Core@shell Nanomaterials: Gold-Coated Magnetic Oxide Nanoparticles

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HIGHLIGHT | Journal of Materials Chemistry

Core@shell nanomaterials: gold-coated magnetic

oxide nanoparticles
Lingyan Wang, Hye-Young Park,† Stephanie I-Im Lim, Mark J. Schadt, Derrick Mott, Jin Luo,
Xin Wang‡ and Chuan-Jian Zhong*
DOI: 10.1039/b719096d

The study of core@shell magnetic nanoparticles has a wide range of applications because of
the unique combination of the nanoscale magnetic core and the functional shell. This report
highlights some of the recent findings in the investigation of the synthesis, characterization
Published on 28 February 2008 on | doi:10.1039/B719096D

and application of one important class of core@shell magnetic nanoparticles, i.e., magnetic
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nanoparticles coated with a gold shell (MNP@Au). The gold shell imparts the magnetic
nanoparticles with many intriguing functional properties. Areas specifically highlighted in this
report include strategies for the synthesis of MNP@Au nanoparticles, characterization of the
core@shell nanostructures, and exploration of potential applications of the core@shell
nanomaterials in terms of biological and catalytic interfacial reactivities. Implications of some
of the research findings to address both fundamental and practical issues are also briefly
discussed in an effort to further broaden the rapidly-emerging field of core@shell magnetic

The design of the surface chemistry of nostics.1–13 Examples include magnetic both aqueous and organic media.6–12,22–24
magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) is resonance imaging contrast enhance- In many areas of biological application,
increasingly important for exploring a ment, controlled drug delivery, tissue the ability to engineer surface properties is
wide range of technological applications repair, detoxification of biological fluids, important because MNPs are desired to
of MNPs, including micro/nano- immunoassay, and biological targeting or have the desired biocompatibility and
electronics, catalysis, chemical sensing, separation.14–19 A key challenge in these interfacial reactivity. Among many
information storage, and medical diag- applications is the synthesis of MNPs approaches to the modification or func-
with controlled size, composition, and tionalization of the surfaces of MNPs
surface properties, which has been the with materials such as polymers, organic
Department of Chemistry, State University of subject of research of an increasingly monolayers, oxides, and metals,25–47 one
New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New
York 13902, U. S. A. E-mail: cjzhong@ interdisciplinary nature.20,21 Significant of the most promising systems involves progress has been made for bottom-up magnetic nanoparticles coated with gold
† Current address: Institute Pasteur Korea, fabrication of MNPs including transition shells (Scheme 1).
Seoul, South Korea. metals, alloys and metal oxides, via This type of core@shell nanoparticle,
‡ Current address: School of Material Science
and Engineering, Hebei University of chemical processes such as decomposi- e.g., MNPs@Au, not only provides
Technology, Tianjin, China. tion, reduction, or oxidation reactions in enhanced stabilization, but also allows

Dr Lingyan Wang received C. J. Zhong is professor of

a PhD degree in Chemistry in chemistry at the State Univer-
2007, and is currently a post- sity of New York at Bing-
doctoral associate researcher at hamton. His current research
the State University of New interests are the interdisciplinary
York at Binghamton. Working fields of analytical, materials,
with C. J. Zhong, her current catalysis, electrochemistry and
research interests include nanotechnology, focusing on
synthesis, assembly and charac- developing advanced nano-
terization of nanostructured materials for applications in fuel
materials for applications in cells, chemical/bio sensors and
chemical sensors and catalysis. biomedical devices.
She was awarded the University
Lingyan Wang Outstanding Graduate Research C: J: Zhong
Award in 2006.

