India: Fisheries Profile of

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Fisheries Profile of India

 Fishery Resources
Length of coast line (Km) 8,118
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) million Sq Km 2.02
Continental Shelf (‘000 sq km) 530
Number of Fish Landing Centres 1,537
No of Fishing villages 3,432
No of fishermen families 8,74,749
Fisher-folk population 40,56,213
Total inland water bodies (lakh Ha) 73.59
Rivers & canals (Km) 195210
Reservoirs (Lakh ha) 29.07
Tanks & ponds (lakh Ha) 24.14
Flood plain lakes/derelict waters (lakh Ha) 7.98
Brackish water (lakh Ha) 12.40
Source:State Governments, CIFRI & CMFRI

 FFDAs & BFDAs. (cumulative achievement since inception )

No of Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDAs) 429
Water area covered under FFDA (Ha) 8,32,161
No of Fish farmers trained under FFDA 9,59,843
No of beneficiaries under FFDA 14,22,237
Average productivity reported (Kg/Ha/year)-FFDA
No of Brackishwater Fish Farmers Development 39
Agencies (BFDAs)
Water area covered under BFDA (Ha) 42,527
No of Fish farmers trained under BFDA 34,210
No of beneficiaries under BFDA 35,396
Average productivity reported (Kg/Ha/year)-BFDA 1,500
Fishermen population (as per Livestock Census, 2003)
a) Number of family members
i Males 4,696,158
ii Females 4,033,963
iii Children 5,755,233
Total 14,485,354
b) Engaged in fishing operations
i Full time 933,124
ii Part time 1,072,079
c) Engaged in fishing related activities other than actual
i Marketing of fish 391,000
ii Repair of fishing nets 245,100
iii Processing of fish 46,200
iv Other activities 334,700

 Fish production in last seven years

Year Inland Fish Marine Fish Total Fish Fish seeds
Production Production Production Produced
Inland Growth Marine Growth Total Growth In million
(lakh rate (lakh rate (%) production rate (%) fry
tonnes) (%) tonnes) (lakh
2004-05 35.26 1.96 27.79 -5.53 63.05 -1.48 20790.64

2005-06 37.56 6.52 28.16 1.33 65.72 4.23 21988.30

2006-07 38.45 2.37 30.24 7.39 68.69 4.52 23647.95

2007-08 42.07 9.41 29.20 -3.44 71.27 3.76 24143.57

2008-09 46.38 10.24 29.78 1.99 76.16 6.87 32177.21

2009-10 48.94 5.52 31.04 4.23 79.98 5.02 29313.17

2010-11 49.81 1.78 32.50 4.70 82.31 2.91 34110.83

2011-12 52.95 6.29 33.71 3.76 86.66 5.29 36566.43

2012-13 57.20 8.03 33.20 -1.51 90.40 4.32 34921.80

2013-14 61.36 7.28 34.43 3.68 95.79 5.96 41450.00

2014-15 65.77 7.30 34.91 1.40 100.69 5.2 43390.62
 Top Five Countries contribution in global fish production for the year 2009
(in tonnes)
Name of Country Capture Culture Total Production % Share

Total world 8,89,18,040 5,56,80,738 14,45,98,778

China 1,49,19,596 3,47,79,870 4,96,99,466 34.37

India 40,53,241 37,91,920 78,45,161 5.43

Peru 69,14,452 - 69,14,452 4.78

Indonesia 50,99,355 17,33,434 68,32,789 4.73

Vietnam 22,43,100 25,56,200 47,99,300 3.32

 Top five fish producing States in order during 2011-12, 2012-13,

2013-14 & 2014-15
(Production in ‘000 tonnes)
Year Andhra Pradesh West Bengal Gujarat Kerala Tamil Nadu

2011-12 1603.17 1472.04 783.72 693.21 611.49

2012-13 1675.44 1490.01 848.79 677.78 620.40

2013-14 2018.42 1580.65 793.42 708.65 624.30

2014-15 1964.43 1617.319 809.93 632.256 697.61

 Contribution of Fisheries sector to GDP (at current Prices) (Rs. in crores)

