Design of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures

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Design of Corrugated Steel

Buried Structures with

Spans Greater Than 0.9
Metres and up to 8 Metres
[and Correction, February

December 2002

DN Design

About TII

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is responsible for managing and improving the country’s
national road and light rail networks.

About TII Publications

TII maintains an online suite of technical publications, which is managed through the TII
Publications website. The contents of TII Publications is clearly split into ‘Standards’ and
‘Technical’ documentation. All documentation for implementation on TII schemes is collectively
referred to as TII Publications (Standards), and all other documentation within the system is
collectively referred to as TII Publications (Technical). This system replaces the NRA Design
Manual for Roads and Bridges (NRA DMRB) and the NRA Manual of Contract Documents for
Road Works (NRA MCDRW).

Document Attributes

Each document within TII Publications has a range of attributes associated with it, which allows
for efficient access and retrieval of the document from the website. These attributes are also
contained on the inside cover of each current document, for reference. For migration of
documents from the NRA and RPA to the new system, each current document was assigned with
new outer front and rear covers. Apart from the covers, and inside cover pages, the documents
contain the same information as previously within the NRA or RPA systems, including historical
references such as those contained within NRA DMRB and NRA MCDRW.

Document Attributes

TII Publication Title Design of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures with Spans Greater Than
0.9 Metres and up to 8 Metres [and Correction, February 2002]
TII Publication

Activity Design (DN) Document Set Standards

Stream Structures (STR) Publication Date December 2002
Document 03003 Historical BD 12
Number Reference

NRA DMRB and MCDRW References

For all documents that existed within the NRA DMRB or the NRA MCDRW prior to the launch of
TII Publications, the NRA document reference used previously is listed above under ‘historical
reference’. The TII Publication Number also shown above now supersedes this historical
reference. All historical references within this document are deemed to be replaced by the TII
Publication Number. For the equivalent TII Publication Number for all other historical
references contained within this document, please refer to the TII Publications website.
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01


BD 12/01



This Addendum supersedes the NRA Addendum dated December 2000 to Standard BD 12/95. The revisions
have arisen due to the publication of Standard BD 12/01 dated November 2001, which supersedes BD 12/95,
and also of the Correction dated February 2002.

Standard BD 12/01 – Design of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures With Spans Greater Than 0.9 Metres and
up to 8.0 Metres [and Correction, February 2002] – is applicable in Ireland with the following amendments:

1. The Standard provides specification requirements for use in public purchasing contracts. It does not
lay down legislation requirements for products and materials used in road construction in Ireland.

2. At several locations:

For: “Overseeing Organisation”

Read: “National Roads Authority”;

For: “Specification for Highway Works (MCHW1)” or “MCHW1”

Read: “NRA Specification for Road Works”;

For: “British Board of Agrément” or “British Board of Agrément (BBA)”

Read: “Irish Agrément Board”;

For: “BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1)”

Read: “NRA BD 24”;

For: “BS EN”

Read: “IS EN”.

December 2002 1
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01

1. Page 1/2, Clause 1.5, line 3:
For: “Standard SD4 (MCHW 0.2.4)”
Read: “the National Roads Authority”.

2. Page 1/2, Clause 1.6, line 3:

For: “require a current Type Approval Certificate (MCHW1 Clause 104.9).”
Read: “require approval from the National Roads Authority.”

3. Page 1/2, Clause 1.6, line 8:

Delete “(MCHW1 Clauses 104.5 and 104.6)”.

4. Page 1/2, Clause 1.7, line 3:

For: “a Type Approval Certificate from The Highways Agency.”
Read: “approval from the National Roads Authority.”

5. Page 1/2, Clause 1.8, line 5:

For: “in the Schedule of Employer’s Requirements included in the Outline Approval in Principle.”
Read: “in the Preliminary Approval (NRA BD 2).”

6. Page 1/2, Clause 1.12:

Delete Clause 1.12 and replace with:

1.12 This Standard should be used forthwith for

all schemes for the construction and/or
improvement of national roads. The Standard
should be applied to the design of schemes already
being prepared unless, in the opinion of the
National Roads Authority, application would result
in significant additional expense or delay progress.
In such cases, Design Organisations should
confirm the application of this Standard to
particular schemes with the National Roads

7. Pages 1/5 and 1/6, Figure 1.1:

For: “TAA” (two locations)
Read: “the Road Authority (as defined in NRA BD 2)”;

For: “Approval in Principle”

Read: “Preliminary Approval”;

For: “OUTLINE AIP” (three locations)

Read: “Preliminary Approval”.

8. Page 1/5, Figure 1.1, Footnote:

For: “* Outline Approval in Principle Form and Approval in Principle Form shall both incorporate”
Read: “* The Preliminary Report shall incorporate”.

9. Page 3/1, Clause 3.3, line 6:

For: “Trunk Roads”
Read: “national roads”.

December 2002 2
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01

10. Page 8/1, Clause 8.3, line 7:

Delete third sentence: “Protective coatings…BA 27 (DMRB 2.4.2).”

11. Page 8/2, Clause 8.8.2:

Insert additional sentence at end of Clause:

“If, in addition to either the surrounding soil, fill,

groundwater or carried fluid having an aggressive
classification, carriageway drainage is not provided
in accordance with clauses 14.1 and 14.2, an
overall very aggressive classification shall be

12. Page 8/2, Clause 8.9.3:

Delete Clause 8.9.3 and replace with:

“8.9.3 In the absence of sufficient Annual

Atmospheric Corrosion Values for the Republic of
Ireland, the corrosivity (acid deposition) value
shall be taken from the following guidelines:

(a) Structures in a rural location further than 10km

from the coast or major industry shall be
placed in corrosion category 2 or higher;

(b) Structures within 10km of the coast or major

industrial development shall be placed in
corrosion category 3 or higher,

(c) Structures within 10km of the coast and major

industrial development shall be placed in
corrosion category 4 or higher.

The atmospheric environment for the exposed

surfaces shall be determined from this corrosivity
value using Table 8.4. However, any other
significant environmental factors concerning the
location shall also be taken into account; e.g.
structures adjacent to the coast or industry subject
to sea spray or direct pollution may override the
general classification, or constitute a very
aggressive environment.”

December 2002 3
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01

[Note: the following two amendments are required to the original Highways Agency November 2001 issue of
BD 12/01, but have been incorporated in the Correction issued by the Highways Agency in February 2002]

13. Page 8/3, Clause 8.11, lines 3 and 4:

For: “mm/year” (two locations)
Read: “Pm/year”.

14. Page 8/3, Clause 8.13, line 9:

For: “(mm)”
Read: “(Pm)”.

15. Page 8/3, Clause 8.14, line 1:

Insert at beginning of first line:

“8.14 The design life of the invert paving shall be

equal to that of the structure.”

16. Page 8/4, Clause 8.16:

Delete Clause 8.16 and replace with:

“8.16 The advice of the local fisheries authority on

culverts carrying streams or rivers under roads or
urban areas should be sought. Their guidelines are
based on maintaining access through the culvert
for anglers, walkers, authority officials and
wildlife; and minimising the gradient to reduce the
velocity, thereby allowing fish to migrate
upstream. A natural stream bed should be
provided within the culvert to provide a natural
habitat and create flow disturbance. Screening the
entrance or exit of a culvert should not be
undertaken, as the debris caught blocks the
discharge and prevents clear passage for the fish: it
is also illegal. Water-borne stones can be
prevented from carrying through the culvert by the
addition of a drop inlet or catchpit.”

17. Page 8/5, Clause 8.20, line 5:

For: “Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works MCHW2.”
Read: “NRA Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Road Works.”

December 2002 4
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01

18. Page 8/7, Table 8.4:

Delete the Table 8.4 and replace with:

Average Corrosivity Value Classification of the

(Acid Deposition Value from Clause 8.9.3) Atmospheric Environment

”2 Non-Aggressive
> 2 but ” 4 Aggressive
>4 Very Aggressive

Table 8.4 – Classification of Surfaces Exposed to the Atmospheric Environment

19. Page 11/1, Clause 11.1:

For: “SD4 (MCHW 0.2.4).”
Read: “the NRA Method of Measurement for Road Works.”

20. Page 13/1, Clause 13.2:

Delete Clause 13.2 and replace with:

“13.2 The concrete shall be a minimum of Class

30/20 as described in the NRA Specification for
Road Works Series 1700.”

21. Page 13/1, Clause 13.3:

Delete final sentence and replace with:

“A nominal cover in accordance with Table 13 of

BS 5400 Part 4 plus 10mm as specified in NRA
BD 57 shall be provided to all faces, including that
to the crest of the corrugations in the structural

22. Page 16/1, Clause 16.1:

Delete Clause 16.1 and replace with:

“16.1 The procedures to be followed when

specifying a proprietary manufactured structure,
such as a corrugated steel buried structure, are
described here.”

23. Page 16/1, Clause 16.2, line 2:

For: “an Outline Approval in Principle”
Read: “a Preliminary Report”.

24. Page 16/1, Clause 16.3, line 3:

For: “the AIP form”
Read: “a Preliminary Report”.

December 2002 5
National Roads Authority Volume 2 Section 2
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 6 BD 12/01

25. Page 16/3, Clauses 16.5 and 16.6:

Delete Clauses 16.5 and 16.6 and replace with:

“16.5 The further stages in the post award

contract procedures, including the requirements for
the submission of documents, are described in

16.6 (Not used)”

26. Page 17/1, Section 17.1, lines 2 and 5:

For: “BD 2: Part 1 – Technical Approval of Highway Structures (DMRB 1.1)”
Read: “NRA BD 2: Technical Approval of Structures on Motorways and other National Roads
(NRA DMRB 1.1.1A).”;

For: “BD 24: Design of Concrete Bridges. Use of BS 5400 Part 4 (DMRB 1.3.1).”
Read: “NRA BD 24: Design of Concrete Road Bridges and Structures: Use of BS 5400 Part 4: 1990
(NRA DMRB 1.3.1).
NRA BD 57: Design for Durability (NRA DMRB 1.3.7).”

27. Page 17/1, Section 17.2:

Delete Section 17.2 and replace with:

“17.2 NRA Manual of Contract Documents

for Road Works

Volume 1: Specification for Road Works

Volume 2: Notes for Guidance on the
Specification for Road Works
Volume 3: Method of Measurement for Road

28. Page 17/1, Section 17.3, Title:

For: “British Standards”
Read: “Irish and British Standards”.

29. Page 18/1, Chapter 18:

Delete text and replace with:

“18.1 All technical enquiries or comments on this Standard should be sent in writing to:

Head of Project Management and Engineering

National Roads Authority
St Martin’s House
Waterloo Road
Dublin 4”

Head of Project Management and

December 2002 6

SUMMARY OF CORRECTION – BD 12/01 Volume 2, Section 2, Part 6


In November 2001, page 7/1 – 7/2, was issued incorrectly. (The page number was incorrect as it
read 7/1 – 7/4). Please amend this page by crossing out page number 7/4, and writing 7/2.




BD 12/01




This Standard covers the design and construction

requirements for corrugated steel buried structures with
spans greater than 0.9 metres and up to 8.0 metres.


This revised Standard is to be incorporated in the


1. This document supersedes BD 12/95, which is

now withdrawn.

2. Remove existing contents page for Volume 2 and

insert new contents page for Volume 2 dated
November 2001.

3. Remove BD 12/95, which is superseded by

BD 12/01, and archive as appropriate.

4. Insert BD 12/01 in Volume 2, Section 2, Part 6.

5. Archive this sheet as appropriate.

Note: A quarterly index with a full set of Volume

Contents Pages is available separately from The
Stationery Office Ltd.

November 2001







Design of Corrugated Steel

Buried Structures with Spans
Greater Than 0.9 Metres and
up to 8.0 Metres

Summary: This Standard covers the design and construction requirements for corrugated
steel buried structures with spans greater than 0.9 metres and up to 8.0
Volume 2 Section 2
Part 6 BD 12/01 Registration of Amendments


Amend Page No Signature & Date of Amend Page No Signature & Date of
No incorporation of No incorporation of
amendments amendments

November 2001
Volume 2 Section 2
Registration of Amendments Part 6 BD 12/01


Amend Page No Signature & Date of Amend Page No Signature & Date of
No incorporation of No incorporation of
amendments amendments

November 2001




BD 12/01





1. Introduction
2. Design Principles
3. Design Loads
4. Design Load Effects
5. Strength Parameters
6. Ultimate Limit State Requirements
7. Serviceability Limit State Requirements
8. Durability
9. Excavation and Filling
10. Handling and Installation
11. End Treatment
12. Overlying Reinforced Concrete Slab
13. Concrete Invert Paving for Closed Invert
14. Carriageway Drainage
15. Multiple Installations
16. Technical Requirements and Design Checklist
17. References
18. Enquiries

Annex A Procedure and Conditions for Obtaining a

Type Approval Certificate for Corrugated
Steel Buried Structures
Annex B Longitudinal Seam Strength for Bolted
Segmental Structures
Annex C Specification for Tensile Strength of
Lockseams in Helically Wound Corrugated
Steel Structures

November 2001
Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 1
Part 6 BD 12/01 Introduction


1.1 This Standard gives the design and construction

helically wound construction with cross sections
requirements for corrugated steel buried structures that
act compositely with the surrounding material to resist
loading. It describes the procedures to be followed that (i) closed circular
permit the Contractor to choose a proprietary structure
that meets the Overseeing Organisation’s requirements. subject to the following requirements:
It follows the principles of BD 12/95 and requires a
current Type Approval Certificate for all corrugated a. The size and shape are within the limits
steel buried structures, updates durability requirements specified in Table 1.1.
and clarifies the requirements in regard to excavation
and filling, handling and installation and end treatment.
Further clarification is made to the presentation of the
formulae given in this document.


