Jaringan Tumbuhan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Plant Network

Plants are composed of many cells. These cells form a network at a specific place. Network is
a group of cells that have the same structure and function and are bound by intercellular
material to form a unity.

As the stages of development, making up the body tissue of plants can be divided into two
kinds, namely the meristem tissues and adult tissues.

1. Network Meristem

Meristem is a tissue constituent cells are embryonic, meaning able to continuously divide to
increase the number of cells. Meristem cells typically are young and experienced cell
differentiation and specialization. The characteristics of meristem cells usually thin-walled,
many containing protoplasm, small vacuoles, large nucleus and plastids immature. Meristem
cells are generally the same shape in all directions, such as a cube.

Based on its location in the plant, there are three kinds of meristems, namely the apical
meristem, lateral meristem, and intercalary meristem. Apical meristems are at the end of the
stem and root ends.

Meristem network

Intercalary meristem is part of a separate apical meristem of the tip (apex) during growth.
Intercalary meristem (between) contained between adult tissues, for example in the base of
the grass stem segments. Lateral meristem contained in vessels cambium and the cork

Based on the origin of the formation, meristem meristem differentiated into primary and
secondary meristems.

a. Primary meristem

Primary meristem is growing meristem of embryonic cells. Primary meristem buds are for
example the ends of stems and root tip. The primary cause of primary meristem growth in
plants. Primary growth allows root and stem length increases. Thus, the plants grow taller.

Primary meristems can be divided into areas with levels of development of different cell. At
the end of the rod there is the apical meristem. Near the apical meristem there promeristem
and other meristematic tip consisting of a group of sal which has undergone differentiation to
a certain extent.

Meristematic area behind promeristem has three meristem tissues, ie protoderma,

prokambium, and basic meristem. Protoderma will form the epidermis, prokambium will
form a network of vascular bundles (xylem and phloem primer primer) and the cambium.
Meristem base will form the basis of plant tissue that fills empelur and cortex as paranchyma,
kolenkima, and sklerenkima. Monocot only has the network does not have a network of
primary and secondary. At dicotyledonous plants are the primary network and the secondary
b. Secondary meristems

Secondary meristem is growing meristem of adult tissues that have undergone differentiation
and specialization (already stopped growing) but back is embryonic. Examples of secondary
meristem is the cork cambium contained in dicotyledonous stem and gymnosperms, which
can be formed from cortical cells beneath the epidermis.

Cambium tissue that lies between the carrier beam (xylem and phloem) on dicotyledonous
stem a secondary meristem. Cambium cells actively dividing, in the direction in forming
secondary xylem and phloem to the outside forming secondary. As a result, stem
dicotyledonous plants grow. Instead stem monocot plants do not have a secondary meristem
that does not undergo secondary growth. That is why stem monocots can not grow.

2. Adult Network

Adult network is a network composed of differentiation and specialization of cells results

meristem tissue division. Differentiation is a change in cell shape adapted to its function,
while specialization is the specialization of cells to support a particular function. Adult tissue
generally has not experienced further growth or temporarily stop its growth. Network today
no such thing as a permanent network. Permanent network is a network that has undergone
differentiation that are not reversible (irreversible). On permanent tissue cells no longer have
cleavage. Adult tissue include epidermal tissue, cork paranchyma, xylem and phloem. In
addition there are certain parts of the plant which has a network kolenkima and sklerenkima.

a. The epidermis

The epidermis tissue is the outermost on the tools of primary plants such as roots, stems
leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. The epidermis is composed of a single layer of cells only.
Many forms, for example isodiametris elongated, grooved, or reveal any other form. The
epidermis is very tightly structured so that there are no spaces between cells. The epidermis is
a living cell because it still contains the protoplast, albeit in small amounts. There is a large
vacuole in the middle and do not contain plastids.

The epidermis tissue

1. Network leaf epidermis

Leaf epidermis tissue contained in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves. The network is
lacking chlorophyll except in guard cells (cells cover) stomata. On the upper surface of the
leaves are thickening of the outer wall composed of substances kuting (derived fatty
compounds) known as the cuticle, for example in jackfruit leaves. In addition there is forming
a layer of wax to protect the leaves from the water, for example in a banana leaf and taro
leaves. There is also a form of fine hairs on the lower surface as a protective device, such as
the leaves of durian. A group of epidermal cells forming leaf stomata or mouth. Stomata is a
gap in the epidermis are bounded by two guard cells or cell cover. Through the mouth of this
leaf gas exchange occurs.
2. Network epidermal stem

Are like the network of the leaf epidermis, epidermal tissue there that are modified stems
form a thick layer known as the cuticle, forming a feather as a means of protection.

3. Network root epidermis

Root epidermis tissue serves as a protector and a diffusion and osmosis. Root epidermis
partial modification forming protrusions called root hairs and serves to absorb ground water.

Stomata are loopholes found in the epidermis of plant organs. At all green plants, the
epidermal layer contains at most stomata on the leaves. Stomata consists of sections that
cover cells, part of the gap, the neighboring cells, and the air space inside. Neighboring cells
play a role in osmotic changes that cause cell movement closing the gap width set. Cell cover
can be located level with the surface of the epidermis (panerofor) or lower than the surface of
the epidermis (kriptofor) and higher than the surface of the epidermis (stand). At
dicotyledonous plants, cells usually cover shaped like a kidney when viewed from above.
While the grass plants have special structures and uniform with a cover shaped like a
dumbbell cells and neighboring cells contained two each in addition to a cell cover.

b. Network Cork

Network cork or periderma is the protective tissue that is formed to replace the epidermis of
stems and roots that have been thickened due to secondary growth. Network cork apparent fit
dicotyledonous plants and gymnosperms.