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of the core@shell nanomaterials in terms

of biological and catalytic interfacial
The first area concerns strategies or
approaches for the synthesis of
MNPs@Au nanoparticles. While there
are a number of strategies reported for the
synthesis and fabrication of MNPs@Au
nanoparticles,26–47 the two strategies
described here highlight the importance
of bottom-up synthesis and processing.
Scheme 1 An illustration of gold-coated MNPs emphasizing the importance of synthesis, charac-
One strategy involves sequential forma-
terization and application.
tion of the Fe-oxide core and Au shell,
Published on 28 February 2008 on | doi:10.1039/B719096D

which was used for the synthesis of

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fine-tuning of the surface biocompati- ated many fundamental and technical highly-monodisperse Fe2O3@Au and
bility, and importantly imparts the issues related to the control and charac- Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles34 (Fig. 1). The
surfaces with the desired chemical, terization of the core@shell size and strategy starts with the synthesis of Fe3O4
biological, or catalytic interfacial reac- composition. For example, the gold- seeds according to an established
tivities.26–47 However, the synthesis and coating of the magnetic cores will depend protocol24 in which Fe(acac)3 is reduced
characterization of MNPs@Au with the on their surface state and on the growth using 1,2-hexadecanediol in the presence
desired size and composition are chal- orietation of the gold layer. In an effort of capping agents (e.g., oleylamine
lenging. There have been a number of to address some of the issues, we have (OAM) and/or oleic acid (OA)).
examples reporting on the synthesis of recently developed several approaches Following the formation of Fe3O4 as
MNPs@Au. For example, gold-coated to the synthesis and characterization seeds with the desired sizes, gold is
iron oxide (Fe2O3 or partially oxidized of MNP@Au nanoparticles.34,35 Some deposited onto the surface of Fe3O4 by
Fe3O4) nanoparticles (60 nm) were MNP@Au nanoparticles are shown to be reduction of Au(CH3COO)3 using 1,2-
synthesized by depositing Au onto iron highly-monodisperse in particle size and hexadecanediol in the presence of capping
oxide nanoparticles (9 nm) via hydroxyl- exhibit interesting interfacial interactions agents at elevated temperature (180–
amine seeding in aqueous solution.26 and reactivities. In this article, we discuss 190  C). A key element of this process
Gold-coated iron27–29 and gold (silver)- a few examples from our study of involves careful manipulation of the
coated magnetite30 nanoparticles have MNP@Au nanoparticles, including our reaction temperature to control the ther-
also been synthesized using a reverse latest findings, by highlighting areas mally-activated partial desorption of the
micelle method. A similar approach has related to strategies for the synthesis of capping layer from the core, the deposi-
been demonstrated for the formation of MNP@Au nanoparticles, characteriza- tion of Au on the exposed Fe3O4 surface,
gold-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles which tion of the core@shell nanostructures, and the subsequent re-encapsulation of
involved the attachment of gold nano- and exploration of potential applications the Au shell surface by the capping agent.
particles (2–3 nm) via 3-aminopropyl
triethylsilane onto 10 nm sized Fe3O4
nanoparticles.31 Several other approaches
to the synthesis of gold-coated magnetic
core@shell particles have also been
reported, including g-ray radiation,36
laser ablation,37 sonochemical reaction,38
layer-by-layer electrostatic deposition,39
wet chemical reduction,40,41 and photo-
chemical reduction.42 Other types of gold-
coated magnetic nanoparticles include
composite nanoparticles consisting of
a silica core, an Fe3O4 inner shell, and a
gold shell,43 FePt nanoparticles with
a gold shell,44 cobalt nanoparticles with
a gold shell,45 iron oxide core (Fe3O4/g-
Fe2O3) with a thick silica shell and outer
shell of gold,46 and Fe nanoparticles with
Fig. 1 Top panel: An illustration of the synthesis of the Fe3O4 (1* ¼ reducing agent, capping agent,
an Au shell.47 and solvent) and the formation of Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles in the presence of capping agents
The success of some of these synthetic (2* ¼gold precursor, reducing agent, capping agent, and temperature manipulation) which involves
approaches has led to increasing interest capping-shell desorption, deposition of Au on the exposed Fe3O4 surface, and re-encapsulation.
in the exploration of the potential appli- Bottom panel: TEM micrographs (and HRTEM) and size distributions comparing Fe3O4 (5.3 
cations of MNPs@Au. It has also gener- 0.5 nm) (left) and Fe3O4@Au (6.7  0.4 nm) (right).

