Nptel: Theory of Automata, Formal Languages and Computation - Video Course

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NPTEL Syllabus

Theory of Automata, Formal Languages

and Computation - Video course


Grammars - Production systems - Chomskian Hierarchy - Right linear
grammar and Finite state automata - Context free grammars - Normal forms -
uvwxy theorem – Parikh mapping - Self embedding property - Subfamilies of
CFL - Derivation trees and ambiguity.
Finite state Automata - Non deterministic and deterministic FSA, NFSA with
ε- moves, Regular Expressions - Equivalence of regular expression and
Computer Science and
Pumping lemma , closure properties and decidability. Myhill - Nerode
theorem and minimization - Finite automata with output.

Pushdown automata - Acceptance by empty store and final state -

Equivalence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars - Pre-requisites:
Closure properties of CFL - Deterministic pushdown automata.
A basic knowledge in Mathematics. Some
Turing Machines - Techniques for Turing machine construction - knowledge about sets, Relations and
Generalized and restricted versions equivalent to the basic model - Godel function is desirable.
numbering - Universal Turing Machine - Recursively enumerable sets and
recursive sets - Computable functions - time space complexity measures -
context sensitive languages and linear bound automata. Additional Reading:

Decidability; Post's correspondence problem; Rice's theorem; decidability of 1. Peter Linz, "An Introduction to Formal
membership, emptiness and equivalence problems of languages. Language and Automata", 4th
Edition, Narosa Publishing house ,
Time and tape complexity measures of Turing machines; Random access 2006.
machines; the classes P and NP; NP-Completeness; satisfiability and
Cook's theorem; Polynomial reduction and some NP-complete problems. 2. M.Sipser; Introduction to the Theory of
Computation; Singapore:
Advanced topics; Regulated rewriting L systems; Grammar systems. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning,
New paradigms of computing; DNA computing; Membrane computing.
3. John.C.martin, "Introduction to the
Languages and the Theory of
COURSE DETAIL Computation",Third edition, Tata
McGrawHill, 2003.

Module Topics No. of Hours Hyperlinks:


1 Grammars, Languages generated, 7

Chomskian Hierarchy, CFG, Ambiguity,
Reduced grammars, Normal forms Prof. Kamala Krithivasan
Department of Computer Science and
EngineeringIIT Madras
2 FSA,NFSA, NFSA with € moves, Regular 11
expressions, Equivalence of regular
expression and FSA, Equivalence of type 3
grammars and FSA, Pumping lemma ,
Closure and decidability results , Myhill-
Nerode theorem, Minimization, FSA with
output, Problems

3 Pushdown Automata, Acceptance by final 4

state and empty store, Equivalence to CFG
, Deterministic PDA
4 Problems and Solutions 3

5 Turing Machines - Construction, 5

Techniques of TM construction , TM as
acceptor and i/o device , Problems .
Generalized and restricted versions.

6 Halting problems - Universal TM-recursive 4

and recursively enumerable sets -
Decidability - Rice’s Theorem , PCP

Time and Tape complexity of TM , P and

7 NP, Cook’s theorem - NP-Complete 3
Problems .
Advanced topics , Regulated rewritin , L
8 systems Grammar system. 3

9 New Paradigms of computing , DNA 2

computing , Membrane computing

Total 42


1. K.Krithivasan and R.Rama; Introduction to Formal Languages,

Automata Theory and Computation; Pearson Education, 2009.

2. J.E.Hopcroft, R.Motwani and J.D.Ullman , "Introduction to Automata

Theory Languages and computation", Pearson Education Asia , 2001.

A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD, Govt of India

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