Ocean & Coastal Management: F.E. Jonah, N.W. Agbo, W. Agbeti, D. Adjei-Boateng, M.J. Shimba

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Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24

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Ocean & Coastal Management

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The ecological effects of beach sand mining in Ghana using ghost crabs
(Ocypode species) as biological indicators
F.E. Jonah a, *, N.W. Agbo b, W. Agbeti b, D. Adjei-Boateng b, M.J. Shimba c
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Department of Fisheries and Watershed Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sandy beaches are habitat to many invertebrate biodiversity and threatened vertebrate species. However,
Received 24 December 2014 extraction of sand is widespread along many developing nations' beaches destroying the ecosystem
Received in revised form services the area provides. This study assessed the ecological impacts of beach sand mining on three
6 May 2015
beaches in the Central Region of Ghana over a four month period, using ghost crabs as a biological in-
Accepted 6 May 2015
Available online 15 May 2015
dicator. Beaches were categorized as near-pristine, moderately disturbed and highly disturbed. Crab
burrows were counted and their diameters measured. Mean burrow density and diameters were
significantly higher at the near-pristine site (ANOVA, p < 0.001) compared to the moderately disturbed
Sand mining
and highly disturbed beaches, whilst no significant differences occurred between mean burrow densities
Ecological impacts and diameters at moderately and highly disturbed beaches (ANOVA, p > 0.05). Beach sand mining was
Ghost crabs found to negatively affect ghost crab populations indicating a critical need for local municipal authorities
Beaches to identify more sustainable and less damaging sources of sand for the construction industry.
Ghana © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2001; Blankensteyn, 2006; Lucrezi et al. 2009; Magalha ~es et al.
2009; Noriega et al. 2012). These studies support the case that
Sandy beaches rank amongst the most intensively used coastal beach management should not only address the safety of com-
ecosystems by man (Schlacher et al. 2006). Beaches and dunes are munities and physical stability of infrastructure but should also
experiencing escalating pressures from rising populations in the consider the impacts on the health of sandy beach ecosystems.
coastal strip and increased demands for recreational access and use The coastal area in the Cape Coast and Elmina area of Ghana
of these systems (Defeo et al. 2009). Notwithstanding the range of have been exposed to several anthropogenic influences that have
services that sandy beaches provide such as habitation for diverse altered the shape, sediment budgets and substrates of beaches
organisms; maintenance of biodiversity and genetic resources; (Jonah, 2014). Several kinds of coastal mining are practiced along
water filtration and purification; nutrient mineralization and this area with other human activities such as fisheries, recreation
recycling; water storage in dune aquifers and groundwater and tourism (Jonah, 2014). Though sandy beaches support artisanal
discharge; the ecological aspect of sandy beach ecosystems are fisheries and help to promote tourism, human uses of the area is
usually considered secondary in comparison to economic values of known to disturb the near-pristine nature of the sandy beaches
these beaches (Schlacher et al. 2007). In many jurisdictions around with many potential negative impacts on resident biota.
the world, beach management has almost exclusively focused on Past and existing coastal management interventions along
maintaining and restoring sand budgets, with very little consider- Ghana's coastline have been based on site-specific and ad-hoc in-
ation for ecological dimensions (Nordstrom, 2000; Wong, 2003; terventions without proper analysis and assessment of their im-
Schlacher and Thompson, 2007; Aarninkhof et al. 2010). In recent pacts leading to several unintended problems (Boateng, 2006).
years, several studies have established that human uses of sandy Beach management efforts ought to be based on acceptable and
beaches causes significant damages to those ecosystems (Barros, reliable techniques known to have very little environmental
In establishing appropriate beach management regimes for local
* Corresponding author.
governments, Noriega et al. (2012) noted that part of the dearth in
E-mail address: [email protected] (F.E. Jonah). developing, testing, and implementing management interventions

0964-5691/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.E. Jonah et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24 19

