying in the class last Monday.
We were playing cards because the game was really boring. Past tense (verb To Be) + not She wasn’t studying in the class last Monday.
It wasn’t barking so loud.
2.2 Grammar Bank 5 You weren’t studying in the class last Monday.
Past Continuous Tense/Past Progressive Tense
We weren’t studying in the class last Monday.
They weren’t studying in the class last Monday.
I was running at the park yesterday. Interrogative Form
You were working last night. Verb To Be (past tense) in the beginning of the sentence + subject + object
He was making dinner. Short Answers

She was correcting the tests. Was I studying in the class last Monday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
Were you studying in the class last Monday? Yes, you were./ No, you weren’t.
It was getting late.
Was he studying in the class last Monday? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
You were watching TV in my house.
Was she studying in the class last Monday? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
We were working up to late.
Were you studying in the class last Monday? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t.
They were washing the car. Were they studying in the class last Monday? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.

Exercise 42: Use the words between slashes ( / ) to write a full sentence
in the past continuous tense.
Example: She / eat / pizza - She was eating pizza
To describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the
1. the officers / work / together / to solve / that crime
past.( Fazer hint para a seguinte informação: Descrever uma ação que estava
iniciada ou em andamento num momento específico no passado).
Ex: We all were working at the police academy last night.
Negative form:We all weren’t working at the police academy last night.

Module 3 - the past 7

Class 2
Past Continuous or Past Progressive Tense

2. We / go / to the Police Station. Example: ( walk / street) They weren’t walking on the street.
a. ( ride / their motorcycles)

3. The policeman / protect / the citizen. b. ( wear / hats)

c. ( work / at night )
4. The police officers / talk / in the staff room
d. ( smoke)

e. ( drive / police car)

5. The police officers / escort / the drug traffickers / to the police truck

Exercise 44:Write questions in the correct order and give the short answers.
6. Experts / discuss / the implementation of drugs prevention programs.
( you / do / work project / No)
Example: Were you doing the work project? - No, they weren’t.
a. ( he / carry / a gun / yesterday? / Yes)
7. the / were / extinguish / inside / fire / work / hard / to / the / building /
firefighters / the

b. ( it / rain/ all day long ? / No)

Exercise 43: Look at the picture.You saw two police officers on the street
yesterday in the afternoon. What were they doing? Write sentences in the
negative form. c. ( they / wash / car? / the police / No )

d. ( he / live / Canada ? / Yes )


Module 3 - the past 8

Class 2
Past Continuous or Past Progressive Tense

Exercise 45: Write sentences in the Past Continuous/Past progressive. Police Officer: Who (5) _______________ the bike?
Example: Mark (x) play tennis. He (√) play soccer: Mark wasn’t playing ten- Bob: I didn’t know him.
nis. He was playing soccer.
Police Officer: What (6) _______________ ?
1. I (x) talk to you. I (√) talk to Angela.
Bob: Jeans and a white jacket.
Police Officer: What about other people on the street? What were they
2. We (√) walk. We (x) run. Bob: A girl in a red shirt (7) _______________ toward the bus. And a man

(8) _______________ in his car. He (9 _______________ a magazine. Two

3. She (x) make pancakes. She (√) make milkshake.
boys (10) _______________ at a store window. And there was a young
woman with a camera.
4. They (√) sing. They (x) play the guitar. Police Officer: What (11) _______________ ?

Bob: She (12) _______________ pictures.

5. I (√) listen to the radio. I (x) watch TV. Police Officer: Excellent. Perhaps she has a photo of the accident

Exercise 47: Choose the correct verb.

Exercise 46: Complete the conversation with the verbs in the past continuous.
Do - look - read - ride - sit - skate - stand - take - wait - walk - wear (x2) 1. Jamie _______________ really annoying last Saturday. (was / were / is )
Police Officer : You were (1) _______________ at the bus stop yester- 2. My parents _______________ angry with me last night. ( was / are / were)
day morning when there was an accident. Can you tell us anything about it?
3. My jeans _______________ on the chair yesterday night , but now I can’t
Bob: I (2) ____________ for the bus. An old woman (3) ____________ find them today. (is / were / was)

across the street. She (4) _______________ a big hat, and she had a very 4. The game last night _______________ really nice. My team won the
little dog. A bike hit her. game. (was / were / are)
Module 3 - the past 9
Class 3
Past Simple Tense - Regular and Irregular Verbs

