Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Quartile Deviation and Percentile Range. Range
Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Quartile Deviation and Percentile Range. Range
Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Quartile Deviation and Percentile Range. Range
Events of nature always vary from time to time. People keep on changing places, motion, physical
appearance, skin reaction to different chemicals, height, weight, hair color, eye color, ideas, and even
values in life. Usually, the heights of a group of people with the same race tend to converge to a certain
common value. For example, if the mean height of Filipino males is approximately 5 feet and 6 inches then
this means most Filipino male adults have heights that are clustering about this value. The extent of the
clustering of the heights of the Filipino males about a central value is known as variation. The measures
of variation enable us to know how varied the observations are, whether there are extreme values in the
distribution, or whether the values are very close to each other. If the measure is zero, it means that there
is no variation at all. The observations are all alike, or homogeneous. Otherwise they are heterogeneous.
The common measures of variation are the range, mean absolute deviation, variance, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, quartile deviation and percentile range.
This is the simplest form of measuring variation of a distribution. To get the range, subtract the
lowest score or observation from the highest score.
Example 1
A group of scientists went on an expedition to the mountain range in Sierra Madre, Philippines
to study the different species of plants existing in the area. The ages of the scientists are 34, 35, 45, 56,
32, 25, and 40. What is the range of their ages?
Highest Age=56
Lowest Age=25
R =Highest-Lowest
Therefore, the range of their ages is 31. If the size of the population or sample is large, the range
is not an excellent measure of variation because it considers the highest and the lowest values and does
not tell anything about the values between them. If one is interested in the position of each observation
relative to the mean of the set of data, other measures of variation are necessary. The mean absolute
variation can be applied.
Mean Absolute Variation
To find the mean absolute variation, subtract the mean score from each raw score then using
the absolute values of the differences, get the sum of the results. The sum is called the sum of the
deviations from the mean. Next, divide this number by N, the total number of cases. In symbols,
for ungrouped data
for grouped data
Example 2
Solution: Ages are 34, 35, 45, 56, 32, 25, and 40
Mean Age: x= =38.14
X x-x /x-x/
34 -4.14 4.14
35 -3.14 3.14
45 6.86 6.86
56 17.86 17.86
32 -6.14 6.14
25 -13.14 13.14
40 1.86 1.86
TOTAL 53.14
MAD= 7
= 7.59
Variance is another measure of variation which can be used instead of the range. The variance
considers the deviation of each observation from the mean. To obtain the variance of a distribution,
compute the deviation from the mean of each raw score. Then, square the deviations from the mean
and add them. Finally, divide the resulting sum by N, or the total number of cases.
Example 3
Compute the population and sample variances of the data in Table 6.1
a. Sample Variance
= 13,110
= 51.35
b. Population Variance
∑ƒ (𝑥−𝑥)2 5,854.35
𝜎2𝑁 = 𝑁
= 115
Example 4
Find the population and sample variances of the following distribution.
34, 35, 45, 56, 32, 25, and 40
X ǀx-xǀ (x-x)2
34 4.14 17.14
35 3.14 9.86
45 6.86 47.06
56 17.86 318.98
32 6.14 37.70
25 13.14 172.66
40 1.86 3.46
267 53.14 606.86
X= 7
a. Population Variance
∑(𝑥−𝑥)2 606.86
𝜎2𝑁 = = = 86.7
𝑁 7
b. Sample Variance
∑(𝑥−𝑥)2 606.86
S2N-1= = = 101.14
𝑁−1 6
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation ð for a population or s for aa sample, is the square root of the value of
the variance. In symbols,
Example 5
Compute the population and sample standard deviation of the data in Table 6.1
a. Population Variance
𝜎 2 N = 50.91
𝑠 2 N-1=51.35
Example 6
X= =40.59
Coefficient of Variation
When it is necessary to compare the variability of two or more groups, the task is easy if the means
are the same. For example, we can easily compare which group is more varied in height between the
following groups:
CV= x100%
Since s and x have the same units, their units are canceled out and so CV has no unit.
Example 1
Suppose the two groups of students are to be compared in terms of height.
CV Male = x 100% =6.17 %
CV Female =148 x 100%=2.70%
Comparing the relative variations in height of the male and female students, it can be seen that that the
male students have higher coefficient of variation in height than the female students. Thus, male
students’ heights are more varied.
Example 2
Compare the variability of the height and weight of the students given the following data.
Mean s CV
Height in cm 168 cm 12 cm 7.14 %
Weight in pounds 200 lb 20 lb 10.00%
From the varied results, it can be seen that the weight of the students is more varied than the
Quartile Deviation
𝑄 3 −𝑄1
QD= 2
Where QD= Quartile Deviation
Q3=3rd Quartile
Q1=1st Quartile
Find the QD of the following scores:
23 25 25 30 35 39 40 44 47 51 60
3𝑁 3(11)
Q3 = 4
= 4
= 8.25th item. Thus, Q3=47
𝑁 11
Q1 = 4 = 4
= 2.75th item. Thus, Q1=25
47−25 22
QD= = = 11
2 2
Example 8
1.2 1.4 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.1 4.4
3𝑁 3 (10)
Q3= = =7.5th item that is 3.0 years (The value is midway between 7th and 8th items which is 3.0
4 4
in this example)
𝑁 10
Q1= 4 = 4 = 2.5th item that is 1.5 years (since the number of cases is even, the median between th 2nd
and the 3rd item which is 1.5 is taken)
3.0−1.5 1.5
QD= 2
= 2 = 0.75
Example 9
𝑁 355
For Q1: = =88.75, hence, LQ1= 32.5, <CFb = 35, and ƒQ1 = 60.
4 4
Q1=32.5 + ⌊ 60
⌋= 32.5 + 2.69 =35.19
3𝑁 3 (355)
For Q3 : 4
= 4
=266.25, hence LQ3= 44.5, < CFb= 266, and ƒQ1=28.
Percentile Range
The percentile range, PR, is the difference between the 90th percentile (P90) and the 10th
percentile (P10). In symbols,
PR= P90-P10
Example 10
The following data represent the scores of students in the final examination in Physics.
100 100 111 111 112 120 121 122 123 175
171 130 132 133 135 140 145 145 146 150
150 155 160 164 165 165 170 180 175
90𝑁 90 (29)
P90= 100 = 100
= 26. 1th item that is 171
10 𝑁 10 (29)
P10= 100
= 100
= 2.9th item that is 111
PR = P90-P10
= 171-111
= 60