Year Total GDP GDP from GDP from GDP from Fisheries as % of
Agri, Forestry Fisheries Total GDP from Agri,
& Fishing GDP Forestry & Fishing
2005-06 3390503 637772 31699 0.93 4.97
2006-07 3953276 722984 35182 0.89 4.87
2007-08 4582086 836518 38931 0.85 4.65
2008-09 5303567 943204 44073 0.83 4.67
2009-10 6108903 1083514 50370 0.82 4.65
2010-11 7266967 1306942 57369 0.79 4.39
2011-12 8353495 1465753 65541 0.78 4.47
2012-13 9252051 1668676 78053 0.83 4.75
2013-14 10477140 1881152 96824 0.92 5.58
 Export of Fisheries Products
Year Quantity (‘000 tonnes) Value ( in Crores)

2006-07 612.641 8363.52

2007-08 541.701 7620.92

2008-09 602.835 8607.94

2009-10 678.436 10048.53

2010-11 813.091 12901.47

2011-12 862.021 16597.23

2012-13 928.21 18856.26

2013-14 983.75 30213.26

 Fishing Harbours (FHs) & Fish Landing Centers (FLCs)

FH at major Minor FH FLCs

port Commissioned Under Commissioned Under
construction construction
7 50 25 180 16

 Fishing Craft:
Traditional crafts Motorized Traditional crafts Mechanized Total
52,982 73,410 72,749 1,99,141
 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

Details of year-wise and sector-wise projects cost for all States under RKVY are as
(Rs in crore)
Year Total RKVY projects cost for all Total project costs for Fisheries
States sector of all States
2007-08 1476.03 63.70
2008-09 3993.16 142.17
2009-10 4754.01 109.12
2010-11 8398.17 278.96
2011-12 8814.10 392.23
2012-13 11632.49 319.41
2013-14 5072.17 *247.97
2014-15 3195.44 *278.657
*Includes NMPS

 National Mission for Protein Supplement (NMPS)

Details of year-wise and sector-wise allocation for all States/UTs under RKVY sub scheme
(Rs in crore)
Year Total NMPS allocation for Allocation for fisheries sector for all
AHD&F for all states/UTs states/UTs
2011-12 300.00 100.02
2012-13 500.00 200.26
2013-14 400.00 Allocation to Fisheries Sector is
made by the respective states/UTs.
2014-15 300.00 80.97
 Funds released during 11th Five Year Plan Period under the CSS & CS
(Rs in lakhs)
Name of Schemes Funds released during 11 Plan Period

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Development of Inland 1284.23 1360.00 2074.95 2294.31 2985.40

fisheries & Aquaculture

Development of Marine 4149.00 4956.26 6211.42 7811.43 7592.91

Fisheries, Infrastructure &

Post Harvest Operations.
National Scheme of 2138.02 2517.41 3623.19 4194.48 4456.03

Welfare of Fishermen.
Strengthening of Database 254.25 247.43 888.00 912.00 427.00

& Geographic Information

System for Fisheries
Biometric ID cards - - 3300.00 - -

National Fisheries 5000.00 4690.00 10000.00 9230.00 10800.00

Development Board

 Funds released during 12th Five Year Plan Period under the CSS & CS
(Rs in lakhs)
Name of Schemes 12 Plan

2012- 13 2013-14 2014-15

Development of Inland fisheries & Aquaculture 3141.64 3103.87 2632.17

Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure & 7457.73 6375.68 9285.08

Post Harvest Operations.
National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen. 3938.47 5214.73 5204.25

Strengthening of Database & Geographic 379.02 551.79 750.00

Information System for Fisheries Sector.
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) 10681.00 12316.00 13750.00

Allocation for the Fishery 2015-16
(Rs in lakhs)
Name of Schemes Total

Development of Inland fisheries & Aquaculture 3665.00

Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure & 7000.00

Post Harvest Operations.
National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen. 4349.00

Strengthening of Database & Geographic 495.00

Information System for Fisheries Sector.
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) 15786.00