3.1 Read the dialogue below and • Verbs ending in a stressed syllable, consisting of “consonant + vowel
observe the words in bold. + consonant” (CVC), double the last consonant and add –
ed.(Verbos terminados em uma silaba tônica, constituída de “con-
soante + vogal + consoante” (CVC), dobra-se a consoante final
Last night I went to the movies. I watched an action movie. It was antes do acréscimo de –ed, por exemplo: stop – stopped. Obs: Se a
very good. sílaba não for tônica, não aplicamos esta regra. Ex: open – opened ;
­What action movie did you watch? listen – listened.
­I saw Legado Bourne. • Verbs ending in a single vowel followed by a single consonant: dou-
ble the consonant and add–ed (Verbos terminados em uma vo-
Did you enjoy it? gal seguidos de uma consoante, dobra-se a consoante e acrescenta-
­Yes, I did. It was fun. se–ed): fit – fitted ; tap - tapped

3.2 Grammar Blank 6 Exercise 48: Write the past simple tense of these regular verbs.
Past Simple Tense
We use the Past Simple Tense to talk about events, actions and fin-
a. talk ____________________ i. use ____________________
ished states in the past.
b. rest ____________________ j. print ____________________
Last year I went to Athens and I saw the Acropolis.
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of the moon for
two and a half hours. c. like ____________________ k. play ____________________

Regular verbs
d. stop ____________________ l. pick ____________________
The past of these verbs is formed using the ending -ed
I,You, He, She, It,You, We, They ..... opened / walked / studied /
e. want ____________________ m. drop ____________________
• Most verbs: add – ed(acrescenta-se ed ): fill – filled ; work - worked f. chat ____________________ n. cook ____________________
• Verbs ending in–e: add–d (verbos terminados em e, acrescenta-se
–d): close – closed ; dance - danced g. shout ____________________ o. aim ____________________
• Verbs ending in a consonant followed by –y, change the – y to –
ied (verbos terminados em consoante seguidos de –y, tira-se o y e
acrescenta-se –ied) : carry – carried ; cry – cried h. pull ____________________ p. cheer ____________________

Module 3 - the past 10

Class 3
Past Simple Tense - Regular and Irregular Verbs

Learn more! Exercise 50: Read the sentences and choose the correct verb in the simple
past form:
Look at the other regular verbs.
went was walked stayed
saw did gave bought
Irregular verbs
Most common verbs have irregular past forms. (Muitos verbos comuns têm a. I usually go to school by car but yesterday I __________ .
no passado formas irregulares). Ex: go - went; be - was, were; see - saw b.Yesterday he __________ shopping.
Learn more! c. Michael __________ at home last weekend because heill.
Look at the other irregular verbs. Click here! (Fazer link para: http:// d. I __________ a great play last month. e. Mary __________ two bars of chocolate and __________ one to me.
f. I __________ the washing up last night. Now it’s your turn.
Exercise 49: Write the past simple form of these irregular verbs:

a. have ____________________ i. think ____________________ I ,You, He, She, It did the homework two days ago.
You, We, They bought the most charming flat in Los Angeles
b. feel ____________________ j. leave ____________________ last year.
The policeman arrested the suspect last week.
c. buy ____________________ k. drink ____________________

d. come ____________________ l. give ____________________ I ,You, He, She, It didn’t do the homework two days ago.
You, We, They didn’t buy the most charming flat in Los Angeles
last year.
e. go ____________________ m. bring ____________________
The policeman didn´t arrest the suspect last week.

f. take ____________________ n. do ____________________ Interrogative and Short Answer

Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did.
g. fight ____________________ o. run ____________________ Did the policeman arrest the suspect? Yes, he did.
Did they get up early yesterday? No, they didn’t.
h. shoot ____________________ p. break ____________________ Did she have a shower yesterday morning? Yes, she did.
Module 3 - the past 11
Class 3
Past Simple Tense - Regular and Irregular Verbs

Exercise 51: Put the verbs in the correct form in the past (positive, negative Exercise 53: Now, answer the questions.
or question): There are in the text above, 8 (eight) verbs in the Past Simple Tense . Find
them and change into the Simple Present Tense.
1. I _________ (play) volleyball last Saturday, but I _________ (not/win). Past Tense Simple Present Tense

2. Mark _________ (wait) a long time for the taxi but it _________ (not/come).

3. That’s a nice shirt. Where _________ (you/buy) it?

4. Mandy _________ (see) Ryan but she _________ to him. (not/speak)

5. “ _________ (it/rain) yesterday?” “No, it was a nice day”.

6. That was a bad thing to do. Why _________ (you/do) it?

Exercise 52: Read the text below. Thinking about it!

Two days ago we had a guided tour of New York City which Write about your last vacation. Answer thequestions.
means Nova York or Nova Iorque in Portuguese. The city has a
significant impact on trade, finance, media, art, fashion, research, 1. Where did you go on your last vacation?
technology, education and entertainment for the whole world. 2. When did you go?
We left at 9 o´clock in the morning and we visited The United 3. Who did you go with?
Nations (UN), and the lovely Central Park, which is huge. We 4. Where did you stay?
had lunch at a fashion restaurant and at 2 o´clock p.m., we saw
5. How long did you stay there?
the Saint Patrick´s church. After that we wentshopping at the
gorgeous Macy´s store. We didn´t go to the Statue of Liberty 6. What did you do all day?
and didn´t watch a musical at Broadway. 7. What did you do at night?
It was a nice tour and I loved New York City. 8. Did you have fun?