that target the ecological values of beaches is caused by the lack of with net direction of alongshore sediment in the easterly direction
local data and the uncertainty about biological indicators that are (Boateng, 2006; Jonah, 2015). The selected study beaches experi-
both reliable and uncomplicated to use. However, the presence, ence similar rainfall and temperature patterns throughout the year.
population and distribution of the ghost crabs (Ocypode spp) have These study beaches are part of longer stretches of individual sandy
been widely regarded as an acceptable biological indicator of beach beaches that receive riverine influx at one end and are separated at
ecosystem health and has been used by several scientists (Barros, the other end from other beaches by rocky headlands. Very few
2001; Moss and McPhee, 2006; Neves and Bemvenuti, 2006; facilities are located along the three study beaches, ensuring the
Magalha ~es et al. 2009; Lucrezi et al. 2009; Aheto et al. 2011; minimization of human influences on beaches and comparison of
Noriega et al. 2012). Ghost crabs are relatively large semi- ghost crab populations. These similarities in environmental con-
terrestrial invertebrates found on tropical and subtropical shores ditions allowed for comparison of ghost crab population abundance
(Quijon et al. 2001) and occupy the apex position of invertebrate in the three beaches.
predation on sandy beaches (Barrass, 1963; Wolcott, 1978). Due to
the conspicuous nature of ghost crab burrows on sandy beaches, 2.2. Determination of ghost crab population density and size
counting and measuring burrow openings is an efficient tool to distribution
estimate changes in ghost crab population structure and density
over a period (Barros, 2001; Moss and McPhee, 2006; Schlacher The major ecological variables that were assessed in this study
et al. 2007). Schlacher et al. (2007) noted that the location of were population density and size distribution of ghost crabs. A
burrow counts across the shore should spatially match the area distance of 50 m was allowed between the nearest sand mining
over which a human disturbance occurs and that counts in the spot and ghost crab sampling point. This was to ensure that sam-
unvegetated, intertidal part of the beach are most practical, pling areas had not been physically removed by sand miners.
quickest and easiest to execute. Samplings were started before sunrise at low tide periods using
Two species of ghost crabs, Ocypode cursor and Ocypode africana, standard tide tables (GHAPOHA, 2013). Samplings were done at
are found on sandy beaches in Ghana (Aheto et al. 2011). Previously, approximately the same time and on the same day to ensure con-
Aheto et al. (2011) used these species to assess the ecological im- sistency and minimize variation in environmental conditions.
pacts of general human activities including shoreline armouring, Sampling was done early in the mornings before sunrise in order to
trampling and presence of inorganic pollutants, on two sandy obtain a more accurate population density and distribution of ghost
beaches in the Cape Coast and Elmina area. According to Jonah crabs since they maintain their burrows at night and by morning
(2014) exposed underlying rocks, pronounced erosion scarps and are still intact (Noriega et al., 2012).
denuded beaches characterize most beach stretches in the Cape Sampling was done twice monthly at all the sites over a four
Coast and Elmina area. These geomorphic characteristics could be month period. A reference point was established on each beach
attributed to beach sand mining activities. Byrnes et al. (2004) from where transects were cast using a Garmin 60CX GPS handheld
speculated that the ecological impacts of beach sand mining ac- device. This ensured consistency in laying transects and quadrat
tivities are probably slight for beaches, but not well understood. casting on each beach throughout the study period. On each beach
This study therefore assessed the effects of beach sand mining ac- three transects were laid from the reference point through a
tivities on ghost crab population densities, distribution and sizes on perpendicular direction to the general direction of the coastline at
three beaches in the Saltpond, Cape Coast and Elmina area of 0 m, 50 m and 100 m (Fig. 2). The intertidal zone of the three
Ghana. The study also examined the distribution of ghost crabs in beaches surveyed is 17e31 m wide at low tide.
relation to sediment grain sizes and beach scarps resulting from Population densities of ghost crabs were estimated by counting
intensive sand mining activities. the number of burrow openings within quadrats. This has been
widely used by several studies (Barros, 2001; Moss and McPhee,
2. Materials and methods 2006; Valero-Pacheco et al. 2007; Noriega et al. 2012; Türeli
et al., 2014). This follows the assumption that the presence of a
2.1. Study site burrow on the beach corresponds to the presence of a crab
(Wolcott, 1978; Warren, 1990; Valero-Pacheco et al. 2007). Burrow
The current study was conducted between October 2013 and diameters were also measured using a veneer caliper within
February 2014 on three selected beaches located at Saltpond, Cape quadrats to estimate sizes (carapace length) of crabs. This follows
Coast and Elmina area in Ghana. For the purpose of this study, the findings of Strachan et al. (1999) and Tureli et al. (2009), that
beaches were qualitatively categorized according to the level of there is a strong positive correlation between carapace length of
observed beach sand mining activities (Jonah, 2014), viz, ‘near- ghost crab and burrow diameter.
pristine’ (Saltpond - 5 200 29.800 N, 10360 18.400 W), ‘moderately A quadrat (1 m2) was cast at 4.5 m intervals at five levels starting
disturbed’ (Cape Coast - 5100 20.800 N; 1250 29.900 W) and ‘highly from 1 to 2 m from the low water mark line on each transect. This
disturbed’ (Elmina - 5 070 59.900 N; 1370 50.700 W) (Fig. 1). was then replicated on the other two transects on each sampling
The term ‘highly disturbed’ was associated with the Elmina site. This sampling procedure was followed on all surveyed bea-
beach because of the intense commercial sand mining activities ches. The diameters of all burrows encountered in all individual
that take place on sections of the beach. Jonah et al. (2015) esti- quadrats were measured within all three sites during three surveys.
mated that 26,208 m3 of sand is annually mined from this beach by
tipper-truck based beach sand miners. The term ‘moderately 2.3. Sediment grain sizes analysis and erosion scarp height
disturbed’ was associated with the Cape Coast beach since it sup- measurements
ports small-scale beach sand mining activities. The term ‘near-
pristine’ was used for Saltpond because no direct human activity Sediment samples were collected and erosion scarp heights
takes place there with the area far removed from the nearest town measured and analyzed as key physical habitat metric of the bea-
and also inaccessible to vehicles. ches, since beach fauna are controlled by the physical environment
All three beaches fall within the Central coast of Ghana and (Noriega et al. 2012). Sediment sampling was done using sediment
experience similar wave climates. Waves along this coast are of corers (15 mm diameter, 300 mm deep) to collect samples to a
medium energy averaging 1 m in the surf zone (GHAPOHA, 2014) depth of 200 mm from five quadrat levels. Five replicate sediment
20 F.E. Jonah et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24