Constituting about 5.68% of the global fish production, India today is the second largest
fish producing nation in the world. India is also a major producer of fish through
aquaculture and ranks second in the world after China. The total fish production during
2013-14 (provisional) is at 9.58 million tonnes (MT) with a contribution of 6.14 MT from
inland sector and 3.44 MT from marine sector respectively.
The historical scenario of Indian fisheries reveals a paradigm shift from marine
dominated fisheries to a scenario where inland fisheries has emerged as a major
contributor to the overall fish production in the country. As seen in the following graph,
inland fisheries presently has a share of 64.09% in total fish production of the country.
Within inland fisheries, there is a shift from capture fisheries to aquaculture during the
last two and a half decade. Freshwater aquaculture with a share of 34 percent in inland
fisheries in mid-1980s has increased to about 80 percent in recent years. It has emerged
as a major fish producing system in India as a result of initiatives taken by the
Government during the past three decades. Fish Farmers Development Agencies
(FFDA) were set up in each district for delivering a package of technologies, practices,
training and extension and for providing financial assistance to the beneficiaries. So far
429 FFDAs functioning in the country have brought about 0.65 million ha of water area
under fish farming and reached out to 1.1 million beneficiaries and imparted training to
about 0.8 million fishers. Currently the average annual yield is around 3.0 tonnes/ha.

It has been observed that inland fishery today is dominated mainly by the freshwater
fishery. In order to enhance production, there is a need for diversification of fish
production in other areas like integrated fish farming, cold water fisheries, riverine
fisheries, capture fisheries, brackish water fisheries etc. The recent measures therefore
have targeted Intensive Aquaculture in ponds and tanks through integrated fish farming,
carp polyculture, freshwater prawn culture, running water fish culture and development of
riverine fisheries.

Expansion of area under aquaculture has to become an important option to boost fish
production. In this context, derelict water bodies could be immensely useful and could be
an important resource to boost fish production for meeting the future fish demand of the
country. Coastal Orissa for instance, is endowed with large areas of unutilized water
bodies like derelict canals and drains. Similarly, Brahmaputra basin of Assam have
enormous beels lying idle. There are about 1.3 million hectares of beels and other
derelict water bodies in the countries. Bringing these water bodies into the ambit of
fisheries will boost fish production tremendously and hence expansion of fisheries in
these water bodies is one of the focus areas of the department for increasing fish
Reservoirs, which are largely untapped in India, have great potential for development
of fisheries. Reservoir Fisheries Development is therefore a thrust area of the
department. By promoting technologies like cage culture the productivity of the reservoirs
can be enhanced manifolds. Due to large initial investment, this technology has so far not
been successfully implemented in India.

The Government recognizes the need for availability of quality seed and feed for
sustained growth in inland fish production in the long run. As per an estimate, the total
fish seed required for optimal stocking in the existing ponds, new ponds and reservoirs is
about 48,000 million fry. As against this, the current seed production is about 41,450
million fry. Thus there is a gap of about 6,550 million fry. Setting up of brood banks and
hatcheries across the country, therefore is a priority area for the department.

Responsible aquaculture and prevention and management of aquatic diseases, organic

farming, and induced breeding are some of the other challenges to be addressed in this
sector for improving productivity.

New Initiatives

In compliance with the Budget announcements made in the Budget speech 2014-15,
National Fisheries Development nBoard will implement “Blue Revolution –Inland
Fisheries” which aims to enhance fish production in the Country. It has provision of
R50.00 crore during 2014-15.

World Fisheries Day was observed first time in India on 21st November, 2014 during
International Trade Fare. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble Agriculture Minister at Pragati
Maidan Auditorium.

On-going Schemes on Fisheries of the


Development of Inland Fisheries and


The Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

is being implemented through the State Governments/UTs. The scheme covers all the
inland fishery resources available in the country in the form of fresh water, brackish
water, cold water, water logged areas, saline/alkaline soils for aquaculture and capture
fisheries including reservoirs. The scheme has the following seven different components:
Development of Freshwater Aquaculture
Development of Brackish water Aquaculture
Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture
Development of Waterlogged Areas
Productive Utilization of Inland Saline/
Alkaline soils for Aquaculture
Integrated Development of Inland Capture
Resources(reservoirs/ rivers etc)
Innovative Projects

Since the inception of the scheme, 8,73,161 hectares of freshwater bodies and
45,952 hectares of brackish water bodies have been developed benefitting 14,71,737
and 39,896 fishers respectively, till 31.12.2014. During 2014-15, 3,500 hectares of
freshwater bodies and 250 hectares of brackish water bodies have been developed
benefitting 5,000 fishers and 400 fishers respectively. As against RE of R27.50 crore, a
sum of R13.78 crore was spent under the scheme during 2014-15.

Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post-Harvest Operations

Under the Scheme, Department extends financial assistance for the development of
marine sector and for improving the socioeconomic conditions of the traditional
fishermen. The scheme has three major components viz; Development of Marine
Fisheries, Development of Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations and Innovative
activities. Various components of the schemes are as follows.
Development of Marine Fisheries
Motorization of Traditional Craft
Safety of Fishermen at Sea
Fishermen Development Rebate on HSD Oil
Introduction of Intermediate Craft of Improved Design including proto-type study of
new intermediate vessel design.
Establishment and operation of Vessel Monitoring System
Promoting fuel efficient and environment friendly fishing practices
Management of Marine Fisheries

Development of Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations

Establishment of Fishing Harbours and Fish

Landing Centres
Strengthening of Post Harvest Infrastructure
Assistance for maintenance dredging of
fishing harbours and fish landing centres.

During 2013-14, 6,260 craft were motorised, 6 minor fishing harbours and 14 fish landing
centres projects were approved, 27 infrastructure and marketing projects were approved
and 500 safety kits were distributed to fishermen. During 2014-15, 3,487 craft were
motorised and 2,334 safety kits were distributed to fishers. Central share was released in
respect of 19 ongoing fishing harbour and 8 post harvest related project. Besides,
approval accorded for taking up maintenance dredging at one fishing harbour and two
fishing landing centres during 2014-15.

National Scheme for Welfare of Fishermen

Under the scheme of National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen, basic amenities

such as housing, drinking water, construction of community hall and tube wells are
provided for fishermen in their fishing village. Insurance coverage to fishermen engaged
actively in fishing and financial assistance during lean fishing season is also provided to
fishermen. The scheme is being operated with the following four components:

Development of Model Fishermen Villages provides for low cost hoses to Below
Poverty Line fishermen.
Group Accident Insurance for active Fishermen.
Saving-cum-Relief (provides financial support to fishermen during fishing ban period).
Training & Extension.
Fisheries Institutes

Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical

and Engineering Training (CIFNET), Kochi.

National Institute of Fisheries Post

Harvest Technology and Training (NIFPHATT), Visakhapatnam
11/05/2016 Glossary of Aquaculture Terms

Acre­Foot:  A water volume equivalent to one surface acre with a depth of one foot; equal to 325,850 gallons or
approximately 2,718,000 pounds of water.

Aeration:  The mixing of air and water by wind action, or by air forced through water, generally refers to a
process by which oxygen is added to water.

Air:  The gases surrounding the earth; consists of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 0.03%
carbon dioxide, and minute quantities of helium, krypton, neon, and xenon, plus water vapor.

Algae Bloom:  A high density or rapid increase in abundance of algae.

Alkalinity:  The ability of a mineral solution to neutralize hydrogen ions; usually expressed as equivalents of
calcium carbonate.

Ammonia:  The gas NH3 highly soluble in water. Ionized ammonia (NH4+) is relatively non­toxic to fish while the
un­ionized form is extremely toxic. The percent of the total ammonia in the un­ionized form is a function of pH
and temperature.

Ammonia Nitrogen:  Also called total ammonia. The summed weight of nitrogen in both the ionized (ammonium,
NH4+) and molecular (NH3) forms of dissolved ammonia (NH4 ­ N plus NH3­N). Ammonia values are reported as
N (the hydrogen being ignored in analyses).

Ammonium:  The ionized form of ammonia, NH4+ .

Anal Fin:  The fin on the ventral median line behind the anus.

Anti­Seep Collar:  A plate, usually constructed of concrete or steel attached around a drain pipe and extending
about two feet outward. It is buried in the pond levee to retard the seepage of water through the levee along the
drain pipe.

Anus:  The external posterior opening of the alimentary tract; the vent.

Aquaculture:  Controlled culture and propagation of aquatic animals, crustaceans, shellfish, and plants.

Barrow Pits:  Ponds and lakes created after the excavation of fill material used in road construction.

Bicarbonate:  The HCO3­  ion, or any salt formed with it such as sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

Broodstock:  Adult fish retained for spawning.

