Annexure-A Questionnaire For Investors
Annexure-A Questionnaire For Investors
Annexure-A Questionnaire For Investors
Name (Optional) ……………………………………………………………………….
Address ………………………………………………………………………………...
5. Education:
7. You currently have investments in (Rank in order of investment) (Give rank 1 to maximum
8. Which of the following categories of shares are held by you? Rank in order of value of holding,
rank 1 for maximum holding.
9. The shares held by you are in which form? (please specify % wise holding)
11. If yes, then what should be the limit for investment by Retail investors? (Tick any one)
14. Do you know that SEBI has allowed mandatory credit rating for IPOs?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
15. If yes, do you agree that the decision of SEBI would protect the interest of the Retail Investors?
16. Which are the grey areas in the primary market? (Rank according to the gravity. Rank 1 for
maximum gravity.)
17. Are you satisfied with the reforms initiated by SEBI in primary market for safeguarding the
interests of retail investors?
18. Are you satisfied with the present system of Book Building wherein a price band is fixed for an
IPO in which free pricing is allowed?
19. Whom do you consider more responsible for disclosures in offer document? Rank 1 for highest
20. Do you agree that a Merchant Banker should safeguard the interest of retail investors in an IPO
and ensure proper disclosures by the company?
22. What according to you are the grey areas in secondary market? (Rank in order of gravity. Rank 1
for maximum gravity)
23. What steps should SEBI take in order to check the practice of delay/ non-credit of shares in demat
account/fund by the brokers? Rank in order of importance, Rank 1 for the most important.
24. Are you satisfied with the present system of Settlement of Securities & Funds in trading of shares?
25. Do you agree wit the statement that Screen Based Trading has brought transparency in Securities
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Can’t say [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
26. Do you agree that volatility in Indian Securities Market is scaring away retail investors?
27. Whom do you hold responsible for excess volatility (Rank in order of degree. Rank 1 for
maximum degree)
28. What problems do you face against listed companies? (Rank in order of gravity of problem. Rank
1 for maximum gravity.)
[ ] Non receipt of offer for right issues [ ] Any other, please specify …………
[ ] Non-receipt / delay of Annual Reports/ Notices
29. What problems do you face as a client from a broker/sub-broker? (Rank in order of gravity of problem.
Rank 1 for maximum gravity.)
30. What problems do you face as a client from a DP/ depository (NSDL/CDSL)? (Rank in order of gravity of
problem. Rank 1 for maximum gravity.)
31. What complaints do you have against SEBI? (Rank in order of gravity. Rank 1 for maximum gravity.)
32. Have you ever lodged any complaint? If yes, what has been your nature of complaint? There can be more
than one answer. Pl. tick, whichever is applicable.
33. Which of the following are the right authorities for redressal of your grievances? Please tick
whichever is applicable. There may be more than one authority.
34. Are you satisfied with the present system of Grievance Redressal Mechanism in Stock
Exchanges/SEBI etc. relating to trading in shares?
35. Which of the following measures need to be taken by SEBI to improve Grievance Redressal
Mechanism for Retail Investors? Rank in order of importance. (Rank 1 for most important.)
[ ] Stock Exchanges to set up Investor Service Centres in all major cities with requisite infrastructure.
[ ] Retail investors should be given training by the Investor Services Centres before trading.
[ ] BSE and NSE should set up Regional Investor Service Centres in major cities.
[ ] SEBI should strengthen its regional offices with more powers and requisite infrastructure.
[ ] SEBI to give more powers to registered Investors’ Associations
[ ] Regular meeting with Investors and Investment Associations
[ ] Any other, please specify………………
36. Have you ever made complained to SEBI/ Stock Exchange/ any market intermediary like Share
Transfer Agent etc.?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
37. If yes, what has been your experience with SEBI / Stock Exchanges with regard to your complaint?
38. Do you agree that there are number of market regulators in Indian Securities Market which has
made the Complaining process more complex?
39. Do you think the authorities like Stock Exchanges/SEBI are receptive to the retail investors’
40. Are you satisfied with the time taken by the various authorities for the redressal of your complaint?
41. What is the best solution to protect investors’ interest? (Rank in order of importance. Rank 1 for
important solution.)
42. Do you read and examine the Annual Reports/ Quarterly Results of the companies.
[ ] Yes [ ] No
43. Are you satisfied with the disclosures like Annual Reports and quarterly results made by the listed
companies on the websites of BSE and NSE? Please give your response as under:
44. Do you think Annual Reports provide you the actual financial details of the company? (Please tick
whichever is applicable)
[ ] Yes, all the information given in Annual Report is worth and factual.
[ ] No, the information is almost 4-5 months late after the cut off date of closure of financial year.
[ ] Information provided hides more and reveals less.
[ ] These are mere window dressing and confuse the investors.
[ ] Information provided is deliberately distorted and misleading.
[ ] Too much (irrelevant )of information is provided that creates confusion.
[ ] Any other, please specify………………
45. Do you agree that the Corporate Governance Clause has brought more transparency in listed
46. Do you agree that induction of Independent Directors on the Governing Board of listed companies
will bring more professionalism?
47. Are you aware of Securities Market Awareness Campaign (SMAC) launched by SEBI for
educating the masses through organizing investors’ workshops?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
48. If yes, have you attended any workshop organized by any Stock Exchange/SEBI or any other
regulatory body under SMAC?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
49. Are you satisfied with the efforts of Stock Exchanges and SEBI for organizing workshops under
50. Which of the following measures are required to educate the Retail Investors? (Rank in order of the
importance. Rank 1 in for the most significant measure.)