Module 3 - the past 12

Class 4
Reading Comprehension

4.1 Reading Comprehension 3. One example of ID: ____________________________

Stamping out Passport Fraud 4. Three prepositions:

Fraudulent travel documents are important weapons for a a. ____________________________

terrorist, and Interpol has described their use as “the biggest threat the
world is facing.” But through international cooperation, countries in the b. ____________________________
Americas are improving detection of fraudulent passports and other identi-
fication documents (IDs). Nations are sharing information through Interpol’s
lost and stolen passport database and through databases pinpointing terror- c. ____________________________
ism suspects. Countries such as Brazil are upgrading their travel documents
with biometric indicators, making forgeries a thing of the past. A few coun-
tries have even begun to tackle government corruption – an important step, 5. The act or process of corrupting: ____________________________
considering that the officials inspecting documents at ports of entry are the
first line of defense in denying terrorists the freedom to travel and prevent- 6. Three adjectives from the first sentences:
ing the smuggling of humans, drugs, illicit cash and weapons.

Exercise 54: Take from the text above: a. ____________________________

1. three verbs in the Present Continuous Tense:
b. ____________________________
a. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
b. ____________________________ 7.A big international agency of investigation:_________________________

c. ____________________________ 8. A verb To Be in the plural form: ____________________________

2. One irregular verb in the past tense: 9. A synonym of deceitful: ____________________________

a. ____________________________ 10.The opposite of “are downgrading”:____________________________

Module 3 - the past 13

In this module you studied the regular and irregu-
lar verbs, the Verb to be in the Simple Past Tense, as well
as the Past Continuous or Progressive Tense, to report
actions that were happening or happened at a particular
moment in past.
Practiced the grammatical content of each class
systematically through various exercises.
Exercised the reading and understanding of texts
and dialogues that gradually presented the grammar used
in this module

Module 3 - the past 14

Module 3

Exercise 39: 5. The police officers were escorting the drug Exercise 46:
a. was / was traffickers to the police truck.
Police Officer: standing
6. Experts were discussing the implementation
b. Were of drugs prevention programs. Bob: was waiting / was walking / was wearing
c. was 7. The firefighters were working hard to extin- Police Officer: was riding
d. Was / were guish the fire inside the building.
Police Officer: was he wearing
e. wasn’t
Bob: was skating / was sitting /was reading / were
Exercise 43:
Exercise 40: a. They weren’t riding their motorcycles.
Police Officer: was she doing
a. was b. They weren’t wearing hats.
Bob: was taking
b. weren’t / were c. They weren’t working at night.
c. wasn’t / was d. They weren’t smoking.
d. weren’t / was e. They weren’t driving the police car. Exercise 47:
e. Were / wasn’t / was 1. was
Exercise 44: 2. were
Exercise 41: a. Was he carrying a gun yesterday? / Yes, he was. 3. were
a. Was it good? b. Was it raining all day long? / No, it wasn’t.
4. was
b. Were they friendly? c. Were they washing the police car? / No, they
c. Was it difficult?
d. Was he living in Canada? / Yes, he was. Exercise 48:
d. Were they expensive?
a. talked i. used
e. Was it interesting?
Exercise 45: b. rested j. printed
1. I was not talking to you. I was talking to Angela. c. liked k. played
Exercise 42:
2. We were walking. We weren’t running.
1. The officers were working together to solve d. stopped l. picked
that crime. 3. She wasn’t making pancakes. She was making
milkshake. e. wanted m. dropped
2. We were going to the Police Station.
4. They were singing. They weren’t playing the f. chatted n. cooked
3. The policeman was protecting the citizen. guitar.
g. shouted o. aimed
4. The police officers were talking in the staff 5. I was listening to the radio. I wasn’t watch-
room. ing TV. h. pulled p. cheered

Module 3 - the past 15

Module 3

Exercise 49: Exercise 54:

a. had i. thought 1. a. are improving
b. felt j. left b. are sharing
c. bought k. drank c. are upgrading
d. came l. gave
e. went m. brought 2. a. lost
f. took n. did
g. fought o. ran 3. a passport

Exercise 50: 4. a. through

a. walked. b. to
b. went c. of
c. stayed
d. saw
5. corruption
e. bought / gave
f. did
6. a. important
b. biggest
Exercise 53:
c. international
Past Tense Simple Present Tense
had have
7. Interpol
left leave
visited visit
8. are
saw see
went go
9. fraudulent
didn’t go don’t go
didn’t watch don’t watch
was is 10. are upgrading

Module 3 - the past 16

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