2630 | J. Mater. Chem., 2008, 18, 2629–2635 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
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The resulting Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles nanoparticles in solution via thermally- Fe2O3@Au particles (organic soluble)
can be separated by centrifugation from activated hetero-interparticle coalescence were converted to water-soluble particles
the uncoated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. This between gold and magnetic nanoparticles by a ligand exchange reaction with
approach can produce highly-mono- under an encapsulating environment for mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA). The
disperse Fe-oxide@Au nanoparticles in creating the core@shell type nano- detection of the band at 1709 cm1
a core size range of 5–15 nm with a shell particles,35 Fe2O3@Au (or Fe3O4@Au). corresponding to the carboxylic acid
thickness range of 0.5–2.0 nm. By The processing environment is important group of MUA, accompanied by the
controlling the reaction time and the for the stabilization of the nanoparticles, disappearance of the band at 3004 cm1
concentration of Au precursor, the which include the presence of organic corresponding to the C–H stretching
thickness can be effectively controlled in ionic materials such as tetraoctylammo- mode next to the double bond from OA
a wide range. The subtle differences in nium bromide (TOABr) in the solution and OAM capping molecules, confirmed
comparing the high-resolution TEM and capping molecules such as alka- the successful exchange of the MUA with
(HRTEM) images (and electron diffrac- nethiols [e.g., decanethiols (DTs)] for the original ligands on the nanoparticles.
Published on 28 February 2008 on | doi:10.1039/B719096D