Buffer:  Chemical capable of taking up or giving up hydrogen ions and sustains pH within a narrow range.

Cage Culture:  A production method in which barrow pits, farm ponds, or lakes are used for fish production by
containing the fish in cages placed in the water.

Calcium Carbonate:  A relatively insoluble salt, CaCO3, the primary constituent of limestone and a common
constituent of hard water.

Carbon Dioxide:  A colorless, odorless gas, CO2, resulting from the oxidation of carbon­containing substances;
highly soluble in water. Toxic to fish at high levels. Toxicity to fish increases at low levels of oxygen. May be
used as an anesthetic.

Carbonate:  The CO3­  ion, or any salt formed with it, such as calcium carbonate, CaCO3.

Carnivorous:  Feeding or preying on animals.

Carrying Capacity:  The population, number, or weight of a species that a given environment can support. 1/6
11/05/2016 Glossary of Aquaculture Terms

Caudal Fin:  The tail fin of fish.

Cavity Spawners:  Species, such as catfish, which spawn in a cavity along the bank of a pond. In commercial
aquaculture a container such as a milk can is substituted.

Cold Water Species:  Generally, fish that spawn in water temperatures below 55°F. The main cultured species
are trout and salmon. See Cool water Species; Warm Water Species.

Cool Water Species:  Generally, fish that spawn in temperatures between 40° and 60° F. The main cultured cool
water species are muskellunge, sauger, walleye, and yellow perch. See Cold water Species; Warm Water

Core­trench:  A barrier made of compacted clay that anchors the pond levee to the surrounding topography.

Count:  A marketing unit of measurement equal to number per pound. For example, a 20 count would be the
same as 20 per pound.

Cubic Foot Per Minute:  Flow rate equal to 449 gallons per minute.

Dechlorination:  Removal of the residual hypochlorite or chloramine from water to allow its use in fish culture.
Charcoal is used frequently because it removes much of the hypochlorite and fluoride. Charcoal is inadequate for
removing chloramine.

Denitrification:  A biochemical reaction in which nitrate (NO3­ ) is reduced to NO2, N2O, and nitrogen gas.

Diet:  Food regularly provided and consumed.

Dissolved Oxygen:  The amount of elemental oxygen, O2, in solution under existing atmospheric pressure and

Dissolved Solids:  The residue of all dissolved materials when all water is evaporated.

Effluent:  The discharge from a rearing facility, treatment plant, or industry.

Evisceration:  The removal of the internal organs during processing.

Egg:  The mature female germ cell, ovum.

Fat:  An ester composed of fatty acid(s) and glycerol.

Fingerling:  The stage in a fish's life between 1 inch and the length at which it is restocked for grow­out to
market size.

Flow Rate:  The volume of water moving past a given point in a unit of time, usually expressed as cubic feet per
second (cfs) or gallons per minute (gpm).

Food Conversion:  A ratio of food intake to body weight gain; more generally, the total weight of all feed fed to a
lot of fish divided by the total weight gain of the fish lot. The units of weight and the time interval over which they
are measured must be the same. The better the conversion, the lower the ratio.

Formulated Feed:  A combination of ingredients that provides specific amounts of nutrients per weight of feed.

Free Board:  The distance between the crown of a pond levee and the surface of the water inside the pond.
Usually one to three feet of freeboard is recommended.

Fresh Water:  Water containing less than 0.05% total dissolved salts by weight.

Fry:  The stage in a fish's life from the time it hatches until it reaches 1 inch in length.

Genus:  A unit of scientific classification that includes one or several closely related species.The scientific name
for each organism includes designation for genus and species.

Gills:  The highly vascular, fleshy filaments used in aquatic respiration and excretion. 2/6
11/05/2016 Glossary of Aquaculture Terms

Gonads:  The reproductive organs (testes or ovaries).

Hardness:  The ability of water to neutralize soap, due to the presence of cations such as calcium and
magnesium; usually expressed as parts per million equivalents of calcium carbonate. Refers to the calcium and
magnesium ion concentration in water on a scale of very soft (0­20 ppm as CaCO3), soft (20­50 ppm), hard (50­
500 ppm) and very hard (55+ ppm).

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP):   A mandatory Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seafood
inspection program required by fish processors, wholesalers, and retailers.