Signatures -------------------------------------
Annexure – B
S. No…………….
Please Tick [✓] wherever applicable
7. Are you satisfied with the reforms initiated by SEBI in Primary Market for safeguarding the interest
of Retail Investors?
8. If not satisfied, what reforms do you think are required for primary market? Rank in order of
importance. (Rank 1 for the most important reforms).
9. Are you satisfied with the present system of Book Building wherein a price band is fixed for an
10. SEBI has recently introduced mandatory credit rating for IPOs. Do you agree that this decision of
SEBI to introduce mandatory Credit Rating would protect the interest of the retail investors?
11. Do you agree that insurance against losses in IPOs applications would help primary market?
12. Whom do you consider more responsible for disclosures in offer document? (Rank 1 for the most
responsible authority.)
13. Do you agree that a Merchant Banker should safeguard the interest of retail investors in an IPO
and ensure proper disclosures by the company?
14. What according to you are grey areas in the primary market? (Rank according to the gravity. Rank
1 for maximum gravity.)
15. Are you satisfied with the present system of Settlement of Securities & Funds in trading of shares?
16. Do you agree that Screen Based Trading has brought transparency in Securities Market?
17. What steps SEBI should take in order to check the practice of delay/ non-credit of shares in demat
account/fund by broker? (Rank in order of significance. Rank 1 for the most significant step.
18. Whom do you hold responsible for excess volatility? (Rank in order of degree. Rank 1 for most
responsible area.)
19. Do you agree volatility in Indian Securities Market is scaring away retail investors?
20. Which are the grey areas in secondary market? (Rank in order of gravity. Rank 1 for highest
21. What complaints are generally reported by the Retail Investors against the listed companies? (Rank
the complaint in order of number of complaints received. Rank 1 for maximum number of
22. What sort of problems according to you, the retail investors face as clients of the broker/ sub-
broker? (Rank in order for gravity of problem. Rank 1 for maximum gravity).
23. What sort of problems according to you, the retail investors face as a client of a DP/ depository?
(Rank in order of gravity of problem. Rank 1 for maximum gravity.)
24. Which of the following measures are required needed to be taken by SEBI to improve Grievance
Redressal Mechanism for Retail Investors? (Please tick whichever is applicable. You can tick more
than one.)
[ ] Stock Exchanges to setup Investor service centers in all major cities with requisite infrastructure.
[ ] Retail investors should be given training by the Investor Services Centres before trading.
[ ] BSE and NSE should set up Regional Investor Service Centres in major cities.
[ ] SEBI should strengthen its regional offices with more powers and requisite infrastructure.
[ ] SEBI to give more powers to registered Investors Associations.
[ ] Regular meeting with investors and Investment Associations
[ ] Any other, please specify …….
25. Do you agree that there are number of market regulators in Indian Securities Market which has
made the complaint redressal mechanism more complex?
26. Are you satisfied with the existing Grievances Redressal Mechanism and time taken by the various
authorities to redress the grievances of Retail Investors.
27. If not, what efforts be made by SEBI and Government of India for protecting retail investors and
ensuring a fair, transparent and time-bound grievance redressal mechanism?
[ ] The company having long pending complaints be penalized by both Exchanges & SEBI.
[ ] The promoters of the erring companies be debarred from entering capital market.
[ ] Separate judicial system forum be made for Investor Complaints in securities market.
[ ] Separate Investor Protection Act should be enacted.
[ ] Time bound complaint redressal should be ensured.
[ ] Investor associations should be given wide representation on the Board of companies.
[ ] Any other please specify……………….
28. Do you agree with the statement that reforms initiated in Capital Market have resulted into
reduction of scams?
29. Whom do you hold responsible for the Vanishing Companies? (Rank according to gravity of
situation. Rank I for maximum gravity.)
30. What steps should be taken by SEBI to curb the menace of Vanishing Companies?
31. Are you satisfied with the disclosures like Annual Reports and quarterly results made by the listed
companies? Kindly give your comments as under:
32. Do you think Annual Reports provide the actual financial details of the company? (Please tick
whichever is applicable)
[ ] Yes, all the information given in Annual Report is worth and factual.
[ ] No, the information is almost 4-5 months late after the cut off date of closure of F.Y.
[ ] Information provided hides more and reveals less.
[ ] These are mere window dressing and confuse the investors.
[ ] Information provided is deliberately distorted.
[ ] Too much of information is provided that causes confusion.
[ ] Any other, please specify …….
33. Do you agree that the Corporate Governance Clause has brought more transparency in the
functioning of listed companies?
34. Do you agree that induction of Independent Directors on the Governing Board of listed companies
will bring more professionalism and transparency?
35. Which is the best solution to protect investors’ rights? (Rank in order of importance. Rank 1 for
best solution.)
36. Are you satisfied with the efforts made by Stock Exchanges and SEBI for organizing workshops
under Securities Market Awareness Campaign (SMAC)?
37. Which of the following steps are required to educate the Retail Investors? (Rank in order of
importance. Rank 1 for the most important step.)
38. Do you agree that the limit of Investment of 1 lakh by retail investor in securities transactions
needs to be increased?
39. If agreed, then what should be the limit for investment by retail investors?
40. Please provide the data regarding the redressal rate of complaints in your department/division in
the following format? Attach a separate sheet if required.
Signatures ----------------------------------------
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