Joyce William. Fascism and Jewry. 1933 PDF
Joyce William. Fascism and Jewry. 1933 PDF
Joyce William. Fascism and Jewry. 1933 PDF
FASCISM in Britain had advanced but a little way when it was assailed by forces of
whose existence the Leader, despite his great political experiences, had not dreamed
when he set out on the Crusade. The greatest of these forces, never arraigned against
the old parties, was found to be the power of organized Jewry to-day mobilized
against Fascism, which has long refused subservience to it.
Because Fascism has known how to resist this alien menace in the people's midst, the
Jews have raised throughout the land the cry of religious and racial persecution. Yet,
in the thousands of Fascist speeches it has been made clear that the Movement
recognizes and will observe the principles of complete religious liberty; whilst the
racial diversity of the Empire renders absurd the suggestion that the concept of
persecution on racial grounds should be entertained by the Fascists. This Movement
does not attack Jews by reason of what they are, it resists them by reason of what they
do. They have dared, in their great folly, to challenge a conquering force of the
modern age, and their challenge must be answered. The Jews have attacked us
physically where there have been six Jews to one Blackshirt. Wherever organized
opposition manifests itself at our outdoor meetings, there can be seen behind a row of
policemen, in security, a mass of bestial Jewish faces contorted into hideous and
obscene grimaces.
Apart from actual observation, the records of the Law Courts have irrefutable proof of
our charge. In the whole population only six in every thousand are Jewish, and yet of
the persons convicted during 1934-35 of offenses against Fascists at Fascist meetings,
or on their way home after the meetings, over 20 per cent. are Jewish. The only
possible inference is that within Jewry there is a ferocious, inflammable propaganda
against Fascism. The Law Courts provide ample evidence that the attack on the
Movement is led by Jewry and, be it noted, before we retaliated we had proof of this
fact. During the five months prior to the Leader's answer to Jewry at the Albert Hall
on October 28th, 1934, fifty per cent. of the persons convicted of attacks on Fascists
were Jews. There can be little doubt but that the remaining fifty per cent. were subject
to Jewish influence.
Nor has the attack of the Jewish sub-men been merely physical. They do not hesitate
to employ the grossest and foulest devices of libel and slander against our members.
Only a few months ago one of the leading propagandists of the Movement was the
victim of the monstrous accusation in print that he had appropriated to his own use
funds subscribed for an association of ex-service men of which he had been the
Needless to say, the Fascist Officer was completely vindicated in court, the Jews not
even offering evidence or appearing. He was awarded £700 damages and costs, but the
Jewish mechanism for avoiding obligations of this kind is so thorough that he has not
received a penny.
Likewise we have stated and proved, uncontested, case after case of the victimization
of Fascists by Jewish employers. Long before we had joined issue with the Jews,
Hebrew employers had dismissed British workers for no better reason than that they
were Blackshirts, and it is not widely enough realised how often in this land an
Oriental merchant can sentence a British man or woman to starvation. The very center
of the Jewish attack, however, is the blackmailing and coercion of British business
men whose names cannot he revealed because the revelation would ruin them. They
have frequently come to the Leader and assured him of their agreement with the
Movement's Policy and their desire to help, but have almost uniformly added that their
business would be ruined by Jewish influence if their sympathies became known.
If this immoral influence prevents the ordinary business man from acting in
accordance with his political convictions, how much greater must be the influence of
Jewish finance upon the politicians who are supposed to govern the country. The little
Jew in the gutter who insults the Crown and the Flag is an impertinent anomaly to be
removed as soon as possible, but the great Jewish financier who dictates to
Government and Industry alike, constitutes by far the greatest danger to our land. In
Italy there are only 30,000 Jews; in Germany there are 600,000 Jews; and in Britain
300,000. Because the Germans have twice as many Jews as we have, they have been
in a better position to apprehend the danger since they encounter Jews everywhere. In
Britain the danger is more insidious because the operations of Jewry are so carefully
masked. Some newspapers are openly controlled by Jewish owners, but others which
are apparently free from Jewish control are, nevertheless, compelled to accept the
dictates of the Hebrews through fear of losing the advertisements which the Jew
provides, and upon which their revenue so largely depends.
No National movement can tolerate a menace of this kind. Organized Jewry, on the
other hand, is bound to fight any National movement which teaches that the people
have a perfect right to use to the fullest extent the resources of their own land, because
the full use of National and Imperial wealth is possible only where the people are
freed from the tyranny of International Jewish Finance, which deliberately restricts the
production of wealth on the assumption that the fruits of the earth are intended for a
small parasitical class consisting mainly of Orientals who have no sense of obligation
to the West and no sense of kinship with the Western peoples. A small but important
example of this attitude is shown in the progressive ruin of British traders by the
Jewish chain store proprietors in this country.
The Jew grants his allegiance to his own people and is generally quite incapable of
bestowing it otherwise, hence he must be regarded and treated as a foreigner who
gives first and last consideration to the interests of his own invisible, intangible, but,
nevertheless, real and very powerful state; nor can this secret but mighty state be
permitted to exist within the boundaries of any other state which claims to call itself
National or free. Never has the danger of this state within a state been clearer than in
recent tunes. The organized power of Jewry, in a racial interest, has consistently
striven for more than two years to foster the policy of War. Because the Jews have lost
their power in Germany, they seek to recover it by the slaughter of British men and
women in war. Through the Jewish boycott in Germany, Lancashire has suffered
heavy losses. Herring fleets are idle because the Jews have been partially successful in
preventing Germany from buying abroad. From every platform and in every paper
which they control, they have striven to arouse in this country the feelings and
passions of war against a nation with whom we made peace in 1918.
They must be made to learn through iron experience that, having fought Germany
once in a British quarrel, our people will not fight Germany again in a Jewish quarrel.
British prestige has been ruined and our nation has been brought to the verge of war,
because, under the presidency of the Jew Litvinoff (alias Finkelstein), the Social
Democrats at Geneva have tried to intimidate Italy by threats of armed violence,
caring nothing of Halie Selassie, but much of Abyssinian potash, secretly scoffing at
the myth of Collective Security, but intensely anxious to establish by action against
Italy, the precedent for action against Germany on the day when her people feel no
longer able to tolerate the persistent Bolshevik attempts to plunge them into Red
Revolution and Civil War.
The Jewish Bankers have financed Soviet Russia for two reasons; first, because of the
500 controlling officials in Russia, more than 400 are Jews and, secondly, because the
Hebrews having no army of their own are determined to use the vast military forces of
Russia to destroy the Nationalism and the spirit of freedom which revoked against the
tyranny of Jewish International starvation finance.
Such is the grim truth of the European situation to-day. The Jews control and actuate
alike the decadent democratic capitalism and the hideous fratricidal Communism.
Using both instruments they hope to prevent every white people from achieving the
freedom to work out the fullness of their own economic destiny. Only through the
defeat of Jewry can Britain be free.
The Press has been habitually characterizing physical attacks upon Fascists in the
streets as spontaneous uprising of Englishmen against Fascism. Lest we may be
tempted to think that the homes of our workers and the Halls of our old Country
families have greatly changed character, let us survey a typical list of the
"Englishmen" who have been convicted through excessive zeal in these "spontaneous
These little sub-men are a nuisance to be eliminated, but their wealthy instigators and
controllers, well known to us, are, in sum, a criminal monstrosity, for which not all the
gold of Jewry can pay the just compensation which we will demand and obtain.