Hybrid:  Progeny resulting from a cross between parents that are genetically unlike.

Hydrogen Ion Concentration:  The cause of acidity in water. See pH.

Hydrogen Sulfide:  An odorous, soluble gas, H2S, resulting from anaerobic decomposition of sulfur­containing
compounds, especially proteins.

Incubation (Eggs):  Period from fertilization of the egg until it hatches.

Intensive Culture:  Rearing of fish at densities greater than can be supported in the natural environment; utilizes
high water flow or exchange rates, aeration, and requires the feeding of formulated feeds.

Juvenile:  Fish less than one year old. Also refers to fingerlings.

Kettle:  A constructed basin near the drain of a pond used for concentrating fish during harvest. Also referred to
as a catch basin.

Lime:  Calcium Oxide, Quicklime, or Burnt Lime used as a disinfectant for fish­holding facilities (produces heat
and extreme alkaline conditions). Agriculture lime is used to increase the alkalinity of water in pond settings.
Sodium bicarbonate is used to increase the alkalinity in water recirculating systems.

Liquid Oxygen:  A form of oxygen cooled to a liquid state and used commonly in recirculating aquaculture
systems because it is cheaper per unit than gaseous oxygen.

McDonald Jar:  A type of incubator usually made from clear plastic designed to hold fertilized eggs during the
hatching process.

Metabolism:  Processes involved in the release of body energy, the building and repair of body tissue, and the
excretion of waste materials; combination of anabolism and catabolism. As a rule, the metabolic rate of fish
doubles for every 18°F increase.

Mouth Brooder:  A species of fish in which either the female or male incubates the fertilized eggs in the mouth.
Most species of tilapia grown in the United States are maternal mouth brooders.

Nitrification:  A method (normally biological) through which ammonia is biologically oxidized to nitrite and then

Nitrite:  The NO2­  ion.

Nitrogen:  An odorless, gaseous element that makes up 78% of the earth's atmosphere, and is a constituent of
all living tissue. It is almost inert in its gaseous form.

Nitrogenous Wastes:  Simple nitrogen compounds produced by the metabolism of proteins, such as urea and
uric acid.

Nitrifying Bacteria:  Species of bacteria involved in nitrification. Nitrosommonas sp. oxidizes NH3 to NO2­  and
Nitrobacter sp. oxides NO2­  to NO3­  .

Operculum:  The bony covering that protects the gills.

Osmosis:  The diffusion of liquid that takes place through a semipermeable membrane between solutions
starting at different osmotic pressures, and that tends to equalize those pressures.  Water always moves toward 3/6
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the more concentrated solution, regardless of the substances dissolved, until the concentration of dissolved
particles is equalized, regardless of electric charge.

Ovaries:  The female reproductive organs.

Oxygen Depletion/Low Oxygen:  A condition, normally occurring at night, in which oxygen dissolved in pond
water has been depleted mainly because of the decomposition of organic matter and respiration of organisms in
the pond.

Part Per Thousand (ppt):  A concentration at which one unit is contained in a total of one thousand units.
Seawater (35 ppt) is normally expressed in ppt.

pH:  An expression of the acid­base relationship designated as the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen­ion
activity; the value of 7.0 expresses neutral solutions; values decreasing below 7.0 represent increasingly acidic
solutions; values increasing about 7.0 represent increasingly basic solution.

Photosynthesis:  The formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water that takes place in the
chlorophyll­containing tissues of plants exposed to light; oxygen is produced as a by­product.

Phytoplankton:  Microscopic plants suspended in water with little or no capability for controlling their position in
the water mass; frequently referred to as algae.
Plankton The various, mostly microscopic, aquatic organisms (plants and animals) that serve as food for larger
aquatic animals.

Pokiothermic:  The ability of fish to take on approximately the same body temperature as the ambient
temperature of their environment. Also referred to as cold­blooded.

Pond:  A closed production system in which excavated soil is used to build levees and provide a gradual bottom

Pond Levee:  The wall of a pond which is constructed to hold in the water.

Predacious/Carnivorous Fish:  A fish species that eats other fish.

Quality Assurance:  A procedure used to increase evidence of safety and quality of farm­raised food fish

Raceway:  A production system in which water flows through a series of troughs or tanks at relatively high flow
rate. Smaller fish are usually stocked at the beginning of the raceway and larger fish stocked toward the end.

