Hernandez V Dolor 435 SCRA 668
Hernandez V Dolor 435 SCRA 668
Hernandez V Dolor 435 SCRA 668
*This is a case about how an employer is solidarily liable for the acts of his employee
Boyet Dolor and Oscar Valmocina died as a result of a collision between an owner type jeep driven by
Dolor and a passenger type jeep driven by herein petitioner Juan Gonzales. Other passengers also
suffered physical injuries. Consequently, respondents commenced an action for damages against
petitioners, driver (Gonzales) and the owner of the vehicle (spouses Hernandez).
Hernandez spouses are contending that they should not be impleaded in the case since they were not in
the jeep during the accident. They also claimed that there is no employer-employee relationship that
exists between them and the driver since they only lease the jeep to the latter.
Trial Court held rendered the decision in favor of the victims and held Hernandez spouses solidarily
liable. CA affirmed the decision but with a few modifications on the amount of the damages.
W/N Hernandez spouses are solidarily liable with Juan Gonzales
Hernandez spouses are solidarily liable.
1. Even though they were not in the jeep during the accident, they are still answerable under
several provisions of the Civil Code namely:
Article 2180… employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their
employees and household helpers acting within the scope of their assigned
tasks, even thought eh former are not engaged in any business or activity
While the above provisions do not expressly provide for the solidary liability, they should be read
in consonance with Article 2180 – one can be liable for the acts or omission of another whom he
is responsible for, meaning that an employer is accountable for the actions of his employees.
Article 2194 categorically states that responsibility of two or more persons who are liable for
quasi-delict is solidary.
2. The Hernandez spouses maintained that Julian Gonzales is not their employee because the latter
pays them daily for the use of the jeepney. They argued that they are practicing a lease
agreement using the “boundary system”. SC held that there exists an employer-employee
relationship because by agreeing to the Hernandez, there would be a villation of the Public
Service Law and we are going to place the riding public at the mercy of reckless and
irresponsible drivers because most drivers are in no position to pay for damages when accidents