1.2 The construction of corrugated steel buried

structures will normally be carried out under
contracts incorporating the Specification for
Highway Works (MCHW1). In such cases products
conforming to equivalent standards or technical
specifications of other states of the European
Economic Area and tests undertaken in other states
of the European Economic Area will be acceptable
in accordance with the terms of Clauses 104 and
105 in Series 100 of that Specification. Any
contract not containing these Clauses must contain
suitable clauses of mutual recognition having the
same effect regarding which advice should be


1.3 This Standard covers bolted segmental

corrugated steel buried structures, with spans
greater than 0.9 metres and up to 8 metres, which b. The depth of cover measured from the
are straight in plan, and which are of: finished road surface or final ground level to
the crown of the structure is not less than
bolted segmental construction with cross sections span/5 or 650mm whichever is greater.
being: However, where a reinforced concrete slab
is provided at finished road surface, a lesser
(i) closed circular depth of cover will be acceptable (see
Clause 12.1 below).
(ii) closed multi-radii
c. The environment is “non-aggressive” or
(iii) circular arch; or “aggressive” as defined in Chapter 8. An
environment which is classed as “very
aggressive” is outside the scope of this
Standard and specialist advice should be

November 2001 1/1

Chapter 1 Volume 2 Section 2
Introduction Part 6 BD 12/01

This Standard does not cover the use of corrugated 1.8 Where the Contractor proposes a proprietary
steel buried structures in the repair of other types system of invert protection, the proprietary invert
of structure, for example, as a liner for brick arch system shall have a current British Board of
structures. In these situations, specialist advice Agrément Roads and Bridges Certificate or
should be sought from the manufacturers of equivalent for the end-use as indicated in the
corrugated steel structures. Schedule of Employer’s Requirements included in
the Outline Approval in Principle.
Environmental Considerations
1.9 Where the Contractor chooses a proprietary
protection coating with a designated life intended
1.4 The Overseeing Organisation’s requirements to contribute towards the durability requirement of
for environmental design shall be taken into the structure, a current British Board of Agrément
account in designing corrugated steel buried Roads and Bridges Certificate or equivalent shall
structures. Volume 10 of DMRB (Environmental be provided confirming its life under service
Design) gives advice on the use of underpasses by conditions appropriate to the circumstances stated
multiple species of small mammals and fish. It in the Schedule of Employer’s Requirements.
illustrates various forms of culvert design to
facilitate free passage of these species. Often these 1.10 The materials used for corrugated steel
considerations are fundamental to the buried structures, their manufacture and their
determination of the span, headroom, cross-section assembly and construction on site shall be in
invert and gradient of the structure. accordance with the Specification for Highway
Works (MCHW1).
Approval Procedure
Contract/Design Procedure
1.5 Corrugated steel buried structures are
proprietary manufactured structures and the design 1.11 A flow diagram for a typical contract/design
and contractual procedures required by Standard procedure is given in Figure 1.1 to assist users of this
SD4 (MCHW 0.2.4) shall be followed. Standard.
1.6 All bolted segmental and helically wound
corrugated steel buried structures and their Implementation
components require a current Type Approval
Certificate (MCHW1 Clause 104.9). Helically 1.12 This Standard shall be used forthwith on all
wound corrugated steel buried structures and their schemes for the construction and improvement of
components shall also have a current British Board trunk roads, including motorways, currently being
of Agrément, Roads and Bridges, Certificate or prepared, provided that, in the opinion of the
equivalent (MCHW1 Clauses 104.5 and 104.6) for Overseeing Organisation this would not result in
the end-use described in this Standard. The British significant additional expense or delay. Design
Board of Agrément (BBA) Certificate or Organisations shall confirm its application to
equivalent shall include guaranteed minimum particular schemes with the Overseeing
lockseam tensile strengths satisfying the Organisation. In Northern Ireland the use of this
requirements of Annex C of this Standard. standard shall apply on those roads designated by
the Overseeing Organisation.
1.7 Prior to being offered on a Contract, the
manufacturer of the corrugated steel buried Mandatory Requirements
structure shall have obtained a Type Approval
Certificate from The Highways Agency. The
1.13 Sections of this document which form mandatory
procedure for obtaining the Type Approval
requirements of the Overseeing Organisation are
Certificate for bolted segmental structures is
highlighted by being contained within boxes. The
described at Annex A. The procedure for obtaining
remainder of the document contains advice and
the Type Approval Certificate for helically wound
enlargement which is commended to designers for their
structures is also as described at Annex A and
current certification by the British Board of
Agrément is mandatory.

1/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 1
Part 6 BD 12/01 Introduction

Symbols fy(N/mm²) Minimum yield strength of the steel.

1.14 The symbols used in this Standard are defined as h(m) Nominal height of fill above the
follows: structure.

a (mm²/mm) Cross-sectional area of corrugated ht(m) Height of fill above the crown of the
steel per unit length, the cross structure including the thickness of
section being parallel to the length any road construction.
of the structure.
I(mm4/mm) Cross-sectional moment of inertia of
aa (mm²/mm) Adjusted cross-sectional area of the corrugated steel per unit length,
corrugated steel per unit length the cross-section being parallel to
based on the remaining wall the length of the structure.
thickness after deduction of
sacrificial metal thickness required Ia (mm4/mm) Adjusted cross-sectional second
by Chapter 8. moment of area of the corrugated
steel per unit length, the cross-
B (mm) Diameter of plate used in plate load section being parallel to the length
test. of the structure.

C (kN/m) Compressive hoop load in the wall Id Depth correction factor for plate
of the structure per unit length. load test.

CT (kN/m) Total compressive hoop load in the k(N/mm³) Coefficient of soil reaction.
wall of the circular arch structure
per unit length acting upon the ke(N/mm³) Modified coefficient of soil reaction.
K Constant.
dc (mm) Depth of corrugation.
Ka Active earth pressure coefficient.
D (mm) Additional trench width required for
m Poisson’s ratio of the structural
circular arch structures.
E (N/mm²) Modulus of elasticity of the
M*(N/mm²) Constrained soil modulus.
structural steel.
mv(mm²/N) Coefficient of volume
Es(N/mm²) Modulus of elasticity of the soil.
F(mm/N) Flexibility factor.
N Uncorrected SPT value.
Fmax (mm/N) Limiting value of flexibility factor.
P(kN/m²) Radial soil pressure on a circular
closed invert structure.
fa(N/mm²) Compressive hoop stress.

fb(N/mm²) Theoretical transverse elastic Pb(kN/m²) Radial soil pressure on the bottom of
buckling stress. a multi-radii structure.

Pc(kN/m²) Radial soil pressure on the corner of

fc(N/mm²) Nominal allowable buckling stress.
a multi-radii structure.
fs(N/mm²) Stress derived from adjusted
nominal seam strength (kN/m) based Pt(kN/m²) Radial soil pressure on the top of a
on the remaining wall thickness multi-radii structure.
after deduction of sacrificial metal
Pd(kN/m²) Design vertical superimposed dead
thickness required in Chapter 8.
load pressure.

November 2001 1/3

Chapter 1 Volume 2 Section 2
Introduction Part 6 BD 12/01

PL(kN/m²) Design vertical live load pressure. γfL Partial safety factor that takes
account of the possibility of
P1 (kN/m²) Overburden pressure on top of unfavourable deviation of the loads
footing of circular arch. from their nominal values and of the
reduced probability that various
P2 (kN/m²) Lateral earth pressure on the outside loadings acting together will all
face of the footing of a circular arch. attain their nominal values
P3 (kN/m²) Overburden pressure on top of
footing inside circular arch. γf3 Partial safety factor that takes
account of inaccurate assessment of
Q* Design Loads (Refer to BS 5400: the effects of loading, unforeseen
Part 1). stress distribution in the structure,
and variations of dimensional
r(m) Radius of circular structure. accuracy achieved in construction.
rb(m) Radius at the bottom of a multi-radii γm Partial safety factor that takes
structure. account of variabilities in material
strength and uncertainties in the
rc(m) Radius at the corner of a multi-radii
assessment of component strength.
∆q (N/mm²) Change in pressure applied by the
rt(m) Radius at the top of a multi-radii
plate (plate load test).
∆s (mm) Change in average settlement of the
R* Design Resistance (Refer to
plate (plate load test).
BS 5400: Part 1).
∆x (m) Increase in horizontal diameter or
S (m) Span of the structure (diameter of
circular structure).
θ Re-entry angle of circular arch
S* Design Load Effects (Refer to
measured between the vertical and
BS 5400: Part 1).
the tangent to the arch wall at the
t (years) Life of sacrificial thickness of steel. top of the foundation.

T(µm) Thickness of sacrificial metal for ν Poisson’s ratio of the soil.

each corroding face.

Wf (kN/m) Self weight of foundation per unit


y (m) Excavation width measured from the

walls of the structure.

Z1(m) Depth from road surface/ground

level to top of foundation.

Z2(m) Depth from road surface/ground

level to mid height of foundation.

γ(kN/m³) Bulk unit weight of compacted fill.

1/4 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 1
Part 6 BD 12/01 Introduction

Figure 1.1 Flow Diagram for Contract/Design Procedure

Initial Feasibility Study and Assessment of

Employer’s Requirements in Chapter 16
by Design Organisation

Design Organisation to discuss proposals

with TAA, obtain outline approval and
produce an outline design as appropriate,
and incorporate into Contract Documents COMPLETE

Contractor/Manufacturer *
seeks Approval in Principle from TAA and
carries out Design for Structure Proposed OUTLINE AIP AND
and obtains Relevant Approvals OUTLINE DESIGN

Ensure Structure initially complies with the following Sections:

a) Introduction/Scope - Chapter 1
b) Handling Installation - Chapter 10
c) End Treatment - Chapter 11
d) Multiple Installations - Chapter 15

Determine Constrained Determine Durability

Soil Modulus M* Requirements in Chapter 8 Determine Design Loads
Stiffness of Soil Surrounding Determine Sacrificial in Chapter 3
the Structure Clauses 5.1 - 5.8 Metal Thickness Dead Loads
of Chapter 5 Superimposed Dead Loads
Live Loads

For Corrugated Steel Product and

Gauge selected determine the
following: Determine Design Load Effects in Chapter 4
I a Adjusted cross-sectional a) Compressive Hoop Stress - Clause 4.2
Determine Nominal Buckling moment of inertia
Stress from Clause 5.9 - 5.10 of b) Radial Soil Pressure for
Chapter 5 aa Adjusted cross-sectional area Closed Invert Structures - Clause 4.3
f s Stress derived from adjusted c) Foundation Loading for
nominal seam strength Circular Arches - Clause 4.4
Taking into account sacrificial metal
loss Clauses 6.1 and 7.1

Ensure Compliance with Design Requirements and

Strength Parameters at Ultimate Limit State - Chapter 6
a) Buckling Capacity - Clause 6.2a
b) Yield - Clause 6.2b
c) Seam Strength - Clause 6.2c
d) Stress Limits for Helically Wound Structures - Clause 6.2d

* Outline Approval in Principle Form and Approval in Principle Form shall both incorporate the
listings of Employer’s Requirement as set out in Chapter 16


November 2001 1/5

Chapter 1 Volume 2 Section 2
Introduction Part 6 BD 12/01

Figure 1.1 Flow Diamgram for Contract/Design Procedure

Continued from Overleaf

Ensure Compliance with Design Requirements and at Serviceability Limit State - Chapter 7
a) Deflection - Clause 7.2
b) Allowable Net Bearing Pressure - Closed Invert Structures - Clause 7.3 & 7.4
c) Foundation Design - Circular Arches - Clause 7.5

Determine Requirements for Excavation and Filling Chapter 9

Trench - Figure 9.1
Partial Trench - Figure 9.2
Embankments - Clause 9.14
(Check also Figure 8.1 of Chapter 8 for durability requirements)

a) Design End Treament - Chapter11

b) Design Overlying Reinforced Concrete Slab (if required) - Chapter 12
c) Design Invert Paving for Closed Invert Structures (if required) - Chapter 13
d) Check detail of carriageway drainage in vicinity of structure (if required) - Chapter 14


Determine, list and record information
required in Chapter 16

Contractor to Submit Final Design with Design

Certificate and Design Information required in
Chapter 16.