Recirculating, Reuse, Recycle Aquaculture Systems:  The use of water more than one time for fish
propagation. There may or may not be water treatment between uses and different rearing units may be involved.

Respiration:  The utilization of oxygen in the breakdown of carbohydrates and releases carbon dioxide and water
as by­products.

Salinity:  Concentration of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, carbonate, sulfate, and halides
(chloride, fluoride, bromide) in water. See Dissolved Solids.

Saturation:  In solutions, the maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a liquid without it being
precipitated or released into the air.

Sea Water:  Water containing from 3.0 to 3.5% total salts.

Sediment:  Settleable solids that form bottom deposits.

Seines:  Nets used to harvest fish from ponds. Seines are usually 25% longer than the width of the pond and
have a depth 25% deeper than the maximum depth of the pond.

Settleable Solids:  That fraction of the suspended solids that will settle out of suspension under quiescent

Silt:  Soil particles carried or deposited by moving water. 4/6
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Slope:  The change of height (rise) or a given distance (run). Slope is calculated as c 2 = a2 + b2 where slope is
c 2.

Sodium Bicarbonate: A chemical compound (NaHCO3) used as a buffer in recirculating aquaculture systems.

Solubility:  The degree to which a substance can be dissolved in a liquid; usually expressed as milligrams per
liter or percent.

Spawning (Hatchery Context):  Act of obtaining eggs from female fish and sperm from male fish.

Species:  The largest group of similar individuals that actually or potentially can successfully interbreed with one
another, but not with other such groups; systematic units including geographic races and varieties, are included
in a genus.

Stress:  A state manifested by a syndrome or bodily change caused by some force, conditions, or circumstance
(i.e., by a stressor) in or on an organism or on one of its physiological or anatomical systems. Any condition that
forces an organism to expend more energy to maintain stability.

Substrate Spawners:  Species of animals which spawn on substrate such as gravel, rock, perlon mats, or other

Suspended Solids:  Non­seattleable articles retained in suspension in the water column.

Thiosulfate, Sodium (Sodium Hyposulfite, Hypo, Antichlor) Na2S2O3:  Used to remove chlorine from solution
or as a titrant for determination of dissolved oxygen by the Winkler method.

Total Solids:  All of the solids in the water, including dissolved, suspended, and settleable components.

Toxicity:  A relative measure of the ability of a chemical to be toxic. Usually refers to the ability of a substance
to kill or cause an adverse effect. High toxicity means that small amounts are capable of causing death or ill

Toxin:  A particular class of poisons, to which the body may respond by the production of antitoxins.

Turbidity:  Presence of suspended or colloidal matter or planktonic organisms that reduces light penetration of

Ultraviolet Light:  A light source with a wave length less than 4,000 angstroms used for disinfecting hatchery

Urea:  A nitrogenous waste product of mammals containing two nitrogen ions.

Uric Acid:  A nitrogenous waste product of birds containing four nitrogen ions.

Vitamins:  Essential nutritive factors required in small amounts for the regulation of metabolism.

Vertical Substrate Spawners:  Species of animals such as angelfish that normally spawn on rooted aquatic
plant leaves in their natural habitat. In commercial aquaculture strips of slate are substituted for plants.

Warm Water Species:  Generally, fish that spawn at temperatures above 60°F. The chief cultured warm water
species are basses, sunfish, catfish, and minnows. See Cold Water Species; Cool Water Species.

Water Quality:  As it relates to fish nutrition and general fish health, involves dissolved minerals, gases,
suspended, and settleable solids found in fresh water.

Winkler:  A calorimetric titration method of determining the dissolved oxygen concentration in water.

Xanthophylls:  A class of naturally occurring yellow and orange plant pigments added to fish feeds to enhance
the color of skin pigments or muscle. In white flesh fish, xanthophylls impart an undesirable yellow color.

Yeast:  A component of fish feed, especially for larvae feeding used for its high protein content.

Zooplankton:  Minute animals in water, chiefly rotifers and crustaceans, that depend upon water movement to 5/6
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carry them about, having only weak capabilities for movement. They are important prey for young fish.

Zygote:  Fertilized egg. 6/6

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