Fig. 1. Map indicating the study sites.

cores were taken within each quadrat and analyzed separately to 2.4. Data analysis
obtain the variability in grain sizes across the entire beach. Sedi-
ment cores were also used wholly to ensure that the variability in A one-way analysis of variance, followed by a post hoc Bonfer-
sediment sizes up to a depth of 200 mm was also captured, since roni's test was used to compare burrow density and burrow
ghost crabs burrow to depth of 200 mm and over (Lucrezi and diameter among sites. Sediment parameters (mean grain size,
Schlacher, 2014). Samples were analyzed using the ‘sieve sorting, skewness, kurtosis) were calculated with the GRADISTAT
method’. In the laboratory, sediment granulometry was determined software, using the Folk and Ward method (Blott and Pye, 2001).
by dry-sieving samples through a nested series of nine sieves ar- Spearman rank correlation was used to find the relationship be-
ranged in decreasing order of mesh aperture (4,750, 2,000, 1,000, tween erosion scarp height, sediment grain sizes and ghost crab
710, 600, 425, 300, 200, 75 mm). With the erosion scarp, a surveyor's burrow density.
tape was used to measure the vertical distance of scarps at the
backshore at 20 m intervals over a total distance of 200 m on each
3. Results
beach. These were averaged to obtain the average scarp heights on
each beach.
3.1. Ghost crab population/burrow density

A total of 360 1 m2 quadrats were surveyed for this study with
120 quadrats surveyed at each of the three beaches. Over the four
month period, the near-pristine site recorded a ghost crab burrow
density (mean ± S.E) of 44.0 ± 7.4 m2, while the moderately
disturbed and the highly disturbed sites recorded 18.0 ± 5.2 m2
and 15.1 ± 4.4 m2 respectively (Fig. 3). The mean density of ghost
crab burrows at the near-pristine site differed significantly with the
burrow densities at the moderately disturbed and highly disturbed
sites (ANOVA, p < 0.001, df ¼ 2, F ¼ 7.527).
At the near-pristine site, the highest population of ghost crabs
were recorded at the quadrat 1 level with a reduction in population
density from quadrat 2 to 5 (i.e. population density reduced as you
move away from the water mark) (Fig. 5). The greatest concentra-
tion of ghost crab populations was at quadrat 3 Level for moder-
ately disturbed and quadrat 4 Level for highly disturbed (Fig. 5).
Burrow densities at different levels at the near-pristine site differed
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram showing sampling spacing used during this study. significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.001, df ¼ 4, F ¼ 26.30). However, no
F.E. Jonah et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24 21