Check of Final Design

Formal Approval of Design and Design Information

for Construction

Submission of As Constructed Information for

Maintenance Manual as required in Chapter 16

1/6 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 2
Part 6 BD 12/01 Design Principles


2.1 Limit state principles have been adopted for the limiting value given in this Standard and the
design in this Standard. The limit states adopted settlement of the foundation material must not
are: adversely affect the performance of the structure.

a. Ultimate limit states represented by: 2.6 As the allowable net bearing pressure of soil
is not normally expressed in characteristic (or
i. The strength of the structure as nominal) strength terms, the checks involving
determined by the yielding and allowable net bearing pressure shall be undertaken
buckling behaviour of corrugated steel with unfactored nominal loads.
buried structures, and
2.7 For the ultimate limit state the following
ii. The strength of a longitudinal bolted load combinations shall be considered:
seam as determined by tests on bolted
plate assemblies. a. Dead Loads together with Live Loads.

b. Serviceability limit states represented by: b. Dead Loads together with Temporary
Construction Loads.
i. A limiting deflection expressed as a
maximum percentage change in the 2.8 For the serviceability limit state, Dead
span dimension beyond which cause Loads shall be considered together with Live
for public concern may be expected Loads.
and remedial action to protective
coatings and finishings may be 2.9 The steel section chosen for the walls of the
required. structure must satisfy both the strength and
deflection requirements of Chapters 6 and 7 and
ii. The allowable net bearing pressure of also the durability requirements of Chapter 8 in
the foundation material for closed terms of sacrificial steel. The steel thickness
invert structures. required to satisfy these criteria may be different at
different points around the circumference of the
iii The allowable net bearing pressure of structure. Care shall be taken during assembly to
the foundation material beneath the ensure the correct positioning of plates of different
concrete foundations of circular arch thickness.

2.2 Design loads (Q*) are expressed as the

product of nominal loads and the partial safety
factor γfL.

2.3 Design load effects (S*) are expressed as the

product of the effects of the design loads and the
partial safety factor γf3.

2.4 Design resistance (R*) is expressed as the

nominal strength of the component divided by the
partial safety factor γm.

2.5 The design load effects (S*) at the ultimate

limit state must not be greater than the design
resistance (R*). In addition, at the serviceability
limit state the deflection must not be greater than

November 2001 2/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 3
Part 6 BD 12/01 Design Loads


Dead Load of Steel

rt = Radius at the top of a multi-radii
structure, (m)
3.1 a) The self-weight of corrugated steel
buried structures may be ignored for Values for γfL are given in Table 3.1.
the Ultimate Limit State requirements
and Serviceability Limit State
requirements as defined in Chapter 6 Live Loads
and Chapter 7 respectively.
3.3 Nominal live loads shall be the HA or HB
b) During the construction, the self- loading whichever is the more onerous, applied in
weight of corrugated steel buried accordance with BS 5400: Part 2, as implemented
structures shall be considered if by BD 37 (DMRB 1.3). HA loading shall consist
temporary strutting or ties are of a single nominal wheel load of 100kN. HA UDL
required to support the structure. and KEL need not be considered. For Trunk Roads
(Refer to Clause 10.5.) including Motorways, HB loading shall consist of
a minimum of 45 units. For other classes of roads
c) In the case of end treatments, the self- refer to BD 37. There is no requirement for co-
weight of corrugated steel buried existing HA and HB wheel loadings to be
structures, including headwalls, ring considered either in the same or adjacent lanes.
beams and collars etc, shall be taken
into account. (Refer to Chapter 11). 3.4 On the carriageway each wheel load shall be
assumed to be uniformly distributed over a contact
Values for γfL are given in Table 3.1. area, circular or square in shape based on a
nominal tyre inflation pressure of 1.1N/mm².
Superimposed Dead Load
3.5 To determine the nominal vertical live load
pressure, PL on the structure due to any wheel load,
3.2 The design vertical pressure on the structure dispersion in three dimensions may be assumed
due to the superimposed dead load is given by: from the limits of the contact area on the
carriageway to the level of the crown of the buried
Pd = γfL x nominal vertical pressure
structure at a slope of 2 vertically to 1 horizontally
= γfL γh (kN/m²) as shown in Figure 3.1. This pressure shall be
taken to act over the whole span. A wheel load not
where γ = Bulk unit weight of compacted fill directly over the structure shall be included if its
(kN/m³) dispersion zone falls over any part of the structure.

and h = Nominal height of fill above the 3.6 In the case of the HB vehicle only, the
structure (m), to be taken as dispersion zones of individual HB wheel loads
ht + 0.25r for circular structures shall be combined and distributed jointly as
and circular arches, and ht + 0.25rt indicated in Figure 3.1. This applies to adjacent
for multi-radii structures wheels on the same axle and, where the span is
large enough, to wheels on succeeding axles.
where ht = Height of fill (m) above the crown
of the structure, including the
thickness of any road construction

r = Radius of closed circular structure

or circular arch structure, (m)

November 2001 3/1

Chapter 3 Volume 2 Section 2
Design Loads Part 6 BD 12/01

3.7 Where a reinforced concrete structural slab is

proposed in accordance with Clause 1.3(b) and Clauses 3.10 To obtain the design vertical live load
12.1 to 12.5 of this Standard, dispersion of any wheel pressure, PL (kN/m²), the nominal pressures shall
load as described in Clause 3.5 may be assumed to be multiplied by the appropriate values of γfL given
occur throughout the depth of the structural slab at a in Table 3.1.
slope of 1 vertically to 1.5 horizontally. Below the level
of the bottom of the structural slab, dispersion of the
wheel loads may be assumed to occur at a slope of
2 vertically to 1 horizontally.

Alternatively, the nominal live load pressures acting on

the culvert may be assessed by a suitable multi-layer
elastic analysis, using one of the methods given in
Chapter 6 of “Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock
Mechanics” by H G Poulos and E H Davis, (1) which
takes into account the relative stiffness of the structural
slab and the layers of material between the slab and the
crown of the culvert.

3.8 The nominal vertical live load pressure on

the structure due to tracked construction vehicles
or large rubber tyred earthmoving vehicles shall be
determined at a depth of cover of one fifth of the
span of the structure, or 1m, whichever is greater.

3.9 Braking loads and temperature effects shall

be ignored.

3/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 3
Part 6 BD 12/01 Design Loads


γfL γfL

Dead Load Concrete, End 1.0 1.2

Treatment Only (Chapter 11)

Dead Load, Corrugated Steel Only 1.0 1.2

(Chapters 6 & 7 and Clause 10.5)

Superimposed Dead Loading 1.1 1.3

HA wheel load 1.2 1.5

HB loading 1.1 1.3

Temporary Construction Loading - 1.3

All loads for Radial Soil Pressure 1.0 -


All loads for determining thrust 1.0 -

acting on circular arch foundations
for bearing pressure calculation

SLS: Serviceability Limit State

ULS: Ultimate Limit State

Table 3.1 - γfL - Partial Safety Factors for Loads

November 2001 3/3

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 4
Part 6 BD 12/01 Design Load Effects


4.1 The design load effects involved in the cross-section unless they
design of the corrugated steel buried structures extend for more than 250mm at
covered by this Standard are the compressive hoop the end of each length.
stress fa (all structures) and the radial soil pressure
P (closed invert structures), which shall be γf3 = is to be taken as the
calculated from the design load pressures using the appropriate value given in
formulae given below based on the ring Table 4.1 for the particular
compression theory, where the compressive hoop type of structure and the limit
stress in the wall of the structure is assumed to be state involved. The values in
uniform around its periphery and the radial soil the table take account of the
pressure at any point is assumed to be inversely influence of the relative
proportional to the radius of curvature at that point. stiffness of the particular
structural form, the amount of
4.2 Compressive Hoop Stress deformation occurring before
the various limit states are
Compressive hoop stress fa = C γf3 (N/mm²) reached, and the variation of
aa stress distribution in the
particular type of structure.
Where C = Compressive hoop load in the
wall of the structure per unit
length (see Figure 4.1)

= S (Pd + PL) (kN/m)


S = Span of the structure (m)

Pd = Design vertical superimposed

dead load pressure at the
ultimate limit state (kN/m²)

PL = Design vertical live load

pressure at the ultimate limit
state (kN/m²)

aa = Adjusted cross-sectional area

of corrugated steel per unit
length, (mm²/mm) the cross
section being parallel to the
length of the structure. (Refer
to adjustments required in
Clause 6.1 and 7.1). If the
cross-sectional area varies
along the length of the
structure, the minimum shall
be used, except that the
re-rolled ends of helically
wound culvert lengths shall not
be considered to affect the

November 2001 4/1

Chapter 4 Volume 2 Section 2
Design Load Effects Part 6 BD 12/01

r = Radius of circular structure (m)

rt = Radius of the top (m) ) of Multi-

) radii
rc = Radius of the corner (m) ) structures
) (see
rb = Radius of the bottom (m) ) Figure
) 4.2)

Reference should be made to Chapter 7, Clause 7.3

for the allowable net bearing pressure of the
foundation material.

4.4 Strip Foundation Loading - Circular

Arches (Serviceability Limit State only)

4.3 Radial Soil Pressure for Closed Invert


This shall be calculated as follows:

a. Circular Structures

External radial soil pressure

P = C = Pd + PL (kN/m²)

b. Multi-radii

Radial soil pressure on the top (a) Thrust

Pt = C (kN/m²) The total thrust CT, in the wall of the structure,

rt acting upon the foundation at an inclined angle of
θ to the vertical is given by:
Radial soil pressure on the corner
CT = Cγf3 (kN/m)
Pc = C (kN/m²)
rc where C is given in Clause 4.2
except that PD and PL are at the
Radial soil pressure on the bottom Serviceability Limit State and γf3 is given in
Table 4.1
Pb = C (kN/m²)

where C is as defined in Clause 4.2 but calculated

using Pd and PL from unfactored nominal loads (see
Clause 2.6)

4/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 4
Part 6 BD 12/01 Design Load Effects

(b) Earth Pressure from Fill (e) Allowable Net Bearing Pressure for
Foundation Design
The overburden pressure P1, on the top of the
footing is given by: Reference shall be made to Chapter 7, Clause 7.5
for the allowable net bearing pressure of the
P1 = γf3 γZ1 (kN/m²) foundation material.

where Z1(m) is depth from road/ground level

to top of foundation, γ is unit weight of 4.5 Other Types of Foundations for Circular
overburden (kN/m³), and γf3 = 1 for SLS Arches

The lateral earth pressure, P2 acting on the outside Circular arch structures can also be constructed on a
face of the footing is given by: suitably designed base slab which supports both walls
of the structure simultaneously.
P2 = γf3 Ka γZ2 (kN/m²)
To reduce the effects of the lateral earth pressure P2,
where Z2(m) is depth from road/ground level and loads from the structure, struts may be adopted
to mid height of foundation, Ka is active between strip foundations.
earth pressure coefficient, and γf3 = 1 for

The lateral pressure acting on the inside face of the

footing may be ignored.

Vertical and horizontal pressures resulting from

live loading surcharge on the carriageway may be
ignored when assessing P1 and P2.

Consideration shall be given to avoiding

differential settlement between the foundation and
the side fill such that the side fill settles to a
greater extent. This may cause the overburden
pressure on top of the footing to be larger than the
calculated P1 value, and cause additional loading
on the foundation. Refer to Clause 7.5.

(c) Vertical Pressure on Inside Face

The vertical pressure on top of the footing, P3,

shall include any superimposed dead loadings. The
vertical pressure, P3, shall also include any
nominal live loads due to vehicular, rail or
pedestrian traffic and these nominal live loads
shall be in accordance with BS 5400: Part 2 as
implemented by BD 37 (DMRB 1.3).

(d) Self Weight

The self weight of the foundation is Wf per unit

length (kN/m).

November 2001 4/3

Chapter 4 Volume 2 Section 2
Design Load Effects Part 6 BD 12/01

Values of γf3
Buckling Yield Seam Thrust on

Multi-radii and bolted circular 1.15 1.15 1.15 -

closed invert

Circular Arch Profile, Type 1 1.15 1.53 1.53 1.33

20° to 30° re-entry

Circular Arch Profile, Type 2 1.75 2.3 2.3 2.0

10° to 20° re-entry

Helically Wound 1.10 1.10 - -

Table 4.1 - γf3 Partial Safety Factors

4/4 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 5
Part 6 BD 12/01 Strength Parameters


Constrained Soil Modulus

5.4 The M* for non-cohesive soils may be
determined using the results from standard
5.1 When the structure is to be installed penetration resistance tests (SPT) carried out in
partially or wholly in trench the M* of existing accordance with BS 1377: Part 9. In this case the
materials, within a distance equal to the span on
M* of the existing soil shall be determined from
each side of the structure, shall be determined,
the relationship:
during the ground investigation for the scheme.
Normally the method given in Clause 642 M* = 0.39N 1.4
MCHW1 shall be used for plate load testing, for γm
non-cohesive soils. Alternatively the methods
described in 5.4 and 5.5 may be used, as where N = uncorrected SPT value and
appropriate, during the ground investigation.
γm = 1.3
5.2 The constrained soil modulus M* represents
the stiffness of the soil surrounding the structure, 5.5 For undrained cohesive soils, M* may be
whether backfill or existing material and is given determined by measuring the coefficient of volume
by: compressibility, mv, in accordance with BS 1377
Part 5 and using the formula:
M* = (1 - ν) Es (N/mm²)
(1 + ν) (1 - 2 ν) M* = 1
where ν = Poisson’s ratio of the soil (to be
taken as 0.3 when determining M*) and The in-situ effective overburden pressure at the
Es = Modulus of elasticity of the soil level of the crown of the structure shall be used in
(N/mm²) the test.