tion as well) seemed to support the capping Au nanoparticles and those such This was further evidenced by the fact
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formation of Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles as oleylamine and/or oleic acid for that the post-exchanged core@shell
from Au and Fe-oxide nanoparticles, capping Fe-oxide nanoparticles. The nanoparticles became water-soluble.
which is however not a conclusive way presence of molecularly-capped iron Another approach involves the synthesis
due to the lack of a clear contrast between oxide nanoparticles in the solution of water-soluble magnetic cores with the
the core and the shell in the HRTEM created a unique thermal microenviron- desired composition. For example, MnZn
images. ment for the core@shell coalescence to ferrite [(MnxZnyFe2+1xy)Fe3+ 2O4]
Another strategy involves thermally- produce monodisperse Fe-oxide@Au nanoparticles represent a technologically-
activated processing of Fe-oxide nano- nanoparticles of controlled sizes. The Au important class of spinel magnetic mate-
particles and Au nanoparticles as shell thickness can be manipulated rials with a large and tunable magnetic
precursors in a mixed solution.35 This depending on the relative ratio of Au and polarization.51 In comparison with the
strategy expands the method of ther- Fe-oxide precursors. The competition extensive studies of iron oxide (e.g.,
mally-induced homo-interparticle coal- between growing Au and Fe-oxide@Au Fe2O3, Fe3O4) nanoparticles, the
escence of metal nanoparticles, as with single or multiple Fe-oxide cores synthesis of both MnZn ferrite nano-
demonstrated earlier in our laboratory for (pomegranate-like) nanoparticles is particles and MnZn ferrite@Au nano-
the particle size and monodispersity determined by a combination of the particles in aqueous solutions,51b,c which is
evolution at mild temperature elevation solution temperature, the composition part of our on-going work, may52 present
(140–160  C).48 The fundamental basis and the capping structures. a useful route towards effective explora-
stems from the decrease of melting point, The manipulation of the shell or the tion of their applications in biologically-
especially the surface melting, for many core composition is also part of our study relevant solutions.
nanosized metal particles. In contrast to aimed at tailoring the solubility. The second area concerns approaches
the dramatically-decreased melting Depending on the specific application, the to the characterization of properties and
temperature of gold nanoparticles, iron ability to tailor the solubility, especially in reactivities of MNPs@Au nanoparticles
oxide nanoparticles do not exhibit coa- aqueous solutions or biological systems, for understanding the core@shell nano-
lescence under such a mild temperature is important. One of our approaches structure. As stated earlier, HRTEM is
elevation (140–160  C). The thermal involves ligand exchange for making a powerful tool, but sometimes inclusive
processing involves molecular desorption, water-soluble magnetic core@shell nano- in the case of lacking enough contrast of
nanocrystal core coalescence and molec- particles. Ligand exchange, a well estab- the core and shell materials. Crystallo-
ular re-encapsulation processes in the lished method for functionalization of the graphic and composition analyses can
evolution of nanoparticle precursors,48 organic shell,50 involves replacement of provide information for the structural
which has gained increasing interest for the original capping molecules (e.g., DTs, assessment. For example, the comparison
processing nanoparticle size and mono- OAM, and OA) on Fe-oxide@Au nano- of the XRD spectra for Fe3O4, Au, and
dispersity.49 Fig. 2 illustrates the thermal particles by functionalized thiols. For Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles showed that the
processing of Fe2O3 (or Fe3O4) and Au example, OAM- and OA-capped diffraction peaks for Fe3O4@Au nano-
particles are similar to those for Au
nanoparticles, but different from those
for Fe3O4 nanoparticles.34 The absence of
diffraction peaks from magnetite has also
been observed by others.9 This is possibly
due to the heavy atom effect from gold53
as a result of complete coverage of the
oxide core by Au shell. The relative
Fig. 2 Left: an idealized illustration of hetero-interparticle coalescence of molecularly-capped Au surface composition of Fe3O4@Au can
(2 nm) and Fe2O3 (5 nm) nanoparticles in solution leading to core@shell nanoparticles. Right: TEM also be analyzed using XPS and Direct
micrographs for the resulting Fe2O3@Au nanoparticles of two different sizes 6.2  0.3 nm (a) and Current Plasma-Atomic Emission Spec-
31.4  3.0 nm (b). troscopy (DCP-AES) techniques, though

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XPS analysis is sometimes inconclusive 13 K for Fe3O4@Au] showed a significant involved an initial thiolate–oleylamine
for small-sized particles because of the decrease for Fe3O4@Au in comparison exchange reaction followed by cross-
depth sensitivity issue. On the other hand, with Fe3O4.34b From this measurement, linking via the alkyl chain for the case of
the DCP data showed Fe : Au ratios of a clear decrease in blocking temperature dithiol as a linker or hydrogen-bonding
34 : 66 and 29 : 71 for Fe3O4@Au particles was also found for Fe3O4@Au (13 K) in for the case of carboxylic acid function-
of two different core sizes (5.2 and comparison with 17 K for Fe3O4 nano- alized thiol as a linker. This assembly
4.5 nm, respectively), which were quite particles, which is believed to reflect the chemistry is expected to operate for
close to the results based on calculations decreased coupling of the magnetic Au-coated iron oxide nanoparticles, but
from the TEM-determined size changes moments as a result of the increased not for iron oxide nanoparticles because
and the density values for Au and Fe3O4 interparticle spacing of the magnetic the thiolate binding is highly specific
materials. cores56 by gold and organic capping- to Au.
Despite some inconclusive results shells. The magnitude of the magnetiza- The characterization of the gold based
about the detailed core@shell nano- tion for Fe3O4@Au [66 emu g1 (Fe3O4)] interfacial binding chemistry and thin film
Published on 28 February 2008 on | doi:10.1039/B719096D