Fig. 5. Mean burrow densities (mean ± S.E) recorded for five quadrats at near-pristine,
moderately disturbed and highly disturbed.
Fig. 3. Mean densities (±S.E) of ghost crabs burrows per m2 at near-pristine,
moderately disturbed and highly disturbed beaches, n ¼ 360.
disturbed site (7.5 mm ± 2.2). The mean ghost crab burrow diam-
eter (mean ± S.E) recorded for the near-pristine site was
significant differences exist between levels (Bonferonni, p > 0.01) at 20.8 mm ± 2.9 (Fig. 6). The mean burrow diameters at each level
both disturbed sites. At the near-pristine site, level 1 recorded were always larger at the near-pristine site than at the corre-
136.7 ± 22.2 m2, level 2 recorded 59.1 ± 10.1 m2, level 3 recorded sponding levels on the disturbed sites except at level 1 (Fig. 7).
13.3 ± 2.0 m2, level 4 recorded 7.4 ± 2.3 m2 whilst level 5 Mean burrow diameters were also higher at the near-pristine site
recorded 3.5 ± 0.3 m2 in respective burrow densities. Burrow throughout all three burrow diameter surveys.
densities (mean ± S.E) recorded at the moderately disturbed site
were 13.3 ± 4.1 m2, 16.3 ± 2.3 m2, 29.8 ± 9.9 m2, 26.0 ± 8.5 m2 3.3. Grain sizes and erosion scarp height versus ghost crab density
and 4.6 ± 1.4 m2 at levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. At the highly
disturbed site, recorded burrow densities were 13 ± 6.8 m2, Sediments from all the sites fell in the medium size category,
10.3 ± 3.9 m2, 15.3 ± 2.6 m2, 20.8 ± and 16.3 ± 4.8 m2 at levels 1, though there were slight variabilities in overall mean grain sizes.
2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Grain sizes (mean ± S.D) were 478 ± 71 mm at the near-pristine site,
578 ± 71 mm at the moderately disturbed site and 542 ± 200 at the
3.2. Ghost crab burrow size and distribution highly disturbed site. Pooled data from all sites indicated that there
is a strong negative correlation between grain size and burrow
The burrow diameters measured range from 2.0 mme40.0 mm density (Spearman r, r ¼ 0.655, p ¼ 0.546).
at the near-pristine site, 2.0 mme40.5 mm at the moderately The highly disturbed site also had the greatest mean erosion
disturbed site and 2.0 mme55.3 mm at the highly disturbed site. scarp height of 1.89 m, while the moderately disturbed site and
The mean burrow diameter at the near-pristine site was signifi- near-pristine sites had mean scarp heights of 0.304 m and 0.04 m
cantly higher than the mean burrow diameters at both the respectively. Pooled data of scarp heights showed a very strong
moderately disturbed and highly disturbed sites (ANOVA, p < 0.001, negative correlation between scarp heights and burrow density
df ¼ 2, F ¼ 7.965) (Fig. 5). Though there was no significant differ- (Spearman's r, r ¼ 0.963, p ¼ 0.173).
ence between the means of burrow diameters at the moderately
disturbed and the highly disturbed sites (Bonferroni, p > 0.05), 4. Discussion
mean ghost crab burrow diameter (mean ± S.E) was slightly higher
at the moderately disturbed site (7.8 mm ± 3.0) than at the highly Saltpond, Cape Coast and Elmina coastlines are very important
areas for tourism in Ghana. All three colonial castles that have been
designated as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in Ghana are located
along the coastline of Cape Coast and Elmina and attract visitors

Fig. 4. Mean burrow density (±S.E) trends at near-pristine, moderately disturbed and Fig. 6. Mean burrow diameters (mm ± S.E) at near-pristine, moderately disturbed and
highly disturbed beaches from November 2013 to February 2014, n ¼ 360. highly disturbed beaches.
22 F.E. Jonah et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24

which is normally from mid-November to March when construc-

tion activities are at their peak (Jonah, 2014). The observed decline
in ghost crab densities on the moderately and highly disturbed
beaches could have been as a result of increased sand mining ac-
tivities. Sand miners may have carried crabs along with the sand
they took, likely interfering with reproduction and recruitment.
Also, since ghost crabs are scavengers and predators that rely on
organic matter and smaller prey for food, food resources may be
carried off by sand miners reducing the food supplies available to
Al-Solamy and Hussein (2012) observed that though juvenile
recruitment of Ocypode saratan occurred throughout the year, the
species displayed high sexual activity in the summer. It is possible
that O. africana and O. cursor exhibit similar activities and may
partly explain the burrow density trends recorded during this
Fig. 7. Mean burrow sizes (mm ± S.E) across the quadrats at near-pristine site, study. With the end of the wet season and start of the dry season in
moderately disturbed site and highly disturbed site. November, the ghost crabs may have increased their sexual and
reproductive activities leading to an increase in the number of
recruited juveniles. This may very well explain the continued in-
from within and outside Ghana (Boateng, 2012). In recent years
crease in recorded burrow densities at the near-pristine site
several tourism facilities have been developed in these areas to take
throughout the four month study period.
advantage of the coastal touristic industry. Several communities are
Though this study was not conducted exactly at the locations
also located close to the sea, on land that used to be habited by
where sand is excavated, beach sand mining activities seem to have
vegetation and sand dunes. Beach erosion has been accelerated as a
relative impact on the population of ghost crabs several meters
result of these increased community expansion projects (Jonah,
away. As a result of longshore transport of sediment along the coast,
2014), with several low-lying communities and infrastructure be-
wave and tidal actions, the impacts of sand mining on the physical
ing seasonally affected by floods during rainstorms. Several sea
coastal environments may not be localized but could be experi-
defence structures have been used to protect investments and €
enced several kilometers away (Ozhan, 2002).
communities that are most vulnerable to sea waves.