5.3 When carrying out plate load testing using 5.6 The M* value for design shall then be
the method given in Clause 642 MCHW1 for non- obtained from Table 5.1 based on the in-situ test
cohesive soils the Modulus of elasticity Es of the result and also taking into consideration the
soil shall be determined used the formula: excavation width, and the compaction required in

___ ∆q I (N/mm2)
π (1 - ν2) B ___ 5.7 For structures constructed in embankments,
Es = d
4 ∆s the M* value for design shall be obtained from
Table 5.1 taking into account the compaction
where B = diameter of plate used in the plate required.
load test (mm)
5.8 When the Contractor proposes a value of
∆q = change in pressure applied by the M* for design, in excess of 33N/mm², the
plate (N/mm2) Contractor shall substantiate the proposed value by
testing the backfill during the back - filling
∆s = change in average settlement of the operation, using the method given in Clause 642
plate (mm) MCHW 1 for plate load testing.

Id = depth correction factor (taken as

1.0 when test complies with
Clause 642 MCHW1)

ν = Poisson’s ratio of the soil (to be

taken as 0.3)

November 2001 5/1

Chapter 5 Volume 2 Section 2
Strength Parameters Part 6 BD 12/01


Partial or Total Trench

Constrained Soil Required Required Compaction M* Value

Modulus (M*) of Excavation Width for Backfill for Design Use
Existing Soil † on each side of Materials ‡ (N/mm²)
(N/mm²) structure
< 15 Span 85% max dry density 20
Span 90% max dry density 33 - 80++
≥ 15 but ≤ 33 Minimum + 90% max dry density As existing soil
Span 90% max dry density 33 - 80++
> 33 Minimum + 90% max dry density 33
Span 90% max dry density 33 - 80++


- - 85% max dry density 20

- - 90% max dry density 33 - 80++


Partial or Total Trench

Constrained Soil Required Required Compaction M* Value

Modulus (M*) of Excavation Width for Backfill for Design Use
Existing Soil † on each side of Materials ‡ (N/mm²)
(N/mm²) structure
≤ 33 Span 90% max dry density 33 - 80++
> 33 Minimum ⊕ 90% max dry density 33
Span 90% max dry density 33 - 80++


- - 90% max dry density 33 - 80++

† Obtained from in-situ test + See Clause 9.8

‡ To be determined from BS 1377 Part 4, ⊕ See Clause 9.9

using the vibrating hammer method. ++ See Clause 5.8

Table 5.1 - Design Values of Constrained Soil Modulus (M*)

5/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 5
Part 6 BD 12/01 Strength Parameters

Nominal Buckling Stress

and ke = Modified coefficient of soil reaction
5.9 The method for determining nominal
allowable buckling stress (fc) is based on the work
of G G Meyerhof (Meyerhof and Baikie, 1963). An   r  2
= 1 −  r + h   k, for closed circular
adjustment to the theoretical transverse elastic   and circular arch
buckling stress (fb) is made to allow for structures
imperfections of the pipe wall. (fy) is the minimum
yield strength of the steel.
  rt  2 
5.10 The nominal allowable buckling stress fc = 1 −  r + h   k, for closed multi-
shall be determined from the following formulae:  t  radii structures

fy E = Modulus of Elasticity of steel

fc =
f  = 205 x 103 N/mm²
1+  y 
 fb  Ia = Adjusted cross-sectional moment of
inertia per unit length (mm4/mm) of
where fb = Theoretical transverse elastic buckling the corrugated steel sheet about its
stress (N/mm²) to be taken as follows: neutral axis, the section being parallel
to the length of structure. (Refer to
a. When the depth of cover above the crown of adjustments required in Clauses 6.1
the structure is greater than or equal to the and 7.1) If the cross-sectional moment
span of the structure of inertia varies along the length of
the structure, the minimum shall be
used. The re-rolled ends of helically
2  kEI a  1000S wound culvert lengths shall not be
fb =  2
provided >4
a a 1 − m   EI 
considered to affect the value of I to
 a
 be used unless they extend for more
 1 − m(2
k  ) than 250mm at the end of each length.
The effect of the helix angle of
helically wound culverts on Ia may be
b. When the depth of cover above the crown of
the structure is less than the span of the
structure h = Nominal height (m) of fill above the
structure (as defined in Clause 3.2)
2  k e EI a h  0.5 1000S
fb =   provided >4 aa = Adjusted cross-sectional area of
aa  1 − m S 

 EI h  0.25
 a

corrugated steel per unit length
( )
 1 − m k e S 
2 (mm²/mm) (as defined in Clause 4.2)

m = Poisson’s ratio of steel = 0.3.

where k = Coefficient of soil reaction (N/mm³)
M* = Constrained soil modulus design
= 0.333M*_ for circular structures value (N/mm²) as determined from the
1000r requirements of Clauses 5.1 to 5.8.

= 0.333M*_ for multi-radii structures r = Radius of circular structure (m)

rt = Radius at the top of multi-radii
structure (m)

S = Span of the structure (diameter of

circular structure) (m)

November 2001 5/3

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 6
Part 6 BD 12/01 Ultimate Limit State Requirements


6.1 The design shall be based on adjusted

sectional properties and adjusted nominal seam
strengths based on the residual metal thickness
after deduction of the appropriate thickness of
sacrificial metal loss, as determined in Chapter 8.

6.2 At the ultimate limit state, the compressive

hoop stress, fa, shall not exceed any of the

a. The nominal allowable buckling stress, fc,

divided by γm = 1.3 where fc is given in
Clause 5.10.

b. The minimum yield strength, fy, of the steel

divided by γm = 1.3. The value of fy will be
that nominated and guaranteed by the
manufacturer for inclusion in the Type
Approval Certificate for the products. (See
Annex A, Clause A.2.3.)

c. In the case of a bolted segmental structure,

the stress, fs, derived from the adjusted
nominal seam strength (as required in
Clause 6.1), of the longitudinal bolted joint,
divided by γm of 2.0. The nominal seam
strength shall be as obtained from tests
carried out in accordance with Annex B,
normally provided by the proprietary
manufacturers for standard metal
thicknesses. Adjusted seam strength for
intermediate values of residual metal
thickness may normally be derived by linear
interpolation between values provided for
the greater and lesser values of metal
thickness (in increments no greater than
0.75mm), and for the appropriate number of

d. In the case of a helically wound structure, a

stress of 370 N/mm² divided by γm of 2.0.

November 2001 6/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 7
Part 6 BD 12/01 Serviceability Limit State Requirements


Deflection structures, shall not exceed the allowable net

bearing pressure of the foundation material or 300
7.1 The design shall be based on adjusted kN/m², whichever is less. P and Pc are derived
sectional properties which allow for the loss of the from C (compressive hoop load) calculated from
appropriate thickness of sacrificial metal loss as unfactored nominal loads (see Clause 4.3). The
determined in Chapter 8. allowable net bearing pressure of the foundation
material shall be taken to be one third of the
7.2 At the serviceability limit state, the increase ultimate bearing capacity calculated in accordance
in the horizontal diameter or span(S) of the with BS 8004, as implemented by BD 74 (DMRB
structure, ∆x, determined using the following 2.1.8). Definitions of these terms are given in BS
formula, shall not exceed 5%. 8004, Clause 1.2, as implemented by BD 74
(DMRB 2.1.8).
∆x 0.083 (Pd + KPL) S4 x 106 (m)
= _____________________
8EIa + (0.02M*S3 x 109) 7.4 Where the radial corner pressure Pc exceeds
the lesser of 300kN/m² or the allowable net bearing
where Pd = Design vertical superimposed dead pressure, consideration shall be given to deepening
load pressure at the serviceability and/or widening the trench in accordance with
limit state (kN/m²) Clause 9.2. Account may be taken of the reduction
in the value of maximum radial soil pressure with
PL = Design vertical live load pressure distance from the face of the structure within the
at the serviceability limit state bedding material. The reduced pressure may be
(kN/m²) calculated as Pc times the radius of the corner
plates, divided by minimum distance from the
K = 1.4, where PL is derived from
centre of radius of the corner plates to the edge of
wheel loads which, at the level of
the fill. In any event the radial corner pressure Pc in
the crown of the structure, have a
contact with selected bedding or fill material shall
total distributed width less than the
not exceed 400kN/m².
span (see Clause 3.5)
7.5 Circular Arches - Foundation Design
or K = 1.0, for all other cases
Foundations shall be in accordance with
M* = Constrained soil modulus design
BS 8004, as implemented by BD 74 (DMRB
value (N/mm²) as determined from
2.1.8). The bearing pressures generated beneath
the requirements of Clauses 5.1 to
the foundation shall be calculated for the loadings
given in Clause 4.4. The allowable net bearing
S = Span of the structure (diameter of pressure shall be taken to be one third of the
circular structure) (m). ultimate bearing capacity calculated in accordance
with BS 8004, as implemented by BD 74 (DMRB
and E and Ia are as defined in Clause 5.10. S is 2.1.8) (see Clause 7.3 above). The maximum
defined in Clause 4.2. bearing pressure shall not exceed the allowable net
bearing pressure. Overturning and sliding shall be
Allowable Net Bearing Pressure of the in accordance with BS 8002 “Earth Retaining
Foundation Material for Closed Invert Structures”. Guidance is also found in “Bridge
Structures Foundations and Sub-structures” (Building
Research Establishment 1979).
7.3 The radial soil pressure, P, for closed
circular structures shall not exceed the allowable Checks shall be carried out to ensure the above
net bearing pressure of the foundation material. criteria are met when the structure is not subjected
The radial corner pressure Pc, for multi - radii to live loading.

May 2002 7/1

Chapter 7 Volume 2 Section 2
Serviceability Limit State Requirements Part 6 BD 12/01

Footings should not be supported on piled

foundations or otherwise constructed in such a
manner that differential settlement would occur
between the structure and adjacent embankment,
thereby placing additional loading on the structure.

The design of the reinforced concrete foundation

shall be in accordance with BS 5400: Part 4 as
implemented by BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1) The
detailed design shall be such as to ensure adequacy
of connection between the corrugated steel plates
and the foundation both during construction and in
service (see also Clause 10.6).

Reference shall also be made to Clause 8.17 and

8.18 for additional requirements

7/2 May 2002

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 8
Part 6 BD 12/01 Durability


General and Definitions

have a current British Board of Agrément (BBA),
Roads and Bridges Certificate, or equivalent,
8.1 The design life of corrugated steel buried certifying its life before it requires major
structures shall be 120 years. maintenance. The minimum life of a certified
secondary protective coating under service
8.2 All surfaces shall be protected by a hot-dip
conditions shall be 20 years before it requires
galvanised coating to BS EN ISO 1461: 1999 using
major maintenance.
a minimum average coating weight in accordance
with BS EN ISO 1461: 1999 Table 2. Prior to
galvanising, all the structural steel plates shall be Measures to achieve Design Life
fully fabricated, ie cut to size, corrugated, curved,
and the bolt holes punched or drilled. The 8.4 Secondary protective coatings may be
exception to this is the raw edge incorporated into applied to galvanised surfaces either in the factory,
the folded lockseam as part of the manufacturing or on site during construction. The method of
process of helically wound pipe (formed from pre- application of the secondary protective coating
galvanised strip to BS EN 10142: 2000). Where shall be as described in BD 35 or in the current
site cutting is unavoidable, any exposed edge must British Board of Agrément (BBA), Roads and
be protected with a cold applied zinc rich paint Bridges certificate, or equivalent. To reduce
prior to the application of a secondary protective damage en route to site the manufacturer shall
coating. recommend methods for transport and handling of
the coated components and structures. A suitable
Helically wound pipe may be formed from method shall be identified for the repair and
electrolytically galvanised steel strip precoated patching of damage to coatings caused during
with a suitable secondary protective coating prior transport and construction, and also for making
to corrugating, curving and crimping. This good any deterioration in service.
secondary coating must survive the production
process intact and be fully incorporated into the 8.5 In selecting the type of secondary protective
crimp seam. Such a manufacturing system shall coatings to be applied to the basic galvanised steel
have a current British Board of Agrément (BBA), structure the designer shall take into account not
Roads and Bridges Certificate, or equivalent. only the environment into which the structure is to
be placed but also the effect on the coating of (i)
8.3 Secondary protective coatings shall be the span of the structure (the greater the span the
applied to all galvanised steel surfaces. The greater the environmental exposure of the interior
minimum requirement for a secondary protective coatings), (ii) its location, and (iii) its accessibility
coating applied to galvanised steel surfaces shall for future maintenance.
be a bituminous coating as defined in BD 35
(DMRB 2.4.1) and applied in accordance with that 8.6 Galvanised steel surfaces shall be deemed to
Standard. Protective coatings intended to provide corrode at the rates of corrosion given in Clauses
the minimum requirement shall have a current 8.11 and 8.13.
Highways Agency registration in accordance with
the procedures described in BA 27 (DMRB 2.4.2). 8.7 Each surface of the structure shall be
It is not intended that the life of this minimum provided with a sacrificial thickness of steel to
secondary protective coating shall be taken into achieve the required 120 year design life, taking
account when calculating the required sacrificial into account the corrosivity of the environment,
steel thickness in accordance with clauses 8.10 to contributions from galvanising and contributions
8.13. Where it is intended that the life of a from secondary protective coatings with a current
secondary protective coating shall be taken into British Board of Agrément (BBA), Roads and
account to reduce the required sacrificial steel Bridges Certificate or equivalent.
thickness, that secondary protective coating shall