structure from HRTEM, XPS, and XRD is much smaller than that of Fe3O4 [15 assembly has revealed several important
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data, the characterization of the nano- emu g1 (Fe3O4)]34b (Fig. 3). On the basis pieces of information for assessing the
materials’ properties (optical and of the data near zero magnetization, the core@shell nanostructure. Note that the
magnetic) and the interfacial reactivities coercivity showed (Fig. 3 insert) a clear color of the film formed ranged from
have proven very useful for assessing the increase for Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles (40 brown to blue depending on the particle
core@shell nanostructures. In addition to Oe for Fe3O4 and 160 Oe for Fe3O4@Au), size, linker molecule and film thickness,
FTIR probing of CO adsorption and reflecting the fact that coercivity of a similar to thin film assemblies of gold
electrochemical characterizations of the superparamagnetic nanoparticle is related nanoparticles.57 In comparison with the
surface properties of the core@shell to a change in dipolar coupling or a SP band for Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles in
nanoparticles,54 several examples of the change in the magnetic core size.56 The solution and thin film assemblies of gold
characterization of the nanomaterials’ increase in coercivity can be attributed to nanoparticles, the SP band is shifted to
properties (optical and magnetic) and the the larger size of Au-coated Fe3O4 which a longer wavelength for NDT- or MUA-
interfacial reactivities have provided leads to a less-effective coupling of the mediated thin film assemblies of
important insights into the core@shell magnetic dipole moments. Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles. The shift of the
nanostructures. The characterization of the interfacial SP band is characteristic of the changes in
From the measurement of the surface reactivity characteristics of the gold shell interparticle spacing and dielectric prop-
plasmon (SP) resonance band of gold provides an important platform for erties as a result of the thin film assembly.
nanoparticles, Fe3O4@Au particles assessing the core@shell nanostructures. The Au–thiolate binding chemistry is
showed an SP band at 535–550 nm This approach is based on our early work responsible for the formation of
depending on the core size and Au shell for the assembly of gold nanoparticles via Fe3O4@Au thin films, in contrast to the
thickness. This band is characteristic of interparticle covalent or hydrogen- absence of any assembly of Fe3O4 nano-
the optical properties of gold nano- bonding linkages.57 The thiol-mediated particles under the same conditions. The
structures, in contrast to the largely silent binding chemistry for the assembly of DCP analysis of the metal composition
feature in the visible region for Fe3O4 Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles was examined (Au and Fe) in the thin film assemblies
particles. The observed SP band showed using 1,9-nonanedithiol (NDT) and which were dissolved in aqua regia solu-
a red shift in comparison with Au nano- mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA). As tion detected both Au and Fe. The Au : Fe
particles. Interestingly, the core@shell illustrated in Fig. 4, the basic chemistry ratios for both NDT- and MUA-linked
nanoparticles with a thicker Au shell
displayed a smaller red shift than those
with thinner Au shells. This finding is in
fact consistent with theoretical calcula-
tion of the Fe3O4@Au core@shell
morphology based on Mie theory,55
suggesting that the optical properties are
affected by the chemical nature of the
oxide core.
The measurement of the magnetic
properties of the Fe3O4@Au nano-
particles in comparison with Fe3O4 using
SQUID technique, on the other hand,
allows us to assess the saturation magne-
tization, coercivity, susceptibility, and
blocking temperature. The temperature
dependence of the magnetic susceptibility
[0.30 emu Oe1 g1 (Fe3O4) at 17 K for Fig. 3 Magnetic susceptibility hysterisis at 5 K for Fe3O4 (a) and Fe3O4@Au (b) nanoparticles.
Fe3O4 and 0.037 emu Oe1 g1 (Fe3O4) at Insert: a magnified view of the 600 to 600 Oe region.