4.2. Effects of sand mining on ghost crab burrow sizes

4.1. Ghost crab population/burrow density
Several studies have identified burrow diameters of ghost crab
There were no significant differences in ghost crab burrow to be suitable indicators in assessing human impacts on sandy
densities between the moderately disturbed beach and highly beaches (Souza et al., 2008; Hobbs et al., 2008; Aheto et al., 2011). In
disturbed beach (Bonferroni, p > 0.01). There were no significant this study, we found significantly bigger burrow diameters on the
differences in ghost crab burrow densities between the different near-pristine site than the disturbed beaches. However, there were
months of the study at all the three sites (Bonferroni, p > 0.01). no significant differences between the burrow diameters found on
However, ghost crab populations increased throughout the study the moderately and highly disturbed sites in contrast to the find-
period (i.e. from November to February) at the near-pristine site, ings of Aheto et al. (2011). These authors found significant differ-
while that at both the moderately disturbed and highly disturbed ences between ghost crab burrow diameters on moderately and
beaches increased from November to December but decreased highly disturbed beaches with presence of different levels of inor-
from January to February (Fig. 4). ganic pollutant and trampling in the Cape Coast and Elmina area.
Lower ghost crab abundance have been reported in human Results obtained in this study most likely indicate that the different
impacted areas in several studies that investigated various human intensities of beach sand mining activities similarly affect ghost
impacts such as trampling (Steiner and Leatherman, 1981; Neves crab burrow diameters. The larger burrow sizes recorded at the
and Bemvenuti, 2006), off-road vehicles (Wolcott and Wolcott, near-pristine site suggest that ghost crabs may have lived longer at
1984; Blankensteyn, 2006; Moss and McPhee, 2006), shore the near-pristine site or that they have access to better nutrition
armouring (Barros, 2001; Aheto et al. 2011) and beach nourishment than those on the disturbed sites.
and bulldozing (Peterson et al. 2000). In this study, though it was found that ghost crab burrows of
Our results conforms to the findings of Aheto et al. (2011) that larger sizes could be situated anywhere across all three beaches,
no significant difference exist between the population of ghost from the high water mark to the berm vegetation, the means of
crabs in moderately and highly disturbed beaches in the Cape Coast burrow sizes found at the near-pristine site showed an increasing
and Elmina area, even though the moderately disturbed beach has a burrow size trend as one moved away from the water mark towards
slightly higher mean density of ghost crab burrows. For this study, the dune. Larger crabs are able to hold moisture on their gills for
the implication is most likely that both small-scale beach sand longer periods and can therefore move higher up the beach to feed.
mining and large-scale commercial beach sand mining activities In contrast juvenile crabs need to be closer to the water's edge
highly affects the population of ghost crabs. whilst feeding in order to frequently moisten their gills. Moreover,
Monthly mean ghost crab burrow densities consistently larger ghost crabs can dig deeper burrows (Schlacher et al. 2007) to
increased at Saltpond throughout the four month survey period, access the water table and hence do not necessarily need to be
indicating continued recruitment on the beach. However, both closer to the tide line. The highly disturbed beach showed a similar
disturbed beaches in Cape Coast and Elmina, experienced an in- increasing mean burrow size pattern across all levels, although
crease in mean ghost crab burrow densities only between there was a slight reduction in the mean size at the 4th quadrat
November and December but decreased from December to level. The moderately disturbed site however had the largest mean
February. Sand mining activities are driven by demand by the burrow size at the 3rd quadrat level. Field observations indicated
construction industry with a higher demand during the dry season, that the moderately disturbed beach has a steeper beach slope as
F.E. Jonah et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 112 (2015) 18e24 23

compared to the near-pristine and the highly disturbed sites which References
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