November 2001 8/1

Chapter 8 Volume 2 Section 2
Durability Part 6 BD 12/01

Corrosivity Classification of Surfaces

8.8.3 For structures constructed partly or totally in
trench, the existing soil within the zone shown in
8.8 Buried Surfaces
Figure 8.1 shall be tested for corrosivity
classification purposes.
8.8.1 Buried surfaces shall be classified in the
Schedule of Employer’s Requirements, either 8.8.4 The inner surface of the structure shall be
according to the properties of the surrounding soil regarded as a buried surface beneath any part that
or of the effluent water carried, or of the ground
is to be covered eg when a structure is used as a
water where present, as determined from the
vehicular underpass or has invert protection. Any
ground investigation where applicable. The
water or fill present shall be used to determine
classification shall be the most severe of the three. corrosivity classification as in Clauses 8.8.1 and
It should be appreciated that effluent water and/or 8.8.2. Both inner and outer surfaces beneath this
groundwater can penetrate through bolt holes and covered part shall be classified for aggressive
seams to affect equally both internal and external
conditions if it is likely that road salt or other
surfaces of the culvert. The selected fills, Classes
chemicals in solution will come into contact with
6K, 6L and 6M described in MCHW1 Clause 623,
them from whatever source. Refer also to Clause
shall provide a non aggressive environment when 14.3.
dry and used to replace soils within the zone
indicated in Clause 8.8.3, but any water present 8.9 Exposed Surfaces
will determine the classification based on its
properties. Refer also to Clause 14.3. 8.9.1 Exposed surfaces shall be classified in the
Schedule of Employer’s Requirements according
8.8.2 The surrounding soil, invert fill, silt deposits to the aggressivity of any water or other fluid
and select fill types in Clause 8.8.1 shall be carried by the structure or the aggressivity of the
classified using the points system for each ground water (to allow for water percolation
property, shown in Table 8.1, and the ground water through joints or bolt holes) using the criteria in
shall be classified according to the highest Table 8.3, and also according to the corrosivity of
aggressivity indicated for any property in the atmosphere using the criteria in Table 8.4. The
Table 8.3. The properties shall be assessed using overall classification shall be determined by the
the test methods listed in Table 8.2. Additionally, most severe of the three.
where the culvert carries a continuous flow of
water or other fluid, classification of the water/ 8.9.2 Consideration shall be given to the effect on
other fluid according to Table 8.3 shall be used to exposed surfaces of the presence of chloride ions
classify both surfaces if it is more severe than the from road salt. It has been found that chloride can
classification of the surrounding soil or ground persist in the water carried throughout the year
water. including the summer months and may percolate
through joints or bolt holes.

8.9.3 The harshness of the atmospheric

environment shall be determined by the Design
Organisation from the map “Relative Values of
Acid Deposition in the United Kingdom 1986 -
1991” published by ADAS, Reading (3). The
corrosivity (acid deposition) value shall be taken
as the average of the values indicated by the chart
grid square in which the proposed structure is sited
and the three nearest adjoining squares. The
y = 0.4 + 0.23S atmospheric environment for the exposed surfaces
shall be determined from this corrosivity value
where S = span of the structure
using Table 8.4. However, any other significant
and both S and y are in metres
environmental factors concerning the location shall
also be taken into account eg wind blown salt
Figure 8.1 - Corrosivity Classification Zone
spray near the coast or pollution from a nearby
for the External Buried Surface
industrial plant may override the general

8/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 8
Part 6 BD 12/01 Durability

classification, or constitute a very aggressive b. As an alternative to a reinforced concrete

environment. pavement the following may be used for all
spans and gradients:
Life of Protective Coatings and Sacrificial Steel
Thickness for All Surfaces i. Paving blocks of 60mm minimum
thickness bedded on a compacted
8.10 The design life of the structure shall be the Type 1 sand bed, with concrete
sum of the life of the sacrificial steel, the life of the flaunchings used at the edges to
galvanised coating and the life of the secondary provide a transition between the
protective coating. paviours and the sides of the CSBS.

8.11 The life of the galvanised coating shall be ii. Precast slabs or natural stone set into
calculated from the rate of corrosion which shall mass concrete having a minimum
be taken as 4µm/year in non-aggressive thickness of 300mm. The pavement
environments and 14µm/year in aggressive may be profiled to suit local
environments. Galvanising thickness may be requirements, for example the
assumed to be 1µm for each 7.15 g/m² coating inclusion of a channel to retain water
weight. under low flow conditions; shaping to
simulate a natural channel; and the
8.12 The life of a secondary protective coating provision of animal runs. Weirs or
applied to the galvanised steel components shall be eddy pools may be included within
as determined in the current British Board of the structure to provide resting places
Agrément (BBA), Roads and Bridges Certificate or for fish etc. passing through the
equivalent for the coating used. structure. Upstanding stone set into
the concrete may also be used for this
8.13 The sacrificial thickness of steel required to purpose.
provide 120 years life less the life of the coatings,
shall be calculated from the formulae: iii. A liner plate manufactured from, for
example, galvanised steel sheet or
T = 22.5t 0.67, for non-aggressive glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and
environments; and pre-shaped to the profile of the invert,
T = 40.0t 0.80, for aggressive may be secured to the CSBS. The
environments, void between the liner plate and the
where T = thickness of sacrificial steel on invert shall be filled with a
each surface (µm), cementitious grout or other water
t = life of sacrificial thickness of steel resistant material.
in years.
c. A proprietary system giving an equivalent
Invert Protection level of invert protection and certified as
suitable for the end-use by the British Board
8.14 In addition to the requirements of Clauses of Agrément or equivalent body, who will
8.10 to 8.13, the invert of all structures carrying also certify its design life.
water or other fluid shall be protected from the
effects of abrasion or erosion by adopting one of d. For structures with little or no flow, and
the following protection systems: which are therefore likely to hold standing
water, the following may be used as
a. A reinforced concrete paving (See Clauses alternatives to pavements:
13.1 to 13.7) with a minimum thickness of
100mm for structures of span less than or i. A coating certified as suitable for the
equal to 2m, and with a minimum thickness end use by a current British Board of
of 125mm for all other structures. Agrément, Roads and Bridges
Certificate, or equivalent, may be
used. The design life shall be stated
on the certificate.

February 2002 8/3

Chapter 8 Volume 2 Section 2
Durability Part 6 BD 12/01

ii. The use of liner plates secured to the anticipated that water-borne stones or other debris
structure to cover fluctuations of at in excess of 100mm diameter would otherwise be
least 200mm above and below the carried through it during normal or flood
range of water depths. The liner plates conditions. For a culvert installed with a gradient
may be formed from, for example, greater than 2 per cent, it is desirable to remove
galvanized steel strip coated with a water-borne stones or fragments of less than
bitumen-based product (or other 100mm diameter through installation of drop inlets
suitable protective coating) or from or catchpits.
GRP. The plates may be shaped to
follow the curvature of the walls of Invert Protection Below Circular Arch Structures
the structure and if required may be of
sufficient size to completely cover the
8.17 Reinforced concrete invert paving as
invert. Any gap between the liner and
described in the relevant parts of Clause 8.14 shall
the structural shell should be filled
be provided, where necessary, to protect the arch
with, for example, concrete or
foundations and foundation material from scour,
cementitious grout or other water
abrasion or chemical attack from flowing water or
resistant filler, to seal the interior
other fluid if present. The design of the paving
surface of the structure. The liner
shall take account of hydraulic factors, the
plates may be provided with grouting
foundation material and the nature of the stream/
points to facilitate the filling of the
river bed.
void. If a secondary protective coating
is used to protect galvanised steel 8.18 Where the level of winter flow is above the
liner plates, its design life given in a foundation level, the invert paving shall also be
current British Board of Agrément, applied to the corrugated steel as described in
Roads and Bridges Certificate, or Clause 8.15. The most vulnerable area of an arch
equivalent, may be taken into account. structure to deterioration is at the springing and
great care shall be taken to avoid water entrapment
8.15 Invert protection shall be applied to the
at this point. A typical detail is shown in Figure
wetted periphery of the structure for the winter
8.2. The detail adopted should avoid entrapment of
base flow plus 200mm on each side or 25% of the
water on the soil side of the structure and, where
total circumference for circular structures or 40%
concrete upstands are used, against the inside of
of the total circumference for multi-radii structures
the arch structure: any gap between the structural
whichever is greater. Where the invert protection is
plates and the pavement must be thoroughly filled
in concrete and exceeds 25% of the total
and waterproofed. This seal shall be designed to be
circumference for circular structures or 40% of
maintainable. Care shall be taken to ensure that
multi-radii structures, or as appropriate for a
any of the work done to protect the CSBS will not
circular arch structure, formwork shall be used in
adversely affect its structural performance.
its installation. Any gap between the pavement and
the structural plates shall be sealed with an 8.19 Impact Protection
appropriate sealant. The point at which the
pavement meets the structural plates shall be a. In the case of structures to be used by
shaped to prevent ponding of water against the vehicles consideration shall be given to
structural plates. To prevent accelerated protecting the sides of the structure by
differential corrosion of the steel culvert, kerbing and/or by means of an appropriate
particularly at the wet/dry line, paved inverts must vehicle restraint system which should not be
be inspected at regular intervals when connected to the sides of the structure.
maintenance/replacement shall be carried out as Advice on a suitable system may be
appropriate. obtained from the Overseeing Organisation.
Some measure of protection to the crown/
8.16 Subject to the agreement of the appropriate soffit should be provided by suitable design
river authority or Environment Agency, screens of headwalls or ring beams and by alerting
shall be installed at the inlet of a culvert when it is drivers to the headroom restriction by means
of visual and/or audible warning systems.

8/4 February 2002

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 8
Part 6 BD 12/01 Durability

b. Where water carrying structures are to be

used by water craft, adequate protection
against impact and abrasion shall be
incorporated in the form of rubbing boards
etc. Suitable provision shall be made for
maintaining and replacing such items as

8.20 Reinforced Concrete Foundations

The Overseeing Organisation’s requirements for

reinforced concrete are contained in Series 1700 of
MCHW1. The concrete mix shall be Grade 30 or
higher. Further guidance is given in Series NG1700
of Notes for Guidance on the Specification for
Highway Works MCHW2. Detailed guidance on
the assessment of ground aggressivity to concrete
is given in Part 1 of BRE Special Digest SD1
“Concrete in aggressive ground” (2001). The
ground to be assessed should include the
surrounding ground, the groundwater, the general
embankment fill and the backfill material, and any
contained water or effluent to be carried by the
structure. It should be noted that the ground
properties to be assessed and classification
procedure in respect of concrete are different to
those recommended for steel structures in Tables
8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of this Standard. Detailed guidance
on the specification of concrete for foundations in
aggressive ground is given in parts 2 and 3 of BRE
Special Digest SD1. Provision is made in the
Digest for the use of various cement and cement
combinations in conjunction with aggregates of
differing carbonate content. The Digest also
recommends additional protective measures for
concrete where ground water is mobile and sulfate
concentrations are high.