2632 | J. Mater. Chem., 2008, 18, 2629–2635 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
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nanoparticles were reacted with Au

particles capped with protein A. The latter
was labeled with a Raman-active label,
e.g., mercaptobenzoic acid (MBA). For
the product separation of the antibody-
labeled Fe2O3@Au nanoparticles after
reaction with protein A capped gold
nanoparticles, a magnetic field was
applied to collect the magnetically-active
products for SERS analysis. Fig. 5 shows
one example to illustrate the viability of
this potential,35 along with representative
SERS spectrum for the products collected.
Published on 28 February 2008 on | doi:10.1039/B719096D

In comparison with the spectrum from

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the control experiment in which the Au

nanoparticles capped with BSA protein
and MBA label were used to react with
MNP@Au nanoparticles capped with
anti-rabbit IgG (Immunoglobulin G)
under the same conditions (not shown),
Fig. 4 Schematic illustrations of the thiol-mediated thin film assembly of Au (middle), Fe3O4
(bottom) and Fe3O4@Au (top) nanoparticles on a substrate. The insert illustrates the thiol-mediated
the product from the reaction between
interparticle binding chemistry involving exchange, cross-linking and thin film precipitation. Au/Protein-A/L and MNP@Au/Ab
collected by a magnet showed the expec-
ted SERS signature of MBA, at 1081 and
thin film assemblies of Fe3O4@Au nano- of biological recognition sites on gold- 1591 cm1, corresponding to n(CC) ring-
particles were slightly higher than that for coated magnetic nanoparticles and the breathing modes of MBA. This finding
the particles before assembly. Since the subsequent recognition to the targeted demonstrates the viability of exploiting
uncoated Fe3O4 nanoparticles were not proteins provide an effective means for the magnetic core and gold shell of the
able to form any thin films, the detected the separation of biological molecules via MNP@Au nanoparticles for interfacial
Au : Fe ratio was therefore a measure of application of a magnetic field.19 For bio-assay and magnetic bio-separation,
Au and Fe in Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles example, the MUA-capped Fe2O3@Au the study of which is part of our on-going
which were actually assembled into the nanoparticles in water underwent further work.
thin film. Based on a spherical core@shell exchange reactions with a protein- Another area of our study of the
model, the average thickness of the Au coupling agent, dithiobis(succinimidyl MNPs@Au concerns catalysis, especially
shell calculated from the DCP data yiel- propionate) (DSP), forming a DSP- fuel cell catalysts.58–67 Many of the MNPs
ded 0.6 nm and 0.8 nm for Fe3O4@Au derived monolayer on the gold surface. function as unique support materials of
nanoparticles derived from Fe3O4 core Antibody (Ab, e.g., anti-rabbit IgG) was metal catalysts in catalytic reactions.
sizes of 5.2 nm and 4.5 nm, respectively. then immobilized onto the nanoparticles Examples include nanosized gold on an
The remarkable closeness between the via coupling with the surface DSP. The oxide support for CO oxidation,59–61 and
average particle sizes estimated from the resulting Ab-immobilized MNP@Au many other metal or oxide core@shell
DCP analysis of the core@shell nano-
particle composition and those deter-
mined from TEM support the nature of
the core@shell nanostructure for the
Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles in the thin film
assemblies. In addition to confirming the
core@shell morphology, this finding
demonstrated the utility of the interfacial
reactivity of the core@shell nanoparticles
for thin film assembly.
The synthesis and characterization of
MNPs@Au nanoparticles have aimed at
many areas of potential applications. Our
studies have focused on biological sepa-
ration and catalytic reaction. The study of
MNP@Au based biological separation Fig. 5 (Left) Illustrations of the product separation of antibody-labeled MNP@Au nanoparticles
stems from the established protocol for in reaction with protein A capped gold nanoparticles. (Right) SERS spectra of the products magnet-
protein or DNA separations using labeled ically collected from the reaction between Au/Protein-A/L and MNP@Au/Ab. SERS label (L):
magnetic beads.14–19 The immobilization mercaptobenzoic acid (MBA); antibody (Ab): anti-rabbit-IgG (MNPs ¼ MnZnFerrite).

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