Network structure consisting of felogen cork (cork cambium) that will form felem (cork)
feloderma outwards and inwards. Felogen can be generated by the epidermis, paranchyma
under the epidermis, kolenkima, perisikel, or paranchyma phloem, depending on the species
tumbuhannya. In the longitudinal cross-section, the cells felogen rectangular or square lot and
is meristematis. Cork cells (felem) almost prism-shaped adult, death, and layered cell wall
suberin, a type of fatty cellulose. The cells resemble cells feloderma paranchyma, boxy and
life. Network cork serves as protector of plants from losing water. In plants, cork (Quercus
Suber), a layer of cork can be economically valuable, eg for bottle caps.

c. Paranchyma
The next in the epidermis are paranchyma network. These networks are starting from the next
in the epidermis down to the pith. Paranchyma composed of cells multifaceted. Between one
cell to another cell there is space between cells.

Paranchyma called basic network as a place for other networks. Paranchyma contained in the
roots, stems, and leaves, circling the other network. For example in the xylem and phloem.

In addition to a basic network, the network serves as a network producer paranchyma and
storage of food reserves. Examples paranchyma food producer is paranchyma leaves that
have chloroplasts and can perform photosynthesis. Paranchyma who has called chloroplasts
sklerenkima. The results of photosynthesis in the form of sugar transported to paranchyma
stems or roots. The paranchyma stem or root, the results are compiled photosynthesis into
organic matter more complex, such as starch, protein, or fat. Paranchyma stem and root on
some plants serves to store food reserves, such as the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). There
is also a paranchyma cells that store food reserves in katiledon (seed leaves the institution) as
in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).

d. Network Amplifiers

to strengthen his body, plants require network brace also called mechanical tissue. There are
two kinds of networks that make up the amplifier Pegat plant body, namely kolenima and
sklerenkima. Kolenkima containing protoplasm and walls are not experiencing significance.
Sklerenkima different from kolenkima, because sklerenkima not have protoplasm and walls
are thickened and lignin substances (lignifikasi).

1. Kolenkima

Kolenkima cells are living cells and have properties similar paranchyma. No Yat cells
containing chloroplasts. Kolenkima generally located near the perukaan and below the
epidermis at the stem, petiole, flower stalks, and the midrib. Kolenkima rarely found in the
roots. Kolenkima cells typically extends parallel to the central organ kolenkima place it there.

Kolenkima sal walls contain cellulose, pectin, and hemicellulose. Kolenkima thickened cell
walls are uneven. The thickening occurs at the corners of the cells, and called kolenkima

Kolenkima network function is to shed light on the growing young plants and herbaceous

2. Sklerenkima

Sklerenkima network consists of dead cells. Sklerenkima cell wall is very strong, thick, and
contains lignin (a major component of wood). Cell wall thickening has a primary and then
secondary thickening by lignin substance. According to its shape, sklerenkima divided into
two, namely sklerenkima fibers are shaped like long threads, and sklereid (stone cells).
Sklereid contained in the carrier file, among paranchyma cells, cortical stem, petiole, root,
fruit, and seeds. At seeds, sklereid often a layer that helped prepare the seed coat.

Sklerenkima function is to strengthen the parts of plants that have been grown. Sklerenkima
also protect soft parts are deeper, like the skin of jatropha seed, canary seed and coconut

e. Carrier Network

1. Xylem

Xylem serves to deliver water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Xylem elements
consist of vessel elements, xylem fibers and paranchyma xylem. There are two elements of
vessels, ie timber vessels (trachea) and trakeid. The trachea and trakeid a dead cell, do not
have the only remaining cytoplasm and cell wall. The cells are contiguous so as to form
capillaries which serves as a carrier of water and minerals. Therefore, vessels that make up
the file, then the file is said to be a vessel. Xylem diameter varies depending on the plant
species, but usually 20-700 lm. Xylem walls thickened substance lignin.
The trachea is an important part in the xylem of plants flowers, trachea consists of cells thick-
walled tubular because of the layers of secondary cellulose and lignin reinforced, as a binder.
Tracheal diameter is usually larger than the diameter trakeid. Open end of the cell called the
perforation or perforation plates. The trachea is only found in Angiospermae (seed plants
closed) and is absent in gymnosperms (gymnosperm) unless the member Gnetaceae (group

Trakeid part can be distinguished from the trachea due to its smaller size, although the cell
wall too thick and woody. Trakeid average diameter is 30 μm and the length is a few
millimeters. Trakeid present in all plants Spermatophyta. At the end there is a hole trakeid
cell like a sieve.

Trakeid and trachea

2. phloem

Phloem function of photosynthesis distribute nutrients from the leaves to all parts of the
plant. In general, phloem elements prepared by the filter elements, slicer cells, phloem fibers,
sklereid, and paranchyma phloem. The main element is paranchyma filter vessels and
phloem. Paranchyma phloem serves to store food reserves. Distribution of phloem fibers are
often very broad and serves to provide support to the plant body.

Filter vessels consist of cylindrical cells with a diameter of 25 μm and a length of 100-500
lm. Filter vessels have cytoplasm without nucleus. Cell wall component filter vessels
berlignin not so much thinner than the trachea. Filter vessels is the main transport artery in
the phloem tissue. This vessel is continuous and extends from the base to the tip of the plant.

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