November 2001 8/5

Chapter 8 Volume 2 Section 2
Durability Part 6 BD 12/01


Fraction passing 63µm sieve ≤ 10%

Plasticity Index (PI) of fraction + 1
passing 425µm sieve ≤ 6

Fraction passing 63µm sieve > 10%

PI of fraction passing 425µm sieve ≤6 0

Soil Type Any grading

PI of fraction passing 425µm sieve > 6 but < 15 - 1

Any grading
PI of fraction passing 425µm sieve ≥ 15 - 2

Organic matter > 1.0%

or material containing peat, cinder or coke - 3

≥ 10,000 + 2
< 10,000 but ≥ 3,000 + 1
Resistivity < 3,000 but ≥ 1,000 - 1
(ohm - cm) < 1,000 but ≥ 100 - 3
< 100 - 4

pH of soil 6 ≤ pH ≤ 9 0
5 ≤ pH < 6 - 2
Less than 5 or more than 9 - 4

Water-soluble ≤ 0.24 0
sulfates (WS) > 0.240 but ≤ 0.60 - 1
(g/l as SO4) > 0.60 but ≤ 1.20 - 2
> 1.20 - 4

Chloride ion ≤ 50 0
(ppm) > 50 but ≤ 250 - 1
> 250 but ≤ 500 - 2
> 500 - 4

Oxidisable ≤ 0.05 0
sulfides (OS) > 0.05 but ≤ 0.12 - 1
(% as SO4) > 0.12 but ≤ 0.24 - 2
> 0.24 - 4


0 or more Non aggressive

- 1 to - 4 Aggressive
- 5 or less Very aggressive

Table 8.1 Corrosivity Classification of Surrounding Soil

8/6 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 8
Part 6 BD 12/01 Durability


Soil Type:

Grading BS 1377 : Part 2

Plasticity Index (PI) BS 1377 : Part 2
Organic Matter BS 1377 : Part 3
Resistivity Clause 637, MCHW1
pH BS 1377 : Part 3
Water-soluble sulfate and oxidisable sulfides TRL Report 447 Test Nos 1, 2 and 4
Chloride ion content BS 812 : Part 117

Table 8.2 - Test Methods for properties required in Table 8.1 and Table 8.3


1. When sampling for organic matter determination, great care must be taken to avoid contamination with top
soil, roots or overlying made ground. If contamination cannot be avoided, reduce the number of negative points
awarded in Table 8.1.


CLASSIFICATION pH Chloride ion Water-soluble
(ppm) Sulfate (WS)
(g/l as SO4)
Non-Aggressive 6 ≤ pH ≤ 9 ≤ 50 ≤ 0.24
Aggressive 5 ≤ pH < 6 > 50 but ≤ 250 > 0.24 but ≤ 0.60
Very Aggressive Less than
5 or more > 250 > 0.60
than 9

Table 8.3 - Corrosivity classification of ground water, carried water and other contained fluids

Average Corrosivity Value Classification of the

(Acid Deposition Value from Atmospheric Environment
ADAS map)

≤2 Non-Aggressive
> 2 but ≤ 4 Aggressive
>4 Very Aggressive

Table 8.4 - Classification of Surfaces Exposed to the Atmospheric Environment

November 2001 8/7

Chapter 8 Volume 2 Section 2
Durability Part 6 BD 12/01

8/8 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 9
Part 6 BD 12/01 Excavation and Filling


Excavation for Bedding of Closed Invert Structures 9.5 Additional excavation may be necessary to suit
the foundation size selected and the working space
9.1 Excavation for the bedding of closed invert required for construction of the foundation and
corrugated steel buried structures shall extend to a backfilling the structure.
depth below invert level of not less than one tenth
of the span and to a width not less than 800mm 9.6 In cases where the net allowable bearing pressure
(500mm for structures up to 3m span) beyond the of the foundation material at an excavation level results
span on each side, provided that the allowable net in an impractical size of foundation, as calculated in
bearing pressure at this depth exceeds the accordance with Clause 7.5, the excavation level may
maximum radial soil pressure (P or Pc). In any be continued to such a depth to locate an improved net
event the excavation width should be not less than allowable bearing pressure of the foundation material.
the extent of side fill required in Table 5.1. The The additional excavation can be replaced with suitable
excavation shall extend a length not less than foundation material as indicated on Figures 9.1 and 9.2.
300mm beyond each end of the structure (see Alternatively, the depth of the foundation may be
Figures 9.1 and 9.2). increased. In both cases the foundations shall be
designed in accordance with Clause 7.5.
9.2 Where the allowable net bearing pressure of
the foundation material at the excavation level
given above is less than the maximum radial soil 9.7 The depth of excavation to the foundation
pressure (P or Pc), the excavation shall be level is measured from the top of the foundation
continued to such a depth that the allowable net and is defined as (1000+D)mm (see Figures 9.1
bearing pressure at the new excavation level is not and 9.2). In such a case, the width of excavation at
less than the maximum radial soil pressure. the foundation level shall be (500+D)mm for
Account may be taken of the reduction in the value circular arches up to 3m span and (800+D)mm for
of maximum radial soil pressure with distance circular arches of span 3m or greater, beyond the
from the face of the structure as described in span on each side (see Figures 9.1 and 9.2).
Clause 7.4. The allowable net bearing pressure of
the bedding material must not be exceeded. When
additional excavation is necessary it shall be wider Trench Width for Closed Invert Structures
than the limits given in Clause 9.1 by an amount
on each side equal to the extra depth (see Figures 9.8 The trench width shall be not less than three
9.1 and 9.2). times the span (S) of the structure, unless the
constrained soil modulus (M*) of the existing soil
9.3 Excavation in hard material shall extend to is greater than the values adopted for design (see
an additional depth of not less than 300mm below Table 5.1) when the trench width may be reduced
the level indicated in Clause 9.1 plus 40mm for to the minimum required for the lower bedding
each metre of cover, in excess of 8m, above the material, that is normally the span plus 500mm
crown of the completed structure up to a maximum each side for structures up to 3m span, or span plus
additional depth of 600mm. 800mm each side for larger spans, or as otherwise
required in Clause 9.2 and shown in Figure 9.1. A
Excavation of the Foundation Level for Circular partial trench condition occurs when the level of
Arches existing soil suitable for retention within a distance
of a span either side of the structure lies between
9.4 The excavation for the foundation level shall the crown of the structure and the underside of the
extend to a width not less than 800mm (500mm for lower bedding. Refer to Figure 9.1. Partial trenches
circular arches up to a 3m span) beyond the span can be treated similarly to trenches; alternatively
on each side and in any event to be not less than the excavation shall extend to a distance equal to
the extent of side fill required in Table 5.1. the span on each side of the structure. Reference to
Clause 8.8.3 is also necessary.

November 2001 9/1

Chapter 9 Volume 2 Section 2
Excavation and Filling Part 6 BD 12/01

Trench Width for Circular Arches

extend to a height of not less than a fifth of the
span or 650mm whichever is the greater, above the
9.9 The trench width shall be not less than three
crown of the structure, or to the formation level of
times the span (S) of the structure, unless the
the road if this is lower. See Clause 9.16 for
constrained soil modulus (M*) of the existing soil, requirement for placing of fill.
within this extent, is greater than or equal to the
values adopted for design (see Table 5.1), when the 9.14 In embankments the surround material shall
trench width may be reduced to the minimum be used for a minimum distance equal to the span
required for the width of excavation specified in on each side of the structure. In trenches the
Clause 9.7 and shown in Figure 9.1. A partial surround material shall be used for a minimum
trench condition occurs when the level of existing distance as defined in Clause 9.8 or 9.9 on each
soil suitable for retention within a distance of a side of the structure. For partial trenches (where
span either side of the structure lies between the the level of the existing ground suitable for
crown of the structure and the underside of the retention is lower than the crown of the structure)
lower bedding. Refer to Figure 9.2. Partial trenches the surround material in the trench may be used for
can be treated similarly to trenches; alternatively a minimum distance as defined in Clause 9.8 or
the excavation shall extend to a distance equal to 9.9. Alternatively, the fill shall extend to a distance
the span on each side of the structure. Reference to equal to the span of each side of the structure. The
Clauses 8.8.3, 9.4 and 9.7 is also necessary. surround material above the level of the existing
soil suitable for retention in partial trench
Filling - General conditions shall be used for a minimum distance
equal to the span on each side of the structure. (See
9.10 The earthworks requirements for the Figures 9.1 and 9.2.)
selected fills and their compaction requirements
are given in Series 600 MCHW1. Filling - Overlying Fill above All Structural Types

Filling - Bedding for Closed Invert Structures 9.15 The overlying fill material as described in
MCHW1 Series 600 shall be used for embankment
9.11 As far as possible, the lower bedding construction in the zone over the structure shown
material (Class 6K in Table 6/1 MCHW1) shall be in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. Argillaceous rocks such as
shaped to fit the invert such that it supports 20% of shales and mudstones, slag and PFA shall not be
the circumference of circular structures or the used as fill or road sub-base materials in this zone.
whole of the portion of cross section of radius rb
(see Table 1.1) for multi-radii structures. If this Filling - Deposition, Spreading and Compaction
cannot be met and the structure is erected on flat or
partially preshaped bedding, care must be taken to 9.16 Surround fill and fill placed above the level
ensure that the lower bedding material is properly of the crown of the structure, as described in
placed and compacted under the haunches. Clause 9.13 to 9.15, shall be deposited, spread and
compacted in such a manner that any out of
9.12 The upper bedding material (Class 6L in balance forces transmitted to the culvert are kept to
Table 6/1 MCHW1) is as described in Series 600
a minimum. This will require that trafficking by
construction plant is not all in one direction and
that the compacted surface of the fill is kept as
Filling - Surround for All Structure Types near horizontal as practicable.

9.13 The surround material (Class 6M in Table 9.17 Compaction of the surround material shall
6/1 MCHW1) as described in Series 600 MCHW1 comply with the requirements given in Series 600
shall be used for filling all excavations, except MCHW1 except that in some circumstances it may
those in hard material for which lower bedding be more economical to relax the requirement to
material (Class 6K) shall be used, with minimum 85% of the maximum dry density. (See Table 5.1.)
excavation. In all cases (for embankments and
trenches and partial trenches) surround fill shall

9/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 9
Part 6 BD 12/01 Excavation and Filling

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Chapter 9 Volume 2 Section 2
Excavation and Filling Part 6 BD 12/01



9/4 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 10
Part 6 BD 12/01 Handling and Installation


10.1 Structures must have enough rigidity to rc

10.4 For multi-radii structures with 0.7 > r > 0.2,
permit practical handling and installation. For this t

purpose a flexibility factor, F shall be calculated

from the formula: as defined in Clause 10.3 the value of Fmax shall be
calculated from the formula:
F = S² x 106
EI Fmax = 0.435 – 0.0051 dc

where S = Span of the structure (m) but with a minimum of 0.173mm/N and a
E = Modulus of Elasticity of steel maximum of 0.375mm/N. dc is defined in Clause
= 205 x 10³ N/mm² 10.2.
I = Cross-sectional Moment of inertia
per unit length, (mm4/mm) of the 10.5 If F ≤ Fmax the structure is acceptable. In the
corrugated steel sheet about its case where Fmax < F the structure is not acceptable
neutral axis, the section being and either the span S must be reduced, the flexural
parallel to the length of the rigidity EI must be increased or temporary
structure. If the cross sectional supports must be used. If temporary supports are
moment of inertia varies along the used (Clause 3.1b) then a temporary works design
length of the structure, the is required to ensure local overstressing and
minimum shall be used. The distortion of the corrugated steel is avoided. Partial
re-rolled ends of helically wound safety factors in Clause 3.10 (Table 3.1) shall be
culvert lengths shall not be used in conjunction with appropriate values of γf3
considered to affect the value of I (Table 4.1).
to be used unless they extend for
more than 250mm at the end of
each length. The effect of the helix Foundations for Circular Arches
angle of helically wound culverts
on I may be neglected. 10.6 The connection between the corrugated steel
plates and the reinforced concrete foundation is
10.2 For acceptable performance during normally achieved using a seating channel supplied
installation, the flexibility factor, (F) must be less by the manufacturer. The seating channel shall be
than a limiting value (Fmax), which depends on the capable of transmitting loads from the corrugated
depth of corrugation (dc). For the purposes of this steel plates into the foundation both during
Clause the depth of corrugation (dc) is defined as construction of the structures and in service.
the depth in millimetres from any peak to the Reference shall be made to the requirements of
adjacent trough in the corrugation. Clause 7.5.
10.3 For circular structures, circular arches and
multi-radii structures with 1.3 > r > 0.7 where

rc is the corner radius and rt is the top radius, the

value of Fmax shall be calculated from the formula:

Fmax = 0.29 – 0.0034 dc

but with a minimum of 0.115mm/N and a

maximum of 0.25mm/N. dc is defined in Clause

November 2001 10/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 11
Part 6 BD 12/01 End Treatment


11.1 End treatments shall be included within the 11.5 For hydraulic structures, measures shall be
designated outline as defined in SD4 (MCHW taken to secure the metal edges at inlet and outlet
0.2.4). All end treatments shall be designed in against hydraulic forces.
accordance with Clauses 11.2 to 11.6 and regard
shall be paid to the aesthetic appearance of the 11.6 In the case of hydraulic structures, the
structure. headwall, ring beam or collar shall be designed to
take into account the possible effects of scour of
11.2 Reinforced concrete collars, headwalls, or the material beneath the invert of the structure.
retaining walls shall be designed to support the
face edges of the corrugated steel where the skew 11.7 The designer shall identify on the Contract
angle of the corrugated steel structure exceeds 15°, drawings any construction sequence assumed in
the bevel of square ends exceeds 2:1 (eg the design.
embankment flatter than 1 in 2), or the cut end
supports highway loading. In these instances the
reinforced concrete elements shall be designed to
offer adequate support to the corrugated steel shell
where it is discontinuous and unable to act in ring
compression normal to the centre line of the
corrugated steel structure. The structural adequacy
of the corrugated steel plates is to be considered.
Structural steel ring beams, collars, and spreader
beams may be utilised, together with ties anchored
into the fill, and shall be designed to the
appropriate Standards. Reinforced concrete
elements shall be designed according to BS 5400:
Part 4 as implemented by BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1).
Account shall be taken of the effects of the
construction sequence, loads from the corrugated
steel plates being directly supported, other loads
from the corrugated steel structure, the self weight
of the reinforced concrete, earth pressures, the
effects of ground creep and settlement, and
hydraulic loadings. Partial safety factors in Tables
3.1 and 4.1 shall be adopted as appropriate. If
temporary works are necessary the requirements of
Clause 10.5 shall be adopted.

11.3 In other instances the backfill and free edges

of other corrugated structures shall normally be
protected by end treatments such as headwalls or
collars. The loading considerations for the design
of the end treatment shall be the same as those
required in Clause 11.2.

11.4 Consideration should be given to the weight

of the wet concrete when forming the headwall,
ring beam or collar during construction. In some
circumstances, it may be necessary to install
temporary supports.

November 2001 11/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 12
Part 6 BD 12/01 Overlying Reinforced Concrete Slab


12.1 Where the depth of cover measured from the

finished road surface to the crown of the structure
is less than the greater of span/5 or 650mm (Clause
1.3b), a reinforced concrete slab may be used
within the thickness of the carriageway pavement
above the corrugated steel culvert or underpass
with a reduced thickness of cover above the crown
of the structure. A minimum thickness of 150mm
of surround material (Clause 9.13, Class 6M in
Table 6/1 MCHW1) shall be placed and compacted
between the crown of the structure and the
underside of the slab.

12.2 The length of the reinforced concrete slab

shall be sufficient to extend beyond each side of
the structure for a distance of 3 metres or half the
span of the structure which ever is greater.

12.3 Where the carriageway pavement is

reinforced concrete, the slab may constitute the
concrete pavement continued over the crown of the
structure. In this case, the thickness of the slab
(minimum 200mm) and reinforcement shall be in
accordance with HD 26: Pavement Design (DMRB

12.4 Alternatively the concrete may form the

lower half of a composite pavement, normally
overlain by 100mm of flexible surfacing. Again
thickness and reinforcement shall be in accordance
with HD 26 or with BS 5400: Part 4 as
implemented by BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1).

12.5 It is important to ensure adequate compaction of

the fill material under the ends of the slab to prevent the
formation of voids leading to the production of dynamic
load effects under trafficking.

November 2001 12/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 13
Part 6 BD 12/01 Concrete Invert Paving for Closed Invert Structures



13.1 When a concrete invert paving in 13.7 All foreign matter, (but not any secondary
accordance with Clause 8.14 is to be used, it shall proprietary protective coating unless indicated
be as described in the following Clauses. otherwise in the Type Approval Certificate or
British Board of Agrément (BBA), Roads and
13.2 The concrete shall be Class 30/20 as Bridges Certificate referred to in Clause 1.6) and
described in MCHW1 Series 1700. free standing water shall be removed from the
surfaces to be paved, before commencing work.
13.3 The concrete invert paving shall be
reinforced with a steel fabric complying with
MCHW1 Series 1700 having mesh dimensions not
greater than 150mm x 300mm and a nominal wire
size not less than 5mm. All laps in the mesh shall
be at least 150mm. The steel fabric shall be
securely fixed to the structure by means of fixings
at the bolt positions. It shall extend to within a
distance not greater than 100mm, nor less than
40mm inside the edges of the concrete on each
side. A nominal cover of 45mm shall be provided
to all other faces, including that to the crest of the
corrugations in the structural steel.

13.4 The invert shall be cast in lengths not

exceeding 10 metres with the provision of a water
bar between adjacent panels and the joints sealed
with a joint sealant to Clause 2303 MCHW 1.

13.5 Prior to commissioning, a flaunch (mortar

slope) shall be applied at the plate/pavement
interface to seal gaps and avoid the problem of
standing water on ledges adjacent to the shell of
the CSBS.

13.6 At each end of the structure the concrete

invert paving shall be either:

a. Terminated with a toe that returns at least

200mm under the structural steel forming
the structure. The steel fabric shall be folded
under the lips of the structure to suit. The
toe shall be detailed with a thickness of not
less than that required for the paving, as
determined from Clause 8.14, or

b. Detailed to suit any headwall arrangement

eg paving reinforcement lapped with
headwall reinforcement.

November 2001 13/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 14
Part 6 BD 12/01 Carriageway Drainage


14.1 All measures shall be taken to avoid

contaminated carriageway water (impregnated with
road salts) collecting on the buried face of the
structure. In the vicinity of the structure,
carriageway drainage shall be constructed with
watertight joints and tested as described in the 500
Series MCHW1, and the trenches lined with a
heavy-duty impervious membrane prior to
backfilling. Carriageway drainage filter drains
(including fin drains), soakaways, and where
possible, gullies and chambers, shall not be sited
near the structure. A zone bounded by planes
projected at a slope of 1 horizontally to 1 vertically
from the extremities in plan of the structure will
normally be sufficient for these requirements.

14.2 Carriageway drainage outfalls shall be sited

downstream of the structure.

14.3 If, exceptionally, the requirements of

Clauses 14.1 and 14.2 are not achieved it shall be
assumed that contaminated water will affect both
the inner and outer faces of the corrugated steel
structure, giving rise to the surfaces being
classified for aggressive conditions in accordance
with Clauses 8.8 and 8.9.

November 2001 14/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 15
Part 6 BD 12/01 Multiple Installations


15.1 Adjacent structures shall be separated

sufficiently for mechanical equipment to operate
between them for adequate compaction. In the
absence of special measures, the spacing shall not
be less than:

circular structures i) up to 2m span - one

half of the span of the
larger structure or
600mm whichever is

ii) 2m to 8m span - 1m.

multi radii structures i) up to 3m span - one

third of the span of
the larger structure or
600mm whichever is

ii) 3m to 8m span - 1m.

November 2001 15/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 16
Part 6 BD 12/01 Technical Requirements and Design Checklist


16.1 The procedures to be followed when specifying a classification for each surface type on the
proprietary manufactured structure are given in structure on a suitably marked up cross section.
Standard SD4 (MCHW 0.2.4). The particular The extent of each surface type (including
requirements for corrugated steel buried structures are maintained surfaces) shall be clearly indicated.
described here.
xv. Protection of structures against vehicle impact.
16.2 The Design Organisation, prior to inviting
tenders, normally submits an Outline Approval in xvi. Public safety requirements including lighting and
Principle containing a Schedule of Employer’s protection for pedestrians round headwalls.
Requirements which should include the following
information: xvii. Aesthetic requirements including colour of
i. Location plan and name of structure.
xviii. Identification of any elements in addition to the
ii. Environmental considerations (see clause 1.4). corrugated steel plating requiring design.

iii. Long Section along centre-line of structure. xix. Any other essential requirements.

iv. Finished levels of carriageways and side slopes Special requirements should be avoided. However
within designated outline. where the circumstances are such that they are justified
then care must be taken to avoid requirements
v. Skew of structure. implicitly favouring the system of a particular
vi. Minimum width of structure.
16.3 Subsequent to the award of contract and prior to
vii. Minimum headroom of structure. the commencement of construction, the Contractor
normally completes the AIP form (containing the
viii. Hydraulic requirements or clearance envelope, if Schedule of Employer’s Requirements), the design and
any, and requirement for invert protection. the design certificate, and submits these for approval/
appraisal. The full design normally contains the
ix. Gradient of invert. following additional information relating to the
particular proprietary product which forms the basis of
x. End detail requirements, including any the design. For bolted segmental structures the list
requirement for reinforced concrete headwalls. includes:
xi. Highway loading requirements. a. Structure Geometry:
xii. The value of constrained soil modulus M* to be - Structure type/shape
assumed for existing soil.
- Internal span
xiii. Allowable net bearing pressure for foundation - Internal height
- Radii.
xiv. The corrosivity (aggressivity) classification of
existing soil, ground water, contained water/
effluent, the atmosphere and of any fill material
(or silt) to be placed inside the structure in
contact with the corrugated steel. A drawing is
also required showing the corrosivity

November 2001 16/1

Chapter 16 Volume 2 Section 2
Technical Requirements and Design Checklist Part 6 BD 12/01

b. Materials: And for helically wound pipes:

- Steel specification a. Structural Geometry:
- Corrugation dimensions - Internal diameter.
- Nominal thicknesses of steel and b. Materials:
- Corrugation dimensions
- Additional protective coatings (if any)
- End corrugation dimensions
- Proprietary secondary protective coatings
- Nominal thicknesses of steel and
(if proposed) - thickness and other relevant
- Coupling band details
- Invert protection system details - concrete
or proprietary system. - Proprietary protective coatings (if
proposed) - thickness and other relevant
c. Bolts and Nuts: details
- Specification - Invert protection system details.
- Arrangement at joints c. End Treatment:
- Torque. - Geometry
d. Footings of Circular Arches (if relevant): - Concrete type and reinforcement (if
- Geometry
- Means of connection to structure.
- Concrete type
d. Construction sequence.
- Reinforcement
e. Confirmation of foundation depth and material.
- Allowable net bearing pressure of
f. Internal fill in contact with wall of structure:
foundation material
- Soil properties, bulk density, grading and
- Means of connecting structure to footing.
corrosion classification in accordance with
e. End Treatment: Chapter 8.

- Geometry g. The current Type Approval Certificate and

current British Board of Agrément Roads and
- Concrete type and reinforcement Bridges or equivalent Certificate, as required by
(if required) Clauses 1.6 to 1.9.
- Means of connection to structure. 16.4 The Contractor shall additionally supply with his
design the following information relating to the design
f. Construction sequence.
requirements of the earthworks:
g. Confirmation of foundation depth and material. Lower Bedding Material:

h. Internal fill in contact with wall of structure: - Constrained soil modulus (M*).
- Compaction (% of maximum dry density).
- Soil properties, bulk density, grading and
corrosion classification in accordance with - Durability classification to Clause 8.8.2.
Chapter 8. Surround Material:
i. The current Type Approval Certificate and - Constrained soil modulus (M*).
current British Board of Agrément Roads and
- Compaction (% of maximum dry density).
Bridges or equivalent Certificate or Certificates -
as required in Clauses 1.6 to 1.9. - Durability classification to Clause 8.8.2.

16/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 16
Part 6 BD 12/01 Technical Requirements and Design Checklist

16.5 The further stages in the post award contract

procedures are given in Chapter 4 of Standard SD 4
(MCHW 0.2.4).

16.6 Following construction copies of the following

will be required for inclusion in the maintenance
manual and health and safety file:

1. The completed AIP used for design.

2. A set of as constructed drawings, including a

record of the final structure profiles achieved.

3. A design summary for information listed in

Clauses 16.3 and 16.4.

4. Other relevant information.

November 2001 16/3

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 17
Part 6 BD 12/01 References


17.1 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 4: Compaction-related tests.
Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and
Volume 1: Section 1 Approval Procedures durability tests.
BD 2: Part 1 - Technical Approval of Highway Part 9: In-situ tests.
Structures (DMRB 1.1) BS EN ISO 1461 1999. Hot dip galvanised coatings
Volume 1: Section 3 General Design on fabricated iron and steel articles
BD 24: Design of Concrete Bridges. Use of - Specifications and test methods.
BS 5400 Part 4(DMRB 1.3.1). BS EN 1744 Tests for chemical properties of
BD 37: Loads for Highway Bridges aggregate.
(DMRB 1.3) BS EN 1744-1 1998 - Chemical analyses
Volume 2: Section 2 Substructures BS 7371: Coatings on metal fasteners
BD 74 Part 8 – Foundations (DMRB 2.1.8) Part 1: 1991: Specification for general
Volume 2: Section 4 Paints and other Protective requirements and selection
Coatings guidelines
BD 35 Quality Assurance Scheme for Paints Part 6: 1998: Specification for hot dipped
and Similar Protective Coatings galvanised coatings
Volume 2: Section 4 Paints and other Protective BS 5400: Steel, Concrete and Composite
Coatings Bridges.
BA 27 Quality Assurance Scheme for Paints Part 1 1988: General Statement.
and Similar Protective Coatings Part 2: 1978: Specification for Loads.
Volume 7: Section 2 Pavement Design and Part 4: 1990: Code of Practice for Design
Construction of Concrete Bridges.
HD 26: Pavement Design (DMRB 7.2.3) BS 5930: 1981 - Code of Practice for Site
Volume 10: Environmental Design. Investigations
BS 8002: 1994 - Earth Retaining Structures
17.2 Manual of Contract Documents for Highway BS 8004: 1986 - Foundations
Works BS EN ISO 9002: 1994. Quality Systems. Model for
quality assurance in production,
Volume 0: Section 2 Implementing Standards installation and servicing. (Formerly
SD4 Procedures for Adoption of BS 5750:Part 2).
Proprietary Manufactured Structures BS EN 10142 2000. Specification for continuously
(MCHW 0.2.4). hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel
Section 3 Advice Notes strip and sheet for cold forming:
SA1 Lists of Approved/Registered technical delivery conditions.
Products (MCHW 0.3.1) (Replaces BS 2989: 1982).
Volume 1: Specification for Highway Works BS EN 10143 1993. Continuously hot-dip metal
HMSO 1998 (MCHW1) with revisions coated sheet steel and strip.
to 2001 Tolerances on dimensions and
shape. (Replaces BS 2989:1992)
17.3 British Standards
17.4 Other Documents (reference number)
BS 812: Part 117: 1988 - Method for
Determination of Water Soluble 1. Poulos, H. G. and Davis E. B. - “Elastic
Chloride Salts. Replaced by Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics” - John
BS EN 1744-1:1998 but remains Wiley and Sons, 1974, Chapter 6.
BS 1377: 1990 - Methods of Test for Soils for 2. Vogel, A. I. - “Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic
Civil Engineering Purposes. Analysis - Sixth Edition (revised by G. Svehla)” -
Part 2: Classification tests. Longman, 1987 (pp 159 - 161).
Part 3: Chemical and electro-chemical tests.

November 2001 17/1

Chapter 17 Volume 2 Section 2
References Part 6 BD 12/01

3. “Relative Values of Acid Deposition in the

United Kingdom 1986 - 1991” - available from
ADAS Consultancy Ltd, ADAS Bridgets,
Martyrs Worthy, Winchester, Hants SO21 1AP.

4. TRL Report 447 “Sulfate specification for

structural backfills” Reid J.M., M.A. Czerwko,
J.C. Cripps and D. M. Hiller, Transport Research
Laboratory, Crowthorne. (2001)

17.5 Bibliography

1. Meyerhof G. G. and Baikie L. D. - “Strength of

Steel Culvert Sheets Bearing against Compacted
Sand Backfill” Highway Research Board,
Research Record No. 30, 1963. HRB, 2101
Constitution Avenue, Washington DC 240418.

2. “Bridge Foundations and Sub-structures”,

Department of the Environment, Building
Research Establishment, London 1979: Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office.

3. BRE Special Digest SD1. Concrete in aggressive

ground. (2001).

17/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Chapter 18
Part 6 BD 12/01 Enquiries

All technical enquiries or comments on this Standard should be sent in writing as appropriate to:

Chief Highway Engineer

The Highways Agency
St Christopher House
Southwark Street G CLARKE
London SE1 0TE Chief Highway Engineer

Chief Road Engineer

Scottish Executive Development Department
Victoria Quay
Edinburgh J HOWISON
EH6 6QQ Chief Road Engineer

Chief Highway Engineer

The National Assembly for Wales
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park J R REES
Cardiff CF10 3NQ Chief Highway Engineer

Director of Engineering
Department for Regional Development
Roads Service
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street G W ALLISTER
Belfast BT2 8GB Director of Engineering

November 2001 18/1

Volume 2 Section 2 Annex A
Part 6 BD 12/01 Procedure and Conditions for Obtaining A Type Approval Certificate for
Corrugated Steel Buried Structures


A1. The manufacturer or supplier will be required to A.2.6. The results of tests carried out to
obtain from The Highways Agency of the Department determine the tensile strengths (kN/m)
of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, a of the lockseams in helically wound
Type Approval Certificate for any bolted segmental or corrugated steel. The lockseams tests
helically wound structure before it may be offered in a shall be able to withstand the forces as
tender. Separate Certificates must be obtained for described in Annex C.
bolted segmental and helically wound structures.
A.2.7. Evidence that the manufacturer
A2. The following evidence and information is operates a Quality Control System
required by Safety, Standards and Research, Civil conforming to BS EN ISO 9002:1994.
Engineering Division, The Highways Agency:
A.3. The continuing validity of the Certificate is
A.2.1. A full technical specification of the conditional upon an acceptable quality of workmanship
product supported by two copies of the and materials being maintained and upon satisfactory
Manufacturer’s Design Manual and any findings from checks and tests which The Highways
relevant current British Board of Agency or its authorised representatives will make from
Agrément Roads and Bridges time to time either on site or at the manufacturer’s
Certificates or equivalent. In the case of premises.
arch profile structures, the
arrangements to connect the corrugated A.4. Any variation in the specification of a product
steel plates to the reinforced concrete that has been submitted to The Highways Agency
shall be fully described. In the case of should be notified immediately. Failure to do so may
helically wound structures, a current result in the withdrawal of the Type Approval
British Board of Agrément Roads and Certificate.
Bridges Certificate is mandatory.
A.5. Applications for Type Approval of bolted
A.2.2. Confirmation that all the requirements segmental products from suppliers and manufacturers
of this Standard are satisfied. should be made to The Highways Agency, Safety,
Standards and Research, Civil Engineering Division.
A.2.3. The minimum yield strength fy (N/mm2) The basis for the granting of type approval of
of the steel forming the structure. corrugated steel buried structures by the Highways
Agency is:
A.2.4 The results of tests carried out to
determine the nominal seam strengths A.5.1. Verification that the applicant has
(kN/m) to be used in the design of the submitted all the evidence required by
structure. These tests shall be carried Clause A2.
out and reported on as described in
Annex B. A.5.2. Verification that the technical
specification of the product meets the
A.2.5. A specification for the bolts and nuts requirements of the Standard.
employed and the European or national
Standard(s) which they meet. The A.5.3. Verification that the requirements of the
recommended range of torque values Standard are met.
(kN.m) applied to the bolts shall be
stated. A.5.4. Verification that the stated minimum
yield strength is achievable for the steel
grade specified in the technical
specification of the product.

November 2001 A/1

Annex A Volume 2 Section 2
Procedure and Conditions for Obtaining A Type Approval Certificate for Part 6 BD 12/01
Corrugated Steel Buried Structures

A.5.5. Verification that the nominal seam A.7. When all the above information has been
strength/bolt configuration has been verified, a Type Approval Certificate is issued. All
correctly derived in accordance with corrugated steel buried structures which have been
Annex B following evaluation by The given Type Approval are listed in Advice Note SA1
Highways Agency, Safety, Standards (MCHW 0.3.1 Annex B). Type Approval previously
and Research, Civil Engineering granted is liable to be withdrawn at any time following
Division of the acceptability of the non-compliance with any of the requirements set out in
seam strength test results in terms of this Annex.
their technical reliability.

A.5.6. Verification that the nuts and bolts meet

the applicant’s stated national standard
and have been used in the tests in A.5.5.

A.5.7 Verification that the manufacturer

operates a Quality Control System
conforming to BS EN IOS 9002: 1994.

A.6. Applications for Type Approval of helically

wound products from suppliers and manufacturers
should be made to The Highways Agency, Safety,
Standards and Research, Civil Engineering Division.
The basis for the granting of type approval of
corrugated steel buried structures by the Highways
Agency is:

A.6.1. Verification that the applicant has

submitted all the evidence required by
Clause A2.

A.6.2. Verification that the technical

specification of the product meets the
requirements of the Standard.

A.6.3. Verification that the requirements of the

Standard are met.

A.6.4. Verification that the stated minimum

yield strength is achievable for the steel
grade specified in the technical
specification of the product.

A.6.5. Verification that the lockseam strength

meets the requirements of Annex C. A
current British Board of Agrément
(BBA) Certificate or equivalent shall be
submitted to The Highways Agency,
Safety, Standards and Research, Civil
Engineering Division in accordance
with Clause 1.6.

A.6.6. Verification that the manufacturer

operates a Quality Control System
conforming to BS EN IOS 9002: 1994.

A/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Annex B
Part 6 BD 12/01 Longitudinal Seam Strength for Bolted Segmental Structures


B.1. For bolted segmental structures, the manufacturer Accreditation Services, NAMAS, or equivalent to
shall submit to The Highways Agency of The undertake compression tests in the load range required
Department of Transport, Local Government and the for the tests.
Regions the results of tests on longitudinal bolted joints
to determine the nominal seam strengths to be used in B.3.2. A compression testing machine of suitable
the design of the structures. These will be required for capacity and capable of applying the load at a uniform
each combination of plate thickness and bolt rate and maintaining it during slipping of the joint shall
arrangement to be certified. The tests shall be be used. It shall be equipped with bearing platens which
performed at a laboratory accredited by NAMAS or are to be at least as large as the sample. Any horizontal
equivalent, for the appropriate compression testing and movement of the sample shall be prevented. Unless the
carried out in accordance with the procedures set out machine can record both load and deflection, two dial
below. Tests in accordance with national standards of gauges reading accurately to 0.1mm shall be mounted
European Economic Area states which are equivalent to between the platens on either side of the sample and on
the tests stated in this document will be deemed to be its longitudinal centre line.
B.3.3. The sample shall be placed in the machine so that
B.2. Test Samples the applied load will not be eccentric to the sample. It
shall then be loaded in approximately 20 equally spaced
B.2.1. For each plate thickness and bolt arrangement to load increments which are to be determined on the basis
be tested, at least three samples, each with a of previous experience. In the absence of such
longitudinal seam across it, shall be prepared from experience, a trial test should be carried out.
materials which are fully representative of the Alternatively, when the load can be applied
manufactured product, except that the samples need not automatically it shall be applied continuously with the
have any protective coating. The samples shall be rate of deformation not exceeding 5mm per minute and
formed from corrugated but uncurved steel plates and the load displacement recorded automatically.
each will include an even number of corrugations with a
minimum of two. B.3.4. Unless the load has been applied automatically as
described in B.3.3. above, a record of load and
B.2.2. Two parallel flat end-plates are to be welded to deflection shall be taken and plotted, the deflection
the two edges normal to the plane of the corrugated being the average recorded by the two dial gauges.
plate, to act as compression bearing surfaces. The flat
end-plates shall be rectangular and shall extend at least B.4. Nominal Seam Strength
30mm in each direction beyond the welded ends of the
corrugated sample. The welded length shall not exceed B.4.1. The seam strength for each sample tested shall be
a distance of half the longitudinal bolt spacing beyond determined from the least of the following:
the last bolt in each direction.
i. The load (kN) recorded at failure,
B.2.3. The sample shall be of sufficient length to allow
the permitted joint displacement without the corrugated ii. The load (kN) corresponding to a joint
plates touching the opposite end plate and the weld. displacement in the direction of loading equal to
the lesser of the amplitude of the corrugation or
B.2.4. The bolt arrangement shall be representative of 40mm,
the joints proposed. The bolts shall be torqued to a
value agreed with The Highways Agency. iii. Three times the load corresponding to one third
of the displacement at failure.
B.3. Test Procedure
B.4.2. The nominal longitudinal seam strength (kN/m)
B.3.1. The seam strength tests shall be undertaken by a of a particular combination of plate thickness and bolt
laboratory accredited by the National Measurement and arrangement shall be taken as the average of three seam
strength test results, provided the lowest value is within

November 2001 B/1

Annex B Volume 2 Section 2
Longitudinal Seam Strength for Bolted Segmental Structures Part 6 BD 12/01

10% of the highest. Results from samples that fail by

shearing of the bolts shall not be allowed.

B.5. Reporting of Test Results

The manufacturer shall submit to The Highways

Agency a report prepared by the testing establishment
giving the following details:

NAMAS Accreditation Certificate or equivalent for

compression testing in the range required.

Sample identification marks and numbers.

Statement of test procedure.

Plate thickness and corrugation details.

Bolt type, size and arrangement and strength


Method of forming the bolt holes and hole size.

Plot of load against displacement for each test.

Description of the mode of failure for each test.

Ultimate load and corresponding displacement for each


Load at displacement equal to the amplitude of the

corrugation or 40mm (as appropriate).

Proposed nominal seam strength (kN/m) for each

corrugation/bolt arrangement.

Photographs of each test sample after failure.

B.6. Retention of Samples

After testing the samples shall be retained by the

manufacturer for a period of at least three months
following receipt by The Highways Agency of the
report required by Clause B.5. The samples shall be
stored in such a way that they can be readily inspected
if required.

B/2 November 2001

Volume 2 Section 2 Annex C
Part 6 BD 12/01 Specification for Tensile Strength of Lockseams in Helically Wound
Corrugated Steel Structures



C1 Lockseams shall be able to withstand tensile forces across the seam, according to steel sheet thickness, as
tabulated below:

Nominal Sheet Thickness Minimum Tensile

(mm) Force across Seam

1.00 36

1.30 51

1.60 65

2.00 88

2.80 136

3.50 182

4.20 234

For intermediate sheet thicknesses, the minimum tensile force required may be determined by linear interpolation.

November 2001 C/1

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